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liches-get-stiches · 7 years
The Cast:
Avytra Tuoso (Dragonborn Monk)
As a dragonborn female struggling to make a name for herself in the field of archaeology, Avytra Tuoso (of Clan Tuoso) has a lot to prove to her peers.  Although she is incredibly well-read and exceptionally smart, Avytra has had no field experience due to her age (and some would say, her gender).  She is hoping this expedition will change that, and lead her toward the discovery of a life time.  Lucky for her teammates, this brilliant dragonborn is a multi-lingual marvel, and very adept at identifying ruins and artifacts.
Basil Theophilius Stratfordshire III (Human Ranger)
Basil is an infamous game hunter, accomplished adventurer, and an old friend of Sindra Silvane.  Very much a member of the Old Boys Club, Basil likes to live slightly outside of his means, but he works very hard for the luxury he enjoys.  He has joined the expedition not only to save his old friend from her cursed fate, but to hunt the legendary King of Feathers.  If you’ve got a couple hours, then he’s got a tale to tell you.
Sir Courtney (Half-elf Fighter)
Years ago, Sir Courtney freed a small town from the grasp of a cruel lord, and since then has been resting on the laurels of his folk hero status.  He plays the quintessential dashing hero (not to mention ladies man), but in truth he has gotten himself in over his head by joining this dangerous expedition.  Good thing he’s far too pig-headed to back down from a challenge - or leave his friends in the lurch.
Mucha, a.k.a. Alphonse (Tortle Rogue)
After leaving his nest as a young tortle, Alphonse set out by to fulfill his biological desire for exploration.  Unfortunately a violent storm swept him far away from his homeland of Chult, and he eventually found himself stranded in a large city along the Sword Coast.  Alphonse resorted to thievery in order to survive, but he got himself caught.  Sindra pulled some strings, offering him his freedom if he would accompany her expedition, and he agreed.
Mumford (Tabaxi Artificer)
Mister Mumford is an old pal of Basil’s, and the owner and proprietor of the taxidermist shop-turned-back alley medical clinic curiously called “Mumford & Sons” (to wit, he has no children).  Despite his dubious credentials, he has joined the expedition as their medic and resident expert on poisons and concoctions of all sorts.  Inventive and introverted, this Little Lion Man may have just the level head this expedition needs.
Squall (Kenku Warlock)
This kenku is the only expeditionary that was not invited along by Sindra Sylvane.  In fact, he stowed away on board her privately chartered ship in order to insinuate himself into the group.  Having been exiled from his kin and living as a hermit for the past few years, his motivations for returning to civilization and embarking on this dangerous quest are known only to him – and to his mysterious black blade.
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LAYERS! Avytra
Name: Avytra Tuoso Eye Color: Golden brown Hair Style/Color: Horns a slightly darker bronze than her scale-tone. They have a slight curl to them. Clothing Style:  Academic, but flattering. On expeditions she favors sturdy pants, a wide brimmed hat, and anything with many, many pockets. Best Physical Feature: Her smile. Though a bit sharp, her teeth are brilliant and her smile is genuine and enthusiastic.
Fears: Letting down her family, becoming an unknown scholar, dying before making a name for herself Guilty Pleasure: Collecting. Doesn’t quite matter what, mostly artifacts though. Biggest Pet Peeve: Being told woman can’t do things as well as men. Your Ambition for the Future: Publish her travelogue and study of Chult. And solve the Death Curse, of course.
First Thoughts Waking Up: I need to brush up on *insert obscure topic here*
Think About the Most: Academia, really. Writing, reading, publishing. She loves the archive she works in and she wants to make it the best in the world. Think About Before Bed: Whatever she last read. Think Best Quality Is: Intelligence, for sure.
Single or Group Dates: Oh, gosh, she hasn’t been on one in a while! Really Avytra prefers group dates but she doesn’t have enough friends for such things she just doesn’t have the time. To be Loved or Respected:  Respected, hands down. Scholars who break down walls are rarely loved in their time. Beauty or Brains: Beauty, honestly. She has enough brains to compensate for a partner’s failing. Though if you have both, well.... watch out. Dogs or Cats: Cats naturally lend themselves to her life style. Independent, they are. She also likes sitting in big chairs and stroking their fur. It makes her feel like a character from a novel.
Lie: Not on paper! Believe in Yourself:  Maybe too much Believe in Love:  The fictional kind. Want Someone: Oh well, after this next paper publishes and she gets back from Chult but then she has to reorganize the travel section in the library so... eventually?
Been on Stage: Oh gosh, no. Done Drugs: She is not opposed to trying them so she can write about it later. But no. Changed Who You Were to Fit In: No. To a fault, even.
Favorite Color: Orange! Favorite Animal:  Did you know that Bunyips don’t actually go into feeding frenzies when they smell blood? It’s a myth perpetuated by someone who kept them in captivity and starved them! They are actually fairly smart creatures in the wild. Favorite Food: Meat Chocolate Favorite Game: Complex board games that take at least three plays to learn all the rules
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be:  Uktar 18th How Old Will You Be: 24 Age You Lost Your Virginity: Oh! Well, get her a little more drunk for that story. (18) 
Best Personality: Witty and successful, but kind Best Eye Color: Oh any really, as long as there is a smile there Best Hair Scale Color: Well, she’s not color biased, really, non-metallics are just a good but Gold? There’s something about Gold...  Best thing to do with a Partner: Debate
I love: learning I feel: excited I hide: my selfishness I miss: my father I wish: that people would take me seriously
Tagged by @paragon-interrupt! I don’t know like anyone else on here lol so @jesickachaos or @hannahbaba if you two wanna do it? It was fun. I had to do some deep dives to figure out stuff about her I hadn’t thought about!
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Avytra. Did I give her enough books? No
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Avytra Tuoso, Clan of the Tuosos
Bronze. Dragonborn. Librarian.
Avytra has been cooped up in her academic librarian at the School of Baldur’s Gate for far too long. So when she hears about an expedition to find a mysterious artifact that may be the cause of the Death Curse going around, she does whatever is in her power to be on that expedition. No, nevermind how she heard about it or if she may have exaggerated her field expertise. She’s plenty smart and she took a few lessons before she hopped on the boat so surely she can just make do, right?
Her enthusiasm can only be matched by her intelligence but it may take more than book learning once she’s in the jungles of Chult. She’s going to have fun while she’s out there. Just... ignore the fact that she’s more excited about getting to the artifact than ending the Death Curse. That’s not important right now!
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