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Rudolf Virchow Monument in Berlin, Germany
German vintage postcard, mailed in 1910 to Paris
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berlinverkehr · 2 years
Straßenbahn: Straßenbahnneubaustrecke U-Bahnhof Turmstraße – S+U-Bahnhof Jungfernheide, aus Senat
Straßenbahn: Straßenbahnneubaustrecke U-Bahnhof Turmstraße – S+U-Bahnhof Jungfernheide, aus Senat
08.11.2022 Frage 1:Wie wird das einfache und #barrierefreie #Queren der #Turmstraße bzw. der #Tramgleise für den Fuß- und #Radverkehr ermöglicht, wenn die #Straßenbahn zukünftig in einigen Abschnitten einen eigenen #Gleiskörper erhält?Frage 2:In welchen Abständen sind nach jetzigem Stand der Planungen #Querungsstellen für den Fuß- bzw. Radverkehr vorgesehen? (more…)
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"Sundays are reserved for family, of course. And there are exceptions to this schedule... In times of war or political unrest, for example, I often find myself turning my attention to political and military concerns. Occasionally, my medical duties and political duties will cross paths and, in all honesty, those matters are what tire me out the most!
Now if you were to ask me which one I prefer... Well, I would bet you already knew the answer to that,"
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thatswhywelovegermany · 7 months
Ein bißchen Kranksein ist manchmal ganz gesund.
Being a little bit sick is sometimes quite healthy.
Rudolf Virchow (1821 – 1902), German physician, archeologist, and politician
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quotesfrommyreading · 11 months
The study of leukemia had been mired in confusion and despair ever since its discovery. On March 19. 1845, a Scottish physician, John Bennett, had described an unusual case, a twenty-eight-year-old slate layer with a mysterious swelling in his spleen. “He is of dark complexion,” Bennett wrote of his patient, “usually healthy and temperate; [he] states that twenty months ago, he was affected with great listlessness on exertion, which has continued to this time. In June last he noticed a tumor in the left side of his abdomen which has gradually increased in size till four months since, when it became stationary.”
The slate-layer's tumor might have reached its final, stationary point, but his constitutional troubles only accelerated. Over the next few weeks, Bennett's patient spiraled from symptom to symptom – fevers, flashes of bleeding, sudden fits of abdominal pain – gradually at first, then on a tighter, faster arc, careening from one bout to another. Soon the slate-layer was on the verge of death with more swollen tumors sprouting in his armpits, his groin, and his neck. He was treated with the customary leeches and purging, but to no avail. At the autopsy a few weeks later, Bennett was convinced that he had found the reason behind the symptoms. His patient's blood was chock-full of white blood cells. (White blood cells, the principal constituent of pus, typically signal the response to an infection, and Bennett reasoned that the slate-layer had succumbed to one.) “The following case seems to me particularly valuable,” he wrote self-assuredly, “as it will serve to demonstrate the existence of true pus, formed universally within the vascular system.”
It would have been a perfectly satisfactory explanation except that Bennett could not find a source for the pus. During the necropsy, he pored carefully through the body, combing the tissues and organs for signs of an abscess or wound. But no other stigmata of infection were to be found. The blood had apparently spoiled – suppurated – of its own will, combused spontaneously into true pus. “A suppuration of blood,” Bennett called his case. And he left it at that.
Bennett was wrong, of course, about his spontaneous “suppuration” of blood. A little over four months after Bennett had described the slater's illness, a twenty-four-year-old German researcher, Rudolf Virchow, independently published a case report with striking similarity to Bennett's case. Virchow's patient was a cook in her midfifties. White cells had explosively overgrown her blood, forming dense and pulpy pools in her spleen. At her autopsy, pathologists had likely not even needed a microscope to distinguish the thick, milky layer of white cells floating above the red.
Virchow, who knew of Bennett's case, couldn't bring himself to believe Bennett's theory. Blood, Virchow argued, had no reason to transform impetuously into anything. Moreover, the unusual symptoms bothered him: What of the massively enlarged spleen? Or the absence of any wound or source of pus in the body? Virchow began to wonder if the blood itself was abnormal. Unable to find a unifying explanation for it, and seeking a name for this condition, Virchow ultimately settled for weisses Blut – white blood – no more than a literal description of the millions of white cells he had seen under his microscope. In 1847, he changed the name to the more academic-sounding “leukemia” – from leukos, the Greek word for “white”.
  —  The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (Siddhartha Mukherjee)
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tsuchinokoroyale · 11 months
You can absolutely become a Jojo, I've seen it happen before. If you really think you'll never be one........ Skill issue idk what else to say
I’m sorry I have bones and ligaments and non-flexible meat 😔😔😔 but also I’m not taking shade from someone who’s only seen it themselves… anon, you currently have the credibility of having an uncle who works for Nintendo. Become a jojo yourself and then I’ll be like oh wig u right, skill issue 😩
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sassyshin · 1 year
God I really did it
I was done with the tower event in like 4 days? And then I started farming for Light Vitch
I had around 60 ammo. Now I have 131
I had around 40 arrows now I have 54
And I’m still not done lmao. I still need like 14 stingers and more or less the same amount of stakes
But the worst is over. Ammo was just painful. It’s easy to get but you need so much of it holy shit
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frmulcahy · 2 years
Fuck the Franklin Expedition I want a show about the Goodsir family these siblings were doing So Much
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808nontrad · 7 months
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gutachter · 1 year
Wohnungskäufer von "Virchow-Living" erhalten Steuer zurück
Augsburg: „…Immer noch ist unklar, wie es mit den beiden Projekten im Stadtberger Virchow-Viertel weitergeht. Einige Anleger aber sind offenbar mit einem blauen Auge davongekommen. Die Pleite des Münchner Bauträgers Primus Concept hat auch Auswirkungen auf zwei Wohnprojekte in Stadtbergen. Wie berichtet sollten noch in diesem Jahr die ersten der insgesamt 57 Wohnungen bezugsfertig sein. Doch…
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True knowledge is to be aware of one’s ignorance.
Rudolf Virchow
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oskarnahualo · 2 years
Teoría Celular.
Matthias Jakob Schleiden estudió la estructura de las plantas y determino que todas ellas estaban formadas por células
y Teodoro Schwann examinó el comportamiento y estructura celular y llego a la conclusión de que los animales también están formados por células, propusieron lo que ahora se conoce como teoría celular, con los siguientes postulados:
Todos los seres vivos están formados por células.
Las células son las unidades básicas de estructura y función de los seres vivos.
Unos años más tarde, un médico alemán llamado Rudolf Virchow hizo un descubrimiento diferente sobre las células. En ese momento, la generación espontánea todavía se consideraba posible.
Esta es la idea de que las células podrían crearse a partir de materia inanimada. Mientras investigaba enfermedades, Virchow observó que todas las células se desarrollaron a partir de células existentes.
Esto contradecía la idea de generación espontánea y ayudó a refutar eventualmente la teoría. En la década de 1850, la observación de Virchow se agregó como el tercer principio de la teoría celular moderna:
Las células vivas provienen solo de otras células vivas.
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berlinverkehr · 2 years
Fahrdienst: Vir chow wieder!, Bei Jelbi geht es Schlag auf Schlag weiter., aus BVG
Fahrdienst: Vir chow wieder!, Bei Jelbi geht es Schlag auf Schlag weiter., aus BVG
01.11.2022 Bei #Jelbi geht es Schlag auf Schlag weiter. Die BVG eröffnet gemeinsam mit der #Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin am heutigen Dienstag, den 1. November 2022, eine große Jelbi-Station sowie drei Jelbi-Punkte am Charité #Campus #Virchow-Klinikum. Damit gibt es inzwischen 79 Jelbi-Standorte, mit Platz für rund 1400 Sharing-Fahrzeuge auf zirka 3000 Quadratmetern. (more…)
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thatswhywelovegermany · 7 months
Ich habe so viele Leichen seziert und nie eine Seele gefunden.
I've dissected so many corpses and never found a soul.
Rudolf Virchow (1821 – 1902), German physician, archeologist, and politician, founder of modern, science-based pathology
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Conversely, and importantly for this story, Virchow soon stumbled upon the quintessential disease of pathological hyperplasia – cancer. Looking at cancerous growths through his microscope, Virchow discovered an uncontrolled growth of cells – hyperplasia in its extreme form.  As Virchow examined the architecture of cancers, the growth often seemed to have acquired a life of its own, as if the cells had become possessed by a new and mysterious drive to grow. This was not just ordinary growth, but growth redefined, growth in a new form.  Presciently (although oblivious of the mechanism) Virchow called it neoplasia – novel, inexplicable, distorted growth, a word that would ring through the history of cancer. 
  —  The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (Siddhartha Mukherjee)
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qdnurses · 2 years
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NCLEX Review: Know More About the 3 Corners of the Virchow's Triad
Virchow's Triad is an organizational structure that is characterized by presenting risk factors and causes of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. This structure was named after Virchow, who discovered it. By gaining an understanding of the three points that make up its triangle, we may expand our knowledge of the processes that lead to the production of blood clots, as well as stroke and deep vein thrombosis.
Rudolf Virchow, also known as "The Father of Pathology," introduced the concept of embolism and defined it as the separation of large and smaller fragments that flow with the blood current and lodge in distant or remote vessels.
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