#As always feel free to ask questions if you're curious on a particular aspect/characterization/etc that I didn't address in notes!
valeriefauxnom · 8 months
Chapter 17 of Scaling the Walls of a Mystery is out!
In which Euden decides to go big and not leave home, wherein 'home' indicates his room, and the rest of the family is Suffering now right alongside him. They also fail Hostage Negotiation 101!
Exert from chapter (~9k out of ~198k):
Leonidas all but growled. “Cease this childishness at once. This is a losing situation for you. You have no recourse to flee. You have no resources. Need be, we can simply wait for you to fall asleep and strike then.” Oh. That… might work? Euden didn’t sound all that broken up. “Then I guess I’ll just have to stay awake, then. I’ll inform you that I’m a light sleeper and used to long nights, though, and even if you did catch me unawares, nothing would stop me from shapeshifting upon waking. Keep that in mind if I ever wake in a different location.”  “We can only try to convince him to come out,” Phares said quietly, face grim as he vocalized the conclusion they all were headed for, before he continued in an exasperated tone, “Euden, please. Is this what you really want to do? Starve and dehydrate yourself, stay awake for hours on end, for what? What do you hope to gain by doing this?”
And, just because it's funny and fitting, I'm bringing these things my friend made back:
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