#Athanasia x oc
athena11118 · 1 year
Claude: Athanasia, I'm sorry for what I did to you...pls forgive me
Athanasia:....*look over to the squad*
Jennette: *look at Athanasia with an 'innocent smile' saying don't you dare*
Amun: *cutely glare at Claude, trying his best not to kill him*
Luca: *Seductively uses magic to trip Claude*
Ijekiel: *Handsomely give middle finger to Claude knowing he can't kill him cause Athanasia will be mad*
Athanasia: Yea so they said no-
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hollyhoneybear · 11 days
My Sister is my Shield! || WMMAP FANFICTION
The youngest grandaughter of the High Priest of Tìrvitae is met with a terrible truth.
Given a revelation by the Holy "World Tree", she suddenly remembers her past life! She realizes that she had been reborn into the world of "Who Made me a Princess", but not as the beloved female lead, but as "Ambrosia", the ill-fated side character from Lovely Princess's second volume.
Now faced with her own impending doom, Ambrosia decides to crash the happily ever after of "Athanasia", the female lead, and cling to her for protection against her tragic fate.
But would it be more danger than she barganed for?
Hello everyone!! It's been a while since I actually posted. But I thought I'd finally share my WMMAP fanfic with you! It is a post-canon fic, starring a young girl who reincarnates into WMMAP (not Lovely Princess, though her character is from LP's fictional second volume!).
It sounds a little confusing here, but I promise it makes much more sense in the context of the story. I hope you read!
You can find it on Wattpad under the same name as the top of this post, on the account (@strawberrryfraise) !
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(kinda old art, but it works for now)
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sylver-drawer · 2 months
“Jealousy at the Tea Party” Part One 👀
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athen0910 · 2 months
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this is for my coming up future chapter!
Athanasia and Emrys
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My wmmap au timeline
So we start with the Lp! Verse
-Jennette wakes up from her illness and finds out that Athanasia had been executed by Claude. Distraught she turns on him and begins to plan her overthrow
-She murders Claude using her black magic and takes the throne for herself. Then starts to study time magic and sends everything back in time to when she was 5.
We leave the Lp! Verse and come into the current timeline
-Jennette wastes no time in studying magic and alchemy. Her magic grows so much to the point that it attracts monsters. To avoid suspicion and potential disaster she builds a small hut out in the forest to work in.
-At 14 she attends Athy's debutante and greets her the same way. Chasing after her to hand back her ribbon, but paying Claude no attention. (I'll probably re-design her debutante dress to)
-Now a slight variation to this au is that Athy realizes early that she was the original Athanasia and had regained her memories too. So she's very apathetic towards Claude and only acts cutesy to please him. She and Jennette share plans to take over the throne through private tea parties.
-Anyways we of course have to bring the boys in here. Kiel is fine and dandy with helping put Athy on the throne and they all pressure Lucas into mentoring Jennie. So now Jennie calls him Mr.Lucas and has a matching cloak like him :D
-So after years of preparation. They set it into motion. Jennette kills Claude once more and places the crown on Athanasia's head. The 4 kids make an mini coronation and present the new empress to the masses. The end
Extra notes:
-I'm making a Siodonnian boyfriend for Athy
-Letizia my baby girl will finally see the light of day after being stuck in my basement. Knight lady Leti and her pretty witch wife Jennette❤️
-Lukiel I guess because I am the biggest, slutiest, whore for rivals/enemies to lovers
@jeweled-blue-eyes Bestie I know you said something about Siodonnian boyfriend once. Gimme your headcanons. The only group projects I like are fandoms ones sooooo
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aisururuby · 6 months
Arhasia ship kids
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Decided I would finally post my arhasia fan-kids cause why not. Mainly cause I won't be able write any Arhasia related until after my exams-
Anyway here's Athanasia and Arhen's kids, Adara, Maple, Lucien, Pelagia, and Egan Yuriana.
Info on hair:
Adara inherited her ash blonde from her great grandmother, Athanasia's parental grandmother.
Maple inherited her hair from her great grandfather (my oc), Arhen's maternal grandfather.
Spoilers for The Twins Siblings new life: Only the heir to the throne can bear children with golden blonde hair so none of Arhen's kids can have golden blonde hair as Arhen isn't the heir, he's the fourth prince. So instead, Egan, Pelagia and Lucien have Athanasia's honey-blonde hair.
In an my au of mine, Athanasia marries into the Yuriana family and one of her brothers (my oc) rules over Obelia.
The characters were made in gacha life 2.
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myearts-uwu · 2 years
I know Halloween ended days ago but look at this cute picrew!!!
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Why have I only seen this picrew now???
Here’s the link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1797391
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wingardiumiku · 2 years
ɞ 𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐫𝐚 | wmmap/jennette x oc
summary : it all started when claude de alger obelia got a little paranoid about his daughter's safety, as felix robane—his personal knight—could hardly fare with guarding the emperor and his sole heir alone. the church was notified and then came a paladin, uprooting her entire life to settle into the imperial residence, bearing the same face that his majesty knew all too well. little did avalon know the mighty bumps that laid on the path ahead.
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➶ avalon de luna agrece is the youngest and amongst the handful of female church paladins of obelia. whether she is of noble lineage or not is unclear but she has a large mana reserve.
➶ she was left in the great temple of eden faith, the only remaining religion in the empire after the revolution, and was raised by the high saintess gabriella.
➶ the name 'avalon' means island of apples. it is also said to be the place where the sword excalibur was crafted.
➶ claude recognizes avalon due to her uncanny resemblance to her maternal aunt—astaria campbell—who used to serve the fourth legion of imperial knights, the strongest among the fifteen legions.
➶ avalon is a reserved girl with an air of confidence around her and a knack for manipulating others to have things her way. it had become a second nature, growing up in a world of savagery and do-or-die policy.
➶ avalon was reluctant to serve the emperor in fear of becoming a mere footsoldier before achieving her dreams but she agreed immediately upon receiving a direct letter from felix robane, her idol.
➶ her first meeting with athanasia was quite eventful, all things considered. avalon had sucker punched the creep lording over the princess causing said imperial to go on a laughing spree and the magician of the black tower bleeding profusely from his nose. the girls became besties from the get-go.
➶ despite their rocky start, lucas and avalon share a sibling-like bond. they tease each other as if it is a ritual but also respect each other majorly. safe to say lucas never wants to be on the receiving side of her punches ever again.
➶ avalon first met jennette at the debutant ball where she escorted the brunette away from athanasia and co. after she returned the princess' bow.
➶ avalon felt the butterflies residing in her stomach go crazy, something she had only read about in those cheesy novels her charge read. it was perhaps love at first sight for her.
➶ it took longer coming to terms with her crush rather than the initial falling part. avalon went through several stages of emotions—denial, disgust at herself, anger toward people's one-track mindset and, finally, acceptance.
➶ it wasn't easy knowing she fancied girls in a patriarchal society. it was even harder knowing people expected her to fall for a man, something that seemed impossible for her.
➶ their second meeting was when avalon stumbled upon the emperor staring down jennette like predator at his prey. the paladin steered the lady towards the garden, momentarily calming claude with a reminder of official matters left unattended.
➶ they properly conversed during athy's tea party when avalon was roped into the young ladies' conversation. they expressed curiosity, seeing her dressed in trousers and a fitted suit and soon started arguing about the viability of her position in accordance to her gender.
➶ before she could manage a witty retort, jennette came to her defense. "it shouldn't matter if miss avalon is a girl. she was chosen by his majesty to protect the princess due to her capability as a knight. we should respect that."
➶ yeah, avalon just short-circuited right then and there. athy wore a teasing smile as she nudged the knight with her elbow. with a hasty bow and a short notice of departure, avalon ran from the gardens.
➶ that night she found a thank-you letter from the margarita girl, saying she discovered avalon's address from the too-eager-to-provide princess.
➶ from then on, they became pen pals and wrote to each other on a daily basis.
➶ she had caught claude's eye during her initiation ceremony into the twelfth legion. one chess match over tea and savory snacks turned into weekly meetings and elaborate discussions about the game and, to everyone's surprise, books.
➶ it took a while for jennette to accept that she did indeed harbor feelings towards the lovely paladin. she had tried distracting herself with her fate to marry ezekiel but that didn't work...at all.
➶ jennette margarita was wooed by avalon de luna and that realization alone made hot blood rush to her face. she found herself awaiting avalon's letters every night and preserving each piece of penmanship with the utmost care.
➶ she felt like a little girl in a store full of sugary goodies every time the knight's name came up. to the point where the invitations for tea from the princess became a getaway to meet her knight in shining armor.
➶ ejekiel probably picked up on jennette's crush but reassured her that he wouldn't think of her any different from before nor would he reveal this fact to others.
➶ anastacius most likely spied on avalon, partly due to her strong mana and partly due to 'who dares to capture my daughter's heart!'
➶ he reluctantly approved of their budding relationship after witnessing the genuine smile jennette wore whenever she was near the young knight.
➶ avalon was the first to reveal her feelings shortly after athy's disappearance. during that time, it was being decided if she would be shifted and stationed in one of the scouting legions, considering her advanced swordsmanship.
➶ she didn't want to leave without getting those meddling feelings out of her mind, knowing the possibility of her making it back from the battlefield was slim to none.
➶ she was being bold, too bold perhaps, but jennette had clutched onto avalon's dress shirt, yanking the taller girl down to eye level before she pressed her lips to the ravenette's.
➶ for the time being, they were content with being two nearly-adults, madly and hopelessly in love.
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athanasia-simp · 1 year
Athanasia has a twin brother that was mention once in the lovely princess's novel. It was mention that he ran away after his sister's execution and nobody knew where he was ever since. But in reality what the book forgot to mention was her twin brother was making a deal with Luca, asking him to be accept him as a student so he can turn back time and save his sister. And Luca accept.
[ His name is Aksar De Alger Obelia ]
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athena11118 · 1 year
Why tf do I think Amon, Luca and Jennette would adopt a kid because they thought it would be a good idea and Athanasia just..let them be because she's tired after dealing with their chaotic shits and the nobels shits after long hours of paper works and meetings cause she's a princess.
Btw, did I mention how Amon looks like?
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athen0910 · 6 months
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I drew the characters that will be in the imperial twins fanfic I'm writing
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starlit-dreaming · 11 months
☼ re: itbomm [masterpost] ☾
Fandom: WMMAP (Who Made Me A Princess) Rating: M (due to sensitive content) Major/Eventual Ships: OC x OC, Lucathy Minor Ships: Felily, Claudiana, Calena, and more Last Updated: 4/25/2024 Summary:
“Maybe next time.”
Athan was what one might call an anti-fan for The Lovely Princess novel — that is, he loved to hate it. It was total garbage, but the writing was pretty lit. Imagine his surprise when he finds himself reborn as a baby in that same garbage novel’s universe.
Or rather, a Lovely Princess fanfic he always reread in his previous life.
//A retelling wherein Athanasia has a younger twin brother… or at least, that’s what it should’ve been.
Author Notes:
1. Toska by Starshine-Dreaming does NOT exist as an actual fanfic.
It’s meant to be a bit of an inside joke and to reference myself (as my username is Starlit-Dreaming and I wanted to indulge in a few jokes to keep myself sane during the long writing process), but it’s possible that Toska will actually be written one day, but that would have to wait years down the line.
2. While I never mention actual fanfics in my stories, manhwas will be referenced with their full titles (usually in their English titles) for those interested.
3. This is a rewrite.
Some things will remain the same, and some things won’t be. The main difference for returning readers is that Athan and Athy will both have different recollections of The Lovely Princess, in which Athy read the novel and Athan was obsessed with a fanfic version of it.
4. Every chapter is, more or less, named from a song lyric. I do have a playlist being worked on, but it’ll stay as a WIP until the completion of this fic. Probably.
5. Unlike before, I will be showcasing the whole telepathy in ‘bold’ while actual thoughts will remain in ‘italics’. This is to avoid any confusion and to emphasize what’s being told to another character versus what’s being self-contained. Texts that are completely italicized are flashbacks and dream scenes.
CW/Content Warnings:
• Suicide (eventually discussed, mostly implied/referenced with the exception of certain chapters)
• Death (discussions/referenced)
• Murder (implied/referenced)
• Sexual Assault (eventually implied/referenced)
• Child Abuse (implied/referenced)
• Child Neglect (implied/referenced/discussed)
• Depression (implied/referenced/discussed)
• Unrequited Love
• Toxic Relationship (eventually implied/referenced)
• Unreliable Narrator
• Transphobia (internalized and past mentions)
• Dead Names (dead names will be used)
• Emetophobia (mentioned)
• Pedophilia (mentioned adult/minor relationship)
• Kidnapping
• Homophobia (internalized and past mentions)
• Infidelity (discussions and mentions)
Possibly More to be Added
Please inform me of any potential triggers that might affect you so that I’m made aware of whether or not it’s something to be added!
ALSO, due to the fact that this story heavily features suicide and grief, it will NOT be mentioned as an individual chapter warning unless it’s explicitly shown or deliberately discussed.
0 || an unfinished prologue
ACT 1: Beginning of The End
1 || let’s just live day by day
2 || we always knew that it’d come to this
3 || crystal clear, chlorinated and sky blue
4 || and i sank into the water
5 || and now i know there’s something more
ACT 2: Toska’s Villainess
Verena’s Intro + Athy’s Mini Coma Arc
Act 3: War Prevention Committee
General Intro + Hunting Comp Pre-Req
ACT 4: Competition and Revelations
Hunting Comp
ACT 5: In For A Pound, In For A Penny
Study Abroad Arc
Part 1 (8-9 y/o) - making friends
Part 2 (9-11 y/o) - in which autumn ruins plot
Part 3 (11-13 y/o) - athan gets Realizations^tm
ACT 6: Quand C’est Fini (“When It’s Over”)
tl;dr Lottie’s Arc
ACT 7: To Be Right Is To Be Wrong
Débutante Arc
ACT 8: Soaring High Into The Skies
Imposter Syndrome
ACT 9: To Be Driven by Obsession
Kidnapping Arc
ACT 10: “Maybe Next Time.”
ACT 11: A Dream That Will Never Be
ACT 12: End of The Beginning
Additional / After Stories
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myearts-uwu · 1 year
Still thinking about shipping Athy with a guy OC who’s Siodonnan and his parents work as bakers for the princess and after growing up he also ends up doing the same thing as his parents.
They’ll mostly be friends throughout their childhood and teenage years but who knows? maybe one of them will eventually start having feelings for the other.
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wingardiumiku · 2 years
ɞ Moira | Incorrect Quotes | Pt. 1
avalon : you can't sleep away your problems
lucas : can't i, though?
athanasia : why would someone want to harm papa?
avalon, balancing a sword on her pinky : maybe because they met him?
avalon : did i say that?
avalon : when i met you, i did not like you
avalon : but then we went through the whole aethernitas shazam together
anastacius : uh-huh...?
avalon : nothing changed
avalon : i'm ignoring you
jennette :
avalon : i said i'm ignoring you!
jennette, smiling :
avalon : stop ignoring me ignoring you!
jennette : miss avalon, what's the time right now?
avalon, inevitably awake : i don't know. hand me the recorder, love
avalon : starts playing lucas performing für elise
*five seconds later*
athanasia, from the next room : WHO DARES TO MAKE MY EARS BLEED AT 2AM?!?!
athanasia sneaking into the pantry for chocolates
lily, worried : we should stop her
avalon : no, this step is necessary
avalon : so we can laugh at her misery when she gets that inevitable stomachache
lily :
avalon : why are you looking at me like that?
ejekiel : jennette and i are leaving for arlanta in a few days. we're staying there for a fortnight.
athanasia, on her hands and knees : don't take jettie, i beg you!
ejekiel : . . .why?
lucas : the chimera's like 85% of avalon's impulse control
jennette, concerned : did you all get enough sleep?
athanasia, stayed up doing paperwork :
lucas, was testing laughing spells on his subordinates :
ejekiel, so done with being a duke :
avalon, trained with her legion till dawn : my eyes close for some time when i sneeze
felix : name a courtesy to be followed while sparring
avalon : not killing the opponent
felix :
felix : that's setting the bar too low but i'll allow it
avalon : i am very upset and nothing can make me feel better right now
ejekiel :
avalon : no
lucas :
avalon : don't—
athanasia : brings jennette into the room
avalon, fighting back a smile : damnit
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its-sixxers · 1 year
new game. rank your ocs from lowest to highest on the kinsey scale, i’ll go first
molly salt lake (X) - diana d’arroyo - (0) - black agnes (1) - ellie “the jackal” carver (1) - rey talugmai (1) - Claws (1.5) - noore (2) - anna the malkavian (3) - saoirse mackilligan (3) - ashya sulimova (3) - aura (4) - waldeamar (4) - philopator (5) andrikos (5.5) - hadria (6) - tatiana philippakou (6) - nora west (6 [nate was a he/him lesbian and shaun had a sperm donor {i haven’t even finished fo4}])
lmao i love your attempt to deal w fallout 4
iphigenia (X) - adam romaniuk (1.5) - elaine (1.5) - idunn (2) - eleanora (2) - tin lizzy (2) - vaka (2.5) - casimir (2.5) - viola (2.5) - mary (3) - asenath (3) - tandreth (3) - carmen (3) - stellan (3) - azuraansi (4) - athanasia (5.5)
i feel like i'm forgetting someone oh well
i made tandreth multi colored because he fucks more than the rest of my oc list combined and his power cannot be contained
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mikunato · 2 years
River of Gods [wmmap x oc]
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synopsis : this is a self-created world including characters of the famous manhwa "Who Made Me A Princess" and my oc "Arium Daphne Obelia".
disclaimer : any original characters mentioned are contributions from my friends. quite plot divergent. ships include lucas × athanasia, roger × anastacius, claude × original character(brief), claude × diana, original character × original character
1. Arium is a Latin name that roughly translates to 'gold'. It's a reference to her eye color that is a perfect mix of yellow and the Obelian Imperial jewel-like appearance.
2. Unlike most mothers in manhwas (ya'll don't think it's sus how they're all...y'know...ded), Arium's mother is alive and kicking and decided to follow through with the grueling process of divorce.
3. Divorce application from females was a new concept at that time and thus far difficult to appeal for, even harder considering her husband's Emperor status.
4. The reason? She, for a lack of better words, hated how callous Claude was with the empire, her loathe even further fueled by the Ruby Palace Massacre.
5. Manon Grire, Arium's mother, is a descendent from the Obelian family's biggest trade associate and military power supplant. She was also crowned Empress so she wasn't killed with the other concubines unless Claude wanted a revolution to break out and lose his throne.
6. Arium inherited Claude's honey blonde hair and decent height — standing at 5'10.
7. Personality-wise, she is a complex character. Unlike her parents, she isn't detached from her emotions, nor completely stern like her mother. She is normally sweet and doesn't mind taking the backseat in regards to displaying her feelings for the sake of catering to others' needs.
8. Arium has a dark side that first appeared when a lady wanted to behead a commoner girl for crossing the road while the lady's carriage passed, causing it to stop. Arium was being assisted by her knight around the capital when she threw her first temper tantrum and it was b a d.
9. Needless to say the noble was locked up, the woman being reduced to tears when Arium was through with her and she was only seven at that time. Seven.
10. In reality, Arium had awakened what the Grire's called 'Possession of Heaven and Hell'. It lets the user summon massive bouts of mana, that comparable to part of the World Tree and regarded as godly or demonic, varying on the summon type.
11. Arium is three years older than Athanasia and two years older than Jenette [I hc athy and jettie as one year apart]
12. Arium and Ijekiel met at the Arlantan Academy and became almost inseparable from then on. Ijekiel told her about the 'lady angel' thing and Arium just burst out laughing (cue a confused baby Kiel)
13. Arium was first introduced to Jenette after her return from the five year academic course in Arlanta.
14. Already being adept at recognizing mana nature, she easily concluded there was an illusion placed over the girl. Despite her suspicions, they got along very well, instantly bonding over their love for animals and recent trends in fashion.
15. Speaking of sisters, Arium and Athanasia have a love-hate relationship, just not to the extent of lucathy. Arium enjoys teasing Athy and Athy responds by acting like a mad/flustered bunny. But if her sister gets hurt, the person responsible will have a literal demon after them 😃
16. Arium met Lucas way before he met Athy. This happened when a four year old Arium, left unsupervised by her father who was getting frequent migraines, stumbled upon the Black Tower.
17. Long story short, she ended up getting spooked by a sleeping figure surrounded by cobwebs and ended up letting out a small jet of mana straight towards Lucas that woke him up.
18. Lucas planned to kill the 'vermin' who had disrupted his centuries worth of sleep only to find a girl that resembled a kicked pup, staring at him in awe (he let her go ahsvjajskas)
19. From then on, Arium frequented the Tower. At first Lucas would cast a boundary spell to prevent her from entering but after seeing her spend a particularly bad storm outside, he was forced to relent.
20. Lucas was then intrigued by her heritage, having never actually crossed paths with a Grire, he agreed to be her mentor (more for his amusement than to actually teach her) and surprisingly, his vague words and audio effects got through to the princess.
21. I headcanon mana to have certain types (like Lucas' is fire, Athy's being wind, etc.) Arium has two different types from the Possesion of Heaven and Hell. Her own individual mana, though, has water nature that helps in healing magic.
22. Arium immediately recognized Anastacius in Athy's debutante, having spent countless afternoons on her uncle's shoulders till the age of two, chasing butterflies and devouring savory food, 'cuz neither has a particularly sweet tooth.
23. Arium doesn't have infantile amnesia which means that she remembers everything she heard since the time she could hear from her mother's womb.
24. At age seventeen, just before her sister's debutante, she participated in the war against the Taboks, the empire that shared borders with Obelia in the north. She was just supposed to be a healer but whrn the enemy successfully invaded the battle camp, she alongside a few other capable mages had to fight, long enough for most of the defenseless ones to make an escape.
25. Alenox, the northern border, was defended and ended with fewer casualties than anticipated. Since then, Arium was granted a seat at the Council of Obelia.
Incorrect Quotes
Athanasia : So what's Lucas' type?
Arium : Blonde hair, blue eyes, oblivious, obsessed with chocolate, dog lover.
Athanasia : Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we're just friends.
Arium : Did I mention oblivious?
Athanasia : Yeah, why?
Arium : No, just making sure.
Athanasia : Thanks Lucas!
Lucas : Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
Arium : *hiding behind bushes and watching from afar with a telescope* Now...kiss!
Jeanette : So, what do I bring to the table?
Arium : You're the cute one.
Jeanette : ...?
Athanasia : *sigh* I'm the hot one, sis is the cool one and you are the cute one.
Arium : You know what strength is? It's forgiving someone who isn't even sorry.
Lucas : Not to be dramatic but I would literally rather die.
Ijekiel : I have a bad feeling about this.
Arium : What do you mean?
Ijekiel: Don't you have that little voice in your head that tells you if something is going to get you in trouble?
Arium : No.
Ijekiel : ...That actually explains a lot of things.
Claude : I'm having a tea party.
Arium : I don't want tea.
Claude : I never asked you to join me.
Arium : ...Then why tell me?
Claude : It's a conversation starter.
Arium : It's a horrible conversation starter.
Claude : Is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.
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