berlinverkehr · 2 years
Fahrdienst: Vir chow wieder!, Bei Jelbi geht es Schlag auf Schlag weiter., aus BVG
Fahrdienst: Vir chow wieder!, Bei Jelbi geht es Schlag auf Schlag weiter., aus BVG
01.11.2022 Bei #Jelbi geht es Schlag auf Schlag weiter. Die BVG eröffnet gemeinsam mit der #Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin am heutigen Dienstag, den 1. November 2022, eine große Jelbi-Station sowie drei Jelbi-Punkte am Charité #Campus #Virchow-Klinikum. Damit gibt es inzwischen 79 Jelbi-Standorte, mit Platz für rund 1400 Sharing-Fahrzeuge auf zirka 3000 Quadratmetern. (more…)
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Rain on Douglas Promenade through my car windscreen :: [Rach Corlett]
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“You do not know', said the Princess of Augustenberg to Herr Gottingen, 'what a place this is for making you clean. That sea breeze has blown straight through my bonnet and my clothes, and through the very flesh and the bones of me, until my heart and spirit are swept, sun-dried, and salted.” ― Isak Dinesen, Seven Gothic Tales
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Is it true that Alix called Princess Helen a sniper because of her long nose?
Alix has long nose too That was mean of her 😞
Princess Helena Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein was known by her family as "Thora" and sometimes "Snipe" in reference to her sharp facial features & long nose.
The Princess of Wales(Alexandra), still unforgiving on the Schelwig-Holstein affair, wrote about this to her son, Prince George: "So the Christians have been following you about with their lovely Snipe!"
Considered as a potential bride for the future George V, son of the future King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, Thora was easily shrugged off because Alexandra did not approve of the possible union. She had grown to detest the Augustenbergs because of the wars between Denmark and Prussia over Schleswig-Holstein, where Alexandra’s homeland lost the battles. Poor Thora ended up enduring her vile remarks.
“Well, it would be a pleasure to welcome that ‘beauty’ as your bride.” the then-Princess of Wales mockingly said of Helena Victoria in a letter she wrote to her son. Thora, in the end, stood as one of the bridesmaids at the wedding of George and Mary of Teck in July of 1893.
My thoughts on this:
I do think that it was mean of Alix to call her "snipe" because she & Helena Victoria both had long noses & sharp facial features!
I also do think that it was very rude of Alix to be rude towards Helena Victoria because she had nothing to do with the Schleswig-Holstein affair because she wasn't even alive when it had happened.
I mean I really really love you Alix... But that was very mean! 😞💔 I can also understand that she didn't want Georgie to have someone that she didn't like marry into the family, but those words she said were very foul! :(
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thunderstruck9 · 2 years
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Karl Hermann Roehricht (German, 1928-2015), Augustenberg near Schwerin, 1977. Watercolour, opaque white and pen and ink on wove paper, 50 × 54.4 cm.
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drosera-nepenthes · 3 years
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The prescriptive Empress of Germany, Princess Augusta Victoria Amelia Louisa Marie Constance, is the eldest of five children of the late Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg. She was born in the little parish of Dantzig, near Frankfort on the Oder, on the 22nd October 1858. Her mother, daughter of Ernest, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, is sister of Count Gleichen, who married Queen Victoria's half-sister Feodora, niece of the Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein. Related to the royal House of Denmark, the Princess counts other honourable, if humbler, connections, her aunt, the Princess Henriette, having married the celebrated Dr. Esmarck, professor of surgery at Kiel. The fallen fortunes of her father, the Grand Duke compelled him to live in strict retirement and to order his household with an austere simplicity. In the adversity that had befallen him, the ruined prince found a solace and an interest in devoting himself to the education of his children. The high mental training they received is principally due to the direction he gave to their studies. An accomplished English lady resided for years with the princesses, and helped in the task of their education. The Princess Augusta-Victoria passed a studious youth in the castle overlooking the quiet village. Doubtless the frugal surroundings of her childhood and girlhood, the sense of her illustrious birth and connections, helped form her character, and to give to it seriousness and dignity. When in later years, she left that retired home to appear before the German nation as the bride of the grandson of the Emperor, the reputation of her solid attainments and womanly accomplishments had preceded her, and the people proudly said of her that she was “a real German princess.” It must have appeared an instance of poetic justice to the Grand Duke when the Kaiser's brilliant and beloved grandson, whose hardy spirit and heroic carriage made him bear so strong a likeness to that sovereign who had despoiled him of his dominions, in pursuance of the ideal he had set to himself of reigning over a united Germany, came over and over again to the simple home at Dantzig. There was no mistaking the devotion of the gallant young prince to the fair and tall princess, the eldest of the family group there. At a hunting party given in the late autumn of 1879 at Castle Prinkinan, the seat of the Augustenberg family in Silesia, it is believed that the Grand Duke was left in no further doubt as to the likelihood of his his being ranked in the years to come as one of the ancestors of future German emperors. He did not live, however, to see the consummation of the union that would have gone far to copensate him for the shadows that had gathered about his lot. He died in January 1880. In the following June the Princess Augusta-Victoria was formally betrothed to Prince Wilhelm in the presence of the royal family of Prussia at the castle of Babelsburg, the Emperor's beautiful country seat set at the wooded heights dominating Potsdam. The greater part of the time between her betrothal and marriage the Princess spent in England at Cumberland Lodge. Many may remember the blonde-haired blue-eyed lady, of tall and elegant stature, whose natural stateliness of bearing was softened by a kind and courteous address. In person she appeared to be the type of what the folk of the Fatherland called her, “a real German princess.” On the 21st of February 1881, the marriage of Prince Wilhelm of Prussia and Princess Augusta-Victoria was celebrated in the chapel of the Imperial Palace at Berlin, in the presence of a notable gathering of potentates, princes, and of the wisest and bravest men in the empire. Among those present none, it was said, rejoiced more at the marriage than did the aged Emperor, or gave a heartier welcome to the dowerless bride of Prince Wilhelm. M. de Vassili gives, in the Revue Nouvelle, a portrait sketch of this prince, who seems to possess an irrestitable power of attraction over all who approach him. The description is sullied with some pages Mme. Adam would have done well not to publish, yet even the French count is forced to pay a reluctant homage to the brilliant wit, the high spirit, the genial sympathetic nature, the indomitable courage, enterprise, and ambition the young prince has given proof of. Idolised by his grandfather, for whom he nourishes a sort of hero-worship, Prince Wilhelm is adored by the army, and to the welfare of that army he is devoted.
On the 6th of May, 1882, the eldest son of Prince Wilhelm and Princess Augusta-Victoria, Prince Frederick William, was born at Potsdam.
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ajkiel89 · 2 years
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The people from augustenberger been in my friends enemy from the restaurant for life
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