#Atticus sosu
bubbelpop2 · 4 months
Okay but I love it so much when video games give an in-universe reason/evidence/realtstic reaction for the main character being OP
This is about fallout 4 and disco Elysium and undertale
I absolutely love it when the companions comment on you being a maniac that runs around murdering bad guys all day like you're on crack and being ridiculously overpowered. Especially if you're on easy mode. Just imagine You're in a post apocalyptic world and this guy that's been in a vault for 300 years shows up and starts solving everybody's problems and he takes bullets like they're nothing and stimpacks and rad away work immediately for him with no side effects ever and he's not even nauseous and also he doesn't need to eat he just eats radioactive garbage when he's out of stimpacks because it makes him feel better
And also Kim kitsuragi telling you that you run a lot for like no reason and that you solve crimes at lightning speed and you're also on crack
Love it. I eat that shit up.
On another note, my sole survivor has a hero complex and is referred to as "the tank of the Commonwealth" and also does his damnedest to make for that every single settlement has a bunch of beds and food and water and entertainment and decorations because socialism but he also has a trophy room where he keeps a bunch of trinkets and unique weapons and random old world garbage. And also perfectly preserved things from the old world.
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twosides--samecoin · 2 years
Allow me to reintroduce myself
A man I have been keeping secret for almost a year; one of two SoSu (two sides of the same coin if you will) in Long Time Running, 'the canon one', Jack Atticus Ward.
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I have been waiting SO LONG to talk about this guy. Firstly: Jack did nothing wrong and don't say I didn't warn you <3
Learned underpainting for skin? I guess? Is this right? I have always had trouble laying down colour because I never liked painting IRL but here's a study of my mans. Just more of a pencil/pen sketchy artist although it was more fun than expected learning how to paint skin! I feel like I could keep working on this forever but I have to go write about this man, so have a character sheet-type of thing!
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grandzealot · 5 years
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FULL NAME:   Brian Richter GENDER AND SEXUALITY:   cis male & pansexual ETHNICITY AND SPECIES:   caucasian & ‘pure’ human [ according to the enclave ]  BIRTHPLACE AND BIRTHDAY:   ohio, aug 28.... gosh i was just looking up timelines and fo4 is only ten years after fo3 so i guess i actually have two birthdays. for his fo3 verse its like year 2252 but for his fo4 verse its somewhere in the 2230s or 40s GUILTY PLEASURES:  he has pleasures he wont admit to but he doesnt feel guilty about them. hes sexually fantasized about others in the coa but feels no guilt over that. he enjoys murder but thinks atom is on his side for all that so even less guilt there
PHOBIAS AND FEARS:   WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR:   amongst the family: killing. outsider of the family: ....killing WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY BE ARRESTED FOR:   hes usu rule abiding but in a settlement with lots of rules mb heated arguments about atom turning into fistfights / brawls CHARACTER(S) YOU SHIP THEM WITH: atticus starling and many others [ i listed a handful for another related ask a lil while ago ] CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM:  sosu lmao
FAVORITE BOOK GENRE: nonfiction. he likes learning about different places... and guns WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM:  bc they have low standards                                                                  no rly hes extremely respectful, faithful, and selfless. of course he has lots of moral flaws that people would have to overlook and with all the ‘bad’ things hes done hes not someone who really... deserves that kind of compassion. but he would never betray a partner and is always willing to compromise and can admit hes wrong and isnt superficial [ beyond trying to maintain ‘decent’ appearances. ] he genuinely values that someone could care for him and is extremely dedicated to putting work into a partnership
also hell kill for u without much convincing
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM:  mean and likes being mean. canonically intimidating even to his fellow faithful. murderer. grumpy. rule abiding. ex enclave. hypocritical. not as honest as the coa would want you to believe. genuinely prefers murdering ‘outsiders’ than negotiating toward peace
HOW THEY CHANGE:  in the enclave he learned an ‘us vs them’ mentality and to view wastelanders as less than pure humans like himself. from his experience in the containment cellar her learns that even tho a group of pure humans were trapped, only he survived ( with atoms blessing. ) he still keeps an ‘us v them’ perspective but he does come to see that the idea of genetic / physical purity is an illusion and ends up ok w ghouls etc as a result [ this is also influenced by me having written legion and brotherhood characters before so i kinda just wanted to have a character largely chill w ghouls. ] he might also change depending on how the far harbor dlc is resolved, i think i have more written about that in his fallout verse descripts and this is already so long lmao
WHY YOU LOVE THEM:   hes different than the other characters ive written in personality ways while still having the dedication to a ridiculous belief system / bad guy cause thing going on that im always a sucker for. hes complex as far as being intimidating but has a cute quiet awkwardness going on in social aspects. i love a lot of the tropes assigned to him on tvtropes like pet the dog, hazy feel turn, and even evil has standards. theres a lot of messy morals to play with even while hes someone who really wants a ‘black and white’ experience its extra fun that its so easy to mix him into new verses bc theres plenty of ‘bad guy’ / ‘misguided’ factions that his kind of thinking clicks right into place with
in canon its really easy to dismiss him as being one kind of person and u have to like dig into this dialogue and go rifle through his room to get a better sense of him. i love writing where the surface of someone can be so different than whats going on underneath bc its sorta like dealing w two characters... i think the other two main characters ive written ( alex and lance ) had more authenticity to who they were vs how the presented themselves. richter is murkier and often in contradiction all while appearing more straightforward ‘ plain mean bad ’ – lots of fun to get lost in 
TAGGED BY:  @gxnnut * [ [ thank youuuuu <3 ] ] TAGGING: [ [ you! ] ]
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illdesigns · 6 years
14, 15, 16, 18, 19 for any OC of your choosing 👀
ooh imma do these for my sosu atticus, because i just recently installed fallout 4 again and feel like i need to rework his character some
14. What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus) he’s a leo (august 2nd) and that sort of fits him. leos are generally described as being loyal but stubborn, kind but greedy, and are very passionate but that can lean too far into aggression. he’s a very in your face type of person.
15. What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ) i would say esfp, which is also called the entertainer. in an ideal situation where he’s comfortable he thrives on people giving him attention and he’s a very open and empathetic person.
16. What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw) hufflepuff seems to be the best bet for him. he’s not really brave. i mean, he is but in the wasteland what we would consider bravery is just survival and he has no real notes of exceptional bravery. he’s not exceptionally smart. he’s not exceptionally cunning.
18. Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest? spatial and naturalist are his strongest points, he’s a builder who’s good with his hands, he loves building and working on settlements and if he’s not doing that he’s most comfortable out on the road. his worst are probably existential and linguistic. he has no time for big questions/big pictures and he is awful at expressing himself.
19. What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil) oh god i’m so bad at this sort of thing. i would say he starts out as lawful neutral but slowly morphs into lawful good as time goes on and he experiences the wasteland more and more.
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illdesigns · 6 years
"watching his best friend die and their kid being taken away" did your sosu not have a wife/husband?
atticus was, in fact, married to janet “lamb” tan, who he was best friends with for quite a few years! however it wasn’t really a “love” marriage but more one for benefits. atticus married lamb because of better army benefits and lamb married atticus because active duty military and military spouses of chinese descent were treated with slightly less suspicion. they did have shaun together but shaun was conceived by ivf by lamb and atticus’ older brother joshua (atticus is trans). mainly because a kid sort of sealed the deal and proved it was totally not a benefit marriage.
but atticus and lamb absolutely loved each other, albeit in a platonic way, and watching lamb die wouldn’t have been more traumatic if that love had been romantic. lamb helped atticus come out to a religious family, manage his substance problems, get over night terrors from anchorage and helped him in so many small ways. she loved him and he loved her.
and that’s how i got past fo4′s compulsive het-ness.
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