#Art Basel Miami 2019
I was watching baby reindeer and it struck me how real trauma binding in such situations can be. Which got me thinking .... Did Harry marry his stalker??
We know she orchestrated the meeting with Harry. We know the lowkey stalking-manifesting on her part may have started a couple of years in advance. So many credible theories that they "accidentally" kept meeting again and again, their circles just "coincidentally" coincided over the years.
Various youtubers and Tumblr bloggers have put together very credible evidence of them meeting in -
1. May 2016 in Toronto for an Invictus lunch that Cory was a chef for.
2. In May/June 2015, Soho House Istanbul inauguration. Lots of pictures of Meghan being there, meeting various celebs. And Harry supposedly also attended since he was in Istanbul, with Charles, for a royal engagement. No pictures, but rumour is he landed a day early for the Soho gig.
3. May/June 2014, art Basel Miami, where Meghan met up with Misha, who also introduced her to Eugenie. Early articles mentioned Mm and Misha meeting there, and Misha said this in the interview she did for her store launch that happened with the smartworks thing Meghan did in london 2019. That article has since been edited. There were also mentions of this in Meghan's PR she did pre-harry (I used to follow her superficially). It was also on Tig. I remember this but those articles have also gone now.
Harry was in Miami at that same time for his friends bachelors and pre-wedding party. This is the same thing he broke-up with cressida over, not buying her ticket even though their whole friend circle was going to Miami. (William joined the gang later in another city for the wedding, so no chance of him meeting her).
Anyway, at the time this was covered by some media reports which said Harry spent the evening chatting up a "tanned brunette" in a corner and spent the whole evening with her. There were no photos. It's quite a coincidence that both HnM attended the same party at the same venue, were in the same social circle (misha-eug-harrys aristo group).
So, what I am saying is that it seems that they kept meeting every year around the same time, and that Meghan (or Harry) may have thought this was the universe trying to push them together. So when Meghan found herself in London in June 2016, having already met Harry 2 months back in May, she took her chance and "surprised" him with a blind date. She may as well have deliberately put her pictures with Violet on social media in order to bait Harry.
I know it's far fetched but this kind of orchestrated serendipity isn't unheard of. It's a very teenage, high school behaviour but it does happen. And people fall for this all the time.
This theory also aligns with how and why Meghan suddenly pivoted towards a humanitarian PR in 2014. For Harry, it may have been a forgettable encounter, but for her it was the perfect opportunity.
So, what do you think? Is there any credibility to the rumours that Meghan targetting Harry, and then enmeshed him in some sort of trauma bond?
Old ask from May 9th
To the first question, I don't think so. I think if one wants to believe that Meghan stalked/targeted Harry for two years, one needs to also believe the rumor that Harry met Meghan multiple times before he remembered who she was. And personally, I don't have any evidence of that other than the conflicting stories of when they met and who set them up. Those aren't slam dunks.
I'm not discounting that it couldn't happen, it absolutely can and the internet is chockful of stories about real relationships like this. I just don't think it's likely - primarily because given how messy Meghan is, something like this would've leaked out by now.
I do think Meghan was social climbing and strategizing for a wealthier husband - remember, she was going after athletes (hockey boys post-Trevor, cheating on Cory with Rory McIlroy, sliding into Ashley Cole's DMs) because being a WAG was the ultimate life of luxury - when the opportunity to meet Harry dropped in her lap, and she took full advantage of it. Because to someone like Meghan who's chasing WAG dreams, the only thing better than being a WAG was being a princess.
Which is, I think, the real story: Meghan and Harry hooked up in May 2016 at the Toronto Invictus Dinner behind Cory's back and met up again a few weeks later when she was in London for Wimbledon. The Violet photos could very well have been bait (to catch Harry's attention and let him know she was in town) or a plant (to create a Hallmark meet-cute story to hide how they really met).
But to the second question, absolutely. Meghan definitely set things up so that Harry trauma-bonded to her and she did that with the Toronto break-in claims, which preyed on Harry's paranoia of paparazzi and security.
I couldn't get into Baby Reindeer. I tried several to watch it several times but it wasn't for me.
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sigmaleph · 1 year
Maurizio Cattelan, a self-described “visual and conceptual artist” and Italian citizen, designed Comedian for the Art Basel Miami art fair in December of 2019. (Def.’s Statement of Material Facts (“SOMF”) ¶¶ 2-3, 18, 20, ECF No. 78; M. Cattelan Decl. dated Mar. 2, 2023 (“Cattelan Decl.”) ¶¶ 3, 14-15, ECF No. 74-1.) Comedian—a banana duct-taped to a wall—was meant to be “simple,” “banal,” and to reflect “absurdity.” (Def.’s SOMF ¶¶ 19-13; Cattelan Decl. ¶¶ 14-16.) Joe Morford, a California citizen who is also a conceptual artist, designed his own banana-duct-taped-to-a-wall work (Banana and Orange) in 2001. (Pl.’s SOMF ¶¶ 1-5, ECF No. 83; J. Morford Decl. dated Mar. 3, 2023 (“First Morford Decl.”) Ex. 1 at 3-5, ECF No. 84-1; Dep. Tr. of J. Morford dated Dec. 9, 2022 (“Morford Dep.”) at 8:16-22, ECF No. 76-1.) The two works are provided below, with Morford’s Banana & Orange (Figure 1) on the left and Cattelan’s Comedian (Figure 2) on the right:
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I would like to have some insightful commentary to make on the nature of copyright or maybe art itself but no. i just think this is funny. some guy taped a banana to a wall, then another guy also taped a banana to a wall, and then the first guy sued the second guy for copyright infringement
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f0point5 · 3 months
I js saw ur thing talking abt American cities and u called miami cringe and I have been going to miami every summer since I was like 3 cos we brought a property there (i like in Manchester btw) and it wasn't always cringe and rlly its only cringy in like the hot spots where the alix earl wannabes go and like the clubby area everything else is quite normal but imh ever since alix earl becme popular miami has gone to shit cos the fan girls have no respect for the ppl living there 😒
Yeah no obviously the city as a whole can’t be cringe. I was specifically talking about the “art Basel weekend partying in double denim” set of people.
Also, I partake in things I find cringe on occasion. That culture and lifestyle can be a lot of fun. It’s just post party weekend you’re like “oh that was kitschy”.
Is it only since Alix Earle? Because I distinctly remember in line 2018/2019 it had that vibe as well. Maybe not as much.
But yeah I didn’t mean the entire place, I meant that particular subculture, which I guess is a relatively small part of the city
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art-damaged · 1 year
Maurizio Cattelan “Comedian” / art student
In April 2023, an edition of this sculpture was ingested while on view at the Leeum Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea. Art student Noh Huyn-soo removed the work’s signature banana, which was duct-taped onto the wall, casually unpeeled it, and ate it in front of onlookers before reattaching the banana skin to the wall using the same tape.
When asked why he’d committed the act, Noh said that he’d skipped breakfast that day and ate the banana because “[he] was hungry.” He also suggested that “damaging a work of modern art could also be (interpreted as a kind of) artwork.” (For what it’s worth: As part of the installation, the work’s banana gets replaced every two or three days.)
When informed of the incident, Cattelan simply replied, “No problem.”
A similar incident occurred at the work’s premiere at Art Basel Miami Beach in 2019, when artist David Datuna performed a similar move and ate the banana as what he later called a performance.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Four men were charged over the alleged theft of a gold toilet valued at $5.95 million, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said Monday.
Italian conceptual artist Maurizio Cattelan’s piece, titled “America”, vanished overnight in 2019 while on display at the birthplace and ancestral home of Winston Churchill. The fully functioning 18-carat gold toilet — created as a pointed social commentary on excessive wealth and greed — was part of an art installation at Blenheim Palace, near the city of Oxford.
At the time, local police said that the theft caused "significant damage and flooding" because the toilet had been connected to the palace plumbing system. The country house, built in Oxfordshire, England, in the early 1700s, is the principal residence of the Dukes of Marlborough.
The four men, who are accused of burglary and conspiracy to transfer criminal property, will appear at Oxford Magistrates' Court on Nov. 28, 2023.
Cattelan also created that duct-taped banana that went viral in 2019 after going on display at Art Basel in Miami. ______________
Ok so it was a art project not something that was actually ever there and in use.
That's far less awful.
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temp-check · 6 months
Tuesday's temperature check (procès-verbaux of 4-9)
Fellow chronicler of wars and peace, Leo Tolstoy, once said, "Art is the uniting of the subjective with the objective, of nature with reason, of the unconscious with the conscious.”  For an author that managed to impress Fyodor Dostoevsky, I’m a bit overawed by his statement.  Of course, he is an artist.  In this context, let us combine nature and reason and use a foot of duct tape to secure a banana to a wall.  In 2019, "Comedian" was displayed by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan at Art Basel Miami Beach.  Two editions of the banana/duct tape combo were sold for $120,000 apiece.  One of the fruit-fixations was displayed at the Leeum Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea.  This inspiration to a half-dozen Wiggles’ songs remained there for a couple of years before a hungry art student ate the banana.  He promptly re-taped the peel.  Having made a few loaves of banana bread myself, I know that bananas don’t normally last for two years.  Apparently the $120 thousand purchase price also comes with an obligation to periodically replace the banana with a fresh one.  I guess that the draw of “Comedian” is to see who comes to marvel at a pricey banana.  As August Babel once said, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.  I’m guessing the empty peel was not quite the treasure of a fresh banana.  In a separate instance, Oscar Santillan, an Equatorian visual artist, shortened England’s tallest mountain by an inch.  He removed a stone from Scafell Pike's 3,209ft summit.  Scafell Pike is the World’s 15th highest mountain after some interesting contestants like Mount St. Helens (8,365 ft even after the top blew off in 1980).  This list,  http://www.walk2unwind.co.uk/mountains/world%27s-highest.html, is obviously skewed since it doesn’t list other North American mountains like Denali (formerly known as Mount McKinley) or Pike’s Peak.  Anyway, the single inch shaved from the peak did not depreciate Scaffel Pike on the list.  However, in classic English axiom, the Cumbria Tourism boss says Oscar Santillan is 'taking the mickey' after he removed the stone from Scafell Pike's summit.  I have no idea what he means by “taking the mickey”.  He also insisted the rock be returned.  What’s he going to do with this stone?  Is he planning on gluing it to the top of the mountain?  Why not just cleave off a sheet of the White Cliffs of Dover and glue them to the peak and make it even taller?  However, if you are interested in climbing the summit of Scafell Pike, it is currently resting on a plinth in Copperfield Gallery in London.  What’s a “plinth”, by the way?  Is it just a square pedestal?  The photo doesn’t show the same kind of rigor you’d see around pudding splattered works of Leonardo Da Vinci, so I’m sure climbing it is fine.
Anyway, Stay safe!
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sexypinkon · 1 year
Lavar Munroe's latest foray
View works.
Sviriko: Spirit Medium, 2023
Lavar Munroe is a Bahamian interdisciplinary artist working primarily in mixed media painting, cardboard sculpture, and drawings. His work examines themes present in folklore, fables and historic films ­– drawing comparison between his upbringing in the Bahamas and travels to various countries in Africa. Addressing multiple narratives that span personal, historical and mythological references, Munroe’s work presents conflicts between a desire to escape and the longing for home while challenging us to journey beyond the familiar. 
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Described as a hybrid medium between painting and relief sculpture, Munroe’s work often incorporates sentimental objects collected and gifted from his family and objects found during his travels. His work focuses on themes such as journey, utopia, magic, love and the celebration of escape through fantastical and dreamlike imagery. Munroe (b.1982, Nassau, Bahamas) earned his BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design (2007) and MFA Studio Art at Washington University, St. Louis (2013). He also attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture (2013) and was awarded a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2016), Benny Andrews Fellow from the MacDowell Colony (2016), and The Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity-University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC (2014). 
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Recent solo exhibitions include Jack Bell Gallery, London, England (2022, 2021, 2014); Walters Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD (2021); NOMAD, Brussels, Belgium (2017); Meadows Museum of Art, Shreveport, LA (2018); SCAD Museum of Art and Gutstein Gallery, Savannah, GA (2016); and The Central Bank, Nassau, Bahamas (2010). Notable group shows include The National Art Gallery of the Bahamas (2022); Centre Pompidou Metz, FR (2022); Ichihara Lakeside Museum (2020); Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Virginia Beach, VA (2020); Perez Art Museum Miami, FL (2019); Jack Bell Gallery, London, UK (2017); and Nasher Museum of Art, Durham, NC (2015). He has also been featured in the Art Basel Miami Beach (2022); Kampala Biennale (2020); Off Biennale Cairo (2018); 12th Dakar Biennale, Senegal, West Africa (2016); and 56th Venice Art Biennale (2015). His work is in the collections of The Baltimore Museum of Art,  Fondation de France; Fondation Gandur pour l’Art, Genève, Switzerland; The Studio Museum of Harlem, New York, NY; The Central Bank of the Bahamas, Nassau, BA; The National Art Gallery of the Bahamas, Nassau, BA; and the MAXXI Museum, Rome, IT. 
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He is the recipient of honors and awards including the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow, Robert De Niro Award (2023), the Sondheim Artscape Prize Finalist (2021), Distinguished Alums Award from Sam Fox School of Art and Design from Washington University of St. Louis (2018), Postdoctoral Award for Research Excellence from the University of North Carolina (2015), Sam Fox Dean’s Initiative Fund (2013), Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grant (2013), Joan Mitchell Foundation Scholarship (2012), The Kraus Family Foundation Award (2011), and The National Endowment for the Arts Grant (2011).
Munroe lives and works between Baltimore, MD, and the Bahamas.
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osarothomprince · 1 year
Maurizio Cattelan’s banana art just looked like breakfast, says Noh Huyn-soo : NPR
An iteration of Maurizio Cattelan’s “Comedian” has previously sold for $120,000, most famously at Art Basel Miami in 2019. A college student who recently viewed the art in a Seoul museum said he ate the banana after skipping breakfast. Cindy Ord/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Cindy Ord/Getty Images An iteration of Maurizio Cattelan’s “Comedian”…Maurizio Cattelan’s banana art just looked…
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victorboullet · 2 years
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Miami Art Basel 2022 All work Victor Boullet 2017 - 2019 Oil on canvas  40cm x 46cm LUBOV 5 East Broadway, #402 New York, NY 10038 
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reith-sheep · 2 years
SOURCES AND SIGNIFICANCE SESSION 1 TOOLS - Medium specificity in the digital age Basel banana
Short Synopsis
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the comedian is conceptual art and sculpture by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan. It is made up of a banana and a section of waterproof tape purchased at a convenience store in Miami and fetched a whopping $120,000 at Art Basel Miami Beach.
A total of artwork
Based on Adrian's 1974 book Total Art: Environment, Occasional and Expressive, it is easy to conclude that a comedian is a total artwork. The definition of total art is a work of art that synthesises the same art form into a whole. Its fame does not come from the work itself, a simple banana. Part of its fame comes from the artist himself. Maurizio Cattelan is an Italian national treasure, with a long list of great works such as L.O.V.E., both of us 2010. next, this is because the banana is in an environment. The artist has taped a banana to the wall and placed it in the gallery as work, so it becomes a work influenced by its environment. Adrian suggests that a work of art must take into account its environment to be valid. Jon Beardsley, Professor of Art History at Harvard University] writes: "They do not describe the wind most, but participate in it; their art is not just about the landscape but within it". Secondly, the overall art also contains a social synthesis. Works of art have a social function, and total art similarly emphasises the social aspect of art. This is equally valid in arguing that comedian is a holistic art. This is because two buyers of this work bought two of the bananas for a single price of $120,000, one of whom, David Datuna, a performance artist, pulled one of the bananas off the wall and ate it in his mouth. The video was posted on social media and titled "The Hungry Artist". It was great storytelling and a dramatic event that brought the work to a new level of attention.
The social impact of this work is positive. It was an almost classical reproduction of the basic characteristics, nature and differences of contemporary art, and it sparked a renewed interest in art and art-making. In addition to this, it has also led to a debate and discussion of contemporary artworks. The strength of this work lies in its greater emphasis on the metaphorical function and critical meaning of the work, its greater emphasis on social participation and interaction, and its challenge and dismantling of aesthetic thinking and creative paradigms such as so-called authority, classics, didacticism and fixed styles. At this point, the banana itself and it's material are no longer important, but more importantly the novelty of this form of creation and the metaphorical or symbolic things behind it, the humanistic values it imparts and conveys, and the fact that it opens up another kind of awareness and understanding of art and artistic creation, all of which are positive influences.
How this relates to my practice
For my work, I think I should not only consider the work itself, but also the context in which it is made and its metaphorical function and the potential meaning of its location. Nowadays, the artist has to consider not only the sound and image of the work but also the environment, the viewer's perspective and its social implications, to be considered a total artwork.
John Beardsley, Earthworks and Beyond: 1998, Abbeville Press, Nr.p7.
Trahndorff, K. F. E. (1827) Ästhetik oder Lehre von Weltanschauung und Kunst.
Henri, A. (1974) Total Art: Environments, Happenings, and Performances. Cary, NC: Oxford University Press.
Wikipedia contributors (2022a) Maurizio Cattelan, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Maurizio_Cattelan&oldid=1129894913.
Taylor, E. (2019) The $120,000 art Basel banana, explained, Vogue. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/article/the-120000-art-basel-banana-explained-maurizio-cattelan (Accessed: January 10, 2023).
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miamiartdistrict · 5 years
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Installation view of High Art's booth (B23).
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fashion · 5 years
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Tumblr’s 8th Annual Basel Brunch with Brightline honoring Gianni Lee. 
Location: La Estación American Brasserie at VirginMiami Central, Miami, FL
Photos: Jocko Graves/BFA
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frankenstank · 5 years
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Had the best donut at art basel
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imcomingmiami · 5 years
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My fav from Art Basel 2019
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shesdunn · 5 years
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Gelareh Mizrahi, Miami Design District, 2019
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switzon · 5 years
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