#Yamashita Kazuo
darknebulablader · 17 days
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uh so anyways I finally read Kengan
Very much enjoyed it
Get ready for some incoming pics of buff men :)
(if anyone has some suggestions for who I should draw lemme know)
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sawpaingsheadband · 2 months
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I like doing these, have some more.
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maochira · 3 months
So yknow how Ohma is kinda like a son to Yamashita and vise verse? Could you write some head canons (gender neutral) about this teenager (16/17) who kinda sees Ohma like their big brother? Once they first met never leaving him alone, pestering him and stuff? Reader is also a fighter (more on a lower level than everybody else) and likes to joke and taunt others sometimes, please?
I love all the works you do, especially the bllk coach dad stuff <3
Thank you so so much!!!
Tags: gn!reader, reader is Kazuo's youngest kid, reader is still in high school
Growing up you had a pretty good relationship with both of your older brothers. But when they became teenagers you drifted apart. A lot. Especially with Kenzo
You also fought a lot with Yasuo until at one point, he said he hated you. He didn't truly mean it and only said it in anger, but it still ended up being your breaking point. After that you stopped talking to him entirely
When Kazuo became Ohma's manager, at first he tried to keep the entire Kengan thing hidden from you. You're his only child that actually still talks to him and he didn't want to get you into any danger
He ended up telling you the truth after you met Ohma for the first time. Because there's no way he could keep this a secret any longer now that you've met Ohma
Especially because you were so amazed after finding out Ohma's a fighter and you started asking him all sorts of questions
Ohma was confused at first, but since Kazuo had already told him quite a bit about you, he quickly started feeling protective of you
As soon as you found out about the upcoming Kengan Annihilation Tournament you began to beg your father to let you come along. He was very strictly against it because you still had to go to school, and it could be very dangerous
But Ohma thought it'd be a good experience to take you along. He ended up convincing your father with the promise that he'll protect you and help you improve your fighting skills
Kazuo reluctantly agreed. He kept telling himself at least he (and Ohma) can keep an eye on you instead of leaving you alone at home
You basically never leave Ohma's side. The way you talk to him reminds Kazuo of the way you used to talk to your brothers and he always gets a little emotional
You also look up to Ohma and admire him a lot. He'd be weirded out by pretty much anyone else if they admired him the way you do
Ohma never knew what it's like to have siblings, so he has no idea why he feels so protective of you
At some point Kaede made a joke about you and Ohma acting like siblings and Ohma was like huh. That must be it
He started referring to you as his little sibling after that
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corvlth · 6 days
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Doodled Jurota (and Kazzy the devourer of worlds) while waiting for a package
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Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki...
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( Disclaimer: This is going to have darker tones to it, Reader is from the Inside, and well... We know how awful the inside is, especially for women :) )
Y/N smiled passively, listening to music loud enough to tune out the world as she walked to Yamashita-san's company. As usual, she managed to successfully skip class, so she decided to have her lunch with the old man, whom she sees close to a father figure. Needless to say, though she was so young, she felt the most at home around the old CEO, his secretaries and all the Kengan Fighters, since very young, when she first got involved in the Underground world.
Fixing her cute summer dress, she knocked on the door of his office, and entered. "Yo, Yamashita-san, I brought my famous bento lunch! Let's eat together today!" she spoke cheerfully, only to freeze upon making eye contact with a familiar face. Though she wasn't greeted by the manager himself, she saw her classmate, Koga, bored out of his mind and rather frustrated. She wanted to laugh in his face - She almost couldn't believe he finally managed to get himself in relation to the Underground after so long; But what caught her attention was that brunet man, looking absent-minded. "OH MY GOD, OHMA, YOU'RE ALIVE!" she squealed cheerfully, the lunch pack falling to the ground as she jump-hugged the man, holding him tightly. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I KNEW YOU COULDN'T BE DEAD! I KNEW IT! YOU'RE TOO STRONG TO DIE, OHMA!" the man didn't speak a word, bewildered, but unable to voice any kind of protest out of shock and confusion. Koga was long since forgotten, yet it was Yamashita Kazuo who cleared her throat, and in the gentlest voice, called out to Y/N. "Y/N... I'm sorry, that's not Ohma. Look again." Y/N froze, and in that moment, the stranger placed his hands gently on her shoulders, pulling her at arms' length, so she could take a better look at his face - Indeed, that wasn't Ohma, but by hell, he looked like they could be twins, or at least a younger brother. "Oh no... You're right... You're not Ohma... But you look so much like him... But you're a bit shorter, and your body isn't as buffed up. Even your hair is a little longer and lighter in shade. Your eyes too... They are dark, but gentler. I should have known better... You couldn't be Tokita Ohma's younger brother by any chance, can you?" she tried, but the boy shook his head, earning a sigh from her. "Sorry to disappoint, miss, but I hope you see this Ohma again some day. My name is Gaoh Ryuki, and I'm here to become a Kengan fighter." Y/N looked up at him, unable to break eye contact, and she smiled. "Yeah, I can see that, alright. You are going to fit very well in this matches. I can feel these things, y'know?" she giggled playfully - Not only was she sure any person with the last name 'Gaoh' would be an excellent fighter, but a survivor of the Inside like himself was sure to make it big in an underground fighting arena. "My name is Y/N L/N, it's lovely meeting you, Ryuki. And I'm sorry again for mistaking you for someone else, that was unnecessarily rude of me."
"Hey, are you just going to ignore me?!" Koga's voice made both Y/N and Ryuki look at him. "How'd you get here, anyway?!" "Question is, how did YOU get here." Y/N chuckled teasingly. "I've been associated with the Kengan Association since I was 10 years old. I have to say, it was rather hilarious seeing you stumble around, trying to find your way to the underground. Gave me quite the laughter." "Wh-What?! How could you -- Hey, why didn't you tell me?! You knew how much I wanted to get in the underground!" Koga frowned, stomping in front of her like a little brat throwing a tantrum. "Why? I think that's obvious, isn't it?" Y/N gave him a wicked smirk, completely shocking the boy, who only knew her as that kind and sweet girl who could do no harm. "It's because you would die the second you stepped inside the arena!" she laughed mockingly at him. "There's no way someone like you, as you are now, could POSSIBLY compete with those MONSTERS!" she turned around properly, stepping in front of him, dangerously close, as if to provoke him. "In fact - You couldn't even defeat ME, let alone an actual fighter!" "What the heck, Y/N, are you trying to challenge me to a fight or what?!" based on her impish, mischievous smirk, the short-tempered boy only got angrier. Before he even got the chance to react, however, he found himself being thrown into the shelf, the whole world rotating aggressively with him. "Yes. I was challenging you. If you can't even react fast enough to defend yourself against a girl, you stand no chance, Koga. You have to gain experience and train properly if you ever want to make a proper debut." Koga seemed to be mumbling, pissed off but unable to protest after what happened. The poor manager was freaking out a little, concerned for the silver haired boy's well-being. "Well, Y/N, Koga is now Yamashita Co.'s apprentice, so he won't fight in an official match any time soon. As you said, he needs to get prepared. As for Ryuki, he is going to become an official fighter." the old man spoke in his usual gentle voice. "Sounds about right. Where does Ryuki stay?" it might seem like a peculiar question, but the old manager knew very well the reason behind it. "Both Ryuki and Koga are staying over at my place." he explained simply. "How about that. Ryuki, would you like to stay over at my place? I bet it gets rather crowded at the old man's place." Ryuki looked attentively in the sly girl's eyes, and he could easily pick up on the undertone behind her proposal. With a quick look at the old man, seeking approval, Ryuki smiled innocently and agreed.
Y/N didn't wait to hear Koga's yells of protest, for she hooked her arm to Ryuki's and guided him out of there, enjoying a nice walk all the way to her home.
"What is it that you wanted to speak with me?" Y/N smiled, hearing his words. "Ah, pretty AND smart, I like it." she chuckled leisurely. "I know you're from the Inside - Surely, you know that about myself also. I didn't want to reveal it in front of Koga, he doesn't get these things. He is too... Innocent." "I noticed." he nodded his head. "Have you gotten out of the Inside recently?" she asked softly, and he affirmed. "Did you have anyone to teach you how to read and write?" he shook his head. "And do you want to?" "I suppose that could be useful." he shrugged his shoulders absent-minded. "I got adopted when I was 10 years old, and we escaped. Mum was super smart, and she started studying and became a CEO. Dad became her fighter. I had the privilege of leading a rather beautiful life for the second half of my life." soon, they arrived in front of a large mansion, with a beautiful flower garden and an outside pool. Ryuki could only stare, mesmerised at the lush opulence displayed before him. "Please, make yourself at home. Dad's going to love you." "Y/N... This is really too much." Ryuki mumbled, feeling a little uncomfortable. "I know, it took a while to get used to it - For all of us - But, you know... We deserve it, after what we've gone through, don't you think?" the boy looked at her with a small yet appreciative smile. He couldn't say that he went through that many atrocious things to begin with, but he wasn't blind to the suffering of the others who hadn't the privilege of being adopted by a man to care for them and teach them how to fight. He couldn't imagine what Y/N went through, but at least now, she was fine.
✩ Here, at your home, you taught Ryuki how to read and write.
✩ You often hung around with him and Koga for pubs, restaurants, shopping and what not - Though obviously, Y/N paid for everything, as she was the only one actually earning money to begin with.
✩ Though Ryuki needn't glasses, he got a fashion pair, and you thought he looked adorable.
✩ Also, you loved buying him all the most ridiculous and cute Tshirts and sweaters.
✩ He even agreed to have matching outfits!
✩ You could completely understand why he spoke so freely about killing, and his lack of remorse - You were the same, and unfortunately, you always end up indulging him, without realising.
✩ Life on the Inside left a powerful mark on both of your lives, and even though you left that place physically, a part of you will always be affected by the time spent there, fending for yourselves.
✩ It wasn't until Himuro pointed it out to you, that you realised your lack of care of the life of others wasn't exactly normal behaviour.
✩ You, Himuro and Ryuki ended up pairing up, while Kaneda took Koga to Seki's Wrestling arena, to train.
✩ When the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament was announced, you assigned your Dad to be one of the original fighters, along with Gaolang and Dad's best friend, Wakatsuki.
✩ You could tell that Ryuki was being just polite with you, at least at the beginning - There was a shallowness and emptiness to his smile, but with time, and your mutual hatred for the Worms, you started feeling some trust in one another.
✩ You cheered for him when he went to fight Jose in the wrestling ring, and even kissed his cheek as a victory prize, to which he smiled like a cute puppy getting a treat.
✩ You were impressed with his way of explaining the footwork game to Koga, and played the referee for them - It was easy for you to understand Ryuki's words, and even wanted to play with him yourself, it looked like a lot of fun, though Koga was getting a little frustrated.
✩ He couldn't understand Ryuki as well as you did, and you often had to translate it in easier words for him.
✩ Koga took Ryuki shopping again, and though he tried to get him to adopt a super cool street style, well, Ryuki definitely preferred something more comfortable and cute.
✩ Ryuki even admitted to you that it was rather fun hanging out with Koga once in a while, though he was a little weird.
✩ When the two boys were taken to the Purgatory to explore a little, you refused to go, out of sheer ego and arrogance.
✩ Over the time, Ryuki began confessing to you about his active effort in eliminating the Worms, and you supported him whole-heartedly; They had to be eliminated forever.
✩ This time, however, Koga witnessed his killing, and Ryuki couldn't understand why he was to upset and angry at him - Didn't he know how evil the Worms are?
✩ You try to explain to him that Koga is completely unfamiliar with the way the Inside works, and even the Underground, and that he shouldn't take it too heart, he'll get over it eventually.
✩ You even tried to talk to Koga, but he outright refused to listen to anything you said in Ryuki's defense.
✩ When you heard that Ryuki's proper employment match was against Akoya, you shuddered in deep fear and tried to reason with Yamashita, but there was nothing he could do.
✩ You told Ryuki about how much of a psychopath monster Akoya is, and how terrifying he can get, but he only smiled brightly at you, kissing your cheek and reassuring you that he'll win - For you.
✩ You have no idea when you started caring so much for Ryuki, but watching him getting brutalized by Akoya made your eyes sting with forming tears, and your heart was aching, the same way as when you watched Cosmo getting tortured by him.
✩ When you saw Ryuki stopping himself from delivering a killing blow, despite being mounted, on the ground, and vulnerable, you realised that Koga's words affected him so much that he allowed himself to get hit until he lost consciousness.
✩ "LEAVE HIM ALONE, AKOYA!" you yelled at him, jumping over the gate and grabbing his wrist as Paula the referee announced the match over. Thankfully, Katahara's bodyguards were there to aid you in stopping that psycho from killing Ryuki.
✩ You immediately knelt by Ryuki's side, helping him stand, and took a handkerchief to wipe away the blood caking his face, before pulling him into an embrace, his face cradled to your soft chest.
✩ If it weren't for the blood on his face, he would have blushed at the proximity.
✩ After the fight, you allowed him and Koga to make up, all alone, though you remained with Yamashita and Kaede, lowkey spying on them, happy that they were finally getting better.
✩ For the next month until the Purgatory fight, you watched Ryuki train in your courtyard, sometimes sparring with your Dad and getting better and better with each fight.
✩ And your Dad ended up liking his so much, that they have a Father-Son relationship of sorts, which almost gets you jealous. Just kidding, they are adorable.
✩ It was the first time you told someone of your Mum's tragic death, and how you had to take over as the CEO at barely 13 years of age; Though your Dad took it the hardest, and never recovered from the loss.
✩ You told him how you were an orphan at first and how you have no idea how you survived until the age of 5 in the worst district known to mankind, Rikuko, before a mafioso kidnapped you, trafficked you and pimped you out until the age of 10, when one of the newer prostitutes along with a client rescued you and took you as their own, with the wish of escaping this hell.
✩ It wasn't an easy escape, and you continued being in danger until you stepped foot over the custom line - And even then, you lived in poverty until your Mum's smarts and Dad's prowess landed you with a whole goldmine and a life of luxury.
✩ You even admitted to Ryuki only that you're still actually afraid of sleeping by yourself, and you don't feel safe even in your own home, despite the guards on the premises.
✩ Since then, Ryuki offered to sleep in the same room with you.
✩ Initially, he wanted to sleep on the ground, unable to look at your beautiful body wearing only a thin and short nightgown.
✩ When you pull him to bed and cuddle with him though, he's completely lost in the warmth and holds you to his chest without any seconds thoughts.
✩ Sleeping together like this becomes more natural for you than anything else.
✩ Sometimes, when he thinks you're asleep, he'll whisper sweet things into your ear, or play with your hair absent-minded, or kiss your forehead; All these things calm him down so much, though he doesn't know why.
✩ Your Dad always jokes about how cute you two are together, and how you'll end up getting married soon.
✩ You have cute dates just strolling around the park, enjoying a coffee at the cafe, or rollerblading around idly.
✩ Or, at night, he'd show you fun 'games' that his grandpa used to help him train, and considering the Gaoh style is more or less proclaimed a coward style, Ryuki thought it would be useful for you to learn, in case you got attacked and needed a quick escape.
✩ When you were told that Yamashita and Koga got attacked and the boy was in hospital, you quickly took the car and drove that way, only for the door to swing open and see, this time, the real Ohma.
✩ "OHMA!" the same as with Ryuki, you jumped on Ohma, this time, 100% sure it was the real one. The man patted your head, smiling down at you - He knew how much you missed him, even though you only met during the Kengan Annihilation Tournament, but with the amount of times he saved you from Rihito's harassing, he became as good as your elder brother. Not to mention, you always cheered and bet on his fights, especially after he destroyed Raian.
✩ Though, the pyscho Kure devil was also fun to hang around, but even better to tease - Yet it always backfired tenfold.
✩ Despite how friendly you were with the two fighters, Ryuki couldn't stand how they were telling Koga to give up on the idea of joining the competition - You had to agree with them though, despite how much he's worked out in the past half a year, he was still nowhere near the level of the veteran legends of the Kengan Annihilation Tournament, which represented most of the roster to begin with.
✩ Both you and Raian had to point out, more or less, that Ohma simply meant he couldn't participate for the moment, especially with all those injuries, and Narushima seemed rather emboldened by it.
✩ Ryuki was in a gloomy mood the whole night though, and you couldn't snap him out of it until you were sent to the island where the Tournament was taking place.
✩ You were so happy to see most of your old friends again, and made sure to have nice conversations with all of them, especially with Misasa, with whom you shared a fighting style. Small and cute people like you had to defend yourselves somehow!
✩ Of course, for the first fight, everyone had to argue amongst themselves on who the should go first - Poor Gaolang got so pissed that he simply went on ahead to calm the waters.
✩ His shameless defeat shook you to the core, and you ended up protesting loudly at how unfair it was, playing by the weakling rule of a ringout.
✩ You hugged Gaolang tightly, reassuring him that he was the real winner in the Kengan's eyes.
✩ Next, that German Powerhouse of meat, Julius, won against Pineapple Head.
✩ Your favourite fight, however, was Misasa's, whom you nicknamed Ken, and you were Barbie the CEO. Not only was it fun to watch him fight, but he completely humiliated that traitor for betraying not only Kengan, but Katahara especially.
✩ The next fighter was Naidan, a Mongolian fighter, who coincidentally was also a White Worm, who directly provoked Ryuki into fighting him.
✩ Not only you, but your Dad also, tried to warn the boy to keep his wits about him and not lose his mind over revenge; Hopefully, he will be fine.
✩ Koga also got in the stands next to you, to get a better view of the fight, though all of you were on the edge.
✩ Naidan was, unfortunately, far stronger than Ryuki, and no matter how much the boy wanted to hold back from killing, to keep his promise to Koga... He had to get serious, otherwise, he would just end up dead.
✩ Naidan was provoking and confusing Ryuki so bad, to the point of him losing his mind - Though he started attacking faster, he completely disregarded his own safety.
✩ Just like in the fight with Akoya, Ryuki ended up on the ground, mounted and roughly strangled to the point of almost fainting.
✩ Though he wanted, even to the bitter end, to keep away from killing - Naidan forced him to kill him.
✩ Ryuki was devastated and lost completely.
✩ You were the first to run over to Ryuki, shamelessly kicking Naidan's corpse from above him, before falling to the ground and grabbing Ryuki in a tight embrace, telling him everything was going to be okay and that it wasn't his fault. It was self-defense. Koga agreed with you also, once he got over.
✩ You were so angry on Ryuki's behalf, that when Liu tried to attack him, you immediately leapt to your feet and deflected his punch, cursing at him and telling him to get the hell away from you.
✩ Thankfully, Ohma and the others came by also, taking over for you so you could return to Ryuki.
✩ During Agito's match against yet another filthy Worm, you and Koga tried, and failed, to comfort Ryuki.
✩ In the end, Ryuki asked to be left alone for a while, and you could do nothing but watch as he left the arena, into a dark corridor, to sulk all alone.
✩ Raian's fight was next, and you found yourself laughing almost hysterically as he split his Wu opponent in two. Poor Koga looked at you like you had mental problems.
✩ Meguro's supposed brother, Hayami Masaki, went on to win the next match against one of the two Kings of the Purgatory, Jurota, yet you had no clue that Ryuki ended up getting corrupted by none other than Kiryu Setsuna, whom you thought long dead.
✩ Akoya's match against Nicolas ended up in a draw, and unfortunately, Nitoku lost just like Gaolang, over a stupid Ringout, against that emotional idiot Liu Dongcheng.
✩ At least Naoya, wearing a clown outfit, won against Terashi... Though, you still couldn't quite understand why he was wearing such a ridiculous get-up to begin with.
With three more matches to go, Ryuki finally decided to return, all but bewitched by Setsuna's magic, yet just in time to say his good wishes to your Dad fighting; He had no idea why you looked so angry though.
"You will NOT be fighting now! Let Tsuki-san fight! Let Ohma fight! They won't lose their mind in a fight, but you WILL!" you yelled at your father. It was the first time anyone ever heard you raising your voice. "Sorry, honeybunch, but I gotta. Ain't no way I'm letting that fucker humiliate you like that." your Dad kept his back at you, cracking his knuckled. "TO HELL WITH HUMILIATION, SOME WORDS DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE! HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU MORON! WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITHOUT YOU?!" everyone in the Kengan arena watched as you kept screaming at your father, while he could only glare at the ugly bastard waiting and taunting him in the ring. "N'aww, cutie, why you got so little faith in me? Your mum woulda be much more encouraging." he chuckled dryly. "No, mum would have slapped your face for being so fucking dumb, that's what she'd've done!" you gripped the back of his shirt, trying to budge him. "I am the CEO! I am directly FORBIDDING you from stepping into the ring!" Your father hung his head, remaining silent for a few seconds. "Yo, Wakatsuki. When my little babygirl marries Ryuki, won'tcha be walkin' her down the aisle for me?" the poor man looked with extreme confusion and bewilderment at his friend. "I think you should be doing that yourself, friend." Takeshi replied. "He's saying that because this dumbass KNOWS he has every chance of getting provoked into a blind rage and getting himself killed!" your frustrated scream only shocked those around you. "Mama's really lonely up there, y'know? And I miss her like hell. Someone's gotta keep her company." your grip fell lax, and you felt your body grow cold and unresponsive. "What about me, then? Are you going to leave me all alone? Am I not your child? What about me?!" you felt tears streaming down your cheeks silently. "WHAT ABOUT ME?!" "My only happiness in life was your mother, and seeing you grow in the beautiful and intelligent young lady that you are. You're gonna be safe now." he started stepping towards the ring. "Forgive me, Y/N."
✩ You remained completely absent from everything around you, almost like you were all alone, in another dimension, forced to watch your father being massacred by the very mafioso who destroyed your early childhood. His looks could resemble Alan Wu after Raian ripped him apart.
✩ Ryuki's heart ripped in two, finally brought back to reality by the raw shriek of anguish, and the distraught expression on your face as you violently ripped and tugged away at your gorgeous velvety hair.
✩ When the mafioso dares speak ill of your father for being weak, and even throwing crass and improper comments on your child-body, not only Ryuki, but Wakatsuki also, wanted to beat the crap out of him - But you were faster.
✩ All spectators gasped as you took out a dagger holding your hair in a pretty updo, and with perfect Silat and Systema moves, you hacked away at the evil-doer, slashing away at his flesh, digging into his chest, ripping him apart, stabbing his skull, until he reverted into nothing but mush and porridge. People were screaming at the murder taking place for a fourth time before their eyes, and not the referee, or the fighters could hold you down.
✩ Ryuki was the only one capable of prying you away from that monster, and even though he tried to hold you into his arms, like you always did for him, you were on such high alert that you pushed him away, yelling at him not to touch you.
✩ Koga followed after you, and though he tried to reprimand you for slaughtering a man, his heart was also broken, having finally found out your story, and understanding now why you always took Ryuki's side and excusing his murders.
✩ When you got home, you cried the whole night and there was nothing Ryuki could do, except stay there with you, making sure you didn't feel afraid, all alone, in such a huge mansion. He, too, mourned your father's death, having gotten close to him over the course of time.
✩ "Ryuki... Do you want to be my company's fighter? I don't want to ever lose you. Not you too." he agreed.
✩ After the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament, Ryuki joined Setsuna and Akoya in defeating the Worms, while you supported them with funds and information.
✩ Since then, you contacted Misasa, Retsudo and Rolon so that all three of you could teach you their own variations of Silat, as it was the best fighting style for you.
✩ When the Berserker Bowl took place, you cheered on Ryuki all the time - Though you were shocked when he ultimately lost against Koga.
✩ That wasn't the big issue though. What hurt the most was that... Rihito won. There is no atrocity in life bigger than Rihito winning anything in life. Useless man with ugly shorts.
✩ With this loss, Ryuki had a revelation, amidst a lot of confusion - He completely severed ties with Setsuna, and decided to speak to you, Ohma and Yamashita, about going by himself to the Inside, to have a talk with his grandfather. Too many of his convictions got shaken up in the few months spent Outside, and he needed to get some questions answered.
✩ Albeit reticent and afraid, you gave him the blessing of going.
✩ As reassurance, Ryuki kissed your lips for the first time, promising you that, when he returns, he will ask you out.
✩ Though you and Koga waited and waited, the Summer ended, and Ryuki hadn't come back. Naturally, you began to worry, so you created a small party to get to the Inside and rescue him, including Ohma, Retsudo, Himuro and Rei.
✩ Ryuki's GPS tracker stopped somewhere around Rohza district - Not the worst, but not the best place to live either. That place, however, wasn't a district anymore, but a contested place for a turf war by all sides, as every minute, the borders of the districts keep changing and changing actively.
✩ Both Ohma and you explained to Yamashita how dangerous it is to live in the Inside, and that not even people living there would dare cross districts through that place, and instead, take cautious steps through the Outside.
"So you're going through Rohza? That's a good choice." Kushida Rin spoke, once the four of you returned to Yamashita's office. "Rohza and Hachio are the more relatively safe parts of the Inside, but you'd have to go through Goyu to get to the disputed territory through Hachio." though she got a little flustered when Kaede mentioned how well versed she is about the geography of that god-forsaken place. It seems she wasn't aware Rin was also from there. "How about Rikuko?" Koga asked innocently. "THAT'S PLACE IS HELL ON EARTH! NEVER EVER GET EVEN CLOSE TO IT!" Rin shrieked, visibly shaken up. "... That was my home for 10 years." you bit your lip, shivering softly just remembering that place. "There are no words to describe that place. I bet even Hell is a kinder place than Rikuko. I home it gets burnt to the ground, along with all the people living there. No, rather, all those fucking monsters." Koga looked at your disturbed and disgusted face, and felt a tremor of sheer fright go down his spine.
✩ You reached the huge wall separating the Outside with the Inside, and felt your heart covering with a blanket of ice and numbness, seeing the destruction and desolation of this place. You never wanted to return to this place, but Ryuki needed saving, and you couldn't abandon him.
✩ You got to the Black Market, and followed the safest route that Retsu's men could scout, but before, you took lodging in a dilapidated place, provided by the General himself.
✩ Instead of going to eat with Ohma and Koga, you remained with the others, and though you couldn't find the power to speak much, you went through packs of cigarettes to try and sooth your stress. You didn't.
✩ Himuro especially expressed his worry for your helped, but you simply smirked and showed him you just puffed them as a bad fixation habit.
✩ When those two returned, Koga explained that Setsuna visited them and told them some info about Ryuki and Mukaku's safe houses and what not. When you told Koga that you were well aware that Ryuki continued to kill Worms with him, he got frustrated, grabbing yours shoulders and shaking you, screaming at you for allowing him to murder.
✩ You simply punched him away, not wanting to bother with explanations.
✩ The next morning after breakfast, the General sent a lackey to call them over, and he asked for one of the party to defeat one of his men, to see if you deserve an escort.
✩ Without a second thought, you stepped forwards, ready to face the hulky man with swirly tattoos.
✩ The only one to protest was Koga, but Retsu shut him up.
"I'm far too angry to pretend I'm an innocent little princess. I'm here to rescue my boyfriend and return home, with all the party members intact and in good shape. So, let's get it over with, shall we?"
✩ You took out your dagger and played around with it, before going to attack the large man holding a knife.
✩ Of course, you were in a playful mood, so like a cat playing with its prey, you confused him with a few good side-steps, before placing the tip of your dagger to his neck artery. "Should I kill you, or do you surrender?"
✩ The general stopped the fight, offering you your guide as he watched you high-fiving the other men in your party who praised your techniques.
✩ The Nameless Guide guided you through the Underground, through the Second Layer, and when descending back to the surface, they were brought to a path that led to a temple.
✩ Out of nowhere, an old man with a large meat cleaver attacked Ohma - He looked incredibly hostile, claiming you were Worms - Koga had to clear up the misunderstanding, though you could smell the bullshit. The old man was a shit liar, and the others seemed to be sensing the same.
✩ He claims Ryuki dropped by about a week prior, but he wasn't around anymore. Somehow, you couldn't believe him. Though he doesn't know where he could be, he explained that Ryuki is indispensable to the Worm, as both him and Ohma are clones of the Connector.
✩ When Himuro's phone beeped, you took out your cigarette pack and followed him and Retsudo outside of the temple, voicing your concerns of the blatant truth avoidance.
✩ You pointed out your belief that Mukaku might have attacked Ohma, thinking it was Ryuki - But why would he attack the child he raised?
✩ When you returned to the temple, Mukaku told you a story of his youth, of him getting in the inside, taking the many Niko as his students, how the Worms made the Inside, the Gu Chamber Ritual, and how during the field trip to Gakigahara Forest, the Nikos ended up killing each other as two of them defected to the Worm side. Ohma's Master, Tokita Niko, was the only one left.
✩ He went on to say that, after attacking a Worm base, he found baby Ryuki and took him under his wing.
✩ Koga got all chummy with the old man, cutting log and wrestling around. Ohma and Himuro kept trying to find any lie in the old man's tale, while you looked at Retsudo speaking on the phone in the distance. He, like yourself, had your doubts about Mukaku.
✩ When finally Retsu returned, he told Mukaku that his men found Ryuki and was taken into custody. The old man's reaction, as well as his shift in gaze, was enough to confirm his lies.
✩ You tried to ask the old man of Ryuki's location - Clearly, he was somewhere on the premises - But the revelation came through, that Mukaku was actually a Worm.
✩ Retsu revealed the Gaoh style is a hoax, and it was just a revived Nameless style, and that the old man was a Remnant of Wowang. Of course, he got hostile, and though dumbass Koga had to go ahead and get himself in trouble, needing rescue from Ohma, you and Retsu, followed by the dumbass boy, ran away to a storehouse where Himuro was waiting. It was the place Ryuki was kept at.
✩ Not inside the house, but underground in a cellar that stank of death, rot and decay worse than anything you've ever encountered before.
✩ Using the lighter's flame, you went on ahead, seeing the countless skeletons and rotting corpses, and all the way in the back, shackled by the wrists, a beaten up Ryuki, half-conscious, was hanging there.
✩ Though Koga's loud scream rang painfully through your ears, you rushed ahead to rescue your boyfriend. Thankfully, despite how bad he looked, his breathing and pulse were just fine.
✩ Soon, Mukaku led Ohma to the cellar after surrendering - There was nothing else he could do, he says. He explained the true purpose of Wowang, and how they wanted to kill the Connector. He also mentioned how all the bones around are the remains of all the kids who couldn't become Niko. How awful.
✩ Though a little confusing, he spoke of Shen Wulong, the Connector, being a clone of his predecessor, and how the Worm was continuing to clone to create the most perfect iteration of the Connector. Mukaku wanted to destroy all closing facilities - Apparently, all attempts at cloning Shen were failures, and with the facilities destroyed, Ryuki was the last existing clone of him.
✩ That's why he sent Ryuki to Kengan - To lure the Worm and get the chance to kill Shen Wulong.
✩ Of course, Koga's temper got the best of him, and Ohma had to hold him back from injuring himself against that beast of a man.
"Guys, forget him, he's none of our concern. Shen Wulong is going to have a lot of fun, finishing the job of killing all those worthless Wowang cockroaches. We came here for Ryuki, so let's get him to safety already." though they agreed, Ryuki, woken up, used all of his strength to cling on you and get in a sitting position, to get a chance to speak to his grandpa. "Were you... Just using me... Grandpa?" his broken voice shattered your heart. "Why else would I keep you? The only reason you're still alive today is 'cause you're the clone of the Connector - That piece of shit wants you back, no matter what. Then again, I find it hard to believe - How can a weakling like you be one of HIS clones? What a failure the last clone turned out to be." it wasn't just Koga, but Himuro also, seething with rage and cursing the old man. "I understand. You're not my grandpa anymore." Ryuki sighed, defeated and depressed, hanging his head.
Before you left, you took the opportunity to land one clean punch, breaking Mukaku's nose. "That's for breaking my boyfriend's heart." you hissed at him, before slashing at his cheek with your dagger. "And that's for hurting him." you turned your back to him, supporting your boyfriend up. "Heed my words, old man. Run away. Shen Wulong is going to massacre a weakling like you!" you laughed, taunting him and rushing the boy out of the stinking cellar.
✩ Ohma spoke his sage words, reassuring the two boys, as Retsu simply suggested to get the hell out of there already.
✩ Ryuki got the best medical treatment, and you stood by his side, next to his bed, until he was finally released.
✩ He hadn't spoken much at the beginning, but in the end, he allowed himself to cry a little, in the comfort of your arms. The betrayal had hit him hard.
✩ When you finally returned to your home, he was very clingy and didn't want to spend any moment apart from you. He was like a cute, clingy panda, just seeking your affection and attention.
✩ It was during his most vulnerable time that he first confessed how much he loves you and how grateful he is for everything you've done for him, and especially, the endless love you bore for him.
✩ Koga would continue teasing you for being so overly affectionate with each other, but you simply shrug.
✩ The three of you continue hanging around often.
✩ When you get intimate for the first time, Ryuki is very attentive, to make sure you're comfortable and not afraid of his touch - He knows very well what you went through, and wants to make sure you're feeling okay all the time.
✩ He's so gentle all the time, and he kisses you the entire time. He can't get enough of your lips.
✩ He loves missionary the most because he can take it slow, with you in his arms, amd he can suffocate you with all his love and passion, cradling your face, kissing your forehead, seeing all of your cute expressions and those sweet thrills you make for him.
✩ Ryuki's love for you is pure and innocent, and he only ever focuses on you and your pleasure.
✩ He gets off on making you feel good, and he loves taking his sweet time in bed, taking you over the edge many times.
✩ Just like your Dad predicted, Ryuki proposed pretty quickly, after he won an important match for your company - Of course, your fighter friends were present and cheered for you.
✩ That night, he told you your Dad talked to him about you and the prospect of marriage pretty often, told him about his relationship with your mum, and it inspired him to become a better man for you, worthy of becoming your husband.
✩ He doesn't know yet entirely what real life in the Outside means, but he has time to learn, and people to teach him - His most important goals were to protect you and that precious smile of yours for as long as he's alive.
✩ Though your wedding wasn't big, with many guests, it was grandiose and all of you and your dearest friends of Kengan and Purgatory were invited. Alright, maybe that's quite a lot of people actually.
✩ As promised, Wakatsuki walked you down the aisle, and with Mokichi being the priest holding the ceremony, Elena was the flower girl and the ring bearer.
✩ Koga was the best man and Sayaka was your Maid of Honour.
✩ When Ryuki saw you as a bride, he almost started shaking with emotion, a huge grin on his face and shining like a happy golden retriever - He only needed a tail to wag.
✩ He was so impatient for you to get over to him already, and since he had no idea how the ceremony was supposed to go, he kissed you before Mokichi could even say a word.
✩ You are happy.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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binding-vow · 9 days
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A wrestler trying to take down a boxer since the start of the match, his only win con: "Don't tell me it was his goal THE WHOLE TIME!"
Ffs Kaz it's been like 6 years of this shit
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sorcererkiller · 29 days
manga yamashita kazuo:
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useless-bi-otch · 1 year
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 32
Last chapter / MasterList / art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 32 - Loyalty
TIMELINE: This chapter takes place at the same time as Heavy Bakery’s Chapter 34, under a different POV. You can read it here
Okubo did his second getaway race of the night, with his girlfriend acting as his navigator, only this time following a taxi through the streets of Tokyo.
"Only that guy would leave like that without saying anything to anyone," Okubo grumbles, at the wheel. "He could've asked for our help, he knew we were there! But no, he has to sort things out on his own… looks like someone I know," He looks in the rearview mirror at Rihito, in the backseat with Himuro and Kaneda.
"Are you going to throw this in my face for the rest of our fucking lives?," Rihito grunts, frowning in the rearview mirror. "Let bygones be bygones! And anyway, we have a much more important matter to deal with."
"True," Kaneda nods, seriously. "We still don't know what happened to-"
"Why does she get to call shotgun?!," Rihito interrupts him, pointing indignantly at the front seat, where Tomori was sitting. "I always had that privilege in your car!"
"Your loss," Okubo decrees without taking his eyes off the road. "When the car owner has a girlfriend, she always calls shotgun. It's an iron rule. Deal with it."
"I have to agree," Himuro nods.
"And what are you?! A Shotgun Expert or a Gigolo?!," Rihito shouts, crossing his arms.
"Can't I be both?!," Himuro makes a face. Kaneda just groans, throwing his head back.
"If this is our new normal, it's going to take some getting used to it..."
"Guys, please. Naoh, to the left! The taxi's headed for the perimeter!,” Tomori points, seriously, and Okubo immediately turns the car at high speed around the curve, almost passing by another car that honked fiercely. "That's it, I can see it! Oh! He's stopping at that hospital!"
"Fuck, the Hospital?!," Himuro widens his eyes. "This is more serious than I thought."
"I fucking told you! I'm going to park, Tomoh, calm down," Okubo says, entering the parking lot.
Tomori sees Ohma getting out of the taxi and running to the front door, not shatering the glass door by a hair. It makes her heart skip a beat. If Ohma, calm as he was, was that desperate...
"Boys, I'm going first!," She says to them as soon as Okubo turns the key in the ignition and turns off the car, taking off her seat belt and opening the door abruptly. "I'll ask about her at reception! Follow me when you can!"
And she then bolts toward the building, for the second time that night. Only this time, the thing seemed more serious. Much more serious.
"Hey, wait!," Okubo was about to say but the madwoman had already run ahead. Then he looks to the side and seems to be startled by something. "Ahhh, shit!," He closes the car door on reflex. Kaneda sees the headlight beam right in his face before another car approaches at high speed…
"AAAAAAH FUCK!," The other three idiots scream in the backseat, practically running over each other in an attempt to stay as far away from the impact point as possible, talking on top of each other in the midst of desperation. Okubo only has time to hug his own head. When the sound of screeching tires comes and the impact doesn't happen, they dare to peek through the windows. "Who's the loose nut that...!"
"Oh, my God…," Kaneda stammers suddenly, sounding like a victim of post-traumatic stress disorder. "I know that car…"
"So do we," Rihito and Himuro speak at the same time, trembling at the base.
* * *
Tomori turns to the side and sees a car pulling up masterfully next to Okubo's with a drift. She holds her breath when she sees how the car didn't hit her boyfriend's by a hair, but sighs in relief when she sees that it was Hiro. That nutjob...
He comes running and stops beside her, out of breath. "Tomoh! You're here already! I came running as fast as I could when I got the call! Have you seen her?!"
"Not yet, but what happened?! I-"
"Something serious! She was attacked!!," Hiro follows her, opening the glass door with a push. "I swear, that woman will be the death of us one of these days!"
"What?!," Tomori doesn't pay attention to hospital norms and screams, her stomach plummeting and freezing with fear. "By whom? Another one of those thugs?!"
"I don't know! I was only told that things didn't look good!," Hiro explains as they head towards reception, the blood pounding in Tomori's ears as she tries not to panic. Good God, why did these things keep happening to her friend? She deserved peace more than anyone here! Why did the universe insist on testing her like that?!
They finally make it to the front desk, bypassing the short line and running straight to the attendant, who looks up, a little startled, when Hiro nearly bumps into the counter in his flurry.
"Oomori Kanami! Where is she? They said she's in this hospital, right?," he asks, snorting from the rush.
“We got a call that she had a serious accident,” Tomori was almost jumping with nervousness, her eyes watering. She had to be alright, help surely didn't arrive too late, please, please...!
"Sir, Miss, please calm down. She is fine."
The two immediately turned around at the sound of that voice. The blonde woman, dressed as a secretary, approached looking directly at them. Despite being serious and a little pale, she was composed, remaining calm. It took a couple of seconds for them to recognize her.
Hiro looks at the woman, straightening up. He stares at her seriously, his tone firmer than usual when he speaks:
"Oh, you're Mr. Yamashita's secretary… where is she? We want..."
"Yes, we want to see her!"
The exclamation makes them jump a little. Okubo arrived out of breath at reception too, stopping and even sliding a few inches across the smooth floor until he stopped in front of a very surprised Kaede, who blinked.
"And what are you doing here, Okubo Naoya?"
"I was at Tomori's parents' house," He explains quickly, running over his words, because dammit, it was much easier to give the abbreviated explanation than to go on about the Via crucis that Tomori and he had done that night. "We almost had a heart attack when we heard about what happened… tell me she's awake."
"Oh, wow," Kaede adjusts her glasses. "Well, I…"
Holy shit, how many more scares would they have that night?! There came Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda, out of breath and sweating, followed by Koga and Ryuki, both looking terrified. Just seeing that expression on the usually indifferent face of the boy identical to Ohma was enough to make Tomori's anxiety rise.
"We saw you three running out of the Kengan match, what happened?," Koga asks anguished. "Ohma didn't seem seriously injured… so we thought…"
"Koga, Ryuki," Kaede sighs. "Calm down, she is…"
"Okubo! Holy crap, you were faster than us!," Rihito exclaims, his voice too loud for the confines of a hospital. "We saw the two kids running like crazy, right after the match..."
"Guys, please…," The receptionist said quietly, intimidated by all these muscleheads, but it didn't look like anyone there was willing to listen to her. They were all talking at the same time, wanting to hear from Kanami or arguing with each other.
"Oh, my…," Tomori blinks, seeing the confusion at the reception. She wanted to scream at them all to shut up, anxiety over Kanami's condition being compounded by frustration. She just wanted to know how her friend was doing, holy shit-
And apparently, Mr. Yamashita's secretary was perfectly capable of taking care of that little problem, because all it took was one shout and all the men immediately fell silent, surprised and cowering; Rihito was even pouting. Damn, she would get along well with Kanami...
Kaede takes a deep breath and continues, "Kanami is fine, she had an accident. Ohma and Mr. Yamashita are upstairs with her. Please, no riots. Visiting hours for today are over, so anyone who has a phone, let the desperate other know that everything is fine and she is doing well. Mr. Hiro and Miss Uta," She turns to Hiro and Tomori. "You two are closest to her, so I'll accompany you. The rest of you, please kindly leave the hospital and wait outside. You're bothering the other patients."
"Hey, what about us?," Koga steps forward.
"We are her brothers!," Ryuki crosses his arms.
“I would let you pass, but given the circumstances, you will be the first to break the news that she's okay to the others. Please, I will help you to be the first to see her on the visit."
The two stared at each other and nodded in mutual agreement, then turning to help the crowd disperse. Kaede sighs as Tomori takes a calming breath, hand on her chest, the momentary relief making her want to burst into tears.
Kanami was fine... despite the scare, she was fine. Her legs give way, and she has to keep her body rigid so she doesn't lose her balance and fall to her knees on the floor. Soon, she feels a huge hand on her back, stroking it, giving her a sense of balance, of having her feet firmly on the ground. She looks up and sees Okubo, slight concern in his gray eyes.
"Okay, I'll see you later, Tomori," He leans his forehead against hers. "Let me know if everything's fine, okay?"
"Let me know if you need me here, waiting for you."
She understood without him needing to elaborate. She would kiss him if they weren't in a public area, in a crowd of people. She closes her eyes and sighs, pressing her forehead against his for a second too long.
"Yes, I'll warn you. Go calm your friends down," She assures him, and he nods, discreetly touching her face before straightening up and heading out of reception with the other guys. Tomori watches him walk away, only turning to Hiro and Kaede when the cashier sighs.
"I need to see her. I don't know how her parents didn't come flying too," He comments. "Honestly, in a little while the rest of the world appears…"
"Kanami has always been the type that doesn't let anyone know her weaknesses… she prefers to protect others, doesn't she?"
"Yeah, that she-hulk," He grunts. "But it turns out that we think everything is fine and then boom, a bomb falls on her house and gives us a heart attack…"
"Yeah, but now she's safe… let's calm down, shall we?," Kaede assures, indicating the way for both of them. "It's this way."
* * *
Hiro and Tomori entered the room with Kaede and were surprised by the sight. Not only did they see Kanami unconscious, lying down, sleeping all connected to wires, but there was also a mountain sitting on the side of the bed, his head down on the matress, sound asleep. They only recognized it as Ohma at that moment because of the clump of seaweed he had for hair.
"Oh…," Hiro smiles, for the first time he wasn't too excited to throw one of his tantrums, but Tomori just couldn't take it. The relief at seeing her friend alive and in such good company made her grab her phone from inside her purse and start snapping pictures, practically jumping from one foot to the other in an outbreak of cuteness. Jeez, such a lovely sight after a terrifying night, it did those things to you!
"Ooownn… my god, how cuuute," She coos, moving closer so she can adjust the camera's focus. "I'll save this for eternity…"
"Damn, Tomori…," Hiro sighs. "Kanami is unconscious on the bed and you're taking a picture?"
“You'd be doing that too if she was awake,” she whispers, pouting. They had just had their suspicions confirmed, dammit! If she didn't gather evidence, who would believe her? Not to mention that she would need something cute to look at when trying to recover from the traumatic events of that night…
It is at that moment that they both hear a low growl that makes them stop. Ohma was starting to move, his face scrunching, as Hiro glared at Tomori.
"See, Scatterbrain? You woke up the Kraken!," He whispers, trembling a little, taking a healthy distance. "Come here, we don't need to get close, there's a bouncer already."
He didn't move anymore though. A couple of seconds passed before they both let out a sigh of relief.
However, they see Kanami shake her head, and her eyes slowly open. They approached, slowly.
"Kanny," Tomori whispers, her throat closing, her vision blurring as her eyes water. God, she's there, alive, with them...! "You're okay…"
"Girl, don't do this to us," Hiro says in the same tone, shaking. "We love you too much…"
She blinks a little, before seeming to focus and understand who was there with her, and she opens her mouth slowly.
"Sorry…," She said weakly, her throat very dry. "I didn’t mean to…"
"Were you attacked again?," Hiro holds her free hand. "Who did this?"
"Karla," Ohma says, half sleepy. "It was her. But she won't bother us anymore… Kana won."
"Oh my God, were you awake, man?," Hiro returns a little more to his normal self, but he was still speaking low.
"You guys are noisy," Ge grunts, still lying down. He then looks at Kanami. "Hi."
"Hi…," she continues stroking his head "I'm glad… that you're all here…"
"Of course, Kana. We're your friends…," Tomori says, getting closer too. "You scared all of us.” 
Kanami smiles more. Hiro watches her pat Ohma's head, the two of them looking at each other, and even more so when her hand gained a little more strength, and she buried her fingers in his hair, as if, in that moment of weakness, she still held onto him. Tomori and Hiro look at each other, and both understand the meaning of that gesture.
“I knew iiit!," was what Hiro's look meant.
"I suspected from the beginning!," Tomori nods back in confirmation.
"Oh…," Kanami blinks, bringing her free hand to her own head. Only now does Tomori notice, with astonishment, that her friend's long, well-groomed hair had been roughly cut, probably by force, the uneven strands sticking out to the sides at shoulder length. Holy shit, how violent had that fight been for things to get to that point?!
Ohma lifts his head, looking at her with a genuine concern that was so rare in that slow-moving face.
"What's it?," He asks.
"My hair… I… I cut it during the fight…," She whimpers. "My beautiful long hair..."
"Oh, it'll grow again, Kanny," Hiro assures, more relieved.
“We'll take you to my friend's salon when you're better. Our treat. You're still pretty anyway," Tomori promises right away, to appease her sadness. Surely the salon where Akane worked would offer a good price? She wasn't much of a believer, knowing her boss, but dammit, for Kanami, she was willing to open her wallet. And he knew Hiro was too.
"I like it that way too…," Ohma murmurs, relaxing again; he was visibly tired. "The rest still exists, anyway…"
Kanami smiles at the comments. "Wow, you really like me…"
"We love you, Kana…," Tomori smiles. "I say this without any fear.
"We'll go to hell for you, if we need to," Hiro smiles tenderly, approaching her. "I'll ask Daddy Satan to get you out of there."
“You never stopped fighting for me, and you almost died,” Ohma says, half-awake. “I would die for you, Kanami” 
Tomori and Hiro both turned their heads towards him with wide eyes, barely having time to register that dramatic statement in their heads before Kanami made a sound like she was barely holding back her tears. And that again stole their attention.
"Wow, guys…," She stammers, her voice cracking, breaking on the last syllable… and then she breaks down sobbing, fat tears running down her wounded, tired face, but still so full of life, relief and emotion that no one else could hold it any longer.
Soon Tomori was crying her eyes out too. Hiro followed close behind, outmatched, the two hugging as the volume of their crying rose. They were in a hospital, but at that moment, they didn't care about anything else.
Ohma just smiled, leaning his head against Kanami's leg, slowly. She went back to stroking his head. And that sight made Tomori decide that she didn't need anything else. Despite the scares to death, the brief uncertainties and the point of no return she had got herself into, she felt that she regretted absolutely nothing and that she would keep things exactly as they were.
She had her family still together, her friends, old and new, supporting each other. And then there was her boyfriend, who helped make it all possible.
Seriously, what more could a girl want?
* * *
"Ohma… I watched your match earlier."
After all the crying, Kanami had gone back to sleep, still exhausted and in need of rest. That's why Tomori, sitting on a chair next to the hospital bed, spoke low, almost whispering. Hiro had gone out to get a cup of coffee, planning to stay overnight at the hospital and needing some much-needed fuel. So it was just her and Ohma keeping the baker company.
"Oh. So you were watching my match?," he straightens up, groaning a little and remembering his own wounds, then getting up, leaving Kanami's hand resting gently on her lap. "Okubo took you," It wasn't a question. He was heading towards a closet in the hospital room.
"Not really," She keeps her eyes on Kanami, watching her serene expression. "Rihito had a match before yours, and that was the one I went to watch. But it was on myt own. I left my phone in Naoh's car and tracked it when he went to watch the match. Then I managed to get there... and now I understand everything."
"Oh, so these things exist," he nods, without showing any emotion. "I see," and opens the closet, checking the contents, immediately taking some gauze and bandages. "So you saw Ichiro's match and mine," He looks at her. "And you look normal. You're tougher than I thought. Usually normal people from the 'Outside' are too soft."
“Outside..?," Tomori repeats, a bit confused, but she ends up shaking her head. She wasn't going to try to figure it out. She had discovered too much already that night; it was time to retire her Sherlock Holmes persona for a while. "Eh... thanks, anyway. But I think it's more because today's events have desensitized me a bit. When it hits me, I'll probably have a fit," She laughs softly. "I never dreamed there was such a thing... an organization with this level of influence and that you were all part of it..."
"There are worse things," He shrugs and heads to the bathroom, leaving the door open. And she just sees him taking off his sweatshirt, grunting under his breath.
She widens her eyes a little, and then looks away. God, he was so shameless...!
“You saw him shirtless a few hours ago, you idiot!”
“Yeah, but the context was different, damn it!”
"I know... just don't let either Kanami or Naoya know that you ogled this guy for like, two seconds."
Tomori tells her conscience to shut up, continuing to talk to keep it that way.
"Yeah- Yeah, I can imagine! But…," She thinks of something that makes her frown. "Does Kanny chan know about all this?"
"She knows. Since we got together. I didn't hide it from her," he looks at Tomori, and then at the mirror, analyzing his own wounds and using a cotton ball to spread the antiseptic, only huffing through his nose in reaction to the burning, in the worst spots.
“Hnnn… you were more considerate with her than Naoya was with me in the beginning,” she comments, unable to stop herself from sounding a little resentful. Both with her boyfriend's delay in telling her the truth and with Kanami not telling her anything either.
“That traitor… an underworld full of fucked up, violent, visceral fights and she never told me anything! Me, the martial arts freak!”
"She didn't tell you because Kanami was dragged into this world by the men who attacked her and made her finding out," He says, still looking at the mirror. "You and the others from the bakery have nothing to do with this. She didn't want you to get involved with those kinds of people. She wanted to protect you from that. As Yamashitakazuo says, 'sometimes not knowing is better', or whatever… I never know anything, that must be it…"
"I know. I'm not angry about it anymore," She sighs, again looking at Kanami. She reaches out a hand and gently brushes her bangs to the side. "It's just that all I can do is look at her in this state… and wonder if we're not trying to chew more than we can swallow. I don't feel it and I know her well enough to know she doesn't either, but when you like someone a lot, you tend to not have much common sense..."
"She wasn’t attacked by a thugh," he approaches her, bare-chested, with something in his hand. "It was Karla," He looks at her face, and when he sees that she made a face (although trying not to look at him ), he turns around. "Oh, you don't know who I'm taking about. Here," He hands her an antiseptic and a piece of cotton. "There's one wound on my back I can't reach it."
She stares at the objects, hesitating at first, but the good Samaritan inside her speaks louder. She sighs and gets up from her chair, dipping the cotton pad in the antiseptic and gently pressing it to the wound on his back.
"Who is this Karla?," She asks. She had only understood that it was a woman, and imagining another woman who was capable of doing that to Kanami gave her shivers.
"Hnmmm…," he thinks a little. "Remember the blonde guy with the black eyes? The one with a crazy face?"
"Hnnn… I remember a guy like that going to visit the bakery with you once," She comments after thinking a bit. "What about him?"
"She's his cousin. Just as crazy, or even more so. She wanted to marry me, regardless of what happened," He grunts in anger, even shaking a little, but soon he cools down, looking tired. "She saw Kanami with me and thought it would be a good idea to kill her to have me… but Kana won the fight."
Tomori stares at his back in bewilderment, wanting to ask a thousand questions and not knowing which one was most urgent. Holy shit, was there ever a moment that night where her head wasn't spinning like a tire?!
“My God, I just want my house, my bed...”
"And you reported that crazy bitch to the police, right? Because she can't get away with this," She hisses indignantly. "Even though she got beat up by Kana, which is what she deserves!"
“She's a licensed assassin. From a powerful family. I didn't want things to come to this. But we were hiding it from everyone because of her. She wanted to fight for me…," He sighs, pulling away and taking the medicine bottle from her hand. "Anyway. Kana won the fight, and her family is pretty...traditional, if you know what I mean. If she lost the fight, then she lost me. It's over. I'm not hers… I'm not anyone's stud horse," he approaches Kanami and touches her face, stroking her hair. "But… Kana respects me, Kana listens to me… damn, she almost died for me… while fighting for me. She…she deserves my loyalty."
Tomori watches the scene, words slipping away as the lump starts to tighten in her throat again. She takes a deep, shaky breath.
“I…I believe it. The truth is that I kinda already suspected that something was going on between you two, but I decided to keep quiet. It was a matter that only concerned you, after all," She sniffs and smiles, in a tired but still tender way. "But… I don't want this to keep happening, again and again, with my friend. You understand right?," She asks, and when he looks at her over his shoulder, she commands, trying to put firmness in her voice, "Promise me that you'll take care of her. That you'll value her, the same way she values ​​you. And that if there's ever a risk of it happening again, you'll be able to do for her what she did for you."
“I would die for you,” he had said. And she wanted to make sure he didn't pay lip service to that. She needed that.
He nods, not looking at Tomori, moving away from the bed a little. "I love her, Tomori. I wouldn't have come here if I didn't love her. I wouldn't want to be in her place right now if I didn't…," he sighs, and then he turns back to the bathroom, looking for his sweatshirt. "I'm getting cold… and hungry, and tired… but I don't want to leave. I'm scared. I'm afraid that she won't be here when I get back… you know?"
"I do," She nods, smiling, her heart much more peaceful now. "I'll stay here with her until you get back, or until Hiro gets back. And... she'll still be here, Ohma. She'll be with us for a long, long time. If that didn't bring our she-hulk down, nothing else will."
That made him smile a little. "Yeah… that's true. But still… I told the truth, I'm hungry."
"Then go eat something, the hospital has a cafeteria," She laughs. "Don't worry, she's not going anywhere."
He looks at her for a second, almost as if assessing whether she can be trusted, and then he sighs. "Okay… take care of her."
Ohma leaves the room, still glancing at them before closing the door.
Tomori sighs, sinking into her chair as she looks at Kanami, still in that dead, exhausted sleep. She pats her friend's hand across the sheets.
"You've always considered yourself a protector… it's good that you found someone who wants to be the same for you. It's really good…"
* * *
"Well, everyone. The news spread fast, but I assure you she's fine," Kaede said to the crowd of people gathered in front of the hospital parking lot; most of them were people from SJPW. "She woke up and is conscious, she just needs to rest. She's with friends from the bakery," She sighs. "And with Ohma too.
It was just as well that she had the good sense to tell everyone to wait outside, because there was a general uproar. Jeez, she'd never met a louder, more inconvenient group of men... but there was no denying it, their concern for Kanami's health and their joy at knowing she was all right was endearing, to say the least...
"Auntie is fine, dammit!," Rihito throws his arms up. "Give me a hug, Kaede!"
Aaand okay, that wasn't endearing at all.
"Rihito, no!," She huffs, dodging when Rihito tried to grab her, to which he almost crashed to the ground. "And can you all celebrate lower? We are facing a hospital..."
"Sorry, but we really can't help it," Okubo scratches the back of his neck. "It's the second time I've been to a hospital today. My head is kinda messed up right now."
"Second? Jeez, man, what happened?," Koga asks when he stops jumping, to which Himuro replies:
“His girlfriend's father was so thrilled to meet him that he nearly had a heart attack, literally."
"Damn, I knew you were ugly, but not that ugly," Ryuki comments, and everyone just bursts out laughing.
"Screw you! Uugh, I won't tell you all to fuck off only because everything worked out in the end," Okubo crosses his arms, looking sulky. "Tomori's dad is fine, and so is Miss Kanami," And then he smiles. "The night didn't end so bad, right?"
"It could have ended better, but considering everything, I can only say thanks to that," Kaneda sighs, scratching her hair. "And Ohma really got attached to her, didn't he? To want to stay at her bedside like this..."
"Actually," Kazuo approaches, leaving the hospital to see the commotion." "He's more than attached. They are together."
Everyone present, at least fifteen heads, all turned towards Kazuo at the same time. "WHAAAAAAT?!"
"I noticed that a while ago," Ryuki crosses his arms, unconcerned.
"Oh… yeah…," Koga smiles. "I was rooting for them."
"I KNEW IT!," Sekibayashi, also in the middle of them, smiled immensely. "They always got along very well, It was only a matter of time!"
"Damn, it makes perfect sense!," Himuro feels his head explode.
"So he was interested in her this whole time?! I thought he stared at the bakery counter too much, even when the counter was empty," Kaneda exclaims, eyes wide, while Okubo's chin almost hits the floor.
"Holy shit… this bakery not only changed my life, it changed Tokita's life too!," He notes, stunned. "That place is magical, let me tell ya!"
"No, wait! So that means...," Rihito looks horrified. "Tokita, the eternal virgin, got a woman before me?! This is worse than losing to him in a match!"
More laughs from everyone. Kazuo scratches the back of his neck. "It was a secret, but I don't need to keep it anymore. They are a couple, indeed..."
"What an outcome...," Kaede sighs. "They were hiding their relationship because of Karla. But the Kure have already spoken out and said that she will be punished. And well... she lost the fight, which to them means she lost the right."
“Load of freaks,” Koga mutters.
"I know, right! It had to be someone from that fucking psycho's clan!," Rihito snorts. "Treating Tokita as if he were a stud or something..."
"Are you jealous of that, Rihito?"
"Fuck no, leave me alone!"
More laughter.
"Anyway… now it's over," Koga sighs. "Ohma and Kanami can now be happy in peace. And she's fine, guys, let's come back later. I'm tired, and you?"
"Everyone here is, to be honest," Himuro scratches the back of his neck, sighing. "It was one of those days…"
“I'm too pissed off at the injustice of this world to get tired,” Rihito snarls, to which Kaneda shakes his head.
"You had a Kengan match a couple of hours ago. You need to rest more than anyone."
"Oh, that's right," Kaede turns to Rihito. "Were you able to solve your… problem?"
"Yup!," He nods, forgetting his anger for a second to smile at her. "It was kinda harsh, but in the end, Superman was victorious! I have a clear conscience."
"Really? Were you able to resolve even the issue of the fine?"
“… One thing at a time, Kaede, please."
There was one last burst of laughter before Sekibayashi spoke, "Okay, everyone, let's go home. No one will let us in and we'll have things to do tomorrow, then we'll say hello to her, right? Moving along…"
And out of all the people in the place, only the four idiots, Koga, Ryuki, Kazuo and Kaede were left. She sighs.
"You won't want to leave until you see her, will you?"
"Yeah…," Okubo shrugs. "Actually I'm fine with her, since you guys are here. It's Tomori I'm most worried about, she's still in there."
“She's fine, Egghead. She's with the little twinkie and Tokita, keeping an eye on Auntie," Rihito shrugs, and Himuro nods.
"Yeah. Someone will soon take her place, and then she'll appear," He picks up a pack of cigarettes, but then he remembers that he couldn't smoke in the hospital premises. He puts it back in his pocket, huffing. "After today, I don't think she'll want to spend the night as a companion at the hospital."
"Yeah. The night was quite exhausting for her, considering everything," Kaneda comments. "Go see her father later, Okubo. It's by showing concern that you’ll get even more into her family's good side, if you want some advice."
"I know, I already asked about him today, we'll arrange to go see them again. I hope this time he doesn't get scared, ahaha," he laughs, making his friends chuckle at the joke. "But I'm waiting for her to leave, then I can take her and all of you home. I'll go inside to look for her."
"I'm going home too," Kazuo says. "Kaede? Koga, Ryuki?"
"Yeah, let's go, Ryuki," Koga says to his friend. "Tomorrow we'll visit her. Let's go, boss. Good night guys.
"Goodnight!," The four idiots wave together. Kaede ends up nodding.
"I'll go with you too, my work to contain visitors with no sense of decorum has already been completed. Rest well, especially you," She points to Rihito. "Don't give Mr. Yamashita and me any more headaches like that, do you hear me?"
Rihito blinks. And then he breaks into a huge smile.
"Aaawn, Kaede! You, worrying about me? That's so cute!," And he jdoesn't grab her only because she blocks him in time, one hand pushing his chest and the other, his face. "C'mon, let me thank you for your concern properly!"
"No, thank you!"
"Just a little hug, to reinforce the message- OW!," Rihito screams and walks away at the same time, jumping on one foot while grabbing the other, which Kaede had just kicked with the toe of her heel. "Damn, you just had to say no!"
"I said it, but as usual you didn't listen! There's your reinforced message," She grumbles while the other idiots burst out laughing. "Good night to you all."
" 'Night!," Okubo nods. He then looks at Rihito. "Give it up, man, that one knows you too well to fall for your tricks, hahahaha."
"Eh…," Rihito pouted while watching Kazuo's group walk away, still massaging his sore foot. "Her loss. She doesn't know what she's missing…"
"She knows, and that must be why she doesn't mind missing it."
"Go fuck yourself, Himuro!"
"Heh… wow, what a night," Kaneda sighs. "Maybe you'd better go look for Tomori, Okubo. After all that, I'm also ready to go home..."
"That's what I'm saying…," he starts to walk, but then he stops. "It'd be good for you to get out of the cold too. Here," He throws his car keys to Lihito. "The battery is fine, you can turn on the heat. I won't take long."
"Cool!," Rihito exclaims excitedly. "C'mon, guys, let's have a party in Egghead's car until he returns!"
And the three of them walk towards the car, laughing and ignoring Okubo's indignation.
"No, you fucking won't! If I come back and there's anything out of place, I'll beat the shit outta you all!," He threatens, but then he shakes his head and enters the hospital. After passing reception, he knocks on the bedroom door and enters. Inside, Tomori was picking up her purse, while Hiro was having coffee in the chair next to the bed, where Kanami was sleeping. They turn towards the door, and Tomori smiles at the newcomer.
"Hey, Naoh. Hiro will stay here until Kanny's parents arrive. I'm already leaving."
“Me too,” Ohma appears out of nowhere behind him. Okubo almost screams and throws a punch, if he hadn't clamped his mouth in time, occupying his hands.
"Shit! Damn bro," he whispers in a thin voice. "Don't show up like that, you ninja wannabe! Fuck, if I had a weak heart I would be dead by now..."
"I don't wish this on anyone," Ohma enters the room. He reaches Tomori and lightly squeezes her shoulder. "Thank you," And he goes to the bed where Kanami is.
"You're welcome," She nods at him, smiling. "Good night, Ohma. And good night, Hiro," She says to the cashier. "Text me later, updating me. I'll be back tomorrow to visit."
“Okay,” He lifts a thumb, giving Ohma room to sit beside him.
Okubo looks at Kanami from afar before Tomori closes the door.
"She's fine, isn't she?," he asks, when they were leaving.
“As far as possible,” she murmurs in a hoarse voice. "She broke a rib, suffered a laceration on her leg and got beaten up pretty bad. She'll need to stay put for a while, which she won't do, if I know her well,” She smiles tiredly. And now that they were in the well-lit hospital corridor, he could see that her eyes were puffy.
"Oh…," He noticed that she'd been crying. "She's gonna be fine. And if Ohma respects her, she's certainly strong. She'll get better in no time," And he puts an arm around her shoulders, bringing her to lean against him. She closes her eyes and nods, sniffling.
"I know. But it was a close call. My God, first my dad, and now her..."
"The day is ending, so that's good. Let's go home, I have some shirts that fit you, and you need a really wide and spacious bed to roll in if you have insomnia," She glares at him and he winks. "No malice, I swear. We'll just sleep."
She sighs, nodding.
"Okay, I think I need this. A huge bed and some company while I'm in it," She lays her head on his chest, closing her eyes. "I got to talk to Ohma before you arrived. He... I didn't say anything to you, but now they're together..."
"I know, Kazuo and Kaede spread the good news to everyone. It was quite an uproar down there, celebrating her being well and this news," he summarizes. "Look… I'm happy. I'm not the only one who found someone. It was a shock, Seaweed Brain himseltf, but eh. He's happy, I'm happy...," he squeezes her a little in the hug, smiling. "And now we can go home. I'm just going to have to deliver some freeloaders that I brought in tow but I committed to it, hahahah."
"Hehe… those freeloaders deserve your commitment, after everything they did for us," She gives a hoarse laugh. "Especially the blonde and inconvenient one…"
"Yeah…," Okubo thinks for a while, wincing his shoulders, before plucking up the courage and saying, "Maybe he deserves a phone number too…?"
She stares at him, blinking in confusion for a second. And then she gives him an absolutely unimpressed look when she understands.
"Seriously? I have enough of him pestering me for Akane's number..."
“I know, it's annoying as fuck. But honestly, Tomori?," He gestures with one hand, making a face. "Rihito is an idiot, but he's not a complete asshole. You've seen for yourself what a nice guy he is when you give him the chance to show it. He wouldn't be a jerk to your friend if we nudged him in the right direction. She can have fun with him, he's funny, after all... oh, I don't know...," He shrugs. "You have the final say in this and I'll respect it, but at least think about what I said, please."
She clenches her mouth, her expression a little exhausted. And then she throws her head back with a huge grunt.
"Uuugh…okay, I can try talking to Akane about it, but I won't make any promises," She says finally. "If she says she doesn't want to, it will be the end of the conversation."
"Fair enough," He smiles a lot, hugging her sideways. "Thanks, Tomoh."
She ends up laughing again, though.
"You've been pretty unselfish these last few hours, you know..."
"For that idiot, there's no way not to be," He smiles tenderly at her. "It was with his help, Himuro's and Kaneda's that I won you over. My best gift..."
Her eyes get teary again. She sniffs and returns his side hug tightly.
"You too... I'm glad I decided it was worth staying..."
“And I'm glad you've decided I'm worthy of your loyalty."
"Loyalty...," She repeats in a whisper. "It's funny because I've been talking about this with Ohma until now. About how he's loyal to Kanami, and she is to him... I want to build that with you too, Naoya."
"Me too, Tomori…," he sighs. "I'm still sorry for what I did. But from now on… I'll have no more secrets with you. Not when you accepted even my darkest side. Loyal and honest. That will be my new motto."
"Heh… mine too," She raises her little finger at him playfully. "It's a promise."
He locked his own little finger with hers, playing along... and pulling her in for a quick kiss afterwards, because there was no better way to seal a deal than that.
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Spookengan 8 - Haunting Memories
Previous/ MasterPost
Made in Collab with @useless-bi-otch
Ohma looks at the skull ornament. "How weird, putting skulls to decorate a party…", he was about to hang it when Kanami says from the kitchen: 
"No, no Ohma, the skull ornaments are not for hanging, they go in the table…"
"Oh, okay" he says, putting the bag somewhere else "And what do I put up here?"
"Look for the bone strings or the pumpkin strings, whichever looks nicer in this corner" Kazuo intervenes, holding the said strings. One had leaves and miniature pumpkins, the other a bunch of little bones hanging like a Christmas ornament, only in a different way. The Halloween-like way.
"This is even weirder", he points to the bones "What are these things for, Yamashita Kazuo? Aren't bones for dogs and, like… for cemeteries?"
"Ahaha, it's kinda weird, isn't it?" Kazuo laughs a little at his confusion "But Halloween is a festival adapted from a very old custom. Some cultures believed that at this time of year, spirits returned to the world of the living to visit them. What's better to represent this than bones and skulls? … And yes, I read this in a magazine to find out more about the subject" He admits, pouting "The boys like these Americanized celebrations, it doesn't hurt to know more about…"
"I can answer that too, Mr. Yamashita", Kanami smiles "And yes, that's pretty much it."
Ohma nods, but still grimaces at the bones "Okay, but the pumpkin is at least edible. Bones remind me of empty plates and garbage.” He picks up the string with the pumpkins.
"Good choice, these pumpkins are cute", Ryuki comments while holding a very confused Dorobo in his arms "Put the bones near the cats, Mr. Yamashita. Then it'll look like they just ate a monster."
"Ooh, like they're protecting the house or something?" Kanami gets excited, looking at the boy holding the cat "Sounds cool! I bet that'll scare off evil spirits!"
"Is this really that scary?" Ohma raises an eyebrow "I think it scares the living, at best."
“The objective is to scare the shit outta everybody, man. That's the fun of Halloween" Koga smiles sharply "Just wait 'till you see the costume I got, then you'll know what a real scare is."
"Please don't" Kazuo groans "I'm too old to be scared like that. You don't want to take advantage of the month of the dead to make me join them, do you?"
"Don't say stuff like that, Mr. Yamashita!" Kanami shivers.
"If you do join them, can you please let grandpa know I'm fine?"
"Ryuki!", Koga and Kanami exclaim at the same time. Ohma chuckles.
"I'm sure the Old Man is with my master, since he was also his master. But old Yamashitakazuo has better things to do here, right?" He taps the old man on the shoulder, smiling mischievously.
"Ahaha, I- I sure do!" Kazuo, who had turned a little pale, smiles nervously and raises a thumb "I want to live long enough to see Yasuo giving me a daughter-in-law, and maybe a grandchild. And to see the two of you tying the knot..."
Kanami's eyes widen, her face turning red. Ohma, on the other hand, only smiles more.
"Nah, you need to put more goals in there, Yamashita Kazuo, our knot is already tied enough..."
"Ohmaaaa!" Kanami whines, mortified.
"What? I live here, and so do you. What's more tied than that?"
Ryuki smiles, looking at the kitten in his arms "And they also have two kids!" he shouts while lifting Dorobo by his armpits.
"You mean Ohma and Sis are 'pet parents'? That's so freakin' cheesy, hahaha" Koga chuckles.
"Have some respect, they're a piece of work just like kids!" Kanami exclaims, pointing the meringue-full whisk at him "I was already a 'pet mom' even before Ohma brought Dorobo home!"
"So you were always cheesy and he got infected just by living under the same roof, hehe… hey, calm down, sis, it's a joke!" Koga starts running when Kanami drops the whisk and threatens him with a wooden spoon instead; a much more effective weapon. Kazuo just watches them, smiling tenderly. He really missed that laid-back atmosphere, the silly, familiar banther, which felt as natural as breathing. It reminded him of when Kenzo and Yasuo were little, when his wife was still with them, when they were a happy, functional family…
The thought brought a cold, unpleasant feeling to his chest, and he tried to distract himself as he arranged the skulls on the dining table. He hated when that melancholy came to disturb him at the most inopportune moments…
"Hey, Yamashita Kazuo" Ohma calls for the old man "Relax, we were joking' about the bones, but you aren't supposed to join them. They are for Kanami's birthday."
"What? Oh no, Ohma, it's not that'' He shakes his head quickly "I was just thinking, reminiscing a few things…" He tries to smile "Seeing everyone getting together like this just brought back some bittersweet memories, nothing more."
"Hnmm… Kanami said that she also has bad memories of her birthdays" he looks at the decorations "She said that everyone got bummed after a while, with the parties lookin' the same every single year. Then I said I wanted to see it… and she replied with something very interesting."
"Oh?" Kazuo adjusts his glasses "And what was it?"
“It will be nice to make new memories with you.” He smiles sideways, watching Kanami guide the two younger men while Koga decorated the cat tree and Ryuki made meringue bones on a platter.
Kazuo can only stare at him, eyes wide. Ohma had a very simple line of thought, and it was in that simplicity that he managed to express a wisdom worthy of a philosopher. He'd always done that, as long as he'd known him...
And with that thought, the old man ends up smiling. Ohma had really changed his life, hadn't he? He helped him reconnect with his sons, taught him to be more confident and assertive, to persevere even when things seemed too difficult… his family had even grown thanks to him. When you had someone like him always encouraging you, making brand new memories sounded marvelous.
"New memories, eh…? I used to think I was too old to make something like this. But apparently there isn't an age limit for that" he concludes.
"You bet. Come on, there's more bones to toss around the house, and they're not yours" Ohma jokes, nodding.
"Hahaha, and I'm glad for that!" Kazuo shivers, but still laughs in the meantime "As I said, I still want to live for a very long time."
And he really hoped he still had a good few years ahead. He didn't want to miss out on any more new memories that Ohma and he would create, alongside the little family they'd formed.
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Next Chapter Here
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dorkvaderspictures · 4 months
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Kazuo Yamashita
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wollf-san · 4 months
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finally finished this
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yellowelectroslime · 11 months
random koga narushima hcs :)
cannot watch horror movies, will literally shat his pants
when jump-scared he shrieks and then freezes up like those goats yknow??
yknow how his superpower is that he has rlly good eyesight, he uses eye drops. canon. (its not)
ryuki was like “why do u need to put water into ur eyes? just blink??” but like innocently
so koga gave him some to try. ryuki literally acted how a cat would act when sprayed with water
his love language is physical touch and acts of services
he’s a guy big on bear hugs loves receiving bug especially loves giving
i want to ruffle his hair so badly
when seki was training koga, he always rewards him with a hair ruffle and at first koga hated it cuz he was in his baddie era but it happened so many times to the point where he rlly likes it 
Kazuo patted his head once and [koga.exe stopped functioning] (he was so happy about it he could not stop blushing) and ryuki teased him about it ofc
he was like “bro koga it was just a head pat y u looking like ur having a fever :/ weakling”
then kazuo gave one to ryuki and he immediately retracted his statement LMAO
and now they’re both very happy and flustered :]]
Koga thinks of kazuo as a kind of mix between boss and father (kazuo is everyone’s dad) (real)
when he was in his bad boy era, he thought that acting mean and “cool” infront of a girl would impress them
so he did it once. he said smth rlly mean to a girl and she straight up slapped him on the cheek. hard.
koga is still scared of his uncle
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sawpaingsheadband · 2 months
Yamashita lost 2 sons and gained another 3.
A round of applause for stepping up as a father figure.
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maochira · 5 months
Being Ohma Tokita's adopted child
Characters: Ohma, Kazuo, Kaede (one mention), Koga, Ryuki
gn!child!reader, hurt/comfort, first part is about Kengan Ashura and the second about Kengan Omega (there will be an Omega spoiler warning!)
If it wasn't for Ohma, you would be dead by now. You barely would have had a chance at life.
Born as the child to a prostitute on The Inside and without your biological father anywhere near the first years of your life were... rough. You don't remember any of it, but your mother really tried her best to take care of you.
Until she was murdered.
Ohma found you by coincidence. And normally he wouldn't have cared about a lonely toddler on the streets. Death is a daily occurrence on The Inside, after all.
There was just something different about you. Something that made Ohma decide to take care of you for the time being. Maybe for a few weeks or months, just long enough for him to find someone who could take better care of you than he could.
Ohma never ended up giving you away. He couldn't get himself to do it.
One day you suddenly called him "dada" and that was when he realised how fatherly he felt for you. And he realised if he gave you away, he'd only worry about how your life would continue without him.
He promised to himself to raise you into a strong fighter so you can defend yourself even when he's not around.
You were 5 at the time when Ohma became a Kengan fighter. It was odd because you weren't used to being around so many people so you would always stay at Ohma's side.
You quickly got attached to Kazuo and Kaede and ended up clinging to them whenever Ohma was in a fight.
At first Ohma was critisized for bringing you along, especially when he took you to the Kengan Annihilation tournament, but that criticism went down when everyone noticed how much you love to watch Ohma (and everyone else) fight.
Especially when it became obvious how eager you are to become a fighter when you'd grow up, people stopped critisizing Ohma for the most part. After all, he's trying to raise someone who might become one of the strongest Kengan fighters of the next generation.
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After Ohma's "death" Kazuo decided to take custody over you. He's already raised two sons, so how hard could it be to raise you as well? It definitely was a lot harder than he expected.
Besides his new job and new life situation in general he was mourning Ohma's death just as much as you were. But every time you seemed to get better, Kazuo started healing a little more as well.
Despite the fact that you're not Ohma's biological child, Kazuo could always see parts of him in you. That motivated Kazuo to raise you into the fighter Ohma had planned.
Other Kengan fighters would help with your training and introduced you to all sorts of fighting styles. You learned the many techniques you were taught by them a lot quicker than any other child your age would, which impressed everyone.
When Koga showed up you got attached to him surprisingly quickly. To him, you're something like the little sibling he never had. You also ended up calling him "Nii-san" at some point because you spent so much time with him.
When you first met Ryuki, you were the first one to not mistake him for Ohma. At first you didn't want to be near Ryuki at all, but soon started feeling some sense of security around him. In some ways he still reminded you of your father who you missed so much.
And then everything turned around. The entire time, Ohma wasn't actually dead.
He hated how he couldn't be there for you the past two years, but what he hated even more was the thought of bringing you into danger.
The moment Ohma finally got to reuinite with you was the first and only time he cried in front of you. It wasn't much, but you could see the tears forming in his eyes.
If you liked this, please remember to reblog and write some tags! It's the easiest way to support me and reading them motivates me a lot!
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shinigami-striker · 14 days
CV: 山下 大輝 (Late Post) | Sunday, 09.08.24
Same seiyuu, different anime characters - featuring Daiki Yamashita. Happy (late) 35th birthday! 🎂
CV: 山下 大輝
Yuri Himemiya - Prince of Stride: Alternative (anime; Japanese dub)
Deku (Izuku Midoriya) - Boku no Hero Academia (anime, movies, OVAs, and video games; Japanese dub) (2016-present)
Sota Mizushino - Re:CREATORS (anime; Japanese dub)
Akatsuki Iride - Naka no Hito Genome (anime; Japanese dub) (2019-2020)
Kazuo Nikoyama - Magilumiere Co. Ltd. (anime; Japanese dub)
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0 notes
Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga...
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( Disclaimer: Darker themes touched, the reader was a victim of the Gu ritual )
The first time Koga fell in love was when he was in Yamashita-san's office, sitting on a desk next to Ryuki, getting taught some useless stuff by Kaede. He hadn't expected the door to get opened and for two men with completely different auras to step in, nor for a girl around his age to follow close behind. Until then, Koga would occasionally have small crushes on pretty girls in highschool, but one look at the beautiful lady in front of him, and he was a blushing mess. Why? He couldn't understand either. Was it her princess-like grace? That pretty dress? Her long, wavy hair with that cute bow? Or was it that mysterious vibe she gave off, highlighted only by that stoic and rather apathetic look on her face?
His bewitching was short lived, for the pretty lady called Y/N simply scoffed, calling him weak all of a sudden. He couldn't help but feel his jaw drop to the ground from shock - How could she call him weak, of all things? Sure, he wasn't yet as strong as that boy, Cosmo, but he is determined and ambitious to surpass even him, and even that man with black hair who beat him to hell that night in the alleyway, when he and his group tried to gang up on him. He was hardworking enough and patient in his journey of becoming the strongest out there! How could she just call him - Weak?!
Angry, he stomped in front of her, easily towering over her smaller form, looking down at her aloof face - She didn't seem to sketch a single emotion whatsoever - Koga almost felt like he was trying to argue with a brick wall.
That, however, changed as soon as he tried to put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt at making her react in some way to his protests, yet before he could even blink, before his fingers could feel the thin material of her dress, he felt an electrifying pain surging through his wrist as though it got shattered, and his center of gravity got destroyed as he was thrown into the door, breaking it.
"Oops. Forgive me, Yamashita-san. I will pay for the damages." despite his vision being blurry, Koga's heart leapt slightly at the soft yet low voice of the frail-looking girl who somehow managed to break the door with him. Insane. Was she a fighter or what? The underground sure has a lot of surprises. "Listen, Y/N, I get it - I'm weak, by Kengan standards. I know that, okay?! I know! But I'm determined and I won't give up! Do you hear me?! I just can't stand the thought of someone out there who's stronger than me!" the twisted expression of sheer anger and ambition on his face made Y/N's eyes widen in surprise - Ohma used to say the exact same thing, bless his soul - And look where he is now, dead in a ditch. "...Better a living loser, than a dead champion." though Koga couldn't understand her mumbled words, he could feel the sorrow of not only her, but the other adults around the room also.
✮Since then, Himuro and Kaneda became his and Ryuki's mentors.
✮During the first day, Himuro took Ryuki to hell knows where, while Koga was taken by Kaneda to Sekibayashi's wrestling ring. Y/N was there, though she seemed even more silent and uncomfortable than before. Was she not comfortable with so many people surrounding her? It could be. She seemed like an introvert.
✮She got to watch him make a fool of himself, unable to keep up with Seki's squatting, and got beaten up to hell by Jose, how embarrassing.
✮Still, she didn't seem to sketch any ounce of disgust or disapproval. Instead, she silently took a handkerchief and delicately held his bloody and bruised face, cleaning it up.
✮He was a blushing mess.
✮When he was told about the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament, he felt the need to see you and tell you all about it - But you already knew about it, of course.
✮Though he was a little flabbergast at how actively involved you are in this underground mess, his voice got so genuine and vulnerable, asking you if you thought he had any chance to secure a spot on the Kengan roster.
Your beautiful eyes bore sharply into his own, almost intimidating him. "I would say it sorely depends not only on your improvement in the next half a year, but on the amount of veterans that we manage to score on our side. Don't take it personally, but I would rather have 'Sasa or Agito, rather than a newby like you." Koga gulped, taking the brunt of her blunt sincerity - Though he hated to admit it, she was completely right. "On the other hand... Well, adding the political problem into the equation, and that we couldn't get in contact with even 'Tsumi or Rei... I wouldn't say it's all that impossible for you to take that spot. I would take you over some dumbass like Rihito any day." the way she rolled her eyes with complete denigration of that man she mentioned seemed to encourage him a little. "Ha! Thanks, Y/N! Lemme get you another frappe as thanks." though he suggested that, Y/N was already up on her feet, having paid the bill herself, and walked out of the cafe. "Hey, wait up!" he jogged after her, as she took the shortest path to the park, enjoying the warm weather. What a peculiar girl, Koga thought. "Hey, Y/N, why did you just leave like that?" Y/N rose a questioning eyebrow. "I knew you would follow." her simple reply shocked Koga, but at the same time, it also amused him. "Koga." she suddenly called out to him, stopping in her tracks. "Don't die too. Not like him." her voice was soft and sentimental. "I am no Buddhist, I cannot find the comfort in suffering, nor in the ephemeral state of life." "Come on now, don't say such things! There's no way I'd die!" chuckling leisurely, Koga swung his around around her shoulder, pulling her into his side, smirking confidently. At first, he didn't realise that her entire being froze up, and gingerly put away his hand so he wouldn't touch her. "Don't get cocky and don't underestimate your opponent." came her last bit of wisdom. "Don't worry, I won't! In fact, I promise I'll get so strong that I secure that spot!" he seemed determined enough. For the first time, Koga noticed a faint smile on her otherwise stoic face. It was beautiful.
✮True to his promise, Koga continued to train hard with Seki, and even listening to Ryuki's advice, all to get stronger and stronger. All for his goal, and to keep his promise to you.
✮He started training with Adam and Cosmo's master, went ice-skating even. Funny enough, you were also there, but you didn't bother with them much - It was rather humiliating, admitting to knowing Cosmo and Kureishi when they were playing around as Ina Bauer.
✮Still, Koga couldn't help but steal a few glances at you and your elegant skating - You seemed so at easy and happy dancing, as though you were in a dream state.
✮Cosmo and Adam teased him when they realised, and mentioned how you were a natural at skating, often coming by just to dance around. It only made Koga more determined to get better at it and complete Adam's challenge.
✮Needless to say, after this was over, Koga invited you to skate whenever he had some time to spare, and though he wasn't as graceful as you, nor did he know how to dance, you held endless patience in teaching him - And you even held his hand! If only you could see how red his face was as you helped him twirl around!
✮You were there to watch Ryuki's fight, but you admit to Koga rather shamelessly that you were far more interested in Nitoku's fight. It was very rare to see him going - Poor man must be getting broke again - But it made you happy. No other good fighter in Kengan was such a Sambo master, and you loved seeing all of his hard techniques dominating his enemies.
✮On occasion, Koga would ask you to come over for shopping with him and Ryuki, hoping to help the clueless boy get a fashion sense - Only to discover that you were also very much ripped away from reality, but just hid it better.
✮You simply accepted to dress with whatever clothes you were given, not having any opinion whatsoever about fashion, and likewise, had no clue about movies, games, or anything pop culture. He was shocked out of his mind.
✮How could either of you live just a secluded life, away from anything pop-culture?!
✮He had to remediate that by taking you to watch all kinds and genres of movies, introducing you to all of his playlists, showing you video games, arcades and what not.
✮Much to his surprise, you didn't show an immediate interest in absolute anything.
✮In truth, he thought he failed you, only to later hear you throwing off-comments about random things that he showed you - He was so touched! He got even more determined to help you find out things that you like.
✮Though you were a bit skeptical at first, you even agreed to have sleepovers with him, where you'd spend the whole night watching movie marathons or playing co-op games of all kinds.
✮Koga was so, so happy just spending time with you, and his crush on you only grew.
✮Especially after you gave him a small clap after winning a fight against Jose, or encouraging him briefly to get over his fear of his uncle and return to his karate dojo.
✮He even showed-off his newly polished finishing move to you, and he was so proud!
✮Though he thought things were going very well for him, the sky fell crumbling down on him upon discovering Ryuki was actually a remorseless killer.
✮He went to you for comfort, his eyes in tears, but you seemed completely unsympathetic.
"So what if he killed?" Koga's heart stopped moving. "When it's kill or be killed, you wouldn't let someone else take your own life, would you?" "Wh-What? How can you speak so casually about taking a life?!" he gasped, feeling so betrayed by his friend and crush. "You've lived a sheltered life, Koga. I speak from experience." Y/N shrugged simply, tilting her head slightly, confused at why he was overreacting. "S-So... Y-You're trying to say that you... You've killed, also?" he stuttered over his words pitifully. "Yup." she popped. "Didn't have much of an alternative, y'know? Life's life, and life sucks. Suppose I'd still be killing, were it not for Katahara." she hummed dryly. "Wh-What are you saying, Y/N?! What do you mean?" poor boy's mind was completely blank, unable to understand why the girl was so uncaring towards human life. "Stop being so over-dramatic." she rolled her eyes. "You got upset at Koga for no reason. Moreover, if Ryuki said that wasn't a man, but a bug, then no doubt, it was a Worm. Worms deserve death." "... I'm done with you. Both of you." Koga made the mistake of looking into your eyes, and saw how confused you looked at his reaction - You seemed as innocently confused and unaware, just like Ryuki was. Still, he couldn't continue staying around psychopath, so he left, choosing to focused entirely on fighting.
✮Thankfully, that didn't last long. Not only did he see you in the front row of his employment fight, but you were hanging around like a ghost during Ryuki's fight also - But you didn't intervene. You just left.
✮Though he made up with Ryuki, he still had to make up with you also somehow.
✮You didn't seem too bothered by it though. You even told him you had no idea why he was apologising. Water under the bridge, though you did point out that his naive thinking would make him lose in life.
✮Months passed, and you heard the new that Yamashita-san and Koga were attacked by the Worms, and you rushed to the hospital as fast as you could.
✮You didn't speak a word, though Koga could see that you were worried sick for him. He felt so flattered.
✮Nothing he did for you, however, earned the reaction that you made as soon as that black haired man, Ohma, entered his hospital room.
✮ "Ohma!" Y/N jumped to her feet, her voice raising for the first time in ages. The man was surprised to see you going out of your way to hug someone, but he merely chuckled, glad that people actually missed him.
✮You were also on Ohma's side when he told Koga he couldn't fight in the tournament. He was far too injured, and he was still nowhere on the veterans' level.
✮On the other hand, he felt light-hearted with Ohma's encouraging, and with you pushing the weirdo jerk you called Raian out of the window.
✮Seeing him in the hospital bed like that, you found yourself zoning out all the way until everyone left the two of you alone.
✮Koga ended up telling you about the guys who attacked him, to which you explained they were Worms - Hence why, you mentioned previously that they deserve to die. Now, he understood your words, and he regretted temporarily severing ties with you. He apologised again.
✮You ended up telling him a little about your life, how you were an orphan in Mainland China and how you were subjected to the Gu Ritual, and what it meant. The trauma you went through at such a frail age, and how you still can't get over many of the things that happened. You can't stand people touching you, you're constantly on the edge, crowds make you uncomfortable, and you always feel like people want to kill you out of nowhere.
✮You also tell him more delicate aspects of your life before old man Katahara found you and took you in, saying Sayaka needed a younger sister, but even with Agito as a mentor, someone who went through the same things as you, you couldn't get over what happened.
✮Instead, you adopted the same apathetic facade as the Fang and tried to carry on with life, hoping that someday, things will change.
✮After seeing Agito couldn't help you live a normal life, Himuro agreed to take you in and tried to show you that life wasn't as dangerous and evil as you were subjected to previously, and people weren't out to harm you all the time.
✮Koga ended up with tears in his eyes, and his first reaction was to throw his arms around you, pulling you in a tight bear hug and apologising for every time he touched you so familiarly, as he was so used to doing that with friends.
✮Once he realised that once again, through the hug, he was touching you, he tried to pull away - But much to his surprise, you didn't let him get away from the embrace.
✮"Thanks." he heard your soft whisper in his ear, and his heart started trembling even more from emotion, realising that you trusted him so much.
✮Being so familiar with most of the Kengan roster, you felt comfortable staying in the arena with them, silently cheering on them and getting a better view of the matches.
✮You even texted Koga to get over also - After all, why wouldn't he?
✮Both of you were overly frustrated when Gaolang lost his match all because of that stupid ringout rule, and for the first time, Koga noticed a grim frustration in your eyes. It wasn't often that you expressed any definite emotion, but by far, this was the most defined he's seen yet.
✮Contrary to the match-up rules though, instead of a Kengan fighter stepping first into the ring, a Purgatory beast of a man was already there, cackling like a maniac and taunting the Kengan side.
✮Though Koga wanted to curse under his breath at that petty behaviour, he noticed you unable to peer your eyes from that man. You were tensed up and trembling. Was it from fear? But why? Did you know that man?
✮That man was holding a dog collar and leash in his grasp, twirling around the collar with his finger and laughing. Was he deranged in the mind?
"Hey, Y/N, what happened?" Koga tried to gently call out to you, but you jumped away from him, and stepped back as if to seek comfort from the Fang. You were visibly hyperventilating and panicking. "I see you, pretty girl! You've grown up so much. I wonder how you look now, all string up to a tree with this leather beauty." unconsciously, Y/N held her hands over her neck, feeling herself getting strangled by the neck to the point of passing out. Agito knelt in front of you, trying to snap you out of it, and even Himuro rushed to your side, but nothing worked. "Come on over, pretty girl, you know you want your revenge, don't ya? You kill all those poor bastards, just to get the chance to kill me too, didn't you?" the man taunted. "You were my favourite apprentice, after all. Especially with this little thing around your neck." "That fucker! How dare he?! I'LL KILL HIM!" Koga got so angry that he almost stormed to the ring to kill that man for traumatising and humiliating you for most of your life. Ohma had to hold him down from doing anything stupid. "Huh? Don't worry, I'll fuck him up real good for ya, Y/N!" Rihito grinned widely at you, but you were unresponsive. "Come on, babe, come on out, let's play! Surely, you don't wanna wake up with a phone call telling you either of your daddies mysterious died, huh~?" all of a sudden, your shivering stopped, and an eerie aura engulfed you. Agito knew best, it was the same as when she was rescued from the ritual. It was the same as when HE was rescued from the ritual. The girl was going to fight to death for her revenge. "Piss off, weakling." Y/N hissed, using an elbow hit that slammed Rihito into the wall. "H-Hey, Y/N, you can't go out there!" Koga tried to stop her, but she was blind and deaf to anything surrounding her as she let her coat fall to the ground, stepping in the ring in a crop top and loose pants. "Oh, look at her, look at her go! Ready for the show, baby girl?" the man's laugh resounded creepily as he threw the dog leash at her. She simply discarded it out of the ring without any emotion.
Y/N took no stance, while the monster of a man got in whatever stance he liked. As soon as he lept at her with his speed, Y/N punched him in the cheek with an Ironbreaker, following up with faster and faster brutal blows in a dangerous storm, only to get her wrists caught by him. "What's it, Kitten? Afraid to unleash your tiny little claws?" while he was busy taunting he, Y/N channeled her anger to use Agito's trump card technique, the Dragon Shot, in his groin area, before grabbing him by the neck and using a Redirection Kata to throw him to the ground, before following with a strong kick to send him flying away, towards the edge of the ring. Y/N didn't allow him a moment of respiro, as she sprung to his side with a barrage of well-aimed jabs to all of his vitals, easily side-stepping his punches, and continuing to overwhelm him with Adamantine punches in the face. Y/N could faintly hear her name being chanted, cheers from her friends resounding through the place, only for her vision to blur suddenly. "Stupid little whore." the criminal spat as he easily punched her face, making her fall to the ground, spitting blood. It almost felt as if nothing she did was capable of comparing to the single hit she received, in terms of damage. "Stand up, you stupid girl. I'll show you what defectors gets for betraying their master." Y/N tried to attack again, but this time, her hand got easily caught. "You've grown weak, you useless girl." with a twist of her arm, the man harshly slammed her to the ground. "Renounce those stupid friendships you made that got you weak, and I'll consider taking you in again." he tried to slam his foot on her head, but she rolled away just in time, leaping away, but he caught up with her, burying his hand in her hair. "You're nothing without me." he slammed her face into the concrete. "You'll never escape me." he rose her head just enough to punch her away, before kneeing her in the diaphragm, causing her to hunch over in pain, to which she received an elbow to the back of the head, continued with repeated slams of her face into the ground once again, and a kick to the face, making her roll away. "YOU CAN'T DO SHIT WITHOUT YOU, YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH!" he slammed her foot on her head. "Give up now. You can't defeat me. Just admit you're pathetic and come back to me. I promise I'll discipline you well." he cradled her face close to his own, before punching her away.
"Y/N, GET UP! GET UP!" she head Koga calling out to her, as well as the other fighters. The world was spinning around with her, and she felt like she was going to die. Her mouth was overflowing with blood that she continued to spit and vomit with each failed attempt at getting up.
"Ah, is that your boyfriend, toots? Should I start by ripping him to pieces in front of you? Yeah, that sounds good." at the simple mental image of a dead Koga, Y/N found the strength to spring with such speed and velocity strength that she took the beast by surprise with a well-aimed punch to his diaphragm, knocking his breath away, following with another storm of jabs and kicks that almost felt like overwhelmed him, until he retaliated with a punch to her jaw. "Is that all your love can get out of you?! Ha! How pathetic!" When he tried to punch her again though, she managed to catch his fist. "I'll rip your fucking throat out." Y/N hissed, kicking his breath away again, before overwhelming him with multiple aimed jabs. "There it is, there it is, look at you! I told ya, didn't I? It's not love that drives you - You can't love! You're a monster, just like me! You're incapable of love or being loved!" he cackled at her. "It's hatred that makes you strong! Hatred, rage, fear and hunger - All of this made you stronger!" he laughed loudly. "Now it's time I discipline my rebelious little bitch. Surely, you can handle me, can't you?"
Just as Y/N expected, that fucker released his Guihun and was ready to actually rip her to shreds for running away. "Y/N! YOU CAN DO IT! SHOW HIM WHO'S THE BOSS! WIN THIS, Y/N!" at once, both Y/N and the criminal clashed fists at such speed that even Koga and Yamashita had problem keeping up with. This almost equal exchange of hit and receive went on until Y/N received a kick to her heart, before getting picked up by the neck - He strangled her just enough to make her see stars, before punching her to the ground.
Y/N was unmoving. She was cursing herself for being so weak against the sucker who made a hell out of her entire life. She wanted revenge more than anything she ever wanted in life.
Faintly, she could hear the referee calling the countdown, slow and steady. In the distance, she could her hear friends calling out her name. How annoying.
"I told you, didn't I? You're not even strong enough to protect those you claim to love. It's because you're weak and pathetic. You'll pay for running away, Y/N, starting with killing that runt in front of you."
The only sound heard through the stadium was Y/N laughter as she got to her feet, a wide grin on her face. "I'd like to see you try, fuckass."
With an angry scowl, the criminal rushed to her, only for Y/N to catch his wrist with one hand, delivering an elbow shot Flashing Steel with the other, continuing with an Ironbreaker to the jaw and a number of ground grappling techniques that destroyed his elbow and knee. "I don't need you teaching me anything. I don't need anything from you. This is my Formless Niko style. My Y/N style. You can't take this away from me, no matter how hard you try." Y/N hissed, deflecting another punch and hitting his nose, making him growl. He grabbed her head and headbutted her hard, once and twice, sending them both to the ground.
"You'll regret this, you fucking whore--" in a flash, Y/N rolled away to avoid a kick, before she aimed a kick to his neck, at his windpipe, making his stagger enough for her to swipe his feet, sending him to the ground. She straddled his waist and angrily started pounding away at his head, releasing all of her pent up anger and frustration, her fear, her tears and everything that tainted her heart. "I was just a child, you fucking psychopath! You ruined me! You ruined my life! Fucking die already!" what happened after that, Y/N wasn't sure, but somehow, she was being held away from the dead body of the man she just murdered.
Koga had panicked, seeing her so far gone, continuing to destroy the man even after the ref called out the match was over. He threw his arms around her from behind, prying her away. "Y/N! Y/N, snap out of it! It's done, you killed him!" Y/N grew lax in his embrace, her body trembling softy. He realised she was weeping. "I was just a child." he could hear her sobbing. "I was barely 5 years old. What the fuck. What did I do to deserve it?" she continued crying in his arms, her head hung and bordering despair. "You did nothing wrong, Y/N. You didn't deserve any of it." Koga gently soothed her, turning her to hold her tightly to his chest, caressing her hair. "You're safe now. It's okay. Everything is okay now."
Agito and Himuro also stepped into the ring, saying she did great and that everything is going to be alright now, there's nothing that can hurt her anymore. With a nod of agreement to the men, Koga picked her up and got her to Hanafusa for a check up. She didn't need to hear that she lost because she killed her opponent. He deserved it, that son of a bitch. He wasn't even the littlest bit upset that his crush killed - She deserved the comfort of revenge and the peace of mind that her past can't haunt her anymore.
✮After Hanafusa took care of your injuries, he suggested you rest - But of course, you couldn't. You needed an urgent shower... And eventually, a long sleep. You were exhausted.
✮Koga waited for you just outside the stalls with your clothes and a towel.
✮He kept his eyes close so he wouldn't peak at your naked body, though his cheeks were deeply flustered.
✮ "What does it matter if one more person sees it?" Koga was really upset by the depressive comment, but didn't open his eyes. Instead, he stepped forward and wrapped the towel around your body like a blanket.
✮"It matters. I want you to feel comfortable around me. To know you can trust me. To know that I'd never do anything to hurt you. I want you to know that I'll protect you no matter what."
✮For the first time, Koga saw you blushing.
✮"But I already know that, Koga. I trust you." now he was the one flustered.
✮Taken over by such an intense feeling of love that he cupped your face and gently kissed you. You've never had anyone being so caring and attentive with you. You felt yourself melting in his arms. "I love you."
✮You returned later for the rest of the matches and celebrated Kengan's win, though you were sad for the patriarch's death against the Worms.
✮You continued cheering for Koga as he trained and learnt more stiles from different fighters.
✮You began to feel more at ease around him, indulging and even finding genuine interest in whatever pop-culture things he introduced you to, and you even started doing your own research.
✮You quite literally renovated a whole room into a home-cinema just so you can cuddle in bed with Koga and binge-watch different shows. The same with video-games which you project on the large screen.
✮You were two fools, very much in love.
✮During the Berserker Bowl, you encouraged him and were so happy and proud of him for getting in the finals, even after fighting Ryuki... Only for him to lose to Rihito. It was the biggest annoyance of your life, but given his injuries sustained in the previous fights, it was no surprise.
✮Koga deserved to win though.
✮That night, you tended to his wounds and praised him for his victory.
✮Koga was very flustered by your beautiful smile and all your sweet words, to the point that he felt lost in your love.
✮Your intimate night with Koga is going to be filled with giggles as Koga likes to keep things light-hearted and make you feel comfortable.
✮He's going to kiss every inch of your body and worship you.
✮He's addicted to everything about you, and he can't get enough of you. He just loves you so much.
✮And officially having you as his girlfriend made him the happiest in a long time.
✮He's always going to support you with everything, and will be there to hold your hand when you need someone to guide you in life.
✮He's also very patient and will be there to comfort you and uplift you in your hardest moments.
✮And whenever you're out, he's going to hold your hand with your fingers intertwined - And if he'd feeling giddy enough, he might even swing your arms.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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