#Azra Yakzun
nethertrolls · 7 months
Azra!! 🌹
🌱 He takes Lyree to a theatre performance with the dramatic dancing although it has none of the trolls she knows in it because he knows they’re rotten and he wants her to enjoy herself.
🌱 reservations to fancy restaurant, it doesn’t accept walk ins type fancy.
🌱 Because this is one of the holidays that can can spoil her with a reason, he will get Lyree fitted for a new dance outfit too and be like ‘it’s just a holiday to show my appreciation’.
🌱 Yenmi will reserve new firearms and they will go to the shooting range to try them out because Azra thinks his hot holding weapons,
🌱 He also does the fancy restaurant thing for Yenmi but they eat in the hive and not at the restaurant.
🌱 Maybe go for a motorbike ride too?
🌱 Cassano is one that he obviously turns to pester a lot too, but he will get Cass to spend time with him as workaholic as he is.
🌱 Not entirely sure what they’d do but alcohol tasting is a potential.
🌹 Like I said for Lyree, definitely a new dancing dress, and other cliche things like roses and stuff out of a K-drama.
🌹 with Yenmi, he’ll get a rose for sure but also weaponry because his gotta make sure his pale is safe and so what’s another weapon for his moirail’s probably growing pile.
🌹 Cass is getting a fancy watch that Azra made himself.
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eridianraccoon · 3 years
fact for azra, perseus and monster energy !
Azra is a nickname man as Vincien finds out after their alliance has been finalised. He started the Vinci trend and his lovely future kismesis has to deal with it.
He made his own motorbike from scratch and no one but Azra is allowed to touch it. He likes going on late night drives.
The price of stardom is high and Perseus’ old flush crush and him parted ways after said crush got an offer to become part of a debuting group.
He once broke the toaster and blamed Min for it because it was a brand new one. No one has ever found out it was him.
Mr Monster Energy has zero impulse control and once broke his leg skiing, his logic was ‘snow is soft like a pillow’ but it wasn’t <3
He has found his double in Bumi, a troll lacking the same little voice telling him it’s too dangerous to do that. Oh his also sponsored by that one energy drink company.
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nethertrolls · 1 year
Azra Yakzun (he/him)
Bronze | “delivery man” | informant
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A man with enough power and influence that the politicians of Crime City will : try to avoid anything to do with his bubble, try to ally with him or get rid of him forever. The best part is they don’t know Azra is the one they are after. While he leads a powerful gang and makes the decisions, he is not the face of said gang. Azra has a strict moral code that leaves innocent civilians out of the gangs path. The city is full of enough corrupt trolls that it never really effects anything, he likes targeting back alley cybernetic businesses the most.
Lyree is his precious matesprit and the reason why he knows so much about classic dancing, their love story can be described as a ‘kdrama’ with the classic save love interest from being hit by a car and trying to get him through her/trashing her hive. Which they’d regret deeply. Azra is very protective of his quads and that also includes his palemate Yenmi.
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nethertrolls · 2 years
Azra for the template
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He doesn’t really play Minecraft but if he did, he would speedrun to get end gear and than immediately start a war in his ugly fort castle.
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nethertrolls · 1 year
I’ve once again introduced three trolls and that means another fun poll making them fight for our amusement! I mean finding out who is the favourite out of this selection for the fun on it lol.
Nereus Proteus ~ Aiakos Nalika ~ Azra Yakzun
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eridianraccoon · 4 years
the lovers: do you have a crush?the chariot: thoughts on astrology? Azra and Myulda KEK (theyre my favorite designs ok)
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the lovers: do you have a crush?
“I don’t feel obligated to answer that.”
the chariot: thoughts on astrology?
“Should I have thoughts on astrology? Sounds like a waste of time to me, the position of a planet isn’t going to guarantee my success.”
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the lovers: do you have a crush?
“How could I not? There are so many attractive trolls around me. Perhaps I have an actual crush but I rather you guess on who it is.”
the chariot: thoughts on astrology?
“That’s the one that’s based around stars and planets right?  I have a friend that is very dedicated to sending me, my ‘future for today’.”
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eridianraccoon · 3 years
I wanna date azra 🥺
> route select : Azra Yakzun
He picks you up on his motorbike and immediately takes you to a convince store after showing off his diving skills. He buys you a slushie and gets you whatever key ring you want from the little box they have at the counter.
Azra than lets you pick place you two will eating at (hint screen is that he likes eating at those places that let you grill your own meats), he asks and judges you on your knowledge of motorbikes before accidentally letting it slip that he knows more about you than he should, he is only a messenger right? Well that’s what he said.
Good ending : Azra asks if you want to meet up again sometime, maybe he’ll let you drive his motorbike because you’ve impressed him.
Bad ending : he drops you off at the destination you gave him before running off to his work, at least you got that keychain right?
Secret route : depending on where you picked to go, someone recognised this small time crime man and he excuses himself, comes back with some blood on his face that is not of his blood colour and asks if you want to help him with something important.
Yes route - he shows you a corpse in the back of the building and tells you to help get rid of it. Depending on how you react. If u are scared and want to back out, he lets you but you feel like you are being watched for months after. If you threaten to report him… well I hope you enjoyed your final meal. But if you help Azra, he asks if you can see you again and gives you his main personal number on a napkin.
No route : Azra says he understands, pays the bill than leaves and does not come back, you have been left behind.
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