#Grimora X Reader
biribaa · 1 year
Leshy would be a well balanced father, he knows when to treat you sweetly and he knows when you need to be scolded. For me Leshy is one of the most leisurely patrons, so you can have plenty of free time to do any kind of parent and child activity.
I really believe that Leshy would teach you how to make wooden figures. Just you, his dear child, and him, making some wooden figures together. Did you cut yourself with the knife? Of course, don't worry, Leshy will have his full attention for you and take care of your cut. Leshy isn't desperate with certain injuries of yours, of course he's worried, but he knows you're going to be fine.
Leshy will have a hard time making food for you... Seeing how he's not very fond of cooking. Having some cookbooks would be nice right now...
Leshy tends to sleep hugging you, he wants to make sure you're warm, the woods usually tend to be cold, and he would hate to see his dear child have to suffer from a cold nose and sneezing.
Leshy will teach you how to hunt, write, read, how to skin animals without getting blood on you, etc. Basics for you to survive in the forest if at some point you want to live alone.
Also, Leshy tells you bedtime stories! He was hesitant at first, but seeing how insistent you were, he couldn't say 'no' to your lovely smile.
I bet Grimora has dreamed/wanted at some point in her life to have a child, so trust me, you are a blessing in her life!
Grimora showers you with verbal support. You did a drawing of her? "Why, isn't this splendid my child! I'm truly proud of you Y/N. Keep drawing and I bet you'll be even better than uncle Magnificus!". You finish the duties Grimora sent you to do? "Good job Y/N! I know that I could always trust you." Or anything else that you made a effort? "Magnificent Y/N! I'm so happy to hear this news!"
She doesn't spoil you, but Grimora clearly gives the attention every child needs to you and you alone. Grimora doesn't just want to be your mother, she wants to be your friend.
Grimora loves to teach you things, even the simplest things, like sewing or how to make tea. And after that the two of you try to sew something together while she listens to you talk about your day.
Magnificus being a father figure is similar to Leshy, but more protective. Leshy trusts you and knows you can get by with his learnings, while Magnificus is extremely protective of you.
He always asks where you're going and who your new friends are. Don't get him wrong, Magnificus its just worried and care about you, both your physical and mental health. He wants to make it more than clear that you are not just anyone, but the child of Magnificus. Perhaps this sudden fame and a lot of people treating you like royalty might irritate you slightly, so it would be best to talk to Magnificus about the situation if that's what bothers you, so he can make an attempt to sort things out.
I don't think Magnificus is one of the best fathers, so he puts a lot of expectations on you as his child, but over time he realizes that you are not a saint and sometimes you just don't have the physical/mental strength to do certain things , he tries to lighten the weight of expectations and responsibilities on you while you're still just a kid, you deserve to be free :]
And like Grimora, Magnificus likes to shower you with verbal support, always telling you he's proud of you for doing your chores. Sometimes, he even gives you gifts that he knows you like!
Magnificus is also a great listener. The moment between the two of you while Magnificus paints a picture and you talk endlessly about your interests is pleasant for him. Speaking of painting, you're the first person he shows the paintings he's done!
Oof, P03 is a tough one.
P03 never planned or was interested in having a child, and yet, here you are.
P03 is horrible at showing the affection they have for someone. The easiest type of affection for P03 to express affection is simply helping you with whatever difficulties you are having.
They help you pick up things you can't reach for your size, helps you with tasks you're having and listens to you talk about the horrible day you had (with a bonus of them calling whoever bothered you an asshole. And having something against that person after that day).
And of course P03 will teach you strategies and how to play cards, saying that "I don't want to suffer the shame of having a horrible player as a child", but in fact he meant "Omfg I don't want anyone calling my kid a loser I want them to be the best so they can be proud of themselfand not have their mental health destroyed by idiots"
And when P03 praises a drawing you made for it or completed a task or won a card battle, it just says "Good job Y/N", with a lil' pat pat in your head. But he SWEARS he's been so positively affected by the things you've done, he just has a big problem expressing it. So please, do tell him if you don't feel appreciated enough, and P03 will make an attempt to show his true feeling more.
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healerelowen · 10 months
I’m so sorry but I had a few ideas, I’ll try my darndest not to swamp you but….
Scribes (or just g, your gonna discover a smidge of a trend) s/o being slowly corrupted by the old data
Hello Hello! Thank you for your request!
FRIEND SEND ME THE IDEAS!!! I love seeing them! Send them separately, of course, as I want to get to each of them if I can. But I’d love to hear them! So send them all my way and I’ll be sure to get to as many as I can! 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your day/night! 
 -Scrybes partner slowly getting corrupted with the Old_Data-
It would be more subtle at first, with you mostly seeing things out of the corner of your eye than anything else. As time goes on though, you begin seeing strange things as you dream next to your partner. Words from messages, photos of people and places you didn’t recognize, a black and white daus card, all of it being unusual but you didn’t think much of it. Rather you dismissed it with them all being odd dreams that would dissipate eventually. Which had led to your surprise when discussing your strange dreams with your partner, you were met with a concerned and alarmed gaze from them, not shifting as if there were bounds of thoughts running through their mind. 
Only when you asked them if they were alright did they snap out of it, but they clearly were still shaken with worry. They told you that they were, and that they were simply thinking about something. It was odd, but you simply accepted that for an answer and continued whatever task you were doing. The dreams and visions had only gotten worse, and you noticed your partner watching you with concern. Even their subordinates were starting to glance at you weird. What was frustrating was that when you pressed about it, it was usually dismissed with your partner giving you a small task to do in the meantime. They were keeping something from you, but they refused to say, so you stormed off to do the task they asked you to do.
You were being corrupted. He could see it plain as day, and the realization pierced him like a sharp thorn in his stomach. Leshy knows you want the answers, why he’s been acting off, why he told his lackey’s to be wary of any odd behavior from you, but he can’t bring himself to do it. 
For he’s too caught up in his own self-loathing that he failed to protect you from the cursed code plaguing this world. Sometimes when he’s alone, he’ll wail with despair. You were the last person who deserved to see all those horrible things, to learn the truth about this game’s existence. Leshy knows you’re angry, but what else can he do? Besides ripping away your innocence that made your eyes twinkle, your smile warmer. 
He sits alone in his cabin, unsure of what to do. He hardly goes out to capture beasts anymore, earning the concern of his subordinates, who drop by his cabin every so often to see if he’s alright. All they’re met with is a concerned, lingering stare from him, one that shows the fear of realization. 
He contemplates telling you, as tempting as it is, but how can he? How could he possibly tell the one he loves about something that’s infecting them, that had infected him too, that he knew about its existence all along and never told you in fear of hurting you? Too much, all of it is too much to bear.
He tries to divert his focus, maybe he can prepare another game of cards for when you get back.. 
..She should’ve seen this coming. It was going to happen eventually, and Grimora knew it. But it startled her with how unexpected it was, when it seemed everything was simply going as it normally would, as normal as this place could get. But of course it wasn’t that simple, and she feels foolish for thinking that. 
She doesn’t pry, but she does inquire about your strange visions every so often. It’s subtle, if infrequent, but it does give her a clearer idea of how far gone you are. Grimora does wish for things to be different, you of all people don’t deserve to go through something as horrific such as that. 
When you do talk about your visions, sometimes she’ll say that she saw something similar years back. She never goes into detail, but she does keep it vague enough for you two to half-heartedly make a connection. When she sees your blissfully unaware gaze as she speaks, it makes her cold heart ache. Why must this happen to you? 
Out of all the Scrybes, she doesn’t necessarily keep everything hidden away from you, but keeps certain elements that would be too daunting obscure when discussing it. So she’s certainly more willing to talk about it, but very vaguely.
Grimora is…uncertain if she should reveal the truth to you. Afterall, she’s been telling you white lies this whole time, and she isn’t sure if it’ll make the damage worse or not. You deserve to know, but should you know is the question.. 
Such thoughts trouble her as she simply inscribes another epitaph of a tombstone, making a fresh card. 
The bot freezes as you go into detail about your dreams, claw clutching a freshly printed card tightly. He doesn’t say anything, only trying to relax itself as it slowly places down the card. As P03 listens, he slowly nods along, work almost completely abandoned. 
He’ll press sometimes, with a usual, “Tell me more about that..” to pry a bit more information out of you. His odd behavior is noticeable and it does tell its workers about the possibility of you having more odd behaviors. But despite that, he doesn’t change a whole lot, aside from asking more questions from you than normal. He seems..cautious, wary of something that it refuses to talk about. 
In addition, P03 also seems to be cutting back on the usual teasing and banter, to the point where they’re few and far between. When you ask if he’s alright, it’ll tell you that it's fine, and will bring up something else to distract you. It’s not the most effective thing, but it’ll do to keep you oblivious for a little longer. 
Eventually, he fesses up. P03 sits you down for a long talk, and tells you what’s going on and what exactly your dreams and visions mean. Depending on how well you take it, he will try to console you about it, maybe wrapping an arm around you as it tries to comfort you. 
If there were a better way to go about this, he would take it. But..he can’t lie to you, it can’t keep the wool over your eyes forever. He had to tell you, as painful as it was. P03 lets you take your time to fully wrap your head around it, listens to you vent whenever it becomes worse, and tries its damn best to make sure that you feel safe around it and everyone else. 
P03 wishes for a way to prevent this from happening, but at the very least, you are aware of what’s happening and are trying to keep it from getting worse.       
Magnificus is absolutely mortified the moment he hears about your dreams and visions. The horror of the realization makes him openly shudder, and it takes him a good few moments to fully recollect himself, even some reassurance from you. He dismissed it with it being a vivid vision he had to spare your concern, but after that, he had been anxious nonstop. 
He can hardly look you in the eye anymore, fearful of seeing a glimpse of that cursed code infesting you so subtly you don’t even notice it. In his own subtlety, you can pick up on his nervous behavior by noticing how his hand shakes as he paints on a blank canvas. You try to ask him what’s wrong, but he’s defensive, even outright pushing you away so you can stop bothering him. 
He can’t tell you. The thought makes him shiver and his mouth dry with terror. He feels guilty for pushing you away, but he doesn’t know what else to do. What can he do? Just watch his beloved partner lose to the corrupted code? 
All of this fear, this paranoia surrounding it, he wishes for it all to just stop. It makes his body and mind ache, as he practically collapses onto the bed to rest every night. Magnificus is terrified for you, so scared of what will become of you. He tries to bring himself to push past his anxiety, to help you, tell you something, anything that will help you. But he can’t..he can’t bring himself to rasp a single word to you.
Trembling, he strokes his brush on a new canvas, trying to paint a better future for you and your wellbeing.
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chibipsycho-v3 · 2 years
There isn’t a whole lot of reader x Leshy or reader x Grimora stuff out there, so anything with either of them would be great : D
OR how about both? 💖 I took longer with these requests (bad day yesterday) but I really like how these turned out! I went a little overboard on Leshy's because I'm lov. Forest peepaw~
Grimora x GN!Reader
An older tune spilled from the phonograph in the back of the room, filling the quiet crypt with a liveliness that normally wasn't felt here. It was a mid-tempo song, but the lyrics fell unheard on your ears. You were too busy.
Grimora held your hands in hers, cool against your skin, as she pulled you into a dance. Of course she led, she was the taller party, and you were too lost in the moment to lead besides. She turned and guided you in what felt like a version of ballroom-dancing, music playing on behind you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the ghouls pausing to appreciate the music.
The Scrybe's dress swished as she pulled you a bit closer, and you felt your chest warm with adoration when you met her gaze and saw her smile. While she maintained a 'proper' attitude with the other Scrybes, you and her ghouls all knew different. She had a warmth that she hid beneath her work… but not from you.
A laugh escaped you as Grimora extended her arms to carefully spin you in a circle. She answered with her own ethereal laugh. "Dearest, you make even this old lady feel young again," she cooed.
You made a dismissive noise. “Youth is a myth," you replied, "It comes from within."
Her laughter raised by an octave; you must have caught her by surprise. "Cheeky of you, my angel," Grimora hummed.
The song was drawing to a close and she took the opportunity to place her palm to your back and dip you slightly. You both took a moment to look into each other's eyes, soft smiles on your faces. Then Grimora leaned down and gently placed her forehead to yours, her glowing eyes fluttering closed. You closed your own, inhaling deep of her subtle, flowery perfume.
You wished this moment could last forever.
Leshy x GN!Reader
Oh, this was perfect. You held still, save for the slow lift of the camera in your hands. You peered through the shutter, steadying the shot. On the other end of the viewfinder was a beautiful russet fox, rooting through the forest undergrowth in search of prey. Steady, steady…
Just as it looked up, you took the shot. Amazing. The fox continued its search, still unaware of your presence for the moment. You lowered the camera, taking the instant picture from the slot and waving it to let it develop. When you looked at it, you swore it belonged on the cover of a nature magazine.
"Excellent framing."
You nearly startled and dropped the camera. "Geez!" you hissed, causing the fox to scurry into the brush, "Leshy…!"
He chuckled at your reaction. He did so relish sneaking up on you, it was so easy due to his command of the forest. "I suppose that answers what you are doing with my spare camera, then."
You frowned up at the huge figure beside you, but it was pretty hard to stay mad when his eyes were crinkled with amusement at you. Your frown turned to a smile as you lifted a small bag from your hip. "There were so many creatures around, I just wanted to give it a try," you explained, pulling out the other photos you'd deemed as keepers. A sparrow mid-flight, a school of fish in a shining stream, a rabbit alert from your presence, among others.
Leshy took them delicately from your hands, looking them over with an appraising eye. He hummed approvingly, singling out the bird photo. "You have a photographer's eye," he commented before lifting a brow, "Are you certain you aren't aiming to replace me?"
He pulled a laugh out of you with that. "I'd never dream of it," you replied, taking the photos he offered and putting them away. You smiled up at the Scrybe of Beasts. "You could always guide me, though. Learning at the elbow of the master should be interesting!"
He seemed intrigued by that. "Ah, flattery," he mused, then placed his broad palm on your head, "Fine, you have swayed me." Leshy let his hand drop, but not before brushing the back of one finger against your cheek subtly. "But you shall listen and obey, I will not repeat myself."
He was trying to act commanding, but his tone lacked that edge. He sounded more fond than anything. "Yes, sir Scrybe," you teased back.
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lovesickletters · 1 year
you write inscryption!? if it's alright, maybe a letter from grimora? sorry if you're not, there's just so little inscryption content that i got so excited when i saw it on your list. i love all your work so far, your letters are really captivating and all distinct!
💜𝒢𝓇𝒾𝓂ℴ𝓇𝒶 | ℒℴ𝓋ℯ𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓀 ℒℯ𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇💜
I do indeed! Excellent choice, I simply adore Grimora, the goth old lady💜 Sorry for the delay my love but here you go!
{Item Description: A wax-sealed parchment stamped with the insignia of a skull that crawls with the scent of death, but in a way that makes you feel comfortable…? Like a warm hug drowning out a bone-chilling shiver shot down your spine. The calligraphy is practiced and perfected, with not a smudge nor blot.}
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Hello my dearest, I admit I am quite enlivened to be using my quill for purposes aside from noting down the epitaphs of those that have passed to be transformed into cards, to be writing something far more optimistic in nature is quite a refreshing alteration. They do say a change is as good as a rest.
I admit I had no particular urgent reason for writing to you, the mood struck me all of a sudden and I found my quill itching to be used. Perhaps I find inspiration in the variety you bring to these death-ridden halls with your life. Magnificus the dear geezer doesn’t seem to quit going on and on about how death and life don’t mix well but I think you and I know better. Do come visit some time, would you? I could do with a change from the tedium, and we could chat over a cup of green tea perhaps?
All my love,
Grimora, Scrybe of the Dead.
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silverantagain · 2 months
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Part three of my celebration fanfics so, again, it's sfw! :]
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sarahreadsfic · 2 years
the narrator from the stanley parable as one of the scrybes in inscryption. this idea is not fleshed out at all but i just wanna see them interact so badly lol
he’s like leshy in terms of his flair for dramatics and how much he values storytelling, but the way he approaches it is so similar to how p03 approaches gameplay. he doesn’t just care about the story (if you pick up stuff around his set the way you do in leshy’s cabin and attempt to use it, he definitely would not let you the way leshy does. “no no no, where did you get that? that isn’t part of the game, i’m confiscating it--”). he cares about his ideal story. i could 100% imagine him ranting to grimora about the player not doing what he wants while she just sips tea and occasionally gives a noncommittal “hm.” narrator playtesting with leshy and giving each other comments and critiques on their stories, both civil and polite yet not taking ANY of each other’s advice. he’d absolutely have arguments with p03 just because p03 will needle him about his strategy and he HAS to defend it. i have no idea how he’d interact with magnificus other than not understanding how to play his card game and them being slightly judgmental about each other’s sense of aesthetics.
(also, i love the idea of the narrator’s cards all having references to the stanley parable. the adventure line™ with sprinter and bifurcated strike sigils, the bucket destroyer with steel trap and/or touch of death. the figurines are definitely cards though i have no idea what they would do. he gives you the option to choose the bucket as one of your starting cards, and he also gives unsolicited advice on which paths you should take whenever you play.)
honestly i mostly just wanna see the narrator and leshy hanging out
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beepboopbupbip · 1 year
So I saw a take on Leshy/P03 and their divorce so time for my overly angst filled take on it.
Leshy (at least in my opinions) is very possesive. Agree or disagree this is important in my theory
At first leshy was, well, normal. Still a dramatic narrator with everything. Would narrate their entire dates if P03 wouldn't shut him up with kisses. But normal. Issues were talked out and they were fine.
But then leshys own manipulative and possesive behaviors came out closer and closer to their wedding. To make myself clear this wasn't a bad thing entirely, leshy wanted to keep him close because he didn't want to lose him. But it got progressively worse.
Leshy would call him 20 times a minute whenever he would leave the house and try and keep him inside for as long as possible. He would talk bad about others that P03 might have considered friends before the scrybes started quarreling and he shut himself off. P03 was with leshy, usually swearing his undying love to him to help calm his troubles, almost every hour of the day.
And P03 never spoke up, because wanting to be around your partner was love, right?
Then the wedding day had come, Both of them absolutely gorgeous. (I'm drawing P03 in a wedding dress fucking watch me) and the entire time leshy wanted P03 to go nowhere from that point on, to secure that they would never be apart for a second.
So when they got home that day, that's when it happened. Rose petals on the bed, candle lights. P03 was in awe, even back then he couldn't believe any affection, even if they were literally just married, would ever be there for him nor would he deserve it. Leshy brought P03 to the bed, and his inscrybing camera was underneath it.
This is where it gets dark, violence warning.
It starts with leshy simply holding P03, massaging him as he giggles and pokes leshy a bit back, tracing around the plating gently. Leshys eyes would begin to circle around orange, not unlike he was in a trance.
The beast took a harsher tone with the machine, as it looked confused up at them. Scraping the metal with his fingernails despite its wincing. Splitting P03s dress in two, before carving its name into his frame. Opening his chassis and plucking wires apart, as if being picked apart like meat, as the machine simply cried.
An important component lost its connection and leshy smiled, pulling out his inscrybing camera. But he was unhappy with how the photo would look, P03s screen was off. The component was sloppily powered on again and P03 awoke with a gasp. Wanting to run, but knowing his components would just fall out, wanting to scream, but he was not in his factory, no one would hear from their cabin.
Leshy took the photo, a picture and a stoat card was made. The first scrybe to be reborn as a card. Then grimora, then magnificus. (but magnificus deserved it, fuck him)
As soon as they were released from those cards, P03 has shut down emotionally, repairing himself the best he could and limping back to his factory, every trace of leshy was gotten rid of. P03 no longer had a softer side.
He had turnt himself into one without emotions, pure focus on gaining control, control means he will not be hurt. No sympathy for the workers he once praised, no focus on making his game fun for the challengers. Nothing. Because if he let no one in he would never have to force someone out, crying and broken.
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gearfoeging · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could write something about a player that has a habit of biting their lips sometimes until they bleed? Its for any or all of the scribes whatever you feel really. Hope you have an awesome day
K but I actually do this all the time and it sucks! Also, I'm still getting used to writing down fics as apposed to just thinking about them so it turned out a little shorter than intended. Hope this fits what you where thinking, and you have an amazing day too!
Edit: again I was originally gonna write for all the scribes, but I had an idea for Mags first and then it just sorta kept going?? So here we go, Magnificus fic! I'm still open to doing the other scribes with this concept and this one isnt super long, but I figured it was getting too long to put the others in here.
"Just a little blood."
It was a bright and golden evening, light from the sunset spilling in through the windows of Magnificus' tower. It was the perfect setting to de-stress. In front of his canvas he stood, paining in silence, while you sat sunken into the collection of pillows and blankets you had piled under the window. You were tired and stressed, and the old wizard had a specific sort of quiet collectedness to him that you had been craving for the past few days. When you had come to visit him this afternoon in need of silent company, Mags simply handed you a small sketchbook and pencil and offered somewhere quiet to collect your thoughts; find some peace of mind.
So now you sat, cozy and warm, the stress and exhaustion of the last couple days easing off of your shoulders bit by bit. Your lip was still raw from having chewed on it all day, but hopefully the distraction of a pleasant atmosphere and the scratch of pencil on paper would keep you from breaking the skin.
It seemed that wasn't the case.
you had gotten so caught up in the rough sketch you were working on that you hadn't noticed how much your teeth began to absently worry at you lip until a sharp sting made you flinch. Mags paused his work when he heard your sudden shift, and peared over at you to see what had been so startling. What he saw was the slightly pained squint of you eyes and your hand partially covering your mouth.
"Are you alright?"
You jumped at his voice, snapping your gaze up to meet his. Perhaps you weren't as relaxed as you thought...
"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I'm alright... just..."
You looked back down to your fingers, now stained with small red blotches, and Mags followed your gaze.
"Is that blood? What happened?"
His voice was still calm and even, and he set down his brush, making his way over to you.
"Uh, it's just a little-" you had done this before, you didn't want to make a big deal of it. "-I bit my lip is all. Nothing serious."
He nealt down next to you, gently pulling your hand away from your face so he could see the injury.
"Now how did you manage that?"
You glanced away and shrugged
"Sorry. Bad habit."
Now that had been a surprise. Usually you acted as a neusence to him: leaning on him while he worked, pestering him with silly questions, making a ruckus and draining him of all his energy. He had actually gotten quite used to it. Despite your mission to annoy him day after day, for some time now he found your presence a reliable constant, and had even begun to find you endearing; charming in you own strange way. Occasionally you where sweet and gentle, bringing him fresh home baked goods, or dragging him outside when he locked himself in his tower for to Many days. But you where never so small and apologetic, shaking and stuttering. You had seemed a little off today but he figured you where just tired.
"Are you alright my dear?"
You met his eyes again, but this time a tinge of confusion swirled in you. He usually referred to you by your name, sometimes 'menace' or 'pest' or bother', but never 'my dear'.
"Yeah... uh, like I said, it's just a little blood."
You gave a quick, lopsided grin that didn't convince him you where at all okay.
"Of course, just a bit of blood. But are you alright?"
On repeating the question and giving you a moment to think it over, you seemed to realize what he was asking. As soft 'oh' escaped you as your sight drifted down to his hand that he hadn't pulled away and you where now holding. A moment later a deep, weary sigh that carried far to much weight deflated your chest and shoulders.
"It's, um... I'm alright. Just, stressed y'know? Few nights ago I didnt sleep much, insomnia, then I was overthinking everything and making myself anxious and so I didnt sleep much that night and... it, just sorta' made it self worse."
Magnificus never took you for the type to get anxious over nothing, you where always so bubbly and cheerful, a spark of fire and warmth in the dark. But he supposed everyone had bad days here and there, he had simply never seen yours.
"Hm, well that won't do."
He stood, slipping his hand out of yours, and turned to make his way to the back room.
You sputtered in confusion.
" I- you-... but-.... um, what?"
"What kind if tea do you like?"
He didn't even pause at your stuttered, incomplete question, simply continuing his pace to the doorway that lead to the small room he used for storage.
Then he did stop a few steps before he slipped out of view to the other room and turned just enough you fix you with a expectant gaze.
It came out as more of a question but he took it none the less and disappeared into the back room.
You sat there for few moments, completely lost in the Mage's sudden act of what you could only assume to be kindness (or perhaps pity) before a small quirk of a smile tugged at the edge of your battered lip. It still stung, but less now, and the bleeding had stopped.
You might have to get stressed more often if it meant a soft magician and a free cup if tea.
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helpfandom · 22 days
hello!! i saw you had requests open so i hope you don’t mind me asking for one :3 so what i was thinking was could you do a Yandere P03 (inscryption) x reader? can be platonic or romantic it doesn’t really matter whatever you wanna do! headcanons please, and for the premise just about like how it would act as a yandere and how he would treat the reader and how he would go about becoming a yandere for them :0? it would also be cool if you explored the games ending (where it ports into lukes computer) a little if you wanted to but tbh i’ll love anything you make because i am so desperate for content of this game ngl 😭 but you can go nuts! i don’t mind you adding some things, just have fun w it :D! thank you so much tehehehe!
The first part is roughly based off of my first playthrough, and I finally finished the game, It. Was. AMAZING!! OH MY GOODNESS. >.<
Call him AM the way this little freaky computer hates.
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Your friend, Luke Carder, was more than happy to let you play Inscryption first, especially after this person named... Amanda? showed up at his house. Anyway, you had the disk drive and could actually play it, so as long you gave him footage and the like, he had no issues with you playing it for him.
At first, he was moreso just happy to have someone finally playing the game again and get actually have the ability to do something after such a long time.
He was a little surprised when he felt you change the game and exit out and then back in when he said "Total Misplay" or anything along those lines, and even more intrigued when you actually listened to him when he mentioned more about the other scrybes.
He couldn't see you, no not yet, but he could at least watch your cursor as you hover over options in your hand and still can't choose. Of course, he got bored quickly, going back to thinking about how much he hates Leshy for forcing him into an organic body, and a stoat at that.
When he finally gets back into his robotic form due to your success in beating Leshy, he instantly connects himself to every part of your computer, quickly asserting himself to hear everything you say and even how you look. You look... not bad for a human. Of course, you'd look better Robot-ified, but still, not bad for a human.
He has mixed opinions on the scrybe you choose to replace, if it's Leshy, he's ecstatic about that, eager to see you destroy him, even if you destroy all of them technically, but he's so eager to watch Leshy's face for betrayal. If it's Grimora or Magnificus? He's okay with it, neutral about it. I mean, he knows it would suck about Grimora, she's very sweet and kind, but no big loss. But if you choose him?
He laughs to himself at your optimism, thinking you beat him? He's 4 steps ahead of you, always watching and all knowing, smarter and better than you. Well, you and that annoying guy you bring around sometimes to give him recordings.
'Luke', He agonizes over that name. He's insulted that you stick with a loser, a mere youtuber when the obviously better option is him. Doesn't matter if your feelings are romantic or platonic to your friend, he hates him.
He enjoys your shock when he takes over the game, relishing in your emotions and mixed feelings, and he enjoys your quick adaptation to the new world he created, for you. If he could, he would take you out of that stupid world separating you and just keep you with him when he does The Great Transcendence. You're the best player he's had for a long time...
Now, here there are several endings, one where he does what he wanted and uploads Inscryption to the internet fully, the original end of Inscryption but without Amanda, one where he finds a way to bring you here, one where he never fully dies, and one where you die instead.
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hexagonalhavoc · 2 months
Anything about a Lonely Wizard x winged reader that loves to fling him around in the sky? They kind of treat him like a dog with a chew toy, but if the dog was gentler, and had no teeth-
Play around with it if you want, maybe Reader is a bit silly. Maybe Reader is a bit goofy. Maybe all he is to them IS a chew toy 😈
Prized Possession
Lonely Wizard x Inhuman Reader 
[Author’s Note: I love this idea! This can be seen as either platonic or romantic. I also tried not to be too descriptive so you guys can have fun imagining what reader looks like but to me they’re a weird bird human combo like a harpy. Enjoy!]
     You belonged to no domain, underneath the command of no Scrybe. If this game is a puzzle then you’re a piece that fits no where. 
     Countless times you’ve tried to insert yourself within the game but everyone knows you’re not supposed to be here. You don’t fit Leshy’s aesthetics, you’re too alive for Grimora, too organic for P03, and too unruly for Magnificus. 
     The only one you have to call a friend is Rebecha, someone who understands the feeling of not belonging. But she’s too busy repairing bridges to hang out with you.
     And so you spend most of your time on a lonely place you call home. It’s the largest antenna on top of P03’s factory. You’ve decorated the structure with all sorts of things from all of the domains, an attempt to make this feel more homely but all the riches in the world couldn’t change that you’re the only one here. 
     Today is just like any other. You’ve decided to spend your time organizing your trinkets. You gently push another red gem with your hand into a pile with all the others. The gleaming gems and gold artifacts had to be your favorite thing to collect, you’d sneak into Magnificus’s temple frequently to see if you could get your claws on something shiny. Most of your extravagant collection is filled with things that look so pretty in the sun. You just can’t help it. 
     Your grand collection is something to be proud of and yet something feels like it’s missing. Within the inside of the metal rods that forms the structure there’s an empty spot, every time you tried to fill that spot it just felt wrong. Something special deserves to be there. 
     A huff leaves your lips as you gaze at that spot. It bothers you. You sit on one of the metal beams and let yourself fall back until you’re hanging upside down by your knees. The sun is starting to fall into the scenery, painting the clouds various hues of pink and orange. It’s a beautiful sight but there’s no one to share it with. You’ve always been alone but lately it’s been bothering you more than usual.
     Something flies over you and at first you’re willing to ignore it but you can see it circling the antenna and you realize that your arch enemy is back. A growl leaves your gritted teeth as your top lip is curls up into a snarl. Your wings spread out and flap several times to use the wind to push you back up. Your enemy is still circling but you wait patiently, your hands gripping the support beams as you crouch one of the platforms. Killing is not of an interest to you but you are territorial and you do know how to hunt. A part of hunting is being patient.
     Your enemy knows that you’re watching. Both of you are waiting for the other to make a move. 
     Then it swoops down. 
     It’s a lot smaller than you and is able to skillfully weave between the bars. You reach out to grab it but it moves too fast. Even though it’s gone as quick as it came you still notice that it stole something: Your most favorite gem. 
     A sound of frustration echoes in the silence of the landscape. “You greedy magpie!”
     In a moment you’re pushing yourself off from your claimed structure. Your wings spread out, the wind ruffles your feathers and keeps you in the air. Normally you didn’t have to deal with anything bothering because you were so high up. It made you forget that you shared these skies with these pests. You’ve never eaten a magpie before but you’re so angry you just want to sink your teeth into it.
     You have a larger wingspan that you can use to propel yourself forward but the magpie is much smaller than you. Every time you reach for it the bird manages to move away in the nick of time. Its stature also helps it weave through obstacles. It flies into the Scrybe of Beasts’ domain. The trees are grouped together so tightly that when you try to squeeze between two trees like you saw the magpie do, you slammed your wing against the tree. 
     A scream of both pain and frustration echoes throughout the scenic landscape. You fall to your knees, sitting there in the dirt for a moment before you start to angrily beat your fist against it. 
     “You haven’t won!” You scream out to the magpie who’s probably cozy in its next of treasures it has stolelen from you. 
     After your little outburst of anger you turn your head to look at your damaged wing. You flap your wings a few times to gauge how bad the injury is. It doesn’t look like anything is broken and you still have your full range of movement but it hurts like hell. If you want to fly painlessly you’ll have to stay low to ground. 
     But for now you decide that you would rather walk and let your wings rest up. The feeling of the dirt between your feet isn’t one you welcome but you don’t have much of a choice. You don’t really like it here. The sound of howling wolves and rustling in the bushes causes you to quicken your pace. To say you don’t like Leshy is an understatement. You tried to make friends with him once but it’s hard to talk with someone when they’re pointing a camera in your face.
     You’re able to navigate your way out and cross the bridge. Times like this really make you realize how much you take flying for granted. You intended to go back to your antenna but you still haven’t gotten over the loss of your precious gemstone. 
     Right across P03’s domain was magnificus’ temple. You could always sneak in and see if there’s anything new for you to steal. There’s no telling where he gets them from but frequently another artifact is added to his collection. Just the thought of getting your claws on another shiny thing causes you to move towards the temple. Usually you fly through one of the windows but given your current condition you should hold off. It’s not too much of a problem though as you’re good at sneaking around. 
     You manage to sneak in just fine but you’re disappointed. There’s nothing that looks worth taking and you’re starting to wonder if you wasted your time coming here. Maybe it would be better if you returned home so you could regain your strength and let your wing heal. 
     You’re about to leave but you see a door that you haven’t gone through yet. Usually the door is locked up with thick chains but today it’s bare. Your hand reaches for the door knob and you’re within the confines of a dark void. The first thing that catches your eyes is the forest green hat, and then the whites of someone’s eyes. Their figure almost blended in completely with the darkness.
     The figure approaches you at immense speed and your wings spread out in an attempt to make yourself look larger and more threatening. You assume that it’s going to attack but it stops right in front of you. its head cranes up to look at you and you bend your neck down to do the same. The hat makes the figure look taller but without it they probably don’t go any higher than your collarbone. 
     “At last…” The figure mumbles, the soft volume of its voice causes you to lean closer to hear what it’s saying. 
    It screams in your ear, causing you to reel back. Before you can trip over your own feet it grabs onto your clothing to keep you upright. It’s surprisingly strong for being so small. It looks at you with these huge eyes that remind you of a baby animal. 
     “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t meant to scare you! I just got so excited and-Wow! You have wings!? How fast can you go? Do you have to preen them? It looks like one of them is hurt.” You’ve always been told that you’re too hyper to keep up with but this being’s energy puts yours to shame. 
     It reaches out to touch your damaged wing and at first you’re hesitant. You assume that its touch won’t be very gentle but it surprises you by slowing the movements of its hand. The delicate touch makes you melt and lean closer. You’ve never had someone be this affectionate with you. 
     “What’s your name?” You ask the one who runs one of its hands through feathers, tracing the patterns. 
     “Lonely, I am one of the underlings of Magnifus  ” It responds in a less excitable tone. There’s something calming about petting your wings. It’s a soft sensation that it has never felt before. 
     A thoughtful hum leaves your throat at the name. You lift your head back up to look around the room. It appears to be only the two of you. 
     Lonely’s name makes you think of your current predicament. Then your face drops when you hear that familiar name. Out of all the people Magnificus has to be your least favorite. Being around him and his insufferable attitude is enough to make anyone mentally exhausted. He always has a reason to be cruel to another person. 
     “He just…locked you away in a dark room?” You question with a raised brow. It didn’t surprise you but it was still such a harsh thing to do to someone. 
     “It’s a test and there is a chance that I may be rewarded by gracing his legendary deck…” Lonely starts to trail off. In the beginning, he was willing to do anything for his Scrybe but he’s been in locked in that dark room for so long. He’s had to time to reflect and on what he really wants: And it isn’t being another tool to be used. He would much rather roll in the grass, feel the sun on his skin, take a sip of water. Anything is better than what he went through. 
     “…But I don’t care about that anymore.”
     Lonely looks down and you feel bad for him. It appears that both of you have a similar problem of being unsure of how to live in the confines of this game. It was so cutthroat, it wasn’t made for you guys. 
     You’ve never really comforted anyone before but you don’t like seeing him slumped over like a kicked puppy. You crouch down take the rim of his hat inbetween your teeth to take it off his head. That sudden action causes him to laugh as he attempts to grab his hat but you go back to standing up so he can’t reach it. 
     “Hey! Give it back!” He laughs as he jumps to try and get his hat. But you don’t let him. A smile spreads on your face as you start to run. Your new friend joins the pursuit. 
     The sound of clattering and crashing could be heard. Both of you knock over objects as you chase each other around like two rabid dogs. There’s a burning sensation in your lungs and your cheeks hurt from laughing but you don’t think you ever want to stop. You don’t think you’ve ever had this much fun with someone. 
     Once Lonely stops then you stop as well, both of you sit on one of windowsills to look at the world around you. It’s nighttime now. Your body is tired but your mind still has so much energy. 
     You stand up on the windowsill and test your wings by flapping them a couple of times. Your damaged wing still hurts but you have a better range of movement, it’s healing fast. At first the thought of leaving your new friend makes you sad but then you come to a realization. 
     “You’re coming with me.” The intention is not to be demanding but you’re not sure how else to talk to him. All you know is that you want him in your collection. The only things you put into your collection are things that you like and you like Lonely so it makes sense that he would be among your possessions, doesn’t it? 
     Lonely doesn’t mind too much as there’s nowhere else for him to go. Everywhere else he would just be seen as a nuisance but for some reason you like him and he likes you too. You’re so fun and free, everything he’s wished to be. 
     “To where?” He asks as he looks up at you stretching your winds. You look so nice bathed in the light of the moon and the stars.
     “It’s the coolest place you’ll ever see. It’s super high up so no one will bother us.” The thought of showing your new companion everything you’ve collected over the past few years makes you giddy. You’re sure that he’ll love your collection just as much as you do. “Have you ever been above the clouds? I know you’ll love it.” 
     Lonely’s head tilts up towards the sky. It’s pretty clear except for the thin slivers of clouds. He could already imagine the feeling of the wind rushing past him, to see how small everything looks when he’s up high. 
     “But what about your wing?” He asks but you just shrug, grabbing onto his hand and tugging him to stand up on the windowsill with you. 
     “I’ll be fine! Just hang onto me.” You smile warmly at him and for a moment he already feels like he’s high above the clouds. 
     Lonely stands on the tips of his toes and wraps his arms around your neck. Your arms wrap around him and once you’re sure that he’s secure you start leaning forward until gravity takes over and both of you fall off the windowsill. You’re used to the feeling of your stomach dropping but he isn’t. A little shriek comes from him and you have to stop yourself from laughing.
     Your wings extend out and push against the air, bringing you both higher into the air. It’s normal for you to twirl around while you fly but now you’re doing it to impress your friend who has both their arms and legs wrapped around you like a koala. His shrieks begin to turn into laughter as you dive up and down, taking the long route to get to your destination. You don’t want to stop and you’re sure he doesn’t to either. 
     But with your injured wing and the exhaustion of flying long periods of time you finally stop at a large antenna that is your home. You grab onto the bars and settle on the platform. Even though Lonely lets go of you he’s still giggling, his eyes creased up in delight. 
     “That was amazing!” He pumps his arms out as he nestles in a free spot in between your treasures and you almost let out a squeal of excitement. 
     You’ve finally found something to occupy that empty spot. 
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Dynamic Duo 
Platonic P03 x Child Reader 
[Author’s Note: I’m sorry this is not of the best quality. It’s just something I spat out. Enjoy it nonetheless]
     P03 never considered himself good with kids. In fact, he disliked them a lot. They were loud and he didn’t need their grubby disgusting little fingers near his sensitive wiring. 
When he was turned into a stoat things took a turn for the worst. Unlike the others he wasn’t spared by being locked away safely. He was used game after game. Of course Leshy would do this, the pettiest of revenge. The only thing he could do was wait for a challenger to come by. They hated relying on other people but what other choice did they have? They couldn’t stay like this forever. 
When the door opened it felt like a twinge of hope in his sea of anger. He could only  hope the challenger would listen to his words, that they would be competent enough to get him the hell out of here. When they saw that they’re one way ticket out of the musty shack, all its hopes disappeared when eyes locked on the small figure that shuffled inside the cabin, looking around awestruck. 
Was this some sort of sick prank? It was so screwed, it might as well kiss freedom goodbye. 
The child must have had some intelligence in order to beat the Prospector, Angler, and the Trapper but he still didn’t have much trust in the child that had to sit on their knees in the chair in order to see the table clearly. 
They were surprised to see you actually had some skill. You had strategy instead of placing down cards on a whim, you always kept the Stoat and Leshy guessing what your next move would be. You knew which sigils to apply or how to improvise with the undesirable cards in your deck. You had even managed to get Grimora and Magnificus out of their cages. 
Of course he was still as snarky as ever and because you were a child there was always something to improve on but he couldn’t fault your skill as much as he wished he could.
“This is stupid.” The Stoat snapped at you. “Why’d you place that card down?” You had gotten used to the remarks and they had ended up being easier to shrug off. “Watch.” You silence it with one word. Once you place your last card down your tiny hand slammed on the bell and your cards lurched forward. Incredible, Leshy’s side of the scale was down completely. 
P03 couldn’t wait until he was out of this dreaded body. He was sure you’d like his spin of the game a lot more. 
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healerelowen · 10 months
Hello hello! Back again with some stuff!
You have no idea just how long I was waiting for someone to ask me this. But for some reason I can't find the ask in my inbox. I don't think I deleted it, so I'm not sure where it could've gone.
But anyways, this was requested from someone so whoever requested hi hello here's the stuff you asked me for :)
I hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your day/night!
-Scrybes with a reader who’s getting gray hairs-
Leshy is able to pick up that you're growing in gray hairs fairly quickly. He’s quite observant and tends to notice a lot of things about people that others would usually miss. 
With that said, this results in Leshy just..staring at you..trying to pinpoint which area is becoming more gray than the other. Not in a weird way, of course, he’s merely watching your telltale sign of aging growing more and more as time goes on. 
He doesn’t necessarily make comments on it, he does point it out the first time he notices though. Whether or not you noticed before he did depends, but otherwise he doesn’t say anything about it. Why make such a fuss over something that is simply a sign of aging? 
If you were to be a bit self conscious about your gray hairs, then Leshy is certainly quick to reassure you. Simply telling you that there is nothing for you to worry about, and that the process was only natural in all life. Even wolves get gray around their muzzles at some point, so you are no different. He will try as best as he possibly can in his own Leshy way to help you feel better, either by incorporating your aging state into his game in a more euphoric way or perhaps showing you an elder beast or two to show you that there’s nothing outlandish about your predicament. 
This does not stop him from treating you the same as ever, a small quip here and there but little else. You’re simply growing with time, just as much as any life that graces the Earth. But at the end of the day, he still sees his precious challenger just as much as when you first met. 
Grimora is another that’s quick to catch on that you’re growing in gray hairs. In fact, she’s rather elated at the news! It only brings her great joy that you are showing your age more prominently, though she won’t force you to enjoy it with her, but not without providing some insight to hopefully give some food for thought. 
She doesn’t point it out immediately after she notices for the first time, only if you don’t after some time passes. A simple, “Have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately, dear?” is probably what she would say in regards to pointing it out, but definitely in a more polite sense than if you took it out of context. Like Leshy, she doesn’t make a huge deal about it. Sure, she’s glad to see it, but she won’t push her limits especially if you’re uncomfortable.
Speaking of which, if you were feeling self conscious about it, Grimora is also quick to help regenerate your mood, although likely not as immediate as Leshy. To help you feel better, she would likely give you reassuring words and general comfort. Perhaps she would even guide you to her special mirror and point out just how lovely you look with gray hairs, explaining that whatever effects of aging show on your body, don’t affect just how much she loves and cares about you. She would also ask a few of her ghouls who definitely would have had such gray hairs about it and gain some reassurance from an outside party to further prove her point. 
Grimora loves the slight situation that you have, seeing it as nothing more but a shining example of just how resilient you’ve been throughout the years to get to this point in your life. 
“Haha old.”
P03 would undoubtedly say that the minute he notices. Of course, he doesn’t exactly mean to be rude entirely, but it definitely is to tease you at least a little bit. If that wasn’t enough, he makes sure to comment on it almost every single day afterwards. It only upticks the teasing and banter that was already being tossed around preemptively. Unless of course you say otherwise, in which case he will respect that with a slight huff. 
He certainly comments on it the most out of the four by a long shot. In fact, most of the insult humor is based around you and becoming older with gray hairs. He just will hardly ever stop running its voice box about it until the day it rusts over.
 On that note, he can’t help but feel at least a little anxious. As he knows that you’re only inching closer and closer towards death and that your discoloring hair is only a sign that your time is just barely starting to wrap up. But like hell he would actually admit that to anyone, no matter their relationship with it, they’re not getting a single word out of it. 
If you’re feeling self conscious about your gradual change in appearance, there’s not much that P03 can provide. But what he can do is give you someone to lean on and talk to, in which case it can provide a bit more verbal comfort and show that softer side of him that it otherwise would keep hidden away. He can’t exactly compare and show you that aging like this is normal via real demonstrations, but the words of reassurance definitely help make up for that.
P03 honestly, truly, doesn’t care about the fact that your hair is growing gray, it just loves to be a bitch about it and tease you nonstop or whenever it gets the chance given the circumstance. 
Magnificus doesn’t really notice a whole bunch, but that might be because he already saw it beforehand. He points it out if you don’t but in a more subtle comment that could be compliments if you look at it a certain way. Something along the lines of, “A new splash of color, dear?” 
Compliments it a lot. Doesn’t let you feel self conscious about it. Well, not entirely, he’ll let you feel what you want to feel, but definitely doesn’t let emotions weighing you down based on appearance alter your perception of yourself. 
Though like P03 he does get highly anxious about your aging. He knows that one day you’ll go, it’s going to happen, even if he hasn’t had a vision about it yet, and he dreads the day it will happen. He loves and cares about his darling too much to just let them go on such short notice, even if a few strands of gray hair are only the very brinks of the beginning of that process. It could be like a few streaks and he’d still be a nervous wreck. You might have to help him through it from time to time depending on how bad it is. 
If you were more strongly feeling self conscious about your gray hairs, he will first try and over some encouraging words. “I don’t see anything even remotely wrong, my dear, I only see a few new strokes of unique coloring on something that will always be gorgeous.” Is something that he would likely say. If that doesn’t work, then he resorts to actively doing something with you to show you that there really isn’t anything wrong with your appearance. If that doesn’t work, then he takes you to his students to get their thoughts. And if even that doesn’t work, then he’s down to his last resort; Magnificus is going to take you by the hand all the way to Grimora’s just for her to prove his point.
Magnificus will go to extensive lengths for you, more than he has ever done with anyone, ever. That’s just because he loves you so much, and doesn’t want you to lose sight of who you always were, youthful or aging.
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faetaiity · 2 years
Imagine meeting the Scrybes after finishing the game, they just fucking appear in your house, there are really only two ways this can go *One; You didn’t know they were sentient while playing This Path probably ends up with you hitting One of the Scrybes with a baseball bat, A lot of curse words and two parties involved being injured  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You walked out of the bathroom; your PC had randomly crashed after finishing inscryption, the game was odd, Often the characters making jabs at you, and right before the game crashed, you saw a text dialogue saying something for a split second before your pc going black; Your dumbass self didn’t catch it, only seeing the colored text.
You hear rather frantic whisper yelling from someone, you assume, is an Intruder, you only hear the words “dumbass” and “why did you move it?!” quietly walking back to your room; You picked up the metal baseball bat beside your bed, unfortunately, your messy room hid many items, Including the little figurines that were leaning beside the Bat.
you started cursing inside your head, hearing multiple footsteps coming up the stairs, Adrenaline making you act quickly as you hid right beside the door frame, hearing them open the door made you instantly swing the bat; you hear a loud screech and someone tumbling over, you also hear.... Snickering?
“wh- HEY?? DON’T HIT US YOU JACKASS” as much as the voice tried to sound commanding, there was some suppressed giggling underneath.
what the fuck
You peek out and see those characters you met in that rather chaotic Game;
eyes turn to look at you, instantly making you freeze. 
Hearing some groaning, you looked down, seeing the character from the first act of the game; Leshy, on the floor, holding his chest, Another Character, Grimora stepped around him to get in front of you; Making you realize, that the characters were fucking massive
compared to you, you hear Leshy sucking in air before getting up, now you had four Scrybes looking down at you. You, of course, Panicked and slammed the door shut and locked it, after realizing how stupid that was of you to do, you mumbled silently “that went fucking great...”
. . . . . . . . CRASH
you screeched as you fell over, hitting something that you didn’t see, Looking behind you; you see a hand that had broke through the door, unlocking your doorknob and coming in, You moved onto your back and attempted to sit up but your arms felt like they were burning, You sucked in air before everything went black
~~Leshy P.O.V~~
“you dumbass why did you have to break the door?!” P03 shouted as grimora put the unconscious human on the sofa; You glared at them and stated “it was a reflex, I did not mean to injure them.” ”Way to go, doing that, They’re still bleeding even with your intentions!” P03 said, with venom dripping from their words, You sigh, all of you waiting for the Challenger to wake up.
*Two; You knew they were sentient
you are on okay terms with the Scrybes and meet them unexpectedly, but a lot less aggressive
You sighed as your PC crashed, mildly annoyed, you decided to lay down on your bed, deciding to take your mind off your PC crashing while you were talking to the Scrybes... ‘even now, I still think that’s weird, talking with game characters’ you thought, you had first started talking with Leshy in Act I, later having conversations with the cards and bosses
“This game is bullshit! WHY do you need to summon EIGHT FUCKING BEARS” you growled out into the nothingness, not expecting an answer. “Simply to make sure you play fair.” a voice stated, Amused. You were startled and, being the graceful swan you are, leaned back and fell. “What the FUCK” you screeched as you scrambled to get back up; you snatched your baseball bat and looked around frantically, hearing small snorts and giggles didn’t help “Calm down, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” the voice sighed; Snapping your head to your PC, you see the GameMaster tilting his head, despite only seeing his eyes, you can see his expressions pretty damn well, you see him staring so you compose yourself. “Damn you exist??” You asked, surprised, before mentally cursing yourself out for such a dumb question “I am definitely not fake, my name is Leshy, and you?” he politely asked “(Y/N).....” you mumbled, cautiously putting down the baseball bat and fixing your chair; setting in it “An Interesting name” he said, making you confused. “thank.... you..?” “Now then, play your cards right, and I won’t have to summon ‘eight fucking bears’“ he smirked
Thinking of that first meeting paved the way for much, much weirder ones, However, there weren’t as startling as the first. You sighed as you scrolled YouTube, watching YouTubers play Inscryption; Despite the game being an ARG, it somehow actually gained Sentience, Which was definitely scary. You heard your PC turn back on, snapping your head over to your PC, you see it turn bright white before seeing a fucking HAND coming out of it “WHAT THE ABSOLUTE GOD-FEARING FUCK” you screeched as you grabbed the pocketknife you had recently bought and getting off your bed, you stood up, in a defensive position. The one hand became many as one pair grabbed the edges of your screen and pulled a figure out ‘is that fucking leshy, oh my god what the fuck whatthefuck’ you screamed on the inside, more figures pulled themselves out as you recognized them as the other Scrybes “Greetings, (Y/N)” Grimora said, Smiling and waving “H-hi Grimora” you stuttered, absolutely scared shitless, and- ‘oh my fucking god they’re massive what the fuck why are they so big-’ another figure, Magnificus stepped in front of you, snapping you out of your thoughts, “Hmm, your kind, Humans, are tiny” he stated while he stared at you intensely, making you shrink into yourself, before you feel Grimora pick you up and gently take the knife from you; Not being able to handle any more stress and fear, you fainted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AAAAAA I’M NOT GOOD AT WRITING BUT PRACTICE IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET GOOD SO *FUCKING DIES* also I would love critique on this but please be civil man-
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kakusu-shipping · 3 years
My love language is gift giving so I kinda like the idea of each of the scribes just giving their challenger small gifts and items whenever they visit, mostly because its nice to see them happy and flustered by the gift but also partially in like a display of possession if that makes sense? Like little trinkets, rare cards and custom pieces
I also wonder how they'd react to the challenger gifting to them too? Just a whole bunch of presents for the scribes, my beloveds ♡
Anon I am BEGGING you to write your own fics because I can do nothing with this but would LOVE to read it??? Good god the idea of giving the Scrybes things is overwhealming actually...
So like, Leshy would love anything gifted to him, yeah? He's already all about the clutter of his cabin, so as long as it doesn't break aesthetic he'll be happy with just about anything. He's one who if you gave him a rock because you thought it looked pretty he'd put it up on a shelf and praise it every day. He'd do the same right back to you too?? Please take this pinecone look how small it is tiny tiny pinecone. He loves to just press little things into your hand.
Grimora loves clothing gifts, get her an outfit and she'll have to put it on right away and show it off to you so you can compliment how it looks on her. You could also bring her like. A bone you found. A squirrel corpse from Leshy's woods. And she would be over the moon. Yes bones!!! Bodies!!! Very fun. Little fabrics and ribbons as well I could see being good. Teas and chocolates as well. Flowers... Yeah she'll take about any gift, it's really the thought that counts to her.
P03 is going to turn down anything you try to hand him with a little scoff and a "I don't need that junk". Basically anything. He'll probably take things that are actually useful in every day life. A new tool kit, scrap parts, metal shine and cleaners. He's picky, and has no use for trinkets or knickknacks, and he'll turn down a gift if he doesn't see its usefulness.
And on that note, Magnificus might be the same way? He wants something that has a use, actual purpose, but unlike P03 he was raised polite and knows better than to turn down a thoughtful gift. He'll keep things he doesn't have use for in storage in the tower's basement. If he really really likes the player though, all gifts from them are useful as they are inspiration or reference for his latest art piece, which also gives him a good excuse to stare at them for unreasonable amounts of time.
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silverantagain · 2 months
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*shaking him like a dog shaking a well loved chew toy* MAGNIFICUS FIC
(It's the last in my celebration series! It's sfw :] )
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languor-em · 3 years
Here it is!!! The Grimora x Reader that was WAY harder to write than it had any right being. Did I go through like,, thre separate ideas before I finally found one I liked?? Yes. Was it a self indulgent idea with a knight reader?? Absolutely.
Am I going to force it down y'all's throats? Yes. Yes I am.
Anyway I love Grimora so much she deserves so much more love than I see her getting.
Also!! General warning for gore and mentions of death because I'm a dramatic person
L'appel Du Vide (Grimora x GN!Reader)
In which it is not yet your time to go.
You could not remember how you got here.
Past a certain point everything was just… blurry. Faint and quickly fading impressions rather than clear and distinct imagery. You could remember grey- the clashing of steel and the shouts and screams of others. You could remember running towards something, something that felt like destiny. You could remember screaming out with bared teeth- burn, butcher! Burn!
You could barely remember the heat of battle, only faintly visualize the face of the one who had wronged you so long ago. You could hardly remember what it had felt like when your sword had pierced through their armor, ripping flesh and tearing a garbled scream from their throat. And you could only barely feel where their own weapon had cut you deep- had taken a chunk out of you.
You had collapsed, fading in and out of consciousness with only the fading warmth of vengeance finally satisfied to keep your spirit alive.
You thought maybe that the battle had ended, though you were not sure which side- if any- were victorious.
You could not remember how you got here.
Alone, cold, laying on your back on the cold ground. Your failing vision could barely process movement, could only really notice the shades of stormy grey and deathly purple that had taken over the battlefield. If you were even still on the battlefield, that was. You exhaled in a trembling sigh, closing your eyes for a moment and allowing an armored hand to rest lightly on top of your oozing wound. Your ears were ringing, everything surrounding you sounding as though it were beneath a good few feet of water. Your helmet had been removed- when had you done that? A cold breeze playing across your exposed face and drawing a weak shiver from your form. You were cold- colder than you had ever been. You feared that you would never be warm again- not with ice clinging to your bones they way it was now.
You forced your tired eyes open again, faintly aware of shadowy spectres wandering with no direction. You imagined you would join them soon, just another soul lost to battle. Just another epitaph for death to record- one of hundreds.
You inhaled, a strangled cry catching in your throat as your wound pulsed with fire. It burned, icy fire spidering up your veins and piercing your temples. You coughed, your whole body lurching with the effort and your eyes leaking pained tears. You tried not to sob, you really did, but the fear of your situation was finally sinking in.
You were dying.
You had anticipated it. Expected it- welcomed it, even. But now that you were here, death’s heavy embrace weighing down your whole form, you were terrified.
You didn’t want to go.
Retribution had left you feeling empty now that the hour for it had passed. Empty, and oh so very cold. What had it been worth? Surely not your life- not the hours you had spent training until your hands bled and until you collapsed from exhaustion. Surely not all the blood you had spilled, both your own and others’. You had dedicated yourself completely towards revenge, towards absolution. And what had it all been for, in the end?
This was not what you wanted your legacy to be. This is not what you wanted your gravestone to say. You did not want to die a bitter, angry person. You did not want to die having not truly lived.
This was not how you wanted to be remembered.
“Then how would you like to be remembered, my dear?”
You gasped, a nearly silent sound, your eyes once again fluttering open, though not without some considerable effort. It took a moment, but your shaky vision finally focused enough to see the woman knelt before you- her expression soft and her smile kind. The wrinkles gilding her face spoke of years of joy and laughter, a distinct wisdom shining through- the likes of which you had never seen before. Her eyes, while visually empty, glowed softly both literally and figuratively as she gazed down upon your battered, ruined form.
It took a long moment before you could reply, your voice weak and trembling with effort, “I am… not sure. There really isn’t anything else.”
You knew this woman, how could you not? You had seen statues of her, had read poems, stories, first-hand accounts describing her and the other three Scrybes. Everyone knew the face of death, knew her name. You were no exception.
What you had not accounted for was Grimora being far more beautiful than you could have even begun to imagine.
“Is that truly the case?” She murmured, her face moving a little closer to your own and a gentle hand brushing away the hair that stuck to your forehead, “Because I am certain that there is more to your story than this.”
You smiled, laughing breathily and allowing your heavy eyelids to close once more, “I’m afraid not, my lady. I am merely just another soul consumed by anger.”
You could not open your eyes as her hand came to rest gently on your cheek, far too exhausted to look upon her again. You could feel your life bleeding from you like wine pouring from a glass, your breaths becoming increasingly more labored and your heart sounding louder and louder in your ears. You did not react as you felt her remove the chest piece of your armor, deft fingers making quick work of the worn buckles and straps. Her other hand came to rest upon the quilted fabric of your tunic, just above your weeping wound, gentle as a moth’s fluttering wing.
“Oh, but there is, my dear,” her voice was a whisper, though it wove through your mind and drowned out everything else, “There is far more to your story than just vengeance. There is more to you than just that.”
You managed to crack open your eyes one more time, your breathing quiet and ragged. She leaned closer towards your face, the hand on your cheek tracing a gentle path with its thumb. She smiled, an expression you could only dare to describe as loving, the curled wisps of hair framing her face tickling your cheeks. Her presence was all-consuming, drowning out everything else. Fear, pain- everything except for the here and now.
“No,” she said, her voice sounding like honey on a warm piece of fresh bread, “No, there is more to you than that. And I look forward to learning exactly what that is.”
Your lips parted, your words dying on your tongue as her other hand rested entirely on the gaping wound in your side. It did not hurt, surprisingly enough, the icy heat beginning to fade away into a dull throbbing. A question caught in your throat, your body too exhausted to make hide nor hair of anything that was going on. But Grimora merely smiled, seeming to know exactly what was flitting through your mind.
“It is not yet your time to go, my dearest. Not for a long while yet.”
And with that she pressed a soft, chaste kiss to your forehead, lingering for a long moment before pulling away. Your eyes fluttered closed once more despite your best efforts to the contrary, the exhaustion you had been fighting finally pulling you under and into darkness. But it was not a cold, empty darkness. No- this was warm. This was comforting. This was the first time you had truly rested in… Stars only knew how long.
And you were resting still when you were finally found laying next to your vanquished foe, your wound having stopped its bleeding and color beginning to return to your cheeks. Your breathing was ragged, your heart-rate shaky at best- but you were alive.
You still had a story to tell, after all.
And death would await your tale with bated breath.
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