ask-chaotic-creatures · 5 months
To the tribe leaders have you even seen the humans bribe your people with human food? Desserts anything? Did you ever get to try any human foods?
Aszil: I believe this question has been asked before, but yes and it's become more common in Mount Pillar. There has been an increasing amount of human sightings, it seems the players have realized just how much my people love sugar. As long as it remains for harmless purposes, I will allow it. And yes, I've tried chocolate before. These days, I prefer dark.
Chaor: Lucky you, your tribe doesn't attract the malcontents.
Aszil: Trust me, we get problem players.
Chaor: If the players wish to try and bargain with my people that way, it's their choice. Not our fault if they get coded for it. Also, human food isn't very interesting for me. Won't turn down any meat, though.
Theb-Sarr: I haven't tried any of their food, but Peyton and a few other humans are still bringing water to Mipedim. I too allow it, but I've seen how thirst can be used as a weapon. Which is why I expect my soldiers to assure that doesn't happen.
Maxxor: I can't remember if I've human food before, but it doesn't seem that different from ours. I have seen some humans offering food to my people in Kiru City. Mostly for the warriors, but a couple were offering them to those not so fortunate. To which I won't stop them. I just hope they're doing it with good intentions.
Theb-Sarr: They should be fine. Unlike Chaor, your tribe attracts those goodie-two-shoes players.
Maxxor: And some a little too devoted to us.
Theb-Sarr: I consider my tribe lucky then, if the worst Mipedian players have to offer is Peyton.
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perimportcourt · 1 year
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askchaoticgame · 2 years
Sarah. Was it true that the Danians where experimenting on humans with danian parasites? Also where you going to be the first or was it just going to be another lie from wamma?
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“To be honest, I don't really know all the details. Wamma did tell me they were trying all sorts of things with Parasites...things that had never been done before. I don't think they were joking.
If they wanted to test Parasites, the Danians have every resource to go all-in, but... Now that I think about it, it's probably related to what they're fighting about in the UnderWorld right now. I guess they've stopped focusing on the "Infect humans with parasites" thing in Mount Pillar by now, though. For my sake, I hope that keeps up.”
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space-arts · 17 minutes
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From a dream, thinking about Sara being a good map maker and guide around areas due to her knowledge of the Danian tunnels and all that + considering drawing a pic of Aszil = dream that stemmed from hands on caves + 'she's more humanoid than other Danians' repeating in my mind I suppose. If anyone would find something lost and weird it'd be her well it'd be Tom because he's the main character but it would be her if the world was good.
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vidavs-refectorium · 3 years
Headcanon: In the event of the passing, abdication, or removal of the Danian Queen, a handful of princesses are regularly bred, then prepared to assume queenhood as young as adolescence. Of course, only one princess may take the throne. To determine who is most fit to rule, the adult queens are put through royal trials by the Danian nobility; tests of Danian history, intelligence, leadership, and resilience. The winning princess is then crowned Queen of the Hive.
When former queen Illexia retired the throne, the grown princesses of today underwent said trials. It was princess Aszil who emerged victorious, and now rules her people into a new era of Perim.
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Chaotic Banner.PNG
So @chaotic-re-imagined is finally up online. There is nothing on it of real note but it’s there, existing. I just really wanted to get this done so I could have a banner for the blog but just, it took me so long I’m not even going to bother shading it. Also, I made images showing the characters separately because fuck it I’m proud.
I also made the logo thing. I’ll be using it as an avatar for the comic blog and also for chapter covers.
I should be talking about redesign stuff but honestly, I’m so tired I just wanna sleep. Goodnight Y'all, enjoy this whenever I decide to let it post on my queue.
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darkautodraws · 4 years
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Made a bunch of doodles, because I have a lot of ideas but not the inspiration to make completed drawings for them.
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transcending-chaos · 4 years
What do Danians and Mipedians do to keep their claims safe from the ruling body’s (minus Iflar) who hate them?
Danians don’t have to worry too much because Illexia loves claims. She sees them as assimilated Creatures, and she doesn’t see an issue with them at all. Also, she finds them to be cute.
Mipedians have underground tunnels and cites to keep any family safe; some span entire Locations, yet these elements do not sow up in Chaotic matches (to keep them completely secret from any who’d sell out their existence). They also have disguises that can easily trick others from a distance, though it’s much harder to do up close. They’re careful and patient.
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perimparties · 7 years
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its just her card art, but its so much clearer than anything google provides
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fascinatedhelix · 4 years
Chaotic/Hollow Knight crossover AU ideas/notes: (Part 1, because this is going to get long)
Hallownest is located across a fairly large mountain range from mainstream Perim. A tunnel used to exist connecting it to the Underworld, but for reasons lost to time, the tunnel had been caved in, and any mentions of the place scratched from history.
The Danians are the first to run into them, shortly after the M’arrillian Invasion ends.
Queen Aszil sends a handful of soldiers and diplomats to check out this strange new tribe, with Raznus and Odu-Bathax leading the group. Surprisingly, things don’t go to shit for once; they don’t even meet any people until they enter the City of Tears and come across a very surly historian and shopkeep. Raznus manages to get him talking about the history of the place, only to learn the kingdom proper fell ages ago, and only recently has a strange illness receded from the kingdom.
Upon their return, the young queen corresponds with her predecessor before ordering them to set up an outpost in Hallownest, but not to invade it; “Too risky,” she claimed. Odu-Bathax isn’t happy about it, but Raznus takes the opportunity when asked if he could act as the midway between the “Hallows” and the Danians. Something about it feels... oddly nostalgic to him.
They originally tried setting up in a seemingly abandoned tower, only to find it occupied by a very confused fellow in a one-eyed mask and a cloak, accompanied by his similarly dazed butler. He introduces himself as Lurien the Watcher.
It’s Lurien who explains the infection and possibly why the tunnel connecting the Underworld and Hallownest was sealed; it was an infection of the mind that plagued Hallownest, so it could have very easily spread to the other tribes had the tunnel not been caved in. He also mentions how he shouldn’t even be awake, but the infection had seemed to disappear without explanation, thus canceling out the spell. “What spell?” Raznus has to ask. “The spell to seal the.. The Hollow Knight!”
Next thing Raznus and his merry band of Danians are being dragged through the city and some tunnels to come up to a large, empty cavern. The Danians have no idea what’s going on, but Lurien is positively losing his shit.
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ask-chaotic-creatures · 5 months
Tribe leaders, recently there’s been sightings of creatures from a long-lost tribe. Apparently, they seem to be immune to M’arrillian mind control. In fact, the M’arrillians seem to *fear* them. So far, the few chaotic players lucky enough to have encountered one are calling them ‘Hiddenworlders’.
What are your thoughts on them?
Theb-Sarr: If they're so powerful, why are they hidden?
Aszil: Are they looking for allies?
Maxxor: Tell me this tribe isn't out to rule Perim, too.
Chaor: They'd better stay away from UnderWorld City. Sounds like something Ulmar would want to see what they're made of, with a scalpel.
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askchaoticgame · 3 years
Sarah, what do you think of Aszil?
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I don’t know! I’ve only heard whispers about her! Her coronation was planned in total secret, and even her existence was just a rumor up until after the war. Can you believe that? 
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So I don’t really know a lot about her or what to think... I hear a lot of rumors, but as a Danian fan, I know better than to listen to all of them. But I do know I need a scan of her. I’ve got to be the first one to get her, too!
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vidavs-refectorium · 4 years
Do you have headcanons for either Aggroar, Agitos, Aszil, or Iflar?
Aggroar: Going back to that Ghatup thing (which I don’t headcanon cause we already have Aivenna and Nivenna as twins), I do see him having some distant Mipedim ancestry. Wears a blindfold to sleep ‘cause his hair glows in the dark.
Agitos: Secretly curious about humans and their culture, but doesn’t trust them enough to interact with them really, Kaz included because he finds the kid weird even for humans.
Aszil: Quiet, almost speechless outside speeches and giving orders. Very manipulative and calculating, has plans within plans. Deeply fascinated, perhaps obsessed with the four elements and their potential. Might have pulled some strings to assure she was next for the throne. Likes theater and chess (and she’s damn good at it).
Iflar: Chiller than a nighttime breeze in Al Mipedim. Puts Mudeenu in his place when the yellow boy gets mad. Respects Tangath as a swordsman, finding him a worthy opponent.
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I hate this character. Not because she looks evil or anything but because her design on her card art is so dark and it makes no sense. I mean what is she even supposed to be? An ant, a spider, it looks like she has wings on her card art so maybe a wasp?
So yeah one day I’ll figure out how to draw Aszil properly, but today is not that day TnT
[I also do commissions]
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cordacfalls · 8 years
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Ancestral Spirit Claws by stonewurks
Artist Comments: “It is of a set of rings that were created by an Insect Shaman and given to an elite hive warrior. When equipped, the wearer grows a set of glowing ethereal claws that can be used in combat to damage and drain a person’s spirit of energy and steal Mana, adding that energy to the owner of the rings. I was originally asked to illustrate a set of rings, but I thought that it was important to give each card in the series as much artistic value as possible, so I added the Danian warrior to show how the rings work.”
WIP Thumbnails:
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transcending-chaos · 4 years
For the adoption au. What do creatures like Theb-Saar and Aszil think of the adoptees?
I think I answered this before, but, in plain terms, they’re racist. They do not like ‘bastards’ and if they find one, they will persecute them or accuse them of being spies.
Illexia hates Aszil’s opinions, and Iflar actively institutes changes to prevent persecution and undercut his father’s point of view.
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