kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
Alright alright alright
I got more AvAMinecraftAu stuff for ya'll
After Chosen lost his father and brother, Dark suggested they take his other brother and run knowing that the two brothers were next on the kings hit list. Chosen was reluctant at first, but not wanting to lose another family member he agrees and they all run. The king sics his guards on them and they manage to track the two princes and Dark down. This comic shows what happens during the ensuing chase.
Also I would say spoilers buuut....you probably already know who the "mysterious prince" is-
Tw injury and blood
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Also fun fact...those arrows were laced with a potent poison...able to take down a powerful being- It was made by Dark Though it wasn't strong enough to defeat Seconds healing...
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kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
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Just an average day in Purple and Oranges village Reference picture. I tried to find out who the artist was but it looks like their Tumblr was deactivated-
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kikoqueenofrats · 4 years
Alright so, I’ve been working on these pictures for the past few days. I’ve created an ava au, inspired by minecraft roleplays. So basically the “sticks” replace the players in minecraft, being able to store items in a sort of hammer space, though that space is limited. The sticks of this universe are like normal human beings, so they have parents, grow up like normal humans and only have one life. Though the one life rule doesn’t apply to a handful of sticks. The other mobs are considered inferior to the sticks, I’m mostly talking about the villagers, pillagers and piglins. that’s mostly because they speak in a different language to the sticks and aren’t as advanced civilization wise. I thinks that’s most of the world building done, if you have anymore questions feel free to ask in the ask box or dms. I’ll get into the character specific info now. TW death, injury, kidnapping and shipping  
Red,Green,Yellow and Blue don’t remember much from their past life, only really remembering that they had to flee from their homes and ending up in a forest. Since they all were only about five years old they don’t remember knowing each other, only really vaguely remembering their short time together. They were separated during their flee, resulting in them only growing up with one of their old friends each. Red and Blue spent most of their childhoods in the forest, learning how to survive on their own before running into a village. They remained there for a while until Blue discovered a nether portal when he was about 12yrs and proceeded to get lost in it, Red went in after he found out what had happened from one of the villagers. Yellow and Green managed to run into a pack of pillagers, who raised them up until they were 14yrs when a group of sticks killed them during a raid. Yellow and Green swore revenge on the sticks in that village and did so by blowing the entirety of it up. They’re now both on the run from the group of angry stick figures, only really having each other for company.
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After wondering the nether for a good while Blue managed to find another nether portal, only this one didn’t lead home, it lead to a swamp bio. He was about to turn back when he was grabbed by the resident witch and turned into a piston, forced to work as her netherwart harvester for a few months before being turned back. She used this to make him stay and work for her, forbidding him to help with the potions to prevent him from trying to escape. Though that doesn’t mean he didn’t try to learn from her, every time he was caught making a potion she turned him a piston for a few months. He is yet to be deterred, the punishment only resulting in him becoming more careful in his self-taught potion making. He wishes he could see his friend Red again but knows the consequences of leaving could be much worse than being turned into a piston, so he stays put.
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Whilst searching for their friend Red ran into a bunch of piglins like o.v Blue did in ava 20. The events following their first journey were similar to o.v Blues in ava 20 apart from it taking a lot longer for them to get to the portal Blue went through, since the group went through a lot of portals trying to reach the right one. Red ends up taking 8yrs to find Blues portal, resulting in them becoming incredibly attached to the piglins that were helping them. especially to the smallest one they had risked their life recusing.
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After running around the forest for a few years the duo finally managed to shake their perusers off. Settling down inside an abandoned pillager base next to another village. Feeling petty they both attacked, though it was more lighthearted than what their other family had done, terrorizing the village by stealing their stuff and blowing up their houses. They were nervous of the sticks living their at first, but after their first attack and the eventual confrontation they realized that the duo living their weren’t so bad (Green even took a shine to the Orange one...for some reason). They proceeded to begin messing with them more, though they didn’t blow up anymore houses, creating a somewhat “playful” rivalry between the two duos.
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Orange does not have any memories past 11yrs old due to a head injury. He woke up in a forest, scared and confused he wondered it for a few days before stumbling upon a village.  This village was run by Purples parents and upon finding the injured 11yr old they quickly brought him into their home. After not being able to find Oranges parents or anything about them due to Oranges memory loss Purples parents decided to raise him. When Purple was 17yrs and Orange was 15yrs Purples parents were killed by pillagers during a raid, Purple and Orange managed to defend their home however the loss hit them hard. They only spent a few hours grieving before having to deal with their new responsibilities. Purple tried to deal with it all at first, though that quickly became overwhelming so she asked for Oranges help. Orange obliged and they’ve both been looking after their village ever since.
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There is a city of stickfigures in the middle of this world run by a stick with magical powers given to them by the gods of this world, It used to be led by a kindly king, with three princes, All of them were part of the magical linage. Unfortunately the king and two of his sons were killed, no one is sure how as there are two stories. Some believe the middle child and his personal guard conspired against the king and his eldest brother, killing them both with a poisoned arrow before killing the youngest as they fled the city as he witnessed the death of his older brother and told their uncle. Others believe the eldest sons death was an assassination paid for by the kings brother himself and the youngest died when the other nephew and his guard fled the city. Though people who try to spread the second story are quickly silenced. Alright that’s it for now, may post more if inspiration hits me but for now I hope you guys enjoy my little rant.
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kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
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Hey you guys remember in the original post when I mentioned a king...yeah I just figured out who that king is and exactly how they're gonna impact the story. Well kind of.
So Purple, she's a decent ruler, getting supplies, building walls around her castle...getting resources can be hard and protecting her home from raids can be even harder. She knew she would need some extra help, so after looking for it for a good few months she stumbled upon King Mangos kingdom or well...he stumbled into her. They talked and she managed to gain his help, they trade with each other. Though Mango may have an ulterior motive, not sure what that is yet.
Tw, death and shipping mentioned
Now Dark, he was found in the ruins of a nearby village at the ripe old age of 1yrs old by a captain. the captain decided to raise Dark as his own and did so for a few years before King Mango discovered him and his powers. He trained Dark to become his sort of super soldier...his primary mission was to destroy Mangos (possibly adopted, though I'm not sure) brother and his family. Dark inevitably failed of course after falling in love with the kings son, Chosen. Mango still has some hold over Dark however, maybe by keeping his original caretaker hostage...or, maybe Dark was the one who ended the original kings life?...he just couldn't finish the job with the kids?
This is still a w.i.p, so I'm still kind of figuring stuff out...
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kikoqueenofrats · 4 years
TW Shipping
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More lore stuff? Nah just some cuties bein’ cuties!
Blue and Red are those, best friends you’re surprised aren’t dating yet. They’re pretty close, even after the years of separation.
Purple and Orange think of each other as siblings despite not being related. They’re as close as two peas in a pod, though Purple wishes Orange would stop running head first into danger.
Green and Yellow also think of each other as siblings. The kind that playfully fights each other almost constantly but would most defiantly die for one another.
Chosen and Dark have been secretly dating since before the incident. That is all.
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kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
Sorry but do you have a art tag? i want to see your AVA and OCs art :D
Oh uh hgfhdf
I'm happy you're interested in my art I don't post much...but when I do I...don't tag it unless it's a specific au...or my two AvA Ocs Most of the stuff goes in the discord...should post more here really but am lazy hghdf-
Aight here are the main "art" tags, if you still want em
If you have the dedication for it then just look in the #animation vs animator tag for a while and you should see some of my art.
#Cel and Mari and #Mari and Cel (I confuse the name order sometimes....that's why there's two) It's mostly the rps me n Neko/Toonie have done and the fanart Toast/Neko/someotherpeople have drawn. But there's some art and a fic (with cover art drawn by me) or uh fics I've written/drawn somewhere in there.
#AvAMinecraftAu This is one of the only two aus I've actually posted on here... I'm planning on revamping it a bit sometime soon...but if you wanna look at some old art/lore then feel free
#StickBabyAu Ah yes- My newest au...You've probably seen it already
So yeah that's it- hgajh and no don't be sorry- I should be the one apologizing for my horrible tagging system-
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