awesometheauthor · 8 months
If you're into Genealogy, history or discovering your indigenous ancestry, then these books are for you!
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awesometheauthor · 3 months
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awesometheauthor · 3 months
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My fourth book is published! lulu.com
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awesometheauthor · 9 months
Good News! My book, The Genealogy of Bartolome Brau and His Descendants has been published today! Yay! Here's the URL so you can go there.
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awesometheauthor · 9 months
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Available at Lulu.com
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awesometheauthor · 9 months
Waiting for publication from my publisher, Lulu.com.
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awesometheauthor · 9 months
New Books.
Been away from these pages.
I've written two new books. Discovering My Guanahatabey and Taino Ancestors. I've spent years researching my Spanish ancestry so I could find the women who these men married who were indigenous in Puerto Rico.
My second book: The Genealogy of Don Bartolome Brau and His Descendants. One of my cousins shared an almost lost autobiography written by Don Salvador Brau. I translated the Spanish to English and when I got through with his autobiography I settled into listing his descendants.
Brau was a famous historian who wrote the history of Puerto Rico, he also was a journalist.
Both books are available at Lulu.com, my publishers
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
In any case, last week I finished a project and then I picked up on my research again.
I don't know if you knew that I have de la Merced and de la Mercedes in my family tree. They arose in San Juan a very long time ago. In fact, I have traced them back to 1576 with a Pedro de la Merced.
Source: John J. Browne Ayes, Research Copyright John J. Browne Ayes. All Rights Reserved National and International. On this reference document, I am basing my theory that Melchior de Aponte was part of this family. You will also see Pedro de la Merced included in this list as well.
Vecinos Asistentes to Vista Pública (1616) Según el historiador Ramón Rivera Bermúdez, se efectúa una vista pública donde testifican 21 de los 40 vecinos que vivían más cerca de la actual zona urbana. Se cree la gran mayoría eran los mismos fundadores de 1579 o sus decendientes inmediatos. Juan López de Aliceda: Alcalde mayor. Hijo de Juan López de Aliceda, líder sangermeño quien fue teniente gobernador de Puerto Rico cuando el gobernador lo era Francisco de Solís en 1572. Alonso Meléndez Juan Felipe Cordero Pedro González Juan Colón Melchor de Aponte Juan de la Vega Juan de Morales Juan de Cepeda Alonso García Alonso Garva (o Garvia) Tirado Pedro Lamadrid Pedro de la Merced Juan Bautista Correa Juan Muños de Castroverde, escribano Diego Sánchez Francisco Ramos Pedro Camacho Alonso Trujillo Juan García Portillo Mateo Moreda
I had this little document stashed away in my file and notes within my family tree.
Then last week I decided to browse the many documents that are online within marriage in the cathedral of San Juan in Familysearch.org . I discovered two families that bore the surname de la Merced.
Pedro de la Merced was married to Dona Ana Moreno y Gomez, the daughter of, Alonso Moreno and his wife, Leonor Gomez.
Pedro and his wife had a son, Diego de la Merced y Moreno. He was married to: Paula de los Reyes.
Source: Marriages In The Cathedral of San Juan Online at Family Search.org.
They were married, 7 April of 1691.
Date: 7 de Abril de 1691
Minister: Licenciado Don Juan de Rivafrecha, Cura
Groom: Diego de la Merced de Color Mulatto
Born in San Juan
Parents: Pedro de la Merced y Ana Moreno
Bride: Paula de los Reyes de color Mulato
Born in San Juan
parents: Hija Natural de Lucia de los Reyes/
Note: Dispensados la amonestaciones por el Obispo Don Francisco de Padilla
Testigos: Alferez Domingo Sanchez, Simon Mateo, y Francisco de San Juan.
The next family was quite interesting because of where they came from.
Same Source:
Date: 7 de Septiembre de 1700
Minister: Pedro zenteno, cura de catedral
Groom: Juan de la Merced
Natural de Ciudad de Bruselas, (Ayes, sic, Brussels, Belgium).
Parents Gaspar de Glancy y Maria de Sampson
(Ayes sic, Parents name was written, Gaspar de Glncy y Maria de Smpson).
Bride: Eugenia de Jesus Malave Morera
Bornl in San Juan
Padres: Benito Malave y Geronicia Morera
Note: Dispensada una amonestacion por el Sr. Ordinario Don Martin Calderon de la Varca
Testigos: Santiago de Acevedo, el Capitan Francisco Diaz y Juan Alonso Gonzalez Clerigo de Tonsura.
Brussels, Belgium was a Spanish territory that included the Nederlands.
Our Juan de la Merced's full name was John of the Mercy Glancy Sampson.
I did a research and their original country of origin was Ireland. I even picked up a family crest during my research. I also found out that the surname Glancy has also morphed into the name Clancy.
I can bet that John's de la Merced was a baptismal name that stuck throughout his lifetime in the public records and was passed down to his descendants because the Spanish always get tongue-tied when trying to pronounce Irish names.
So, having found these two families many questions have arisen. If anyone has found how my de la Mercedes from Yabucoa connected to these two families I would appreciate any information shared here.
After all, I've shared some very important information here this morning.
The furthest back I've gotten with my de la Merced was with one Dionecio de la Mercedes born abt 1785, in Yabucoa, PR. died bef 1899.
He was married to, 1: Casimira de Santiago 2: Maria Jose de los Rios Delgado. His marriage seemed to be a consentual one to Maria Jose because their son, Ramon Rios Delgado must have been a natural born son. Unfortunately his father didn't give him his surname or maybe Ramon was the son of a previous marriage. See how many questions arise!
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
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Ayesart exhibited Orlando City Hall 2019
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