#As he never OFFICIALLY broke it off with Grimora but he also never admitted his affections to you
kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Can you put more detail into the Reconnected Scrybe Polycule? The idea that all four of the Scrybes fall in love with the same person and bring them all back together. I’m fawning over this idea and I want to hear more of your ideas! You don’t have to if you don’t want to of course. It’s totally up to you. Have a good rest of your day/night.
Hello??? Hello???? Yes I for sure can, Bestie!!!!
Er. Maybe. It's been a while and special interests have changed but I am ALWAYS ready to ramble about a polycule and the Scrybes are no exception. More specific questions would help but for now I'll try and get down all I have atm.
Okay so for this polycule timeline I have Save State, Calling Card, Winter Weather, and Future's Forecast. I never got around to writing Grimora's interaction with this reader specifically, and maybe one day I will, as Grimora really deserves more X Readers, but anyway.
Leshy falls in love with you first, he loves the fastest, and he was the first to meet you. He loved you the moment you sat at his table. It's a quiet love, showed in games and puzzles and cards. Affection through time spent near you, affection returned through playing his love crafted game. He'd put his everything into making sure you are entertained and having fun. He does not eat, he does not sleep, he hardly leaves his home. What if you were to come again and he was not there? He couldn't imagine such a thing. But if you asked him to go on a walk, he would not mind leaving the game for a period. If you held his hand and led him through other lands, or asked about his forests, or ran faster than he thought you could, he'd run after you. He'd answer your questions. He'd lay in the sun and laugh with you and remember how nice it feels to love outside a game.
Magnificus is second. He finds your presence annoying, a nuisance, a pain and a bother. When you don't show he's anxious and snappy, he's harsh and cold and irritable. When you come to bother him his shoulders relax, and while he huffs and grumbles about wasting your time, he feels more at ease with you nearby. These are, of course, things he'd never admit to. He'll draw you, sketch you in the margins of his sketch book, paint you delicately on his canvas. He'll deny it all. His tender heart for you he'll hide behind grumbles and sighs of annoyance. Glares and huffs. But if you were to rest against him while he worked, he wouldn't mind.
It starts to get more Poly when Grimora gets involved, as she was the original glue of the polycule, and she's the on to move things forward. She talks to the others more often, has tea and plays games with them separate, and she can tell when they've fall in love with the player, though Magnificus denies so. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she's invited you over for tea to see what the big deal is and. Oh. Oh you. She finds herself laughing in your company, loosing track of time between games, wanting to keep you over and dress you up and pamper you so delicately. And unlike the two before her, Grimora will act on her feelings. She'll woo you and make her flirting obvious, and if you were to protest, state affections for Leshy or Magnificus, she'll profess her own affections for them as well. She'll show you the old photos and the gifts and rings or her past, and she'll love you along side whoever you may choose.
P03 is always the one I have a rough time writing for, because I think he needs a LOT of time and care. He needs patients and calm and quiet, and maybe he's a little hateful and harsh, and maybe he's even worse around the other scrybe, bu it's mostly fear. A fear he hates to admit too, but genuine fear only someone hurt so horribly by someone they loved feels. He'll let you get close, because at least your fun to play with, sometimes. And you follow the rules of the game, and maybe fix some things around the factory here and there. He'll let himself enjoy your company, and he'll try not to bad mouth your partner's too much, because you don't deserve that. He's not heartless, and he's not cold, or closed off, not after seeing you so much. So when he's finally willing to admit to himself how he feels about you, he'll tell you. And he'll trust you when you say the other's have changed. He'll take your hand and go to see them and trust you that it'll all be okay.
It really is getting P03 back into the polycule that's the hardest part. Grimora and Leshy still hold an almost silbing-like affection for one another, and Mags and Grimora never REALLY broke it off in the first place. It's you, then, who leads P03 back, gets him to trust in them by trusting in you. And while it'll never be the same as it once was, that may be a good thing. As now you're here; Their beloved player.
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