#so weird to get a troll that actually has quads
nethertrolls · 7 months
Azra!! 🌹
🌱 He takes Lyree to a theatre performance with the dramatic dancing although it has none of the trolls she knows in it because he knows they’re rotten and he wants her to enjoy herself.
🌱 reservations to fancy restaurant, it doesn’t accept walk ins type fancy.
🌱 Because this is one of the holidays that can can spoil her with a reason, he will get Lyree fitted for a new dance outfit too and be like ‘it’s just a holiday to show my appreciation’.
🌱 Yenmi will reserve new firearms and they will go to the shooting range to try them out because Azra thinks his hot holding weapons,
🌱 He also does the fancy restaurant thing for Yenmi but they eat in the hive and not at the restaurant.
🌱 Maybe go for a motorbike ride too?
🌱 Cassano is one that he obviously turns to pester a lot too, but he will get Cass to spend time with him as workaholic as he is.
🌱 Not entirely sure what they’d do but alcohol tasting is a potential.
🌹 Like I said for Lyree, definitely a new dancing dress, and other cliche things like roses and stuff out of a K-drama.
🌹 with Yenmi, he’ll get a rose for sure but also weaponry because his gotta make sure his pale is safe and so what’s another weapon for his moirail’s probably growing pile.
🌹 Cass is getting a fancy watch that Azra made himself.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 7 months
Just read your eridan essay. I left a lot of words in the tags (sorry about that btw. I'm @kitkat-not-karkat, those were my tags) and I just. Holy fucking shit man.
THANK YOU FOR PUTTING IT INTO WORDS. Like. Genuinely. Thank you.
That said, do you have any ideas on why Eridan might specifically flirt as a sort of default response sometimes? (I really hope I'm not misremembering that, the fandom bastardizes the poor guy to be Cronus 2.0-)
I have my own personal speculation here, but I'd love to see your take on it!
I think it's a few things all working in tandem, and I think you definitely nailed at least most of it! I do agree that a huge part of his fixation on romance is the fact that a romantic partner is "supposed" to stick around, and Eridan is simply desperate for attention and friendship.
There are a lot of people who idealize relationships and believe that they're the "fix" or "solution" to their emotional problems, and Eridan's obsession with blackrom in particular (where the caligulas part of his trolltag comes from) definitely has shades of that. A kismesistude is an outlet for violent urges, as well as a romantic interest who ideally doesn't ghost you or leave you alone (cough Vriska cough), and one of the two concupiscent quadrants that needs to be filled so you don't get culled.
An interesting thing is constantly being implied within the comic, which is that moirallegiance is actually kind of the most important quadrant for trolls, but their culture has de-emphasized it in favor of the two breeding-related quads. After all, since adult trolls don't have to raise their own young, what Karkat calls "mating fondness" is biologically much less imperative to their species compared to the quadrant that keeps volatile trolls from going berserk and killing people.
Moirallegiance is always treated with a sort of mysticism - it's called "magical" by the narration in relation to Kanaya and Vriska's moirallegiance while that's still extant, it's the only quadrant described as "soul mates," and in contrast to "mating fondness," Karkat mentions the "mystical forces governing moirallegiance." Moirails - Equius and Nepeta being confirmed, but I genuinely believe that that's what Feferi and Sollux would have resolved to in that hypothetical golden ending - are also the quad that spends the most time together, rather than the two concupiscents. The initial description of the pale quadrant even outright says that the attraction is "instinctive." There's something magical and destiny-laden in a moirallegiance that just isn't there to the same extent in the other three quads.
But in Alternian society, kindness, guilt, and the other kinds of things you'd share with a moirail are considered weakness, especially for highbloods. When Feferi is breaking up with him, Eridan flips out the hardest at the implication that she felt the need to take care of him, insisting that he was perfectly fine. I think this is the reason, in addition to the painful breakup, that Eridan never pursues pale relationships, even though a moirail is what he desperately needs. Instead, he pursues the much more societally acceptible pitch quadrant, which can serve a similar purpose of discharging some of his pent-up aggression.
Moreover, his flirting isn't nearly as relentless as people think it is, although he IS both really stubborn AND really socially inept, which makes it difficult both to get a "no" through his brain, AND to make it stick. Another part of it is that he's operating at very little self-awareness, which means he'll often be doing something without consciously realizing it. Also, he's desperate as hell, and has basically no ability to differentiate good and bad attention. This leads to a pretty messy cocktail that basically means:
He'll hit on anyone at least once (desperation), with the exception of people it would be really weird to hit on, for example, their dancestors, who are way older than them.
If a rejection is not made excruciatingly clear, he probably won't register it as a rejection (dumbassery).
Nearly any attention he gets might be misinterpreted as flirting, even after a rejection is made (desperation, also, can't differentiate between good and bad attention).
Even after a rejection is made and he logically understands it and outright says he respects it, he might still act in a flirtatious way unconsciously (zero self awareness).
Because he will hit on anyone at least once, and is constantly making things weird and leaping to "romance?" even when there's no flirtatious intent, people kind of assume he's always hitting on them, even when he isn't.
His emotions always running at a fever pitch, and the lack of self-awareness he cultivates in order to help deal with his horrible cognitive dissonance, mean that even HE'S not sure about his real feelings. He's always feeling SOMETHING very, very intensely (it's the trauma and anxiety), which he mistakes for true caliginous hatred, or fevered flushed intent. Unlike Cronus, who's basically just trying to get some action, Eridan genuinely feels something for people, and his extreme lack of emotional intelligence means he has no idea how to parse his own tempestuous emotions. He always leaps to feverish concupiscent attraction because that's just how intense his emotions run at any given moment.
#4 is happening to Feferi and Sollux, IMO, while Rose never properly rejected him, so he still thinks they have a chance, and the same happened with Vriska when she started ghosting him post-kismesistude. #5 can be seen in his last memo with Karkat, where Karkat starts to wonder if past!Eridan was redflirting with him by inviting him to LOWAA, even as Eridan himself has no idea what the fuck Karkat is talking about.
Thing is, he DOES actually accept rejections once he gets them through his thick skull, which sets him apart from Cronus, who gets rejected, knows it, and keeps going. It's just... Eridan's messy. His emotions are all over the place, and too big for his stupid body, so he's always making things weird and intense.
I blame his lusus, personally. In a previous post, I talk about how a huge factor in his inability to identify negative attention is because he's basically being emotionally neglected. This has also led to his desperation for attention in general. When combined with the trauma from all the murdering and the pressure society puts on him to fit into a certain mold, it leads to some pretty explosive emotional ourbursts, of which his intense, insistent, and downright uncomfortable flirting is a major facet, but also, only a facet.
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astrumocs · 2 years
Points// Purple blood! (Not a clown!) Thirty three sweeps.. Looks about 12~14.. Six foot three!! Very scarred up and freaky pitch black sclera to match. Dresses in oversized jackets/shirts/hoodies/etc. Always comfy. Seems to keep a Bomber jacket on him at all times. Tight jeans and combat boots. Though isnt afraid of dressing more fem or cutsey! Skirts and dresses are up his alley..Fluffy partially shaved hair.. Undead.. You couldn't particularly tell unless you're gifted with magic or can sense the dead. He doesn't particularly tell many about his status. Comes back.. every time. Doesn't seem to notice when he's hurt.
Incredibly friendly and goes with the flow. He doesn't take much to heart at all... or so it seems. Never seems to be in a bad mood. Always there for someone when they need it. Keeps a lot to himself and is always down to compliment another... Very affectionate and cuddly.. Though on the other hand.. he is incredibly reckless. Tends to put himself in a lot of danger and gets hurt for the cheap thrills for the momentary moments where he feels alive. He tends not to know if he's particularly all there sometimes and others he feels like he deserves that pain. Keeps things bottled up and close to himself. Won't budge too easy
He enjoys a lot of different hobbies- Cooking, Customizing clothes, Motocross, Gardening.. Etc..
The kinda date he'd take someone on depends on if they're scared of heights or not. Knows a killer view on top of a building.. Willing to show his latest card trick and share some shitty take out as they watch the traffic and drones. Mayybee reaches over and holds someone's hand.. who knows (and any emoji here for quads bc why not :])
Okay hm. pretending I do not know this is Naka from @goldenguillotines for a moment...
Y'know objectively, if I wasn't possibly hooking Odarem up with a couple ppl already I could see a very weird type of Pale with a pitch tint. I think seeing someone who in so many ways reflects his own behavioral issues would stir up a lot of feelings for him.
Outside of that guy though lemme think... It's... hard to place oh wait y'know what... hm. I could actually maybe see something here with Jejune, which is so funny bc the only times I've thought of them for someone is when that someone was purple, which they dislike fdjkgahdf But fr Jejune has a despicable weak spot for trolls so genuine and kind that they can't prove that it's fake. They're drawn to kindness because of how much they crave it, but they usually make themselves into a nuisance for that kind of person. They love heights and secret places while also enjoying some mild thrill-seeking now and then. Idk what vibe Jeje would have here but I feel like there could be something...
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
dumb fantroll ask meme, even numbers for teags
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Do you have any strange fascinations?
some Trolls would say my inTeresT in rainbow drinkers, buT I JusT Think They're neaT.
What if your favorite part of the body? Why is it your favorite?
aesTheTically? necks and sTomachs are nice. everyone has Them, They can be equally aTTracTive on all Jenders and in differenT shapes or sizes.
What are your guilty pleasures? How would you handle it if someone found out about them?
maybe some of my uh, casual reading. I Think iT would depend who iT was and how They reacTe'T. iT's noT like iT's anyThing awful buT some people geT weird abouT romance novels....
Other then your own blood color if there any color you have strong feelings for, negative or positive, and why?
Jade, for reasons already known. I've always found Teals fucking annoying on averaJe. and I'm noT fond of yellow alThough iT's noT exacTly anyone's faulT There. I guess I also have a Thing for geTTing piTch wiTh Tall ass purplebloods buT I have no idea how ThaT happened.
Any fears? If so how hindering to you are they in everyday life.
I am cauTious abouT undead and I Think ThaT's a fairly common sense Thing To worry abouT.
Are their any secrets your keeping, yes or no? What if someone found out your secrets, how much would you do to keep it secret.
There are, and I have and will conTinue To kill should I need To.
Do you have an event in your past you regret? Would you change it if you could, if so how much do you think it’d change how you were today?
daTing mark, I mighT have haTe'T myself a liTTle less in my early adulThood....
Would you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted. How much do you like the company of others? Do crowds bother you or do you like the social energy.
inTroverTe'T. I like groups if I know The Trolls involved. groups of sTranJers make me nervous acTually, and I prefer one-on-one Time wiTh Trolls I'm close To. ironic considering I have a fairly larJe number of friends now >:J
How do you feel about pailing? Does it have to be a close bond, or a more casual thing to you.
in piTch iT can be casual. buT I'm monogamous in red and even if oz and I weren'T maTespriTs righT now, I'd probably Take Things slower wiTh someone in red Than piTch.
Are you easily jealous? How does jealousy make you feel?
I don'T Think so? >;J iT would have To be very specific siTuaTions To geT me Jealous like ThaT.
Is there any hobby you’ve given up but with you could try again one day?
recenTly, I sTarTe'T wriTing again. does ThaT counT?
How organized are you? Are you nit picky, or easy going? Are you ok with messes or does everything have to be tidy?
fairly organized buT I Tend To leave a few Things in piles around The hive unTil I feel bad abouT iT and clean iT up.
Do you have any addictions or anything you just can’t live without?
I suppose I do and I'm working on.... biTing back a biT.
Do you believe in second chances? Would you give someone who wronged you a second chance?
iT depends on The person and whaT They did buT I guess ThaT means yes overall.
Do you fear your own mortality? How much does the idea of dying scare you, or have you accepted it’s going to happen one day?
probably noT as much as I should if I go by oz and 'khena's opinions.
Do you have any problems with touching others? Do you not like being touched. Are you a touchy person?
I can be Touchy wiTh cerTain Trolls buT I don'T like being surprised. I Tend To geT sTabby.
Do you feel like you have to prove yourself? Do you feel you have a reputation to uphold or do you not care about how others see you?
a biT yeah. probably a hold over from when I was hemoanonymous, buT I'm noT as bad as back Then
Are you a creative troll? Is there anything you like doing to express yourself? Drawing, sculpture, ect?
wriTing and dance!
Do you have a bad temper? How hard is it to control your temper if you even try.
I'm usually amused when Trolls Try To piss me of buT some of my piTch quads are a biT Too good aT iT. I Tend To hold grudges in The rare case someone who isn'T a parTner succeeds in Ticking me off.
You get lost, what would you do? What course of action would you take to find your way?
I'm preTTy good wiTh survival sTuff so as long as I can find a source of waTer and avoid undead, I can hunT and geT myself orienTe'T preTTy easily To geT back To somewhere I know.
What is your favorite scent? Are their any scents that trigger memories for you?
The painT akhena makes. or The way oz smells like good cooking and incense and blood and someThing comforTing.
I guess weT howlbeasT reminds me of my wrigglerhood. iT's nosTalJic
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gyroshrike · 2 years
Gamzee for the ask game? (I think I can guess the otp :) )
For the “Send me a character and I’ll tell you…” ask game
Oh ho ho ho, yesss, one of my boys, thank you.
My NOTP for them - I... Do I have any Gamzee notps? None of the general ships you see around really get to me all that much?
This is gonna sound weird, but I'm so picky about end game gamtav that it ALMOST creeps into notp territory. It's really, really hard for me to enjoy endgame/Earth C gamtav unless it's very specifically done. It's so hard for me to see a future for Gamzee at the end of Act 7. They're at such points in their lives that I absolutely would NOT want to see them in relationship immediately at the end of canon. There would need to be countless amounts of emotional progress, growth, and/or redemption on their own terms first, THEN they can get together :3
Not a notp, but I am pretty strictly pale gamkar. Not a flushed gamkar person, but I still find it cute so shrug???
Actually, also really like Gamzee and Cirava getting to just hang out and smoke together. That's all I want.
My OTP for them - pfft. Psssh. Pft. Uhhhh, like I even need to say this one. I can survive off the dew of a single ginko leaf, the energy of the universe, and pbj sandwiches. (Link is to my 3k+ word rant on why gamtav is my absolute otp of otp’s. I would absolutely kill for them.)
My second choice pairing for them - Pale gamkar all the way. Love me some opposite moirails. I realized recently why I think Gamzee is so good for Karkat.With almost anyone else Karkat talks with, Karkat gets push back in some way, and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing! Or that it’s bad for Karkat! I was just thinking about that one chance Gamzee got to calm Karkat down post murderstuck and it was Karkat literally just so ready to fight and Gamzee is just “nah man :o( just maybe thinking you should try to calm down a little” and Karkat just seemed... so floored? By the lack of fight? And he’s basically just, “OH. RIGHT. OKAY. YEAH, YOU’RE MY MOIRAIL. YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO CALM ME DOWN. OKAY. I’M CALMING DOWN.”
And it just made me think of Karkat not knowing how to deal with Gamzee’s lack of pushback so he just... runs out of steam? Because he has no conflict to cycle off of? And idk it just makes my heart soft...
And speaking of opposite moirails, Karkat is just the HIGHEST strung motherfucker while Gamzee can be THE most pliable pile of soft goo. They balance each other :’D
My fluffy pairing for them - Not a romantic ship, but I adore a familial relationship between Gamzee and Calliope and Caliborn. Either with him just really caring about them as babies or AU's where he can be more of a dad to them (CALLIOPE SEEING GAMZEE AS A DAD POST CANON FUCKS ME UP DON'T TOUCH MEEE I'M IN THE THROES OF EMOTION.) Or humanstuck AU's where he's actually their dad, older brother, or adopts them ugh they get me. Dads who don't know what they're doing, all they know is they care a lot and trying their best? So good.
My angsty pairing for them - This is just copy pasted from my Terezi ask:
 If I don't fully indulge with bffs Gamzee and Terezi in an AU, then I love me some ashen Gamzee♣️Rose♣️Terezi when it comes to more canon compliant material. With how upset over his qudrants Gamzee was in openbound? Plus it being post murderstuck? PLUS Rose having to deal with some of the most difficult trolls? I feel like there's a whole slew of really delicious angst just waiting there. A Gamzee afraid of losing Karkat, a Terezi lost in her guilt over killing Vriska, and both tearing into each other in some ugly, misdirected pitch flirting, Rose would absolutely have her hands full and probably get a kick out of it. I also love the idea of Rose just seeing it as a fun social learning experience "oooh troll quadrants and getting to play therapist" type thing, but then she really starts to understand the depth of the bonds ashen relationships have and she really comes to care so much for both of them.
Honorable mention to pitch Aradia♠️Gamzee with Gamzee being full on servant of Lord English and Aradia trying to be the keeper of time and the two of them meeting and clashing over and over throughout time and space as two opposing forces.
My favorite poly ship for them - Oooh, ho ho ho, love me some Gam♥️Equius♥️/♠️Tavros. Gamzee adores Equius so much tbh. Gamzee was just a huge sweetheart to Equius pre-game and just loved talking to him. Equius seemed pretty pitch (and I love Gamzee♠️Equius) towards him, but I think I like the idea of Equius letting himself be loved and recieve soft red affection from Gamzee is so cute.
I have a lot more thoughts about them, but it mostly focuses on Tavros and Equius’ dynamic, so I’ll save it for my Tavros ask.
My weirdest pairing for them - Probably the weirdest I've got for Gamzee is him pailing his auspistice, Arsast Aporia, a fantroll from Miracle Child. I call it "The Naughty Auspistice" series. It really all started while talking about the idea of Gamzee and Arsast kissing in a hypothetical game of truth or dare and then they realize, "Uh oh, they kind liked it," then Arsast gets the funky idea to distract Gamzee's desire to pail Sephar (the other ashmate), by pailing Gamzee himself. It's just... I've explored 'rails with pails before, but this is this the first time considering clubs who pail (there's probably a more clever term for it out there). It's just some silly thing I've come to really enjoy eheheh, especially with the social inappropriateness of it and them kind of needing to sneak around to do it.
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smolfailure · 4 years
but it's only half shitposts and there are actual Thoughts in there.
You don't need to have read the comic to understand because I tried not to spoil anything major, but it'd help if you knew basic stuff about classpects, SBURB and the hemospectrum.
disclaimer: i'm not a good pixel artist and this is my first actual sprites ever so please be kind to my weird pixels
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The Kids:
tommy, tubbo and fundy one of the kids because they're the kids in dream smp canon (with fundy being son of wilbur)
techno's there because i want to make a dave strider reference (haha get it because techno's name is also da-- *gets shot) and also because they are both coolguys except instead of using irony, techno has adhd
The Trolls:
Wilbur Soohte (fuschia)
?????? Ehrret (violet)
J????? Shlatt (purple)
Nihacu Niikki (indigo)
Skeppy Diamon (cerulean)
Quacki Tthiey (teal)
Philza Myncra (jade)
Dreame Wastkn (lime disguising as olive)
George Notfou (gold)
Sapphe Nahfpe (bronze)
Badboy Haelow (burgundy)
don't come at me saying only females are allowed to be jades and fuschias; gender is fake and this is an au
more of the AU and the talksprites are under the cut:
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Red
chaotic. the first person to be introduced.
when he gets introduced instead of the “Zoosmell Pooplord” bit, Tommy is initially going to be the name inputted but then backspaced it and decided that Tommyinnit was better and he was fuming until he’s named Tommy.
Gives me big Blood/Hope vibes. Blood because a lot of the conflict of the dream smp connected to someone breaking his trust or harming the things he cares about, Hope because a lot of the plot of the dream smp stems from Tommy starting shit based on his ideals and what he thinks is right.
the first to instigate fighting against the trolls
bbh contacts him once and tommy keeps cursing until he disconnects from frustration rip
wields Gunkind and his only strife weapon at the beginning is the Vlog gun. He has Gunkind as his strife specibus mainly because he looked up at schlatt and he imitates him.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Orange
it was his idea to play SBURB but only through Dream.
he talks to dream the most among the other trolls fwt stans getcha juice this is the rosemary of the session
dream’s the one giving him exposition about the game so that’s how he knows how to play SBURB.
wilbur trolls fundy once and instantly adopts him.
“You’re my son.” “How does that even work??” “I was one of the people who created your universe. It’s basically the same thing.”
Fundy relents anyway.
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Pink
dave strider but dead-inside voice + rose lalonde english major vibes
he slices the text box when you try to name him "Dave " like in
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techno gives me time player vibes (contantly on the move. his skyblock series, his “stays in the pit” monologue,) but also rage vibes (anarchy,  the “theseus” monologue, political alignment is Chaos) alas i am not sure what class
uses Tridentkind and claims "it came from god"
 it was dream, he accidentally transportalized one of wilbur’s weapon while he testing the transportalizer.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Green
the jade harley of this session. the only thing keeping them from going apeshit. where would they be without him.
but also jade harley in a sense that he seems nice and wholesome but also don’t fuck with them they can mess you up
Heart/Life vibes??? someone good at classpecting help
i put them in prospit bc of the "tubbo third eye" instead of tubbo having a sixth sense or smth, they see the future from the clouds of skaia when they sleep
wields Stress-relieverKind at some point
bonus: everyone’s actual hair colors
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Ideas about the Trolls
no i haven’t done their sprites yet bc it would take so much time and i’m not even sure if people wanna see more of this au skjdkdsakdfkl,, but i have Design Ideas.
events of the dsmp revolution are just a FLARP session drawing parallels to how the homestuck trolls had a FLARP session that spoiler alert: destroyed friendships. dtrio, eret, will are involved. eret betrays will's faction and wilbur's still Bitter over that.
on the context of alternia (highbloods and lowbloods) lmanburg and dreamsmp have their roles SWAPPED.  the emancipation theme thing is completely gone since highbloods are in more power than the lowbloods (the dream team) . 
wilbur made a faction called l’manburg because he wants a place where he and his fellow highbloods could make drugs vibe.they take a piece of land that was owned by the dream team. in normal circumstances, they shouldve stood down because lowbloods aren't supposed to start shit with highbloods (especially a group of highbloods that has the alternian heir among them)  but dream turned it into an activism thing about lowblood rights. the story plays as close as possible without tommy or tubbo in it (which is pretty hard ik but this is the best can do).
like in the dreamsmp revolution, dream kinda let wilbur do what he wants but this time he has more reason to because he’s in a lower caste. dream really only fought back when wilbur announced that he’d be building lmanburg on their land and calling it theirs.
eret betrays wilbur by supporting the lowbloods and wilbur and co. technically won but only because he finally called the drones in, as a reference to how lmanburg absolutely got crushed by the dream team in the smp but technically won. l’manburg keeps the piece of land and the dream team scatter away to find a new home.
wilbur soot's a fuschia because a) he's in a position that has a lot of power, b) yknow how he wrote a song about squids and his thing with sally… yeah.
eret's a violet because nobility!! dream looks down on him because he's ambivalent on fighting for lowblood rights when he's in a power to do so "you just sit there, and you look pretty that's it"
also like eridan he has a minor aesthetic mutation (herobrine eyes) that won't classify him as a mutant.
jschlatt is purple because it makes sense thematically because of the gamzee parallels (a. substance abuse b. if you know what happens in act 6, you know this already but spoiler alert, he ruins the main protagonists' lives) also he's a funnyman he deserves the clown caste
 quackity's a teal because he’s a law student. moving on--
 ok but for real it also makes sense thematically because he's the one who wrote the thing that tricked schlatt into agreeing also he gets manipulated by schlatt which also draws parallels to certain events in the comic
skeppy and bbh are BEST FRIENDS despite being highblood and lowblood respectively. initially, skeppy just wanted to bother bbh but they grew to be good friends in time. y’know like how they actually becane friends :D
philza minecraft is a jade because dad friend. also works thematically, because spoiler alert he gets to murder a seadweller for going batshit crazy. 
he also god tiers early. he dies fighting his quick undead denizen (haha baby zombie) but the consorts of his land carry him to his quest bed because he’s treated them all so well.
dream was initially going to be another caste but then i realized that means i have to make his hoodie something other than green which is unacceptable so its a good thing the fact that he's a lime works out
dream was the one who thought of playing sgrub in the first place- initially only planned to have gogy, sap, and bbh in the session but then realized that they four won't be enough so he invited more into his session
he’s also the first to go godtier ez clap blind speedrun not sure what classpect tho
the only reason why dream avoided being culled at birth for being a limeblood is because his rng is That Good. he quickly picked up the fact that he’s not supposed to exist and masqueraded as an oliveblood and kept mostly to himself to avoid suspicion.
george is still colorblind but he has lazer eyes along with it instead. dream lives with him in the same hive since being a mutant means dream doesn’t get a lusus of his own (dnf fans getcha juice “and they were roommates”) 
despite living in the same hive, he never really figures out that dream is a limeblood. possibly because a) he’s colorblind and when he sees dream bleeding he just sees yellow b) he’s just that fucking oblivious and it’s so valid of him.
sapnap’s a bronzeblood mainly because i know he’s the instigator of the pet war with tommy also because i associate him with the color orang in my mind so bronze it is
that’s the end of this long-ass post!! if you have other ideas PLEASE i want to hear them. i don’t know the other streamers i mentioned in here very well so if you have ideas that would be fitting to them like with classpect or lunar sway that would be GREAT. 
the only thing i’m confident about in here are the kids’ lunar sways. i’m not an expert in classpects and homestuck lore so there’s that too!! i just wanted to make this post because adhd means that the idea wouldn’t shut up until i finished it. This initially started as a single shitpost edit of tommyinnit talksprite but then the hiveswap 2 trailer came out and that means i have to combine my two hyperfixations.
also i have ideas about potential quadrants but idk how much of that is breaking some streamers’ boundaries about shipping (even the non romantic quads such as kismesistude, morallegiance and auspisticism) so i decided not to include it.
edit: apparently people want more so i made a discord server as a place to brainstorm!! please pm me to join!
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Hello! I recently found your blog from having read your fic! I LOVE it! Do you have any fozzer or chahut headcanons? Maybe moirail or matesprit ones? I know not many ask about fozzer, but i like him and im Trying to find more content or make some for the lad!
Thank you so much!!!! I’m glad you’re enjoying it!!!
This was kinda broad so I put in a bit of everything so it admittedly pretty vague, but please let me know if you’re looking for something more specific!
- Enjoys doing activities with his partners and feeling that they genuinely are taking an interest in his hobbies, things like digging holes and troll marxism/praising the empire’s glory. In the commune, he is the man actually volunteering to do physical labor so you know those quads won’t be open for long 😍
-Jokes aside, I do feel like his favorite activities are ones where he genuinely feels like he’s doing something. He’s very much a quality time sort of guy.
- Regardless of quad, he does enjoy having a relationship where he can rest in comfortable silence with someone and know it doesn’t mean anything other than you two doing your own thing
-Is a very physical partner. Look at his arms and tell me he doesn’t give good hugs. Going off of this, will initially resist being given a backrub as the soreness is this bit of physical proof of having accomplished some work. He will eventually relent. He deserves it.
-Is psychic and very sensitive to the presence of ghosts. He is also a gravedigger. A terrible combo. He has gotten very good at explaining supernatural phenomena as anything other than what they are. It’s in your best interest not to try to correct him because he needs to sleep and knowing this won’t help.
-Tends to be on the more doing things to clear your mind side of things. Repetitive tasks soothe him and he values having a productive outlet for feelings. If you more need to pull away from work he can, albeit with a bit more difficulty, but forcing it won’t help and will ultimately decrease productivity
-Chahut is great at making food. You think she got the way she is by looking at food? No. Absolutely not. She is the double threat of cook and baker and many a clown is willing to sit through one of her sermons if it means they can grab one of her brownies after the service.
-So cooking with her or letting her invite you over for food is a big deal and great bonding/learning experience. Never did you know how many different uses of Faygo there truly are. You know how some people do weird shit with Coke? That’s her with Faygo, but she truly makes it work.
-Church stuff is important to her so expect to be a part of that. Being both banned from the premises but also more or less being told not to kill you puts you in a weird place ngl. Expect to be passing out brochures or something to churchgoers and their “guests.” You’re going to be a real familiar face for the regular crowd.
-This might just be me, but I do think she’d like bath bombs, not for skincare, but entertainment. The ones that change the water color and have glitter in them would tickle her fancy. Hot water and chilling in a tub that could be considered a small pool would be a cute occasional activity.
-Is a physical person and is most likely larger than you. Mostly used to her size as a means to passively intimidate people but enjoys the visual comedy in the dichotomy between you two and you not being worried about getting into her personal space. Because let’s face it, little alien walking up to a large clown in full confidence? Absolute gold.
-Brushing her hair is an ultimately futile endeavor. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t see too much of a point in fussing over it if she knows she’s going to mess it up grabbing paint shortly. She doesn’t see much of an issue enjoying an indulgence or two at this point.
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
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This is me being completely self-indulgent. Amy Rose wrote so many great fics and ficlets. If you don’t care for fluff you should probably skip this one but otherwise ALL of these are worth a read (re-read). 
Possibly I Like The Thrill Of Under Me You | 12.2K | Explicit
It’s not that the idea of Stiles talking about him doesn’t make his stomach wrap itself in knots, it’s that it does just that. It makes him unbelievably uncomfortable and he doesn’t quite know why. He’s twenty seven years old, he pays taxes, he takes his mother out for lunch on Sundays; he is a grown up. But he’s getting weird butterflies when he glances over his shoulder to look at Stiles and a heat in his chest that feels something like what he supposes want must feel like.
Losers | 34.2K | Explicit
The one where Derek falls for a jock, Erica will cut you if you disturb her studying, and Jackson is a closeted romantic who pretends to hate everything.
Show Me The Way Back Home Baby | 14.9K 
In which Lydia and Jackson produce the world's cutest baby, and the pack goes crazy-- the good kind of crazy. Except for Derek, who is afraid of tiny cute babies and Stiles who plans to be the best Uncle ever. Even if Danny called dibs on Godfather.
It's Always Been You, Dumbass | 11K
“Alright, cool, we should go,” Stiles says breezily, dusting off his hands as he stands.
“We should?”
“But… Do you even care about photography?”
“Not as much as I should,” Stiles plants both his hands on the table, bracketing Derek in, “You’ll have to correct my miscreant ways.”
warm shadows | 22K
“Fine,” Stiles spits back, “We’ll die together, it’ll be dandy.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Derek snaps, “I’ll get some peace and quiet for once.”
Stiles grins suddenly, blindingly. There’s blood on his teeth, and his eyes are dark and desperate as he looks up at Derek, but he’s never looked more stupidly, infuriatingly beautiful.
never found a boy (to love me like you do) | 6.6K | Mature
Stiles sits down opposite him, long fingers wrapping round the vodka bottle’s neck as he drags it towards him. “Huh.” He’s practically caressing the lid as he unscrews it and Derek shifts in his seat, looks determinedly elsewhere.
every version of me falls in love with you | 9.5K
A little girl wearing a bright pink tutu flies down the steps and towards Derek. Derek has time to remember that according to Scott, her name is Rosaline, she’s five and that she’s Derek’s daughter, before she’s leaping into his arms. He catches her easily, breathes in her scent of milk and oranges and to his pleasant surprise, Derek, and someone else, too. Someone that smells good. She smells like home to him.
table thirteen | 8.1K
Where stiles has a series of disastrous first dates at the hale family restaurant, and derek pretends he's not wishing he was the one sitting opposite stiles, rather than serving him.
Game On | 6.3K
Derek first sees him from across the quad four days into fall semester. He’s sitting on one of the long benches, a marker pen in his mouth, grinning at something the kid lounging on the bench beside him is saying. When he laughs properly he pulls the pen out and throws his head back, his neck a long, lean line Derek is entranced by. He flicks the page in his book and highlights something, tossing the cap up in the air and catching it with his teeth.
5 ways cosmo can help you win your man | 5.7K
Where derek never had to work to get a date, he always had someone pursue him or ask him out. but when derek sees stiles, he waits and thinks stiles will stroll up and ask him out. everyone of his past relationships started that way, until stiles doesn’t. and derek is left with the horrifying possibility that he will have to make the first move and dare he think of it, flirt? and attempt small talk. and it turns out, he’s really bad at it. maybe he even tries cosmo tips and calls his sisters, both of whom are like 100% trolling him
awful, wonderful you | 16.9K | Mature
Truth be told, Derek was suffering from the mild delusion he lived in all summer wherein he actually thought this year might be different, and he might, perhaps, be able to bury the hatchet with Stiles and start over.
The superglue that’s destroyed a ninety dollar pair of pants, however, says otherwise. Derek knows how this play goes down; eventually, he’s going to have to climb out of the pants and trudge back to his dorm half naked. Stiles will gloat for a damn week; Derek will have to put up with constant remarks about Stiles getting him out of his pants... Dammit, he’s actually going to get Derek out of his pants, and it’s not even close to the way he pictured it happening.
big light | 4.7K
Stiles brandishes a bunch of daisies at Derek, “Saw these and thought of you.”
Derek looks down at the gas station flowers, lifts his eyebrows, “Because they’re dried out and a little wilted?”
Come Fly With Me (Or Don't) | 15.3K | Mature
Stiles is overworked and stressed out when his flight home gets delayed due to copious amounts of snow. He finds entertainment with one Derek Hale, whom he hasn't seen since high school but really doesn't mind getting reacquainted with.
Especially when it turns out Derek is surprisingly hilarious and will reluctantly play snap with him. And can walk on his hands.
i have always been the storm | 25.2K | Explicit
“I haven’t done weather since college,” Derek protests.
Boyd snorts again, presumably because he’s thinking back to the time when Derek and the weather last collided and he…. well, did the guy into the weather for a brief, wonderful, terribly foolish time. But, Boyd needs to shut up before Derek punches him on the nose.
But, Doctor! | 30.2K | Mature
“We had to splint a girl’s leg in a ditch,” Scott says excitedly.
“Bro, you sound way too happy about that,” Stiles complains, opening up his bag and pulling out a Twinkie.
Derek removes it from his hand silently and replaces it with an apple. Stiles scowls at him for a second then bites into it, regardless. Derek sits back and lets the group discuss the merits of dramatic lifesaving feats for winning over the ladies. Scott is convinced it’ll help impress Allison; Isaac thinks Scott’s a loser. Stiles—
Stiles is falling asleep on Derek’s shoulder.
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ridasverkisto · 4 years
who are your top ten black clover characters and ships (romantic, platonic)? talk about them!
Oooooooh. This is gonna be a long one so buckle in. I’m also splitting the answer into two—so this is top ten ships, and I’ll do top ten characters in a separate post, because this is long. 😅
Before I get going, I’m just going to say this is in no particular order—I’m listing them in the order they come to mind, as I love all of these pairings for different reasons so it’s hard for me to rank them. I’ll also preface that for most of my pairings it usually doesn’t matter much to me whether it’s romantic or platonic, so long as they’re not. Y’know. Actual siblings/family/etc. Also for the purposes of this ask, I’m leaving out stuff like...the Black Bulls as a platonic ship tag. They’re found family, it’s sort of a given, so this isn’t going to focus on that. And before anyone asks, yes, I have crackships. I am not apologizing.
[If this needs a page break to keep from clogging tags lmk, btw]
1. Magna/Luck (and/or Magna & Luck, it’s the same to me)
What can I say? I’m a sucker for two dumbass best friends who share a brain cell living their best lives. Their dynamic is fun and interesting—Luck literally views Magna as fun and interesting and he loves bothering him because of how he reacts, while Magna started out hating it but grew incredibly fond of Luck’s antics.
They’re dumbasses, but they’re loveable dumbasses who bring out both the best and worst in each other, and I just love the way they interact. It’s great and I love them both so much 💕
2. Finral & Langris
Okay okay so. I know there’s baggage here, because Langris is an entitled little asshole trashbaby, but hear me out. Finral gets to be an older brother, exasperated with Langris and trying super hard to be a good sibling, while Langris is still a trashbaby but a softer one. Like.
They are Peak Sibling Energy, because I can see Langris insulting Finral because “polite interaction with my loser brother, how tf?” But the moment someone else tries to insult Finral, Langris gets annoyed. It’s the younger sibling Rights, only the sibling gets to insult the other siblings and if you try to get in on that fuck you. Meanwhile, Finral learns to be the responsible older sibling to Langris, and steps into being more responsible in other parts of his life while repairing his relationship with Langris.
Not going to lie, a lot of my love for this ship is because I’m probably projecting my own relationship with my own brother onto them to some extent, and my love for proper Sibling Energy has no bounds because that shit��s hilarious when done right.
Let Finral and Langris develop the weird half-unspoken language of siblings, let them reference embarrassing things and blackmail each other over stupid shit like “who’s going to go refill the teapot” or something!! Let them be petty and loving and protective as they learn to be siblings again, because growth!!!!
3. Julius & Yami & William
Why yes, I am a polyshipper. But mostly what I really like about this one is the history and the dynamics between the three of them.
On the one hand you have Julius, who’s hugely respected by the other two, basically mentored/parented them both, and loves them both a hell of a lot. (You can’t look at the way Julius looks at Yami and William and tell me that’s not love, fuck you)
On another, you have Yami; he’s the outcast, loner, stranger in a strange land who was given a support system and place to belong by Julius. He also struggles to understand the less forthright William, and is fiercely loyal. Like. This man loves and respects Julius so fucking much, and it’s shown through such small gestures, it’s amazing.
And finally, there’s William—who couldn’t chose between Julius and Patry, yeah. Who’s a coward and a troll and hides behind his words and masks, but has made the choice to atone for his mistakes. He feels a lot, and is so clearly trying to be better it hurts.
The way the three of them interact has a lot of history and intricacy behind it, and even with current events in the series, I really really love their relationship with each other. This isn’t a ship I love for fluff, but for the tension and aching weight of history and growing up that lies heavy on it. It’s got this lovely sort of pain to it that feels like nostalgia in the summer heat, knowing nothing is ever going to be like it was once and still deciding to hold onto what you have with both hands.
I never said I ship for fluff and romance—I’m here for dynamics, and these three have amazing dynamics. (I will note for this one that it’s one that I can’t see as romantic at all. Not the least bc Julius was literally in his twenties when Yami and William were like 15, bc ~fuck that shit~)
4. William/Dorothy/Rhya
Is this a crackship? Yes!
Have these characters barely if ever interacted on screen? Yes!
Am I probably the only person who thought of this ship and wants to see content for it? Yes!
Do I give a fuck? No!
Not gonna lie, I know this is a crackship of massive proportions. But I’m here for the dynamics and the dynamics here have the potential to just be so damn cathartic, okay?
If I go on a deep tangent about this ship it’ll end up being an entire essay, so that can wait for another day, so I’ll just...give you this: these three have a lot to give each other to challenge and help each other grow. There’s a lot of potential, and tension, and catharsis here. The contrasts and dynamics between the three of them would be interesting and immensely entertaining.
I’ll also shamelessly admit that a good portion of this is also fueled by my personal head canons of William being a trans guy, Dorothy being feminine presenting nb, and Rhya just straight up being pan and attracted to strong people. What can I say? I know what I like lmao 😂
5. Yuno & Asta
I’m a sucker for good friendly rivalries. Especially ones full of so much mutual respect!!! Like, they both respect each other and care so fucking much is amazing ❤️
And don’t get me wrong, I get the people that ship them romantically and I’ll read it; but I see their relationship as more sibling rivalry/platonic than anything else.
You can’t look at Yuno being a Dramatic Bitch to get on Asta’s nerves and tell me that’s not Peak Sibling Energy, because I tell you I have done the exact same to my own brother. Let them be dorks and friends and brothers, bc it WORKS.
6. Rill/Charmy/Langris
Yes, yes this is another crackship. No, I do not care! And yes, i am aware it will very likely never be canon.
I just really like the image of Langris being reluctantly folded into the dynamic of two cinnamon rolls who could probably flatten him if they really wanted to. And Langris slowly coming to the realization that he actually really likes them and cares for them, even if he is a bit tsun-tsun about expressing it sometimes.
Plus, y’know, Rill and Charmy won’t indulge his asshole-ier behaviors, and if he pisses Charmy off he’s very likely to get his ass kicked.
I can’t really explain it more than that other than I just really really like the dynamics with this trio and I hold it very close to my heart 💕
7. Finral & Vanessa
Let them be friends!!! Let them be platonic best friends!!!! I love their dynamic, esp if you expand on it and take a look at how Finral and Vanessa can play off of each other. BEST FRIENDS.
8. David & Letoile
I know everyone likes to think of them as the chaotic one and the no-nonsense one, but consider: Letoile getting wrapped up in David’s shenanigans bc they’re just as ride or die as Magna and Luck are. Everyone thinks of her as the other holder of the Golden Dawn’s self restraint, and she sort of is, but her standards of what should be restrained is very different from Klaus’s.
9. Julius & Marx (can also be Julius/Marx, but only prior to the whole deaging thing)
Wholesome ship! It’s already obvious that they care about each other a lot in canon, so let that be expanded upon and developed more. It also adds the fun bit that the issues with Julius running away from his paperwork become even more comical with the added context. It starts to feel less like a subordinate yelling at their commandeer and more like an old married couple or something 😂
10. Leopold & Asta & Yuno & Noelle
Three competitive dumbasses and the exasperated one who makes it worse. I love them all and I think they make the best fucking quad friend group;; let them be friends, please. Please. Just the shenanigans they would get into makes me cackle with glee.
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
yooo consider this: pale rufioh/latula! i feel like theyd get each other and really click yknow? they both understand the stress of keepin up an image and wanting everyone to think youre cool, plus they both got hella anxiety
.....ok shit ye that's adorbs af and now thanks for the writing idea/material nonnie. -not doin quirks for this-
aothree link for this fic
okay this is fine this is fine just breath in, breath out, one, two, three, four, ten, twenty-...fuck fuck FUCK nope that’s not working damnit! c’mon pyrope ya can’t just suck this badly at calming yourself!
your name is latula pyrope and your suffering the worst of panic attacks in your after life. you’d think, maybe wish and dream even these stopped by the time your dead but ol paradox space was like ‘hey latula fuck you death doesn’t get rid of your anxiety or anyone else’s own physical, mental or emotional problems!’
you’ve taken cover in one of the forest-y dream bubbles. the familiarity of blue bark and pink leaves reminds you of the parks you used to hang at that were closeby your hive. shreddin it on them pipes and-wait-fuck nonononono don’t think bout it!
don’t think about your skating, don’t think about everyone’s reactions to you, all those eyes, all those comments of disbelief and bewilderment, the twinge of fear at a mediocre response to your rad moves, how disappointed they’d be if you flopped making yourself look like a damn phoney-
okay so this is NOT helping your think pan get off the panic coaster 2000, with wild reviews of going fifty miles a second and 9/10 liklyhood to hurl your cotton candy out on the first out of five runs on it.
this would be the time you pop your medication down your throat but somehow these bullshit bubbles had ya run out! which is bullshit what kinda afterlife where ya imagine wha the hell ever has ya run outta anxiety meds!? hell why does it let ya keep the anxiety!? and for that record how does anxiety medicine even work when your DEAD like is it some mind game to make ya THINK your not anxietic anymore? talk about major irony if that’s the case.
your hiding your face in your knees as you sit in a ball, it’s quiet in the bubble but it feels like there’s more noise then wind and leaves falling. screams, static, footsteps...wait no that’s not your mind trying to give ya a damn migraine of fake noises that’s actual noise in your presence.
damn it you really didn’t wanna have to meet anyone in here. your begging it’s maybe porrim at least she gets ya. you hear a small clanking that you know too well is a plastic pill bottle. your looking up fast not expecting those rad familiar wings and spooked face from the rufioh nitram.
...well..fuck there goes your rad girl cred from the rad-est dude of your entire team (well, second rad-est your tuna is the most radical of bro’s). you look between him and the bottle as he looks...weirdly awkward. probably cause you look so lame pyrope.
he bends down enough and at the right height you snag it, pop the cap off and swallow two pills from it. your used to dry swallowing them sometimes and take a breath as you calm down letting the weird magical pills take over. you hear him situate and sit beside you, as best as he can with those hefty wings and horns.
“doin aight?” he asks as if he’s got no idea what to do as you nod. “yeah...yeah thanks its uh...it’s just nothin one of those days yknow?” you try bullshitting out trying to keep your radgirl persona up even though it’s obvious to the most pan-dead of trolls that that cover is blown to high hell.
“yeah. totally just, a wipeout right?” he asks and you perk up a bit...surprised how well he took that...too well you may add. you lay back on the tree and hum. “yeah, just, a wicked mess earlier. it’s cool though.”
okay this is weird. your feeling something’s rounding the bend of twists. like why is he here? why does he have anxiety meds right on him? how did he know you needed em? why is he not flipping his shit over how not cool and okay you were acting!?
atleast 75% of it starts collecting though as you think it further. kinda. you had to take a moment to remember if zahhak actually had anxiety or was just that awkward and if you could get high off those meds which, yeah probably could you’d be in for a gnarly trip if you didn’t care about yourself a little bit.
so you both sit there, letting leaves fall, wind blowing, normal shit for two abnormally radical rebels like yourselves who your slowly realizing aren’t all like that. you decide to break the ice first asking “you...gonna tell anyone?”
he rubs the back of his head like he always does that you’ve noticed. “uhh, mean, long as ya don’t tell anyone, i won’t.” you get it. on the same halfpipe your both grinding on. you put your fist up halfway, he takes a minute but moves to fist bump you.
“pretty rad nitram.”
“rad yourself haha.”
“we...should do this more often.”
“uhh heh i dunno, don’t think multiple panic attacks are good for ya.”
you elbow him with a fake ‘har har’ as he rubs the area. whoops, teal strength, you navigate around that real quick. “i mean hangin out dude.” he stops rubbing it to look at you curiously. “really? dunno mean, skating looks cool but-” you sigh. “no no dude just like this. one on one shit yknow?”
he looks a bit surprised at that and...agitated? did ya think this was too fast of a moment? maybe dude just wanted to help and here you are thinking this means your all buddy buddies now. “i mean...” he starts and you listen in. “...i dunno like, after the whole horrus thing i-”
“WOAH WOAH WOAH slow your tinkerbulls!” your blushing teal as you exclaim scooting back a bit. “dude not like that, i’m with mituna remember? i just meant like y’know, bonding over our anxiety complexities and shit. i don’t like, do that with alotta people like, porrim sometimes but her quad’s are always open so it’s like, temporary shit y’know?”
“oh.” he replies shocked almost as he looks away nervously. “mmm...dunno still mean. everyone assumes y’know, after the whole thing that, mean...y’know.” you huff, it’s not like your BLIND to past events but he’s really thinking too hard on it. “yeah well, obviously i wouldn’t do that.”
“mean...yeah but like, yknow some would still...uhm...” he shrinks a bit and how he acts has you boiling a bit inside, not at him though. “...who...would assume i would?” you ask your tone cold as he grits his teeth. “nitram.”
“look i dunno doll it’s just how everyone’s like these days.” that’s not answering your question but then again you really should’ve seen this kinda thought process pop up before. it still piss’s you off the idea that their all assuming you’d flip on a drop of a hat quadrant wise.
“yeah...well i’ll be the most bluntest of diamonds you could ask for.” you state gripping his shoulder. “gonna be loud and proud if your down for it i mean. like ‘ey me and my MOIRAIL are having the most pale of times now so shove it!’ kinda thing. again if you like, wanna i dunno.”
you let go and he rubs his shoulder with a shy smile, damn teal strength. “that...would be kinda cool but i mean...i dunno i’m fine just bein, chill y’know? just this is fine.” you raise a brow. “so...is it like...a yeah or a hell yeah?”
he looks more confident as he replies with a “hell fucking yeah.” as you both give the other a firm hand squeeze to eachother. your name is latula pyrope and you now got another rad dude to quad with.
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chuckepisodes · 4 years
Pilot Part 1
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"Morgan, this is a bad idea." Chuck said panicking. "Well, we can't stay here, Chuck. " "I'm uncomfortable with the plan." "Plan? What plan? This is survival. " "That's her. We've been compromised. I'm a ghost." "Morgan, you can't leave me like this. You can't do this to me, man."
"Chuck, what are you doing?"  Chuck's sister Ellie says coming in. "Uh, escaping." "From your own birthday party?" "Hey, Ellie. Wow, you look fan... tastic. " "Uh, you know, sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting in... at my birthday party, 'cause we don't know any body, 'cause they're all your friends and they all happen to be doctors." "Doctors who don't really get our jokes. " "Well, your jokes. " "Okay, my jokes." "Chuck, I have invited real, live women for you. And if you won't talk to them, Y/N is here for you too!"
You have been one of Chuck's best friends since childhood. You have always had a crush on him but were always too afraid to admit and the reasons being that one, you were afraid of admiting you liked him and ruining the friendship if he did not feel the same way and two, you were too awkward to do anything about it anyways. You did not know though that Chuck has always felt the same way too but too scared to admit for the same reasons. And he was afraid of you leaving him for someone else like his last girlfriend did.
"Really? She's here?" "Of course she is! She's your best friend! Why wouldn't she be here? So please...Let's go." Ellie said grabbing her brother's hand and leading him outside. "Morgan, you stay here." "Need a hand, buddy? " "No, no, no, I'm okay, I'm alright."
Once Chuck and Ellie got outside he felt all nervous seeing all the people out there. Ellie then got behind him and began pushing him more out there. "Birthday boy, come with me. We're going to be social. You are funny, you are smart, you are handsome." "Thank you." Chuck then saw Ellie's boyfriend, Devon aka Captain Awesome coming their way. "Oh, there's captain awesome." " Please don't call him that. " "Okay, I've identified some candidates for Chuck and they are awesome." Chuck looked over at Ellie for a second as Devon grabbed him and brought him over to the group of women. "Let me introduce you to Chuck, Ellie's brother." Devon said positioning Chuck right in front of the women. One of them came up and approached Chuck. "Hi, Chuck. We've heard so much about you. Are you in a costume?" Chuck looked at her weird. "No, I-I... I work for the Nerd Herd." "Nerd Herd? That is so cute." Another girl came up and approached him. "What do you really want to do?" "Working on my five-year plan. Just need to choose a font." The girl then looked down and grabbed his hand. "What happened here? Did you hurt your hand? " "No, no, it's, uh, from call of duty. The controller chafes after several hours." "So Ellie said you went to Stanford." " Yes, that's technically correct." " I graduated in '02. What was your major? " "Engineering. " "Oh, my god, I knew this great guy. He was an engineer, um, he ran track and I think he was a gymnast, too." "Bryce Larkin, he was my roommate." Chuck was starting to become uncomfortable now. "Oh, yes. What's he doing now?" " I think he's an accountant." "So, do you have a girlfriend? " "Uh, no... I did a while back at Stanford. Yeah. And her name was Jill. We met fresh man year." "Oh, that was a while back. " Chuck then started to go off. "I remember when I met Jill, I was... it was an economics class. I was walking across the quad and she had dropped her bag, and I was like, you know, rushing to... to go and pick it up for her, and, uh... and we kind of, like, did that whole, like, you know, kind of in a cartoon, kind of bumped heads, and... there was a whole gang of us... Jill and Bryce. We had so much in common then."
As that was going on Ellie went over to Devon knowing he was observing Chuck the whole time to see how we would do. "How's he doing? " "Not awesome. " "That's it. I need to find Y/N. She's got to be here somewhere. She can get him out of it."
Meanwhile, Chuck was still going on with his story not realizing all the girls left him. "So there I was, Jill with Bryce, me on a train home. I guess she though the was more exciting." He all of a sudden looked up and realized everyone had left but found his best friend Y/N standing in front of him. "You good there Chuck? You're talking to yourself." You said smiling trying not to laugh. Chuck looked up at you and smiled. "Very funny Y/N." He said with a smile on his face. "You know I need to tease." Chuck laughed softly and got up to give you a big hug. "Thanks for coming Y/N." "Of course! I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world." He squeezed you  tighter before letting you go and looked at you and smiled. Ellie then came on over. "Thanks for my party. Your seven-layer dip... tasted like eight. " "Chuck, can I tell you something? " "It really was eight layers?" You giggled looking at him. He was always such a goofball and you loved it. Ellie then looked over at you. "Y/N do you mind giving us a minute?" "Not at all girl! I'm just gonna head into your place to use your bathroom if that's okay?" "No problem Y/N." Ellie said. "Thanks. And hey maybe we can hang out for a little after Chuck?" "That would be great! I think Morgan is chilling in my room if you want to just head up there after." "Okay."
You put your hand on Chuck's shoulder for a sec then headed in. Once she was gone, Ellie turned back to her brother. "Even though we may ask, no woman really wants to hear about an old girlfriend. It's depressing, okay? Stanford was five years ago. You need to move on. It's time. " "Do we really have to have this conversation again?" " We've rehearsed it enough. " "Fine. I'll get over Jill tomorrow." "Seriously though Chuck. Even after all that , why can't you realize there is someone who has been there for you all the time." "Who?" Ellie just looked at him. "Y/N?" Chuck whispered not wanting you to hear since the windows were open.
"Yes!! Chuck it's so obvious you like her! Why won't you do anything about it!" Ellie whisper yelled. "It's complicated. She's my best friend. I would hate to screw that up and lose another girl." "Chuck that's crazy. She would never leave you. She has been with you at your best and your worst and she is still here. That's got to say something." Chuck sighed and looked down. "I know. We'll see okay?"
Ellie squealed. "Good! Now that that's done. You may go." Chuck laughed and started to head inside. Once he got to his door he turned back to his sister first. "Ellie. Why bring all these women over to try to hook up with me if you want me to try to get together with Y/N?" "Honestly I'm just getting desperate at trying to get you a girl. So I have no idea."
Chuck nodded his head and headed inside up to his room. Once he opened the door to his room he found both you and Morgan sitting on his bed. You looked over at him and smiled which he returned. That smile made him forget about everything going wrong in his life. God he wished he could tell you just how much you meant to him. "Seems like everybody had a really good time, huh? I know I did." Morgan spoke up. "Super." Chuck then went over to sit down on a chair. "Cheer up, Chuck, you talked to some women. " "You know, it's a start." You looked down feeling a bit jealous. You hated that they were trying to hook him up with some girl when you were the one who wanted to be with him. A sound then came on from Chuck's computer. Morgan and you looked over. "Wow blast from the past. Bryce remembered your birthday, dude." "Wow! Weird... Just saying." You said "What?" "The guy who got you kicked out of school, the guy who stole your girl, remember that guy?" "Yeah, Morgan, I think I remember Bryce." Chuck went over to his computer and you walked over to join him "All right, well... what, uh, what do we got here?" " Huh, what is it?" Morgan said joining.
"Zork... you remember Zork the old text, based video game? Well, Bryce and I programmed our own version of it back at Stanford using a trs-80." " Wow, you guys were really cool." "Impressive right?" You said. " Yeah, if I could only remember what was in my hero's satchel. The weapons that I would use to kill the terrible troll." " Right. You know what, you're still really cool. " "And, uh, you're going home." " Is it that time?" " It's that time." " Right. " "Pedal safe!"
As Morgan left you looked over at Chuck. "Did you want me to get going to?" "Uh no! Actually if you don't mind staying for a little longer? I wanted to talk to you about something." Chuck said sounding a little nervous. He wanted to talk to you about his feelings towards you finally. You smiled at him. "No problem Chuck." "Okay great! If you don't mind though I just want to check this out first if you don't mind. You can look too if you want." "Sure!" "Alright. Great!" Chuck then looked back at his computer and started to play the game and to see what Bryce was  up to. The game was asking him how to kill the troll. "Attack... troll... with nasty knife." All of a sudden his computer started acting weird and all the images and videos started flashing on his screen. Chuck stood up beside you as you both stared at the screen. Chuck reached over and grabbed your hand not understanding what was going on. You both started to get a major headache. The images and videos did not stop flashing till early in the morning. Once it stopped you both ended up falling on the floor passing out.
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dysfunctionaltrolls · 4 years
i feel bad for making this but i feel like i have to
baby’s first call out post
anyway,, i have some things id like to say. i have proof of all of this and it will all be under the cut. this is gonna be really long and im really sorry but its going to be the whole story so stick with me
content warning: being weird towards minors, general nsfw elements, general creepiness, weed (mentions of being high).
everyone involved except for myself and, obviously, them, will have their names blocked out for privacy reasons.
thank you for reading this in advance, i just really need to get this out.
the blog in question is @ask-crappy-fantrolls
in advance
please do not send this person hate. please. i dont care whos wrong or right, hate anons arent necessary.
lets get down to business
point one of ??: ships
im going to say right off the bat, i agreed to some of these. some of these i liked. a lot i agreed to because i was afraid to say no because i didnt want to upset them. some were forced on me. some were made without my knowledge. i will not go into specifics on which ships belong in which categories unless its necessary because this post would be extremely long, but please keep this in mind if you see me reacting positively in screenshots.
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this screenshot shows me trying to break off all of our ships the first time. i say right down there at the bottom that i want all of them gone. i thought i was being pretty clear.
one of my trolls (kaivin) has a moirail to whom he is extremely attached. this isnt a secret. he is so attached, in fact, that the two share most quads. so anyone kaivin would get into a relationship with, his moirail would as well. ive posted about this many times and i believe its on his bio but dont quote me on that.
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this is me trying to cut the ship off again. i really hate being mean and hurting peoples feelings so i was trying stay polite and let them know gently that hey, i dont want this. keep in mind, this took place after me attempting to cut all of our ships off.
i could put more here but im tired and itd make the post longer than it needs to be. bottom line, i got messaged about ships a lot even though i had cut them all off and literally started shipping with other people by that point. it wasnt a secret, i was posting about new ships.
small tidbit thats very nsfw: one of our ships that we had was purely for their kink, apparently.
for context: axel is my human disguised as a troll who lives on alternia.
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literally if you look at cimefas bio, his whole character is just that hes kinky. thats it.
point two of ??: infantalizing me
if you dont know already; hi im joey, im 19, and im a trans man. i am an adult. a grown ass man, if you will. i do not tolerate being spoken to like a dog or a child.
with that being said, here i am being spoken to like someone would a dog or a child:
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oh also theres the time they sent me an ask calling me a lesbian HDSFJKSDHF
heres that
i know it was them because they messaged me the same day, claiming not to have known, but we’d already been talking for months and i never went by she/her while having this blog. he/him is all over my blog.
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anyway heres a tidbit thats not big enough for its own point but needs to be said: the flirting.
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^i just wanted to show them my new shirt :/
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anyway next
point three of ??: being weird with minors
okay this bit is very gross but stay with me
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right there, no minors. clearly stated. thats fine! thats whatever!! heres what i have the issue with. theyre currently waiting for a few of my friends who are minors to turn 18. no, this is not a speculation. they stated this.
i am keeping minors names blocked out, they dont need to be involved in this.
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(quad blocked out so the minor cant be pinpointed)
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(different minor, quad blocked again)
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(the minor in question is the one from the first two screenshots about “waiting for them to turn 18″)
for context, this was after i reblogged a post about people waiting for minors to turn 18 being gross. yes it was a vague, no i do not care. i didnt say anything to them, they came to me about this unprompted and on their own accord. if the shoe fits, i suppose.
point four of ??: copying
theres been a few instances of this, but heres the main one
i run a cool blog over at @broadcastappear​. i got with a friend of mine and they made theirs one day, i made mine the next. of course, i was excited about this! i wanted to tell everyone about my cool new blog, so i started messaging people! them included!
before i get into the screenshots, here is the premise of both of our broadcast blogs:
slightly odd radio host trolls who talk to each other over the radio waves. my friends troll for their blog is crazy and stuck in the desert, mine is slightly less crazy and stuck in an apartment. shenanigans and extremely cryptic flirting ensue.
so i messaged them with a link to my blog after i made it.
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take a closer look at that time stamp! 
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keep this in mind
i get sent a link
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its a cryptic radio blog. same concept, formatting, plot, everything.
and would you look at that
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same day. it was an hour later, actually.
they were confronted about this and denied that their blog had anything to do with ours, even though it was a clear rip off. their blog has since been deleted, i believe. 
anyway, in conclusion, i just really wanted this off my chest.
do with this information what you will. i dont care if i get hate for this, the people who know my situation know how badly this has been on me mentally. ive been archiving things in a server for months while ive been trying to cut them off and im just... fed up. i cant do it anymore. i feel gross. i am the main hub that this is circling around and no one can say thing about it but me. theres a lot more to this that im not adding, mostly because theres less proof but i still know it to be true.
im tired of adults being weird and nasty in this community. i know im an adult too but at least im not gross.
anyway, call out post over. rb or smthn i dont care.
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skeletorific · 5 years
man i bet it's super odd for the ancestor trolls to be putting out pale feels on anyone, much less a human. I can just see the most frustrated lil ball of horns and teeth trying to figure out if theres, ya know, *room* in a human's life for moirailegence with this whole platonic structure called a family and the only-one-romance-a-hooman standard/stigma and. they need a pap just tryin to figure it out! If you wouldn't mind, i'd love to hear your take on how psiionic darkleer, n dualscar would do
Me skating the fuck in to answer Ancestors requests. (I’m assuming this is in reference to my Ancestors live on Earth C timeline, but the headcanons themselves will work for just a general human interaction, I promise)
So, a note about Earth C and quad: I really can’t imagine that troll, human, and carapacian concepts of romance wouldn’t start to mingle, at least to a certain extent. After all, the three species come up at the same time, right alongside each other.
Quadrants aren’t exactly the norms for humans even there. Our reproductive needs are different, for one-thing. Additionally, I have to imagine that even without the social coding of Earth-A, a good chunk of humans would probably still tend to be fairly monogamous, especially if one of the primary texts left behind was written by a human woman raised on human monogamy who took only one lover herself. However, there’s probably a healthy chunk of humans who go by quadrants, trolls who go by human romance, and some who mix and match (for instance, “This is Ben, my significant other, and this is Meryll, my kismesis”). Its something most people figure out as they get older.
However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the ancestors have cottoned on to the nuances of it all. Getting the idea of human monogamy through their heads was hard enough, and once it happens, of course THEN they have to catch pale feelings for one of the squishy fucks!
The Psiionic: So, unlike the other two on this list, Captor has actually had some experience with relationships that are a little more....fluid. Vantas and Leijon’s relationship always fell squarely in the middle of the chart, borrowing elements from all and none. Hell, his OWN relationship with the two of them tiptoed pitch, pale, ashen, and flushed depending on the day of the week. So, while he does still broadly conceive of things like an Alternian, its not necessarily an insurmountable barrier for him.
How he proceeds depends a lot on whether or not the human already has an s/o. If you do, he ultimately just bites the bullet and asks to talk to both of you (bringing Vantas and Leijon along for emotional support). He doesn’t want to move in where he’s not welcome and he’s got no designs on your flushed relationship. He’s quiet and his voice is shaking a bit as he struggles to keep his nerves (and by extent, his psiionics) under controll. But he’s never seen the point in fucking around the pricklefrond. Either you feel the same, or you don’t.  
If you don’t have an s/o, though, he just sort of carefully allows himself to become a feature in your life. He’s a little shakey socially but he puts the effort in to be around you. Captor’s never gonna be the most effusive emotionally, but he does make a point to give the occasional genuine compliment as to how he appreciates who you are, and what you do. When you’re having trouble he has a tendency to just sort of materialize in the background to offer his help. Pale flirting is all about trust, both engendering it, and demonstrating it for each other. No matter how oblivious you are, its hard not to notice that his walls are usually so high for others, yet they seem to come down around you.
Despite aforementioned not-fucking-around-the-pricklefrond, its possible he won’t ever use the word moirail for you unless you ask him about it. You’re human, and he doesn’t see the need to regale you with the complexities of troll romance if you’re both happy with the current arrangement. One way or another, though, Vantas runs at the mouth and spills the beans to you, and you have a good long talk about it.
Executor Darkleer: This guy, on the other hand, is a staunch traditionalist, paired with the fact that he ultimately thinks he’s somehow unworthy of love in any form. 
Years of social conditioning don’t just fall away because you and your former empress shop for box wine at the same liquor store now. As an expatriate, Zahhak was literally forbidden from contributing to the filial slurry, and was far too isolated to acquire a moirail. The best he had was the occasional frustrated shoosh-pap from Mindfang just to snap him out of his moods for a bit. Now, the old empire may have fallen away, but he’s still to some extent punishing himself. As a result, as soon as he figures out he’s catching pale feelings for a human, he starts avoiding you at all costs. He can’t allow himself to fall into any kind of temptation. The very qualities that attract him to you are the same reason he’s convinced you deserve something better.
Fortunately, there was no way you were friends with Darkleer in the first place if you were the type to let social avoidance turn you off. After a couple of weeks of not hearing from him (and a few confusingly smug texts from Mindfang when you ask her if he’s doing alright and her only response was “Go find out. I’m sure he’ll 8e more than alr8 ;;;;)”), you show up at his hive and bang on the door until he finally lets you in.
If you were hoping for a big confession, you’ll probably be a little disappointed: he’s not the type. But he does let you chastise him for withdrawing like that, finally extracting a promise that he won’t do it again. All the while him thinking that this, too, could be part of his penance. To let the human stay with by your side....but not allow yourself the luxury of what you truly want....why its almost scandalous-
Yup. He’s pale edging himself, and will continue to do so until you finally break down and demand he explain why he’s being so weird. Or until Mindfang loses her patience and tells you herself, if only to get him to stop leaving soliloquies in her DMs. Either way.
Dualscar: Another traditionalist, but he’s never really been lucky enough in love to be that picky about the system he falls under. The last proper, long-lasting quadrant relationship he had was his kismesis with Mindfang, and well.....kind of a funny story how that one went, honestly.
Assuming you’re single, his way forward is pretty easy. He reads up on human romance for 48 hours straight and presumes he knows what the fuck is up. Honestly its not terribly different from moirallegiance in some respects. You’re supposed to uplift your partner, and plenty of sources recommend that your s/o should be your “best friend”. Conversations involving your feelings are a norm, and humans even have the concept of a “fated match”, something pretty integral to Alternian moirallegiance. As for the rest, well, he can lean into some of the redder aspects of his feelings, pull out the old Ampora charm, and leave the rest in Lady Luck’s hands, right?
Well....for the first few months it works fine. You’ve always been close with Dualscar, felt like you got each other on some level, and to some degree a romantic relationship felt like a natural extension of that. He can be sweet, showers you with gifts, and is good at listening to your problems and letting you bitch without making you feel like you’re burdening him. He’s funny, in a bitchy dad kind of way, and frankly kind of dashing. 
But something’s off. You notice he seems to shrink down a little bit when you try to get a bit more physical with him. Not like he dislikes it, necessarily, more like he’s...confused. While you feel closer with him than ever, there’s none of those flowery declarations you find tucked in his journal, dedicated to great loves in his past. Even on your end, you feel like you still just think of him as like.....a best friend, but more so somehow? Being romantic with him as you would be with a human feels...wrong, You reflect each other so well and so closely that its like you’re a piece of each other, and calling him your boyfriend feels like trying to call yourself your own boyfriend.
The truth comes out when you try to break up with him and in a panic he explains himself to you. Running through a long (and somewhat incoherent) crash course on troll romance, with a special focus on moirallegiance. He’s stumbling over his words (unusual when he’s sober), half waiting for your eyes to widen in shock and for you to end things forever.
So imagine his shock when you blink a few times and say “why the hell didn’t you just say so?”
As Peixes would say later, “L-Eave it to an Ampora to mak-E s)(it way mor-E glubbin complicat-Ed t)(an it n-E-Eds to b-E.”
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brinytrolls · 5 years
if you’re open to plotting something new, what are some ideas you might want to explore with someone??
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i am always open to plotting!! let me see what i can find, i’ll organise it by character,,,no dancestors for now but if u wanted to plot with one of them, feel free to send another ask!! 
i dont really have any DETAILED plot ideas, these are more just starting points..sadly none of my ocs rly have future arcs planned out so these are all pretty casual...and these are not an exhaustive list! im open to any and all plot ideas so pls dont be afraid to ask!! 
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for faldur,, 
he’s always open for ex matesprits or ex kismesis, as well as casual pitch flings. theres pretty much no guidelines for these ones, if it’s someone who’d be interested in him, and they’re jade or above, it’s fair game! 
an ex mate might be someone who found him too intense and broke up with him, someone who indulged his narcissism and boosted his ego til his other quads were forced to intervene, or something else entirely, as long as there was a reason they had to break up (i currently dont want him to have a red quad 4 Reasons) 
kismesis flings…hes open to anything. he hangs around bars often and will flirt with Anyone he finds attractive, so if someones open to that kinda thing its good to go. this could also lead to general friendships! he has no friends currently. boo 
on the topic of friends, book friends! a little known fact is he spends a lot of time on book forums, and someone to geek out over books with would be a nice change of pace. 
bitchy highblood friends. just like a bitchy seadweller squad would be fun, tbh. 
enemies! got a seadweller who would find him obnoxious? hell yeah! enemies is pretty open ended, i’d be willing to have faldur fucked up to teach him a lesson (within reason, he IS a seadweller and he is strong. he does fight a lot) alternatively, u got a lowblood (or highblood tbh) who needs a reason to be afraid of seadwellers? faldur attacks ppl who so much as look at him funny, so thats a valid option too
MAFIA TIES…faldur works as an assassin for when people need something really fucked up done to someone. do with that what u will
OH I JUST REMEMBERED fleet recruiters/anyone from the fleet/similar organisation who sees potential in him. faldurs constantly torn between redemption and leaving it all behind to join the fleet, so that could be interesting! 
theres definitely more but…tbh im welcome to anyone approaching me with ANY plot ideas they have! 
will do the rest under the cut bc that got LONG 
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BIG ONE IS just other mafia trolls!!
mafia bosses/hitmen who would hire him. who are doing jobs on the downlow, and need a cleanup guy! harrel is very good at his job so he’s highly regarded within the business 
especially mean mafia ppl. be mean to him. its part of his character hes anxious bc the mafia is mean 
no specifics, but i want harrel to just get Fucked Up. like i said, he’s highly regarded so holding him for ransom isn’t out of the question. just fuck this nerd up 
on a lighter note! he frequents record shops and jazz clubs, so maybe a musician or two with similar interests to help him get out of his shell. he needs a friend or two. 
friends from university! anyone in sciences, forensics, medical science, criminal studies…he probably studied with them! his backstory is that he disappeared from university one day when he got kidnapped by a mafia boss, and managed to wrangle his way into them keeping him alive. an old friend who noticed and is suddenly Very Confused upon seeing him again like 5 years later 
someone he went to uni with who’s now in the law industry, and the conflict that might arise from them being on two totally different ends of the spectrum…could be a fun dynamic! 
on the same wavelength: old flames from university. ex quadrants, ex hookups, ex crushes. people he was romantically involved with before suddenly disappearing 
i think thats all…
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forrr sarky! 
no real quad stuff needed for him…perhaps an ex or two, but no real ideas there! 
other grubtubers to be friends with, or fans who’ve met/would want to meet him! grubtube is a HUGE part of his life and i’ve never really been able to explore it, bc he has no connections involved with it. u got a grubtuber troll who’d collab with him? a troll who enjoys letsplays? a weird youtuber superfan who’d give their right arm to meet a letsplayer? fuck yea dude all valid options 
PETTY INTERNET DRAMA. im sure theres potential
sarky IS a shifter, meaning he turns into a weird dragon monster in the dead of night on a full…moons (idk how that works on alternia,,,hello???) u got a troll who’d stop him when they catch him stumbling shirtless thru the city streets post-shift towards a local diner at 4am weirdly covered in scars and looing like he’s about to pass out?? a poor overworked diner worker wondering what the Fuck this dudes deal is when he stumbles in at 5am before cramming his face full of meat?? a troll who hangs out in the wilderness bordering the city and saw the horrific sight of this fuzzy teal bitch shifting into a giant dragon?? or just a fellow shifter perhaps?? idk theres a lot that can be done here, im sure 
apartment neighbours! disgruntled highblood a floor below him wondering why this bitch keeps scaling the building?? or someone who thinks its pretty sick, actually. 
fellow city dwellers for him to meet and befriend or annoy the shit out of…he takes the subway a lot, so they can meet there. or in some greasy food place
connected to faldur, any ex quads of faldurs that had to be intervened with and broken up, sarky was probably involved. if u want them to be bitter towards him, feel free. it makes for more interest >:3c 
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florem time…………..
GET FLOREM A GIRLFRIEND 2K20…PLEASE. i just want her to have a girlfriend. its what she deserves and we all know it 
get her FRIENDS TOO....friends who will support her, and her weird hobbies. florem has a tendency to help other people and forget about her own needs, so itd be nice for her to have a friend who listens to her too... 
perhaps a troll who stumbles upon her weird troll-eating plant. a fellow enthusiast or some poor soul she has to rescue, either or 
a fellow taxidermy enthusiast....maybe a pen pal who buys stuff from whatever the troll equivalent of etsy is 
camping buddy...............she has no one to go camping with!!
im sadly low on ideas for florem but i DO want interactions with her...
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veleno tiem babey
she needs a gf in every single goddamn quad.....shes 100% single 
a Bunch of highbloods who were cocky enough to gamble against her, and are incredibly mad about losing. highbloods out for vengeance 
on the same wavelength, a highblood who lost and got incredibly mad and fucked her face up, giving her all them scars....vel would avoid them for the rest of her life, but perhaps its someone who frequents the same casinos as she does so she cant avoid em 4 Extra Drama 
other down on their luck lowbloods, maybe younger ones, who need her help bc shes Experienced. she can become their Street Mom 
other down on their luck lowbloods for her to just befriend!! she frequents a shitty diner, as well as singing in a jazz club and hanging around in casinos. if youve got a lowblood who hangs around in those places they could def meet! 
i THINK thats all i got...but know i am more than open to literally Any plot suggestion ever >:3c
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Troll pailing/quad/reproduction headcanon
So I’ve thought about this general idea for a while but wasn’t sure how it would actually work out. Then I was thinking about a certain ex pairing among my trolls, and the idea that even if SGRUB isn’t real in the FTC community as a whole, the universe is still pretty well based on video games. Which base color off the RGB system of color. And it kinda came together:
So you have a troll A. They have a matesprit B and a kismesis C. When they submit buckets together, and if they even can produce a viable grub together, said grubs will have a Red value closest to B’s, a Green value closest to A’s (as the center of the quad-angle) and a Blue value closest to C’s. Or vice versus, but the idea is that the troll in the middle is contributing to the color of the resulting grub(s), and their quadmates are the other two extremes, Red and Blue.
Ok, you might ask, so this is their Descendant? Nope. This is a grub they produce through genetic contribution, their direct offspring in a sense, but not their Descendant proper. They almost never will have the same horns, caste/color, or other defining traits. A Descendant is a troll that is a near-clone of the original troll, and at minimum needs the same horns, and a color very close to the original even within the caste they share. They often have the same weird physical and mental quirks tho sometimes the Descendant might get traits from other trolls associated with their Ancestor.
Well then what about the thing about stronger emotions being better for submitting pails/making stronger grubs? I think the stronger a troll’s emotions are for their pailing quads, the higher the “saturation” of the color, within the limits each of the trolls has. On the other hand though, outside of certain mutations, I think trolls with too low of a saturation of all three colors (too close to white or black) are non-viable. You can get the very rare case where trolls have blood colors that look white, black or very close to one of those. But my thought is that they have comparatively “normal” RGB values for their blood colors, and something else is going on to do that.
That’s also why some amount of vacillation is considered normal and health, especially between red and blackrom. It gives more variations of both levels of emotion and different combos of the same genes, making it more likely that a combo that is viable shows up.
This just leaves the question of why they feed all the material to the mothergrubs. Aside from trolls probably being unable to reproduce without assistance at this point, the mothergrubs also allow for a bit of extra mixing between the various contributions, while still allowing them to be viable eggs/grubs.
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lettersofsky · 5 years
GamTav Week Day Seven: Free Day
OK LISTEN I really like this asethetic for these two. It’s my favourite. And this one’s actually shippy right now, even if only pre-dating it’s the best one.
It takes them a while, more than a while, to drift back into each other’s spheres of existence.
They’d both been doing different things with their lives; becoming trolls that they could be happy with without the attachment of flushed or pitched quadrants. That didn’t mean that they didn’t date though, Gamzee knew that he’d dated a number of individuals, troll and human alike, just to get the taste of what he’d wanted in a partner down, to learn to enjoy sharing himself without someone that wanted to know him for however long they lasted.
And he knew from the grapevine that Tavros had been doing the same.
There’s nothing really special that draws them back towards each other in the matter of quadrants.
Karkat had been convinced into throwing a party by his boyfriend Dave and Dave’s girlfriend Jade for some event or another and they’d all been invited, Gamzee had spent most of the night making small talk with those that weren’t outwardly hostile towards him and avoiding near everyone else. All and all it’d been a fun night.
He didn’t know who approached who first, if either of them had or if they’d just gravitated together like magnets that recognized the other’s charge as opposing to their own.
That hardly mattered in the end though, not when Tavros was standing in front of him, looking like he’d finally grown into the proud, imposing length of his horns, not to mention into the size of them, towering over Gamzee in both height and the breadth of his shoulders, a feat only one other troll had a claim to.
“Yo,” Gamzee decided to be the first to speak, ending their silent inspection of each other; instinct to check out the competition left over from their days on Alternia he was sure.
“Hey,” there wasn’t even a beat of hesitation to the answer, to Tavros’ willingness to talk to him. It reminded Gamzee keenly of their younger sweeps, back when they’d both been innocent and largely unmarred by the world around them. It was nice in the way that old memories were once they stopped hurting you. “I didn’t know you uh, you were drinking.”
“I’m not,” Gamzee couldn’t help but snort, remembering the support meetings and life coaching sessions he still attended on a regular basis to stop himself from sliding back into the addiction that had been ingrained in his very image of himself since before he could remember. “S’apple juice. Strider specialty.”
“Oh, that uh, that explains it.” Tavros looked a little flustered at that, a soft bloom of bronze on his cheeks, but easily laughed off as conversation continued. “What have you been doing since we uh, since we last…”
“Since we was speakin last?” The offered words were taken with a small self-conscious smile, acknowledged without needing to be said as such. “Been good, workin’, makin a routine for myself and bein all productive like ya’know?”
“Yeah I uh, heard from Equius that you opened your own place?”
A painted brow rose. “You two been talkin ‘bout me, have ya? S’a weird topic a pillowtalk.”
“What?!” That has him, colour spreading deep and bright over Tavros’ nose and the top of his cheeks, the spread of it to his ears obvious with the way the other troll cut his hair. “N-no! No not like that at all! I, I mean—”
“Chill bro, s’all good,” he chuckled, Tavros deflating from his flurry of justification and explaining with a sigh. “I ain’t real carin how and what other motherfuckers say ‘bout me, s’all cool.”
They lapse into quiet, Tavros focusing down on the glass of something definitely alcoholic in his own hand while Gamzee turned his head to inspect one of the nearby food platters, debating if he was hungry enough to try one of the oddly coloured creations.
“It wasn’t that though,” Tavros broke the quiet as Gamzee decided to just go for it, a piece of cracker with something on it in his claw.
“It wasn’t uh, wasn’t pillowtalk. He and I were just catching up the other day and he uh… told me about when he ran into you.”
“He does that a lot,” Gamzee hummed, playing at being more focused on what was in his hand than the troll in front of him. “Ya think for a troll that big he’d been more cautious a where he’s going but nah. Trolls fallin all over under his motherfuckin hooves, yeah?”
“He said you were seeing someone.”
“I’m always seeing some motherfucker,” he pointed one, returning his gaze to Tavros as he tilted his head just so the pretty pale pink diamond stud in his ear could be seen, the violet gem inlaid in it glinting in the light of the room. “Believe you me everyone else is gonna know when Eribro’s tired a me ‘fore I do.”
“No,” the word was accompanied by a rough shake of Tavros’ head, brow furrowing deep. There’s frustration in his voice now, not too uncommon an occurrence for anyone talking with Gamzee for more than a few minutes. “You know for someone that doesn’t like being lied to you sure do a lot of it.”
“You’re the motherfucker beatin’ ‘round the bush like it all up and kicked ya lusus,” Gamzee shot back, surprising Tavros enough for his face to go slack with it. “Iffin ya wanna ask me ‘bout the motherfuckers I was seein, quad or nah, just come out and motherfuckin say it. We’re bein adults now, yeah?”
A pause. A beat. Gamzee’s ready to call this experiment a failure when Tavros spoke up again.
“…Are you seeing anyone now? Flushed-wise I mean?”
“Solbro and I vacillate on an’ off but ain’t got nobody permanent in there nah..”
Tavros nods and Gamzee goes back to inspecting the morsel in his claws, stepping forward into the other troll’s face as he opens his mouth to speak again, lifting it until it was resting just before the other’s mouth, claws near brushing warm lips as they parted.
“Try this for me?” Gamzee offered, cocking his head and staring up at Tavros, watching and waiting to see exactly what the bronze would do with the offering.
Tavros reacted exactly as he should have, colour on his cheeks as he leaned forward ever so slightly to take the piece of food into his mouth between his teeth, lips brushing over Gamzee’s fingers as he took the bite.
“How’s it tastin?” Gamzee asked after watching Tavros chew the morsel he’d bitten off, blinking as the other troll nodded down at him.
“It’s uh… it’s good.” He said, all the answer Gamzee needed, humming and popping the rest of the piece into his mouth, more than aware of Tavros staring at him in return.
“It is,” he agreed, dragging his tongue purposefully over his own claws, fully aware of Tavros watching him. “Mayhaps ya should try some more for me yeah? There’s supposed ta be some new restaurant openin near my hive, ya should come and try it out with me yeah?”
“… Ye… yeah!” Tavros nodded, wide smile back on his face, bronze spreading across his cheeks. “Yeah I’d uh… I’d really like that.”
“Cool,” he purred. “We can be chattin at each other later ta be deciding times, yeah?”
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