#Atheling Garrus Vakarian
squigglysquidd · 4 years
Primarch Castis: Be careful son in who you love. There might be more to her story, and more weight in the burdens she carries. Don't act the fool and trudge into the thicket without thinking first if you want that.
Garrus: ... I do
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squigglysquidd · 4 years
Fibonacci, Chapter 30: The Tower of Mannovai
They think they’re just here to retrieve the female krogan, but things don’t always go as planned.
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squigglysquidd · 4 years
Fibonacci, Chapter 27: The Shores of Sur’Kesh
The Normandy arrives upon Sur’Kesh, but did the Dalatrass clear the way for them to dock safely and without incident between the salarian city guard and their krogan visitors?
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squigglysquidd · 4 years
Fibonacci, Chapter 24: All Aboard
Everyone gets ready for the Normandy to set off, but there are a few more people willing to join the crew
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squigglysquidd · 4 years
Fibonacci, Chapter 26: But The Story Is This
Jana sits in on the War Summit. She also has a talk with Garrus about something very important.
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squigglysquidd · 4 years
Fibonacci, Chapter 25: Change
Jana’s given a sweet gift, but will she be able to enjoy it before something happens to the Normandy?
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Fibonacci Height Chart
Huge image alert! 
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Royal Vakarian Family
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Asks! Cuz I’m a greedy B for your OCs. Parable - do the twins have a favorite human tradition? How often do they see pop pop when they’re adults and what’s that relationship like? What’s Castis’ take on his kids bonding to humans? What are Arcellie’s opinion on Saren falling for Cassia? Does Saren think of Ellie as his mom? Fibonacci- what is Castis’ opinion on humans? Did Nihlus tell Ashlyn “I love you” first? What is something Jana does casually that Garrus finds incredibly hot?
I love all the questions!!!!!
Do the twins have a favorite human tradition? 
Cassia likes the tradition of gathering up the entire family to celebrate certain holidays. A close second is giving gifts on holidays, but turians have some holidays and special occasions like that, so it’s not strictly a human thing. I’d say that turians also gather as families, but not usually with everyone, extended family included. For them, that means everyone from the Normandy and their families joins in on the festivities and that’s not too usual for turians. Turians separate work and life, so it’s not often that they get close enough to fellow soldiers, subordinates, or superiors to end up having huge gatherings for holidays. That, and humans have more holidays that call for it than turians. Seriously, we humans celebrate everything, lol.
Being how they were raised, Damocles can’t really say he has experience to compare it to, but from what he’s learned of turian customs, he can say that he really likes how humans tend to embrace changes when compared to turians. Sure, there are still stubborn prejudices and whatnot, but a huge thing is the fact that even with such a powerful military presence, humans don’t actually force their people into mandatory service. We all know turians require at least some time in the military, but humans are like ‘oh, you want to study music? Well, here ya go. Have fun!’ while turian society would rather you serve your people in some way. Sure, Damocles went into a military of sorts with the Wraiths, but he’s happy that it was his decision to do so, not one forced on him and he has an ulterior motive in liking it because he knows that, had they been in turian society, his best friend and love, Aeson, would have had a hard life. He’s not only a traitor’s son, but he just isn’t cut out for combat of any kind despite Damocles’ every attempt to train him. Aeson’s just too passive in nature and Damocles knows with sobering certainty that his friend probably wouldn’t have survived combat if he was ever thrown into it. (Not much of a demand for fishermen in the military, so Aeson would’ve been forced into a position he wouldn’t have been comfortable in)
How often do they see Pop-pop when they’re adults and what’s that relationship like?
Enjoying travel as much as she does, Cassia sees Pop-pop quite often. Usually, if she’s around his neck of the woods, she’ll stop by. Sometimes they can meet on the Citadel or she’ll see him at his home on Palaven, but she’s also really careful not to directly attract attention to herself because of her family’s notoriety so if he says it isn’t safe to visit for whatever reason, she sticks to vidcalls. Their relationship is really close because she tends to follow a more strict code of morals than her brother. Sure, she doesn’t exactly follow rules, but Castis has long since realized that following regulations may not be in that family’s repertoire. Plus, I don’t think Cassia could ever have a bad relationship with someone even if she tried. 
Damocles is different, however. We all know how imposing he looks, and that attracts unwanted attention if he ever goes anywhere. Usually, he only visits Pop-pop when he can manage to hitch a ride on a Wraith transport to Palaven, Palaven being a bit of a safe place for the Vakarians thanks to Primarch Victus’ relation and subtle protection towards them. Damocles gets antsy at Pop-pop’s though, because he can’t do anything that may attract attention. He’s explored the area around Pop-pop’s home to the point he could probably walk it blindfolded and there’s only so many extranet games he can play by himself or with Aeson to keep him occupied in his downtime. He’s also a lot like his father in his rebelliousness and though Castis has cooled some to Garrus and Jane’s ways, they still butt heads at times. Damocles, in these cases, can actually be considered worse than his dad and, unlike Garrus who tries to keep the peace for the most part, Damocles won’t give as easily. Damocles is headstrong and lets emotion rule his thinking in almost every setting, so he’s nearly impossible to effect. It’s because of this that Castis, for once, keeps his stricter morals under check so as not to ruin the few chances he gets to see his grandson. 
What Castis’ take on his kids bonding to humans?
Honestly, after all the family has gone through, he’s just happy his kids are happy. He’s learned to accept that Garrus will always go against the grain in terms of turian culture and traditions because he’s learned the hard way after losing Valeria and going through the Reaper War that there could always be a day where it’ll be too late to reconcile with the idea of their differences. Solana’s relationship is much easier to accept because she and James are much more traditional (and he’s got experience with human family thanks to how different Jane is to everything he expected). Years ago, he would’ve put up a fight about it, but now he’s realized that it doesn’t matter the species so long as his children are happy. Life’s too short for pettiness, he’s come to realize, and family doesn’t always mean blood.
What are Arcellie’s opinion on Saren falling for Cassia?
Arcanus is just so damn relieved someone’s there to show his son the ropes in life, so to speak. He sees what being raised in a tank has done in terms of his son’s ability to fit into society and Cassia seems the perfect person to show him the good in actually interacting with other people outside of work. Saren makes it hard enough to get along with as stunted as he is already, so he needs that exact opposite in Cassia to balance it out and give Saren a real life he will enjoy, even if he doesn’t immediately know it.
Ellie thinks it’s really cute. She adores Cassia because she’s just so damn lovable and mature for her age. Ellie was initially really worried Saren wasn’t getting the concept of dealing with people on a personal level, but didn’t know how to go about getting him to open up. To tell the truth, she was actually worried about interacting with him at first because she remembered her colossal failure in a relationship with Arcanus in the beginning and didn’t want to cause a rift between herself, Arcanus, and Saren. She’s hesitant in relationships because she spent so much of her life in secret, so the fact that Cassia and Saren seemed to click from the very beginning is a huge sigh of relief because she’s eventually admitted to herself that she sees Saren as a kind of step-son, even with as untraditional as his ‘birth’ was. 
Does Saren think of Ellie as his mom?
Good question. I don’t think he’s ever called her ‘mother’ before or put that word to his feelings towards her, but he unintentionally treats her as one. Arcanus is his father in both genetics, but also in guidance and the shared personality they have, but Ellie is different for him. At first, he didn’t have any kind of emotion to associate with her besides an acceptance and a bit of gratitude because of what she was to his father. It didn’t help that Ellie was wary of what she should be for him too, but eventually, he begins to see Ellie as a person separate from his father and she gains confidence that she isn’t going to ‘mess this up’ because she’s so rusty with relationships. Saren now associates guidance of a different kind with Ellie. There’s just some things that a father can’t teach you and, in interacting with Ellie, he’s learned some things that come from having a mother. Sure, most of it is Cassia’s doing, but he’s learned how to love someone from watching his ‘parents.’ He knows how his father is because he technically ‘is’ his father, but he’s learned how to be tender and what devotion looks like from a different person in seeing how Ellie interacts with Arcanus. He actually goes to her at times when he wants to do something nice for Cassia but doesn’t want Cassia to learn of it. Between her and Jane, all his romanticism has pretty much been learned by his ‘mother’ and mother-in-law.
What is Castis’ opinion on humans?
As Primarch, he is wary of humans. Still so young to the whole of Eros and its politics, he thinks they are too demanding of attention and a place in the government (at least, that was before Sovereign) because it was like they came in and wanted a voice without actually proving they could handle the responsibility. We have to remember that their first act was to wage a small war with his people because they wanted to expand and didn’t think of diplomacy when the turians stood their ground, instead of seeing it as an invitation for battle. He still doesn’t trust many humans and sees undeserving arrogance in many dignitaries, but Jon and Garrus’ belief in him has helped Castis see the good in them. It’s why, after Sovereign’s attack, Castis reached out to King Stephan Hackett to propose trade lines between their peoples. He was happy to learn that the King was closer to Jon than Udina in thinking, so it’s helped him to be more open to humans when it comes to meeting individuals instead of a blanket view of them from what he sees of their representatives.
Did Nihlus tell Ashlin ‘I love you’ first?
Actually, he didn’t outright say it in a human way. Ashlin was the first one to put it to words, but he was courting her for a long time in a turian way with gifts and subvocals. They finally got to that point once he realized his attempts didn’t seem to be getting noticed and learned human poetry to impress her and express his feelings in a way she’d enjoy (she likes poetry in this AU). His poem is pretty much a love confession without saying the word, so it led to Ashlin finally putting the word out there in her response. Really, they were kinda idiots about the whole love thing in the beginning, lol
What is something that Jana does casually that Garrus finds incredibly hot?
Before they’re a pair, he has a weird interest in her hair as well as her eyes. He hasn’t seen many people with long hair like waves of fire or eyes that shift with the colors of the earth (her eyes are hazel). Like many fighters with long hair, she tends to keep it up or done so that it’s out of the way, but she’s just like any other woman and has to brush it. When she does, and he sees it, he’s almost entranced with the way it flows. Fire is powerful to Alysim and the image of someone running their fingers and a comb through it is almost unearthly.
Once they’re together, it’s her little touches that drive him absolutely insane. Turians aren’t touchy by nature and she usually wouldn’t be either in public, but she does it a lot as a way of grounding herself in this new reality. She doesn’t want to lose him like she did her husband, so she’s always reminding herself with touch and even kisses and after a life without any sort of partner to speak of, he’s starved for affection without even knowing it at first. Sure, he’s had touches from his family, but never a romantic partner, and once they’re a pair, they are both very touch-oriented in and outside the bedroom. It’s actually kinda cute how surprised he is by just how good being touched, hugged, and kissed feels even without it ever leading to sex.
Thanks so much for the asks!!! I loved them!!!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
OC Inventory Meme
 was tagged @natsora, so thanks! :D
I tag @cousinslavellan @wafflesrock16 @bronzeagelove @mosaiccreme @rvtstudent and anyone I forgot and wants to do this!
I’m going to fo with our Atheling (Prince) Garrus Vakarian :) Base by @relay314 and tattoos by myself
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Atheling Garrus Vakarian
BAG backpack | messenger pack | pockets | satchel | wristlet | purse | duffle bag | briefcase | pouch | drawstring bag | fanny pack WEAPONS dagger | sword | axe | mace | warhammer | staff | spear | throwing knives | darts | shortbow | longbow | crossbow | arrows | bolts | enchanted weapon | poison APPAREL light armor | medium armor | heavy armor | underclothes for armor| enchanted armor | mage’s robes | uniform | casual clothes | formal clothes | cloak | scarf | hat | helmet | gauntlets | bracers | gloves | shoes | boots | hood | mask | belt | coat | jacket | necklace | bracelet | ring | watch | flower crown | sunglasses | undergarments HEALTH + MAGIC health potion | mana potion | stamina potion | attribute potion | alchemy equipment | herbs | chemicals | ingredients | bandages | burn cream | antidote | moisturizer | medication | scrolls | crystals | enchanting equipment STEALTH lockpicks | probes | trap-making tools | trap-disarming tools | disguise kit | forgery equipment TOOLS pen | ink | pencil | parchment | paper | compass | ruler | saw | hammer | nails | shovel | pliers | needle | thread | utility knives | art supplies | fabric scraps | kindling | magnifying glass | fishing pole PROVISIONS rations for themselves | rations for others | fork | knife | spoon |serving utensils | pot/pan | seasonings/spices | water | alcoholic beverage | nonalcoholic beverage | pet food | drug(s) | sweets | coffee | tea PERSONAL small amount of money | large amount of money | map | soap | comb | brush | cosmetics | hair ties | hair product | journal | razor | nail clippers | religious paraphernalia | tent | file | sleeping bag (sorta) | blanket | pillow | sentimental item | comfort object | musical instrument(s) | toys | eyewear | identification | important document(s) | torch | notebook(s) | plant
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
3, 8, and 42 for Fibonacci shakarian and krilliams?
3. Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
Once they have it, they are very open with it. Hell, Garrus probably won’t shut up about it and loves to flaunt the beautiful woman who actually loves him back. He’s usually the one to initiate the lovey-dovey stuff in public, but Jana has shown him hand holding since it doesn’t seem to be a big thing in his realm. She loves his little kisses, nibbles, or nuzzles, but she also knows that he’s a respectable royal, so even if it’s just hand-holding that they’re able to do, she’s happy.
Nihlus and Ashlin didn’t announce it to the world when they became a thing, but they didn’t outright deny or try to deflect attention when someone noticed. If asked, then they’ll tell the truth, but they’re much more professional about it. They’ve given the occasional peck or nuzzle to each other, but they rarely see each other for long periods that whenever they do and it’s not for a public reason, they’re off together in private. Then they can do all the touching they want. ;) 
8. What do they like best about their partner?
Jana loves just how young Garrus is. He’s brash, cocky, a bit of a brat, and other things that she just loves because it’s such a contrast to her husband. Her husband, hate to say it, was a bit broken when they married. Sure, he would’ve been able to heal in time, but he wasn’t really the best support for her in the war if he hadn’t been given that time. Directly after Omega, he wouldn’t be the support in a war against the Reapers that she needs because he has his own self-care to worry about (which he was really bad at and relied on her for help with actually) but this Garrus has very little emotional baggage. It means he can help her handle her own pains and distress from losing her husband to even losing her own life and being with Cerberus. That all was something she didn’t have the time to stop and think about for herself, but with Atheling Garrus, she can forget these troubles in a different way. It’s much better to forget your worries because you’ve found something better than to just not have the time or energy to deal with them.
Can I say Garrus loves everything about Jana? Because he really does and it’d be hell for him to pick one thing, constantly changing his mind. However, if I had to pick, I think that her full support in him and her strength at his back is what he really likes. He’s never had a lover or a partner - ever - so he doesn’t have much to compare to, but Jana is there to see that even if he doesn’t go the traditional route, he is doing good and she supports him even when others are looking at him to make the expected decisions. Plus, she’s strong-willed like he is. Once he learns about her past, he respects and admires her even more because she’s allowing herself to heal even when he presents such a huge difficulty for her. That she still accepts him and even becomes his lover despite her lost husband’s identity makes him truly humbled.
Once she got over her prejudices, Ashlin has to admit that Nihlus is pretty damn attractive. However, if we’re going to be deep about it, then she really likes how he’s an exact opposite to her. She was bogged down by prejudices when he outright comes out and says that he’ll judge you for who you are and what you do rather than what you are and what your people have done. That and he doesn’t mince words, much like herself. That kinda similarity irritated her at first because he wasn’t afraid of telling her plainly what she was doing in battle that was interfering with her success and she was pretty defensive in the beginning especially with him being turian. She thought he was arrogant - and perhaps he was a bit just to rile her up - but now she respects that he puts himself out there to go against the grain when he sees potential in people.
Nihlus loves Ashlin’s energy, her strength and sheer determination. Her choice in weapon says a lot about her because she definitely is someone to go into things with both hands at the ready for a fight and nothing to hide behind. She’s not the most delicate of women, but he likes that. He likes a woman that can kick his ass because it’s a challenge and he knows that, if she can keep up with him, it just goes to prove how much work she’s put into her skill. He’s attracted to that fire she has and even when she clearly didn’t like him, he used to love to get her heated by saying thinks she didn’t - but needed - to hear. He very much liked her reactions ;)
42. Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
Hm .... I don’t like to think of relationships as situations where someone would let another person do something that would ‘bother them’ because I believe that relationships are built on being open and talking, the biggest thing being what they do and don’t like.
However, if I had to choose something that makes them more uncomfortable than bothered, I think Garrus is the only one Jana trusts to take her up high. With her fear of heights, she’s someone who’s very hard to convince of the joys of flying, but he manages to get her to trust him and though she is still afraid, she knows he will never drop her. For Garrus, it’s wearing his crown. He’s not one for the pomp and glamour of royalty because he also doesn’t think he deserves it, but once Jana sees his crown, she falls in love with the look of it on him, both for reasonable and more trivial reasons. She likes the way he looks in it and she thinks he deserves to let everyone know he’s the Atheling because he damn well proves that he deserves it.
Again, same thinking of it not really being bothersome so much as maybe something uncomfortable.
Nihlus is one of the only people who can tell Ashlin something she’s doing wrong or how to improve without her immediately being defensive. It’s a bit of a bad habit for her, but she’s so used to her family being criticized that she doesn’t know when it’s friendly advice. Even though she’s gotten better at that, Nihlus is the only one who can say something and she doesn’t even have an inkling of that defensiveness. As for what she can do, I’d say she’s the only one who can convince him to take a break from work as a Templar. He prides himself on being useful because, for the longest time, he was looked down on because of his past, and normally he’d tell someone trying to get him to take off to shove it, but Ashlin is different. Not just because he loves her, but because she understands what it’s like to work so hard and keep working hard to stay at a place that was so difficult to get to. So when she asks for some time with him, he knows what she’s feeling and is all for the both of them taking some time away from duty to spend with each other, no obligations.
Thanks for the asks!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Hola again today! OK, so after rereading, more Qs: Reapers are Dragons in Fibonacci, right? If so, will others use Turian Titan worship(?) against them? Is Nightengale Prince Garrus' bow? Are there 'hands' on turian wings, or just hooks or something less nimble? Did Garrus maybe dream about a female like Jana? Maybe some kind of inter-realm resonance? I just love all this so much!
Hello! I’m always up for Asks :)
1. Yes, the fact that Reapers are dragons has definitely caused some fallback on turians. Even though Titans and dragon worship is less common than Spirits, a lot of turian imagery involves dragons. Hell, even the royal Praetorian Guard is designed around them with their armor designs and cloaks with a dragon on it. In Palaven, they aren’t ashamed of it as much as they are outside of Palaven, so they tend to hide their affinity for dragons outside of Palaven and not so much in their homeland. They know they don’t worship the Reapers and see the Reapers as chaos, and that’s not what the concept of their ancestors becoming dragons means. Still, though, there are some who have quickly changed their personal views to avoid any discourse from other races, especially those at the Citadel. I will say that this prejudice does play out in a later chapter ;)
2. Nightingale is Garrus’ bow, yes. I admit it’s half because his armor is based off Skyrim’s Nightingale Armor but also because I like the symbolism of nightingales. Nightingales are very well known in symbolism (humorously enough, even in Medieval history) for its beautiful singing. Medieval legend has it that a Nightingale loves singing so much, it can exhaust itself to near death. For Garrus, it’s like saying his bow ‘sings’ when he uses it. It’s kinda like a translation for the love of his rifle coming into this universe.
3. There aren’t full hands on a turian’s wing, but there are thumbs. Think of it like a bat wing, only their thumbs are much stronger and more useful than most bats’. Their thumbs are very nimble and they can often use them in tandem with their toes to latch onto a cliffside so that an archer can free their hands to use a bow.
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4. Garrus actually never imagined Jana before seeing her standing there in the Council Chambers. However, this is kinda like a love at first sight thing for him. He’s laying it on heavy with his vocals because he knows humans can’t understand them and he’s not one for acting the proper turian and tamping them down despite that. Little does he know that Jana can definitely understand the pick-up lines he’s subvocally using and it’s what’s making it so damn hard on her to not let herself be attracted to him.
Thanks for the great asks!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Fibonacci, Chapter 12: Cipritine
Things are getting hot!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Fibonacci, Chapter 9: The Diluvian Valley
Arriving in Palaven, the crew find that they can help the local turian guard while they wait for Jon’s crew to arrive with the rest of their caravan
Million thanks to @wafflesrock16 for letting me borrow Cato Cassius!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
2 and 29 for all of your sheps please :)
Friendship: 2. Does Shepard have a lot of friends?
Jane Shepard - Yes, she does! While some friendships took time to build and had their rocky moments, Jane has tried to keep the Normandy family in contact with each other. Despite the long distances and how everyone’s lives have diverged, she’s actually done a pretty damn good job. At least once a year, they like to get everyone together to share stories, let their kids play together, and just plain enjoy each other’s company. Aside from that, there are occasional visits to friends or long distance calls to chat.
Jaiden ‘ Jai’ Shepard - Jai actually doesn't have a whole lot of friends. She left the Alliance after Torfan and everyone involved in that mission sort of drifted apart because seeing each other was like a reminder of what they did. On Omega, she’s kept to herself for the most part, but has made friends with the clinic staff, which is Mordin, Daniel the other assistant doctor, and Ivelina, the asari nurse. She later became friends with Garrus (obviously) and Nihlus during the whole Nocturni storyline.
Jana Shepard - Jana was good friends with her crew in ME1 and ME2′s events, but after her husband died, she let those relationships stagnate and even sour in the case of Kaidan just before he died on Mars. However, being in Jon’s world has begun to help her heal and, as a result, she’s making friends with his crew. It’s slow and she fumbles a bit with the oddity of it being the same people, only different, but she’ll have plenty of friends during this war.
Romance: 29. What was their first impression of each other?
Jane Shepard - Jane was initially very wary of Garrus because he was a C-Sec officer. Because of her past, she didn’t have a very good rap with law enforcement and she was guarded around him, but there was something about him that had her opening up and even looking forward to talking with him. In a short time, she was letting her guard down around him and they eventually became good friends. He became her confidant before any kind of romance started and, in a way, that’s a kind of love in and of itself I think.
Jaiden ‘ Jai’ Shepard - Jai had a bit of a hero crush on Archangel before she met him and, when she finally did meet him, she was a bit intimidated, but also really awkward. She didn’t want to make her hero feel uncomfortable given his obvious need for secrecy, but she really began to love him as a person instead of an idol when he, instead of leaving, stayed with her and helped her through her PTSD breakdown. Hell, he even took off his helmet for her. She fell hard for him and he her, but neither knew it was love until Garrus was at his weakest and it was Jai who became the hero in helping him through his change.
Jana Shepard - This is a bit of a special circumstance because Jana was already in love with a Garrus before she met Atheling Garrus. However, when she first sees this Garrus, she’s stunned and actually admits that he may be the most beautiful thing she’s seen in this world so far. She later scolded herself for it because he isn’t her Garrus, but the immediate attraction was still there, even if it was influenced by her previous marriage. Later, though, she gets to see Atheling Garrus as a separate person from her husband and a true love develops.
Thanks for the asks! It was a great set of questions :)
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
😘💋💦💒 for Fibonacci Nihlus and Garrus and Uriek and Saren from Parable.
😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date?
Nihlus - For Nihlus, it depends on the chemistry between him and the person he’s on a date with. Sometimes the date is just a precursor to some stress relief, so sex is pretty obvious, but there have been some times where someone has set him up with someone. It usually depends on how that goes before he decides whether or not he should proposition him. As for Ashlin, their first official ‘date’ is her sister’s wedding and, yes, they did have sex, but they already had chemistry by then anyway so I don’t think that truly counts. 
Atheling Garrus - Garrus’ first time trying to have sex was at a party and we all know it didn’t turn out the way he expected. So, his first dates never lead to sex because, by the time he actually lets his parents set him up for one, he already knows it won’t work.
Uriek - Uriek hasn’t really had a lot of first dates thanks to his bad past. His real first date is with Mimi and it just isn’t the right moment at that time, so no, he didn’t have sex the first date.
Saren - Saren doesn’t see the point of dates because he can already tell with people whether or not he’ll get along with them. He typically just goes for stress relief, but it’s actually Cassia that takes him on his first date - which I had in Osteogenesis - and, yeah, they had sex.
💋 How many people has my muse slept with?
Nihlus - Quite a few. He doesn’t really keep count, but he’s a great looking guy, so he’s had quite a few people swoon over him. Stress relief for a turian is easy and he certainly isn’t against some stress relief in his life before Ashlin.
Atheling Garrus - None thanks to his ED (I’m not counting what will happen in Fibonacci because that’ll ruin the fun 😉)
Uriek - Uriek can’t remember. A lot of his late teenage years and beginning of young adulthood wasn’t all that clear with all the alcohol and drugs he took, so he can’t remember all the people he’s had sex with. All he knows is that where drugs are, sex usually followed, so he expects he probably slept with quite a few people, maybe even as payment to get things he wanted.
Saren - Saren is a lot like Nihlus in that he has no qualms with sleeping with people for stress relief. He doesn’t count people, but he’s probably got a few that are repeats lays, so to speak because he could tolerate them well enough to have sex.
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?  
Nihlus - He was pretty young. Still a teenager, so I’d say around twelve (God, that sounds so bad, but we have to remember he’s turian!). It was uneventful and quick because, let’s face it, most first times are pretty awkward and not all that special.
Atheling Garrus - Again, this question doesn’t really apply thanks to his ED.
Uriek - Very young. Maybe ten or eleven, maybe even nine when he first hit puberty. After all, cloaca sex is possible and if it took receiving to get himself some drugs, then he did it.
Saren - This is kinda hard to answer since he wasn’t ‘born’ like a normal turian. Still, I’d say it was pretty quick before he had sex after being awakened from his tank because he had immediately started training and stress can usually come with training, so stress relief is just understandable.
🕍 What was my muse’s first time like?
Nihlus - As I said before, pretty uneventful. He only remembers it because it was his first, but it didn’t have anything special. It was just him and an older girl (though maybe only by a year or so) and she mostly led the way. They had snuck out of their houses late at night to do it after a few days of getting to know each other and share interests, but nothing much came from it but friends.
Atheling Garrus - Same answers as before.
Uriek - He doesn’t remember. It might have been him taking it from a dealer because he didn’t have enough credits, but he isn’t sure.
Saren - Saren doesn’t really even remember his first time. To him, it was just like scratching an itch. You don’t really remember a meal you ate years ago, so he doesn’t really pay much mind to remember sexual encounters unless it’s a bad experience.
Thanks for the asks!!!
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