#Aurore Callahan
songedunenuitdete · 1 year
Aurore Callahan T01 – Recherche âme désespérément de Nyx Ambroise
🌸Mon #avis sur le roman Aurore Callahan T01 – Recherche âme désespérément de Nyx Ambroise / @Ed_Bookmark est en ligne 🥰
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majorarcana-rpg · 1 year
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There's a line in the sand that you cannot cross, so quench your desire Don't be fooled by a dream, there's no way that you will get any higher There's a chance you'll get burned, so it's better to extinguish your fire And whoever tells you to go follow your dream is a liar
─ Darren Callahan & Soren Fayre
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jungle-angel · 8 days
Random Salem's Lot Headcannons: Part 2 ( Ben Mears x Reader)
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Warnings: Parenthood, crazy shenanigans, multifandom crossovers etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @rhettabbotts @lewinblue
The coven is super diligent about keeping grimoires and books about all the creatures they encounter around the lot. They're all full of pictures, diagrams, blurbs and anything that might be useful and each one is an entry made by a member
Ben INSISTS on having Chopper and Doc come on the hunts with the gang. According to Father Callahan, dogs have a very weird sixth sense and can detect things before humans can. There were a bunch of critters running around the woods which as it turned out, were deathly terrified of dogs and the minute they started to approach, Ben sicked the dogs on it along with the whole nest
Mabel Wertz is an absolute saint of a woman. She has multiple grandkids and will look after Randy at the drop of a hat when he can't go on a hunt with you guys. He calls her "Gammy Warts" sometimes
There's also alot of good creatures that live around the lot who've taken the side of the coven. One of them is a Russian Veela who along with her three sisters, are all staunchly protective of you guys and will eat vampires for breakfast if they can
Corey and Mike somehow managed to befriend the creature that everyone simply calls "the hairy thing". He's big and shaggy like a yak and has the horns to match along with one hideous underbite. He's friendly as hell and is attracted to Matt Burke's music. They named him "Harry"
You guys are definitely on the radar of the Wizarding World as well seeing as many of their creatures have wound up on your doorsteps. You, Ben and the gang were on a hunt one day for a particularly dangerous creature and who's attention should you catch but Harry and the aurors who were with them. Ever since then, you guys have had wicked tight relations with them
Since the laws in the Wizarding World had been changed in the last decade or so, Harry even offered to teach you guys how to protect yourselves, especially with the patronus charms. Everybody got really excited when they saw the critter forms their patronuses took (but that's a story for another day)
Halloween is you guys's favorite time of year because everybody goes all out
Everybody's super campy about it. You and Ben decided you were gonna be Dracula and his bride while Randy was Baby Dracula
Matt Burke went as Edgar Allan Poe, he had a little stuffed raven that went on his shoulder
Bonnie and Corey were Frankenstein and his bride, Mike was Igor running around with a fake brain in a jar of water that was labeled "Abby Normal"
Mabel of course, keeping with Young Frankenstein, had to be Frau Blucher
All the kids in Mark's gang of neighborhood goonies, Mark included, had all gone trick or treating and came back with a gigantic haul of candy. All of them sat in the living room while the Halloween party was in full swing, swapping with each other and sticking stuff into the giant candy bowl for the grown ups
Pumpkin carving in your house is soooooo much fun. You and Ben will take Mark and Randy to the pumpkin patch on a Saturday and then on Sunday after Father Callahan's church services are over, you guys will spend the entire Sunday carving pumpkins
Father Callahan literally went all out and recreated Da Vinci's "Last Supper" in his. It took him four days to complete and was so detailed that you and Ben had to take pictures
Mabel, you, Bonnie, Lucy Ryerson and the other ladies in the house will spend a whole weekend making baked goods for Halloween. Mabel's pumpkin cake cookies are to die for. Lucy's from Pigeon Forge, Tennessee so she makes all the candies and baked treats her gram used to make including the apple hand-pies in the shapes of jack-o-lanterns
Dinner's no joke in the house either. Everybody buys enough to make meals for two whole weeks and will last forever. Mark takes alot of leftovers for lunch at school which makes the school bullies jealous. Bonnie and Lucy's white cheddar mac'n'cheese has crispy toasted breadcrumbs on the top and it's AMAZING
To Be Continued in Pt. 3
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booksnunicorns · 3 years
Aurore Callahan 1 : Recherche âme désespérément — Nyx Ambroise
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Jeune sorcière clairvoyante recherche désespérément son âme, qu’importe les moyens mis en œuvre pour la retrouver...
Dans un monde régi par des clans ancestraux où les sorciers possèdent des pouvoirs uniques et dangereux, m’enfuir était la seule solution.
Mais recommencer ma vie en tant que serveuse dans un bar qui attire tous les sorciers du coin n’était peut-être pas la meilleure des idées.
Enfin, tout allait bien jusqu’à ce qu’un type aussi séduisant qu’arrogant utilise sa magie contre moi, réduisant en cendres mes espoirs d’échapper à mon passé. Celui où j'étais un monstre enchaîné dans un clan sans pitié, une sorcière qu'on ne pouvait pas tuer, mais briser avec des actes infâmes...
Ma vengeance aura le prix du sang et de la mort !
#Sorcière #UrbanFantasy #Clans #MagieÉlémentaire #Âme #Divinités
De Nyx Ambroise publié en Mars 2022 chez Bookmark [ Amazon ] pages
Jolie plume travaillée, j'ai été attirée par la couverture et cette thématique d'âmes errantes. Malheureusement, si la plume élégante m'a plu, j'y ai vu les défauts des premiers écrits.
L'univers est intéressant, il y a un vrai potentiel mais à trop décrire et à vouloir absolument tout mettre dans ce premier tome, nous lecteurs en ressortons perdu. Le texte est lourd car il y a beaucoup d'informations, peu de dialogues et ils sonnent parfois un peu protocolaires ou à l'inverse, sans comprendre pourquoi, l'héroïne perd un peu de sa crédibilité... en voulant se cacher, elle attire bien des regards.
C'est aussi un des points qui m'a le moins plu, je n'aime pas les triangles amoureux et avec ces 3 mecs qui lui tournent autour, on en vient surtout à admirer ces grands et beaux chevelus (oui ils ont tous les cheveux longs... bon quand il ne sont pas bleus ou rouges). Je ne saurais pas dire si ce sera dans l'intention de l'autrice de jouer la dessus mais je regrette le soin mis sur les personnages masculins plutôt que sur les féminins.
Il y a donc beaucoup de longueurs, une coupe aurait été nécessaire au niveau travail éditorial et peut-être étalé sur deux tomes. Beaucoup de texte en italique : entre les titres de chapitres, les extraits de textes, les termes dans l'histoire même... cela casse le rythme alors qu'on souffre déjà du trop plein de descriptions ou de pensées d'Aurore.
C'est dommage car l'univers est sympa, et toute l'action arrive à la fin en distribuant les cartes en fin de partie.
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lightofherces · 4 years
Riley Bio Drop
- [x] Full Name: Riley Patrick Callahan
- [x] Nick Name: Riles, Ri
- [x] Age: 27-40s, verse dependent
- [x] D.O.B: December 5th
- [x] Occupation: Auror
- [x] Country: Ireland
- [x] House: Ravenclaw
- [x] Status: Alive
- [x] Faceclaim: KJ Apa (younger), Josh Gates (older)
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Bio: As the youngest son of Roy and Scarlett Callahan, Riley grew up with his two older brothers and then his younger sister, Sabrina. He attended Hogwarts and was sorted into the Ravenclaw House. He was an original member of the Order of the Phoenix along with his older brothers and the Prewetts along with Richard’s friend, Arthur Weasley. During his time at Hogwarts, he met his future wife Jacqueline, a girl from the Beaubaxton school and Riley proposed to her after he graduated, marrying her after he completed Auror training. They have two children, Jacque and Leah. 
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stunudo · 4 years
Hogwarts au?
I accidentally refreshed this page and lost my initial list, so I hope this one sticks!
The Houses:
Captain of the Quidditch team, fifth year Derek Morgan excels at Charms and overly enjoys the Hogsmeade weekends.
Jennifer Jareau is in her third year, she is a Chaser for the Quidditch team. Her favorite class is Muggle Studies.
Matt Simmons is a prefect with hopes of being an Auror someday. He is Muggle born, so he prefers football, even as a fourth year.
Head Boy and the Headmistress’ go to pupil, Aaron Hotchner has a bright future ahead of him.
Though much more aggressive than her housemates, third year Kate Callahan has continued the work Hermione Granger started with S.P.E.W.
Fourth year lovebirds, Penelope Garcia and Luke Alvez are always in the know of the school’s latest gossip.
He works with Hagrid on the grounds and helps with the hippogryphs, while Penelope loves spending time in the Divination Tea Room.
Prodigious first year Spencer Reid asked the Sorting Hat to be placed in Ravenclaw in order to be one step closer to working with the prestigious Head of House, Jason Gideon.
Headgirl Alex Blake is hoping to work for the Ministry of Magic, in the International Cooperation Department with a focus on Languages and Translation.
DADA master and supreme flyer, sixth year Tara Lewis has taken over the Weasley twins’ cooperation with Peeves the Poltergeist.
Slytherin (not the Nazi kind):
For each of her five years at Hogwarts, Emily Prentiss has figured out a new way to land in the Headmistress’ office. Her mother works in the high levels of the ministry and she is actively trying to embarrass her.
The smart ass of his year, David Rossi is best friends with Aaron Hotchner, though their approaches to schoolwork is night and day. He also commentates for the Quidditch matches in the most dry and snarky tone imaginable.
Second year, Elle Greenaway, has discovered all of the hidden tunnels in the school, including but not limited to the Chamber of Secrets and the trail to the Shrieking Shack. She is the thorn in the Headboy’s side when it comes to following rules.
Thanks Ish!
Requests are closed, thank you for your prompts!
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comicsxaminer · 7 years
Cool Cosplay: Cobra Commander, Supergirl, And More!
Cool Cosplay: Cobra Commander, Supergirl, And More!
“Dirty” Harry Callahan by Weathered King Cosplay
Cobra Commander by Friky’s Cosplay Work
Lara Croft by Aurore Cosplay
Black Panther by Gathering Storm Cosplay
Black Cat by NiKcKu Cosplay
Supergirl by Amanda Lynne
Feel free to click on the models’ names to view more of their work.
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majorarcana-rpg · 3 months
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In a world of violence you're a breeze of peace...
“After everything they did to you, how can you stand me?" I asked... then I gestured between us knowing he would understand. "How is this okay?" "It isn't a this," He said. "That's not what I'm asking. You know it isn't- wait!" I insisted but he was turning away like he couldn't hear me anymore.
I reached for him, unwilling to let him leave without a real answer. "No," He said and my hand froze a breath from his arm. He went still as well and we stood for a minute in awful silence. Finally, he looked back at me, but for a moment, I didn't knew who he was looking at. In the space of one breath, his expression went so dark I almost retreated. Then he was back, as calm and uncaring as always and he caught my wrist to push my hand to a side. He dug his fingers in before letting go, not quite hard enough to hurt and said, "that's why."
I stopped when he told me to. It wasn't much but it was more than enough.
- The Foxhole Court
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lightofherces · 4 years
Clarisse Bio Drop
- [x] Full Name: Clarisse Marie LaRue
- [x] Nick Name: Clar, Warrior, Risse, Drakon Slayer
- [x] Age: 20s, verse dependent
- [x] D.O.B: March 31st
- [x] Occupation: Camp Counselor, Auror (HP Verse)
- [x] Country: United States/Greece/Britian (hp verse only)
- [x] House: Slytherin
- [x] Cabin: Cabin 5, Ares
- [x] Status: Alive
- [x] Faceclaim: Leven Rambin
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Bio: Daughter of Ares, head of Cabin Five, scary badass warrior. Will cut a bitch but also has a heart of gold and is protective of her siblings.
HP Verse: She is a slytherin like her father before her and is one of the “good” slytherins. She doesn’t tolerate bullying done to muggleborns and has been known to get detention for knocking some people’s lights out. Her words not mine. She is aligned with the Order of the Phoenix and is close to Will Solace and Roselyn Callahan in their Harry Potter verses. Both are Hufflepuffs. Her years at Hogwarts can vary. She can either be during the Golden Trio Years or she can be with the Cursed squad from Hogwarts Mystery.
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lightofherces · 4 years
Sabrina Bio Drop
- [x] Full Name: Sabrina Rori Callahan
- [x] Nick Name: Brina
- [x] Age: 40, Verse Dependent
- [x] D.O.B: November 12th
- [x] Occupation: Witch, Auror
- [x] Country: Ireland
- [x] House: Hufflepuff
- [x] Status: Alive/Depending on verse
- [x] Faceclaim: Cobie Smulders
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Bio: The only daughter of Roy and Scarlett Callahan and their youngest child, Sabrina was always running after her brothers. She loved them dearly and they loved her. Sabrina is well versed in her magic, strong in defense against the dark arts and talented in charms and protection spells. However, this would be her downfall later in her life when she dies to protect her four year old daughter, Roselyn. This depends on the verse. Sabrina is allied with the Original Order and fought beside her brothers in the first war. She was an auror until she became pregnant with Rose and then she retired, helping her sister in laws with their shops.
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lightofherces · 4 years
Richard Bio Drop
- [x] Full Name: Richard Keagen Callahan
- [x] Nick Name: Rick
- [x] Age: 30s, verse dependent
- [x] D.O.B: April 9th
- [x] Occupation: Auror, Wizard
- [x] Country: Ireland
- [x] House: Gryffindor
- [x] Status: Alive
- [x] Faceclaim: Gerard Butler
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Bio: The middle son of Roy and Scarlett Callahan, Richard is a hell raiser and always has been. He’s loyal to his family and friends but doesn’t mind a good fight. He happens to enjoy them. He’s a talented wizard and becomes an Auror after graduating Hogwarts. He is a member of the powerful Callahan Family and married Monika Heinrich right out of school. They have three children, Mia, Kayla, and Thomas. His family is his life and they are very close to the Weasley Family, having been the same year as Arthur and Molly.
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lightofherces · 4 years
Thomas Callahan
- [x] Full Name: Thomas Roy Callahan 
- [x] Nick Name: Tommy
- [x] Age: Verse Dependent, 18
- [x] D.O.B: October 30th
- [x] Occupation: Cop, Auror (Harry Potter Verse)
- [x] Country: Ireland/America
- [x] Status: Alive
- [x] Faceclaim: Paul Wesley (younger), Chris Pratt (Older)
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Bio: The youngest of the Callahan cousins and the youngest of his two sisters. Tommy is a magic user, not as powerful as his sisters but it is still there. He’s a little shit.
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lightofherces · 4 years
Riley Callahan Tag Drop
Riley Callahan Tag drop
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