#Axel Moriarty | OC
attiredpan · 2 years
Axel and Allison
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
March 2022 Commissions - Discount Options
It’s almost commission time again; I’m running straight from the last batch into this one, because progress then was super slowed down. Hopefully this time things will go more smoothly and swiftly. Below is the list of Discount Options.
As usual, the way this works is that your request must adhere to the following rules. One, it must be a minimum of 2000 words in length when negotiated. Two, you cannot use multiple characters in the options; there may be some exceptions with a couple of options where I decided to offer multiple characters AS options, but they are the only cases where that is acceptable. You cannot have Nick Wilde meet Pete, for instance. Three, only one person at a time may use any given option; if you see that an option is taken, you’ll need to choose another option. Four, you will only be eligible for the discount if your character is listed, but you are still totally free to make non-discount-related requests. Five, the character you request must have what I consider to be a major role in a non-kink story; for kink-based works, they must be either the predator or the feedee, depending on what type of tale you’re asking for. Stories where the discount applies will get 15% off their purchase. As a reminder, I charge a standard fee of $10 per thousand words (which is the same as saying 1 USD per hundred words, or a penny per word). And now, here’s the list; there are QUITE a lot of options this time, so there should be plenty for you guys to choose from…
Axel, from Kingdom Hearts.
Any of the Following “Bad Guys” Characters…
Mr. Shark
Mr. Snake
Mr. Wolf
Bakugou, from My Hero Academia.
Bog the Crocodile, from Koala Kid (a.k.a. The Outback).
Any of the Following DC/Marvel Characters…
Gorilla Grodd
Killer Croc
Tiger Shark
Any of the Following “Fate” Characters...
Julius Caesar
GulusGammamon, from Digimon: Ghost Game.
General Tiger, from Puppeteer.
Loona, from Helluva Boss.
Macan, from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners, a.k.a. Housamo.
Nick Wilde, from Zootopia.
Any of the Following “Obey Me!” Characters...
Pete, from Disney (Various Versions Apply).
Po, from Kung Fu Panda.
Any of the Following Pokemon...
Shere Khan, from Disney’s Jungle Book (TaleSpin also applies here.)
Any of the Following “Twisted Wonderland” Characters...
Jade Leech
Leona Kingscholar
Malleus Draconia
Ruggie Bucchi
Wile E. Coyote, from Looney Tunes.
William James Moriarty, from Moriarty the Patriot.
Wolfrun, from Smile! Pretty Cure (a.k.a. Ulric, from Glitter Force).
I think that covers everything. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the sorts of things I’ll write, turn here. If you want to know about any other fandoms not listed here I’m into, turn here. Any additional questions, comments, or concerns can be submitted to me via PM. I will be opening commissions officially on Friday, March 18th. We’ll see how things go then. Take care, comrades and knaves!
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, August 31
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Princess, (Crossover with She-Ra, PG-13) by Beriaearwen
A Good Deed, (Crossover with James Bond, PG) by mmooch
Get Up, (Crossover with Mad Max, PG) by Vashti
Nothing Lost, (Crossover with SG1, PG) by hermione2be
Cap’s (Much Delayed) Return, (Crossover with Marvel, PG-13) by songs_of_winter
Request from Giles, (Crossover with Marvel, PG) by Indra Leigh
Try Again: Fail Better?. (Crossover with NCIS: Los Angeles, G) by 3am_moonlight
Sweet Dreams. (Crossover with Lord of the Rings, PG) by Grundy
Watcher Wilson. (Crossover with Home Improvement, PG) by mmooch
Who You Were, Who You Are, Who You Choose To Be. (Crossover with G.I. Joe, PG) by Beriaearwen
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The Stench of Humanity, (Angel, Spike, T) by dottiesnark
As You Are, (Buffy/Spike, G) by EllieRose101
On Being Chosen (First), (Buffy, G) by andtheyfightcrime
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Devil You Know, Chapter 6 (Crossover with Dexter, T) by frogfarm
The Bronze, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by pleasesetdanonfire
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Honeysuckle Rose, Chapter 5 (Willow/Tara, T) by mmmh-Hot-Sauce
Honeysuckle, Chapter 3 (Spike/OC, T) by Mushroom99
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Unknown, Chapter 50 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by sweetprincipale
Rewrite, Chapters 4 and 5 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by hopelesswanderer
Civilized Monster, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Axell
The Darkling, Chapter 55 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by OffYourBird
Kindred, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by sweetprincipale
Skipping the Stone, Chapter 39 (Bufy/Spike, R) by Sandy_S
Liberare, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Twinkles
Friend and Foe, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by KillerSnotMonster
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:i am not and will never be done crying about the 2019 reboot (worksafe) by jenny-calendar
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Boom!Angel reviewed: S1, Issue 3 by Rob Harsens
Boom!Buffy reviewed: S1, Issue 07 by Rob Harsens
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PODCAST: Episode 42 - Forever / Intervention / Tough Love (feat. Melanie Scala) by Conversations with Dead People
PODCAST: Episode 14- Season 1 Wrap Up by Myth Taken
[Community Announcements]
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Multifandom Tropefest Signups by FandomCalendar
[Fandom Discussions]
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BTVS/ATS: Darla- Unintentional Foreshadowing by xspike4evax
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I’m also hoping that this means we might get some interactions between Jenny and Joyce in the comics... by ofstormsandwolves and jenny-calendar
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Angel Rewatch: 1.17 Eternity by nightshade
Birthday Wishes: Drabble Contest by nightshade
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Watching “Fool For Love” tonight. I realized how much I would love a show about the 1970’s NYC Slayer. by man_or_feast
How was Angel able to get into faiths motel room? Season 3 - Consequences by helllsbells
Started watching Buffy in early July... by NoctisLucisII
Spike in Cinema Museum in Lyon by Stormcrow12
Um..Ok!!!! by YipYipsUhhuh
Someone asked how dancing plagues occured in the past. I think we all know the answer. by HappyInNature
Evidence [re: "Normal Again"] by sapphic_ravenclaw
Can’t Angels curse be removed ? by omgtehvampire
Sunnydale by xareltonas
Doublemeat Palace by SpecialDistribution5
Xander may not have been good for much but he did have some good one liners! by Beckamoy
Erin Moriarty would make a terrific new Buffy by vogueboy
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chosen Ones #1 Gives an Ambitious History Lesson via CBR.com
PUBLICATION: Comic Book Preview – Buffy the Vampire Slayer #8 via FlickeringMyth.com
PUBLICATION: Get Ready for Hellmouth and Charles Gunn in Angel #5 via Comicbook.com
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attiredpan · 2 years
Axel and Allison’s morning
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attiredpan · 2 years
Nobody asked for this but here’s some rouGh ANOES OC headcanons
•outwardly functioning pansexual disaster. Terrible with receiving compliments because it causes her to stop breathing and she never fully believes them.
•”Chaotic Gay dumbass parents and equally chaotic child” type of relationship with OG and RE. No one knows what caused them to look at her and go “this is our child now, if you so much aS BREATHE AT HER THE WRONG WAY-“. OG gives her tips on how to mess with people and RE gives her gardening advice and helps where he can with homework,like actually helps.
•mix of historical and stereotypical Irish luck. She lives but not without some new bs to deal with.
•ends up finding Badham and decides on fixing the garden since her mother had been constantly talking about her doing something in relation to gardening for god knows how long. And she actually ends up really enjoying it, in a “let me get to this on my own” sort of way.
•Loves camping.Hates the bugs.
•The Therapist/Mom Friend™️
•Raised in a semi-strict Catholic household. Her mother would often drag her to church events when she was younger(4-10 years old). She only went for the food.
•always has some sort of snack on her. Ranges from lemon bars to trail mix granola.
•Either talks like a Renaissance poet or a New York sailor,there’s no in between. Throws in a couple of New England phrases for shits and giggles.
•got ADHD from her father and inherited a medically undiagnosed panic disorder from her mother. But we can’t forget the Disaster-Gremlin Disorder.
•has fallen asleep in the garden at Badham in the evening a couple of times. RE had a heart attack and OG ended up having to deal with most of it. Though she didn’t go without getting a stern talking to about getting enough sleep from RE.
•Combined Mommy and Daddy issues,she never fully felt like she could talk to them and it led to her bottling things up and it festered until it slipped out; though she cleaned it up as fast as she could to keep them from worrying.Trusts her father much more than her mother.
•She had to grow up way too quick due to never really being able to stay in on place for long,because her older brother was in the military and kept on getting re-stationed at different forts across the country.That is until he disappeared when she was 12 and her family later moved to Springwood.
•RE affectionately ruffled her hair once and she went blank,gave him a heart attack in the process cause he immediately assumed the worst. After explaining, they went and watched The Blues Brothers cause RE was somewhere in his thirties’s when it came out and Axel was raised by a dad who grew up and was raised on the 80’s and it’s both of their comfort movie. They both have the full dance choreography memorized.
•both OG and RE call her “Kid” as a nickname.
•did gymnastics as a child up until fourth grade and picked it back up after sixth grade.
•And to top it all off, she does end up finding a girlfriend in a girl named Allison a few months after moving to Springwood and getting fully settled with a friend group. They have a Red/Blue:Sun/Moon dynamic with a couple parallels to OG/RE for some added ✨spoice✨
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attiredpan · 3 years
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My ANOES OC Axel and her friend group(literally just a bunch of anime protagonists)
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