#Atami Hisashi
useless-bi-otch · 1 year
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 25
Last chapter / MasterList / art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 25 - Fight Club
Okubo takes a deep breath. And then he exhales slowly. Once. Twice. Three times.
He shifts his weight on his feet, hoping that will ease the pain in his right shin, at least temporarily. He keeps his fists raised in a fighting stance, walking slowly in a semicircle, his eyes fixed on the man in front of him.
His opponent imitates him, a little more out of breath than he is, a little more dejected. But there was still fire in his eyes. He respected that. He was a young boy, inexperienced, but with plenty of talent and a bright future in the martial arts scene.
He was just very unlucky to have him as an opponent so coon.
The screams and encouragement around them didn't stop, getting louder, animalistic. Thirst for violence, for blood. In public rings it was no different. But there, in that improvised space in the parking lot of a building condemned by the city hall, the risks for them, the fighters, were much greater.
But those people didn't care. They'd never cared.
"Finish him, damn it!"
"Cave his fucking face in!"
"Stop fucking around, this isn’t Ultimate Fight!"
"Give the kid some wrestling lessons, Okubo!"
"Put that old man to sleep, Ito!"
Okubo ignores the roar of the audience. He always ignored it when it wasn't time to show off before and after a match. But the boy, Ito, seemed a little affected by it, given the way he gritted his teeth and raised his guard higher, as if he wanted to protect himself from the onlookers' rage.
He felt a mixture of patronizing pity and laughter. Those freaks around them were assholes, but the kid really needed a little lesson.
He lunges forward, delivering a side kick, which Ito blocks, countering with heavy fist strikes, in quick, precise succession that Okubo would have congratulated had it not been for the situation. He blocked as best he could, alternating with attacks in areas Ito left unguarded each time he tried to strike him, but the gaps were getting shorter and shorter. Fuck, the kid was good...!
"That's it, kid, fuck him up! I bet big money on you, dammit!"
"Crush his fuckin' face!"
"Damn it, Okubo! If you're going to get beat up by a rookie, you better just retire already!"
Okubo couldn't answer even if he wanted to. A stab of pain hits him again in the shin, stealing his attention and allowing Ito to break through his block. The punch lands him square in the side of his jaw, pain exploding as if he's been hit in the face with a sheet of metal, stars popping in front of his eyes.
“Fucking hell...!”
He hears the screams of the audience, feels the taste of iron and salt in his mouth, and he gets to see, through eyes half closed in pain, Ito smile triumphantly... and that was exactly the moment he was waiting for.
The boy's smile freezes on his face when Okubo also hits him in the shin with a side kick. With him still bent over by the force applied to the blow, it wasn't difficult to throw him off balance. And soon, they were both on the ground, Ito's neck trapped under one of his legs. Okubo pulls back his arm and lifts his hips in a levering motion, gritting his teeth as Ito screams in pain and the crowd goes wild around them.
"A free lesson for you, kid," He growls, his voice coming out raspy. "Never leave your guard open for an opponent to apply an armbar to you, even more so if he's bigger and heavier than you!"
“Son of a bitch...!”
"So, are you going to give up?"
"Give up or I'll break your arm!"
"Graaah...!," The boy huffs in frustration, already turning red because of the pain and shortness of breath. And then he taps the floor three times with his hand, almost desperately. "I-I surrender, I surrender!"
Okubo immediately let go of him, geting up from the floor and panting as the crowd cheers around them. The loudest scream was probably Ito's contractor, grabbing the clipboard his poor secretary was holding and throwing it hard to the floor.
"Shit! Atami, you'll pay for this...!"
Atami Hisashi, Muji TV's CEO, could only smile with enormous satisfaction as the referee raised his arm in the air and announced, loud and clear:
"It's over! The winner is Okubo Naoya!"
The parking lot fills with excited cheers and loud applause, some of the more excitable spectators sticking their fingers in their mouths to whistle. And Okubo, despite the tiredness, the pain and the unpleasant taste of blood in his mouth, simply cannot resist. He raises his fists in the air, letting out a shout of triumph and striking a strategic pose, declaring loud and clear:
"That's fuckin' right! 'Sitting around doing nothing will get us nowhere'¹!"
"Stop with those Ultraman references, you nerd!"
Now there was a chorus of laughter to join the cheers and applause, and frankly, that was just the way he liked it. He sees Yamashita Kazuo, smiling a little worriedly as he runs to make sure, along with the paramedics, that Ito receives treatment, and he also sees Himuro and Kaneda, both celebrating along with the other spectators, in a mixture of exasperation and relief. Rihito hadn't been able to attend, but he knew his friend would be thrilled too when he heard the results of his Kengan match.
Damn, the only way for that victory to be even more perfect was with Tomori's presence...
"No! Not happening!"
Okubo wanted to tell his conscience to shut up, but this time he had to agree with it. The less Tomori knew about that universe of clandestine fights, business men's schemes and shady deals, the better for her safety. He didn't want her there, being the subject of scrutiny by all these people, especially other fighters with criminal backgrounds who might get an interest on her.
Her safety, to him, was far more important than his need to boost his ego. Besides...
“What would she say if she knew you were part of something like this?”
Okubo shakes his head, trying to focus on the moment. He wasn't going to rack his brains over probabilities. Only with his victory at the present, because man, it had been monumental!
"Well done, Okubo," Mr. Atami compliments him, smiling in satisfaction as he approaches, other paramedics coming right behind to check on his condition. "There was no need to toy with the boy like that, but I have nothing to complain about your performance, as usual."
"Haha, but I wasn't actually toying with him!," Okubo scratches the back of his neck, and then hisses through clenched teeth when one of the paramedics touches his ribs. "H-Hey, man, take it easy! As- as you can see, every time the kid hit me, it was for real. And I felt and will continue to feel it, damn..."
"Hnnn… it's no wonder he has such a positive assessment on the list of freelance fighters, even though he's only won three matches so far," Atami comments, "A promising talent, indeed. Maybe he's interested in making a contract with Ultimate Fight, since he's of legal age...?"
"You barely won a dealership and you already want to hire another pawn to get even more of 'em?," Okubo smiles sharply. "You businessmen are such weasels..."
Mr. Atami laughs to himself.
"Yeah, some more than others. And speaking of weasels...," He squints at the rival businessman who's just lost the match; the man was trying to break his startled secretary's clipboard in half, without much success. "I have business with Mr. Tsukumo. Your payment is already being transferred to your account. If you'll excuse me..."
"Go right ahead! I also wanted to take care of some business... okay, okay, I get it!," He ruffs when the paramedics make mention of leading him to the improvised ward. "Let me just have a chat with everyone and I'll follow you right after, okay? These guys are worse than my mom, holy shit..."
Mr. Atami laughs again before walking away, going to rub his victory in Mr. Tsukumo's face. Okubo, meanwhile, makes his way to where his opponent was being treated by the paramedics, looking almost as grumpy as his employer. His frown only intensifies when he sees the bald man approaching.
"What? Are you here to add even more salt to my injury?," He asks in a growl, shuddering when a paramedic tests the movements of his injured arm. "Uugh… you came to brag about how a rookie is no match for the all-powerful King of Combat? Fuckin' asshole..."
"Wow, that's uncalled for! The match is over, kid. You're putting your guard up at the wrong time, again," Okubo scoffs, laughing when Ito gives him the middle finger with his good hand.
"Fuck you and leave me alone!"
"Damn, someone needs to teach you a few things about sportsmanship," Okubo crosses his arms. "I only came to compliment you."
Ito stares at him, blinking, hostility giving way to astonishment.
"To compliment me? For what?"
"For giving me a hell of a fight, man!," He smiles widely. "Your blows are very precise and your footwork is on point!"
"... For real? I-"
"But you definitely need to improve your defense. You leave many gaps that facilitate a counterattack. That's how I managed to lock you in that armbar," He explains, pointing to his own right arm. "I know it's satisfying to lunge at your opponents on the offensive, but they won't always stand still, waiting to be beaten, you know."
"Grunf... yeah, I know that," The boy grumbles, looking to the side. "But I still managed to bruise that fucked-up face of yours..."
"Fuck off, you little shit! Anyway...," Okubo clears his throat after his brief outburst of anger. "You're talented, but you can still improve. Will you be busy next Thursday?"
"Uh… no, I don't think so," Ito frowns. "Why?"
"I have training with my personal, I'm preparing for my next fight in January. Feel free to go watch," He offers, smiling more friendly. Ito widens his eyes further.
“Huh? Are you serious?”
"Sure am! Then you can learn a few things and have a chat with us. What do you say?"
“I…,” The boy scratches the back of his head, disconcerted. And Okubo is pleased to see a hint of a smile at the corners of his lips. "I'll think about it, see if I'm really free... then I'll let you know."
"Alright, it's settled then. Again, thanks for the match," Okubo nods to him before turning his back on him, the paramedics immediately following to make sure he goes straight to where they can best treat him.
He allowed himself to receive care, more so as not to give Mr. Atami any trouble than anything else. And he wasn't going to lie, he was grateful when one of the paramedics gave him a cold water bottle for the swelling in the injured area of ​​his face.
"Thanks... man, the kid hits hard, huh..."
"Yeah, but luckly your head is hard enough to cushion the impact."
That elicits a few laughs from the paramedics. Okubo just snorts, turning to Himuro and Kaneda, who were calmly approaching.
"I've been beaten enough in that makeshift ring, I don't need you guys ganging up on me too."
"In your current state, we'd definitely win," Kaneda jokes. "But this time we just came to compliment you. Good job, Okubo!"
"Yeah, it was pretty cool. And a real life lesson for the kid too. Damn, this is so satisfying!," Himuro smiles widely. "No wonder Seki and the SJPW crew like it so much. What do you guys say? Let's open a dojo just so we can beat the crap outta some brats with the support of the law?"
"And you stills complain about Koga turning you down as a teacher," Kaneda sighs while Okubo laughs out loud.
"Hahaha! Sounds fun, I won't deny it, but I really think the kid has the potential to improve."
"And you will take care of it?," Himuro arches an eyebrow. "Even knowing that he could be hired by your employer and maybe even take your spot?"
"Kaneda was hired by your employer and you didn't lose your spot, did you, Himuro?," Okubo shrugs, "I'm pretty secure on my post. And you know me, seeing budding but promising martial artists stirs the good Samaritan inside me.
"Yeah, we know that side of you very well," Kaneda smiles. "We still haven't forgotten your match in Purgatory."
"Yep. Speaking of which, did that Terashi guy went to you in Osaka to be trained?," Himuro asks, and Okubo smiles.
"Oh yeah, I didn't even tell you!" He-"
"Ah, there you are!"
They turn at the interruption and see Kazuo hurrying towards them, adjusting his glasses on his face as they slip down the sweaty bridge of his nose.
"Hey, Mr. Yamashita! Have you come to congratulate me on my awesome victory too?," Okubo asks with a smug smile. "It was a hell of a lesson for the newbies who came to watch, huh!"
"Yeah, you're a bit of a tough teacher, but honestly, you all are," The old man smiles. "It was a good match, Okubo. But I wanted to talk to you three about another matter. Do you know why Rihito didn't come?"
"Rihito?," Kaneda exchanges a look with the other two. "If I'm not mistaken, he went out to celebrate with his employees. I think one of them won a Kengan match, I'm not sure. Did you need to talk to him?"
"Yes, urgently," Kazuo sighs, scratching his hair. "It's been weeks and he still hasn't contacted me to resolve the issue of his employees' licenses. I tried calling him but it always goes to voicemail..."
"He probably got drunk and is out there, partying with his employees, going to cabarets and all that stuff," Okubo shrugs. "Want us to pass the message along to him when we see him again?"
"I would appreciate it. I don't know why he has a phone, if he doesn't answer messages or calls...," Kazuo grumbles, and neither Okubo, Himuro nor Kaneda had the heart to tell him that Rihito answered calls and messages normally. He was just an expert in the art of evading calls and messages that had to do with bureaucracy. It is then that Kazuo seems to realize something. "But isn't it you he usually goes to these places with, Okubo?"
"Uh… yeah, usually, but this time I had a more urgent matter!," Okubo immediately tries to dismiss the conversation, gesticulating agitated. "I couldn’t just ditch the match, I would lose all my credibility, man!"
"Hnn… yeah, this is true," Kazuo concedes with a nod, and Himuro and Kaneda stare at Okubo with identical bored expressions as he lets out a low sigh of relief. "But seriously, when you see him, tell him he needs to go to my office as soon as he can. If his employees are fighting without renewed licenses..."
"It would be a problem, wouldn't it? Okay, we'll let him know as soon as he recovers from his hangover," Himuro promises, and Kazuo grimaces.
"You really have no doubt about his current state, do you?"
“This is Rihito we're talking about. If he wasn't going to celebrate every measly achievement with enough alcohol to disinfect a hospital ward, we could start to fear for his mental well-being," Kaneda comments, to which Okubo and Himuro laugh and Kazuo rolls his eyes.
"I won't judge only because I don't have any room to..."
"Yeah, Kazzy, we're well aware of your history with Mr. Ohya, don't deny it, hehe..."
"Hey, hey, don't be a hypocrite, Okubo! Rihito and you have been arrested at least twice for doing stupid stuff while drunk!," Kazuo points indignantly at Okubo. "Don't pretend you have a clean record just because you're staying sober to impress a girl!"
"What- I'm not! – Okubo protests, turning red, "I mean- I kinda am, but- how do you know that, anyway? Which one of these assholes snitched?!"
"None of them, I saw it myself over at the Heavy Bakery. I was drunk, but not enough not to notice the obvious..."
"What do you mean ‘obvious’? I'm not obvious!," He protests, turning his nose a little while pressing the cold water bottle against his face. "I have a lot more dignity than that and-"
"Hey, Okubo, your phone is ringing," Kaneda says suddenly, picking up Okubo's vibrating phone from inside his robes. "And it's Miss Uta. I'm glad she didn't call when you asked me to take care of it, or right in the middle of your match-"
"Thanks dude! Gimme here!," Okubo almost runs over Himuro and Kazuo in the rush to get up and run to grab the phone. In two seconds he accepts the call, brings the cell phone to his ear and coos, in a ridiculously sugary voice:
"Heeey, Tomori! Busy? No, I'm never too busy for you..."
And he distances himself from his friends, ignoring the unimpressed looks they were throwing at him.
"Like I said. Obvious," Kazuo shakes his head, to which Himuro snorts through his nose.
“That's because you didn't see them the morning after that party at the bakery. Talk about nausea-inducing..."
"We didn't complain only because it would be ingratitude towards Miss Uta, who received us at her house," Kaneda sighs. "But hey, I honestly prefer that to the whining straight out of a soap opera.
"Wow... So Okubo really likes this girl?"
"He's head over heels for her," Himuro pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. "He's planning to ask her to be his girlfriend and everything."
"Huh. Who would've thought," Kazuo smiles. "But I'm really happy to hear that! What kind of magic is there in this bakery, huh? To be making couples like this, even one where the guy is a self-confessed womanizer-"
"Couples? In plural?," Kaneda stares at Kazuo, surprised, to which the old man locks himself in place, his eyes bulging. "Wait, is there anyone else besides Okubo and Miss Uta?"
Anyone who saw Kazuo like this, so white and sweaty, would have thought that the gratuitous violence earlier had been too much for his stomach. He shakes his head vehemently.
"What- no! I mean, I- I don't know anything! I saw nothing, I heard nothing!"
"Man, we didn’t accuse you of anything," Himuro blinks. "We’re just asking-"
"Asking what? I already told you I don't know anything!," He shrieks, walking backwards while shaking his hands. "And even if I knew I wouldn't say anything! You can't make me! You can forget about it!"
"Mr. Yamashita, calm down-"
"I'm calm! Who's not calm? I'm completely calm!," He now almost ran away from them. "I- I have to go now! Need to mediate negotiations between Mr. Atami and Mr. Tsukumo! Yes, that's what I'm going to do! See you later, and please tell Rihito to look for me as soon as he can! See you later, bye-bye!"
And he dashes off, accompanied by the astonished looks of Himuro and Kaneda. Both look at each other.
"Dude, what the fuck was that?"
"No idea. All I understood is that he knows something we don't," Kaneda shrugs. "But I've already played the matchmaker for too long, so..."
"Yeah. Count me out too," Himuro snorts, putting a cigarette in his mouth and then pulling the lighter out of his other pocket. "All I know is that it's a good thing Rihito didn't hear that. He'd throw a tantrum if he knew another guy besides Okubo was scoring with girls while he's still chasing down a number of a chick whose face he's never seen."
"And our ears would pay the price," Kaneda nods. "But seriously, do you think Okubo knows something or...?"
"He? No fat chance," Himuro shakes his head, Kaneda and he turn around to look at their friend. "That one only has eyes and ears for his own thing, screw the rest..."
Himuro couldn't be more right. Okubo was so engrossed in his call with Tomori that he didn't even notice Kazuo's antics.
"You called me at the best possible time! I was really wanting to talk to you...," He was saying, to which Tomori laughs on the other side of the line.
"You too? Was it like a thought transmission or something?"
"Perhaps! Good to know that our connection is not limited to the area from the waist down, hehe."
"Stop it, you nutcase!," She laughs more. "If the boys hear you..."
"Relax, I went away from them to answer your call. They know we need privacy. And they would want to die if they heard this conversation, anyway, hahaha."
"Yeah, no wonder! But anyway...," He hears the sound of creaking leather, and imagines her lying down on the biggest sofa in her living room. "You said you wanted to talk to me. Got something to tell me?"
"Actually I don't. I just wanted to hear your voice," He lowers his tone, which becomes more tender. "I miss you..."
"Ooh, such a corny man…," She coos affectionately. "I miss you too. I wish I was there just so I could kiss you..."
"In the mouth? Or elsewhere too?"
"Hey, hey, sir, behave yourself!," She scolds in a playful tone. "You're in a public place, right? Have some decency!
"And if I don't, what are you going to do? Headbutt me in the nipples?," He jokes, and laughs when he hears her cursing.
"You're funny for someone who suffers more from the force of gravity than I do," She snorts. "I can take you down in no time if I sit on your shoulders and lean back far enough."
"I want to see you try the next time we see each other. Which I hope is soon, I miss you too much," He pouted, and he heard her laugh again.
“That's exactly why I called. Are you free tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow? Sure thing!," He exclaims, taking the cold water bottle away from the side of his face when he feels it getting numb. "What do you want to do?"
"A candy store specializing in cookies opened close to home, and as an expert in the field, I really want to check it out. What do you think?," He could practically hear the smile in her voice. "Then we can go to a pub afterwards, if you want."
"Uh… I'm up for it, but do you really want to drink?," He asks, suddenly hesitant. "I thought you were traumatized by this type of date, after… you know…"
"I'm the one who should tell you that!," He immediately feels relief when he hears her laugh. "No, seriously, you know why I got upset with you that time. Arriving drunk on a date is wrong, but consensual drinking during one is not. Even more so 'cause I'm going to drink with you this time."
"Fair enough," He nods. "But let's not exaggerate, because if we do I won't be able to give you the treatment you deserve later…," His tone becomes insinuating, and she soon follows his cue.
"Oh, really? What kind of treatment do I deserve? Tell me..."
"The kind that will make your legs too wobbly for you to get outta bed," His tone is slightly menacing; he had learned that she loved the feeling of danger.
"Hnnn… that sounds nice. Don't think I'll let you forget that promise."
"I would be kinda upset if you did, honestly," He laughs low. "One way or another, I'm up for it. I don't think this candy store's cookies are going to be as good as yours, but it will be fun to hear your professional reviews, haha."
"If they aren't as good as mine, in their own way, I would consider it money badly spent," ​​She comments playfully. "Let’s buy a box with all the flavors, how about that?"
"I'm in! And I'll pay."
"Oh no, we'll split the bill!"
"Oh, come on! Let me spoil you, just this once..."
"You already spoil me too much! I'm almost sick of it," She snorts, but then laughs. "You're such a weird man, Naoh, insisting on spending money on me that much. I sometimes feel like a golddigger..."
“If you were, you wouldn't get all sulky and awkward when I spend money on you."
"Yeah, I don't think I'd be a good sugar baby."
"Maybe I could be a good sugar daddy, but you won't let me find out!"
He is elated to hear her laugh out loud. He couldn't get enough of how easy it was to talk to her now that they'd made up. He wouldn't trade that for anything else.
"If you wanted to find out, it would've to be with another woman who was willing to play the part," She ponders, and he shakes his head.
"In that case, I will remain in doubt."
“My God, you're so cute,” she murmurs, sounding almost out of breath. “I can't wait to see you tomorrow."
"Me too," He replies in the same tone, bringing the phone closer to his mouth to speak more quietly. "I'm wondering if I'll bring you your favorite flowers or if I'll surprise you like in that old game of ours..."
“You don't need to bring anything but your stomach, your bad jokes that always make me laugh, and your gorilla hands."
"I'd never forget them. How would I be able to hold and grope you without them?," He smiles almost predatorily. "Just you wait, tomorrow they won't leave you alone for nothing in the-"
"Heeey, Okubo, my guy!"
Okubo almost drops the phone on the ground in fright. There came several of the fighters affiliated with the Kengan Association, Himuro and Kaneda among them, running towards him. He waves a hand, alarmed.
"H-Hey, guys, hold on! I'm in the middle of a call-"
"Leave that for another time!," One of them interrupts him, giving him a tremendous slap on the shoulder and making him almost drop the phone again. "Now it's time to celebrate!"
"Hell yeah! Let’s drink our assess off, and it's on us!"
"And let’s go to Miss Rino's club, we deserve some sugar from those girls!"
"What- no! No girls for me, damn it!," Okubo screams this time, terrified when he hears Tomori's voice, still loud and clear on the other end of the line.
"Naoh? What's going on? What's all that screaming?"
"Who are you talking to? Come on, turn that thing off!"
"Say goodbye already, today we're going to town!"
"Naoya? Hellooo?"
"Tomori! S-Sorry about that, it's- it's the guys and some other friends bugging me!," He exclaims, trying not to lose his balance as huge hands pull him and heavy arms rest on his shoulders. "They are worse than needy kids, sorry! I- I think I'll have to hang up..."
"Uh… okay then, no problem," She seemed confused, but he felt relieved when she didn't seem to want to argue. "Are we settled then? Or did an urgent matter come up there...?"
"No, we are! Send me a time and I'll come by to pick you up at your house- oow, stop pulling me, damn it, I'm still sore!" He complains, a little too loudly, and he then flinches in alarm.
"Sore? Why? Did something happen to you?"
"No, I'm great! We'll talk tomorrow, Tomori, bye-bye!," He exclaims, a little louder and more brusquely than he intended, before ending the call. Holy shit, he prayed to whatever entity was listening that she hadn't heard anything about Miss Rino's club..."
"Who was on the phone with you?," One of the fighters asks, smiling insinuatingly while raising a little finger. "Was it your girlfriend?"
"Man, I hope she hasn't heard that talk of ours about getting some sugar from other girls, otherwise you're fucked, hahaha..."
"I should be the one to say that, you bastards! If she's pissed off at me tomorrow, I'll beat the shit outta you all!," Okubo yells, and that provokes a wave of laughter.
"Relax, she won't mind not being the only woman in your life if you're generous enough with your money, hehe..."
"You guys are such jackasses, I swear," He snorts. "There won't be any clubs and no girls besides her for me, ok? Let's just drink and that's it. You can chase skirts later, but count me out."
"Holy shit, so Himuro and Kaneda were right! The King of Combat has been duly chained, guys!," Another fighter happily exclaims "A minute of silence for our fallen soldier!"
There was silence for only a few seconds before laughter broke out. Okubo rolls his eyes, a little red in the face, but damn, with the reminder of his current love life, it was hard to keep a grimace. He even managed only to throw an accusing look at Himuro and Kaneda when he saw them approaching him, when he was finally freed from that sea of ​​inconvenient arms.
"You seriously went out spreading my situation with Tomori from the rooftops? You guys are worse than those old gossipers at the fish market,” He mutters, to which Kaneda shakes his head.
“It's you who's called a bigmouth, Okubo, not us. Mr. Yamashita saw your excitement when it came time to answer Miss Uta's call and asked about it. We just told him the truth."
"And those nosy bastards heard us," Himuro says with a shrug. "And what difference does it make? As long as you don't go into detail, she won't risk being chased by yout rivals looking to get even or anything."
"Bit your tongue, gigolo!," Okubo shivers all over. "I'm already worried enough about the possibility that she's heard this nonsense about going into clubs and having fun with other girls without you putting more ideas in my head. Hopefully she's not too mad and will let me explain everything tomorrow..."
"Tomorrow? Are you really going to see her tomorrow?," Kaneda frowns. "I don't think it's a good idea..."
“If I don't go, she might draw the wrong conclusions! And I want to go out with her, dammit," He mumbles sullenly. "I deserve some kisses and cuddles from her after my glorious victory. Don't rain on my parade."
"We aren't. It's just... do you intend to tell her about the Kengan matches?," Kaneda insists, to which Okubo frowns.
"What? No, I don't! At least not now. It could be risky for her."
"That's why I said it wasn't a good idea..."
"What are you getting at?"
"Your face, Egghead," Himuro snorts, blowing cigarette smoke through his nostrils. "Or do you think the bruise that will appear there tomorrow will somehow make your face nicer to look at?"
Okubo blinks. And then he becomes even more aware of the cold water bottle, its insides already melted, in his hand.
"... Oh, shit."
* * *
"My God, Naoya, what happened to your face?!"
If it had been someone else asking that kind of question, Okubo would have given some dry, sarcastic reply. “I was born, that's what happened,” was one of his favorites. “If you don't like it, give me money so I can buy another one” too.
But the person in question was Tomori. And at her astonished and frightened expression, he could only flinch and open a very nervous smile.
"Uh… if I say that a little kiss from you is what I need to heal, will it be enough?"
"Oh, for the love of...! No, it won't," She sighs heavily, shaking her head and putting her hands on her hips as she taps her foot with some impatience, right outside her front door. She looked adorable in that outfit, which consisted of a white blouse with short, puffy sleeves that exposed her shoulders, a flared jean skirt, and platform sandals (she'd been wearing them more and more since they'd started dating), but he felt that, if he were to choose that moment to praise her, she would consider it an evasion of his question and get mad. He sighs too, scratching the back of his neck.
"Okay then...," He raises his hand, touching the side of his jaw, fully aware of the bruise that colored its side. "First of all, I'll say that this was not the work of your boss."
“Of course it's not. Kanny went camping and won't be back until next week," She replies immediately. "Not to mention that the bruise is too large to be the work of a woman's hand."
"… Damn, you can recognize even that…"
"I don't follow only Ultimate Fight's men's division, you know. And anyway, it's not exactly a small bruise,” She grimaces, reaching out to touch the bruised side of his face. Okubo shudders.
"Careful there, it's still sore..."
"Sorry. But seriously, what happened there?," She asks, a little distressed. "You won't have a match until January, so it can't be that… can it?"
Damn…she was so much smaller than he was, and yet, he felt dwarfed by that piercing, sharp gaze. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, uncomfortable.
"Look… you know the kind of life I lead, right?," He gestures a little. "You know that's how I earn my living. Bruises are kind of an inevitable part of that. You have nothing to worry about..."
"I do because of your background," Her expression starts to darken. "You didn't get into a street fight, did you?"
"I- Is that the immediate conclusion you draw?," He clenches his mouth. "Couldn't I have gotten this bruise during a sparring session?"
"If that was it you would've told me by now. You don't know how to lie, Naoya," She snorted through her nostrils, and he immediately thought of a little fire-breathing dragon. "I could see that already."
"Hnf. Look, I don't want to talk about it...," He runs a hand over his face, and then he shudders and grinds through clenched teeth when it causes him a twinge of pain. "Ow... it was no big deal, I swear. Let's just forget about it, okay?, "He moves forward, trying to smile as he leans towards her. "Just let me give you the first kiss of the day..."
He puckers his lips, but he's stopped by her unceremonious right hand. She looks at him resolutely.
“Not until I hear an explanation for that bruise in your face."
Okubo sighs hard. "Seriously, why do you care so much about this? You should've gotten used to seeing my face all bruised up by now. I'm a fighter, it's part of the package..."
"Is punching others on the streets also part of this package?"
"No, but depending on how much they piss me off, I might include it as a bonus."
"I'm serious, dammit!," She raises her voice with irritation. "Did you drink too much yesterday, by any chance?"
"Why are you already jumping straight into this possibility?"
"I heard your friends trying to drag you out to celebrate I don't know what," She narrows her eyes a little. "I also heard some things about a club..."
"Hey, hey, it was their idea! And I cut it off on the spot," He immediately tries to defend himself, raising his voice too. "Didn't you hear that bit? I didn't go to any clubs!"
"I know, I heard you refusing. There's no need to be so defensive about it," She crosses her arms. "But you went out drinking with them, didn't you?"
"And what does that have to do with anything?"
"It has to do with the fact that I know your drinking history! Did you get drunk and pick fights, by any chance? Is that how you got that hideous bruise?," She pointed to his face, and for the first time since he had met her, Okubo felt a genuine surge of irritation with her.
"Hey, hey, what's this? Have you decided to act like my mom or something? You can cut that out right now," He warns, seriously. "What's your deal, anyway? Are you ashamed to be seen on the streets with me like that?"
"That's not it, dammit!," She gestures in frustration. "I just wouldn't like to know that the guy I'm going out with is picking fights with random people on the street as if he were still a teenager!"
"I did not! I... ugh, I thought you liked these things!,"
"I like it when it's inside an octagon, in a fair fight against another fighter your size! Not against an ordinary person who could barely defend himself against a punch from you!"
"Damn it, woman, it wasn't like that at all!," He takes a step towards her, frustration and anger increasing the volume of his voice even more. "After all this time, do you still expect these things from me? Even with me doing everything to improve for you?!"
"For me? You should be doing this for yourself!," She points to his nose, her teeth clenched. "We already talked about this, remember? Why don't you admit your mistakes and be honest with me? Just tell me the truth!"
"I can't! I want to, but I can't!”, he screams in his thoughts, the nervousness and the offense with her accusations making him feel more and more cornered. And holy shit, he hated feeling cornered!
"I'm telling the truth! I didn't pick up a fight with a random guy on the street, for nothing!," He opens his arms sharply, grinding his teeth too. He didn't want to yell at her, he didn't, but the volume of his voice refused to drop. "Can't I have my own thing and you have yours?! No need to stick your nose in everything..."
"Stick my nose? Is that what you call a genuine concern from those who care about you?," she asks indignantly, and he clenches his fists.
"I haven't heard any concern from you so far, only unfair accusations!"
"And how will I know if it's unfair or not if you insist on not being honest with me? ... ugh, you know what? If you're going to be like that, then I don't want to go out with you anymore today," She decrees, turning her back on him and going back to unlocking the front door, her hands trembling with rage, almost dropping the keys. Okubo blinks, eyes wide.
"Are you serious? I came all this way for nothing then?," He asks stunned, and when she doesn't answer, he snorts angrily. "Oooh, that’s just great! Then I also don't want to go out anymore, if I have to put up with your bad mood!"
"Fine! You can leave then."
"I will! Fuckin' bye," And he turns his back on her, marching furiously to the entrance gate, while listening to the house door slamming hard behind him.
Such a nosy, distrustful, stubborn woman, wanting to stuck her nose in what only concerned him! And the two of them weren't even in a serious, official relationship...
"And wasn't that what you wanted so badly to have with her, dumbass?"
Of course he wanted to, but it was complicated having to put up with all those unfair accusations!
... Which were derived from genuine concern, as he had shown up on her porch with a completely wrecked face, without any explanation or prior notice.
Okubo stops in the act of placing his hand on the gate, intending to open it, a cold, unpleasant feeling pooling in the pit of his stomach, replacing the searing anger.
Hell… his track record really wasn't the best, she'd seen that firsthand. She might have forgiven him, but she sure as hell hadn't forgotten. He really was an inconsiderate bastard.
"… Tomori!," He couldn't hold it anymore, turning around and almost running to the porch, raising his fist to knock on the door. "Tomori, I'm sorry! I-"
Tomori's distressed call is accompanied by two other sounds, happening in succession: the thud of the door hitting the wall when it is abruptly opened, and the sound of Okubo's body crashing to the ground when he loses his balance, as if someone had screamed "timber!" right behind him.
"Whoaa! Oww, fuck...!"
"Naoh! Oh shit, I'm sorry!," She exclaims in alarm, immediately crouching down to help. "Are you alright? Did it hurt?"
"Uugh... more on my pride than anything else..."
"You didn't hit your nose or anything? Let me see...," She holds his face between her hands as he slowly stands up. He grinds through his teeth as her fingers press into the injured side of his face and he holds her wrist, ever so gently.
"Oow... be careful there, I told you it's sore..."
She swallows hard, and Okubo feels a small rush of dread as her eyes fill with tears.
"H- Hey! No, don't- don't cry, please! I'm sorry for the things I said, it was without thinking-"
"No…," She interrupts him, sniffling and wiping away the tears quickly as if she was ashamed of them. "I'm the one who has to apologize, again… you came hurt, wanting to go out with me, to spend time with me even though you're in pain, and I, instead of just worrying about your condition before asking any questions... it does look like I don't care about you, and it's not true!"
"I know, I know it's not. Of course you care. If not, you wouldn't have asked so many questions," He sits up with a groan, holding out his hands and helping her wipe away her tears with his thumbs, his stomach still heavy with remorse. "Who wouldn't want to know the reason behind such a nasty bruise? I would definitely want to, if you were in my place..."
"I know... but I left those days behind me, back in my teens... oh, sorry!," She exclaims when he winces his shoulders a little. "There I go again, accusing you of childishness and being passive-aggressive at the same time..."
"... I don't blame you," He ends up sighing, now just feeling tired and wanting to cuddle with her. And he doesn't ignore that desire, calling with a pleading tone, "C'mere,... I'm sorry, Tomoh..."
She hesitates, approaching on all fours with a doubtful expression. But when he pulls her into his lap, she just melts into his arms, closing her eyes and laying her head on his shoulder as she hugs him. And they stay there, clinging to each other, taking what seems like a full minute to remember that the front door was open and anyone walking along the sidewalk could see them. She sniffs softly.
"... I was worried about you. I still am, actually...," She babbles. "I don't want to be meddling in every aspect of your life..."
“I would pay you a salary to do just that!”
“But it gets hard when you show up here like that, out of the blue, and refuse to explain. It's hard not to imagine that something very wrong is happening in your life," She raises her eyes to him, leaning on her knees to reach his injured jaw, which she touched gently with her lips. "I worry a lot, even more so after everything that..."
She didn't need to explain what that "everything" meant. Okubo understood. For someone who had seen firsthand what he was capable of when he was drunk, it was no surprise that she would jump to the worst conclusions from yet another clue he refused to explain.
But how would he tell her that there was nothing wrong going on in his life other than the supposed legality of what he was doing, every time Mr. Atami called him to beat the crap out of another guy for his own interests?
“And how am I supposed to tell her that I like this, however wrong it is?”
"I know… I know…," He tilts his head to the side, touching her lips with his in a quick, salty peck. "I… I swear to you that what happened wasn't a fight on the street with some idiot, in some roadside pub. Was it more of a... sporty thing?," It came out more like a question than a statement, but it was a little late for him to correct his tone.
"… Sporty thing?," She repeats, confused. He wets his lips with his tongue before continuing.
"Okay… do you remember how I met Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda? We told you that Saturday at the market."
"The backstage league."
"... Oh!," She then widens her eyes, finally seeming to remember. "Wait, so… you still fight in that league? Wasn't it a spur-of-the-moment thing, like...'I'm looking for fresh airs, new faces to punch' or something like that?"
Okubo feels like laughing, more from hysteria than anything else, and he holds back because he feels like she won't forgive him so easily if he does. Hell, if she even had the slightest idea...
"Look... let's go to your couch to talk more calmly, shall we? My back is starting to hurt... and with the door wide open like that, anyone passing by outside can watch the onset of my scoliosis," He groans playfully, and her eyes widen again.
"Oh, right! C'mon," She gets up and reaches her right hand, pushing the door with her left. "We have a lot to talk about."
He nods, accepting the hand she offers. It was good to know that her anger had subsided enough that she no longer refused contact.
About twenty minutes later, they were both sitting around the tea table in the center of the living room, while Tomori poured two steaming cups of tea for them. She sets the teapot aside and sighs.
"Okay…," She starts, resting her hands on her lap. "This backstage league… are you still in it?"
"Yes," He answers promptly; lying or not talking wouldn't improve the situation at all. "Whenever they call me and I'm available."
"… Does it involve a contract?," She asks after thinking a bit. "Because as far as I know, your contract with Ultimate Fight would prohibit you from forming partnerships with other martial arts promotions. Or am I mistaken?"
"No, you're not," He shakes his head, picking up his teacup, deliberately avoiding looking her in the eye. "It's not a contractual deal. It's more of a... a freelance job, you know?"
"Job? So you're paid to fight in this league?"
"I am. Not as much as what I make in Ultimate Fight, plus the sponsorships and merchandise with my face, but it's still something," He blows the surface of the liquid before taking a sip. Tomori frowns.
"And your sponsors, your team and the CEO of the promotion don't know about it?"
"… Some of them know," Okubo answers after pondering. "Not all. It's... it's something that's better not to spread around."
"And they don't mind? Doesn't it go against promotion guidelines?"
Holy shit, she asked so many questions! Okubo admired her fascination with the world of martial arts, but at that moment, he found himself wondering if it wouldn't be easier if she were just a casual fan, not an avid one...
“You two probably wouldn't be so far along in your relationship if that were the case. That is, if you even had one.”
He smirks. He would never want his Tomori to be any different than what she was. But damn, she was too curious for her own good.
"Look… as long as I keep my mouth shut and do what I have to do, they don't care much," He finally says, giving a slightly embarrassed laugh. "I know you're a die-hard fan and admirer of martial arts leagues, but things behind the scenes are not so-"
"Hey, hey, don't take me for a ditzy, Okubo Naoya," She interrupts him, pointing at him. "I'm not a blind fan. Not anymore, at least. I know well that the most famous martial arts leagues are not perfect and one hundred percent ethical. I know that some dirt stuff happens behind the scenes. I just..."
“You just didn't expect me to be a part of it,” he finished the sentence for her, kind of offhand. And then he makes a face when she winces her shoulders. "Sorry. There I go, putting words in your mouth again..." 
"It's okay," She ends up sighing.  "I mean, you… you can't consider a 'backstage league' dirty, can you?"
"You kinda can. It just depends on your definition of dirty."
“I don't know… is this, like, Fight Club or something?," She asks, curious, and this time Okubo can't hold back. Tomori snorts as he laughs out loud. "Yeah, you and your backstage league are really funny."
"S-Sorry...," He puts a fist in front of his mouth, coughing. "It's just that your comparison kinda gave me an excuse to claim that I can't talk about that any longer."
"... Ooh," She understands, and ends up laughing too. "First rule of Fight Club: you do not talk about Fight Club."
"But then I'm right?"
He finishes with his cup of tea and sets it down on the table slowly.
“Yeah…it's kinda like a club, but it's a little more complex than a bunch of muscle heads punching each other for no reason. It's hard to explain...," He touches his injured jaw with his fingers. "All you need to know is that the guy I fought was no weakling serving as my punching bag. It was a fair fight against a fighter almost as capable as I am."
"Hey, in Ultimate Fight or Fight Club, I'm still the King of Combat!"
“You just broke the first rule, King of Combat."
"And this is just between us, okay?," He puts an index finger to his lips, smiling when she laughs. It was so nice to be able to be honest with her, even if not completely...
Tomori takes her own cup, taking a long drink with her eyes closed. She is silent long enough for Okubo to want to ask what she was thinking. But she herself breaks the silence for him.
"Can I see you fight in this Fight Club?"
Okubo gave thanks inwardly that he was no longer holding the cup of tea. He probably would've knocked it to the floor and ruined her china set.
"Uh… I…," He thinks as best he can of several excuses, and none of them sounded convincing enough. "I'd like you to see me fight, yes, but… it's not a matter of wanting to…"
"That's another one of the rules, isn't it?'," She asks, her hands in her lap again. "Can't you bring someone from outside to watch?"
"No… it's not that I can't…," He gestures uncertainly, scratching the back of his head, a little distressed to see her looking upset again.
“Just say you can't and that's it, you idiot! It's a lie, but it's for her own good!"
"I don't want to lie to her anymore!"
“I… I worry about you, that's all."
She looks up at him, annoyance giving way to surprise.
"You worry about me? Why?," She suddenly snorts. "Do you think my delicate feminine eyes couldn't handle gratuitous violence or something?"
"After knowing you all this time? I'd be a tremendous idiot if I thought so," He rolls his eyes a little. "It's not that, woman. It's just that in this backstage league, they're not very selective with who they let in. As long as the guy knows how to fight, it's all good for them."
Her sarcastic expression fades a little.
"Which means...?"
"It means I'm not friends with everyone there," He looks at her seriously. "And I don't want to be. Rihito, Himuro, and Kaneda are nice people, but some of those guys... let's just say I don't want you five hundred meters away from them. And that's that."
He sees the understanding on her face, accompanied by a slight pale. He feels guilty about it, but he wasn't going to take it back. It was the truth. And she needed to understand, for her own sake.
“I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you because of the Kengan Association. Please don't push it."
"… I see," She nods at last, half shrunken, squeezing the fabric of her skirts between her fingers. "So it's some serious business..."
"Yeah. Do you understand now why I didn't know how to tell you?"
"I'm…," She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. Okubo leans over the tea table to touch her shoulder, guilt rising in his chest.
“Hey… sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…"
"You didn't. I'm fine, relax," She holds his hand, and Okubo is a little more relieved when she smiles. "Thanks for being honest with me, as much as possible."
"Yeah... you deserved it, after the scare I gave you," He smiles too, more embarrassed. And then he goes around the table until he's sitting next to her, pulling her into another hug "Sorry, Tomori… I wish I could've been more honest with you, but I thought you wouldn't like to know these things."
"Well… I'm not exactly happy about it," She murmurs, accepting the hug. "But if it's consented and both you and all these guys know what you're getting into… just promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise. I'm not going to show up with a face even more fucked up than it already is, because then you'd be to embarassed to go out with me, haha."
"Stop it, your face isn't fucked up! ... It's just a little funny-looking."
"… Yeah, honesty is everything in a relationship, right? Thanks, I guess."
She laughs out loud at his sulking tone, cupping his face in her hands to give him a peck. Jeez, how could he stay pissed off at all that cuteness?
"I really like your face and I want to keep seeing it always healthy, okay? Don't doubt it, please... and I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise."
"It's okay. I said that out of anger. I never doubted you,” He brings her in for a slightly deeper kiss, melting at the sigh she takes against his mouth. It felt so good to be on good terms with her again... and also to know the day hadn't been completely wasted.
"Hey…," He murmurs when they walk away, smiling invitingly. "Is that trip to that candy shop still on? All this talk made me hungry."
"Yeah, me too," She agrees, getting up and again reaching her hand to him. "Come on, if we're lucky we can get all the flavors still available!"
"Nice! Then we can go to an pub like you suggested. And then...," He encircles her waist with an arm, bringing her to him with an insinuating half smile. "We'll spend the rest of our night in a more comfortable place. What do you think?"
"Oh, you... we barely made up and you already want to take me to bed, huh?"
"Of course! I heard make up sex is the best kind of sex. Don't you want to find out if it's true with me? Hnn?," He gives a succession of small kisses on her face and neck, making her laugh and cringe with the tickle.
"Hahaha, stop, you...! Okay, I'm up to it! I won't deny that I'm curious to test the theory...," She jokes, giving him one last peck. "I'll just get my umbrella, prevention is never too much in this crazy summer weather. You can wait for me in the car."
"Alright! I'll meet you there,” He holds her against his chest a little more before letting go, retracing his steps down the long corridor and out the door. He even whistled in his satisfaction.
Damn, that had come out better than he expected! And she hadn't even been pushing the matter after his explanations either... it was a relief to know that he could keep Tomori safe without having to make lame excuses about the bruises. It wasn't like he was often called upon to a Kengan match, anyway. She wouldn't need to wotrry...
He just didn't know that, inside the house, Tomori was still thinking about everything she had heard from him. She thought, she brooded, she turned it around, she tried to convince herself that it wasn't something to worry about.
She tried. But she couldn't.
She walks into the kitchen, carrying her purse over one shoulder, her closed umbrella in one hand and her phone in the other. She clicks on the contact list and opens the chat of a specific number. She couldn't make a call; there wasn't time, and anyway, she probably wouldn't even see it ultil days later. So just an audio would be enough.
She leans back against the marble counter, bringing her phone to her mouth and looking back one last time, just to make sure Okubo isn't coming to rush her. And then she presses a button on the screen.
"Hey, Kanny! It's me," She says quickly, unable to stop herself from sounding a little distressed. "I know you're still camping in the mountains, so I'll just send you an audio so you can hear it when you get back. No need to worry, I'm fine. It's just that I heard some things and I need to talk to someone about them, otherwise I'll go crazy with anxiety. Kany, I... I think Naoya..."
She wets her parched lips before continuing.
"I think Naoya is involved with one of those underground, illegal fight leagues."
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