#Assigning flowers to Malevolent characters
mx-paisley · 4 months
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close up shots below
I rendered it sketchbook style !! honestly i really love how this turned out. I'll make more art in this style again
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sixty-silver-wishes · 2 years
So I need to talk about my "Caligari" interpretations in a long-form ADHD ramble
If you've seen my blog, you're probably aware I am Completely Normal about the 1920 film "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari." And this is one of those films that has been analyzed to hell and back, so if you're a dork like me, you've probably heard these interpretations in some form or another before. But I really want to talk about the angle in which I see it, and I hope I can bring something new to the table here. Again, this is just my own interpretation, and if you interpret it differently, that's completely fine! I'd be curious to hear your comments though; I love discussing this film. So the first thing about this film I want to point out is that to me, the main theme is trauma. (This will obviously be discussed at length in this post, so CW for themes of this and abuse, including in the psychological and sexual sense.) There's certainly something to be said in the parallels between the specific traumas of the postwar era and the plotline and characters, but I want to specifically talk about this theme from a psychological perspective, as opposed to a historical one. (If you're interested in some other analyses that go more in depth when it comes to the aftermath of WWI, I can recommend those in "The many faces of Weimar cinema: Rediscovering Germany's filmic legacy," edited by Christian Rogowski.)
So, one thing I noticed is especially prominent is the theme of projection. Francis, of course, is mentally insane, and casts his fellow inmates at the asylum in various roles in the story of the film. At the most obvious level, he is projecting his own psychological pain onto these other people, assigning them various roles that, outside his mind, they do not play, at least in the same way he envisions them. Like in his mind, Jane seems to show some attraction to Francis, but denies him, believing herself to be a queen unable to reciprocate his feelings. "Caligari" is the asylum director both inside and outside of Francis' mind, although outside of it, his intentions are left to interpretation, as opposed to being clearly malevolent. And like in Francis' mind, "Cesare" does not seem to possess any agency, but is decidedly less of a threat.
What's really interesting about the character of Cesare is that projection and trauma seem to take on multiple layers with him. Francis sees this "blank slate" character holding the flowers at the end as a threat, and within his mind, Cesare takes on a dual role of both an aggressor and a victim, both by the plot and by the way he's filmed. This can draw interpretive parallels in how some people who have experienced trauma may see themselves; both self-loathing and self-pity are common responses to surviving a traumatic event, particularly abuse (which Cesare is clearly implied to have undergone; Caligari's journals imply non-consensual experimentation to bring him to a state in which he is able to "commit acts abhorrent to him". Plus he literally keeps him in a box). When we find out that Caligari's goal of controlling him is to "become Caligari," it becomes clear that he is projecting his own desires onto Cesare, going as far as to rename him in order to suit his own desires and completely erase whatever identity he may have had. We never get to know "Cesare's" original name, adding to the idea that this character only exists to be a vessel for whatever Caligari (and by extension, Francis) needs him to be.
From another interpretive angle, we see an abusive homosocial relationship bordering on eroticism between him and Caligari, who, in addition to violating his body and mind by controlling him without his consent, frequently touches him while he's asleep, and feeds him in an unconscious state. He completely transforms him in order to suit his own desires, despite the fact that, according to his own journals, murder would be "abhorrent" to Cesare in a waking state. This method of complete control and obsession with "becoming Caligari" highlights an interesting aspect that can be interpreted from Caligari's character, which is insecurity, which he may deflect through dominance over others, whatever form it may take.
There's much to be said about the character of Caligari and insecurity, and surprisingly, I don't think I've seen this interpretation analyzed too often. When we first see him, Caligari is ridiculed by the town clerk, whom he later sends Cesare to kill. He maintains a degree of authority as the asylum director, wielding power over people who aren't in the mental capacity to oppose him (Cesare included). The idea of "becoming Caligari" may very well appeal to someone insecure with violent tendencies, as in this position, he has the power to kill anyone he wants, albeit indirectly, and through the use of controlling someone else. (Side note- I haven't been able to find if this was intentional or not, but with his hat on, Krauss' Caligari is pretty much exactly as tall as Veidt's Cesare. If it was intentional, this was a brilliant costume design choice, as it implies how desperate he is for complete control, to the point of pettiness.)
While much has been said about Caligari and authority, and what Francis' mental state implies on the matter, it should be said that the asylum director doesn't know what's going on in Francis' head, even when he says he knows how to "cure" him. This might also imply that even if he is a benevolent authority figure he's still at best incompetent when it comes to "curing" Francis, which I believe contradicts the interpretation that the film is pro-authority through use of the frame story.
Speaking of authority, many of the central characters are in paradoxical positions in which they simultaneously possess and lack it. While Francis imagines himself to be a rebel against authority (the director/Caligari), in his mind, he has the police and Jane's father on his side. Jane, meanwhile, imagines herself to be in a position of authority as a queen, but cannot "follow the path of her heart," and is in a primarily passive position in Francis' mind. Caligari must show deference to the town clerk, but even he is subject, ironically, to Cesare's ability to play that role. If he doesn't have a "Cesare," he can't "become Caligari," and therefore is dependent on him.
So, I haven't talked about Alan yet. What's interesting about Alan (if you don't watch the sinful dumpster fire that is the 2005 version) is that despite being the catalyst to the story and of extreme importance to Francis, we don't see him in the asylum at all. Some people interpret Alan as someone from Francis' past, even possibly someone he killed (leading Francis to the asylum in the first place), but I think Alan's innocence, death, and role as the catalyst of the story may lead him to be interpreted as a manifestation of Francis' own innocence before a traumatic event. Alan's questioning when he's going to die is often regarded as rather odd, but considering how traumatic events can sometimes be associated with flashbulb memories, Alan receiving a specific time of how long he has to live may line up with the concept of the specific details of this trauma being burned into Francis' mind. It's also interesting that Caligari/Cesare specifically target both Alan and Jane, the two people Francis cares about. However, in the asylum, it's revealed that Francis' close relationships with both Alan and Jane are not present; Jane, while perhaps confessing her love, rejects him, and Alan is nowhere to be seen.
The last thing I want to bring this tangent to is whatever was going on in the kidnapping scene. There's a lot of interpretations here too because it's not exactly clear what's going on here, but I have a few takes on it. So, the main interpretation I keep seeing is that Cesare doesn't kill Jane because he's romantically and/or sexually attracted to her, which opens up plenty of consequential interpretations assuming that's the case, particularly about him exerting sexual violence. To be honest, that interpretation doesn't sit right with me, considering how, as I said earlier, he himself seems to undergo something akin to sexual abuse, if not literally so. There can, of course, be interpretations of how the cycle of abuse may lead victims to perpetrate abuse themselves, and that Cesare himself was projecting his own trauma in this scene onto someone else who was as vulnerable as he was, but I think this scene can be interpreted in a number of different ways that don’t necessarily lead to this conclusion. For one, his refusal to kill Jane is the only time we see Cesare exhibit any form of free will or defiance. However, kidnapping her may not have been a conscious choice, as he startles when she wakes up; he may have had a moment approaching lucidity and was thrown back into a conditioned state. Either way, the most intriguing thing about this scene is that it demonstrated that, at least in Francis' mind, Cesare is capable of conscious thought and the ability to defy orders (as well as a basic understanding of mortality). This adds a degree of dimension to this otherwise extremely static character, signifying that, in the world of Francis' delusion, he could hypothetically recover from whatever state Caligari brought him into. I also feel that interpreting his refusal to kill as a conscious decision, rather than a biological impulse of attraction (that, granted, not all of us feel), allows for the potential of him to be an actual character with an identity, rather than just a vessel, is simply more intriguing, as it implies he would be capable of conscious thought and therefore character development. (I may also be projecting my dislike of the trope where sexual attraction makes one “human” as an asexual person, but I digress.) Furthermore, I also fond it interesting to interpret him as acting out of empathy; both he and Jane are primarily placed in passive roles, but are also punished by the narrative for attempting autonomy. Jane goes to investigate her father’s disappearance and take an active role in the story, which leads to her getting kidnapped, and Cesare is able to defy orders to the point of refusing to kill, but this results in him getting hunted down by a mob and collapsing- if not dead (Caligari doesn’t even check for a pulse when his body is brought in!), then unconscious, possibly from overexhaustion.
So, those are (most of) my thoughts. I have a lot more, but this post is long enough as it is. I'd be interested to hear your own!
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
160 Collective Drabbles
Okay, so posting all of this stuff that was randomly requested to me years ago has turned out to be a lot of fun. I know I have a lot going on, but heck. I planned out every request I got and I’ve still got space, so I’m going to throw this list up here and maybe I’ll play around with what’s left when I’ve got time.
Here’s the thing: You want to request a character? Go wild. I’m not going to post an exhaustive list of everything I’ve ever seen or read, so feel free to ask me for something you’ve never seen me write for. If I have experience with the topic (and it’s not something the creator has banned fanworks for), I’ll give it a shot...with the usual caveat that I won’t touch real person fic with a ten-foot pen.
But you don’t get to pick anything but the character. Not the prompt. Not the story. Just the character. And yes, some of the earlier prompts don’t have characters assigned for various reasons. You get the first open prompt, and I’m still going to go in order. The ones that are crossed out have already been written, just not posted.
I’m not truly expecting anyone to submit anything for this, but if you want to see more, like, Legolas stuff or Yuki Sohma or whatever but you don’t have any ideas for a story, this could be an easy way for you to get that. As for me, this is just a convenient place for me to put this list so I don’t lose it. Heck, if I do wind up getting this filled ever, then I’ll find another list. I just really like doing this sort of thing. 
160 Collective Drabbles
29. Pyramid [Fran]
59. Seductive [Matt Murdock] 60. Wish [Loki Laufeyson]
61. Entice [Leon Kennedy] 62. Cooties [Young!Thranduil] 63. Flowers [Lance Hunter] 64. Wood [Clark Kent] 65. Own 66. Love 67. Malevolence [Ronan the Accuser] 68. Cliché [Sam Yao] 69. High School Sweethearts [Poe Dameron] 70. Year [Fran]
71. Moment [Tadashi Hamada] 72. Rainbow [Belphegor] 73. Passion [Kyoya Otori] 74. Light  75. Cake [Takashi Morinozuka] 76. Like 77. Imagination [Peter Quill] 78. Eyes  79. Damned [Kylo Ren] 80. Apology [Steve Rogers]
81. Take  82. Dance [Eragon Shadeslayer] 83. Diamond  84. Sugar Rush [Sam Wilson] 85. Repel [Tidus] 86. Scream [Sam Wilson] 87. Chance [James Carstairs] 88. Bottle [Tadashi Hamada] 89. Party [Sheldon Cooper] 90. Clock [Sam Yao]
91. Down  92. Crimson [Aragon] 93. Fatal [Wade Wilson] 94. Doll  [Leo Fitz] 95. Castle [Clint Barton] 96. Sand [Steve Rogers] 97. Porcelain [Rajesh Koothrappali] 98. Poker Face [Matt Murdock] 99. Will [Anakin Skywalker] 100. Run [Phil Coulson]
101. Flat [TYL!Tsuna Sawada] 102. Bones [Phil Coulson] 103. Lovely [Wade Wilson] 104. Costume [Kyoya Otori] 105. Romantic [Steve Rogers] 106. Twilight 107. Hello [Loki Laufeyson] 108. Meteor Shower [Stephen Strange] 109. Vanilla 110. Taste
111. Hotel [Peter Parker] 112. Hate 113. Fire [Riku] 114. Break 115. Pain 116. Burn 117. Over and Over 118. Riot 119. World 120. You
121. Overrated 122. Under 123. Trust 124. Thrive 125. Secret 126. Life 127. Candle 128. Allow 129. Alone 130. Sunset
131. Valentine 132. Animals 133. Cute 134. Cook 135. Candy 136. Fly 137. Wall 138. Catch 139. Balloon 140. Hospital
141. Failure 142. Authentic 143. Cunning 144. Normal 145. Bold 146. Shy 147. Inside 148. Skill 149. Human 150. Joy
151. Birth 152. Morning 153. Bath 154. New 155. I Love You 156. Forever 157. Breathe 158. Peace 159. Movie 160. Midnight
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
For You, I Will Give Up My Wings [Whumptober 2019 - Day 17: “Stay With Me”]
Summary: Once upon a time were an angel and a mortal who wished nothing but to stay together despite the forbidden nature of their relationship.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V (mythology/angel AU) Ship: Moonblossom (Serena/Ruri)
Wordcount: 2.271 words
Content Warnings: Light religious theming (blasphemy, sin, angels, albeit not used in a Christian context). Secondary character death.
Notes: Another mythology-esque AU for this prompt, this time with Moonblossom and angels. I may not look like it because my Arc-V OTP is Peregrine, but I'm a sucker for Moonblossom's aesthetic, and I felt dirty writing a fic inspired by "Alluring Secret ~ Black Vow" (and its companion song White Vow) for an F/M ship. Again, this isn't whump and more like a story with some whumpy elements, but at this point who cares. Also, my apologies for the abrupt ending to it, I really wanted to finish it by tonight.
Oh, also: an important character in the show dies in this story. I haven't put the "Major Charcter Death" alert on "This Is Gonna Hurt" for this because they're a minor, nameless character in this, but in case you don't wanna read that... Here's your chance to look away. 
Event hosted by @whumptober2019
AO3 version available here.
Would an angel sell their soul to the devil in the name of love?
This was a question as old as time, she realized, as she stared at her own white wings full of feathers. She had heard of fallen angels before, of former comrades that had betrayed their kind’s guidelines to live with a mortal or, in the worst rumours, a demon. They had various names: the black-winged, the banished, the betrayers, the traitors, the fallen, the forgotten. All in all, they all had a common point: they were angels whose identity had been erased by the term, punished for their crimes by getting lost in the sands of times and fading memories.
For a long time, the Angel of the Moon, Selena assumed she was over asking herself that question. She was an exemplary angel amongst her peers, only doing what was right and what was allowed. She used her powers for the greater good and nothing else, defending the right, condemning the wrong, never stepping out of her zone. She had been promoted as an archangel as the result of her hard work, presented as an example for all other angels to follow. Her footsteps had been blessed by the gods, her halo shone brighter than most, a statue had been erected in her name in the place she assured the peace of minds and hearts of, Cordelia.
However, things changed on one fateful day.
 The Moon was lighting the territory of Cordelia in its cold, benevolent light. Not a word was to be heard in the peaceful streets of the city, the inhabitants either already asleep or taking care of the last tasks of the day: ends of dinners, children’s bedtime stories, the last words of a letter. The windows shut down one after the other, the walls losing colours, dark blues winning over yellows and whites.
In the dark of the night was Selena, Archangel of the Moon, flying around, ensuring the tranquillity of the city. This was a mere duty to her: she had never had to enforce anything before, merely making sure nobody was stepping out of line. Crime was absent from the streets, even when the sun had set down, because her watchful eyes were always there. She was but a well-meaning agent of peace and order, an agent sent by the gods to ensure serenity in the mortal minds they had given life to thousands and thousands of years before.
 However, and despite her best judgement, there were citizens she preferred watching over than others. One of them was a young girl trying to live by with her older brother. Her flower shop was one of the places Selena liked the most watching over during daytime, amazed by her talent at growing flowers and her crystalline voice who sang like the most beautiful of birds. She spent more time there than anywhere else, charmed by her kindness and dark locks of luscious hair falling to her hips.
Unbeknownst to her, one of her feathers once fell on the floor of the shop during the day. The girl picked it up as soon as she noticed it, intrigued by its pure white, and looked up. Unable to flee, back round against a corner of the shop’s roof, the angel’s eyes met hers as her smile melted her surprise away.
I see you, benevolent angel, she said, putting the feather in her hair and against her ear. Thank you for watching over my shop.
Selena was unable to reply, surprised that she could be seen, forbidden to talking to mortals no matter what; so she nodded along, her thoughts swirling around. This was nothing but wrong, she knew it with an undefeatable certainty; yet this felt right, too right, and her wings shivered as she flew away from the shop, leaving another feather behind her. Even in her panic, she wished for the girl to pick it up and wondered if she
 However, during a harsh winter that almost froze all of the city’s cultures, the brother of the girl eventually fell sick. Despite his condition and his sister’s pleas for him not to, he continued working to afford them to continue living as they always had. Ruri tried everything in her power to convince him not to, promising she’d go as far as selling the shop or finding a rich husband if it meant he’d rest. Alas, her brother valued her dreams above everything else on this earth and ended up refusing all of her offers, leaving her broken-hearted.
For a time, watching over the shop hurt Selena. As soon as he had collapsed from his illness, the girl spent most of her time at her brother’s side, her hand in his, as she told him stories to less his pain; only to tearfully beg him, in silence and when he’d be asleep, to stay with her. She’d try brewing healing concoctions with her knowledge of plants, to very little effect, until she had spared enough money to pay for a doctor. The verdict was decisive, falling upon the little family like a sword, as the boy was doomed to die soon; and poor Ruri was left even more heartbroken than she had been before.
For the first time, Selena wondered if she shouldn’t have made a deal with a mysterious force for the boy’s life to be spared, as the pain of her citizens pained her to witness. Alas, she was no healing force: her light did nothing to his ill, as the gods had decided for this mortal and no angel could go against the goddesses of life and death. His thread would soon get cut by a steady hand. There would be no benevolence or malevolence in her fingers and scissors as they’d execute their decision, only their mission to make sure the cycle was running properly.
On the day the boy died, the angel was watching over their house, mourning with the girl. His last words were of care and attention, asking her not to cry and not let herself get consumed with grief, for she needed to outlive him now that he’d be gone. He begged her in a voice breaking under its own weight to take care of herself and her dreams, now that he wouldn’t be there for her, promising he’d still keep an eye on her from wherever his soul would go next. Yet, even with his warm words and the smile she was forcing herself to give him, the girl broke down crying as soon as his hand went limp and his heart went cold.
Please, watch over my sister, his soul begged of the angel as soon as it left the body, eyes shining.
I promise, she replied. Now, you can join the skies above and reunite with all those that you have lost, you who spent his life caring for his dearest.
 From then on, Cordelia mourned the loss of one of its youngest inhabitants. People gave the grieving sister their condolences, bringing gifts with them, buying her flowers as support. The plants almost died because her tears prevented her from properly caring for them, leaving them to dry and wither away like her brother had in front of her eyes. Would no action be taken, desolation was soon to fall onto the small flower shop, life leaving it day after day, ivy growing and covering the façade.
As such, to honour her promise, Selena spent most of her time in the city taking care of the shop for the girl, feathers meddling with the roots. Her fingers gave their life back to the plants, slowly but surely, petals getting their colours back and the agreeable scent she had always known returned. Things were finally looking better, the light and warmth of the sun coming back: this wasn’t time of dying for the little shop and its owner.
She’d often get spotted by the girl, who’d then tell her some stories or, simply, talk to her about her day. Selena couldn’t answer her questions with words, but she could nod along, and that was more than enough for them. They’d spend a morning, an afternoon, an evening or even an entire day conversing like this. Before long, the mortal girl had earned her smile back, making her promise to her brother a reality. By all means, her mission was a success; but she didn’t leave, continued taking care of a mortal’s plants with her, and loved every second of it.
 On one day, the gods told the angel she had been assigned a new task. From then on, her status as an archangel would fully come into play: she’d be supervising other angels and never go back to the mortal’s soil. The news that should have warmed her spirit and gratified her instead made her feel nothing but resentment and hatred: she didn’t want this. She wanted to spend her days with the girl from the flower shop, the mortal that made more sense in her life than so many of the duties she owed to the gods.
She had but a few days to engrave images of Cordelia into her mind before leaving forever. Even if it wasn’t forever, who could promise her that Ruri would still be there by the time she’d come back? Her only wish was to remain with this mortal until the end of her life, nothing else; and yet, she gulped her pleas when faced by the goddess she depended of, for she could not go against the gods. Keeping her feelings concealed, she instead let herself weep in the night streets of Cordelia, finding over and over the words of departure she’d give to her dearest, her soulmate.
Their adieux went horribly wrong. She tried conveying the idea through moves, but it didn’t work, and the girl didn’t understand her. Eventually, the conscientious angel was obligated to explain with the words she had forbidden herself to ever use. Her tongue burned and her throat knotted, the sin puncturing her ribcage. Nevertheless, nothing could have prepared her for Ruri’s reaction to it, full of another wave of grief, anger and confusion all the same. Would have angels had a heart, she’d have broken Selena’s.
 Stay with me, she then pleaded with her mortal eyes and her mortal voice, hands tied in a prayer, her legs folding into a kneeling position.
The angel wavered in her certitudes and convictions, a foreign temptation invading her thoughts like poison flowing in its victim’s bloodstream.
I cannot, for I have a duty to serve, Selena replied. I am an angel, you are a mortal; this is not meant to be. I am so deeply sorry for it.
Please, stay with me! Ruri cried, youthful eyes filling with sorrow and misery. I don’t want to see you go, I can’t be without you!
Her halo’s light dimmed with each word she told the mortal, her wings twitching, urging her to stop the blasphemy and go back to her former idealistic self. The dilemma was eating away at her very soul, feathers falling from an anxiety foreign to her kind. That was when this sentence came back to her, the question she used never to wonder about.
Would an angel sell their soul to the devil in the name of love?
 Her mind repeated it over and over again, weighing pros and cons, meticulous and obedient spirit leaving place for a burning chest devoured by a very human passion. Her feelings were, for the very first time, sent into a turmoil unknown to her species, the one the gods would go through whenever they were faced by their own faults, and she realized how hypocritical the people commending her had been all along. Would angels have been able to cry, tears would have stained her porcelain face, rotting her luminous skin with the darkness and dirt of the pain she was currently experiencing.
That was, until the girl, whom until then had been nothing but an untouched paragon of pureness, committed the ultimate sin. She ran to an angel, grabbed her shoulders and kissed her with a furious passion, the kind no being could ignore no matter their kind or nature, and the angel found herself giving it back, purposely corrupting her own lips with the saliva of a mortal. On that, her wings turned black as the night, feathers falling and spreading far and wide, the excruciating pain almost locking her into an eternal agony.
To her surprise, and despite the forbidden nature of her acts, her wings didn’t fall; and, right as they turned black, she saw white feathers blossom in the back of the person she had just gladly given her angel righteousness to, her eyes watered for the first time. With a tearful smile, Selena embraced her nature, her feelings and her dearest person.
If the devil was the holder of her happiness, and that of her beloved, then she’d sell her angelic soul to Them; and there was no regret to be had there. There was no shame in being part of the Forgotten if she couldn’t enjoy her immortality with someone else and, as she embraced corruption herself, she gladly let go of her burden.
 Would an angel sell their soul to the devil in the name of love?
No, as there was no devil to sell angelhood to; instead, they’d give it to the goddess of love and make someone into an angel to her service. That was the answer that she had not been looking after enough until it had been almost too late.
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medievalmon · 7 years
Okay, this is a big ask (and I'm surprised no one has asked this before). Given how important and meaningful flowers are in the stories, what flower would you assign each character based on the flower's symbolism and that character's personality? (I personally believe Typhlosion should be "Yellow Acacia")
((Ooh, this is a big ask and a good ask! 
Hmm, I don’t normally assign just one flower in concept to characters, since I like them to have multiple meanings through floral exchanges. But, for the sake of this ask, I’ll try to limit characters to a specific flower. 
Greninja, Chesnaught = Bluebell = Unwavering, Everlasting Love; Appreciation & Gratitude; Humility, Devotion 
Nidoking = Rainflower = Returned Love, Atonement, Never Forgotten 
Rhydon, Carracosta = Honeysuckle = Devotion, Bonds of Love
Samurott, Gallade = Gladiolus (Sword Flower) = Honor, Conviction 
Gardevoir = Pink Rose = Desire, Energy
Typhlosion = Yellow Acacia = Secret Love 
Delphox, Heracross = Iris = Wisdom, Valor, Good news 
Lilligant = Lily of the Valley = Sweetness, Humility 
Bisharp = Peony = Shame, Anger, Honor, Bravery 
Escavalier = Borage (Starflower) = Courage 
Accelgor = Dahlia = Elegance, Dignity 
Armaldo, Delibird = Take Care, Fragile, Temperance 
Scizor = Petunia = Anger, Resentment, Soothing Presence 
Golurk = White Daisy = Purity, Innocence 
Alakazam, Machamp = Blue Rose = Mystery, Attaining Impossible 
Empoleon = Thistle = Nobility, Warning 
Abomasnow = Lavender = Loyalty, Devotion, Distrust 
Quagsire = Snowdrop = Consolation, Hope 
Weavile = Purple Heather = Solitude, Admiration 
Froslass = Purple Carnation = Whimsical, Unpredictable 
Mienshao = Phlox = Harmony 
Poliwrath, Politoed = Hyacinth = Playful, Sporty 
Golduck = Narcissus = Selfishness 
Blastoise = Oxeye Daisy = Patience 
Mewtwo = Hibiscus = Rare, Delicate Beauty 
Lucario, Flygon = Marigold = Pain, Grief 
Zoroark = Jimsonweed/Thorn-apple/Devil’s Snare = Disguise 
Gengar = Lobelia = Malevolence 
How’s that? Some seem right on the money, but others are a toss-up. Ah well, I think it was a good first effort. And I’m sure these change over time, lol. 
Thank you for the fun ask!))
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mx-paisley · 3 months
Hi pookies heres the long awaited Oscar drawing :3333
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If you've seen my last post, i said there I assigned John, Arthur & Oscar as the sun moon and star
I wish ive been more creative with how i incorporate the star symbols on my Oscar's design but it's okay I can always do another redesign :3
Stars symbolize hope, destiny and guidance. Which SCREAMS Oscar doesn't it? Oscar being Arthur's hope?? Guidance?? Im so ill
I can't decide whether I want to assign the daffodil or blue iris to oscar bc both flowers is so him!!!! For now he gets blue irises. I'll draw him with daffodils next time ofc
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You may have noticed the ring he's wearing. well apparently a ring on the middle finger symbolizes life purpose!! I drew Oscar with a ring with the moon symbol...im sure by now you know which character that symbol represents (its arthur)
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My Oscar is definently going to have a redesign soon as im not fully content with this design. Im thinking maybe embroided star symbols on his garb... Can this kind of garb have embroidery? Bc i literally have not seen it have any sort of pattern /genq
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mx-paisley · 3 months
My Arthur Lester with an updated design yipee!!!
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You may notice the moon theme, WELL! i had this idea of incorporating a symbol i assigned to malev characters into their designs. Arthur is the moon, John is the sun and Oscar is the star.
@teafromthemicrowave gave me the idea of arthur and john being the sun and moon and then I added oscar to be the star. This is the greatest thing ever ash you wont understandddd THANK YOUU FOR THE IDEA
The scar on his cheek, neck and his torn hear resembles a crescent moon shape
The buttons on his coat are different phases of the moon
The chained pins on his tie, represents the three. Notice how the star (oscar) and sun (john) are only linked together thanks to the moon (arthur) ...thats the best i could explain i hope that makes sense
Bonus sketches
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Forget-me-not collar pins anyone??
the glasses is not new, in fact my very first drawing of arthur have glasses!! I removed it when i realized he can't have had it but now that @percymawce-arts also interpreted him to wear glasses, I felt comfortable to have glasses for my own Arthur's design again now too 💞
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