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ATTRACT ABUNDANCE - POST PRODUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS AT THE GLAC STUDIO we are #attracting #abundance Today, I did the varnishing for all the 8 lakshmi paintings together with the paintings of my students too 😄 We are getting ready for an art exhibition!!! https://youtube.com/shorts/MTIhp9MdMmQ #postproduction #art #students #work #oilpaintings #oilartwork #artexhibitions #artexhibition #sønderborg #danmark #augustenborg #amazingkidsartwork (her: Sønderborg, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpGQls_MPiJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roehenstart ¡ 2 years
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Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein (1831-1917), Queen Victoria's son in law married with Princess Helena. By Franz Xaver Winterhalter.
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if-you-fan-a-fire ¡ 2 years
"While the war raged in Europe, psychiatrist Arild Faurbye, together with three colleagues, introduced electro-convulsive therapy at Bispebjerg Hospital’s Psychiatric Department in Copenhagen. Faurbye had been in the audience at Cerletti and Bini’s lecture at the congress, where he had understood the interest in the new treatment. Shortly after, he employed a Danish civil engineer to construct an electroshock device based on the Italian example and received an experimental device with a transformer that could deliver a voltage from 0 to 150 volts. The shock was given as an alternating current via two electrodes, which consisted of two zinc plates of 4 × 5.5 cm with gauze that was smeared with a glycerine ointment and fastened using a rubber band around the patient’s head.
Having received the device, the first treatment at Bispebjerg Hospital was performed on 15 November 1940, and in the following two months 200 electro-convulsive treatments were given to 26 patients. In the first attempts, Faurbye and three other psychiatrists from Bispebjerg Hospital noted in the patients’ records that there were improvements in a little under half of the patients, but they did not report of actual recoveries. The results were assessed based on experiences with Cardiazol shock therapy. At Bispebjerg, the doctors concluded that “all in all it appears to us that electro-convulsive therapy has the same effect as Cardiazol and is not subject to many of the Cardiazol’s drawbacks.”
In the Directorate for the State’s Psychiatric Hospitals, the new treatment method was noticed by the director, Georg Brøchner-Mortensen, who in the beginning of 1941 contacted chief physician Max Schmidt from Augustenborg Psychiatric Hospital. The directorate’s director wanted to hear Schmidt’s assessment of the new treatment, since he knew that two doctors from Augustenborg had previously visited Bispebjerg Hospital to observe the electro-convulsive therapy.
In his reply, Schmidt highlighted that there appeared to be certain advantages with electroshock but that with each new treatment there was always an associated risk that in “the case at hand could not easily be over-looked.” The existing knowledge on the effect of electricity on the human body could not be considered to be exhaustive, and there had been “an inexplicable death in connection with the treatment” at Bispebjerg.Hospital. Since he at the same time found that the Cardiazol treatment in Augustenborg worked well, and since he “did not like the matter of death,” he had refrained from introducing electroshock therapy.
Financial circumstances had also contributed to Max Schmidt’s reluctance, and he had assessed that it was not possible to make any savings by using electro-convulsive therapy instead of Cardiazol. But after Brøchner-Mortensen’s enquiry, he had begun to calculate the costs again and had reached the conclusion that electroshock would be cheaper in the long run. In his letter, he therefore ultimately recommended for electroshock therapy to be thoroughly tested in at least one of the state psychiatric hospitals.
Max Schmidt—after applying a great deal of pressure himself—was assigned the task by the Directorate of the State Mental Hospitals, and on 3 October 1941 he was able to start the first test of the treatment. Thereafter, he kept the Directorate informed of the progress, and in his letters, he was able to report good results. Electro-convulsive therapy was thought to be just as effective as Cardiazol, induced less angst in the patients and caused slightly fewer physical injuries. In relation to Cardiazol, there was also “a considerable time-saving,” since, for restless patients, it was not necessary to have “a significant number of care workers to strap down the patient” and the electroshock could be carried out before the patient was “aware of what lay ahead.” Therefore, in the beginning of 1942, Max Schmidt warmly supported the new treatment and suggested to the Directorate that the other hospitals should also benefit from it.
At a chief physician meeting on 27 January 1942, Schmidt presented electroshock therapy to the other senior consultants from the state mental hospitals, and everyone was very positive regarding the new method. After the meeting, when the Directorate’s director was willing to provide money for the treatment, all the chief physicians wanted two or three electroshock devices available at their hospitals. Comprehensive electrical work was however needed so that all the hospitals were able to use the Swedish devices that had been chosen for the treatment. Therefore, the Directorate applied for additional funding, which was granted by the Ministry of Finance on 4 March 1943. Subsequently, electro-convulsive therapy could take its place in all the state psychiatric hospitals.
Just like the previous physical treatment methods, electroshock therapy quickly became popular among psychiatrists at the psychiatric hospitals, and it also received a warm welcome among the general public. The treatment was praised by popular magazines such as Billed-Bladet, which in 1943 visited Augustenborg Mental Hospital and received a demonstration of electroshock therapy as the latest breakthrough in psychiatry. And Danish newspaper readers were also informed of the new treatment. In the newspapers, electro-convulsive therapy was portrayed positively, even though the journalists also discovered that, as a treatment, electric shocks were rather dramatic in nature.
However, even when the journalists witnessed electroshock therapy— and did not simply refer to doctors’ statements—they were not negative regarding the treatment (the press’ critical attitude towards electroconvulsive therapy first came later). As was the case with a journalist in May 1950, the press occasionally witnessed demonstrations in electro-convulsive therapy at state mental hospitals. That year, the journalist had been given permission to be present at the shock therapy on one of the departments at psychiatric hospital in Middelfart and in a detailed account described the process surrounding the treatment in the newspaper Fyns Social-Demokrat:
The midday siren rang out from the top of the kitchen building, but the ambulatory patients return only reluctantly from the arts and crafts rooms. They know that the department is at the other end, because it is shock day! In the long corridor, no nurses are to be seen. They are all inside to assist on the shock wards – the two small rooms that have been cleared, making six patients homeless until late in the afternoon. At a long table, a number of patients are sitting and eating lunch. Others are waiting to talk to the doctor. Those who will have shock treatment are in their night clothes with a blanket over them. If they have not been lethargic before, then they are now completely empty in the eyes after a restless night and a morning’s anxious wait – all on an empty stomach. (...) The door to the office springs open and a whole procession, with doctors leading the way, turns in to one of the shock wards. At the end, the shock device is rolled in. And the door is shut. The treatment happens as if it is on a conveyor belt. The first patient is treated in the bed by the window, a screen in front, the next patient is called in, another screen in front – but when number three comes to the door it can well be that the first patient by the window has woken up after the shock. And it is not nice to lie there after a shock and hear another patient’s unconscious screams from the seizures. It is not nice at all ... Even at the lunch table out in the corridor, one cannot escape the seizure screams. The newly arrived stare terrified at the treated patients, who are supported by nurses as they are led back to their own beds. They do not know that these exhausted, unwell people will most often laugh and talk merrily by the evening. Nonetheless, this is the most natural. The shock therapy can seem like a complete miracle.
The journalist concluded the article, entitled “Electric shock can lead the mentally ill back to life,” by saying that it “is really a fact that psychiatric hospitals the world over are able to send several hundred patients home cured every year – only because of a couple of electrodes’ miraculous effect."
- Jesper Vaczy Kragh, Lobotomy Nation: The History of Psychosurgery and Psychiatry in Denmark (Springer: 2021) p. 132-136.
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paolalopezfeliu ¡ 1 year
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dettaglihomedecor ¡ 1 year
I migliori 20 progetti vincitori del premio A 'Design Award
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Premio A’ Design Award, ecco una nuova top 20 dei migliori progetti premiati nelle varie edizioni. Le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 30 settembre. In questo nuovo articolo dedicato al prestigioso concorso internazionale A' Design Award & Competition, vi presentiamo 20 progetti nelle diverse categorie. Se sei un designer, un architetto o un’azienda che opera nei campidella grafica, del design o della moda, puoi presentare la tua candidatura al concorso entro il 30 settembre.
Concorso A' Design Award
A’ Design Award è una piattaforma unica al mondo per promuovere il tuo design a 360°. Le iscrizioni per la nuova edizione 2023-2024 sono già aperte. Partecipare è semplice, basta cliccare sul seguente banner:
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I risultati saranno annunciati il prossimo 15 aprile 2024, anche su questo sito. Prima di presentare la candidatura, occorre scegliere tra le oltre 100 categorie che il concorso mette a disposizione. Tra le categorie principali ci sono: Good Industrial Design Award, Good Architecture Design Award, Good Product Design Award, Good Communication Design Award, Good Service Design Award, Good Fashion Design Award. Se ti stai chiedendo perché partecipare, ecco di seguito alcuni dei vantaggi: - consulenza gratuita per ottimizzare la presentazione del progetto - download gratuito delle risorse - certificato di partecipazione - inclusione nel BuySellDesign Network - certificazione della paternità dell’opera presentata - accesso al Design Business Calculator Per i vincitori: - kit di promozione che comprende: - trofeo in metallo stampato in 3D - lannuario in versione digitale e cartacea - certificato di eccellenza del design - manuale che spiega passo passo come sfruttare il premio per promuoversi - invito per due persone alla serata di gala conclusiva - partecipazione gratuita alla mostra , sia on line che nella sede prescelta sul territorio italiano. La selezione dei progetti vincitori è fatta da una giuria multidisciplinare ed indipendente che comprende designer, accademici, imprenditori, giornalisti ed editori internazionali che garantisce una valutazione equa e autorevole. Qui è possibile conoscere i membri della giuria selezionati, mentre in questa pagina sono disponibili tutte le informazioni sulla metodologia di valutazione.
Premio A’ Design Award, la nostra selezione dei migliori 20 progetti
Passando in rassegna tutti i progetti premiati nelle varie edizioni del concorso, ne abbiamo scelti 20 da mostrarvi. Stories Container Interior Design - Hotel by Ken Lee; Canairi Indoor Air Quality Monitor di Hans Augustenborg; Collezione di tappeti Yakamoz di Fulden Topaloglu; Appartamento privato Ungrey a Mumbai di Prashant Chauhan Lamp Being by Cecilia Pozzi; Gluck Cafe Commercial Space by Hsin Chen; Divano Bandage di Olga Bogdanova ed Elena Prokhorova; Frame of Color Residential di Wen-Chau Chen Letto a castello IO Pod di Mina Panic e Carlo Filippo Negri; Apparecchio Infinity Freelight di Centrsvet; Arc di Hung Yuan Chang; Bullet+Stone Concrete Collection Architectural Hardware di James Tsarouhas e Joseph Di Benedetto Mountain Cabin Architectural Design di Lino Liao; Vaso Ribbing di Lihsing Wang; Gentleman Interior Design di Tong-Yi Hu; Lampada da tavolo Oplamp di Sapiens Design Studio Tarentum by Liu Bin; Obori Soma Ware Matsunaga Kiln Shop e Atelier di Naoya Tochio; Fusing with Nature Office Design by DB and B Pte Ltd; Amaro Lifestyle Store by Leticia Nobell Se vuoi scoprire gli altri progetti vincitori visita il sito http://designmag.org
Come partecipare e quando iscriversi
Per maggiori informazioni su come partecipare, ti basta cliccare qui: https://competition.adesignaward.com/call-for-entries.html L'iscrizione è facile e veloce, basta cliccare su questo link: https://competition.adesignaward.com/registration.php Ricorda, le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 30 settembre     Read the full article
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Vortragsreihe Plan N – Beispielhaftes Nachhaltiges Bauen in Deutschland | Veranstaltung 5
Thema: Klimaangepasste Freiräume
Referentin: Prof. Dr. Rieke Hansen
Stadtgrün ist Symbol und Hoffnungsträger für die klimaangepasste Stadt. Damit Bäume, Böden und krautige Pflanzen ihre Potenziale zur Bewältigung der Klimawandelfolgen voll und dauerhaft ent falten können, bedarf es einer vorausschauenden und an ökologischen Prinzipien orientierten Freiraumplanung und -gestaltung. Im „Sponge Garden“ in Rotterdam testet man unterschiedliche Pflanzungen, Bodenarten und Substratmischungen auf ihre Versickerungsleistung. Der „Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden“ des Scandinavian Green Roof Institute in Malmö wird genutzt, um verschiedene Gründachtypen zu erforschen und zu präsentieren, darunter auch solche, die die Biodiversität fördern.
Anhand solcher Beispiele werden Wege zu einer lokal angepassten multifunktionalen Freiraumplanung aufgezeigt, die den Klimawandel und weitere drängende Herausforderungen wie den Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt adressieren.
Dr. Rieke Hansen ist Professorin fßr Freiraumplanung und Ükologische Stadtentwicklung an der Hochschule Geisenheim. Sie erforscht und entwickelt Konzepte zur integrierten Stadt- und Freiraumplanung wie urbane grßne Infrastruktur und natur-basierte LÜsungen.
Freie Akademie der KĂźnste in Hamburg e. V.
Klosterwall 23 | 20095 Hamburg
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politirapporten ¡ 2 years
AUGUSTENBORG: Syd- og Sønderjyllands Politi modtog søndag den 1. januar 2023 klokken 00.35 en anmeldelse om voldtÌgt af en ung kvinde begüet i omrüdet omkring PalÌvej i Augustenborg i Sønderborg Kommune. Omrüdet blev efterfølgende afspÌrret og afsøgt med hundepatruljer for at finde spor pü gerningsstedet, ligesom politiet ivÌrksatte en massiv efterforskning for at finde frem til gerningsmanden. Syd- og Sønderjyllands Politi har i dag klokken 11.20 anholdt en 30-ürig mand fra lokalomrüdet og sigtet ham for voldtÌgt. Anklagemyndigheden skal nu tage stilling til, om der er grundlag for fremstilling i et grundlovsforhør. Syd- og Sønderjyllands Politi kan i øjeblikket - af hensyn til den fortsatte efterforskning - ikke oplyse yderligere til offentligheden om hÌndelsen.
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robertsosis ¡ 3 years
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bluesman56 ¡ 3 years
Annoying by Tony
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mu-th-ur ¡ 4 years
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🥢'eat & becʘ̃me' — Solo presentation of works by Silas Inoue at Augustiana, Augustenborg⁣ July 17 – September 20, 2020🥢⁣ ⁣ @augustiana.dk⁣ ⁣ #silasinoue #augustiana #augustenborg #soloshow #soloexhibition #installation #sculpture #painting #comtemporaryart #contemporaryexhibition #ofluxoplatform⁣ ⁣ @ofluxoplatform (at Augustenborg, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwe-QmlVi7/?igshid=9myftfvmkm3y
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thegoldenmix ¡ 5 years
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Pssst🤫just shut the fuck up & listen! . . . . #pssst #listen #naturerecording #recordnature #naturesamples #shutthefuckup #shutthefuck #justnature #natureandyou #windy #green #balticsea #forest #tothecoast #denmark #augustenborg #augusteboug #dänemark #danishnature #fisch (hier: Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxDmiBhHoYo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zlb2jvxvndaj
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This has been an amazing experience networking with so many artists and art lovers at the KunstPunkt Augustenborg 🤗 If you have missed the opening event, just take note that the exhibition is open the whole month 🤗 Here’s the opening dates, time and location details: *Address: KunstPunkt, Storegade 14, 6440 Augustenborg, Denmark* *Timings: Weekdays 13 to 17 CET and weekends 11 to 17 CET* *Date: From 3rd to 22nd December 2022 and from 2nd to 8th January 2023* #networking #art #experience #event #Exhibition #artexhibition #Kunst #KunstPunkt #Augustenborg #sønderborg #Danmark #Denmark #India #indianart #indiansindenmark #creativebusiness #smallbusiness #creativeentrepreneur (her: Sønderborg, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clt6YYrMe2E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roehenstart ¡ 2 years
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Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein (1831-1917), wearing the robes of the Order of the Garter. By William Thompson Barber.
Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein (1831–1917) was a Danish-born German prince who became a member of the British royal family through his marriage to Princess Helena of the United Kingdom, the fifth child and third daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
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everythingroyalty ¡ 4 years
I'm watching Grænseland which is a docu-series about the Schleswig-Holstein question and they managed to cast an actor who looks like Christian VIII as Christian August II and vice versa 💀💀💀
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funeral ¡ 2 years
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Insulin coma therapy at the Danish State Mental Hospital in Augustenborg in 1943
Jesper Vaczy Kragh, Lobotomy Nation: The History of Psychosurgery and Psychiatry in Denmark
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nordicbebe ¡ 5 years
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caroline amalie, queen of denmark and duchess of schleswig-holstein-sønderborg-augustenborg
louis aumont, 1830
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