#Athena Morningstar
asentientsock · 2 days
Just thinking about how well Athena and Vast would have gotten along. Avoiding the obvious sunshine + death platonic trope, Athena is a PIGLIN. She has a GOLD DEN. You cannot tell me that Vast's magpie brain wouldn't go crazy at that.
(Also they could share pronoun experiences and I think that's cute)
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athena-xiii · 16 days
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Every time I see a grumpy battle hardened man I go “but what if it was Centross?”
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the-sunshine-dims · 4 months
definitely did not forget to put these onto my tumblr- surely not-
But! my piece for Rae's ending!! :]
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And some bonuses from me figuring out their wedding outfits!
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flameishstudios · 19 days
Thinking about how Athena wouldn’t remember why his tattoo has two orchids because she designed it before the finale
Thinking about how that implies that even when Icarus was working for Fable, even when Icarus was acting how he did when they were corrupted again, Athena still cared and believed in them enough to include them in their tattoo design
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the-sunbee · 4 months
Athena Morningstar, Prince of the Nether, Child of Destruction
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reference under here!
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ref by mellon_soup
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turtle-taetell · 5 months
times are rough in the fable community, have a lil guy!
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you know who im actually scared is gonna die? Athena.
The prophecy book said athena was going to die in S1, of course they saved Athena nad hailey died in his place. But if Athena does die then it will be another moment showing us that history doesnt change.
2. They are the only vessel of a major god left
3. Her dieing could be what it takes to break icarus out of fables control
4. If Jamie is used as bait, which the lore event with icarus and jamie could be,,, it would be another bajillionth point towards history repeating itself.
5. And this is basically ap oint against "oh ulysses might die"- But athena dieing would make more sense for the story than ulysses. Ulysses isnt a vessel? it makesn o sense for why the co-workers would go after him. also his character has basically just redeemed himself- he cant die yet.
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random1d10t · 3 months
I tried to draw Athena's festival of light outfit (yes I'm that far behind) non digital art 😱
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emberunderscore · 3 months
I've been deep diving into the symbolism of flowers recently so have my thoughts on what Wither Roses would symbolise in the world of Fable - and other flowers at the end (most of which already exist but I have thoughts anyway)
yeah this is really long btw
to start, wither roses are black roses so first the symbolisms of roses and black roses respectively
Roses (general): love, beauty, royalty, achievement, perfection and secrecy Black Roses: Positive - strength, a triumph over the inevitibility of death Negative - death, mourning, revenge, hatred, sorrow, mystery
Now Wither Roses, I'll do a summary of the meanings then I'll ramble a little bit
Wither Roses: Positive - Familial love, determination, triumph over the inevitability of death, a sign of "get well soon" or "even the worst sickness can be cured", the good nature of destruction, soulbonds and love unseprable by death Negative - Terminal/deadly illness, death itself, loss of a family member/loved one, doomed love
Wither Roses are associated with Soul and Athena. Despite the many negative meanings of black roses, wither roses have many more postive meanings, especially for a deadly flower. The godess Soul's previous state as the Wither is a well known one, and the story is a well told one, the story of Athena, her child, working so hard over so many years to cure her. Thus the familal love and determination meanings. The Wither curse and sickness were both diseases that would've been considered deadly and uncurable until Athena, on both fronts proved that they were not. So the triumph over death and worst sickness can be cured meanings. The get well soon meanings, come from a similar nature. Soulbonds and love unserprable by death go hand in hand as the flower is a symbol of Soul herself, the good nature of destruction as well, Netherum is dead but the story of Soul and them is still told to this day. That Soul calmed them. And with Athena being the vessel of destruction and also a ray of sunshine that meaning has multiple origins.
The meanings of terminal/deadly illnesses is pretty intuitive, the flower coming into contact with the skin can cause death or sickness, one that is very difficult to cure. Death itself, for a similar reason, this also links with it being a variant of a black rose. Loss of a loved one, because Athena lost their mother for a long time and he very nearly died from a similar sickness. Doomed love is less intuitive, but something I've found with flower symbolism is all of them have to include love in some version of the meaning (and familial love is mentioned) but I think doomed love would be a very common interpretation for this flower, since roses are such common symbols of love, and black roses ones of such sorrow, it only makes sense that a black rose with the actual capacity to kill would be a symbol of such a thing as doomed love.
Also I want to mention, despite how most flower meanings are made for when giving flowers to others, wither roses are an exception. They are not commonly given to people as gifts due to their tendancy to cause death. Most of the symbolism comes from stories, poetry, and many other forms of art. A common way to use wither roses in something like a play is to use a black rose and dip the tips of the petals in a dark grey paint and/or to paint the thorns in grey/black. Sometimes though, artists like to leave it amiguious and up to the viewer to decide if the rose is inteded to be a regular black one or a wither rose. Due to this common substitution, sometimes the symbolism of the two similar roses becomes blurred and thought of as interchangable.
To talk a little more about why i chose the meanings, i really like the fact that wither roses symbolise familial love, i've looked at so many flower meanings and almost every single one of them talks about romantic love or some form of love and so few of them talk about plantonic or familial love and its sad to me that those forms of love don't get as much appreciation. There are a few flowers that symbolise love between friends, but if you look in the right places there will be a source that lists romantic love in some way.
If you made it this far, here are the other flowers. Didn't have as many thoughts about these but still some of them
Torchflowers would be a big symbol of rebirth and change (heavily associated with Fenris)
Oxeye Daisies would be known to mean love that lasts beyond death, due to the nature of Centross and Fenris' relationship
Blue Orchids (specifically after Icarus gets back) would become associated with family (unconventional ones specifically, with half or steps siblings and divorced/unmarried/remarried parents), and forgetting/remembering a loved one
Sunflowers become a symbol of home - being lost/finding your way home. Follow the sunflowers becomes a common phrase meaning to follow your heart and you will always find home and memory/rememberance of loved ones. Or a way to say "I will never forget you"
And a bonus not related to flowers, I think Athena would be an icon for disabled people like how Hephastus is, maybe Alliums are too because of their association with her
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rae-473 · 6 months
So I'm normally far too anxious to post anything except for cosplay but my friends have been encouraging me to share some theories/headcannons that I have so heres a random headcannon I've had for awhile:
Before unlocked, whenever Athena and Rae would hug Athena would tap the loadstone in his crown to Rae's loadstone necklace so they made a gentle ding. When they were in Icarus' house after getting Fable out of Purgatory, the lack of ding was part of what caused them to realize it was missing.
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d1sc0-1nfern0 · 4 months
Thinking about Fable characters driving cars again.
Lab trio going on field trips in Rae's soccer mom minivan loaded with snacks, camping gear, and science equipment.
Rae drives. Athena "navigates" and picks the tunes. Jamie provides snacks and things from their luggage as needed from the backseat. They get lost constantly because none of them can actually navigate.
They play road games and have stupid debates over nonsense to pass the time. At some point Jamie and Athena pass out, and Rae turns down the music as soon as he notices. At the next stop, Athena moves to the back to cuddle with Jamie and they continue napping.
Rae hums quietly along with Athena's roadtrip playlist while they nap, occasionally glancing at the rear-view mirror to smile fondly at his nephews.
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athena-xiii · 4 months
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Aunt Thena and baby Veah <3
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the-sunshine-dims · 1 year
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The Child of Destruction
Finally drew Athena!! Me when him!!
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flameishstudios · 5 months
Thinking about how people use Sherbert to refer to Icarus instead of Icarus
How Athena tells Rae that they care about Sherbert, and how he calls Icarus Sherbert when telling them that this is the same as ominous bane
How Violet tells Fernris that he believes in Sherbert (later adding Icarus, but at first calling them Sherbert)
How Rae called them Sherbert when asking them to realize that Fable is in the wrong
And how all of this shows how people view Sherbert and Icarus differently
People view Sherbert as kinder, a lot of them know Sherbert as their friend as someone who cares about people and who people care about,
But a lot of them also noticed the sharp difference in Icarus’ behavior as soon as they started going by Icarus, as soon as Fable started to be a part of their life
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 5 months
IMPORTANT: please suggest quotes for those I don't have an idea for! It'd be very helpful, especially because I don't have all the VODs! I need quotes for: Rae, Caspian, Momboo, Jamie, Easton, Centross, Ven, Athena, Wolf, Arisanna, Haley, and Icarus. Open for suggestions on Ocie, Ulysses, and Aax!
I think when Fable ends I'm going to work on a series of pieces- love letters to the entire story and how much it's impacted me. I've got a few planned but I need Fable to end before I start it, because whatever happens from now to the finale- including the finale itself, is going to be so important in relation to these! A few of the already like- dead dead characters I can work with though
I want to include text within them, so;
Rae - Rae's is going to be one of the most fun. There is so much I can do- so many directions. The finale will probably solidify which I do! A few things are for certain though; 1) aspects of the skulk. Most likely will be vines crawling up the background! 2) Aspects of the three shards- Alerion, Enderian, and Perix. Probably will be conveyed through color! Enderian will have a more specific nod as she's more present within Rae himself! Some sort of crown would sort of be my idea. 3) Stars. Of some sort, I want there to be stars. 4) A crown. Will probably be end-esque but we shall see!
Aax -There are a few things I know I want for Aax as well! 1) Four. Such an iconic thing for Aax- it's gotta be there. 2) Glowberries (because why not) 3) A trident and an axe. Aax's words will probably be something like "by design", or something about protecting Rae and Caspian!
(more below cut. It's a lot of words-)
Caspian - The problem with Caspian is I don't know an absolute ton about him! I do know a decent bit though, I'd say. A few things I want to include: 1) a quill. what's a writer without his tools? 2) A nod to momboo in some way. I'll figure that out. 3) Redstone/gadgetry of some kind. 4) something Atlas related, if not Atlas herself.
Momboo - I want a lot of nature themed elements, of course, but also a splash of color. The glitching. May do a half and half but probably not- it'll probably be worked in there somehow tho! I want nods to Jamie and Easton as well. Not sure on the quote yet!
Jamie - I hold Jamie in my little hands. I want nods to Athena, Momboo, and Easton in there, as well as Eeji, whatever the sheep is named, the camel and Solaris! I might have them as tiny creatures within the art piece itself! There will be an increase of nature themed elements as well, a nod to how they inherited that from Momboo! (no quote so far)
Easton: I don't know too much about Easton as well, sadly! I want to include lightning, skulk, nods to their mother and sibling, and the border will probably be a heart monitor type line (well within the border), a nod to how they see the world! (no quote so far)
Athena: I of course want Nether elements, but also a nod to Jamie, nature/flowers, and Cheshire! Cheshire might be included, possibly at the bottom or draped across Athena's neck. Whatever I can get to work! I kind of want to draw her in his fancy nether outfit, because I feel like it fits? (no quote so far)
Ven: The little traitor man! (/aff) I want nods to Fengari and some sort of writing detail! I don't know a ton about Ven, but I may include some nods to Fable (twisting yellow claws, etc!) (no quote so far!)
Ocie: I have the most idea for Ocie- she's the one that started my brain a'going. One of the strongest themes in Ocie's character is grief. It's lost so many people- and now another one, Len. Features I want to include are: 1) a nod to Momboo, 2) Oscar, 3) I kind of want her eyes to glow, 4) a heart of the sea, 5) tears. The words on her piece will probably be "Another empty grave." (or "I don't want to dig another grave.", or "It takes every piece away"!)
Centross: Wouldn't be a Centross piece without a nod to the end! A note that this piece will be of Violet! I want to display each character sort of in their "final form", whatever that may be. I want stars, the reaver, and a nod to the farming. His quote will probably be something cryptic about keeping the balance!
Wolf/Fenris: Fenris's is another that is going to be really fun! I may add a phantom mask over his face, as well as the moon above or behind his head. I want him in a fancy outfit- probably the one Malitae gave him, or the Festival of light one. There will be stars for Rae, and maybe wheat for Centross? Not sure of a quote yet!
Arisanna: Gotta have allays. But also pillager references! The border will probs have arrows within it! She'll also have some sort of book reference, whether that be the background or her holding one!
Icarus: Wings and potions and wack. Icarus's will be colorful, feathery, and otherwise I'm not entirely sure! I want a crown, so icarus's matches the rest of prince trio's. I also want to highlight their eyes! Otherwise, I think help from y'all and also the finale will help. Quote might be "Oh, we're doing this again?" but I am very very very open to suggestions
Haley: Haley's is going to be eerie- probably a reference to how she died, but also I want something puppet-y about her! not sure what else, and for the quote all i got is "this wasn't how it was supposed to go"
Ulysses: formerly evil fish man WOOO! Gotta have references to medical stuff, possibly have Victor in there, telchin stuff, and alcohol. Ulysses is trying to make amends, to fix the wrongs, to improve. I don't know how I can convey the layers of that well, like I can with Ocie's grief. Honestly, the quote might be the best way to do that! ("I'm sorry", or "I didn't mean for this to happen", maybe?)
I won't be doing one for Galahad, Will, or Chaos! Galahad and Will because I don't know their characters that well, and I feel like it'd be out of place now. Chaos for infer-able reasons.
Addie may be added if I have time, motivation, and if we see addie again before the end!
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rima-niki · 10 months
so I'm watching Athena's pov of today and all I got to say is:
Fable is nodding along to Icarus and shaking his head no whenever Rae brings up a point
at one point he almost goes out but doesn't because Sherbert starts talking.
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