#Ashe Durand / Ashe Ubert
pandagyoza · 4 years
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starlitcrows · 5 years
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sorry this one is ver sketchy anon, but here ya go
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currantlee · 4 years
Rank all of the Ashe ships from best to worst, with explanations (OT3s not necessary, unless you want to include them)
Alright, let’s do this :) In order to keep it a little simple, I’ll only list people Ashe actually supports with, so if you want to know about another specific shipping which doesn’t have a canon support, feel free to ask away. I will also not include OT3s since I don’t know any in particular for Ashe, I’ll admit that… Also, I assume you are talking about shippings in a romantic sense, so I will treat this from the romantic perspective.
Keep in mind that this is entirely my own opinion. If your opinion differs from my own, then that is totally fine with me and I am not looking to insult or contradict you. Also, I am open for discussion about all of these, so feel free to send me a message :) This is also not to say that everyone who likes a ship I dislike for some reason is a bad person. Everyone is free to like or dislike whatever they want and it’s part of what makes us different from each other. I think being different is awesome because if we were all the same… We wouldn’t need to talk, would we?
As always with me, this is going to be a long post and therefore I am hiding the actualy content behind the Keep Reading button, just to not bother anyone in the tags. So buckle up and keep reading if you want to :)
Ashe&MarianneSeriously, those two are just really cute in my opinion. I mean, even Ashe calls Marianne cute in their C-Support (and he actually gets flustered about it - Shannon McKain really nailed that one!). I also really like how much Ashe tries to make her appreciate herself more and even offers to find her dream together with her when she is sad she doesn’t have one, which shows how much of a good person he is. In their ending, it turns out that Marianne made supporting and helping Ashe out her dream and quite honestly? She is the best person for it. She knows about all the things Ashe doesn’t, politics in particular, and in fact, they are supporting each other. Which is how it should be.
Ashe&HapiWhile their supports don’t strike me as being as romantic and cute as Ashe’s and Marianne’s support does, they do have an ending that makes me squeal: Ashe promises to make sure Hapi never sighs again. Which is just too cute to put into words! Hapi also cares about Ashe from their first support onward, which she shows in her very Hapi way, so it’s also not a one-sided relationship. Especially because she makes up for one of Ashe’s biggest flaws: he can be overly trusting and good-hearted, which tends to get him into trouble. Also, Hapi calling Ashe “Freckles” is just something to add to the cuteness. So yeah. It works just as fine as Ashe&Marianne in my opinion and quite frankly, depending on what kind of story I want to write, I’d probably prefer it over Ashe&Marianne.
Ashe&IngridThey both love books, they both strive to be knights and seriously, Ashe is the only male person aside from Dimitri who isn’t straight out chastized by Ingrid in some way. This would basically be the perfect fairytale if you ask me and it is what I love about this shipping: Ashe is a commoner, Ingrid doesn’t want to marry (at least not the ones her father wants her to marry). If I would ever write a fanfiction which is fairytale-like… Out of all fandoms, those two would definetly be the main characters! And yes, not even Sokai can beat the fairytale potential here, sorry Sokai.
Ashe&PetraYou can’t deny those two have romantic interactions. I mean, Ashe takes her out for dinner, which is painted as a romantic action within this game. Also, their A Support is just… Petra is going to do everything to make him stay with her, isn’t she? However, it is actually also where my problem with these two resides: they have too much going on. It just feels a little bit awkward to me personally and while I do think a romantic relationship would definetly be interesting if written well. If I should write a story including this shipping, I’d probably pick a CF-like setting to be honest.
Ashe&AnnetteThose two have a lot in common, but not too much in common. Quite frankly, I just love shipping cinnamonrolls together and these two are no exception to this. You have to admit it is cute how Ashe gets over his fear of the dark and ghosts to get Annette’s doll back from that tower… Plus, they were shown together in the introduction cutscene. However, I can’t really think of a specific scenario for a fanfiction including this shipping, which is why they ended up in the fifth spot.
And yes, I am aware we are pretty straight up until here. I am not a “straight pairings exclusively!” type of person, but it’s just not my cup of tea when it comes to Ashe. His relationships with other males just don’t really strike me as cute or romantic, mainly because Ashe strikes me as being a good friend to other males. So, sorry, but no yaoi in the Top 5.
Ashe&CasparI just can’t imagine those two kissing to be honest XD But I can definetly see why people ship them. Quite frankly, if those two were romantically involved, it would probably be a very good relationship, despite their ideals often straight out contradicting each other. They have this amazing ability to settle almost every dispute because they just hold this great respect and acceptance for each other. Plus, at heart they are actually not that different: both want to bring justice to the world and are really good people. They just have different ways. I honestly prefer them as buddies (also because I happen to ship Caspar with Hilda), but I can see their potential.
Ashe&CyrilIt would be a great romantic shipping - if it wasn’t for the fact that Ashe pretty much friendzones Cyril in their A support. Another point which makes me a bit rejective of that shipping is the fact how Ashe continues to care about Cyril over and over again, but Cyril doesn’t care that he does and he doesn’t even care about Ashe until his life might be in danger. I mean, after that there is room for some good romance, but until they get there it’s kind of a weird friendship if you ask me. So yeah. I think Ashe and Cyril do make great friends and would have romantic potential in the right hands, but they are a bit difficult in my opinion and there is just way better options, even in the “Can see this happening but probably won’t write it myself” kind of department.
Ashe&DedueAgain, I can see why people ship these two. They also got a lot of stuff in common and Ashe approaching Dedue despite initially being scared of him is just adorable. Their A Support is also a really great one and I get why people interpret it as romantic - because Dedue really cares about Ashe here and it is generally very adorable! The problem I have with these two though is that I really see Dedue caring for Ashe more on a family-like level, not a romantic one. But that’s just me. Again, I can definetly see why people ship it.
Ashe&MercedesOkay, so… Mercedes is just this character I don’t really ship with anyone (maybe, very maybe Sylvain, but that’s it), because she is just stuck in this big sister role in my head and I’d feel very awkward shipping her with Ashe for this reason.
Ashe&FelixSort of the same as the previous two ones, but worse. The thing is, Felix and Ashe have this relationship Felix and Glenn supposedly had: Ashe idolizes Felix, just as Felix supposedly used to idolize Glenn back when he was still alive. And Felix, though initially having problems with that, actually lets him idolize after he reads the story Ashe gave him, the story Glenn used to read to him. I feel like Felix was reminded on Glenn by Ashe (and also reminded on his younger self), which is why he asked himself what Glenn would do in this situation and acted like Glenn would have acted back when Felix was a child. And while this is absolutely heartwarming, it just destroys each and every romantic vibe for those two to me.
Ashe&DimitriJust because a knight serves his king and I feel like Ashe would be pretty awkward with an relationship for that reason, even if Kyphoon and Loog were romanticaly involved (which we don’t know and there are some hints that Loog might have had a romance with a maiden as well). It just diverts too much from the ideal he is striving to become in my opinion.
Ashe&SylvainSomehow manages to have even less romantic tension than Ashe&Dimitri, despite Sylvain not being king. The thing is… Ashe seems uncomfortable with Sylvain even when they are just friends. He doesn’t despise him, but he doesn’t approve of many of Sylvain’s actions, while Sylvain is also quick to exploit Ashe’s good heart. A romantic relationship involving these would probably turn out toxic for this reason, which is why I am fine with them being friends, but not them being romantically involved with each other.
Ashe&CatherineSame as with Sylvain, but here it’s actually worse because Ashe holds a grudge against Catherine. Of course, those can fade with time, but Ashe even explicitly states that he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to forgive her, even knowing how she feels about Christophe’s death and regrets her actions every day.
Ashe&BylethI like to think Byleth emotionally adopts Ashe (in the German version of the game, Byleth even has the option to tell Ashe that he is a good boy, which is usually something parents tell their children, but not lovers tell their partners) after Lonato dies and acting as a parent replacement of sorts. On top of that, Ashe explicitly tells Byleth that he looks up to them, but doesn’t care for them in a romantic way. So this is just a no-no for me.
Did I forget something? Hmmm… *thinking hard and looking up the Wiki page*
Ashe&GilbertThe fact that I don’t even remember including this probably speaks volumes… Also, I just generally think that it would be a bit creepy considering Gilbert is married and Ashe is the cinnamonroll he is. I’m fine with them being friends and Gilbert teaching Ashe stuff, but romantically it’s just a big no-no to me.
And here we are :) This is my ranking. If you feel something is missing or want to know more about a particular one, feel free to send me an ask!
And now, thank you for your ask, Vee! It was a lot of fun to answer and I think I also learned something new about my shipping taste, just because I had to dive deeper into why I like / dislike a certain ship. So, thank you a lot!
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starlitcrows · 5 years
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floof intensifies.
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