#espionage of indian army
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This was something I came up with during the weekend but took a while to finish due to distractions and looking for references, with their poses coming from a fashion photoshoot in traditional JJBA fashion. And their outfits loosely inspired by the ones I found on Pinterest, sorry for not finding any crazy looking drip, I couldn't find anything that fits these ladies, so I went with vintage clothes instead.
Anyways, remember what I've written here? Link. Well, I mentioned that one of the factions was "DIO's Angels" which comprises mostly of young female agents, I got the idea from remembering the term "Ozai's Angels", a fandom nickname for Avatar's "Team Azula". I thought it be fun to draw it out, as well as give a valid excuse as to why DIO would allow Medea to hang with the ladies.
DIO's Angels (DIOの天使, DIO no tenshi) is a small faction within the Agents of DIO featured in the Stardust Crusaders prequel series, Medea and the Agents of DIO. The faction is comprised mostly of three young women and function as an espionage group for DIO's army.
SUMMARY  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This team was formed two years before the events of Stardust Crusaders as an espionage group for DIO. Notably, the group is host to mostly female Stand users who previously worked for DIO as agents, as no enemy can withstand nor overestimate the charms of beautiful women. This starting off with Egyptian glory god Mariah, top female assassin Midler, and former courtesan Eris Raitt.
But the group fell apart as soon as it started due to Eris' unrelenting jealousy of the two women getting attention from DIO, resulting in them kicking her out for her insubordination and being overall toxic. They eventually recruited the "young Indian girl" Nena, which went well for a while before she started to show "questionable behavior", creeping the two out, thus were relieved when she left to pursue Hol Horse.
A year before the events of Stardust Crusaders, they met and befriend DIO's new house maid Medea King, eventually becoming comfortable enough to allow her to join their faction to which Medea agreed to as she looked for any excuse to leave the mansion. Thus, finally establishing themselves as a true long-term faction, being able to perform espionage missions under DIO's orders and travel to places beyond Egypt.
Unfortunately, after a year of service, DIO disbanded the group during the events of Stardust Crusaders when he ordered Eris Raitt to kill off Midler after failing to assassinate the Joesters in the Red Sea, and later tried to do the same to Medea King due to her becoming the Joestars' mole in Aswan. Mariah left on her own terms after being crushed by Joseph Joestar and Muhammad Avdol in Luxor.
MEMBERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mariah (Leader) Midler Medea Eris (Formally) Nena (Formally)
TRIVIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The group's name is heavily inspired by "Charlie's Angels", a 1976 American Crime Drama Television series that follows the crime-fighting adventures of three women working at a private detective agency for their boss, the unseen Charlie Townsend. With the only difference being the women performing espionage for nefarious purposes rather than justice.
- In true JJBA fashion, they were originally going to be called "The triple Ms" but was scrapped when I remembered that not all the women working for DIO have names that start with "M", including Midler as her name was changed to "Rose" for the English dub.
Medea King belongs to me
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intheshadowofwar · 1 year
19 June 2023
The Imperial Metropolis
London 19 June 2023
So I was just settling into bed tonight, thinking about what I needed to do tomorrow, when I had an inkling that I’d forgotten to do something. Something important. Now, I’d had my meds, so it wasn’t that, I’d eaten dinner, showered, all that good stuff, so what could it be?
Oh. Right. Log.
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I woke up very early this morning to get the train from Edgware to Victoria, meeting the group at our hotel just before nine. We proceeded from there to Westminster Cathedral, briefly exploring that building and looking at the Martyr’s Memorial within, before carrying on to the somewhat more famous Westminster Abbey. After a brief interrogation of the statuary on Parliament Square, we went inside.
I highly doubt Westminster Abbey needs an introduction - it’s Britain’s most famous church, and dozens of kings and dignitaries are buried inside. To this day, Britain’s heroes are commemorated in these hallowed walls - Isaac Newton lies next to Stephen Hawking, and there’s Prime Ministers from Pitt to Wilson. It’s absolutely packed, of course, but I’d say it’s well worth a look. The main reason we visited, of course, was the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, the representative of all Britain’s (and previously the Empire’s) war dead. It is interesting, considering the secular nature of most WWI commemoration, just how Christian the tomb is - but I suppose it ought to be, given its place in an abbey. Still, one must remember that he ostensibly represents the Catholic and Jewish soldiers of Britain, not to mention the Hindus and Muslims of the Indian Army.
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After the Abbey, we proceeded up Whitehall, looking at the Cenotaph, the Women’s Cenotaph for the Second World War, and the statue of Field Marshal Haig. We went through Horse Guards (Life Guards on duty today) and observed the memorial to the Foot Guards, and then carried on via the Royal Marines Memorial next to Admiralty Arch (a Boer War Memorial, as I can’t escape my thesis topic) to Trafalgar Square. We broke for lunch here, and I had mine in the crypt beneath St. Martin’s in the Field church. It was a nice little cafe, and only a few sandbags and posters away from looking like something right out of the Blitz. Maybe I shouldn’t give them ideas.
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After lunch, we looked at the Edith Cavell Memorial. Cavell, for the uninitiated, was a British nurse in Belgium shot for supposed espionage on 12 October 1915 - the monument is tall and heroic, a real ‘King and Country’ sort of thing; the words are even emblazoned on it. This makes the addition of a quote from Cavell in the 1920s - “Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred in my heart for anybody.” - a rather curious juxtaposition. Still, it is well worth a look if one is at Trafalgar Square.
From St. Martin’s, we walked down to the Victoria Embankment Park, where a small memorial to the Imperial Camel Corps is situated. There was a brief discussion of Australian troops on leave in London, and then we carried on back up to the Strand and over to Australia House. Australia House, they say, is ‘our house’ in London; but security arrangements had fallen through, preventing us from going inside. Canada and New Zealand, we were told, are not so paranoid about security, and we would have had no problem going inside.
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On the other side of the road was the St. Clement Danes Church, which served as a centre for Anzac and Armistice Day services for Australians in London during the interwar years. Today it’s the official church of the Royal Air Force. Statues of Air Marshals Dowding and ‘Bomber’ Harris stand sentinel outside, and the floor is marked with the crests of various RAF, RAAF, RCAF, RNZAF and affiliated squadrons. A panel lists the RAF’s VC and GC holders - notably Guy Gibson, commander of the Dams Raid in May 1943. Gibson’s been in the news lately - the conversion of RAF Scampton into a refugee torture chamb- I mean internment centre has placed his office and the grave of his dog under threat. Many people are very emotional about this grave - yet, in an absurdly farcical situation, they absolutely cannot mention it’s name. (The dog was black. The name rhymed with trigger. I’m sure you can put this one together.)
We broke up shortly after, and after a quick visit to Foyles and a brief rest at the hotel, I went with the professor and a few others to Skygarden. This is basically a garden and cafe on top of a skyscraper, and the views are spectacular. Best of all, entry is free. On the way home I fell down the stairs at Monument, and now there’s a big lump on my left arm. These things happen I suppose.
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Tomorrow, we head to Green Park to interrogate the memorials there, before spending the lion’s share of the day at the Imperial War Museum. If it goes anything like today did, it’ll be a blast.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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May 16th 1805 saw the birth of Scottish Explorer, military officer, and diplomat Alexander Burnes.
Born in Montrose, the fourth Son of James Burnes the local provost, who was first cousin to the poet Robert Burns. His brother was James Burnes  At the age of sixteen, Alexander joined the army of the East India Company and while serving in India, he learned Urdu and Persian, and obtained an appointment as interpreter at Surat in 1822.
Burnes was an adventurer at the age of only 26, he made two dangerous journeys beyond the frontiers of the Indian Empire, and brought back descriptions of Sind, Afghanistan and the Khanates of Central Asia including the hithertoe inaccessible Bokhara. He travelled simply with an ear for languages, which he combined with a boyish charm, insatiable curiosity and irrepressible enthusiasm. His travels was a best-seller in its day, and Travels into Bokhara is still readily available online from multiple sources. He has been described as a Victorian James Bond, he was also a dab hand as an artist as one of the pics shows. He was known as Sekundar or Sikandar, the Pashto version of Alexander.
His ancestor was Robert Burns, and it is said he did our Bard proud with his warm humanity, complete lack of racism, and Scottish enlightenment attitudes, his contributions to geology, archaeology and palaeontology, further showed Alexander’s intellectual range. Like Burns he was said to fond of the Ladies, this may have contributed to his downfall.
Alexander Burnes was one of the first agents to be sent to Afghanistan by British Intelligence in 1831 as tensions rose between Britain and Russia over ownership of India. He travelled in disguise, and while journeying 1,000 miles up the Indus river, Burnes was involved in double-crossing deals, secret mapping and espionage.
Burnes would be disguised as a traveller but counted his paces as he went in order to map these were drawn secretly at night in his tent. They would then be crushed down in amulets to be smuggled out and sent back by messengers who were themselves travelling in disguise.
There was lots of double dealing - intercepting letters from the Russians, the use of complex codes to foil the other side. All of the histories repeat claims that it was his active sex life with Afghan women which motivated the Afghan uprising…but no real evidence has been found of this.
Afghanistan has always been a dangerous place for westerners and on November 2nd, a mob gathered in front of his house. It might have played a role that Sekundar Burnes allegedly took a few liberties too many with the female population of Kabul, but the crowd set fire to the gates, tried to get in, Burnes and his staff defended valiantly, he slew 6 assailants with pistol and sword, was finally granted safe conduct to the British cantonment, left the house with his brother Charles and his assistant Lt William Broadfoot disguised as Afghans along with the servants, was recognised and literally cut to pieces by the mob in the streets, his brother was also killed.
Pics are of Burnes in two of his guises he used to blend in, the second is his drawing of the Buddhas of Bamiyan, said to date back to the 5th century AD and were once the tallest standing Buddhas in the world, the Taliban blew them to smithereens in 2001.
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mudaship39 · 1 year
Tsalagi Characters of my BIPOC and QTIPOC Futurism Project
Tayanita Castillo. She is a Latine Mexican and Cherokee or Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color. She is from the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. She is a partner and spouse of the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine Native main character.
Techno or Rogue (Valeria Nadia Torres Garcia). Her Indigenous name is Tsistunagiska which means wild rose. She is a Latinx Mexican and Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color. One of the main supporting characters. She is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. She is from the Wolf Clan. She practices Indigenous spirituality. She has 3B or 3C type hair. She has curly hair. She has brown hair. Some of her hair is dyed lime green. She has brown eyes. She has sepia skin tone. She is lean and has an athletic build. She speaks Tsalagi and Spanish. She is a polyamorous nonbinary bigender bisexual. She is Catholic. She is a bionic and cyborg. She speaks English, Tslagi, & Spanish. She has an eastern diamondback snake tattoo. She wears beaded earrings. She wears a hair wrap. She has a finger weave belt. She wears a shawl. She is neurodivergent. She has hyperlexia. She is a Taurus water rooster. She is a bionic and cyborg by choice as a transhuman. Implanted into her body is biotechnology and nanotechnology such as nanites and bionic and cyberware enhancements that lets her control technology and electricity. She has ports implanted into her body at her wrists and hands that allow her to hack technology. Implanted into her body is also cyberware and bioware implants that lets her attend cyberspace. She does this using a brain-computer interface. She has ports implanted into her body at her upper shoulders that allow a direct connection between the brain and virtual reality. She mainly works as a hacker from her hacker cave at her home built behind a false wall. On the run she works as a hacker at underground hacker hideouts across the cosmos that is built by her hacker legion or hacker collective that act as her safe houses. She goes online using an online alias as a pseudonym. She never uses her real name as a wanted outlaw as a hacker. The external ports are mostly used for high bandwidth and more secure connections with wireless connection.  One person who she lets interface with her futuristic form of connection between bionic and cybernetic partners is her wife Amelia Himmat Mishra the Afro Asian Black British and South Asian Desi Indian woman of color who is also a bionic and cyborg. She wears industrial earrings. She has holographic geometric tattoos that light up gold on her arms. Her superhero and antihero costume is a one piece jumpsuit. Her jumpsuit can change color with adaptive camouflage technology. She used it for espionage and spy missions.  She uses it to evade her enemies as a hacker and to evade her enemies as a superhero and antihero. She was a former operative who was a spy, double agent, & informant for the Space Rebel Army. She is a rebel. She as a hacker and activist, was a criminal in the eyes of the Earth government and Terran Confederation government.  Valeria was part of a hacker collective Splinter. She was leader of a legion of hackers who worked for Young Radicals and Winds of Change. She is a hacker whose work with the Winds of Change helped combat the tyranny of Earth and the Terran Confederation. So she tends to lay low by working as a repair woman. She repairs hard light technology. Valeria Nadia Torres Garcias as Rouge is someone who is wanted by the Earth government and Terran Dominion for being a hacker for the Young Radicals or Winds of Change. She is also someone who is wanted as an operative who was an informant, double agent, & spy for the Space Rebel Army. So she is stateless or someone without a nationality as a result of the revolution and as a repercussion of her helping with the insurrection and rebellion against the Earth and Terran Confederation to take them out of power. They told her if she returned to the Cherokee nation of her home she would be captured and placed in a maximum security prison in a black site planet or assassinated by black ops and spec ops super soldiers of the Terran Dominion regime. It’s why she hasn’t been home in a long time since she was forcibly displaced diaspora. After the creation of the Federation that composed of the now independent and sovereign Sol, Vega, & Polaris Systems she was allowed to return home by the new intergalactic government of this cosmic alliance after the fall of Earth and the Terran Dominion. She has electroshock gauntlets for close quarters combat. She is the wife of Maysa Nabila Uzun, Chun Hei Kim, Zhou Zhen, & Amelia Himmat Mishra. She is now the hacker of the Elites and the Paragons. She is a technopath that can control any form of technology. She has power over technology. She has electronic empathy. She also has power over electricity. She is a member of the Elites and Paragons.
Cheng Na is an Asian Native. She has an Indigenous name of Degotoga which means standing together and Atagulkalu/Attakullkulla which means pitched trees or leaning wood. She has the nickname of Wanigei. Cheng Na is East Asian Chinese and Cherokee or Tsalagi Indigenous. They are an Asian Native. They are from the deer clan. They are from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. They are 5’3.” They have black hair. They are slim with a little thickness in their hips. They are 110 pounds. They are nonbinary genderfluid pansexual. They are polyamorous. They use they/them and xer/xers pronouns. They wear beaded earrings. She wears a tear dress regalia. She wears beaded regalia sets. They have a holographic tattoo of a qinlin. They speak English, Chinese, & Tsalagi. They are neurodivergent. They have ocd. They are a tribal council member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. They are a tribal representative for the BIPOC superhero conglomerates the Elites and Paragons to the Indigenous communities. They are displaced disconnected diaspora seeking reconnection. They are living off-world. They are trying to piece together their history which entails a journey to visit Earth. They have regalia which are sacred select items they were able to preserve from their ancestors. Some of which they may not fully understand the full meaning/purpose/cultural significance of until they have made progress in reconnecting with cultural identity and connecting with community. It is how they met their best friend, later partner and now spouse Black Native Angela Robinson. They live with Angela in Midnight City. They are a Capricorn metal horse. They are a Native woc ex of the queer and trans main character Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Together they have a son Atohi Na. Her son is now a preteen. She is a member of the Elites and Paragons.  
Tayanita Castillo. She is a Afro Latine Mexican and Cherokee or Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color. She is from the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. She is a partner and spouse of the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine Native main character.  
Inola Waters or Sasa is a Black Cherokee Native character. Unlike Angela they are not a Cherokee Freedman. As some Black Tsalagi are through bloodlines while others are adopted in. She is of the bird clan. She is from the Eastern Band. She is a cis female. She is polyamorous. She is 5’10.” She is toned. She is 145 pounds. She has a golden brown skin tone. She has black locs with a patch of few various colored locs that are reddish, blond, & light brown. She has dark brown eyes.
Onacona Allen is a male white native Tsalagi character. He is cishet. He is abled bodied. He is allistic. He is neurotypical. He has blue eyes. He has blonde hair. He is part of one of the so called civilized tribes of Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, Creek or Chickasaw. Both his Native ancestors and his settler colonizer ancestors owned slaves. He is from the Cherokee Nation. He is from the blue clan. He is a supervillain. He is a sellout who betrayed the main character to join the side of settler colonizers Lucas Chamberlain and Daphne Lacroix. 
Angela Robinson or Galilahi Lightfoot is a Black Native character who is Afro Tsalagi or Cherokee Indigenous. She is a Cherokee Freedman. She is a Freedman. The Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, Chickasaw, & Creek Nations owned slaves. She is from the wild potato clan. She is from the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. She works in zero gravity hydroponics. She works in sustainable agriculture. She has brown eyes. She has dark brown hair. She has shoulder length dreadlocks hairstyle. She dyes part of her hair with burgundy, honey blonde, & cinnamon brown color. She is 5’8.” She is 150 pounds. Her body type is athletic. She is cis. She is bisexual. She is polyamorous. She speaks English and Tsalagi. She has a holographic tattoo of an owl. She wears beaded earrings. She beaded her individual locs with carved wooden beads. These beads are yellow, orange, and turquoise. Sometimes for ceremonial purposes she braids her locs together and ties the ends of her locs with a beaded hair tie. She wears a bone choker for regalia. She wears a ribbon blouse and a leather belt for regalia. She wears a breasted chest plate. She is neurodivergent. She has add and adhd. They are displaced disconnected diaspora seeking reconnection. She is a Virgo water monkey. They are living off-world. They are from Atlanta, Georgia. They live in Midnight City. They are trying to piece together their history which entails a journey to visit Earth. They have regalia which are sacred select items they were able to preserve from their ancestors. Some of which they may not fully understand the full meaning/purpose/cultural significance of until they have made progress in reconnecting with cultural identity and connecting with community. She is a member of the Elites and Paragons. She takes care of logistics by keeping track of supplies. She was in a polyamorous queer interracial relationship with Asian native Cheng Na and queer and trans Asian Pasifika and Latine Native Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato.  She is a Native woc ex of the queer and trans main character Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Together they have a daughter Tsula Robinson. Her daughter is now a teenager. 
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brookstonalmanac · 18 days
Events 9.5 (before 1950)
917 – Liu Yan declares himself emperor, establishing the Southern Han state in southern China, at his capital of Panyu. 1367 – Swa Saw Ke becomes king of Ava. 1590 – Alexander Farnese's army forces Henry IV of France to lift the siege of Paris. 1622 – A hurricane overruns a Spanish fleet bound from Havana to Cadiz and sinks the galleon Atocha. Only five men are rescued, but 260 passengers and 200 million pesos are buried with the Atocha under 50 feet of water. 1661 – Fall of Nicolas Fouquet: Louis XIV's Superintendent of Finances is arrested in Nantes by D'Artagnan, captain of the king's musketeers. 1666 – Great Fire of London ends: Ten thousand buildings, including Old St Paul's Cathedral, are destroyed, but only six people are known to have died. 1697 – War of the Grand Alliance : A French warship commanded by Captain Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville defeated an English squadron at the Battle of Hudson's Bay. 1698 – In an effort to Westernize his nobility, Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards for all men except the clergy and peasantry. 1725 – Wedding of Louis XV and Maria Leszczyńska. 1774 – First Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia. 1781 – Battle of the Chesapeake in the American Revolutionary War: The British Navy is repelled by the French Navy, contributing to the British surrender at Yorktown. 1791 – Olympe de Gouges writes the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen. 1793 – French Revolution: The French National Convention initiates the Reign of Terror. 1798 – Conscription is made mandatory in France by the Jourdan law. 1812 – War of 1812: The Siege of Fort Wayne begins when Chief Winamac's forces attack two soldiers returning from the fort's outhouses. 1816 – Louis XVIII has to dissolve the Chambre introuvable ("Unobtainable Chamber"). 1836 – Sam Houston is elected as the first president of the Republic of Texas. 1839 – The United Kingdom declares war on the Qing dynasty of China. 1862 – American Civil War: The Army of Northern Virginia crosses the Potomac River at White's Ford in the Maryland Campaign. 1877 – American Indian Wars: Oglala Sioux chief Crazy Horse is bayoneted by a United States soldier after resisting confinement in a guardhouse at Fort Robinson in Nebraska. 1882 – The first United States Labor Day parade is held in New York City. 1887 – A fire at the Theatre Royal, Exeter kills 186, making it the UK's deadliest ever building fire. 1905 – Russo-Japanese War: In New Hampshire, United States, the Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, ends the war. 1914 – World War I: First Battle of the Marne begins. Northeast of Paris, the French attack and defeat German forces who are advancing on the capital. 1915 – The pacifist Zimmerwald Conference begins. 1932 – The French Upper Volta is broken apart between Ivory Coast, French Sudan, and Niger. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: Llanes falls to the Nationalists following a one-day siege. 1938 – Chile: A group of youths affiliated with the fascist National Socialist Movement of Chile are executed after surrendering during a failed coup. 1941 – Whole territory of Estonia is occupied by Nazi Germany. 1942 – World War II: Japanese high command orders withdrawal at Milne Bay, the first major Japanese defeat in land warfare during the Pacific War. 1943 – World War II: The 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment lands and occupies Lae Nadzab Airport, near Lae in the Salamaua–Lae campaign. 1944 – Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg constitute Benelux. 1945 – Cold War: Igor Gouzenko, a Soviet Union embassy clerk, defects to Canada, exposing Soviet espionage in North America, signalling the beginning of the Cold War. 1945 – Iva Toguri D'Aquino, a Japanese American suspected of being wartime radio propagandist Tokyo Rose, is arrested in Yokohama. 1948 – In France, Robert Schuman becomes President of the Council while being Foreign minister; as such, he is the negotiator of the major treaties of the end of World War II.
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tensazangestu19 · 1 month
Exclusively Watch The Best Indian Series Online For Crime And Mystery Lovers.
Regarding captivating crime thrillers, Indian cinema has produced some of the most compelling series that keep viewers hooked from start to finish. If you enjoy watching Indian series online, you’re in for a treat. Epic On, a premier streaming platform, offers an impressive collection of crime thrillers that delve deep into intriguing narratives, complex characters, and gripping plots. If you're a fan of historical crime dramas, psychological thrillers, or modern-day mysteries, Epic On has something to satisfy every crime thriller enthusiast. Here’s a look at some of the best Indian crime thrillers you can stream now.
The Allure of Crime Thrillers:-
Crime thrillers have always been popular because they engage viewers with suspenseful plots and unexpected twists. The thrill of solving a mystery, the chase, and the complex characters contribute to the excitement. Watching Indian series online has become increasingly popular, and platforms like Epic On offer a variety of shows that cater to this demand. These series often highlight the darker aspects of society, allowing viewers to explore different facets of human behavior and societal issues.
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1. Dharmakshetra:-
Dharmakshetra is a unique crime thriller that dives into the aftermath of the Mahabharata, where characters from the epic are judged for their actions. The series portrays a courtroom drama where iconic figures like Karna, Draupadi, and Bhishma defend their deeds. This show is not just a crime thriller but also an intense moral and philosophical debate, making it a must-watch Indian series online on Epic On.
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While primarily known for its dramatic storytelling, this series also includes episodes that revolve around crime and moral dilemmas. Adapted from the stories of Rabindranath Tagore, each episode is a standalone tale, often exploring the darker sides of human nature and societal norms. This series perfectly blends classic literature and crime drama, offering a unique viewing experience for those looking to watch Indian series online.
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Epic On is an excellent platform for anyone who loves watching Indian series online, especially crime thrillers. The shows on this platform are full of suspense, interesting stories, and exciting characters. Whether you like historical crimes, courtroom dramas, or modern mysteries, Epic On has something for everyone. These shows entertain and make you think about different aspects of life and society. So, if you want to enjoy the best Indian series online, stream on Epic On now. 
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williamkergroach55 · 7 months
Paki Spies
The recent case of Satendra Siwal, an Indian security agent turned by an attractive spy from the ISI, the Pakistani intelligence service, highlights the espionage tactics used by Pakistan to obtain information. The method, known since the early days of espionage, is now massively employed by the Pakistanis and poses serious problems for India's national security. Since independence, India and Pakistan have spied on each other. In this game, there's only one rule: don't get caught.
Satendra Siwal, a 28-year-old Indian working as a security officer at the Indian mission in Moscow, was seduced by a female agent from Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI). The case came to light when Siwal was arrested for passing strategic information to Pakistan, endangering India's national security. He is accused of accepting money from a female ISI agent who seduced him into betraying his country. Generally speaking, security personnel for Indian missions abroad are drawn from the ranks of the Indian police, whether officers or non-commissioned officers. These men are selected to serve on Indian missions abroad to ensure the security of the mission. The duration of their assignment is generally three years, at least two of which are spent abroad. In 2021, Satyendra Siwal was sent to Moscow as a security assistant. It's not clear when he was approached by the ISI. But he was spotted by Indian counter-intelligence, who found that he was passing on sensitive information concerning the movements and development of Indian troops to his sweetheart. Siwal is not the first to have been approached by a Pakistani beauty. Since independence, the two countries have been engaged in a secret war, in which sex and money are often the preferred recruitment tools used by both sides to obtain sensitive information.
The evolving threat
Pakistan's intelligence agency targets not only the military, but anyone who can provide sensitive information. Nitin Yadav, for example, arrested in April 2022, was supplying fruit and vegetables to a barracks. He sent photos of the military camp and the photo of his fruit and vegetable orders placed by the barracks. This information helped Pakistani agents to estimate the size and strength of the Indian military camp. Once limited to Indian territory, Pakistani espionage operations now also extend to Indian missions worldwide. Pakistani agents target vulnerabilities, whether money or sex, to recruit Indian informers. Siwal, originally from Uttar Pradesh, had been assigned to Moscow by the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her arrest revealed details of the new way in which the ISI approaches its targets: on social networks. The agent makes contact, leaves a phone message, calls back daily, sends photos and videos full of promise. The targeted man falls for the seduction, and some think they've found a fiancée. In Siwal's case, the beauty had even introduced him to her sister in a video exchange. Siwal was discreetly placed under electronic surveillance by Indian counter-intelligence agents, then interrogated by Indian officials. He is accused of committing an act of war against the nation, as well as violating the Official Secrets Act. Investigators recovered two cell phones from his possession, and examined his bank account to assess the amount of money he had received from Pakistan. Between promises of money and intimate relationships, Islamabad's beautiful spies are getting good results.
Seduction attempts on an industrial scale
Siwal's case is far from isolated. Pakistan is stepping up its psychological operations. Last year alone, at least three cases came to light. One of them involved an official from the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). The DRDO carries out research and development for the Indian Army. This official, who has been imprisoned, is accused of passing information to Pakistani agents. The ISI is actively trying to frame Indian officials, and Pakistan has some experience in such operations. Pradeep Kumar had also met Riya on social networks a year and a half earlier. Pradeep was an artilleryman in the Indian army stationed in Jodhpur. Riya introduced himself as a lieutenant-colonel in a military hospital in Bengaluru. They talked for hours, often on video. In May, Pradeep Kumar's world came crashing down. The 24-year-old was arrested for helping a Pakistani spy. His love, Riya, was not an Indian army officer, but a spy in the service of Pakistan. In 2017, India recalled three diplomats. They were working at the Indian High Commission in Islamabad. According to Indian Security communiqués, they had been targeted by Pakistani agents trying to seduce them, but the attempt had failed. Another Indian diplomat was arrested. She also worked for the Indian High Commission in the press division. She was accused of passing classified documents to an attractive ISI correspondent. In all, 28 people have been arrested for espionage in Rajasthan since 2019, including 24-year-old Shantimoy Rana, who had planned to marry at the end of September. He is also behind bars. "Ankita", the agent who seduced him in August 2021, also claimed to work in the Indian army. Shantimoy didn't know she was a Pakistani agent; the beautiful Pakistani had even sent him $5,000 as a pre-wedding gift.
Attacks at every level.
It's not just ordinary soldiers who are affected. The notorious Shashi Tharoor, Minister of Human Resources Development and renowned writer, was seduced by a Pakistani journalist, Mehr Tarar. Tharoor's third wife, Sunanda Pushkar, having discovered the affair and the exchange of information, publicly denounced her before taking her own life. Tharoor had had a brilliant career. A former UN Under-Secretary-General, the 57-year-old diplomat had written several books for which he had received a dozen literary awards. These included novels, as well as political science works on modern India. During his 29-year career with the United Nations, he worked on a number of complex issues, first with the UNHCR, the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees. Then, from 1991 to 1996, he headed the UN team responsible for peacekeeping operations in the former Yugoslavia. In 2006, India even nominated him to succeed Kofi Annan as UN Secretary-General… Of course, Indians living in border areas continue to be particularly targeted. "We are working hard to raise awareness, especially in the border areas. Not only we, but the army and paramilitary forces at their level, are trying to raise awareness among soldiers and the public," said Indian military authorities. The use of social media platforms is now prohibited in the Indian army. https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B07BR6V6D9
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montyterrible · 10 months
Ernest… Ernest Never Changes
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Ernest in the Army (1998) is both the last of the Ernest film series and the last of the direct-to-video trilogy that includes 1995’s Slam Dunk Ernest and 1997’s Ernest Goes to Africa. Tragically, Jim Varney died only two years later, which adds an especially bittersweet vibe to this outing, a movie that features some pretty busy scenes, including multiple action set pieces, but also still in some regards looks to my eye less like a “real” movie. There’s a brightness to it, an unedited-looking frankness or flatness at times, a sort of softness in the visual department that’s maybe just aging SD media viewed through an HD display but still gives the whole thing a dreamlike quality.
If there’s such a thing as a non-canonical Ernest film, this feels like a potential candidate, what with Ernest being the savior of an entire Middle-Eastern country as an ostensible chosen one of some ill-defined prophecy. A certain looseness of the logistics of the plot—like how a hospitalized buddy (played by director John Cherry) somehow recovers fully and makes his way to both the Middle East and to Ernest’s exact location in it at the end to congratulate him on his victory—further contributes to that dreamlike feeling. Enemy vehicles are in hot pursuit and within shooting distance in one scene but are somehow far enough away in the next for Ernest and company to take a breather and set up a bit where Ernest shovels rock mines from the front of a moving vehicle to hit the pursuers. The principal antagonist dictator gets summarily dispatched by an especially hard pancake, and while there are rumblings of an even more global threat in the form of a shadowy organization led by a man stroking a white cat that wants to seize the dictator’s missile for their own ends, they’re barely present and feel like a weird (albeit evocatively-lit!) step too far into the world of fantasy.
This plot, with its espionage-esque complications, reminds me most of the previous film, Goes to Africa. The other link between these two movies is that they are the ones I felt the most trepidation about re-watching. Surprisingly, however, the racism here is much more Ernest Goes to Camp (1987) instead, which is oddly fitting given how it’s briefly referenced in the actual movie and on the box: “America’s Hero is Finally Back in Camp!” Which seems a bit like a strange break from what feels like the tradition of Ernest as a sort of eternally recursive figure: always working some blue-collar job somewhere in America, always dreaming of some bigger and better career, and always pining for a woman out of his league, with no past string of jobs and women to actually reference. No canon, again, in a sense…
What I meant about the racism, though, is that there is surprisingly not that much here that is obviously outrageously insensitive. Ernest never puts a towel on his head or cross-dresses behind a veil, for example. Islam exists primarily in the form of exclamations by certain characters but is otherwise not really depicted or overtly maligned. The fictional country is not a desaturated sandy hellscape: There are a number of shots with vivid green in them, and even the desert is more beautiful white-gold than it is as visually torturous as the action makes it out to be. Like Goes to Camp’s treatment of “Indians,” there’s an essentialist, reductive quality here that is still problematic but that comes off as shockingly ambivalent by the standards of later (read: post-9/11) years.
The Middle East here, as so often, is a land of deserts, eternal conflict, vicious and eccentric dictators, brave guerilla fighters, and an oppressed peasantry somewhere off in the background of it all. There are some digs at American imperialism and showboating principally in the form of General Rodney Lincoln (Jeff Pillars) who drops in a joke about oil prices at one point and who is both deeply incompetent and deeply obsessed with photo ops and shows of military pageantry without substance. It’s the lightest of light taps on the knuckles but still kind of surprising.
Still, Ernest (a very white guy) being a prophesied savior parallels pretty smoothly the sorts of fanciful liberator narratives America likes to weave about itself to excuse its Interventions, so obviously this isn’t a subversive masterpiece. Ernest as a cog in the US’s over-funded oppression machine just feels a lot more icky than him being a bank janitor or a camp counselor or mistaken for a vague sort of secret agent.
Ultimately, though, the armed forces, with their strict discipline and regimentation and homogeneity, are the perfect place for the chaotic force of Ernest P. Worrell to wreak his signature brand of havoc. And there are some good gags here! There’s a fun-gross one where Ernest spits a mouthful of sticky gummies candy into the face of a snarling colonel that ends with a nearby truck being pulled in by the strength of the stretched out gooey strand and flattening the guy. Ernest basically tortures a comatose Ben (Cherry) in the hospital by repeatedly jabbing an accidentally dislodged needle back into his arm (after licking it first, naturally). Ernest and a captured reporter (Hayley Tyson) crawl around beneath a deflated tent for a goofily extended period of time as the dictator’s men go in after them and subsequently get clubbed by their own guys. I chuckled a decent amount watching this one, which is not something I expected to happen, so while I’m still side-eyeing it pretty hard, it was actually much easier to enjoy than Goes to Africa—which would be a good note to end on, if this was actually the last Ernest movie I owned. The visual of a young boy in dramatic, somewhat contemplative silhouette wearing Ernest’s cap that concludes the movie certainly would have been a good last image, and kind of weirdly prescient with the feelings it evokes.
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blogynews · 11 months
Unveiling the Hidden Intrigue: Longtime Resident in India, of Pakistani Origin, Arrested for Shocking Alleged 'Spying' Operation
A Pakistani-origin man who had been living in India as an Indian citizen for 17 years has been arrested by India’s anti-terrorism squad on charges of espionage. Labhshankar Duryodhan Maheshwari, 53, is accused of assisting Pakistani agents in accessing Indian SIM cards that were used to hack into the phones of children of Indian defense personnel at army schools. This case is significant due to…
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blogynewz · 11 months
Unveiling the Hidden Intrigue: Longtime Resident in India, of Pakistani Origin, Arrested for Shocking Alleged 'Spying' Operation
A Pakistani-origin man who had been living in India as an Indian citizen for 17 years has been arrested by India’s anti-terrorism squad on charges of espionage. Labhshankar Duryodhan Maheshwari, 53, is accused of assisting Pakistani agents in accessing Indian SIM cards that were used to hack into the phones of children of Indian defense personnel at army schools. This case is significant due to…
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blogynewsz · 11 months
Unveiling the Hidden Intrigue: Longtime Resident in India, of Pakistani Origin, Arrested for Shocking Alleged 'Spying' Operation
A Pakistani-origin man who had been living in India as an Indian citizen for 17 years has been arrested by India’s anti-terrorism squad on charges of espionage. Labhshankar Duryodhan Maheshwari, 53, is accused of assisting Pakistani agents in accessing Indian SIM cards that were used to hack into the phones of children of Indian defense personnel at army schools. This case is significant due to…
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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Imagine if the United States treated China in the same way it does us.
What if American companies simply ignored Chinese copyrights and patents and stole Chinese ideas, inventions, and intellectual property as they pleased and with impunity?
What if the American government targeted Chinese industries by dumping competing American export products at below the cost of production—to bankrupt Chinese competitors and corner their markets?
What would the communist Chinese government do if a huge American spy balloon lazily traversed continental China—sending back to the United States photographic surveillance of Chinese military bases and installations?
How would China react to America stonewalling any explanation, much less refusing to apologize for such an American attack on Chinese sovereignty?
Envision a U.S. high-security virology lab in the Midwest, run by the Pentagon, allowing the escape of an engineered, gain-of-function deadly virus.
Instead of enlisting world cooperation to stop the spread of the virus, the American government would lie that it sprung up from a local bat or wild possum.
Washington would then make all its relevant military scientists disappear who were assigned to the lab while ordering a complete media blackout.
America would forbid Chinese scientists from contacting their American counterparts involved in the lab, despite the deaths of more than 1 million Chinese from the American-manufactured disease.
And what if during the first days of the pandemic, Washington had quietly prevented all foreign travel to the United States, while keeping open one-way direct flights from America to major Chinese cities?
How would Beijing respond if American biotech company warehouses were discovered in rural China with unsecured vials of deadly viruses and pathogens?
Would China be angered that it was never notified by an American company that it had left abandoned COVID-19 and HIV viruses and malaria parasites in its facilities—along with rotting genetically engineered dead rats littering the floors with hundreds more lab animals abandoned in laboratory cages?
What would Chairman Xi Jinping have done if American-made fentanyl was shipped in massive quantities to nearby Tibet on the Chinese border? And what if it would be deliberately repackaged there as deceptive recreational drugs and smuggled into China, where it annually killed 100,000 Chinese youth, year after year?
What if 10,000 Americans this year illegally crossed the Indian border into China and disappeared into its interior?
What if an allied Asian nation—such as South Korea, Japan, or Taiwan—went nuclear? And what if, in North-Korean style, it serially blustered to send one of its nuclear missiles into the major cities of China?
What if almost monthly China discovered an American military operative teaching incognito at a major Chinese university or among the ranks of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army?
Would China object if an American femme fatale agent was sleeping with a high-ranking Chinese official of the Chinese Communist Politburo?
Or what if one of the chauffeurs of its top-ranking Chinese officials was a nearly two-decade-long American agent?
What would be the Chinese reaction if there were 350,000 American students attending schools all over the Chinese nation, with perhaps 3,000-4,000 of them actively engaged in national security espionage on behalf of the United States?
These “what-ifs” could be expanded endlessly. But they reflect well enough the great asymmetry in the bizarre Chinese-American relationship.
Obviously, China would not tolerate America treating it as it does the Americans.
Why then does the imbalance continue?
Do naive Americans believe that the more China is indulged, the more it will respond in kind to American magnanimity?
Does the U.S. believe that the more China is exposed to our supposedly radically democratic and free culture, the sooner it will become a good democratic citizen of the global community?
Are we afraid of China because it has four times our population and believes its economy and military will overtake ours in a decade?
Are we terrified that its Chinese government is completely amoral, utterly ruthless, and capable of anything?
Or are our political, cultural, and corporate elites so compromised by their lucrative Chinese investments and joint ventures that they prioritize profits over their own country’s national security and self-interest?
And did the Biden family—including President Joe Biden himself—in the past receive millions of dollars from Chinese energy and investment interests?
Did Hunter Biden’s quid pro quo decade of grifting result in millions in Chinese money filling the Biden family coffers—all in exchange for the current Biden and past Obama administrations going soft on Chinese aggression?
No one seems able to explain the otherwise inexplicable.
But one way to get along with China and to regain its respect is to deal with it exactly the way it deals with the United States.
Anything less, and America will continually be treated with even more Chinese contempt—and eventually extreme violence.
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swagfanland · 1 year
Top Indian Thriller Web Series That You Must Watch
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In recent years, the Indian entertainment landscape has witnessed an unprecedented surge in the popularity of Hindi web series. These captivating shows have emerged as a refreshing alternative to traditional daily soaps and formulaic Bollywood films, captivating viewers with their compelling narratives and immersive storytelling. In particular, the thriller genre has flourished, offering gripping murder mysteries and spine-chilling plots that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
So sit back, relax, and prepare to be enthralled by these adrenaline-fueled narratives that will leave you craving for more. These shows have not only redefined the Indian entertainment industry but have also garnered international acclaim, making them a true gem in the world of web series. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Indian thrillers, and let these shows take you on an unforgettable ride of suspense and intrigue.
Dahan: Raakan Ka Rahasya (2022)
A disgraced IAS Officer sets out to vindicate herself and takes up a strange case in Shilaspura, a land with occult practices. It is available on Disney + Hotstar.
Jamtara: Sabka Number Ayega (2020)
A group of small-town young men run a lucrative phishing operation, until a corrupt politician wants in on their scheme — and a cop wants to fight it. It is available on Netflix.
Aarya (2020)
Aarya is worth a watch as it is a crime thriller with a strong emotional core. It stars Sushmita Sen, who manages to pull off her multi-layered role. Arya Sareen, a caring mother and wife, is unaware of her husband’s illegal business. Things go haywire when her husband dies, and now the whole mafia gang is behind her family. What will Arya do to protect her family?
Breathe (2018)
Breathe is a crime drama thriller series and Prime Video’s second original series that explores the lives of ordinary men in extraordinary circumstances. Two men desperate to save their loved ones get to engage in an ultimate cat and mouse game of crimes and murders. But Kabir, the unconventional crime branch officer, tries to put pieces of all crimes together to do justice. In the end, it leaves you with one question- How far can one go for your loved ones?
Special Ops (2020)
Special Ops is an Indian spy thriller series that follows the story of Hemant Singh of Research Analysis Wing. He draws a pattern into terrorist attacks and is convinced that there is only one mastermind. To solve the case and prevent further attacks, he forces a team of five agents to live in different parts of the world to catch him. Overall the story is inspired by several espionage missions undertaken by India in the last two decades.
Criminal Justice (2019)
Criminal Justice is an Indian web series based on Peter Moffat’s Criminal Justice released in 2008. It shows the talented Vikrant Messy as a cab driver, Aditya, who has a one-night stand with his passenger, Sanaya. But when he wakes up, she is murdered. Fearing his fate, he leaves the scene but meets with an accident that lands him at the police station. As the case furthers, the situation gets more and more entangled. Will he be able to get out of all the mess?
Class (2023)
Class is an Indian Hindi-language crime drama thriller streaming television series based on the Spanish series Elite. It is set in Hampton International, a fictional elite high school in Delhi, and revolves around the relationships between three working-class students enrolled at the school and their wealthy classmates. The series explores a wide range of social issues affecting modern youth, including casteism, child neglect, corruption, homophobia, religious discrimination, and income inequality in India.
Code M (2020)
Major Monica Mehra is called to investigate a straightforward case where two militants and an army officer are shot dead. As she digs deeper into the case, she unravels some unexpected facts.
Illegal: Justice Out of Order (2020)
Illegal: Justice Out of Order is a crime drama-thriller series. Niharika (Neha Sharma) is a lawyer. She joins Janardhan Jaitley but she doesn't have any idea that Jaitley wants to defend Neeraj, her stepbrother, and save a serial killer. Jaitley’s son is the ex of Niharika. Illegal comprises relationships, love life, and a drama which makes it catchy. This series depicts the life of lawyers, their mental health, as well as the professional and personal issues.
Poison (2019)
After getting released from jail, Ranveer moves to Goa to seek revenge on his enemies. Meanwhile, DSP Vikram sets his eyes on Antonio Verghese, a gangster who operates from Goa. The plot thickens when the lives of these three men are entwined.
In the ever-expanding world of Indian web series, a captivating realm of thrilling narratives awaits. These top Indian thriller web series deliver a roller-coaster ride of suspense, mystery, and intrigue that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With a blend of compelling storytelling, impressive performances, and unpredictable twists, these series prove to be must-watch experiences for any enthusiast of the thriller genre.
From psychological mind-benders to crime-solving sagas, these shows offer a tantalizing escape into a world where every moment counts and every clue matters. So, buckle up and immerse yourself in these gripping tales that showcase the best Indian thriller storytelling.
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mudaship39 · 2 years
Tsalagi Indigenous Characters of my BIPOC and QTIPOC Futurism Project
Techno or Rogue (Valeria Nadia Torres Garcia). Her Indigenous name is Tsistunagiska which means wild rose. She is a Latinx Mexican and Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color. One of the main supporting characters. She is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. She is from the Wolf Clan. She practices Indigenous spirituality. She has 3B or 3C type hair. She has curly hair. She has brown hair. Some of her hair is dyed lime green. She has brown eyes. She has sepia skin tone. She is lean and has an athletic build. She speaks Tsalagi and Spanish. She is a polyamorous nonbinary bigender bisexual. She is Catholic. She is a bionic and cyborg. She speaks English, Tslagi, & Spanish. She has an eastern diamondback snake tattoo. She wears beaded earrings. She wears a hair wrap. She has a finger weave belt. She wears a shawl. She is neurodivergent. She has hyperlexia. She is a Taurus water rooster. She is a bionic and cyborg by choice as a transhuman. Implanted into her body is biotechnology and nanotechnology such as nanites and bionic and cyberware enhancements that lets her control technology and electricity. She has ports implanted into her body at her wrists and hands that allow her to hack technology. Implanted into her body is also cyberware and bioware implants that lets her attend cyberspace. She does this using a brain-computer interface. She has ports implanted into her body at her upper shoulders that allow a direct connection between the brain and virtual reality. She mainly works as a hacker from her hacker cave at her home built behind a false wall. On the run she works as a hacker at underground hacker hideouts across the cosmos that is built by her hacker legion or hacker collective that act as her safe houses. She goes online using an online alias as a pseudonym. She never uses her real name as a wanted outlaw as a hacker. The external ports are mostly used for high bandwidth and more secure connections with wireless connection.  One person who she lets interface with her futuristic form of connection between bionic and cybernetic partners is her wife Amelia Himmat Mishra the Afro Asian Black British and South Asian Desi Indian woman of color who is also a bionic and cyborg. She wears industrial earrings. She has holographic geometric tattoos that light up gold on her arms. Her superhero and antihero costume is a one piece jumpsuit. Her jumpsuit can change color with adaptive camouflage technology. She used it for espionage and spy missions.  She uses it to evade her enemies as a hacker and to evade her enemies as a superhero and antihero. She was a former operative who was a spy, double agent, & informant for the Space Rebel Army. She is a rebel. She as a hacker and activist, was a criminal in the eyes of the Earth government and Terran Confederation government.  Valeria was part of a hacker collective Splinter. She was leader of a legion of hackers who worked for Young Radicals and Winds of Change. She is a hacker whose work with the Winds of Change helped combat the tyranny of Earth and the Terran Confederation. So she tends to lay low by working as a repair woman. She repairs hard light technology. Valeria Nadia Torres Garcias as Rouge is someone who is wanted by the Earth government and Terran Dominion for being a hacker for the Young Radicals or Winds of Change. She is also someone who is wanted as an operative who was an informant, double agent, & spy for the Space Rebel Army. So she is stateless or someone without a nationality as a result of the revolution and as a repercussion of her helping with the insurrection and rebellion against the Earth and Terran Confederation to take them out of power. They told her if she returned to the Cherokee nation of her home she would be captured and placed in a maximum security prison in a black site planet or assassinated by black ops and spec ops super soldiers of the Terran Dominion regime. It’s why she hasn’t been home in a long time since she was forcibly displaced diaspora. After the creation of the Federation that composed of the now independent and sovereign Sol, Vega, & Polaris Systems she was allowed to return home by the new intergalactic government of this cosmic alliance after the fall of Earth and the Terran Dominion. She has electroshock gauntlets for close quarters combat. She is the wife of Maysa Nabila Uzun, Chun Hei Kim, Zhou Zhen, & Amelia Himmat Mishra. She is now the hacker of the Elites and the Paragons. She is a technopath that can control any form of technology. She has power over technology. She has electronic empathy. She also has power over electricity. She is a member of the Elites and Paragons.
Cheng Na is an Asian Native. She has an Indigenous name of Degotoga which means standing together and Atagulkalu/Attakullkulla which means pitched trees or leaning wood. She has the nickname of Wanigei. Cheng Na is East Asian Chinese and Cherokee or Tsalagi Indigenous. They are an Asian Native. They are from the deer clan. They are from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. They are 5’3.” They have black hair. They are slim with a little thickness in their hips. They are 110 pounds. They are nonbinary genderfluid pansexual. They are polyamorous. They use they/them and xer/xers pronouns. They wear beaded earrings. She wears a tear dress regalia. She wears beaded regalia sets. They have a holographic tattoo of a qinlin. They speak English, Chinese, & Tsalagi. They are neurodivergent. They have ocd. They are a tribal council member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. They are a tribal representative for the BIPOC superhero conglomerates the Elites and Paragons to the Indigenous communities. They are displaced disconnected diaspora seeking reconnection. They are living off-world. They are trying to piece together their history which entails a journey to visit Earth. They have regalia which are sacred select items they were able to preserve from their ancestors. Some of which they may not fully understand the full meaning/purpose/cultural significance of until they have made progress in reconnecting with cultural identity and connecting with community. It is how they met their best friend, later partner and now spouse Black Native Angela Robinson. They live with Angela in Midnight City. They are a Capricorn metal horse. They are a Native woc ex of the queer and trans main character Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Together they have a son Atohi Na. Her son is now a preteen. She is a member of the Elites and Paragons.  
Inola Waters or Sasa is a Black Cherokee Native character. Unlike Angela they are not a Cherokee Freedman. As some Black Tsalagi are through bloodlines while others are adopted in. She is of the bird clan. She is from the Eastern Band. She is a cis female. She is polyamorous. She is 5’10.” She is toned. She is 145 pounds. She has a golden brown skin tone. She has black locs with a patch of few various colored locs that are reddish, blond, & light brown. She has dark brown eyes.
Angela Robinson or Galilahi Lightfoot is a Black Native character who is Afro Tsalagi or Cherokee Indigenous. She is a Cherokee Freedman. She is a Freedman. The Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, Chickasaw, & Creek Nations owned slaves. She is from the wild potato clan. She is from the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. She works in zero gravity hydroponics. She works in sustainable agriculture. She has brown eyes. She has dark brown hair. She has shoulder length dreadlocks hairstyle. She dyes part of her hair with burgundy, honey blonde, & cinnamon brown color. She is 5’8.” She is 150 pounds. Her body type is athletic. She is cis. She is bisexual. She is polyamorous. She speaks English and Tsalagi. She has a holographic tattoo of an owl. She wears beaded earrings. She beaded her individual locs with carved wooden beads. These beads are yellow, orange, and turquoise. Sometimes for ceremonial purposes she braids her locs together and ties the ends of her locs with a beaded hair tie. She wears a bone choker for regalia. She wears a ribbon blouse and a leather belt for regalia. She wears a breasted chest plate. She is neurodivergent. She has add and adhd. They are displaced disconnected diaspora seeking reconnection. She is a Virgo water monkey. They are living off-world. They are from Atlanta, Georgia. They live in Midnight City. They are trying to piece together their history which entails a journey to visit Earth. They have regalia which are sacred select items they were able to preserve from their ancestors. Some of which they may not fully understand the full meaning/purpose/cultural significance of until they have made progress in reconnecting with cultural identity and connecting with community. She is a member of the Elites and Paragons. She takes care of logistics by keeping track of supplies. She was in a polyamorous queer interracial relationship with Asian native Cheng Na and queer and trans Asian Pasifika and Latine Native Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato.  She is a Native woc ex of the queer and trans main character Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Together they have a daughter Tsula Robinson. Her daughter is now a teenager. 
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 7.4 (after 1940)
1941 – Nazi crimes against the Polish nation: Nazi troops massacre Polish scientists and writers in the captured Ukrainian city of Lviv. 1941 – World War II: The Burning of the Riga synagogues: The Great Choral Synagogue in German-occupied Riga is burnt with 300 Jews locked in the basement. 1942 – World War II: The 250-day Siege of Sevastopol in the Crimea ends when the city falls to Axis forces. 1943 – World War II: The Battle of Kursk, the largest full-scale battle in history and the world's largest tank battle, begins in the village of Prokhorovka. 1943 – World War II: In Gibraltar, a Royal Air Force B-24 Liberator bomber crashes into the sea in an apparent accident moments after takeoff, killing sixteen passengers on board, including general Władysław Sikorski, the commander-in-chief of the Polish Army and the Prime Minister of the Polish government-in-exile; only the pilot survives. 1946 – The Kielce pogrom against Jewish Holocaust survivors in Poland. 1946 – After 381 years of near-continuous colonial rule by various powers, the Philippines attains full independence from the United States. 1947 – The "Indian Independence Bill" is presented before the British House of Commons, proposing the independence of the Provinces of British India into two sovereign countries: India and Pakistan. 1950 – Cold War: Radio Free Europe first broadcasts. 1951 – Cold War: A court in Czechoslovakia sentences American journalist William N. Oatis to ten years in prison on charges of espionage. 1951 – William Shockley announces the invention of the junction transistor. 1954 – Food rationing in Great Britain ends, with the lifting of restrictions on sale and purchase of meat, 14 years after it began early in World War II, and nearly a decade after the war's end. 1960 – Due to the post-Independence Day admission of Hawaii as the 50th U.S. state on August 21, 1959, the 50-star flag of the United States debuts in Philadelphia, almost ten and a half months later (see Flag Acts (United States)). 1961 – On its maiden voyage, the Soviet nuclear-powered submarine K-19 suffers a complete loss of coolant to its reactor. The crew are able to effect repairs, but 22 of them die of radiation poisoning over the following two years. 1966 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Freedom of Information Act into United States law. The act went into effect the next year. 1976 – Israeli commandos raid Entebbe airport in Uganda, rescuing all but four of the passengers and crew of an Air France jetliner seized by Palestinian terrorists. 1982 – Space Shuttle program: Columbia lands at Edwards Air Force Base at the end of the program's final test flight, STS-4. President Ronald Reagan declares the Space Shuttle to be operational. 1994 – Rwandan genocide: Kigali, the Rwandan capital, is captured by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, ending the genocide in the city. 1997 – NASA's Pathfinder space probe lands on the surface of Mars. 1998 – Japan launches the Nozomi probe to Mars, joining the United States and Russia as a space exploring nation. 2001 – Vladivostok Air Flight 352 crashes on approach to Irkutsk Airport killing all 145 people on board. 2002 – A Boeing 707 crashes near Bangui M'Poko International Airport in Bangui, Central African Republic, killing 28. 2004 – The cornerstone of the Freedom Tower is laid on the World Trade Center site in New York City. 2004 – Greece beats Portugal in the UEFA Euro 2004 Final and becomes European Champion for first time in its history. 2005 – The Deep Impact collider hits the comet Tempel 1. 2006 – Space Shuttle program: Discovery launches STS-121 to the International Space Station. The event gained wide media attention as it was the only shuttle launch in the program's history to occur on the United States' Independence Day. 2009 – The first of four days of bombings begins on the southern Philippine island group of Mindanao. 2012 – The discovery of particles consistent with the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider is announced at CERN.
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marjaystuff · 1 year
The Traitor Beside Her by Mary Anna Evans
WW II Spy Mystery Book 2
Poisoned Pen Press
June 6th, 2023
The Traitor Beside Her by Mary Anna Evans blends mystery, action, friendship, with a hint of romance. Readers get a glimpse of how women helped in the war effort, and she treats readers to fun historical facts, suspense, intrigue, espionage, and secrets.
“This is the second in the series.  The previous book was The Physicists’ Daughter. With this current book I wanted to take the main character, Justine, right out of her comfort zone. She is working undercover for an American intelligence Agency, embedded in a group of code breakers looking for a traitor who is sending secrets. I like writing books that have women in the sciences.”
World War II was not only fought on the battlefront but also on the intelligence front. Arlington Hall, a former women's college in Virginia, has been taken over by the United States Army where hundreds of men and women work to decode countless pieces of communication coming from the Axis powers. At the facility, they collect scrambled German communications and decode them. After three women have gone missing, it becomes apparent that a traitor is passing on top secret information. To find the culprit, Justine and her friend Georgette are sent there, because they have the skills to find the traitor and can pass as one of the code breakers.  Georgette knows the Native American language Choctaw, while Justine is fluent in German and is a math/physics whiz. Their mission is to find how code breakers tick, knowing that if the traitor is not discovered thousands of soldiers’ lives are at stake. 
“Justine has a quiet exuberance, confident, competent, smart, observant, and is untrusting, with a temper. She speaks German and has a knowledge of code breaking with her math background.  At times she can be naïve but is always logical and analytical. Her biggest weakness is she is not people smart unlike Georgette, her best friend. Georgette works well with Justine, and each learn from one another. She is observant, can be excitable, and has perseverance. Her grandmother was a Choctaw Indian and taught Georgette to speak Choctaw. This comes in handy because it was used as a code during WWII.” 
Their male counterparts, Paul, Ed, and Jerry are not just co-workers but also have strong feelings for Justine and Georgette.  They help them in their endeavors but also vow to keep the women safe. It appears their feelings are beyond peers but have entered the romance realm.
Readers learn a lot of historical facts in the book.  “I had Arlington Hall in Virginia as real.  An interesting book is Code Girls.  An author interviewed the women at Arlington Hall who were the code breakers. The dormitory was real.  I found photos and articles of the dormitory floorplan on the Internet. The setting is very realistic. The restaurant, The Mayfair, that Justine goes on a date is real.  I found photos of the dining room, the menu, and the drink menu, and that they had dancing. 
The mission of the code breakers was also real.  We knew Germans did break some of our codes, but they did not know we knew it, so we used it to give fake information. 
Many of these women kept the secret of their job for many years, even from their husbands, after WWII ended. Also real were all the gadgets in the book: the purses with false bottoms for hidden compartments, a tiny camera built into a handheld matchbox, pens and pencils disguised to hide a functioning blade, a gun with a singular .22 bullet disguised as a pen, noise makers, and a chamber with pepper spray.”
This story will keep readers on the edge of their seats, especially as the heroines are put into very dangerous situations.  The cat and mouse game played has people wondering who the traitor is and how will they be found out.
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