#Atreus x reader? I dunno but in a soft way
nyxisaway · 2 years
God of war fic
I dunno really what the premise is or where it’s going but if you like it I’ll keep writing for sure
The subtle and quiet noise of wildlife stirring in the early morning started to drift through the forest like music, hues of soft golden light trickled through the patches of thinning leaves and needles on the surrounding trees. The bubbling of a nearby brook ensured a comfortable consistent white noise in the background while you cleaned and skinned the two rabbits your traps caught in the night. Addressing the small animals diligently and carefully you made sure not to waste anything crucial. the camp you had set up was very small and guarded by the shade of a large rock and some upturned roots and logs with no little effort you finished with the rodents and set the meat aside as you struck up a small fire for cooking. The sun was rising quickly and you wished to make the most of the day, intending to finish your journey through Midgard, you were in search of “the witch of the woods” as many called her, a mysterious woman who had healing powers and magical ability’s, hopefully she would be kind and open to helping a stranger,,
You skewered up the tender rabbit meat and set it to roast over the small coals, turning it diligently you were anxious to have it finished and melting apart in your mouth. It had not been long since you last caught something but with the packs of draugr popping up at random and the changing of Midgard as a whole, game has become scarce and much more alert to human activity. Taking the meat away from the flames you could barely allow it time to cool before stuffing your small mouth, savouring the flavour and warmth it provided in the chilled morning air. You ate three more slivers of meat before packing your small camp up and kicking out the fire, shouldering your bow and strapping your dagger to your waist you grabbed the small pack you had and set out towards the lake of nine.
You allowed yourself the luxury of a slow and steady pace soaking in the rising sun and enjoying the smells of dead leaves and winter in the air, the cold was fast approaching and you needed to find answers before that happened, or else you may never understand who you are, where you came from or why you can harness magic so easily. It had been a month or so since you woke up in a small village, a few young ladies fussing around you tending to your head and monitoring your state, you couldn’t remember anything that had happened just that you weren’t from this part of the realm and you shouldn’t be in Midgard, your clothes gave no hint of where you were from as you were dressed in practically garbage. After cleaning yourself up and without any luck to learn about who you were or how you ended up in that village you set out in search of someone, anyone that can do magic and maybe bring your memory back
It was your own fault for getting so lost in your own thoughts but you quickly noticed the sound, or in fact lack thereof. No birds were singing in the trees anymore and the wind had halted to a completely stop, you gripped the hilt of your dagger and brought it in front of your body while lowering yourself and moving quickly to the side of the path, you let out a slight breath and watched as the cause of the unrest made itself plainly clear. With a gruff and low growl a large and hulking form started out of the trees before you, it was a troll? Of some kind you assumed, smaller than what the largest you’re sure can be but it was still quite a height and a rather intimidating weight considering how much it shook the ground as it walked
The breath in your lungs was stolen and suddenly you were fighting against the meat you loved so much earlier, what the hell were you supposed to do now?? Just wait for it to pass? You had to think of something quickly before it smelled you or worse saw you in the bushes, you sheathed your dagger and crawled on your stomach through the brush attempting to keep yourself hidden when suddenly a cry cracked through the air splitting the silence in half, before you could be aware of what was happening a large glowing axe imbedded itself in the beasts shoulder and a volley of arrows stuck from multiple points in its hide
You could hear the calling of foreign words from what sounded like a young boy and the gruff deep commands that resounded from the taller companion, he was even more intimidating than the troll, with a blood red mark trailing down his face and some rather scary looking armour fitting his broad shoulders, his skin was ghostly white and he had a bushy beard accenting his face giving him a clear air of maturity and knowledge- wait is that a fucking severed head oh his belt??? Ok ok well they are fighting the troll so I guess they aren’t enemies? The sounds of battle continued as you rose from the brush and drew your own bow, loosing an arrow at the troll the young man looked over at you with a look of utter confusion
“FOCUS BOY” came the voice of the tall man and you almost felt yourself ready up in response, the young man turned back around and assisted in finishing off the troll, a site which you regret seeing with such an already queasy stomach,, before you were completely calmed the young man ran over to you frantically “are you ok?? Was that troll attacking you?”
“Boy.” Said the man as if dismissing his concern for you and chastising him for getting distracted, “I’m only making sure they’re ok father”
“I- I’m fine thanks to you guys,, it didn’t even have time to notice me” you choked out still afraid after the entire scene. You took in the form of the young man, he appeared to be no older than 16 but his face gave the impression of being extremely battle hardened as he bore many scars and a tense posture
He smiled at you and you saw that he really was still just a young boy, with a bit of light in his eyes still. Oh good at least the tall one hasn’t beat every ounce of Joy from this kid, you debated asking them for help in your searching for this forest witch but the pale man grunted out a stiff “we are leaving.”
“Wait!” You exclaimed, the look in the younger ones eyes made you feel a bit more confident to speak what you wished “please first allow me to properly thank you for saving my life, I could give you some meat I have wrapped? Or even some coins” “don’t worry about it lass this is hardly the first time these two have saved a life” another voice joined the mix and you could only stare in awe at the talking severed head on the man’s hip. “What- the fu” “oh haha that’s mimir! Hes our friend” pitched the young man as if that was going to suddenly negate the fact that he was a talking SEVERED HEAD. “Ah, I see that makes it all better then” you remarked smiling nervously
While swallowing your last bit of anxiety you decided to ask your question before these two *cough* sorry three were gone for good and you had no hope of help. “Hey wait one more thing, I know it’s a long shot but you guys don’t happen to know anything about a,, witch of the woods around here do you?” The looks on all their faces told you that you asked the wrong question, after a few seconds of silence the boy answered “uh you probably won’t be able to see her any time soon.. she’s well she just lost her son,, and she’s kinda become obsessed with killing my father and I” you noticed your jaw was agape but you didn’t move to close it, you were distraught at what you just learned, you weren’t going to be getting any help from the so called magical lady and now what
Now fucking what
“What’s wrong? What was your business with freya lass?” Freya?? You thought, you certainly didn’t know that’s who you were going to see. “Uh well, I lost my memory’s and now I’m just stuck here in Midgard with this nagging feeling that I’m not from here and something bad is going to happen, with access to magic that I don’t understand and I was, well I was hoping the witch- freya, would be able to give me some answers” you replied all too honestly with these total strangers a look of pity came across the boys face as he listened to you and suddenly “father can they come with us?” You were shocked but somehow not unhappy with the thought “no” was the only thing he said in response
This dropped your face completely “why not I think I can help them and after all it’s our fault freya isn’t around anymore to help people like them it’s not fair” as he made his argument you watched as the eyes on the taller man softend slightly “fine. Do not be in our way girl.” He bellowed as he turned shouldering the axe this seemed to please the young boy as if this was a great reaction and he smiled at you while motioning for you to join them in walking
“I guess I should tell you our names!” He said from beside you, “I’m Atreus, that’s mimir like I said and that’s my father” “his name is kratos” the head said in addition. It seemed nobody else would’ve given you that information. “It’s nice to meet you Atreus” you smiled at him “don’t you have a name lassie?” Mimir said gazing at you “I did I assume but I don’t remember what it was… and I’ve been travelling alone so I, didn’t think about it I guess…” you said trailing off kind of quietly there was a couple things you hadn’t thought about lately
Like where you’re supposed to go now
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