#Azriel Critical
maybeiwasjustjade · 2 months
I’m sorry, but Feyre hypes the IC up so much as these badasses, when they’ve collectively defeated no one worth mentioning throughout the series is genuinely hilarious.
Tamlin killed Amarantha. Elain and Nesta killed Hybern. Nesta killed Bryallin.
Nesta was the one that fought death to bring Feyre back to life, simultaneously healing Nyx. Nesta was the one that helped Bryce with the Mask. Who found the Trove, and received Gwydion. With the rate this is going, Koschei will more than likely also be a non-IC kill.
I get it; Feyre’s young, but she’s also not that young. She acts more like a 15 year old YA heroine instead of an adult (but a young one) of 19 in Acotar. The IC are her family and she genuinely believes in their supposed badassery…except it falls flat because they ALL suck at their respective jobs. Rhysand can’t lead; Amren does squat. The Illyrians hate Cassian. Azriel is a spymaster that constantly gets caught by a not-so-ally. Mor doesn’t do her job as steward of the CoN. Well, it’s no wonder Feyre fits in so well—they’re all as qualified as she is!!!
And if this was all there is to Acotar then fine. But Nesta isn’t written like this. Or Lucien. Or Eris. Or even Tamlin. It’s just the IC, yet they’re the main characters.
It’s such a jarring shift from ToG, because at least there the fae and witches felt immortal to me. Gavriel, Lorchan, Fenrys, Rowan, Manon—it was obvious they weren’t young and inexperienced. But with Acotar, it’s like no matter how old they get they still have the maturity levels of a 15 year old. But most importantly, the trio of main characters in ToG were willing to go war for change.
Aelin, Dorian and Manon—they saw the broken world and decided to fuck shit up and fix it. It took time to change minds, yes, but it never stopped them from trying. To go to war, to die for that new world if they had to. But with Acotar, it’s repeatedly slammed in our faces that of course wing clipping still happens, of course Illyria is still a war-torn poverty ridden land, of course the CoN are depraved monsters, and no we can’t kill Keir yet because change takes time. It’s been fucking centuries and nothing to show for it.
Because while yes, it would take time, the IC has shown zero interest in actually doing their jobs. So duh nothing changes; they dream, and dream, but those dreams go nowhere because it’s like they think they could just dream enough for the stars to grant their wishes instead of actively working towards it. And it’s so frustrating because this narrative choice makes little sense except that the average reader doesn’t care.
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ataraxiasflame · 4 months
Let’s say that the Az BC was actually a Lucien BC. Let’s say that Lucien had a similar inner monologue during the same interactions with Elain…
…calling her ‘the third’.
…describing touching her as ‘so wrong’.
…emphasizing several times what HE needed from her body.
…claiming he hadn’t thought about a future with Elain beyond the ‘fantasies he pleasured himself to’.
…being willing to kill any other male for showing an interest in her.
Imagine Lucien’s flames becoming embers in Elain’s presence and him pointing it out too.
Imagine Lucien leaving that interaction, after calling almost kissing Elain a mistake, then immediately interacting with another female who caused his chest to spark as he imagined her reaction to receiving the gift he’d originally bought for Elain.
Honestly, even thinking about Lucien doing this gives me the biggest ick, because Lucien would NEVER even think of doing any of this to any female, let alone his mate, but…let’s just consider it.
Can you imagine anyone in the fandom trying to claim that Elain and Lucien were endgame after a BC like this? It would be SO obvious that the author is showing that Elain and Lucien are not compatible beyond their physical attraction even with a bond. No one would be able to argue that the Elucien ship had sunk.
And the way people would rip Lucien to shreds kinda like everyone did to Tamlin for thinking about Elain this way and use it as clear evidence that the bond will be rejected…Even I, a fierce Lucien supported and defender, would hate to even consider defending this kind of behavior from him.
Yes, the big difference between the two BC’s is the existence of a bond between Elain and Lucien. But that just proves my point even more because everyone would be screaming about the obvious rejected-bond foreshadowing because of his behavior.
So why is this behavior considered romantic because Azriel does it? Why does it seemingly confirm to some that Az and Elain are destined to be together? Why is this less obvious because it’s Azriel?
As a BC alone, this chapter makes it pretty clear that E/riel just doesn’t work even when they tried. If they were that compatible, Az would never have been able to stay away from Elain. This was the same guy who told Rhys to chain him to a tree and he would still rip it up to defend his loved ones. He truly believes that the cauldron was wrong and that Elain is his mate? Well, Cassian couldn’t stay away from his mate. Even while dying, he still crawled to Nesta.
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ennawrite · 4 months
the Inner Circle: *pretty much all have/had at least one shitty, abusive parent but they know that doesn’t make them monsters just because of the shitty hand they’ve been dealt because they’re ~dreamers~*
also the Inner Circle: “What the fuck do you mean Eris isn’t a horrible guy like his father?!?!🤨😡”
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yaralulu · 3 months
I feel like there’s a lot to be said about Azriel’s weird relationship with women because it ain’t normal.Like he has this pattern of falling for women that are unattainable,women he knows are unattainable,but that just makes him want them more.Specifically because them being unattainable eliminates the potential of ever being in a relationship with them which he can’t handle because he believes he’s unworthy of them.He also puts them on this weird pedestal where he sees them as divine and pure,and he thinks if he comes near them he’ll taint them with all his baggage which just continuously feeds into his self worth issues.
And despite these women already being unattainable azriel makes them even more unattainable by distancing himself from them,avoiding them,and just acting unbelievably weird around them.He essentially builds this huge bridge between him and these women so he can no longer just crush on them like a normal person,he can only obsess from afar.And because he’s distanced himself so much from these women,he ends up not even knowing who they really are and he’s literally obsessing over some idealized version of them.On top of all of this he’s got the “I’m not good enough/Im too dangerous” mindset but he’s got an obsessive personality so he ends up never moving on from the women he’s trying to push away.
So this combined with his hero complex and inferiority complex is just a recipe for disaster.
This probably has everything to do with his mommy issues and self worth issues but azriel being slightly off putting and weird is just a little fascinating to me.
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months
Well I thought I was done with discourse, but discourse is not done with me.
This whole “Elain hasn’t hit rock bottom yet!” thing as reasoning for why Elucien’s book can’t be next is beyond stupid. Elain for the first time in ACOSF has shown her claws, has reminded everyone that she has trauma too, and has been rejected AGAIN all in the same book. She tried to offer to scry and was shut down by Nesta and Azriel. She has been forced into a box by everyone around her. Everyone except Lucien, who she avoids like the plague and who looks at her with pain and longing.
As for Azriel…how is he suffering? Because he didn’t get to eat Archeron pussy? Because (insert fake sobbing noises) Mor? His problems are not bigger than Elain’s, and he is part of Elain’s problem, in fact.
Elain’s troubles are far deeper and more important; she is not the type to lash out, so what we got in ACOSF is as close to “lashing out” that we will get. The fact that people are fundamentally misunderstanding her character and expecting her throw a tantrum just pisses me off so much.
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mirandasidefics · 22 days
Its more as if why Rhysand and Azriel behaves in a certain hostile way and passive aggressive towards reader. Especially Rhysand is so short tempered and quick to be angered when it comes to reader because he's scared he might lose everything he earned due to him suspecting reader of being smth
I think I had answered a similar question to this previously here, but I can expand or clarify in this post.
Rhysand's actions regarding Reader are 99% driven by fear. He fully believes that she is in Prythian for a reason and was very likely brought to their world by a higher power. This is based on the fact that time and time again she has failed to demonstrate any capability to use magic and has showed no signs of having magical power.
This is a frightening notion for someone like Rhysand. He finally has everything he wanted in life and suddenly there's all these fucking people showing up in his court that aren't supposed to be there.
Bryce arrived by accident! And after she arrived she tells Rhysand that, oh by the way, the beings that used to enslave the Fae are wanting to come back to conquer your world again. Thus, they are very likely going to kill you (which would then in turn mean the death of his mate because of that asinine mutual death agreement they made in ACOWAR), the death of his son who's his only heir, and the enslavement and/or death of the rest of his loved ones. Rhysand recognizes that he is at risk of losing EVERYTHING now that people from other worlds have the ability to randomly arrive.
Those from Midgard are working on a plan to take out the Asteri before the Asteri find a way to return to Prythian. So, he offers them aid and doesn't pick a fight because they could just allow the Asteri right through the portal(s) and its on sight for all involved and likely ends with the destruction of Prythian as they know it.
The same cannot be said for Reader. For all Rhysand knows there is a stronger more formidable foe waiting for the right chance to strike because of Reader's presence. Therefore, she is the only target that Rhysand can take his fear fueled emotions out on. To his knowledge there is no reasonable explanation for Reader being there (even if he recognizes that the reason has just not yet been revealed).
Unfortunately, his frustrations and fear end up transferring over to Prythian's "on world" problems such as Beron and the Autumn Court, Tamlin and the Spring Court, and Koschei. So, he also starts blaming Reader's presence/existence for those issues having not yet been resolved. She effectively becomes the scape goat for EVERYTHING.
Does any of this make his actions right or justified? Hell no. Does it make for an interesting narrative that is not exactly the standard for how Rhys is portrayed in fanfiction. I'll let all of you be the judge. I will say that there is room for growth regarding his and Reader's dynamic, which may or may not include Rhys getting his ass handed to him by certain individuals.
Azriel does not hate nor dislike Reader to any extent. He was following orders when he interrogated Reader because that is part of his job as Spy Master. He didn't like having to torture her, especially when it became apparent that she knew absolutely nothing about how she got there.
He is, however, frustrated at the situation. He feels a pull towards her but cannot for the life of himself figure out what that is. This results in Azriel becoming jealous of Reader's relationship with Lucien and Ruhn. He sees how she has sought them out for comfort so easily and wishes that he could provide the same. He has convinced himself that he wants to make up for the pain he initially caused her. So, there are times when his jealousy unfortunately makes him be an asshole towards her via snide comments.
Reader has pointed out this behavior and explained what the differences and barriers are to them becoming close in the same capacity she is with the other males. Azriel is trying to be more mindful of her trauma that is directly in correlation to him and his actions early on in their shared history. He is also learning to adjust his behaviors and the way he interacts with her to ensure that she does start to feel safe and respected when in his company.
I personally feel that when it comes to matters of the heart, Azriel's personality and intelligence go out the window entirely. He is a different person from the calculating and intimidating spy master and mindful and courteous friend we all know he is capable of being in canon. His self-loathing and feelings of being unworthy take center stage and he becomes his own worst enemy. (I could write a whole post about how this is most apparent in his interactions with Mor and Elain, but I won't).
TL:DR- Rhysand's behaviors are based on fear. Azriel's behaviors are based on jealousy.
I hope that answers your question and provides some clarity on Reader's dynamics with Rhysand and Azriel.
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A closeted bisexual who had to hide her identity all her life escapes her fucked-up-ten-ways conservative family to live in a supposed paradise but doesn't own a house of her own where she can be herself and be with whoever she wants, and instead chooses to live with three overbearing men for 500 years, out of which, two are simping for her.
Very believable.
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kataraavatara · 4 months
“Keir paused at the threshold as the doors opened on a phantom wind. He said to Rhys, perhaps the closest he’d come to asking for permission to leave, “Lord Thanatos is having … difficulties with his daughter again. He requires my assistance.” Rhys only waved a hand, as if he hadn’t just yielded our city to the male.”
lord thanatos’s daughter is my roman empire actually. i know rhysand had his hands full what with hybern and eris and of course grossly betraying mor’s trust plus publicly blindsiding and humiliating her and all but there was zero thought from anyone about what keir, well known daughter torturer famous for torturing daughters could possibly be leaving that room to do. not even from supposedly empathetic feyre? the same one who held a dying faerie’s hand in book one? like you’ve just brokered this deal with keir so obviously i’m not expecting you to kick down the door and save her but she doesn’t even get an afterthought. ouch.
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wingsdippedingold · 4 months
I think the ic being the judge, jury, and executioner (and also the innocent defendant?) is a good way to sum up why I don’t like them
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There’s something unsettling about the possibility Azriel and Elain being a couple in the book. Mainly because Azriel has stated in the book that he should be with her because Rhysand got Feyre and Cassian got Nesta.
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It just comes across wrong and definitely one he shouldn’t have said aloud. Because of this the argument of how he would love her and treats her nice is completely lost. He doesn’t love her or want a true relationship, he just wants to own her. Like a kid who’s upset his brothers got a toy and the one he wanted was given to someone he doesn’t like.
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Elain never asked for this, Lucien definitely never asked for this either. But at least Lucien isn’t trying to force something that isn’t there. He respects her enough to do as she asks as long as she is happy.
Azriel tries to do the same but seems for like a supportive big brother than a love interest.
At the end of the day if SJM does write Elain and Azriel as a couple to show how someone doesn’t have to follow the mating bond it won’t be the end of the world (even though it would be hypocritical as hell). But Lucien one of the characters who has suffered endlessly in this series without even being in the series most of the time (looking at you Feyre) and from what I’ve read a relationship with Elain where they try, truly try, to get to know one another would be a beautiful story.
Oh, and if she throws in Nesta leaving Cassian to be with Eris that would be fantastic (we all know she won’t but a girl can dream).
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going-through-shit · 2 months
the way i’m scrolling on my fyp connecting everything i see to @rhysazriel ‘s Plug!azriel x reader BECAUSE ITS ON 👏MY👏MIND👏 AUGH. it was acc so amazing i can’t even describe !! go read it if you haven’t i love and adore everything she writes, for reallllsss !
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lainalit · 18 days
Fandom: OMG Azriel is so hot, tall and mysterious
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reblogandlikes · 4 days
1) Have Cassian and Azriel stop being self-hating of their Illyrian heritage and putting these high fae's on a pedestal like their shit don't stink, too. Have them work out their trauma and inadequacies. Instead, try to integrate themselves into illyrian communities, bringing forward less obvious hostility and think of ways to stop the toxic cycle of self fulfilling prophecies where children are funneled into becoming soliders in horrid conditions despite the NC's (Rhysand's) wealth and actually stop wing clipping. If not, bring innocents into Velaris or, better yet, build them a Velaris of their own.
2) Create a scene where the sisters are together without the interference of outside influence. No talk of mates or duties or expectations. Talk about themselves, together, instead. An insight of adjusting from human to fae. Their fears. Their uncertainties. A way to become closer that doesn't feel forced. There can be some obvious tension, but have it come to a resolution of some sort.
3) If it is an Elucien book, please, God please, Sjm, don't debase Lucien into a pounding sex machine and suddenly making Elain the kinkiest motherfucker out there. Soft romantic love is still very much appreciated. Body worship and shy/embarrassing moments are endearing, too. Mix and match, that's all I'm asking. A girl can want both.
4) I'd add something controversial like, "Leave Tamlin alone and let the man be without feeling the need to insult him at every given moment," or "Call out Rhysand’s bad behaviours often brushed away and have him work on his oppressive actions towards his own court," but that's probably a step too far.
5) More world building. The magic system barely makes sense nor court dynamics.
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ennawrite · 4 months
Actually, no, the IC couldn’t have done anything different in ACOSF to make me like them because I’ve hated them since ACOWAR ❤️
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romanticatheartt · 7 days
"Elain is hurting two men at the same time😒☹️"
Good God… Once again another man's action is being ignored and we blame the woman. No, Elain isn't hurting anyone, she's actually the hurtee here… Idk if it's a word or not lol. Azriel is the one who's hurting 2 people here, Lucien and Elain. He's being selfish and arrogant, having a one-sided beef with a person who doesn't even acknowledge his existence. He's hurting Lucien, all the while he knows and has grown up with the concept of mating bond. He's claiming a woman who doesn't like to be claimed and be treated as an object.
And Elain? Elain is hurting. She's still having a hard time accepting that she's now a fae and not a human, she's trying to ignore it as best as she can. So accepting or even acknowledging Lucien would mean she has moved on and is becoming agreeable to her situation. And Azriel, who Feyre has described him looking like a human around Elain, with his round ears and his shadow's recoiling from Elain, makes her feel more at ease. She's taking refuge in Azriel's presence to feel as close as she's able, to the normality she knows. And what a refuge he was, calling her "a mistake" several times and one time to her face and leaving her alone without an explanation.
And yes Lucien might be (definitely is) hurting from Elain's actions but it's all a reaction to his biological, his shared bond with her. He's not emotionally attachd to her. Lucien also lost a loved one who he thought might be his mate. He's been living for centuries with the idea of his mate being dead, so he didn't expect to have one at all. He's probably cautious around this bond as much as Elain because accepting her means letting the idea of his former lover go. But Lucien is one step ahead of Elain. While she's determined to ignore this bond and never try anything with him (for now), Lucien is ready to take action and try (as long as she agrees). So he would come to see her when he's invited, bring her gifts and wait… he waits, keeps his distance, and doesn't demand anything. He never put a claim on her and never disrespected her boundaries. Now do you think this male, would ever be mad at Elain for perusing another male?
We see Rhysand, knowing Feyre is his mate and he still was ready to let her go. He would let her be as long as he knew she was happy and she was loved. He would see her being married to the love of her life, even if he's not that person. The same goes with Lucien. He won't be mad at Elain for trying with another person, on the contrary, he would let her. But he will be mad at Azriel for his behaviour toward Elain, for staking a claim on her, for knowing she's a mated woman and he still perused her and disrespected the bond Azriel himself put in such high regard. He will be mad at him for speaking for Elain and thinking he knows what's good for her and what is not without asking or consulting her.
So you see Elain is not the problem here, never was. But most of the fandoms would rather take the male's side and pamper him because of their low standards for the male characters. All the while, the female character should never feel emotional, be angry, confused or selfish. She should be a perfect doll for the male character, being considered, selfless and always being on her best behaviour.
Just like how society behave toward women...
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months
Azriel: Lucien, I challenge you to the blood duel
Lucien: bursts out laughing and doubles over, slapping his thigh
Oh, you’re serious. Well, yeah, no. I will not engage in such foolish behavior with you, considering neither of us have a claim over Elain. She is her own person and would despise us fighting over her like children. Besides, if I wished to embarrass you, I’d do it with my words.
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