#Ateez ships
ithinkabouttzu · 8 months
Hi!! I recently read your works, they're soooo good!! I loved the ateez ones!!!
Also idk if you're taking requests rn or not but like omg, the tiktok dance trend for Fantasize, yk that? Damn my feed has been filled with that and that only 😭😭and I wanna do it soooo bad and like surprise someone with it but like I'm single af so I can only rely on an ateez reaction 😭😭 so here I am, requesting you to do an ateez reaction when their s/o dances to fantasize Infront of them :')
Ateez’ reaction to their s/o dancing in front of them.
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genre! Romance; fluff
warnings! None (i don’t think)
description! The members of Ateez reaction to you (their s/o) dancing in front of them for the first time
a/n: I’m so sorry this was so late, it was cute!! Since it was so late I just made it “dancing in front of their s/o” but it could be with any dance of your choice, no specifics!
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Hongjoong: He is surprised but also proud? He thinks you look amazing as you’re dancing and can’t show any other reaction other then his jaw completely dropped to the floor. “Where did you learn this dance? Can you teach me now?”
Seonghwa: He immediately blushes when you start to dance. He’s stuck in a trance honestly. You look so good and he can’t take his eyes off you even if he wanted to. He’ll probs just stare at you like he’s seen a ghost until he finally tells you how amazing your dance was.
Yunho: The biggest smile appears on his face. As a dancing machine himself- he’s so freakin proud to see his pretty s/o dancing so nicely. Let’s not forget how attractive he thinks it is too. Like he’s drooling at your dance, almost. He’ll give you a big ole kiss afterwards.
Yeosang: Gives you the prettiest smile a guy can give. He really thinks you super cool and sexy. The way your body moves so easily is honestly breathtaking. Afterwards he’ll ask you to do the dance with him but he’s just saying that so he can see you dance again.
San: He probably knows the dance tbh and might just start dancing with you LOL. For real though, he would think you look so sexy doing that dance. You make him want to kiss you all over until you know how good of a dancer you are. It’s honestly just super cute to him.
Wooyoung: He stares at you like a weirdo, watching your body move in all different ways. He can’t help but feel some type of way. He gets the biggest butterflies at then end, when you finish. When you ask him how it was all he can say was, “Do the dance for me again please prince/princess”
Mingi: He randomly gets really shy x. Like it just makes him realize that his s/o is perfect. To him at least. I mean, You can dance, and you’ve gotta perfect personality. What more can he ask for. He gets really happy and excited and his reaction makes your heart flutter for sure.
Jongho: He feels very content watching you dance. You really wanted to show him this dance so he makes sure to watch very attentively, but he just feels so good. I can definitely see him looking like a proud mother while watching you lol 😭 Def proud but he also thinks you’re so prettyyyyy
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Hope you enjoyed! If you liked this, make sure to like or reblog!
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maltesejjong · 4 months
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Y’all save this image and send me some ideas with it (via ask submission) and I’ll turn them into little drabbles hehe. (The fact that it looks like a leash on him… sub!sannie who???)
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parmesannie · 2 years
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biting: an (excessive) woosan love language ❤️
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eviestrology · 3 months
Synastry Ship - iamaliteralnobody
@imaliteralnobody Thanks for requesting!!
Sun Trine Mercury: You communicate well. You just “get” each other.  This is a problem-solving aspect and will be very helpful whenever things get rough. When the two of you put your minds together, you come up with positive solutions to problems. You will find that you think well around him, and are more articulate and assured of what you say.
Sun Opposition Saturn: At first the relationship is very magnetic, but later this aspect can make you feel like you are constantly under scrutiny. He easily falls into the role of a teacher or parent causing you to feel inhibited and confined by his inflexibility and seriousness. You both find that you inhibit one another based on different needs for emotional security. You may find the time you spend together is more restrictive than you desire and planned activities lack much of the fun that you expected. Good times seem to keep getting put off until later, while duties and obligations pile up. You’ll need to find time to just have fun together and enjoy each other’s company.
Sun Square Uranus: Lots of people view this as a relationship that is destined to fail. You are strongly attracted at your first meeting, but this relationship can end as quickly as it started. Uranus is unpredictable and hates being suppressed. He may feel trapped in this relationship and desperately tries to break away from you. You may try to control him and help get rid of this impulsivity, but this just pushes him further away. This relationship will always be non-traditional and unpredictable. You may be separated at key moments, and may not be able to truly rely on one another in the long-term.
Moon Trine Mercury: You can talk about anything and everything without feeling self-conscious. You’ll find yourself talking all night. You feel that you really understand each other and feel at home. You feel at ease right from the beginning.
Moon Sextile Saturn: Good indication of a long-lasting and stable relationship. Yeosang will provide you with security and stability while you give him emotional comfort and affection. This is an indication of loyalty between you two and a strong emotional support system. Strong commitment to each other.
Mercury Square Venus: There are some areas where you will have to just agree to disagree. This isn’t a very hard aspect, but there are a few things to watch out for. Try not to cut each other off in your excitement to share your own story or perspective. Take turns expressing yourselves and truly listen to each other. Your feelings towards each other may be misunderstood, with one of you perhaps feeling more romantic and the other person feeling inclined towards logic. Yeosang might be in a romantic frame of mind, only to face a certain level of detachment in your responses.
Mercury Opposition Jupiter: Problems with following through on too grand plans or promising more than you can deliver. There is a possibility of you two frequently interrupting each other. He may see you as overly rational and you may see him as haughty. There can be a lack of understanding or the inability to relate to one another’s perceptions and ideas.
Mercury Square Neptune: You might complain that Yeosang is vague and indefinite in his communications with you. Although you could find each other quite intriguing at first, mistrust could develop over time, as his responses to your pressing questions and statements could end up being deceptive or roundabout. At some level, he isn’t entirely honest with you. Misunderstandings could plague the relationship if you are not careful.
Venus Square Venus: Tastes and values differ between the two of you, and this can become more and more obvious as time passes. Your “styles” expressing love and affection are dissimilar in some very important ways. Your interests, values, socializing style, the clothes you wear, the way you decorate, and the ways you handle money are very different. This can mean decision-making as a couple can be lengthy and complicated. Arguments over basic tastes and the ways you handle money could easily surface. You can learn a lot about love from each other, that’s why you are attracted.
Venus Square Neptune: The problem with this aspect is that you may tend to assign Namjoon with traits of your ideal partner. While he may want you to keep that idealized image of him at the beginning, over time he may feel pressured to meet that ideal and worry that he won’t be able to measure up. He may begin to feel that he is not loved for who he really is.
Mars Opposition Uranus: He will help you become less reserved and more adventurous. Very stimulating and exciting relationship. He constantly tries to push you out of your comfort zone. However, at times, he may push you a bit too far. You may encourage one another to engage in reckless and impulsive behavior.
His Sun in Your 5th House: You bring out each other’s romantic side and love being around each other. You give each other a lot of pleasure and you feel like you’ll always be happy as long as you are side by side. You find everything the other does beautiful. You may feel possessive of each other and it’s easy for you to feel jealous in this relationship. This relationship is fun and enjoyable, but this overlay doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship will be long-term. You may overlook each other’s flaws at first and need some stable and serious overlays for this to last.
His Moon in Your 6th House: He wants to take care of you and shows love by taking care of practical tasks for you. However, you may become overly dependent on him because he likes organizing everything in your daily life himself. If you’re very independent, he could become a bit of an annoyance. He is likely to pamper you a lot. Make sure his efforts are reciprocated and show him care in return. If you don’t, he may start to think you take him for granted. 
His Mercury in Your 6th House: Not a romantic connection, but it will help bring stability to the relationship. You’re good at solving problems together and can provide great advice to each other. Managing your time and getting your life organized will be easy. You find the other reliable and your mind is more stable when you’re together.
His Venus in Your 7th House: Great aspect for marriages. You care deeply for each other and do everything you can to make the other happy. You both try to make the relationship as harmonious and peaceful as possible. It’s easy to communicate and get along. You both feel like the ideal partner for each other. 
His Mars in Your 8th House: Intense sexual attraction. You want to give all of yourself, physically and emotionally, to your partner. It’s easy to share your deepest secrets and even the most taboo of sexual desires. You’re willing to try any of those taboo desires together. He wants to touch and be around you all the time. He may go too far and make you uncomfortable every now and then. If you break up, this intense energy will also fuel the anger from the split.
His Jupiter in Your 2nd House: He makes you feel good about yourself and can point out your talents. He may have some great ideas about how you can improve your wealth using your strengths. You might want to spoil him and be around him all the time because of all the positive energy he gives you. However, he might feel stifled by all this affection. Money can be a sensitive issue. Sometimes it feels like he always wants you to spend more than you want to. 
His Saturn in Your 3rd House: It’s difficult to communicate. He might cut you off, talk over you, or there might just be a language barrier. He makes you feel stifled and it’s hard to share your thoughts with him. Your conversations are short and to the point. You become more aware of how you communicate and monitor what you say. On the positive side, he will make you a more effective communicator and writer. 
His Uranus in Your 1st House: He helps you overcome your fears and break out of bad patterns. He helps you better yourself and you learn a lot through this relationship. He wants to help you embrace individuality and push you out of your comfort zone. You may find him a bit insensitive and erratic at times.
His Neptune in Your 1st House: You see each other as the ideal person which could lead you to overidealize each other. It’s hard to see the other person for who they really are and this can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. You tend to gloss over problems in order to stay at peace. Make sure you ask a lot of questions and don’t make any assumptions. Don’t overlook any red flags or make excuses for any problematic behavior. On the positive, you’re both sensitive to the other’s feelings. You feel deeply connected and sex is very intimate and feels like a dream-like fantasy. 
His Pluto in Your 10th House: He has a strong interest in your career. He might try to take control of your career decisions. He will either be very supportive or push you to change to a career path he finds more suitable. If he supports you, he has a lot of ideas to help you excel. This overlay is better for a business advisor than a lover.
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stayteezdreams · 2 months
1k Followers Slumber-Party Event
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Status: CLOSED
First of all, thank you all for 1k followers! I am so glad this blog is continuing to grow. And even though my content posting has been a bit slow recently, I appreciate all of you who request, read, like and reblog my content!
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To celebrate, I thought I would do a little sleep-over content event for the next few days (or a week, it depends on how many people send in)
So, below I have listed a few different things you can send in!
Please read through the rules, and if anyone has any questions please feel free to comment, send an ask, or dm me! <3
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Main Event: Fate Ships
Status: CLOSED
Based on the group you want; send me a series of numbers from each section below and you will get paired/shipped with a member depending on fate! (random lomo cards). *in case anyone is confused, this is like a 'y/n x mystery member' game, not a member x member thing!
RULES: >You can request a fate ship from all groups in one ask if you want (but only one ship per group). >BUT you can only request a drabble for ONE of the ships. So make sure to tell me which group the prompt is for.
Stray Kids: Box 1-5 Card 1-54
Ateez: Box 1-4 Card 1-54
Seventeen: Box 1-3 Card 1-54
TXT: Box 1 or 2 Card 1-54
The Boyz: Card 1-54 *I only have one lomo deck for The Boyz
**Drabbles: Send me a random number 1-40 and you will get a drabble with your fate ship member (The prompts are from a secret list I have compiled)
NO LONGER TAKING THE FOLLOWING DRABBLE #'S: 1, 5, 7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 29, 33, 34 and 40.
Examples of how to send request: Stray Kids: Box 3; Card 37; Prompt 15
For Multiple: Svt: Box 1; Card 15. TXT: Box 2; Card 50 Ateez: Box 1; Car 3; Prompt 25 *if you request multiple groups make sure to be clear which group you want the prompt to be for.
RULES: You can request a fate ship from all groups in one ask if you want. BUT you can only request a drabble for ONE of them. So make sure to tell me which group the prompt is for.
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Scenarios/Headcanons: Status: CLOSED
Send a headcanon request from here for 1-3 members of whatever group(s) you want.
Member(s) as scents/aesthetics
Member(s) as mythological beings/deities
Love Languages
Whump (how they would take care of you/react to you taking care of them)
Subtle ways they show they love you.
How they react/act to finding out you have a crush on them.
Reactions to you wearing their clothes.
First realization that they love you.
How they react when someone else flirts with you.
After an argument and they think you've left them.
How they act around you when they have a crush.
How they would cheer you up.
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Moodboards/Aesthetics Status: CLOSED (Closing August 5th)
Send in one member and a theme and I will make a moodboard If a moodboard might include references to reader/relationship. I will use female presenting/reference photos if needed (without face or specific visuals if I can). But I will try to avoid it if I can.
Deity/God/Mythological Creature (choose your own or I can choose)
Aesthetic (academia, cottage-core, goth, etc)
Nature: Flowers/Clouds/Ocean/Etc
Member x Season
Relationship Tropes (friends to lovers, soulmates, etc)
Member x Color Theme
Boyfriend Moodboard
Date (can request specific date type)
*you can choose something else too that is not listed here~
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heyhalazia · 1 year
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kpop-junkee · 6 months
Selca Ship
@moonlight-yuyu I really hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for requesting 💖
In ATEEZ I Ship You With Wooyoung
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In XIKERS I Ship You With Minjae
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In SEVENTEEN I Ship You With The8
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year
blackbird - choi san
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pairings :: choi san x jung wooyoung guest appearances :: son seongjun (castle j; mcnd) genres/au's :: angst, fantasy, pining best friend!san, best friend!wooyoung, lowkey sorta yandere!san in one section viewer rating :: 13+ content warnings :: cursing, blood, knives, name calling, mentions of hurting a close friend word count :: network tags :: @preciousillusions-net @k-labels @cacaokpop-fics @timenote-library song :: blackbird; black veil brides a/n :: i was too lazy to edit the title & idol out of the header this is one of my first fics i ever wrote SHUT UP OKEH!! and also the second section was originally san x bf!hongjoong, but ive been obsessing over woosan lately and its more canon and makes more sense so i went ahead and changed it to pining!san x bestfriend!wooyoung
(reposted from old acc)
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living near and endless night / you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from...
the voice behind him, the voice of the boy chasing him, cackled with insanity and immeasurable lust for blood... san couldn't get away.
he just fucking couldn't.
so san stopped. he skidded to a stop in the middle of the hallway and turned around, bristling himself. he closed his eyes tight and bowed his head, breathing heavily, ready for the feeling of the knife in seongjun's hand to pierce through his chest.
but when the pain never came, san looked up from the puddle of blood he was standing in. seongjun was standing there a few feet away, an uncertain grin on his face.
he was just...
standing there.
"just kill me already." san spat. "you've killed all my friends, the only people i care about. you've taken everything i love away from me, what more could you want? i have nothing else to give you! you know you want to, you disgusting, blood-starved little psycho."
"i can't, man..."
it took a moment for san to get over the initial shock of what the other boy had just said. but once the shock faded, san sighed heavily. a song came into his head- one that the crazy little monster in front of him had sang to himself so many times...
"you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from..."
hold on to hope / take back your soul
wooyoung let loose a broken, tired sigh that unintentionally came out as a sort of half-whimper, half-groan.
"why, san..."
"i didn't mean for any of this to happen, joong, i mean it... seriously, i love you..." san whimpered, "you're my best friend, i love you..."
"if i was your best friend, then none of this would have happened."
san had unknowinglly hurt his best friend.
wooyoung had come home to san crying in a ball on the couch, and being the soft-ass caring little shit he'd always been, wooyoung immediately went to comfort him. they'd sat in silence for a while, san with his head nuzzled into joong's chest, before joong got up the courage to ask what was wrong.
when san confessed to what he'd done, he hadn't planned out how he was going to deal with the backlash...
and now he had to dea with the extra consequences.
san wanted to move over to sit next to his friend, hold him close to his chest...
maybe forget any of this ever happened...?
but he could see that joong didn't want that right now.
so san had nothing else to do but work it out. he had to hold on to that little bit of hope, keep his eyes on what he had left...he had to fight for the man he loved. san had never known someone who was as loving, understanding, and caring as wooyoung, and he wasn't about to let go of him just because of a silly, stupid, idiotic mistake.
"woo... please..."
"san, what else do you want from me?? you've done this two times before, i... i just can't..."
"i can't do this anymore, san..."
so just look into the sky and you’ll become the blackbird...
san's heart skipped a beat as the lyric entered his head.
he could simply...
run away.
it wasn't as if his mother was abusing him or anything, but she wasn't exactly being very much of a mother, either. she hadn't been for just about the last three years now.
they'd never find him. san was a master of hide and seek, he'd gotten it from his childhood. his father had hated him with a passion, and frequently come after him in a blind rage over his own miserable life, up until his mother came home and caught him red-handed one day.
no one had dared fuck with choi san ever since.
san held onto hope, clung onto that one shining thought: he would be eighteen soon. in less than an hour.
the second he turned eighteen, he could join the ravens and soar away in the currents of the wind.
when that split moment came, san all but ran from the house, a maniacal grin smearing his handsome, chiseled features during every second. he'd packed away everything he'd need days before, his possessions were already with mingi and jongho. san's mother had just walked in the door when san woke up; she seemed to know exactly why he was so excited...
she didn't even say goodbye.
but it wasn't like san cared.
san stood in the gravel driveway of his house, the brightest smile on his face that had ever been. he thought gleefully of maybe taking a last look at the place he'd been forced before to call his home, but his face wouldn't move toward the wreck of a house that was no longer his home.
it still wasn't like san cared.
san looked happily into the bright, blue sky and willed his invisible wings to come out of hiding. he let them fly open and grinned once more, the smile on his face and the freedom still shining in his dark, warm, chocolate-brown eyes as he spread his wings, shifting into a blackbird and soaring away into the golden morning twilight.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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astral-lucy · 11 days
Hi! If you’re still taking them I’d like to request an astrology ship. I’m interested in SKZ, Ateez, BTS, TXT, or Enhypen so any of those groups or any combination would be fine with me. I’m a Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Ascendent,Libra Mercury, Libra Venus, and Leo Mars.
Make sure you drink lots of water and take care of yourself, thank you in advance! 🫶��
hi sweetheart! wow, i can definitely do those, but i'll be on the shorter side. so-
stray kids
lee know
hope this was what you wanted!
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xmaeve · 2 years
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➸ Eu gosto do caos que você me traz. ▹ 🔔 Status ✘ Doada. ▹ 🎙° música.
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ithinkabouttzu · 11 months
Hello! Can I request Ateez' reaction hearing their cute and innocent-looking crush curse/cuss for the first time? Thank you ✨
Ateez reaction to hearing their crush swear for the first time
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genre! fluff; romance
warnings! cursing
description! Ateez members reaction to their innocent crush (gn) swear around them for the first time
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Hongjoong: His face turns cherry red, he honestly has no idea how to respond other then just a shocked face, even though on the inside he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. He finds it even more cuter when you apologize nervously. “Don’t apologize, it’s cute”
Seonghwa: He becomes oddly attracted to it, when he first heard you swear he was kinda like, “huh?” but in the best way possible. He finds it very attractive seeing you talk in a not so innocent way, it never fails to make him blush.
Yunho: He can’t take it seriously, you are just so freaking adorable he can’t stand it. Like if you’re getting mad at something for not working, and let’s say you call it a bitch, he’s gonna laugh at you so hard bc even though you’re so mad rn, you are the cutest thing to him.
Yeosang: He doesn’t pay any mind to it but he thinks it’s really cute nonetheless. He doesn’t try to show any reaction really, but a part of him also kind of enjoys hearing you swear, for him it’s just a reminder that you’re mature despite your innocent looks.
San: He asks you to say the word again when you swear around him for the first time. He finds it so intriguing seeing this more mature side of you come out. Like there’s just something so attractive to him seeing you all aggressive and shit around him.
Mingi: His whole face lights up hearing you swear, you were getting mad at your phone for not loading and it just slipped out. You immediately say sorry after but he just sends you a cheeky smile in return. “It’s okay, I think it’s way cuter when you say it”
Wooyoung: He slips out a loud laugh when he hears you curse around him for the first time. “Damn y/n, I didn’t know you talked like that” He chuckles off. He will tease you for the rest of the day about it now. Don’t worry tho bc it’s his secret way of flirting.
Jongho: Looks at you like 😳 and doesn’t say anything at first, He just laughs it off, but on the inside he is blushing to himself like a little girl. He still thinks it’s really adorable hearing such a bad word like that come out in such a soft innocent way.
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Thank you for your request! If you enjoyed, make sure to like and reblog! 🤍
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maltesejjong · 3 months
Hello my little cream puffs! I just graduated 😛😛 that’s not why I’m posting this but I wanted to share anyways.
REAL reason I’m posting: I haven’t been writing all that much due to the fact that I do not have Wi-Fi. Well, I do, but it cuts out often. Like, it’ll be connected for maybe 20 minutes then crap out for seven hours. It’s great. So, until I am able to save up enough for a new SIM card (I had to remove my old one so now cellular etc), I will be very inactive. I’ll still do my best to write and post, but it won’t be very often. I don’t know how long this’ll take bc atm I have NO income so… yeah. Just wanted to let y’all know🥰
@oreowooyoung because I’ve been taking so long I’m so so so sorry love
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marigoldsmxngi · 2 years
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Kitty Sannie is just so obsessed with Yunho, he can’t be without him not even for a second so what’s better solution than chaining himself to Yuyu. Now kitty can be as close to his alpha as he need to and no other omega will steal him from him ~
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eviestrology · 3 months
Synastry Ship - SD🎶
Thanks for requesting!!
Sun Sextile Moon: Strong indicator of overall compatibility and this aspect is commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples. You naturally cooperate with each other and feel at ease. However, if one of you prefers a more active atmosphere this relationship may not be stimulating enough. You feel like you can truly rely and depend on each other.
Sun Trine Saturn: He is very dedicated and feels responsible for you. He is willing to make sacrifices for you and the relationship. And you bring a sense of security to him. If you marry, you are very loyal and can efficiently handle conflicts.
Sun Square Pluto: In the beginning, you will be fascinated by each other. There will be an instant mutual attraction. There’s so much passion and intensity that it makes you very tightly bonded, but it can be overwhelming at times. You want to be together always and this could lead to controlling behavior. He feels the need to control the relationship and can feel threatened by displays of independence and individuality. You draw out the dark sides in each other and there could be extremely explosive moments. The challenge of this aspect is to maintain an equal relationship.
Moon Sextile Venus: Your manners of expressing your love for each other are expressed with ease. You have very similar tastes in style, music, and the arts. You more than likely feel the same sense of values, and because of this, you are emotionally fulfilled with each other. You will feel good in each other’s presence, not only do you love each other, but you genuinely like one another. He makes you feel adored and safe. Living together will bring you a lot of happiness.
Moon Opposition Pluto: Power struggles. Very intense feelings so the fear of losing each other is very prominent which leads to jealousy and possessiveness. You generate a lot of intense emotions in each other and this can be very overwhelming at times. He can be overly controlling and manipulative at times.
Moon Trine Neptune: At times it seems you can anticipate each other’s moods and responses. There is an intuitive understanding of each other that is caring and gentle. You are likely to exhibit intuitive, empathetic spiritual gifts, communicating without words, dream sharing, proximity awareness.
Mercury Sextile Venus: This aspect makes it easy for you to express your feelings to each other. Communication is usually easy-going and loving. This breeds respect for the way you speak to each other, which, in the long run, will draw you closer than pretty much any other aspect in synastry. You feel good when you are in each other’s presence and you will often look to each other for comfort when feeling down. Romantic poems and text messages can very likely be a part of everyday communication. This aspect helps smooth over other areas that might be problematic in the relationship.
Mercury Trine Neptune: Yeosang adds color to your life and inspires you. You share a similar appreciation for the arts and enjoy talking about artistic and spiritual topics. This is an aspect that indicates an ability to finish each other’s sentences.
Mercury Sextile Pluto: Your relationship will clarify and resolve past relationship issues that have limited you in the past, leaving you with a greater understanding of yourself and Yeosang. You feel like you can tell each other anything and you feel very close to each one another.
Venus Conjunction Mars: Instant and irresistible attraction. The intensity of your feelings for one another is unlikely to fade over time, and you find much fulfillment in your love for each other.
Venus Opposition Jupiter: Budgeting is not one of your strong suits. The desire for instant gratification crops up regularly and you will need to deal with it effectively. You have a tendency to risk with high stakes or expectations and your disappointments can be large. Essentially positive, expansive, generous, and joyful, this aspect between your charts generates its share of exaggeration and excess if not handled carefully. This is the classic, “too much of a good thing”. The truth could be stretched or unnecessary risks taken with your resources or your affections. Guard against taking too much for granted, or you may easily lose something valuable to you. Be careful of having too high expectations or promising more than you can truly give. A sport of some kind would be a good outlet for your restless energies.
Mars Trine Jupiter: You feel like you can take on any challenge and you have what it takes to succeed. Everything comes together easily and you will enjoy an active life together.
His Sun in Your 12th House: You’re attracted to each other almost against your better judgment. You fascinate each other, but it’s hard to understand each other. You find each other unpredictable and confusing. You may doubt his feelings for you and mistrust could plague your relationship. You can help him discover hidden talents. You stimulate a lot of intense emotions in each other and this relationship shouldn’t be taken lightly. This relationship could be a karmic connection from a past life that needs healing. 
His Moon in Your 1st House: He feels secure with you and comfortable sharing everything with you. It’s easy to be emotionally open and vulnerable. You intuitively understand each other’s feelings and needs. The relationship is soothing and warm. Good overlay for a strong marriage.
His Mercury in Your 1st House: You feel connected from the start and like talking to each other. You have a lot in common and think alike. However, only superficial topics are easy to talk about. This won’t help with more serious topics. He helps you express yourself better and you motivate him to put his dreams into action. Communication will be very important in your relationship together.
His Venus in Your 3rd House: Learning and conversations are more pleasurable with each other. You love how the other communicates, how they talk and express themselves. You feel carefree and like you can be yourself. You have a strong intellectual connection and love sharing your thoughts with each other. You may frequent museums together. You try to avoid arguing as much as possible because you greatly desire to keep harmony between you.
His Mars in Your 5th House: Lots of attraction and passion. He’s almost obsessed with you and may end up pursuing you in a very direct and aggressive manner. He becomes bolder and more reckless when it comes to you. You either find him very flattering and your type, or you may find him overly childish and obnoxious. He may be very demanding on the physical side of your relationship and there is bound to be a lot of competition between you two. There might be a lot of arguments about how to raise children, games, sports, creativity, and things relating to the 5th house.
His Jupiter in Your 11th House: Great for communication. You have a lot of things in common and quickly become friends. You are likely to meet through mutual friends or through mutual involvement in a group activity. He encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and expand your social circle with people you normally wouldn’t hang out with. He will introduce you to wealthy and influential people who can help your dreams and goals come true. 
His Saturn in Your 11th House: He might not like your friends and may try to restrict the amount of time you spend with them. You could end up never inviting him to outings with your friends. He’ll make you more selective about who you let in your life. He introduces you to more mature people. 
His Uranus in Your 9th House: He makes you want to travel more or if you’re in college, being with him could end up drastically changing your course of study. He has a mind-blowing effect on you and this is a very mentally stimulating connection. If you have a very fixed set of beliefs, you probably won’t appreciate how he challenges these. Lots of quick and sudden changes. You’ll need to try to stay very open-minded with his ideas.
His Neptune in Your 8th House: You enjoy uncovering the mysteries of the universe together. But, sharing resources or money can easily become complicated. You may have some financial obligations that require his support, and most of the time he will be generous with you. You will need to be extra careful about staying honest with each other and not promising more than you can deliver. 
His Pluto in Your 6th House: He has an extreme interest in your daily routine and habits. He constantly suggests new ways for you to be more healthy and can come across as overly pushy. He probably has a set way of doing things and insists that you do the same things. It’s easy for him to become obsessed with you and everything you do. He almost has a stalkerish interest in your life and it’s easy for his behavior to start to get on your nerves.
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heyhalazia · 7 months
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kpop-junkee · 6 months
MTL Ship
@xomowojojo I hope you enjoy your ship!!
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