haveyouseenmymind · 6 years
A New Year’s Eve Surprise
Folks, is it too late for a New Year’s fic? :D Well sorry, this was supposed to be finished a month ago, but here we are.
This is my contribution to the amazing @auduna-druitt‘s EndOfYearChallenge, and I really hope that it’s not too boring. ;)
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Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: McKirk
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Words: 4068
Prompt: You built an igloo this morning and every time I look out the window you’re just kind of sitting in it doing nothing- are you okay?
Jim’s family won’t make it to Earth for New Year’s Eve, so it’s on Leonard to cheer his boyfriend up.
Leonard was looking out of the window, watching the snow fall down slowly, as it added another layer to the already covered ground. He shivered inwardly, glad to be in the warm kitchen, unlike his idiotic boyfriend, who was running around outside in the cold, checking if everything was ok at the farm.
Winter in Iowa, at least for Leonard’s taste, was way too cold to be really enjoyed. But however, thanks to lucky circumstances every member of the Kirk family would be earthbound at the end of this year, and Jim was excited to finally see both his brother and mother again.
And so, after Jim had told him those news and looked at him pleadingly, Leonard didn’t have it in his heart to disappoint the blond. He gave in and promised to come along to Iowa and help Jim getting the farm ready, even though he would have preferred to spend New Year’s Eve all relaxed and in silence in Georgia. At least they had stayed over the holiday’s with his mother, and so he wasn’t too annoyed over the change of their plans for the last day of the year.
Leonard got startled out of his thoughts, when the back door suddenly opened, and Jim stepped into the room. With the thick coat, the beanie on his head and the huge scarf wrapped around his neck and half of his face, the other man was hardly recognizable.
“Goddammit Jim, close the door, you’re dragging the cold in here!”
Thankfully, Jim for once listened to him immediately and closed the door obediently, right before he peeled himself out of his winter clothes and threw them on the floor. Leonard glared at him, not amused about his boyfriend making a mess, but Jim just grinned cheekily. He stepped closer, to give Leonard a short kiss.
“Missed you, Bones.”
Leonard huffed, but his annoyance was all for play. He tried holding back a smile, but failed miserably.
“Idiot, you were outside for only half an hour or so.”
“That’s way too long to go without your cheerful personality. Come on Bones, give me a hug.”
Leonard, unable to deny his boyfriend such a simple request, pulled Jim into his arms, and the blond sighed with content as he returned the embrace happily. For a few minute they stood there in the kitchen, enjoying each others affection, until Jim decided to end it by pressing his ice cold nose into Leonard’s neck. The brunet yelped and slapped Jim, who was laughing his ass off, slightly on the head. Grumbling, he shoved Jim towards the mess of clothes he had left on the floor.
“Go put away your clothes, you infant.”
Jim rolled his eyes at him, picked up his coat and everything else and left the kitchen, but not without turning around one last time and sticking out his tongue.
Leonard snorted, not having expected anything less by the kid, who was even more energetic than usually. He had no idea if Jim knew, but the doctor had noticed how nervous Jim was about New Year’s Eve. Not only would the whole family be assembled, but Jim would also introduce Leonard officially as his boyfriend.
Their relationship was relatively new, still more or less a well kept secret between them and the commanding crew of the Enterprise, and now Jim’s family would be the next to be let in on the news.
As far as Leonard knew, Jim had never introduced any of his partners to his mother before, and so Leonard could understand his nervousness. If he was completely honest, it was quite entertaining to see the normally so confident captain run around like a headless chicken, trying to check endless times if everything was perfect. Adding to that, it was also really endearing, and he might have even fallen a bit more in love with Jim. Though he’d never admit that out loud.
With his boyfriend back inside in the warmth, they could now finally get to cleaning the rest of the house, though he would have preferred a lazy afternoon. And so he left the kitchen with a sigh, hoping that the two of them would get the house ready till everyone else would arrive.
When Leonard woke up the next day, he knew that something was wrong, as soon as he had turned around, seeking the warmth of his boyfriend to cuddle close to while still being half asleep, and found the other side of the bed empty and cold.
Confused, he opened his eyes, but when he looked around in the bed room, he couldn’t spot Jim anywhere. 
His eyes fell onto the clock on his bedside drawer, and when he realized how early it was in the morning, he let out a long suffered groan. So much for sleeping in - without Jim he didn’t see much sense in lazing around in bed. Begrudgingly, he got up and dressed, and headed towards the kitchen, hoping that there would be some coffee ready to help him get through the morning.
All the while, he wondered where his boyfriend had gone to. He could remember that they went to bed together, but with how cold Jim’s side had been, he probably hadn’t stayed in bed for too long.
He surely wasn’t somewhere in the house, otherwise Leonard would have heard him rummaging through the rooms on his way down. And so the last place left for the blond to be was somewhere outside.
But Leonard wasn’t in the mood to go out in the cold and look around for the kid. It probably hadn’t stopped snowing during the night, so it would be still too cold for him to leave the warm house anytime soon. At least not of his own accord.
When he finally entered the kitchen, no cup of coffee greeted him and he stared accusingly at the silent coffee machine. Cursing at his bad luck, he prepped the old machine and waited impatiently for the coffee to be done. Sure, he could have gotten a cup way faster from the replicator, but he was on Earth and and able to have some rightfully brewed coffee. There’d be still enough replicated dishwater when they’d go back into space.
While he was waiting for his coffee to be done, he stared out of the kitchen window and finally noticed his boyfriend, who seemed to have gotten himself busy, as he was nearly done building what apparently was about to become an igloo. 
Leonard watched the spectacle, wondering what Jim was up to, until he got distracted by the coffee machine again. He left his spot in front of the window, to get a mug from the cupboard and pour himself a cup of the desperately needed hot beverage.
Inhaling the delicious smell, he sighed, right before he took his first sip. But his thoughts strayed back to Jim, and so he took his coffee and returned to his spot at the window.
The igloo had been finished in the meantime, and Jim was sitting down right at its entrance now, his gaze directed at some point in the distance. Leonard didn’t really know what to make of that, but if Jim would sit out there in the cold too long, he’d have to drag his ass back inside.
Grumbling at the other man’s foolishness, he left the kitchen to get his PADD from the living room, but he decided to head back and finish his coffee where he could keep an eye on his boyfriend.
Which turned out to be a good idea, as Jim was still sitting outside and staring into the nothingness. Leonard’s irritation grew with every passing minute, since the kid surely would get a cold if he stayed where he was, and in the end Leonard would have to go out himself and drag his stupid ass back into the house.
He decided to give Jim a bit more time before he’d go out and kick his ass, so he sat down at the table with his coffee and PADD, but as time went on his gaze wandered more often to the window than it actually stayed on his PADD.
Jim didn’t move even once, making Leonard more and more restless. He wasn’t sure if he ever had seen Jim being still for such a long time - even in his sleep the blond was always shuffling around, so this was completely unusual for him.
After one last attempt he gave up, his mind too busy worrying about Jim to concentrate on anything else. He got up, headed for the back door, but after one step out, he regretted his decision immensely. It was terribly cold, and he really should have gotten at least his coat and boots, but for now it was too late.
Well, maybe he could convince Jim to come back inside faster if the blond saw him running around without warm clothes.
Cursing himself and his boyfriend, Leonard walked up to Jim, who was still sitting in the same position as earlier. Apparently, the other man was so spaced out, that he didn’t even notice him stepping closer, startling him when Leonard approached him.
“Jim? What are you doing?”
After a short moment, Jim finally turned around, but when he saw Leonard, his eyes widened and he jumped up quickly.
“Me? What are you doing outside so lightly dressed? It’s freezing, Bones!”
“Oh really? You think I didn’t notice this myself?”
Leonard wasn’t really in the mood for any more talking. He just wanted to go back into the house, and preferably back into bed to warm up again. But Jim just stared at him with confusion, not in a hurry to get away anytime soon.
“Then why are you out here?”
“Maybe because you’re an idiot who has been sitting out here for who knows how long? Jim, can we please go back inside and warm up?”
He offered his hand to the blond, who turned around to the igloo to take one last glance at it, before he looked at him and took his hand with a sad smile.
“Whatever you want, Bones.”
To both Leonard’s relief and Jim’s own luck - cause he’d kill the blond otherwise, Jim let himself be dragged back into the house without any complaints or resistance. 
He left the other man back in the kitchen to get rid of his coat, and headed for the fireplace in the living room. After a while he got a fire started, and so he grabbed the blanket of the couch, sat down and huddled himself into the warm cloth, hoping that Jim would join him.
And indeed, not much later he entered the room, stopping in front of the couch, and looked down at Leonard with a mixture of sadness and exhaustion.
“What’s wrong, Jim?”
“They won’t come.”
Leonard’s heart broke for Jim with these words. He had an idea who was meant by them, but he still had to make sure.
“You mean…?”
Jim sighed, and let himself slump down on the couch next to the brunet, who drew the blanket back to pull his boyfriend closer and put it over the both of them. Jim obeyed without another word and put his head down on Leonard’s shoulder in defeat.
“Neither Sam and his family, nor my mom will make it in time for New Year’s Eve. They don’t even know if they will make it at all.”
“Why won’t they come?”
“Well, there was a major setback with one of Sam’s experiments, and since it’s in a crucial state, everything will be for naught if he leaves now. And the warp engines at mom’s ship failed, so she has no idea when they’ll arrive at Earth, but she said they’ll try their best.”
Leonard didn’t know what to say, but no words could make Jim’s disappointment vanish anyway. He knew how much it had meant to Jim that both his mother and brother would spend some time on earth. Jim sighed again, and Leonard wished that he could make him feel better.
“I don’t even know why I’m surprised or so disappointed, Bones. Guess I just really wanted to start into the new year with my family. It’s probably stupid, but I wanted it to mean that things could really change.”
“Of all the things you have ever said this is the least stupid, Jim. I’m sorry they won’t come, I wish I could change that for you.” 
Jim lifted his head from Leonard’s shoulder, and smiled at him softly, before he leaned closer and gave him a soft kiss.
“Thank you, Bones. At least I’ve got you by my side, that’s better than anything else I could wish for.”
He smiled back at Jim, but before he could say anything else, a thought came to his mind, as there was still one question left unanswered.
“You know Jim, somehow I still don’t see how the igloo fits into all of that?”
“I just build it out of sentimentality, cause I didn’t know what else to do with my feelings. When we were kids, Sam and I used to build one every winter, and at nights we sat in front of it, watching the stars while he made up so many wild stories about them. I kinda was hoping that we’d revive that tradition with Sam and Peter this year.”
“I’m sure there’ll be plenty of chances left for that. You’ll get to do that with your brother and his son sooner or later.”
At that Jim let out a yawn, and so Leonard tugged his boyfriend down with him and shuffled around until they both could lay down comfortably on the couch, Jim draped halfway over the other man with his head on his shoulder. Leonard put one arm around the blond and stroked his back upwards to his neck, where he started playing with the soft tufts of Jim’s hair.
“Come on now kid. I don’t know how much sleep you had last night, so let's take a nap for now.”
Jim couldn’t suppress another yawn and nodded sleepily, the stress of the morning clearly having taken its toll on him. Soon, Leonard could feel Jim’s breathing even out, and only a few minutes later was he fast asleep. But for the brunet there wasn’t any thought of sleep, as his thoughts were racing while he was trying to come up with a plan to cheer Jim up.
For the rest of the day nothing else happened, and Leonard was quite happy about it, so he had enough time to plan a surprise for Jim. The blond disappeared a few times all over the day, and when Leonard found him, he was again outside by the igloo, working a bit on it or sitting inside and doing nothing but brooding. Leonard didn’t like it, but at least it gave him enough time to make a few calls without Jim having the chance to eavesdrop on him.
In the end last day of the year had arrived without much ado, except for Jim becoming mor and more melancholic. He tried his best not to let it ruin the day, but Leonard still noticed that the other man had his moments where he was completely absent minded.
As the evening came closer, and the year was running out with its last hours, Leonard’s surprise finally got itself started with the ringing of the doorbell. Jim, completely puzzled, got up from his place on the couch to see whoever was out there.
Leonard, just having finished some last preparations, came out of the kitchen, but held himself in the background with a smirk on his lips. He had an idea who was out there, not an exact clue since there were a few possibilities, but it didn’t really matter. Jim would be surprised in any way, and definitely happy to see the person on the other side of the door.
The face of absolute confusion Jim pulled when he opened the door and saw his chief engineer standing behind was absolutely priceless. Scotty just beamed at his captain and simply hugged him, never letting go of the bottle of scotch he had brought with him.
“Jimbo! How nice to see you!”
He then let go of the still dumbfounded man to greet Leonard in the same way, and gave him the bottle, which was eyed with appreciation.
“Thanks Scotty. I see you brought the good stuff, I might invite you again the next time.”
Jim, who still hadn’t recovered from his shock, looked questioningly at Leonard, but before he could ask what was going on, the doorbell rang for another time. Again, Jim opened the door, and this time Spock and Nyota entered the house. One look at Jim’s stunned face had Nyota smirk as she kissed the poor man on his cheek to greet him, while Spock just nodded and said a simple “Captain”.
Jim didn’t even need to close the door, since a few moments later a cheery Chekov and Sulu, with his husband and daughter accompanying him, stepped up the porch and entered the house, greeting both Jim and Leonard.
The poor blond was completely lost by now, and Leonard having sympathy with his overwhelmed boyfriend, ushered the others who were chatting excitedly with each other, into the living room to have a few minutes alone to talk to Jim.
When they were finally alone, Jim had found his voice again and stared at Leonard with wonder.
“Bones? What’s going on? Why is my commanding crew assembled in the living room?”
Leonard just shrugged in amusement and grinned at the other man.
“You said you wanted to spend the evening celebrating into the new year with your family. So I made a few calls, and they all were more than happy to come over. Except for Spock, I think his exact words were “Fascinating”, but you know that’s his way of showing excitement.”
Jim kept blinking at him dumbfoundedly, and Leonard could watch as he finally understood his words when Jim’s confusion was suddenly replaced by his most beautiful smile. He nearly jumped at Leonard, hugging him close to himself and mumbled a happy “Thank you, Bones” into his neck.
Leonard grumbled good naturedly and hugged his boyfriend back. Just for that everything he had arranged was worth it, and he knew that he had done the right thing.
A few hours later, the old year gone and the new one just having started, Leonard came back with Sulu from one of the guest rooms, where they had put Demora to sleep. His gaze was sweeping over the guests, making him realize that JImwas missing again.
He had an idea where he could be, and so he silently passed by his friends to grab his coat and head outside. He walked towards the igloo, and indeed, the blond was sitting again in front of it, staring up into the sky and at the stars.
“How long have you been sitting here? In case you didn’t notice - it’s fucking cold outside.”
Jim turned his head towards him, smiling softly. He seemed to be calmer and more relaxed than the last few days, and Leonard didn’t have the heart to scold him for much more. So he just sat down next to his boyfriend and huddled closer, seeking for some delicious warmth. Jim shuffled towards him and laid his head down on Leonard’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry Bones, I’ve just been out for a few minutes. I needed some time to calm down from all the excitement, and this was just the right place.”
“Do you want to be alone? I’ll go back inside if you promise me that you won’t stay out here too long.”
Jim just shook his head against his neck, making Leonard snort. He sighed and looked up at the sky, realizing that it just had started to snow again. He decided he’d give Jim a few more minutes, as long as there were still only a few snowflakes dancing down towards the ground, before he’d drag Jim’s ass back inside where he could warm up.
After a few minutes of silence he felt Jim shift and lean up, and so he turned around to see the other man looking at him with a soft smile on his lips.
“What’s wrong, Jim?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to… I  mean, I… Thank you, Bones.”
Jim took a deep breath, and he looked so insecure for a moment, making Leonard curious what else he had on his mind.
“I’m sorry Bones, I was probably a moody ass during the last days, and you really didn’t deserve having to deal with me. But more than that I’m so grateful and in awe what you pulled off behind my back. I mean, you invited all of our friends to cheer me up, and reminded me that family is more than people you are bound to by blood.”
“Well, I couldn’t let you be all mopey and miserable, so no need to thank me for that.”
“Maybe, but I still want to. And I know that we haven’t been that long together yet, and that we wanted to see where this relationship would take us, but the last few hours made me realize something.”
He took another deep breath and looked at Leonard with so much sincerity, that the brunet could feel his heart beating faster.
“Bones, you’re it for me. I love you.”
Now it was Leonard’s turn to be speechless. Jim was right, their relationship was fairly new, and he was surprised that Jim was voicing out his own feelings, since he knew how hard it was for the blond to talk about his emotions, even though he was showing them by his actions day by day.
Just when he wanted to answer Jim, they were interrupted by a snowball that landed right at the side of Jim’s face, who spluttered and cursed violently. They both turned to where the snowball had been thrown from, and were surprised by what they saw.
There, on the ground, was another blond man rolling around and howling with laughter. Jim, who had gotten rid of all the remaining snow in his face, recognized the figure on the ground immediately.
“Sam! But how… I thought you wouldn’t be able to make it?”
Jim’s brother tried to calm himself down, and finally sat up, grinning madly at the still shocked man.
“Oh god, your face! I wish you could have seen your dumb face.”
Jim glared at Sam as he grabbed a handful of snow, ready to start the snowball fight for real. But his brother held his hands up placatingly, trying to defuse the situation.
“Ok, sorry Jimothy. How about a truce for now? I’ve had a long day and I really need a drink and some good sleep afterwards. You know, it’s been taking me nearly all day long to find a suiting substitute to watch over my experiment. Thankfully one of my colleagues wasn’t leaving the station for the next weeks, so he was willing to overtake the reins for a while. Aurelan and Peter will join us tomorrow, but I had to come here as soon as possible, since for nothing in the world would I have wanted to wait for your stupid face when I surprised you.”
Leonard, who had gotten up, watched as Jim jumped up and helped his brother to get back on his feet, before he hugged him tight to his chest. When he let go of him, he punched him slightly on the arm as revenge, though his smile clearly betrayed his actions.
Sam started laughing again, but then he stopped suddenly, as if he had just remembered something.
“Come on now, guys. Better let's get back inside. When I went out, mom had started talking to your first officer, and I think it’s better if we save him now, you know how she loves to confuse and rile up people.”
“Mom’s here, too?”
But Sam hadn’t heard him, since he was already jogging back towards the house. Jim turned back to Leonard, reaching out for him, and with a smile the brunet grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, right before they followed Sam back to the house to let the party come to an end.
tags (Strikeouts I can’t tag) : @thevalesofanduin @medicatemedrmccoy @toosouthernforspace @reading-in-moonlight @feelmyroarrrr @0dannyphantom0 @eyeofdionysus @bsotstory @neon-green-bra @loststarlight @imoutofmyvulcanmind @fireboltrose7559 @ree923 @str8-jack-it @flaminglupine
McKirk: @mishacolyte @joannaleemccoy
Star Trek:  @theartofeheheh @samleerandom
If anybody else wants to be added to or removed from my tag list, or has special wishes for being tagged, just let me know. :)
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thesoftdumbass · 6 years
It Starts With A Dance
Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
Audie’s End of Year Challenge
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: dancing, mentions of alcohol, sarcasm and probably cursing, poly relationship
Summary: You’re forced to attend a gala with the team, but two handsome super-soldiers help you enjoy your night.
A/N: Hey you guys! I wrote this for @auduna-druitt and her writing challenge, and I’m a day late, which is not a surprise for me. Sorry, love! I chose the prompt Midnight Ball with Stucky x reader and I’m kinda nervous cause I’ve never written Stucky or poly relationships before, but I really hope you guys enjoy this. I didn’t edit it, and yes, I will accept constructive criticism!
There are three songs that I listened to on repeat while writing this, and I encourage you to listen while reading:
Lavender and Velvet by Alina Baraz | Electric by Alina Baraz and Khalid | Velvet by INHEAVEN
Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist 
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You knew when Tony called a mandatory Avengers meeting in the common area that it would not be a regular mission briefing, and it turns out you were right. As soon as you sat down on the couch, the billionaire swept into the room wearing a replica mask from Phantom of the Opera and holding a velvet cape in front of the bottom half of his face like a villain in a movie. Well, this meeting might not be normal, but at least so far it’s entertaining.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this Saturday night, enter a world of elegance and mystery.” Stark drops the cape and holds his hand out, invitations fanned out like a deck of cards in his grasp.
From beside you, Wanda moves forward to take a closer look at the embellished cardstock but leans back in her seat, “No thank you,” leaving her mouth casually, not impressed.
“Well too bad, because you have to go.”
Groans ring out all around you as hands reach forward to grab the information, ready to read through. “I don’t know, you guys. It might be fun,” Natasha speaks up.
“Thank you, Widow,” Tony says appreciatively.
“-we might piss them off so badly that we never have to go to one of these again.”
“This is supposed to be a masquerade ball?” Bruce asks incredulously.
Natasha’s eyes narrow as she turns back to Tony. “Nevermind.”
Tony has to raise his voice a little to be heard over all of the grumbling taking place in the living room. “Listen, you guys! As Avengers we have a duty, not only to save the world but also to keep up relationships with politicians and investors. These people can make it even harder to do our jobs if they so choose, so we’ve gotta keep them happy. If that includes fancy parties with lots of champagne and small-talk, then that is what is going to happen.”
He completely ignores the comment made under your breath about champagne being necessary if you’re to tolerate a full night of small-talk with these people, rolling his eyes at you before continuing.
“This party is mandatory, so I want you all primped and ready for transport by 11:30 on Saturday night, the party starts at 12.”
“That’s after Cap’s bedtime,” Sam remarks and earns chuckles from around the room.
While everybody takes a moment to examine the invitations, Bucky raises a question. “We don’t have to dress in classic Venetian costume, do we?”
Your fellow Avengers raise their eyebrows, all looking at him as if not believing what he just said. Bucky’s eyebrows furrow and he crosses his arms across his chest in defense  “What? I know things.”
“Formal wear and a mask, that’s all I’m asking, people. You have all week.” And with that, Tony left the room with a flourish, a flick of his arm sending the cape billowing out behind him.
Once Stark leaves, so do most of the other Avengers, escaping to put together their costumes for the ball. As you think about the contents of your closet and the options you have for a costume, there is a dip on the couch as two figures sit down on either side of you and a glance up tells you that it’s Steve and Bucky.
“You boys excited for the big party that we’re being forced to attend,” you ask dryly, not bothering to hide your distaste at the mandatory label being put on the ball.
You hear a deep chuckle and can’t tell which super-soldier it belongs to, luckily they speak up. “It might not be that bad, doll. Just think of it as an excuse to dress up and get tipsy,” Steve says and it’s your turn to laugh.
“That’s true, and at least I can get tipsy. That serum in your veins doesn’t really let you have much fun, does it?”
“Trust me, this idiot knows how to have fun and get into trouble while doing it. He just doesn’t like to while in the public’s eye,” Bucky says light-heartedly. “Besides, I can get drunk enough for the both of us!”
Steve reaches around you to punch Bucky in the arm, the hit doing nothing but cause Bucky to complain loudly, and you laugh to yourself. Once the action is over, instead of retrieving his arm from around your shoulder, Steve chooses instead to lean back on the couch and pull you into his embrace. Confused, you look up into his face to find his clear blue eyes focused on you, filled with something you can’t quite decipher.
Bucky keeps the conversation going as normal and you’re thankful, looking back down to your lap. “So what are you thinking of dressing as?”
You hum noncommittally, picking your phone up from your lap and turning it over in your hands. “I found a dress online that I like, now I just have to find a mask to go with it. What about you,” you ask, looking between the two of them.
Steve shrugs the arm still wrapped around you. “We’ll figure it out, won’t we, Buck?”
“Sure will, Stevie.”
After that odd, but not unwelcome exchange, your day goes back to normal as you head back to your room at the compound to figure out your plans for Saturday night. You can’t help but fixate on it for a while though, the comfort you felt being nestled between Bucky and Steve. You shake yourself out of it. All you need to focus on right now is getting this ball over and done with so you can go back to focusing on work and your everyday life.
You stare into the full-length mirror in front of you, turning from side to side to watch as the silver fabric of your dress sways elegantly. Taking a deep breath, you make sure that your makeup is complete, touching up your lipstick before placing the silver-gray lace mask over your perfectly done up eyes. You take one last look into the mirror before striding from your bedroom, the clack of your heels on the compound’s hardwood floors gives you the extra boost of confidence you need to make it through this night.
You walk into the foyer where you’re supposed to meet the rest of the team, but there aren’t as many people gathered as you think there should be. You could have sworn you were perfectly on-time, not too early. You glance over at Tony, who is tapping quickly on the screen of his tablet.
“Where is everybody,” you ask.
“You’re the last one here, I sent the rest there already in the first limo.” Stark finishes what he’s typing away, sitting the tablet on a table nearby and clapping his hands once loudly. “If you’re all ready, then let’s get going!”
You look around at your group, noticing Peter standing nearby, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he talks excitedly with Pietro. “Parker, how did you get roped into going to this gala?”
“Yeah, don’t you have homework or a 9 o’clock curfew or something?” Sam smirks while walking up to the group, happy with his joke.
“I asked if I could come! I love parties, and I thought this would be a good way to spend time with the team outside of missions.” You can’t help but smile at the kid’s enthusiasm.
“I’m just going so I can get drunk,” you hear a thick Russian accent beside your ear and breathe out a laugh, following Pietro in the procession of Avengers out the door and into the waiting limousine.
You walk into the venue, talking with Natasha and Sharon along the way, the silk masks over their eyes complementing each other and putting a smile on your face. As the three of you reach the doorway leading into the ballroom, you have to stop for a moment to take in the sight before you.
The decorations in the ballroom are almost nonexistent, but that only adds to the aesthetic of the environment. The only additions to the room are tall tables lined along the walls to hold drinks as people talk, the majority of the room open for dancing. Partygoers cover the dance floor, milling about and talking before the gala officially begins, and you join the crowd, looking at all of the different masks decorating their faces.
Tony heads to the front of the room, accepting a microphone from a staff member along the way.
“Welcome everyone to the 29th Annual Maria Stark Women’s Aid Gala! Tonight I want you all to have fun, dance, and be merry. Make sure you head over to the donation table and support the foundation, but not before you have plenty of champagne.” Tony gives an exaggerated wink to the crowd of upper east siders, who all chuckle along good-naturedly. “Without further ado, I’ll let the DJ take over for me, and I will see you all on the dancefloor!”
Applause follows as Tony leaves the stage and joins Pepper’s side, putting a hand around her waist and leading her onto the floor with a smile as the music picks up.
You’re talking with Maria and Rhodey when you spy someone walking toward you, holding eye contact as they approach. You tilt your head, watching the person that has grabbed your attention, when you notice the black mask with gold detailing, the mask reminding you of a Greek god and going perfectly with their black and white tux. Through the eye holes you can see the most familiar blue color, but before you can speak, the man is holding out a hand to you.
“Would you give me the honor of a dance?”
You take his hand with your own, and he leads you into the middle of the dancefloor as a new song starts playing. Neither of you talks for a few moments as he holds you, swaying you to the music with one hand on your waist and the other gripping yours, sending a pleasant warmth through you.
“You look gorgeous, Y/N,” he whispers softly, his lips brushing your ear.
You look away, hoping that he doesn’t notice how warm your cheeks have become. “I thought you said you never danced, Rogers.”
Steve smiles mischievously, twirling you around in a circle before pulling you into his chest, your head coming to rest on his shoulder. You giggle breathlessly and look up through your eyelashes, catching Steve gazing down at you, emotion thick within his beautiful eyes.
“I stand corrected,” you mumble, barely holding in the smile threatening to break out on your lips.
Steve shrugs his shoulders lightly, “Bucky’s been giving me lessons in our spare time.”
You nod, placing your head in the crook of his neck and just focusing on the feeling of being so close to him. The two of you are so focused on each other you almost don’t notice when the song changes, content to keep dancing. You dance three songs with Steve, talking the whole time. This is different than your normal conversations though, not only because of the occasional flirty comment from him but because now there is a tension between the two of you that you just can’t deny anymore.
You feel a hand tap your shoulder lightly three times, the interruption bringing you from your thoughts. You slowly move out of Steve’s arms and turn to face the newcomer, curiosity blooming when you notice who is looking back at you.
Bucky’s stormy grey eyes watch you from behind his matte black mask and your eyes are drawn downwards, noting how well he fits into his all-black tux. When you glance back up you see his tongue dart out to wet his lips and force yourself to look away, missing the way the corners of his lips quirk upward.
You feel a light touch on your hand and meet Bucky’s eyes, a softness taking over his features that you can’t resist. “Care to dance, doll?”
You let him take your hand and start to nod, but pause as a thought comes to you. You were just dancing with Steve, and while you don’t really want to leave his company, dancing with Bucky is an opportunity that can’t be missed. Looking to Steve for silent permission, he nods, and you notice a look of shared understanding pass between them. You don’t have much time to think on it, though, as you are pulled into Bucky’s front and held there gently by two hands on your lower back just as a new song starts playing.
His eyes look into your (y/e/c) ones and you are drawn in by the intensity there. Feeling brave, you move one of your hands from where it’s resting on his chest to the base of his neck, playing with the hairs that have come loose from the bun at the back of his head. A shiver passes through Bucky at the feeling and he chuckles low in his throat.
You hum along with the music drifting through the ballroom, getting lost in the dance and the feeling of being pressed against the super-soldier. Bucky brings a hand up to brush a strand of hair from your face, his knuckles brushing against your cheek in the process and bringing your stare back to him. His hand drifts just a bit lower, resting on the side of your neck and causing a breath to catch in your throat.
“Are you enjoying yourself,” he asks and you have to pretend that his touch isn’t affecting you.
“I am, actually.” Bucky hums in acknowledgment and you take that as your cue to go on, his gaze resting warmly on you. “I thought this would be stiff and boring, but I have had a good night. Plus, it’s great to see everybody dressed up. You look amazing, by the way, Buck.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he says and bites his lip, and you notice his cheeks pink a little at the compliment. You giggle softly, the sound sweet on Bucky’s ears and he looks up at you, a smile lighting up his face.
The song switches to a more fast-paced one and a squeal escapes you as you’re lifted off your feet for a few seconds and twirled around, the move reminding you of something you’ve seen in old movies. Laughter rumbles through the both of you as you’re placed back on the ground and you lean into Bucky’s frame, trying to stay upright.
Something catches Bucky’s attention over your shoulder after a moment and before you can ask what’s up, he is taking your hand in his and leading you off the dancefloor. You decide to just go with it, trusting that you’re in good hands. Once you’re off the crowded dance floor you spot a balcony door that you hadn’t noticed before, and that seems to be where he’s leading you. It’s only once you reach the French doors and exit the building that you realize you needed the cool air outside.
Out on the balcony, you’re met with the sight of Steve holding two full glasses of champagne, a third waiting on a table nearby. He beckons you closer with one of the glasses, handing it to you as you near and you thank him, taking a sip of the bubbly liquid. The location of the building you’re in gives a fantastic view of New York City in the distance and it pulls you in. You walk to the balcony railing and rest one hand on it, admiring the scene in front of you.
As you stand silently in awe, warmth surrounds you, and you notice that Steve and Bucky have joined your perch. You send a smile to both of them, but you feel a slight sense of awkwardness. Here you are at this ball with these amazing men, you’ve danced with both of them, and you can’t help but feel that you could be more. More than teammates, more than friends...one could only wish. Where was a shooting star when you needed one?
You’re brought out of your thoughts when a hand is placed around your waist, the cool hardness of it permeating your dress and letting you know that it’s Bucky. His tender touch turns you in his direction and you look up into his face, hoping you don’t look as lovestruck as you feel.
“Yes, Buck?” You place your glass of champagne down when he reaches for your hand, holding it in his right.
You feel a hand caress your shoulder, the calloused skin grazing yours where your dress is exposed in the back and you shiver, the touch exciting you. Casting a glance, you see Steve behind you wearing a soft smile on his face, and you note that he’s removed his mask. You turn back to Bucky when he speaks again.
“I’ve admired you for a long time, Y/N, but lately I’ve realized that it’s more than that. I’m crazy about you, doll.”
“We both are,” you hear Steve next to your ear, ”and we know you feel the same.”
“R-really?” You curse yourself for stuttering. It’s hard to believe even one of the men before you would have similar feelings as yourself, but both of them? You think you may be dreaming.
“Of course,” Steve says at the same time you hear Bucky say “We would never lie to you, Y/N.”
Bucky must see the change in attitude on your face because he levels his gaze with yours, silently asking for permission. For what, you’re not sure, but you would never deny him. You nod and Bucky’s touch leaves you.
You whimper quietly, though you’re sure he hears it, until you feel Steve’s hands rest on your hips as he draws closer to you, now holding you with his chest pressed against your back. You watch Bucky’s hands draw up beside your face to the back of your head, untying the ribbon holding your mask in place. The silver-gray lace falls to the ground at your feet but you don’t care, staring into the eyes of one of the men that has just confessed feelings for you.
“So what does this mean for us,” you ask, uncertainty lacing your voice.
“It means,” Steve pauses to press a chaste kiss to your neck, “that we would both like to be with you. If you’d have us, of course.”
Your head drops back against his shoulder as relief and excitement fill you.
“So will you have us, sweetheart?” Bucky’s voice sounds hopeful.
You stand straight, pushing up to your full height with the help of your heels, and press a kiss to the corner of his lips, feeling him smile when you linger. You pull away, and you couldn’t stop the bright smile on your face even if you wanted to.
“I would love to,” you say emphatically.
“Let’s get out of here. There are too many people here, and we have a lot to talk about.”
You agree with Steve’s statement, stepping out of his arms so you can place a kiss on his cheek, grabbing both his and Bucky’s hand.
“Let’s go home, boys.”
Post-A/N: Alright, you guys, how was my first time writing Stucky? Please leave feedback below so I can know for future reference! Or ya know, just let me know if you liked it ☺ thank you guys so much for reading, and I’ll talk to you lovelies later!
Tags: @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @mad-girl-without-a-box @cd1242 @space-helen @izzy10718 @feelmyroarrrr @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @vulcanaeris @killerbumblebee @kjs-s @starshiphufflebadger  
If you’d like to be notified when I post something new, message me or send an ask and I will add you to my tag list!
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auduna-druitt · 6 years
Audie’s End Of Year Challenge (The Masterlist)
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Please heed the warnings attached to the stories. Fics may range in rating. 
Midnight Ball- Love Eternal by @imoutofmyvulcanmind
“I slipped on ice outside and you ran over and tried to help but ended up slipping too so now we’re both just kinda lying on the ground.” - Let it Snow by @medicatemedrmccoy
a being an ass and putting their cold hands on b’s warm neck- Cold Hands by @depressedleonardmccoy
Poisons, Potions, propositions- Expecto Remedium  @outside-the-government
You built an igloo this morning and every time I look out the window you’re just kind of sitting in it doing nothing- are you okay?- A New Years Eve Surprise -@haveyouseenmymind
You were walking your dog by my house and I was aiming to hit the tree behind you with a snowball but I just nailed you in the face I’m sO SORry do you want hot chocolate??- Snowball, hot chocolate, and mcfluff by @littlecrazyfangirl-98
Stucky X Reader
Fireplaces- Winter Getaway by @wintersoldierswhore
Midnight Ball- It Starts With A Dance by @yallneedtrek
Steve X Reader
ice skating dates and which one’s kinda unstable and clinging cutely to the other- Get Your Skates On by @kjs-s​
Jim Kirk X Reader
Candy Bowl- The Best Treat by @bookcaseninja
Mood boards
There is a pony in my front yard with a pink bow around its head and no, this is NOT the best birthday present ever!- Jim and Kitten by @theenchantedgalleryofstories/ @thefanficfaerie
You took me on a cut-your-own-christmas-tree-farm date & holy frick you make a cute lumberjack I WAS UNPREPARED- Len and Doll by @theenchantedgalleryofstories/ @thefanficfaerie
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auduna-druitt · 6 years
Audie’s End of Year Challenge
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Yes, I know it’s only October first but I’m not likely to post another challenge before the year’s end so I’m going with it. I’m really feeling fall this year and want to celebrate with some spooky/cuteness, my birthday is next month, and since there’s only three months left why not throw winter in the mix? 
So, for my 600 follower celebration you, my lovely followers, will be showing me what you’ve got! 
There will be three categories to choose from. Pick your prompt and pick your character or ship from the lists below.
Deadline for sign ups is: November 8th (My birthday)
Deadline for fics/mood boards is: December 31st
For fics please remember to add a read more if it is over 500 words. The tag for the challenge will be #Audie’sEndOfYearChallenge. I’ll make a masterlist of all the fics and moodboards at the end of the challenge. Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions.
@imoutofmyvulcanmind @outside-the-government @starshiphufflebadger @lurkch @goingknowherewastaken @captainsbabysitter-blog @pinkamour1588 @medicatemedrmccoy @iwillwakeherinthemorning @bookcaseninja @haveyouseenmymind @yallneedtrek
Leonard McCoy
Jim Kirk
Steve Rogers
Stucky x Reader
Fall prompt list:
Poisons, Potions, propositions @outside-the-government McKirk
Moon cycles
Apple Orchard
Beneath the mask
Summoning demons: and other bad first date ideas @hellomissmabel Steve
A different kind of graveyard
Hallowed guests
Candy bowl @bookcaseninja Jim Kirk
Unfinished business
Midnight ball @yallneedtrek Stucky X Reader/ @imoutofmyvulcanmind McKirk
Warm tea, cold kiss
It’s not a costume
Birthday prompt list:
My friends booked a nice restaurant for my birthday party, but you booked it for your party as well. I guess we have to celebrate our birthdays together now.
It’s my birthday and I want to spend a quiet day at home, I just hope no one’s planning a surprise party. @shitty-imagines-95 Stucky X Reader
There is a pony in my front yard with a pink bow around its head and no, this is NOT the best birthday present ever! @thefanficfaerie Jim and Kitten
We both meet at the bar at a birthday party but we don’t even know who’s birthday it is. I think it’s yours, you think it’s mine.
We were supposed to bring the cake for our mutual friend’s birthday party but we got in a fight over who should carry it to the car and now the cake is on the floor and HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!
You want me to guess the present you got me and give me ridiculous little clues that make me kinda afraid to even open it,
My birthday party is in full swing but it’s too much for me right now, so I grab a bottle of wine and go up to the rooftop. That’s where you find me eventually. @sofreakinmanyfandoms Steve
After we spent some time at a club to celebrate my birthday my friends are pretty drunk and ask random people on the street to sing for me. You really can’t sing, but maybe I’m drunk too because it sounds perfect to me.
Person A and Person B are total strangers who meet and discover that today is both of their birthdays
Person A throws Person B a huge surprise party with all their friends and all their favorite things
Person A and Person B’s birthdays are the same day (or close) so they decide to have a joint birthday party
Person A’s birthday is February 29th so when it’s finally a leap year Person B throws them a party fit for their age divided by four
Person A was orphaned at a young age and doesn’t know their exact birth date so Person B treats them like every day is their birthday just in case
Winter prompt list:
I slipped on ice outside and you ran over and tried to help but ended up slipping too so now we’re both just kinda lying on the ground @medicatemedrmccoy McKirk
You built an igloo this morning and every time I look out the window you’re just kind of sitting in it doing nothing- are you okay? @haveyouseenmymind McKirk
You were walking your dog by my house and I was aiming to hit the tree behind you with a snowball but I just nailed you in the face I’m sO SORry do you want hot chocolate?? @littlecrazyfangirl-98 McKirk
Would you stop trying to sell the neighborhood kids yellow snow saying it’s a lemon slushee-honestly I don’t know why I married you
a being an ass and putting their cold hands on b’s warm neck @depressedleonardmccoy McKirk
cafeteria tray/cardboard sheet sledding aka how to kiss your datefriend in a snowdrift bc you’re idiots and went flying into one
hey the fire alarm went off at 3am and you ran outside without a coat wanna share my blanket?
decorating wars complete with Too Much Glitter ™
ice skating dates and which one’s kinda unstable and clinging cutely to the other @kjs-s Steve Rogers
“i said UGLY christmas sweaters not nsfw christmas sweaters, we can NOT wear these, my boss will kill me”
“would you like some hot cocoa with your mountain of marshmallows oh my god are you TRYING to put yourself into a sugar coma?"
fireplaces. ‘nuff said. @wintersoldierswhore Stucky X Reader
"what made you think that putting a holiday sweater on our CAT was a good idea? i’ll get the band-aids."
you took me on a cut-your-own-christmas-tree-farm date & holy frick you make a cute lumberjack I WAS UNPREPARED @thefanficfaerie Len and Doll
the power’s out & we’re snowed in, how on earth will we stay warm???
you booked a snowy carriage ride through the park & i’m afraid of horses but you’re excited OH GOD HORSES ARE BIGGER CLOSE UP & GOING TO EAT ME
candy cane sword fights & how quickly they can escalate
your family sucks so you’re kinda meh on holidays, lets make some fun, new traditions together!
we were going to go walking around the neighborhood to see all the pretty lights but you woke up feeling a bit under the weather and not up to being outside in the snow so i snuck out early this morning and made a video of them all for you so you didn’t have to miss out @pinkamour1588 Hiller
Prompts taken from [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
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auduna-druitt · 6 years
Can I have 14 under winter prompt list with Len and Doll? And 3 under Birthday Prompts with Kitten and Jim?
Those are gonna be so good!!!
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auduna-druitt · 6 years
HI! for your challenge challenge can i please do stucky x reader Birthday Prompts 2? Thank you!
Yay! My second Stucky X Reader! and the first birthday prompt!
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