#Auvergne Cheese
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Cheese making in the Auvergne region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1907
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halebop-s-art · 21 days
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Miku de l'Aveyron ! (Particulièrement Rouergate et non Auvergnate)
It's a region in the south of France and she's making the aligot, a kind of mashed-potato-mixed-with-cheese that is SO GOOD
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murfpersonalblog · 12 days
IWTV S2 Ep3 & Ep7 Musings - Loustat Ep4 Revisit Pt3 - The Great Laws & Claudia
I've already discussed Les' hostile attitude towards the Great Laws & religious cults (Pt1 & Pt2), which the show AND books lay out VERY clearly:
But for some reason, people keep acting like Les GAF about following the coven's rules about not Turning children; and that he was oh-so-concerned about Claudia's wellbeing (LOL) when he told Lou he didn't want to Turn her--
CERTAINLY not cuz HE wanted 1132 to just be LOUSTAT's coven: the Louis-and-Lestat show, not the Louis-Claudia-Lestat show, and DEFINITELY not the Louis-Claudia show ("I can see where this is going"). Lou was desperate to have a baby--but Les ain't want no effing kids! 😅
"Anything for you, Louis."
Les LOVES Lou, and Les HATES coven life that follows the Great Laws, which is why he never got with Armand in the first place. All Les wanted was to BREAK those medieval AF rules and live lavishly in the Savage Garden: in a beautiful home listening to beautiful music admiring beautiful art wearing beautiful clothes guzzling delicious blood with the people he loves most (Nicki in Paris, Gabrielle in Cairo, and Lou in NOLA--in the Prince Lestat trilogy Les gets his wish when Gab & Lou finally move into the Lioncourt Chateau in Auvergne).
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Lestat just wanted a comfortable HOME & a loving FAMILY,which he'd NEVER had as a human, growing up dirt poor in that crumbling ruin of a chateau with his abusive father & brothers & negligent mom.
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Lestat's idea of a "family" differed starkly from Lou's idea of one. To Les, Family = Marriage; finding a Blood Spouse to "be my companion [in the Dark Gift, finally], [in the church, on the altar];" "we should make this our anniversary."
But for Louis, the night of their "anniversary" (the 1x3 race riots) was also the same night he finally had a child: Claudia. To Lou, Family = Traditional Nuclear Family Values (parents & children).
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Loustat got Vegas Married without ever responsibly negotiating the terms of their relationship together: what Les wanted, vs what Lou wanted. Making Claudia was something Les NEVER accounted for, but he went along with it SOLELY to keep Louis with him & make Louis happy. There IS that kernel of truth in the coven's scripted lies (although I highly doubt what we saw in the "flashback" is (f)actually how her Turning went down--the truth's somewhere between the extreme poles of 1x4 and 2x7).
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I've already said over & over that I DO NOT believe Les argued against Turning Claudia cuz "the Great Laws forbid it." IMO, this is a false memory; the coven gaslighting, which neither Lou nor Claudia can ever corroborate/fact check, since Lou's brain is literal swiss cheese, and Claudia was dying & darn near unconscious the whole time.
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The ONLY one who'd have a clear memory of that night is Lestat, but we only get his POV thru the Trial's rigged script--the only time Les goes fully OFF SCRIPT is the Ep5 revisit. But IF it's true that Les DID mention the Great Laws to Lou, I know for a fact he never bothered fully explaining wtf they were, who makes/follows them, & what happens if you break them. We know Lou doesn't ask follow-up questions, so he'd never UNDERSTAND the GLs, just like lou didn't understand who TWMBK were when Les namedropped them in 1x7 and Akasha in 2x8.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. And there are times Les either:
deliberately withholds intel to PROTECT his coven/family
the gag order Marius put on Les about TWMBK & Akasha; the ONE rule he ever actually kept (until QotD)--which the 1x7/2x8 scenes bafflingly contradict, even while confirming what a frikkin BRAT Les is that he can't even follow ONE effing rule)
deliberately withholds/drip-feeds info to CONTROL his coven/family
not warning Lou about sunlight hurting vampires in 1x2, cuz he knew Lou'd HAVE to come crawling back to him
not telling Lou about the Mind Gift in 1x2 "And you gon' sit on that skill for how long?! You gon' make me beg!?"
not explaining the Great Laws in 1x4/2x7
not teaching Claudia anything about the Little Drink; more gently helping her process Charlie's death in 1x4; instead chokeholding her & forcing her to watch as he hypocritically tells her not to be around humans even while he's busy shagging Antoinette LOL
not teaching Claudia anything about making vampires in 1x5; more gently explaining that she's too tiny & doesn't have enough blood to make fledglings of her own; instead of making it all about insulting/demeaning/controlling Claudia's efforts to find love
not warning Claudia about the dangers of making revenants in 1x5 (so she & Lou wouldn't be blindsided in 2x1); instead making it all about insulting/demeaning/controlling Claudia's efforts to find love
not warning them in 1x5 about EXACTLY which European vampires are "vicious," and HOW; instead making it all about insulting/demeaning/controlling Claudia's efforts to educate herself & learn about the history of her species
not warning Claudia in 1x5 that he heard Bruce still thinking about her; instead making it all about traumatizing her in 1x6 to insult/demean/control Claudia's efforts to find a safe environment & supportive community
ineptly withholds info (cuz of his trauma/bad communication skills)
not talking about Magnus until Claudia finally pressed him in 1x6
not explaining to Claudia in 1x6 that the Cloud Gift is Advanced Vampirism she's still too young/weak for (but by this point he'd already ruined his relationship with her & killed her trust in him, to the point that she wouldn't believe "more of his lies" anyway, so....)
not running to Louis & Claudia FIRST when he got to Paris, to warn them that Santiago had woken him up in NOLA, planning a Trial (IF we believe Santiago that this really happened; and that Les didn't go to Paris all on his own looking for Armand, like in the book)
FrankFreezy on Youtube pointed out that Lestat uses/withholds knowledge as a way of control:
"Interesting to see how quick Louis is to tell her about all her powers and benefits, because to him he's not holding that information over her head as a means of control as Lestat did him. And to him when he's teaching her you can tell there's not that airiness there it's very honest and plain," (4:41 - 5:10).
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"In episode one after he changed him the next morning like he could have easily told Louis that if you step out the sun is going to burn you. But he intentionally let Louis go out because he knows Louie is going to suffer and run back to him. You know, as his like Saving Grace or his protector -- she kind of alluded to it: he don't give straight answers.... But see the way Louis is like talking to her like very gently very calmly; he's not holding anything over her head; not trying to like seduce her in any way.... I see him as him pouring kindness into her as a way to maybe connect to his humanity again, cuz he did say she was his light and redemption," (12:07 - 13:00).
Likewise, Foxtaco on Youtube said something SO poignant about Loustat's dynamic in 1x5 (wrt to Les only ever reading the first 10 pages of books to pass himself off as cultured & seduce bibliophiles like Louis under false pretenses): that "Louis is able to finish some sh*t, but Lestat just passes sh*t on (14:08 - 14:14)."
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Lestat is an irresponsibly pisspoor Maker who never finishes what he starts, and leaves everything for Louis to figure out on his own--just like we see in 1x2 when Les didn't warn Lou about sunlight hurting vampires; and just like we see in 2x3 about Les never warning Lou about the Great Laws.
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Les never explains things or educates his fledglings properly, then gets mad at them when his TWO bibliophile Black fledglings do what Black people have always done when white people gatekeep information/knowledge/education from them: finding their own communities to learn on their own; only for white ppl to burn them down (X X X) or delegitimatize them (Les mocking Claudia in 1x5 for reading European "folklore anthologies;" mocking Lou in 1x2 for reading books off LES' bookshelf that hipped Lou to eating animals).
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The tension between race & education is hilarious, cuz Lou & Claudia get bit in the arse even when they DO follow prescribed (white) codes of conduct: the Whites-Only colleges Claudia went to that wouldn't even let her read in the library, about the first vamps coming from Europe (which is incorrect cuz AR's vamps actually come from Egypt, LOL); and the books Les bought FOR Louis by a bunch of dead white men, some even younger than Lestat himself LOL.
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Les exhibits irrational anger at Lou & Claud when they exert agency to learn for themselves (even when he insists that he's the head of their household and Lou's just his "fledgling"). But their education is always gonna be flawed, cuz there's crucial things only LES knows.
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He KNOWS Claudia wants to know where vamps come from, and he knows the answer--Marius' gag order is understandable; but it's inexcusable that Les didn't tell her about the Theatre/coven, and to stay away from Paris SPECIFICALLY). He told her that "the vampires out there are vicious" only AFTER she'd already run away & been SA'd by Bruce! She didn't KNOW BEFOREHAND what was out there.
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Les relies on his fledglings always having to learn the HARD way, struggling & suffering with no one to guide them, just cuz that's how HE was raised & how he was made--his "father's temper" back as a human, and his "maker's temper" as a vamp.
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Les always wanted a comfortable & loving him, but perpetuates the exact same cycles of abuse he experienced & never processed. He ridicules Lou for his "timid child-rearing & compromise;" then SPITEFULLY uses corporal punishment to teach his stubborn fledglings a lesson when they refuse to trust/listen to his BAD advice.
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So when Les is sitting all high and mighty on that fancy AF chair/throne during the Trial, given a place of privilege & immunity/impunity as he's allowed/encouraged to give the WORST answers to LEADING questions deliberately designed to CONDEMN Claudia & Louis to death for breaking rules HE never explained to them as THEIR MAKER/FATHER, you bet your arse Imma side-eye TF outta every word coming out of Les' mouth.
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atotaltaitaitale · 9 months
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Privé de desserts. (~Denied Dessert)
Another fun experience in Paris.
“Life is Too Short, Eat Dessert First ”When your entrees look like desserts and your dessert look like entrees (or a sponge even!)…
NB: The Cappucino was Perfect egg, pan-fried mushrooms, truffled potato emulsion. The Eclair was Endive and apple eclair, Auvergne blue cheese, spiced walnuts. The Chou was Cabbage Smoked salmon tartar, avocado-wasabi cream, pistachios. The Mini Magnum was Chicken terrine, homemade mayo, roasted almonds.
The Fried eggs was Mandarin cream, white chocolate-coconut-verbena emulsion, almond mouillettes. The Sponge was Financier almond-pistachio, orange-passion coulis
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atsoukalidis · 2 years
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Enjoying a delicious French cheese “le Bleu d’ Auvergne” with friends. Thank you!
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mustafaalgunblog · 10 months
A Walking Tour in the Legendary Neighborhood of Montmartre in Paris.
These words come to mind when Paris is mentioned.
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whatpandorasaw · 2 years
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Saint-Nectaire cheeses being matured in a cellar, Haute-Loire, Auvergne, France
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raysdreams · 1 year
Aligot Eating Contest
This one happened a while back, but I still remember it vividly.
Basically my friend and I attended the worst class ever, PE, and got placed in two different teams.
Team 1 : Basket ball. Plain old regular sport. I'm in that team.
Team 2 : a fucking aligot eating contest. For the non-French reader, aligot is a dish from the region Auvergne, it's basically mashed potatoes with cream and a lot of cheese.
My friend was in that team and she hates cheese with a burning passion, just like I hate sport. So we decided to switch teams.
And we weren't even subtle about it : my friend just pulled out wigs from her backpack because that's a normal thing to carry around. We put these on and can do what we want. No one noticed a thing.
When I tell y'all my dreams are a fucking mess.
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newmic · 2 years
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Fromage d'Auvergne réalisé à Ambert et appelé : "la fourme d'Amber"
Auvergne cheese made in Ambert and called: "la fourme d'Amber
read and see more on the following link :
Vingt fromages français certifiés AOP à connaître absolument (lefigaro.fr)
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lauthenticfrance · 2 years
Highest Altitude Ski Area in Europe | Val Thorens Ski Resort
Val Thorens is the highest altitude ski area in Europe. Enjoy local French flavors in Val Thorens Ski Resort. Enjoy all ice activities at one of the best places in France
Nestled in the Saint-Martin-de-Belleville commune in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alps region of France, the Val Thorens is the highest altitude ski area in Europe. Val Thorens itself is set at an altitude of 2300m, making your stay here one of the unique places to stay in France. Head right to the ski lift as soon you step out of your accommodation in the beautiful Val Thorens.
Discover Val Thorens
The beautiful sights in Val Thorens, which are an absolute must-see in France, can even be enjoyed as you take a bite out of a delicious meal from the slopes. Over sixty restaurants give you nearly every option under the Sun when it comes to choosing what you want to eat. Enjoy local French flavors, or the familiar taste of a burger, and everything else in between, from an altitude of above 2000m. Val Thorens was always designed to have the highest altitude ski area in all of Europe. The splendid view of the Péclet glacier from the Cime de Caron makes this place a serious contender for the title of the most beautiful place in France.
Sunset from the top of the Peclet Funitel
This season, the last run of the day will be on the Peclet side! To the delight of skiers, Val Thorens’ flagship Funitel is extending its opening time until 6.30pm from Monday to Friday. That means you can admire the sunset before setting off on the blue Tête Ronde or red Christine run at dusk. A few turns later and you’ll be heading for the Castor and Pollux magic carpets, taking you back to the resort with a headful of beautiful images and memories.
Ski area’s two ziplines
Are you looking for maximum thrills? Then we have just the activity: ziplining! From the heart of the resort or from the top of Le Bouchet on the Orelle sector, take flight above the slopes alone or accompanied! There’s nothing else quite like it – this activity has unarguably become a Val Thorens essential. BEE FLYING: Accessible to children aged 14 and over, 1.40m or taller. Setting off from the top of the La Moutière chair lift. LA TYROLIENNE: Accessible only to skiers aged 8 and over, via the Le Bouchet chair lift.
Share a fondue with family or friends
No holiday in the mountains would be complete without cheese ! After a great ski session, there’s nothing better than a good fondue around the fireside, at a restaurant or at home, for going over the day’s highlights !
Hurtle down the COSMOJET 6km toboggan run
With friends or family, Val Thornes’ toboggan run will send you shooting off into the stratosphere! On the programme? Banked turns and a variety of gradients along an almost 45-minute run! Beware! Guaranteed to make you scream with laughter! Open from 12.15pm to 4pm Monday to Friday (4.30pm from mid-February). For even more thrills, why not try an evening descent!
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askwhatsforlunch · 7 months
Spelt Sourdough
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I now have baked enough sourdough loaves --and Alexa Crowe's my favourite-- to feel confident enough to try to add different flours to the mix. Thus, I baked this Spelt Sourdough, and I'm rather proud of it! While there is less spelt flour than there is strong white flour, the flavour is different, a bit nuttier, and I and Mum loved it! It's just wonderful with butter, good cheeses from Roquefort to Saint-Marcellin and a good craft beer! I'll bake a few of these, and then I shall grab the rye flour!
Ingredients (makes 1 loaf):
1 tablepoon pure good quality raw honey (I used forest honey we brought back from Auvergne)
about 180 millitres/¾ cup hot water
½ tablespoon vegtable oil like sunflower or grapeseed
2 1/3 cup strong white flour
1 cup spelt flour
1 teaspoon salt
325 grams/11.5 ounces Sourdough Starter
about 60 millilitres/¼ cup lukewarm water
Spoon honey into a small bowl. Stir in hot water until completely dissolved. Allow mixture to become lukewarm.
Grease a large glass bowl with grapeseed oil; set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, combine strong white flour, spelt flour and salt, and give a good stir. Add Sourdough Starter and honey mixture, and stir, gradually adding more lukewarm water, as necessary, until a soft, slightly sticky dough forms. You may not need to add all the water, but your dough should not be dry, it should just stick a bit to your fingers.
Tip dough out onto a clean surface, and knead, a good 10 to 15 minutes. Kneading will make it smooth and elastic and no longer sticky. Shape into a ball, and pop into prepared bowl. Cover with an oiled sheet of cling film, and allow to rise, in a warm enough, draught-free place, 3 hours.
Line a bowl or basket with a clean tea towel, and flour it generously (if it isn’t floured enough, the dough will stick to it!)
At this point, the dough should have doubled in size. Tip it out onto the kitchen counter and knead well to knock the air out, 5 minutes, slapping the dough onto the counter-top. Shape the dough into a ball and place into lined basket or bowl, seam-side up. Cover loosely with a lightly oiled sheet of cling film, and prove a second time, overnight, in a draught-free room. This second prove should take between four to eight hours.
Preheat oven to 220°C/430°F, placing a dish filled with water on the bottom shelf of the oven, to create steam and a beautiful crust.
Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Once second prove is complete, gently lift off cling film. Then, carefully tip risen dough out of its basket and onto prepared baking tray, lifting off tea towel gently. Spritz gently with water, and slash with a sharp knife. Place baking tray in the middle of the hot oven, and bake at 220°C/430°F, for 30 minutes. Then, reduce heat to 200°C/395°F, and bake, for a further 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven and lift off the baking tray.
Let Spelt Sourdough cool completely (if you can), before eating slathered with butter, honey and jam, with tasty cheeses and good wines or cold ales!
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pimpitupoff · 5 years
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✖️RAVIOLES✖️ Je viens juste de retrouver cette photo qui me rappelle des souvenirs fabuleux au Casse-Croûte à Dédé à Grenoble avec mes amies d’amour de Dublin 🧡 On avait mangé des ravioles avec pleeeein de fromage, c’était vraiment trop chouette 😍 Du coup j’ai bien envie d’en manger maintenant ! Vous aimez bien les ravioles vous? 🍉 C’est quoi la spécialité culinaire de votre ville/ région ? 🍉 #ravioles #cheese #fromage #grenoble #isere #rhonealpes #auvergne #miam #yummy #foodporn #foodies #friends #lafermeadede (à Le Casse-Croûte à Dédé) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ckSuaha1O/?igshid=q5d4dnfwnyzb
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damienchauvet · 6 years
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Saint-Nectaire touch #saintnectaire #tarte #tourte #pie #clermontferrand #auvergne #cooking #cuisine #kitchen #formica #kitchendesign #fromage #cheese (à Paul Collomp)
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dasnyb · 4 years
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Ça c’est en @region_auvergnerhonealpes 😋 #cheese #cheeselover #auvergne (à The Embassy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEy7n_2JeA1/?igshid=3g4bcdi3x0a1
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mustafaalgunblog · 11 months
#Paris'in altını üstüne getirmeler video serisi #E01 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOmUu4a2JuU&t=1s #walkingtour #escargot #monalisa #travel #travelvlog #vlogging #travelcontent #gopro #travelvideo #notredame #quasimodo #montmartre #eiffel #louvre #Parisgezirehberi #bestplaces #paristour #vlog #blogging #traveller #seine #seyahat #champselysees #ratatouille #france #wine #parisfrance #parismonamour
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ladyofthenoodle · 2 years
Would love to see another alyadrien fake dating preview!!
They were polishing off the last of a mixed charcuterie and Auvergne cheese board—the cheese of which had disappeared surprisingly quickly—when a pair of freshly manicured hands slammed a copy of this week’s Paris Match onto the table.
“So it’s true, then,” Chloé sniffed, lifting her white Coach brand sunglasses to peer down at them. “Utterly ridiculous.”
“Hello, Chloé,” Adrien greeted, in a tone that wasn’t hostile but wasn’t quite friendly either.
Chloé gave him the barest hint of a nod before directing her next question to Alya, eyes narrowed. “Who exactly do you two think you’re fooling? We both know you aren’t Adrikins’ type.”
Alya rolled her eyes. It was a bit rich for Chloé to act possessive of Adrien now. Their friendship had been shaky at best before Hawkmoth’s identity was publicly revealed, and as far as Alya knew, Chloé hadn’t made any attempt to connect with him since.
“Oh, and who is Adrien’s type, then? You?”
“Please,” Chloé said with a dismissive flick of her wrist before moving on to her next point. “Besides, weren’t you rooting for him to get together with Dupain Cheng?”
“Me and Marinette?” asked Adrien, turning bright eyes to Alya. “You were? Really?”
Alya resisted the urge to facepalm. For someone who was usually good at keeping things close to the chest, Adrien was abysmal at dimming the Marinette-related heart eyes to anything that could be interpreted as platonic. 
He’d always reserved a particularly soft gaze for Marinette—one that Alya had frequently delighted in pointing out—but lately, he might as well have been carrying around a flashing marquee spelling out “Ask Me About My Love for Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Which would’ve been a welcome development at any time that he wasn’t supposed to be convincing Chloé he was in love with Alya.
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