#B&W Panorama 3
Bowers & Wilkins- Off on Headphones - Apollo - Hi-Fi
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thefrogman · 4 months
Recently I took a panorama of the Pittsburgh skyline at night that got a positive response. That was done on the spur of the moment with an iPhone. I want to do that again and more, but this time with a dedicated camera setup. It's been years since I've had one, so I'm basically starting over again. I'm mostly interested in getting day and night cityscapes, and maybe the carryings-on at this year's Anthrocon. Would you have any particular knowledge to pass on as I set off on this journey?
Since you didn't specify a budget I'm going to assume it is in the $10K range.
And you're probably thinking I'm going to suggest a Leica. Every dentist and his brother (who is also a dentist) gets a Leica. But I just can't take a camera brand seriously when they charge you an extra $2200 for the privilege of not being able to shoot in color.
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Sure, you can hit a single button in Lightroom to get B&W and save some money, but then you won't be able to brag about how limiting yourself to only shades of gray has opened up new artistic pathways in your brain while a clueless person responds in mumbles during their root canal.
What you really want for your landscapes is a Hassie.
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They were the first camera on the moon! How could you *not* want a Hasselblad? That is some camera gorgeousness right there. And it's so reasonably priced*!
*compared to their previous $40,000 camera systems.
And if you are doing landscapes with the Hassie you'll need a nice wide angle lens to go with it. This one is actually quite affordable*!
*compared to their previous $8000 lenses.
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Can we all agree that is a work of art? They even use their H logo as the knurling.
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That is just so... extra. And I love it.
Out of the entire alphabet I've heard Hs give you the best grip.
Man, I almost wish I was a dentist just so I could buy a fancy camera.
Sorry... I was just having a little fun.
I never get to recommend the super cool expensive cameras. Because, ya know, the economy and the fact that only dentists have Hasselblad money.
You probably think I'm being silly but there actually is an entire community of dentist photographers keeping the high end camera market alive.
Okay, let's get started...
Landscape Buying Guide
Opening Thoughts
For landscapes I would highly suggest a full frame camera and a high quality wide angle lens.
Full frame has several advantages but it is not necessary. You can go with a smaller sensor like APS-C and get great images. Personally I would not go any smaller, but there have been some great landscapes taken on micro 4/3 and even smartphones. Technique, knowledge, experience, and composition will usually win the day over a camera, but having a nice camera makes things a lot easier.
At this point, with full frame options being very affordable now, the main reason to get a smaller sensor is if you want a smaller system that is easier to carry for extended periods and easier to pack when traveling. Or if you aren't sure you want to take on photography as a hobby, you can get an old APS-C DSLR for under $200 to learn with and test out.
So if you need a very cheap OR very compact system, APS-C and Micro 4/3 might be worth considering, but a bigger sensor will cause less frustration most of the time.
Froggie Note: The expensive Micro 4/3 and APS-C systems are the compact ones. The cheap systems are about as bulky as full frame.
The biggest advantages to full frame are low light shooting, lens selection, and field of view. Full frame cameras have many, many more lenses to choose from. And since the sensor is bigger, it is much easier to get a wider field of view that is often needed for landscapes. And the high ISO noise performance tends to be better on full frame.
However, you can use full frame lenses on APS-C camera bodies within the same ecosystem. They just get a little... zoomier. Roughly 1.5x zoomier. A 35mm acts like a 50mm, for example. So if you want to spend a little less now you can get an APS-C camera with a full frame lens and then upgrade to full frame later on without having to buy a new lens. Full frame lenses work on APS-C bodies but not the other way around.
Most landscapists have a really solid 16-35mm lens and that covers almost all of their needs. So I would suggest something comparable. Please don't get suckered into some crazy 18-300mm superzoom. Just get the focal range you need for the photos you want to achieve.
A purpose-built lens always outperforms one that was made to do everything.
As far as where to get used gear, I highly recommend using KEH or MPB when buying used camera bodies. They check every device and offer between 3 and 6 months warranty to make sure the device won't crap out on you. Lenses are typically a lot more robust and a safer thing to buy on eBay or Facebook Marketplace if you can find a better deal. But the security of having a warranty and a return apparatus if something goes wrong might be worth the extra price when using these two sites.
I am going to recommend Canon, Nikon, and Sony systems. I feel they have the most complete ecosystems with gear that spans all budget ranges. I'm not saying there aren't good cameras from other brands, but you have to remember every camera has an ecosystem surrounding it. There are accessories and upgrade paths and niche lenses that may not be available with other brands. I think Fuji has some tempting options and if you like the look of vintage film photography, their emulation options are quite stunning. Their cameras are also quite attractive and have very satisfying knobs. But I still can't recommend them unless you have a specific reason for wanting their gear.
Just remember that for every Canon DSLR I recommend there is a comparable Nikon option available as well. There are more lenses for a Canon full frame DSLR body than any other brand with Nikon coming in a close second.
So if you choose not to go mirrorless yet, the Canon and Nikon DSLR camera ecosystems are immense and have tons of gear and accessories available to go with them. And since used gear holds up really well, those ecosystems will survive for decades.
Should you buy a mirrorless camera or a DSLR?
Mirrorless cameras are the latest camera technology for interchangeable lens camera systems. At this point they are superior in every aspect and they continue to improve year by year. Because of that, used DSLRs have plummeted in price. This allows people greater access to a starter ILC (interchangeable lens camera) without a significant investment. You can get professional quality images on either format, but mirrorless has a shallower learning curve and much better automatic modes.
The in-body image stabilization (IBIS) stabilizes *every* lens and the eye tracking autofocus make "focus and re-compose" extinct. These are huge selling points for a lot of people. With IBIS you can take photos with up to 2-4 second shutter speeds without a tripod. And never missing focus on a human or animal or bird is pretty cool too.
DSLR camera bodies are no longer being designed by most of the major manufacturers. Thankfully Canon and Nikon developed plenty of bodies and lenses, so you will always have options and upgrade paths. But you will not be able to upgrade to systems with the latest advanced features.
The best DSLRs available are probably the Nikon D850 and the Canon 5D Mark IV. That is as good as it will ever get. The technology ends there. So if you want to enter an active camera ecosystem then you will have to get a mirrorless camera.
DSLR Camera Systems
Full Frame DSLR Camera Bodies
If you buy a used DSLR, there are some very affordable full frame options. In fact, the classic much-praised budget full frame Canon 6D can be had for under $300 right now.
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This is an old camera. It has no fancy features. It only has 20 megapixels. It just does what it says on the tin. But it has a big sensor and a *ton* of really cool lenses available for it.
If you are specifically looking to create really high resolution panos, you could also look at the 50 megapixel 5DS R for around $1000.
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There is a community of landscape pano-maniacs that love to create "gigapans" that have endless amounts of detail where you can zoom in and find new details in every photo. I was only able to create a 120 megapixel photo, but you can still find things like people starting a campfire and a dude fishing and a truck on a far off bridge. So even though this seems expensive for a DSLR, you are looking at another thousand bucks to find anything with more megapixels than this bad boy, so it is quite a good deal relatively speaking.
Probably the best DSLRs ever made were the Nikon D800 series and you can get the Nikon D800 for $464.
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This is a newer camera than the 6D with more megapixels (36) and a better sensor. It also has a more modern autofocus system and about 3 more stops of dynamic range which can come in handy for landscapes. This is an incredible camera for this price.
APS-C DSLR Camera Bodies
If you aren't sure you want to commit to this hobby, you can look into a Canon APS-C sensor body like the Canon Rebels and Canon 60D through 90D models and get good results.
And there are many Nikon DX APS-C bodies that would be great starter cameras as well. If you get a Nikon, you'd have an upgrade path to the D800 if you get hooked by the photography bug. I would miss a few very special Canon lenses like the 100mm f/2.8L macro and the 400mm f/5.6 telephoto but I'm sure I could figure out some reasonable Nikon alternatives that would do roughly the same thing.
Canon APS-C
There is a Canon 60D for $139 right now that would be perfectly adequate for landscape work on a tripod.
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That was my first camera and I took some very nice photos with it. Only 18 megapixels but it has a very convenient flippy screen which was really helpful for a disabled photographer trying to get low angles.
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This was in 2014 and I didn't know what I was doing but that is a pretty stellar-looking sunset for a (now) $140 camera.
Nikon APS-C
And the Nikon D3400 would be a great option as well at around $184.
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You get some extra megapixels (24) and it is a bit newer than the Canon. I get the sense that used Nikon DSLRs give you more value for your money right now but I don't have a large enough sample size to confirm that.
Full Frame DSLR Lenses
Froggie Note: I am recommending full frame lenses even if you choose an APS-C DSLR body so you have an upgrade path. But also very few purpose-built APS-C lenses had superior glass. Just remember, crop sensor APS-C cameras add ~1.5x to your focal length. So a 16-35mm will have the equivalent field of view of a 24-50mm lens. Still quite acceptable for landscapes, but you may benefit from doing panoramas more often. And if you upgrade to full frame down the road, you'll already have the ideal lens.
Canon DSLR Lenses
If you get the 6D or another Canon you could pair it with the beloved-by-landscapists Canon 16-35mm f/4L.
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Honestly, it is blowing my mind you can get that combo for under $600. Me from 12 years ago is super jealous right now.
If you are worried you might need something to work in lower light and still want a zoom, the f/2.8L starts at around $434.
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This might be the most famous landscape lens of all time. Kinda boggles the mind how many gorgeous vistas this thing has captured the light of.
If you can live without the zoom, you could get a much sharper prime lens that can also be used in even lower light. A used Sigma 24mm f/1.4 Art lens is $439 would be a fantastic option.
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24mm is still a very good focal length for landscapes and the sharpness of this lens lends well to panoramic stitches. Seriously, these art lens are so freaking sharp. Although 35mm is typically preferred for most street photography, I think this would do great for that purpose as well. It couldn't do close up portraits, but 3/4 and full body portraits would look great. I also love this focal length for doggos. It enlarges their heads a bit which enhances adorable-ness.
Though I probably wouldn't recommend the 24mm on APS-C for landscapes as it would put you near a 40mm full frame equivalent field of view.
Nikon DSLR Lenses
And on the Nikon side of things you could get the Nikkor 16-35mm f/4 for $399.
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This is a great lens too. Very comparable to the Canon L glass. And paired with that D800 you would have a better shooting experience than with the 6D if it fits within your budget.
It's a little harder to find, but you can also get that same Sigma 24mm f/1.4 Art lens for Nikon at around $528 used on Amazon and in the $400 range on KEH and MPB when it is available.
The older and softer Nikkor 28mm f/1.8 is a little more affordable and easier to find.
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What if you are not a dentist but are willing to save up for something a little nicer?
Enter the world of...
Mirrorless Camera Systems
Sony currently has my favorite ecosystem of mirrorless cameras and lenses and they are consistently ahead of the other brands as far as technology and features. In fact, many other manufacturers use Sony sensors. They literally supply their competition with their own tech. They are also pretty good about updating firmware—even with older models. So I feel like Sony has a lot of future-proofing advantages over other brands. Sony has a great selection of 3rd party lenses like Sigma, Tamron, Viltrox, Laowa, Samyang, etc. These lenses often have nearly the same optical quality as Sony's G Master lenses at a fraction of the price.
Full Frame Mirrorless
Currently, I think the best value full frame mirrorless camera for landscapes would be the Sony a7R III.
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This is very nearly a top-of-the-line landscape camera for a little over $1200.
That might sound like a lot, but I want to be clear...
This isn't just decent. This isn't "good enough." This is a spectacular professional grade full frame camera.
10 years ago you could spend $6500 for a *worse* camera. 5 years ago you could spend $3000 for a *worse* camera.
It can do every genre of photography except for maybe fast paced sports/action. It has an amazing 42 megapixels—which are not necessary but they do make editing and printing a lot less of a headache. The file sizes can get a little big, but storage is a lot cheaper than it used to be.
Oh, and it can be used for professional quality 4K video work too.
The a7R III comes with all of the modern bells and whistles including in-body stabilization (IBIS) so you can handhold at very slow shutter speeds. It has one of the best autofocus systems—complete with eye tracking. But not just human eyes! Dog eyes. Cat eyes. Bird eyes. If it has an eye, the Sony can probably lock focus on it. And it has an admirable 10 fps burst shooting mode.
APS-C Mirrorless
If you want to enter the Sony ecosystem but can't afford full frame quite yet, you could do the a6400 for about $600.
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You still get the eye-tracking and the in-body stabilization, but you will lose some image quality at higher ISOs due to the smaller sensor size. However, you can get the same full frame E-mount lenses for it and upgrade to a bigger sensor later on and not have to buy new lenses.
Mirrorless Landscape Lenses
I think a good value landscape lens would be the very impressive Tamron 20-40mm f/2.8.
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This is a newer lens so there aren't many deals on used options yet. But this is still a great price for the quality and versatility you get. You will never regret spending a little more on glass.
The 20mm range can fit an entire cityscape in the frame without needing to do a panorama. But if you zoom to 40mm and mount the camera vertically, you could stitch together several photos to get well over the 100 megapixel range.
Also, the 40mm focal range is long enough to do street photography and even head & shoulder portraits. The wide f/2.8 aperture combined with the high-ISO friendly full frame sensor and in-body stabilization means you can shoot in very low light without a tripod. You can also get some great pictures of stars if you travel to someplace with minimal light pollution.
The cheapest landscape zoom lens I could find was the Sony 16-35mm f/4 at $384.
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It's one of Sony's older lenses and may not take advantage of all of the a7R III's pixels, but it would be a good option to get you started in this system and upgrade the lens later on.
Mirrorless Prime Lenses
Zoom lenses are great but you have to spend more to get tolerable quality. Kit zooms can be softer than even the tiny plastic lenses on your phone. So a great way to stretch your budget is to get multiple fixed focal length "prime" lenses. Primes can be built inexpensively while still having good low light performance and decent sharpness.
For instance, you could start with something like the Tamron 20mm f/2.8 for $175. And if you want to do more than landscapes you could add the Sony 50mm f/1.8 for $170 later on. Cheap primes will outperform any of those mediocre kit zoom lenses in that same price range. You lose some versatility and have to deal with the pain of changing lenses or zooming with your feet, but sometimes a tight budget demands a little pain.
There is also a higher quality 3rd party wide angle prime lens that is very popular right now. The Viltrox 16mm f/1.8 is only $549 and the reviews say it has similar quality to lenses 3 times its price.
If you have to choose between a better camera body or a better lens, a good lens will help your photos more than a fancy camera body.
Froggie Note: These are examples. You should always do your own research before making a major technological purchase. This post could be a year old by the time you see it and there could be new stuff that is better. But all of the principles I tried to convey should hopefully guide you to a good decision. Also, feel free to message me if you want to ask about specific gear you are considering purchasing.
More Resources
This is my Encyclopedia of Lens Terms which is a helpful primer in understanding all of the wonderful and different lens options available on ILCs.
This is my buying guide for low budget used DSLRs. Similar to this post but less geared toward landscapes.
And this guide for getting decent landscape photos with any camera.
This is a free tutorial that teaches you everything you need to get started with an ILC system.
And this free tutorial by Karl Taylor is quite good as well.
70 notes · View notes
lonestarflight · 8 months
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"This scenic panorama of billowy clouds over the Atlantic and Florida and the contrasting addition of mankind's technology into the picture was provided by astronaut John W. Young and a handheld camera in the cockpit of NASA's Shuttle Training Aircraft (STA) moments after the 226 tons of spacecraft hardware were lifted off Kennedy Space Center's (KSC) Launch Pad 39A. Inside the Space Shuttle Challenger (STS 41-B), attached here to its two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB) and External Fuel Tank (ET), were astronauts Vance D. Brand, Robert L. Gibson, Ronald E. McNair, Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart."
Date: February 3, 1984
NASA ID: S84-26294
20 notes · View notes
1834 Oct[obe]r Tues[day] 7
8 5/..
11 35/..
No kiss fine morn[in]g – n[ea]r an h[ou]r look[in]g at the panorama of the lake of Geneva etc. bef[ore]
dress[in]g – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 – Game fr[om] IN- [Isabella Norcliffe] Langton kill[e]d on the 4th a brace of pheas[an]ts, and d[itt]o of
partridges – ord[erin]g ab[ou]t n[or]th chamb[e]r and enlarg[in]g new c[oa]ch h[ou]se – the wind[ow] int[o] joiners’ shop
finish[e]d exc[ept] glaz[in]g – 2 of Mallins[o]n men and 2 lads here – Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[ar]th at n[or]th ch[ambe]r ward-
-robe and the latt[e]r cas[in]g tent r[oo]m wind[ow] – Pickels shift[in]g stones fr[om] Hall Green – my fath[e]r
and Mar[ia]n w[e]nt ab[ou]t 11 in th[ei]r op[e]n carr[ia]ge to call at Cliff hill and A- [Adney] and I walk[e]d aft[er]w[ar]ds and g[o]t th[e]re
at 1 – ver[y] well rec[eive]d and sat th[e]re an h[ou]r say[in]g our call w[a]s on Miss Rawson (Mary of
Millh[ou]se) as well as on Miss Walker – look[e]d ab[ou]t the plantat[io]ns – so[me] ti[me] at Lidgate –
Mr. Hirds’ foreman spo[ke] to me ab[ou]t Stump X Inn – w[oul]d be gl[a]d to ta[ke] it – s[ai]d I th[ou]ght of
lett[in]g it by ticket – Mr. Hird hims[elf] ca[me] whi[le] we were th[e]re, b[u]t we d[i]d n[o]t see h[i]m to
sp[ea]k to, as we w[e]nt out by the f[iel]ds int[o] Bramley Lane - ho[me] (thro’ Hipperh[olme] and the end
of Comm[o]n wood) at 4 3/4 – f[ou]nd Throps’ son, as we w[e]nt, in the walk gett[in]g Sycamore
seed w[i]th my leave giv[e]n so[me] ti[me] ago – out w[i]th the workm[e]n and walk[in]g ab[ou]t in the new
app[roa]ch r[oa]d in Tr[ough] of Boll[an]d wood till aft[e]r 6 – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – coff[ee] – h[a]d Pickels – set
to prepare for plant[in]g ivy along the wall at the top of Wellroyde low[e]r wood – w[i]th
my fath[e]r and Mar[ia]n a lit[tle] – 50 min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t till 9 1/2 – wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of today till 10
p.m. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 62° fine day – writ[in]g cop[ie]s of let[ter]s to Mess[ieu]rs Hammersleys, Hutton, Milbourne,
till ver[y] near 11 –
2 notes · View notes
indiejones · 1 year
A strange dichotomy in press or media workings from 50’s India, came to our attention at Indies, making us investigate it’s roots, & the revelations from it & deeper emerging links to the Indian panorama of then, is what’s presented in form of this blog.
Now all regular readers of Indie blogs, would’ve taken notice of the Indie revelation from month back, of the pre-1977 Indian Film Censors rule, of not allowing film shootings within the land, till every 3 reels of each film were made to pass thru & be certified by censors before proceeding ahead. In light of this, emerged another unrelated claim stating how twas the Indian Information & Broadcasting Min of 1950’s India, B.V. Keskar, I & B Minister from 1952-1962, that outright banned the broadcast of all Hindi songs in 1952, for supposedly being too crass & uncultured, thus paving way for the emergence & prosperity of India’s rival business, Sri Lanka’s state radio broadcast service ‘Radio Ceylon’ (most famous to audiences of today, for hosting Ameen Sayani’s ‘Binaca Geetmala’, a weekly Top 10/20 Hindi Film Songs rating & broadcast show) that became immensely popular on account of such ‘folly’ by Mr. Keskar. And this theory was bought by the nation enmasse, for Mr. Keskar being a known proponent of the classical arts, & who In an article in The Hindu (19 July 1953), had argued that “The country’s appreciation for classical music has fallen and was on the point of extinction, particularly in North India, & the onus of making his countrymen intimate with (classical music) that therefore was bestowed on AIR.” “We must make (ourselves) familiar with our traditional music," was what he’d declared. Now further research on the matter gives us no other direct quotes or even second-hand convos from Keskar on the matter of Hindi Film Songs being degenerative or a bad influence on Indian society, ever, anywhere! .. All such talk, attributing such motives to him, only appearing in independent (?) columns of journalists, assuming his self-asserted appreciation for Indian classical music as a direct potential assault on Hindi film Music, in some zero sum game, that being the decided motive for the AIR Film Music ban, no further questions thence to be asked! This theory may even have worked in unknowing & gullible 1950’s India, but to us 75 yrs later, armed with Google baba & other means of info, the knowledge of real facts, that smelt of something far more sinister or atleast shady to begin with- HOW WAS IT EVER POSSIBLE, THAT THE SAME I & B MINISTRY THAT OVERSAW, CERTAINLY SINCE INDEPENDENCE & ALSO BEFORE, WHAT SONGS WERE FIT TO BE TELECAST OR SCREENCAST (IE WITH VISUALS, MOREOVER) IN HINDI MOVIES OF THEN, WITH A METICULOUS MICROSCOPE, WOULD FIND THE SAME SONGS OBJECTIONABLE IN THEIR MERE PODCAST OR TRANSMISSION (W/O VISUALS), OVER A PUBLIC CARRIER ‘ALL INDIA RADIO (AIR)’ ALSO RUN ENTIRELY BY THE I & B MINISTRY??!! Further, we are told that AIR’s situation improved after Keskar was removed & AIR’s new ‘Vividh Bharati service” division was started, now allowing the playing of Hindi songs, thus gaining popularity, & finally beginning to bring in rewards to Indian public entrepreneurship. Only to learn upon some more research that: 1. Mr. B.V. Keskar was the I & B minister continuously for 10 yrs from 1952 – 1962, while ‘Vividh Bharati’ began services in October 1957! Ie. Keskar also oversaw the emergence of Vividh Bharati in AIR during his leadership. 2. It is learnt that parent body AIR still didn’t allow of advertising slots on this new ‘Vividh Bharati’ channel, even then, thus refusing the chance of generating revenue & sprucing up it’s programming & presentation. This infact reportedly continuing into early 1970’s.
All this while rival state broadcaster, Sri Lanka’s ‘Radio Ceylon’, was reportedly earning millions upon millions of rupees, via the biggest & hottest commodity of the nation since independence, in Sri Lanka or India – Radio! Far far more monopolistic in attracting the maximum audience & ad revenue & trade then, as one would imagine, on account of there being no rival modes of entertainment or mass enjoyment then! RADIO WAS UPTO TEN TIMES MORE PROFITABLE AND ATTRACTIVE & PRESTIGIOUS A VENTURE & A DOMINATING (& CONTROLLING) PUBLIC INFLUENCE, THAN EVEN THE TELEVISION OF TODAY!
Which brings one to the obvious question, as to why would the Indian Govt, allow the clearly most potentially impactful & most public interfacing & public controlling Ministry, take a string of the stupidest upon stupidest of decisions, one after the other, for upto years to decades on end, that too, & need it be said, with a rival & unimaginably successful & profitable & national coffer-bourgeoning business model, in just the neighbouring nation, using the Indians’ own intellectual property to increase their own nation’s wealth, all to India’s detriment!???? Ofcourse also to how the same supposedly Hindi Film music-phobic I & B Minister Keskar, had such a change of heart, to first unilaterally declare such a vastly unpopular & need I say, electorally impactful decision in 1952, & then do a 180 degree turn in just 5 yrs, & undo the same decision unilaterally in 1957, unquestioned or un-investigated upon further, forever thereafter! Btw. B. V. Keskar continues to be the longest serving I & B Min in Indian democratic history, having served on this post for a full 10 yrs, that’s 5 times more than the average term duration of 2 yrs for Ministers holding this post in India thereafter! Does anyone even remotely believe that Nehru of all people, SO hands-on in all his affairs, that his own 1950’s Finance Minister of all people, John Matthai, one of Indies Top 136 Greatest Personalities in the Known History of India incidentally, & one of the most important Cabinet posts in the Govt, resigned, writing an open letter of resignation to Nehru in 1950, alleging how Nehru’s Planning Commission headed by Nehru himself, had become a parallel Cabinet that’d turned the entire real Cabinet into mere petty registering authorities…could allow some unheard of & certainly nationally unknown Minister called B. V. Keskar to run riot with the dynamic national sentiment, not once but twice, & continue on with no say in the matter at all!?
This was not stupidity of the highest order, but certainly something far more sinister.
And a little further deep-dive, made matters far clearer indeed!
You see some research on ‘Radio Ceylon’ will tell you, how it took the shape of it’s most famous avatar, from the erstwhile ‘Colombo Radio’ that began transmission in 1925, only after the nation of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) was officially granted Dominion Status by the British in 1948 just a year after the same as unofficially granted to India in 1947 (read earlier Indie blogs on India’s Dominion Status till atleast the late 1960’s, on Indies sm), that meaning all controlling authority, if not day-to-day operations, & certainly lotsa the decided revenues or rewards, from the nation’s activity, were to stay with the British Crown.
Further, how ‘Radio Ceylon’ acquired it’s operational strength thanks to the short-wave transmitters that were donated to Radio Ceylon, at the time of it’s dominion-independence, by the officers of the then Indian Gov General Louis Mountbatten’s earlier command, namely his position as Supreme Commander of the South- East Asia Command that Mountbatten held till 1946, & one officer in particular, Major Frank Courtney. During WW II, Frank Courtney was posted in India and assigned to the British Garrison at Bombay as the Signals Officer. The Allied Forces were spread far & wide, from the Middle East to the Far East and the Indian Peninsula in the centre, formed a very strategic location. Real time communications with the Allied Forces became paramount and an urgent need was felt to set up a Medium Frequency/High Frequency (MF/HF) transmitting station. FC was tasked with identifying a suitable location and equipment and setting up the same. After a thorough study he concluded that Colombo would be the ideal location and he proceeded with the project as directed. Just as the equipment arrived at Colombo the War ended and the equipment continued to lie in some warehouse in the port premises.
Frank Courtney, who was totally in the picture of the details & position of the MF/HF Transmitters, approached the new Government in Ceylon and proposed the setting up of a powerful radio station for their country. The Ceylon Government accepted his proposal and commissioned him to complete the project on a turn-key basis. That meaning, the Govt of Sri Lanka basically appointed Major Frank Courtney, Signals Officer of Mountbatten’s South-East Asia Command, as a large stakeholder & large part owner of Sri Lanka’s national radio service, that was also soon re-positioned as a full-fledged separate department of the Ceylon (Sri Lankan) Natl Govt.
Now given how Sri Lanka was legally a Dominion of Britain then (& continued to be till 1972 when officially became a Republic), & Mountbatten very much in control of India as Governor General in 1948, fair to say, this was in effect the British Crown acquiring rival legal ownership to the then illegal Indian radio-service ownership! .. In modern biz talk, many would call this, a potential way to convert black into white!
And that is how Radio Ceylon came into being. The most powerful transmitting station in this part of the world!
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Ceylon
2. https://pediahut.com/radio-ceylon/
3. https://www.historyforpeace.pw/post/the-strange-and-amusing-history-of-indian-commercial-radio
4. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1579447/Major-Frank-Courtney.html 5. https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg140357.html 6. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0268740/plotsummary/
What happened thereafter, as mentioned in first half of the blog, & why moreover, would now be almost clear to everyone reading! The entire facade of the Hindi Film Song ban by All Indian Radio & Keskar in 1952, would’ve been, as we can almost certainly now say, an exercise in subterfuge, in transferring all Indian listenership & consequent ad revenue from AIR to the Crown‘s near-official Radio Ceylon, under directions of the Crown, dutifully followed & implemented on by the self-confessed last British PM of India. Btw, do you know when ‘Vividh Bharati’ actually started accepting advertising revenue? In early 1970’s, just as Sri Lanka became a Republic!   Another aspect that also comes to mind, as an interesting aside, is how Major Frank Courtney, official part-owner of or substantial stakeholder in ‘Radio Ceylon’, also roped in 2 more people as official partners – First, an enterprising American Daniel Molina, who sensing a great business opportunity in India then, founded (or was made to found) a company called Radio Advertising Services in Bombay in 1951 to recruit sponsors for Radio Ceylon’s programmes.
Molina also established Radio Ceylon’s production arm, Radio Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. (REPL), and hired an AIR broadcaster named Hamid Sayani to head it. Who was also a theatre actor & a executive in 2 big British advertising agencies J. Walter Thompson and Stronachs.
Did you know that 'Radio Ceylon' ran it's outrageously profitable venture, in the name of the Sri Lankan Govt's official department, right from Colaba in South Bombay, from Cecil Court & nearby locations!
Incidentally, the 2 other people that were hired & became famous, in this radio jockey role, were Hamid’s younger brother Ameen Sayani, who was to radio compere inarguably Radio Ceylon’s biggest money-spinner ever (thanks to Indian & British Govt’s calculated Hindi song ban), ‘Binaca Geetmala’, & the other, a guy called Balraj, who first hosted & became famous with a show called ‘Lipton Ki Mehfil’ & subsequently a show by the name ‘Lux Ke Sitaray’, that during course of his 2nd show, would land up at Dilip Kumar’s ‘Shikast’ film set for an interview in 1953, & per online info, impress the Director Ramesh Saigal enough to bag a lead role for his next film, titled ‘Railway Platform’, releasing nationwide in 1955, the man now rechristened as Sunil Dutt!
The Radio service, now having acquired unparalleled & loyal fan base, would, despite being an official Sri Lankan Govt enterprise, also then go on to begin a segment on  ‘unbiased Indian news’ pertaining to India, & begin a Christian missionary ad-purchased Christian religious programming to India, slot, too. Just saying.
Now we mentioned earlier how Major Frank Courtney had roped in 2 partners for his advertising agency arm of Radio Ceylon, the 2nd of them being a guy going as S. Hariharan, that from the only available literature on him, was also the ‘overseer’ of 1972’s Malayalam film ‘Vayanadan Thampan’, the plotline for which, as an amusing aside, we surely hope has no real-life connections whatsoever! For below is what the Imdb plotline as on July 2023 of the film reads (As I said, have a fun read): “Vayanadan Thamban is nearing his death, he starts to worship devils and comes across a devil Karimuthey. Vayanadan Thamban requests him to grant everlasting youth to which Karimuthey agrees on a request that he should sacrifice 10 virgin girls as an offering to him, on specific intervals. Upon offering him a sacrifice of every virgin girl, Karimuthey grants Vayanadan Thamba a boon to become younger on every interval. But warns him that if he fails to offer the sacrifice, his body shall go rotten.”
Sounds very much like few dark occult underground community terms & conditions & rituals, we’ve now heard aplenty from experts & activists alike, isn’t it?! .. But as I said, let’s hope just restricted to cinematic entt (even if at it’s very worst!).
Btw, we’ve blogged on before, using Dr. Samuel Stevens’ expert works, how the British Empire was essentially a Freemasonic Empire. With most people forming a relationship with them as part of their prestigious ring, having to vow to the dark cult’s terms & conditions, in some direct & indirect way (per Dr. Stevens & other experts). That if being the case here at all, or if so to what extent, is as good a guess of your’s as of mine!
Frank Courtney, who incidentally lived all his 1940’s time in Bombay, would continue to live & operate from the same Bombay for the rest of his life, his British wife from before independence incidentally also owning a fashion boutique at Colaba’s Taj Mahal Hotel for many decades, from before him, that being the place of their first meeting too btw. Frank would go on owning a home in London, yet staying in Bombay, till he died in the 2000’s, spending most of the evenings of his retired life as President of the Royal Bombay Yacht Club, winning yacht races well into his 80’s & overseeing the club’s activities, even at one point of time, receiving an official letter from the Queen, for his efforts in resisting the movement to change the name of the Bombay in The Royal Bombay Yacht Club to Mumbai. Frank Courtney was also conferred the OBE (Order of The British Empire) in 1980, ‘for public service outside the (official) civil service’.
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dokiyeom · 1 year
hey aya!!! whats ur fave gg styling era ?? i absolutely loved the styling for ive during love dive and its so iconic to me . for bgs though its probably 127 touch or tbz bloombloom bc the concept was rlly cute ^^ - pjo anon
pjo anon hi !!!! ur so right i adore love dives styling soso much,,, but im also loving the styling for the fimmies new unforgiven era && izone’s one reeler/panorama era <//3 like izones styling will forever b some of my favs,,, like the concept photo && stage looks they’ve had will forever b ingrained in my mind oh my gosh
and also icsm ++ scientist era for twice !!! like both the scientist stage looks ++ all of the styling for the tour last yr was soso insane,,, like the 1,3,2 looks for mina, jeongyeon, && tzuyu,,, i still haven’t recovered
omg and boy groups ??? seventeen’s fts carat vers looks ++ txt’s fight or escape r some of my favs,,, and an honorable mention just for red hair jeonghan bc i’m forever obsessed w it omfg,, like lw it def contributed to me cutting my hair && dying it red fjfjdj
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ooberpadsposts · 1 year
5 Best Dolby Atmos Soundbars to Watch Out for in 2023
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Stop browsing online stores for hours - We are doing it for you! There's no better solution than a Dolby Atmos Soundbar to take the sound of your TV to another level. Since Dolby Atmos soundbars do such an amazing job at creating an immersive three-dimensional soundscape for your home theatre setup, it’s important to check out and consider some of the best Dolby Atmos Soundbars in 2023.
B&W Panorama 3
Devialet Dione
Denon Heos 550 Soundbar
B&O Beosound Stage
Polk Audio Magnifi Max AX
For checking out top-rated Dolby Atmos Soundbars, reach out to our team of experts. They will ensure you get the highest-quality products that deliver powerful performance.
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 years
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Fashion Photography from the 1990s
Curated by  Claudia Schiffer
Prestel, Munich 2021, 216 pages,110 color illustrations, 59 b/w illustrations, Hardcover, 37x36cm., ISBN 978-3-7913-7849-7
euro 65,00 *
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Claudia Schiffer offers a unique perspective on the decade that changed fashion forever, as the curator of 'Fashion Photography from the 1990s' at Kunstpalast Düsseldorf.
The nineties are back! Fashion icon Claudia Schiffer takes readers on a personal journey through the golden age of the global supermodel. This richly illustrated book accompanies the first ever exhibition curated by Claudia Schiffer, who brings together the legendary fashion photographers, designers and supermodels, whose visions captivated fashion's most illustrious decade. In the nineties fashion became elevated into a total work of art. This stunning book draws on a rich panorama of amazing characters and places, which made the decade so memorable. Spectacular images by legendary photographers are shown alongside unseen material from Schiffer's private archive. Arthur Elgort's extravagant compositions are shown next to Corinne Day's intimate and immediate style, Ellen von Unwerth's playful, sexy, humorous, and exuberant photographs meet Herb Ritts' sculptural, perfectly composed works, Juergen Teller's provocative photographs contrast with Karl Lagerfeld's elegant and timeless images, and many other iconic photographers are featured. Insightful essays by the fashion industry's leading lights reveal the secrets of a decade, which continues to have a strong influence on the fashion culture of today.
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yourdesertsunflower · 4 years
Chunin Exams: Shikamaru vs. Temari
So this will be long, so be ready for some deep diving. I’d been thinking this for quite a while so let’s go. 
One of my favorite Chunin Exams’s match has to be Shikamaru vs. Temari. This may not be much of a surprise for any of you, but maybe the reason why it is between my top 3 will surprise more than one. 
Obviously the ship factor made me like this battle even more, but it’s not even a primary or secondary reason for why I love this match. This battle stands out to me as being one of the most truthful ninja fights of the whole arc. Why? Because a ninja fight, as Kakashi would day during the Zabuza’s arc is about always plotting, to know when to do certain thing, to know when to not to do them and just hide and to work with the tools you have. 
It’s a battle were the brains out beats the brute force, where the strength is the last resource and the strategy primes as the best thing a ninja can have. It about deciphering our opponent, carrying out the best strategy and ensuring the win as much as possible and both Shikamaru and Temari excel at being this masterminds. They make the most out of their battle and, in my opinion, they both shine through as not only capable but highly advanced strategists, specially for their short age. 
That’s why when I hear people going like “No, she’s not.” when Asuma says that Temari she is bright and that she thinks like Shikamaru (she thinks ahead) or say that “Shikamaru could have easily beat Temari if he wasn’t that lazy” I just feel like crying. 
However, it’s not people’s fault after all. The direction of the match in both the anime and the manga makes Shikamaru’s strategy the wow factor. I am not saying his tactic is not genius, I would be pretty lame if I said that, nor that Shikamaru is not more intelligent than Temari (He is the most brilliant person of his generation, specially when it comes to strategy) and he deserved the recognition because the tactic he carried through was slick af. It’s one of the many reason why Shikamaru is my absolute favorite character in Naruto (I love him so much). 
However, I think that Shikamaru’s genius shouldn’t by any means diminish Temari’s wit. Because she was also delivering quite a good fight, she was a good match for Shikamaru (which ain’t easy) and (I personally think) had a pretty accurate strategy. 
So, I gave myself the job of being Temari’s Asuma and explain in full detail what I think, through my reading, was Temari’s strategy. Because my girl deserves more recognition. She is a strategist and a really good one.
1. Context
One thing I think it’s important to mention before anything is the context of the match. 
If we come to think about it, it wouldn’t be that far-fetched to say that Temari couldn’t waste that much chakra nor show new abilities in her fight against Shikamaru. Let’s remember that the Sand only participated in the Chunin Exams because of the attack, to execute the Konoha Crush. A plan for which the Sand Siblings, specially Gaara, were crucial. Even we get to see Kankuro forfeiting of his fight against Shino in order to keep his techniques a secret and wait for the time to make the move. 
However Temari didn’t had the same luck. It would be suspicious if the two of them just gave up. My reading of the situation is that actually neither of them expected to fight their respective matches as Gaara’s match against Sasuke was before theirs. Still, if someone had to fight Temari knew that would be her because, 
a. Kankuro was against Shino who had shown to be a beast, and hence, it was more likely that he would have to use higher tier attacks. 
b. Temari showed to be quite confident of her skills and Shikamaru, though he had shown to be intelligent (not to the extent of this match but intelligent nonetheless) he was the weakest of the finalist in terms of raw strength. 
So, Temari had to be the one to fight. Otherwise the plan would fall apart, and although she wasn’t sure about attacking from the start, she was extremely loyal to her village and would never do something to hurt it. However she couldn’t be imprudent, hence, she didn’t had to waste that much chakra in order not to tire herself that much and couldn’t show new wind style techniques as that would only weaken the surprise effect this might have (let’s remember she was in a stadium filled with highly capable Shinobi, Chunin and Jonin Level)
But although she couldn’t be imprudent, she also couldn’t let herself be defeated. After all, she is Temari. She had figure out a way to win despite the limitations she had which brings us to the fight itself. 
2. First Movement: Gaining Information
The first thing Temari knows is that she needs some information about the match and the rival so she starts off by trying to get an action or a least a reaction from Shikamaru, which proved to be quite draining due to his usual unmotivated behavior. 
The frontal and direct attacks of Temari at the beginning of the match serve that purpose. 
Unlike her match against Tenten, where she could just start of in complete defensiveness she quickly realized that that wouldn’t work with Shikamaru. I am pretty sure Temari is one of those fighters who don’t like to make the first move but to wait and recollect information from her adversaries (after all i  her battle against Tenten, in which she always seemed comfortable she did just that) but as she knew that couldn’t be the case as while Tenten is someone active, Shikamaru is more of reactive fighter she just attacked to get the necessary information to use with her previous knowledge (which I’ll also proceed to explain) to plan a strategy. 
She knew from Shikamaru’s fight against Kin (the sound ninja) that it was quite likely that the Shadow Posession Jutsu had: 
a. A range 
b. Short duration spam. 
c. Wasted to much chakra. 
After all, Shikamaru was always shown to be pretty cautious about how and when he used it. That’s why the jutsu doesn’t seem much of a threat at the beginning as if she could manage to identify the range of his jutsu she could just stay away from it and make him waste chakra. 
If to that we add that Shikamaru’s reaction was to hide she also gained a panorama of how the fight will be like. It’ll most likely be a long-lasting battle based more in indirect attacks and meticulously planning than in strength. 
This seemed to match quite well, which justifies Temari’s smile as Shikamaru hides. At first glance stretching out the duration of the battle and fighting long-range was just perfect for her as she could save as much chakra as possible, dodging the attacks of Shikamaru while making him waste as much chakra as possible. 
Hence, although Temari was overconfident (aspect I’ll talk about in more detail later) she had a reason to be so. She had a fairly strong plan,and everything seemed to be falling in the right place. 
2. Identifying the Range and the Sun
The first attacks of Shikamaru just seem to work on perfectly for Temari as she achieves to find out her shadow range, a jaw-dropping fifteen meters thirty-two centimetres (like she is also a mathematician in her own right). 
It’s then when Shikamaru shows her that there was one factor she hadn’t thought about before: the sun. When the shadow reaches a longer distance than it had already done she quickly deduces that as the sun sets the shadow of the wall was getting larger, hence elongating the shadow making his range bigger. 
And Temari quickly adapts to the situation working out several plans she could use. She decides the better was keeping up with the angle and the direction from which the sun is hitting the wall and the growth in his shadow in order to be able to calculate an equation that would keep him away from his shadow. 
This is good because while some may just freak out and try to use brute force to finish it, as seemingly stretching the match no longer holds any sense, Temari takes her time to think and finds a way to use her skills and knowledge in battle. This is no easy task, as we see that a lot of highly talented shinobis on paper had a tough time in practice. But she is so great that she comes up with a way that doesn’t directly throws the entire plan she had come up with to the trash. 
3. Surprise Attack 
Well I got to say this. I don’t like that Kankuro warns Temari about Shikamaru’s  home-made parachute because I easily think that she could have realized by herself. She had shown all through the battle to have great observational skills and to be quite focused so I think that Kishimoto could have easily come up with that. 
Still, I understand that Kishomoto through this fight tries to justify that Shikamaru was the one that would become a Chunin, so nerfing Temari isn’t the worst thing out of all. I don’t like it but isn’t that bad if we take into consideration the other thingd that were done in the manga. 
However is through her ability to dodge this attack we get Asuma’s and Shikamaru’s reaction and recognition of Temari’s skills. She is a really good shinobi, quick, intelligent and competent. 
Yes, Shikamaru had just gotten her in the position she wanted but what he said he truly meant it, which means a lot given his chauvinistic behavior at the begging of Naruto. She is fast learner, she is capable to dodge attacks that no regular genin could or as Shikamaru said in Naruto Ninja Storm 4 (yes, I usually hate most of the scenes in this game but this one ShikaTema scene was so sport on) that she was the first person of his age to be able dodge that many attacks from him, which leaves me to another point. 
4. Moves Ahead
It’s almost a meme that Shikamaru has a 200 IQ and that he is 200 moves ahead everyone else but what I really think that people don’t understand is that for Shikamaru each an everyone of those moves, from the first one to the the two hundred, could be the last one. When Shikamaru plans out a strategy he may use some moves that are feints but those feints may also work to end the match to less skilled rivals. Each move works as an individual move as part of a whole. That is other level, is genius. Prove of the overtly exaggerated 200 IQ, almost everyone could seem dumb beside him.
However, the complexity of the strategy he used against Temari shows us that how knew that he needed to come up with something good in order to be able to beat her. She wouldn’t fall for something straightfoward because she showed to be several steps ahead also. 
She had shown to easily decipher his jutsu’s range, she had found elements that could have served him as an advantage and she had been skillful enough to move around the field avoiding his jutsu with ease. And he knows that because 
a. He had seen it, 
b. She had told it to him, which I think was one of the biggest mistakes of Temari derived from her over-confidence.
That’s why his plan had to be slick in order to win which brings up the end of the match. 
5. Checkmate
After seeing that Shikamaru’s shadow range was almost unlimited and that her chances of measuring it were incredibly low she then decides to end it once and for all because; 
a. If she extended the match much longer it was almost inevitable that she will end up being caught by his shadow paralysis jutsu 
b. She couldn’t risk to waste a lot of chakra since, I have already mentioned, it was indispensable she was in good conditions for the Konoha Crush. 
But it’s interesting the movement she plans out in order to beat Shikamaru since it shows that she is very aware of her own tools and abilities and of the abilities of her rival. One clone will take the attention of him, falling in his shadows paralysis while she just bluntly beat him with her crushing wind style. Fairly simple, but also extremely effective. 
When Shikamaru caught her and shows her his strategy Temari quickly understands what he had done. She had underestimated both his jutsu and his mind and that added with her over-confidence in her analysis was what gave Shikamaru the necessary information to caught her. 
She is genuinely surprised as the rest of the crowd but they are even more when he gives up. 
That was just a masterful decision of Kishimoto, I got to give him that, because it not only make Shikamaru be cool af for the audience, but also for two things that are lest often touched upon: 
a. In terms of Shikamaru it showed the genius he is, the smartest person of his generation by far, capable of examining the situation and choose the best option to execute. He was running out of chakra while his rival was safe and sound. In a real life mission the best option is retreat, and that’s what he does. This is shows to Temari than he and Shikamaru are actually much more alike than she had thought. They both are rational thinkers, who measure cons and pros and are able to come up with a logical analysis but they are also pretty conscious of themselves and others. That’s what Asuma means when he says they think alike, that why they always seem to work along together despite their seemingly clashing personalities. 
b. In terms of Temari she gets the bittersweet victory. She archived what she wanted, making him run out of chakra, but not how she wanted to do so. It is deserved and undeserved at the same time which conflicts her. If the battle had continued it was more than likely she had won as she wanted to but it didn’t which let her thinking that, if he could he could have easily beat her even though he states that not to be the reason. After all he had clearly outsmarted her, and that was what was the most important for her, despite her win was deserved in my opinion (not because she was more intelligent than him, because no one really is, but because, at the end, she managed with her wit and talent to make it impossible for him to continue). She thinks that her over-confidence and her analysis which she prides of, was the thing that took her down and that it’s quite important for her character and her relationships with others. We’ll get to see how this affected her in her following appearances, when we get to see her when she goes to fight against Tayuya she carefully listens to Shikamaru’s analysis, although at the end she decides to do it her way (an nails it), her decision was derived from her listing to his words and all he got to say. 
At the end Temari will always be her wonderful confident self (that’s only another reason to love her) but after this match she shows to be more cautious when underestimating her rivals, however you shouldn’t dare underestimate her. 
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Because she is a f***ing boss.   
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Foto: Panorama Helsinki / Finland - Dom und Parlamentsplatz (by   tap5a)
        “Wir tun das nur für Fergus!” ist eine kurze Outlander Fan Fiction Geschichte und mein Beitrag zur Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3. Fake Beziehung AU: Jamie Fraser  möchte seinen Pflegesohn Fergus formell adoptieren, aber sein Antrag  wird wahrscheinlich nicht genehmigt werden … es sei denn, er ist  verheiratet und/oder in einer festen Beziehung. Fügen Sie Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (Randall?) zu dieser Geschichte hinzu.) @outlanderpromptexchange​ ​
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Kapitel 13: Das geheime Leben der Rothirsche (2)
           Am nächsten Morgen entschied Jamie spontan, dass er an diesem Tag von zu Hause aus arbeiten wollte. Als er ins Esszimmer kam, war Claire bereits dort und Fergus kam wenige Augenblicke später hinzu.
           "Fährst Du heute später ins Büro, Papa?" fragte Fergus überrascht.
           "Ich fahre heute gar nicht ins Büro, ich arbeite von hier aus," antwortete Jamie und musste lächeln, als er Claires überraschten Gesichtsausdruck sah.
           "Aber zuerst bringe ich Dich zusammen mit Claire zur Schule."
           "Oh, das ist schön," sagte Fergus, war dann aber von anderen Wichtigkeiten abgelenkt und fragte: "Kannst Du mir bitte die Kirschmarmelade geben?"
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”Frühstück” by gamagapix  
           Jamie griff nach dem Glas mit dem erbetenen Fruchtaufstrich und nickte dabei Claire auf die Art und Weise zu, wie er es immer tat, wenn er ihr eine Sache "außerhalb von Fergus Reichweite" erzählen wollte. Dann widmeten sie sich wieder dem Frühstück.            Als Claire den Jungen in sein Zimmer geschickt hatte, damit er seinen Schulranzen holte, fragte sie:
           "Ist irgendetwas ... geschehen?"
           "Nein, es liegt heute nur nichts Wichtiges an. Das, was zu tun ist, kann ich auch von hier aus erledigen. Ich dachte, wir könnten Fergus gemeinsam zur Schule bringen und anschließend zeige ich Dir das Grundstück und das Herrenhaus, welches die Matthieu und Teresa erworben haben. Oder interessiert Dich das nicht?"
           "Oh doch! Ich ...," kam Claires spontane Antwort. Sie errötete etwas und fügte dann mit gesenkter Stimme hinzu:
           "Ich ... hatte auch ... schon daran gedacht, dass ... ich 'mal ... einen Spaziergang dorthin machen könnte."
           "Gut! Aber sag' mir, ob ich damit Deine Pläne für den Tag durcheinanderbringe."
           "Nur, wenn unser kleiner Ausflug den ganzen Tag in Anspruch nimmt."
           "Da kann ich Dich beruhigen. Es wird nicht lange dauern. Wir können uns das Haus und das Grundstück sowieso nur von der Straße aus ansehen. Was ... hast Du denn ... so für heute geplant?"
           "Nun, ich hätte Fergus zur Schule gebracht und danach wollte ich mit Frau Curtius alles für Freitagabend besprechen. Wir müssen ja planen. Das Menü für den Abend, ein wenig Dekoration und auch, was wir unserem Gast anschließend noch anbieten können. Außerdem wollte ich mit ihr darüber reden, ob wir Alice Bodenser bitten sollten, uns zu helfen."
           Jamie staunte, wie routiniert Claire den Besuch des Gastes zu planen schien.
           "Das hört sich gut an," sagte er und fügte hinzu: "Wie gesagt, wir werden nicht lange brauchen."
           Fergus erschien. Er hatte seine Herbstjacke angezogen und trug seinen Ranzen:
           "Kommt Ihr? Es ist schön spät."
           Claire und Jamie sahen sich an, schüttelten fast synchron leicht ihre Köpfe und folgten Fergus hinaus in den Flur.
           Nachdem sie Fergus in die Schule gebracht hatten, wies Jamie den Fahrer an, zu einer nahegelegenen Adresse zu fahren. Keine zehn Minuten später hielt der Wagen, nachdem er zuerst an der historische Meierei und einem kleinen Jachthafen vorbei gefahren war, vor einem mit einem hohen Zaun umgebenen Grundstück. Weit in den Himmel emporragende, noch immer stark belaubte Bäume schirmten das Herrenaus zur Straßenseite ab, so dass man nur Teile davon sehen konnte. Doch das genügte, um einen erst Eindruck davon zu bekommen. Als Claire die Größe des Anwesens sah, entfuhr ihr ein lautes
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“Villa Starck” von Writtenby - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=21051134
           Jamie sah sie lächelnd an.
           "Das ... das ist ja noch viel größer ..."
           "Als mein Haus?" beendet Jamie den Satz.
           "Ja, ja ... wirklich," antwortete Claire, immer noch verwundert.
           "Soll' ich ... ein ... größeres Haus kaufen?" fragte Fraser und konnte dabei nur mühsam ein Lächeln unterdrücken. Er hätte nur zu gern gewusst, was Claire wirklich dachte und in welcher Art von Haus, in welcher Art von Umgebung, sie wirklich leben wollen würde.
           "Nein, nein, so ... meinte ich ... es nicht," wehrte sie ab.
           "Naja, wenn Du vielleicht jetzt der Meinung bist, dass Du für einen nicht so wohl angesehenen Haushalt arbeitest ... "
           Jamie war nicht in der Lage, den Satz zu beenden. Claire funkelte ihn angriffslustig aus ihren bernsteinfarbenen Augen an, dann versetzte sie ihm einen kurzen aber festen Boxhieb vor die Brust.
           "Uff," war das Einzige, was Jamie von sich geben konnte.
           "Ja! Uff!" triumphierte Claire. "Das passiert, wenn man eine arme, alte Angestellte zum Narren hält!"  
           Jamie hatte sich wieder gefasst und kicherte.
           "Angestellte stimmt, alles andere nicht."
           Er bedeutete ihr mit seinem rechten Arm, zurückzugehen. Sie schauten sich noch den Eingang zum Grundstück an, dann gingen sie wieder zum Wagen zurück und ließen sich nach Hause fahren.
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“Homeoffice” by JamesDeMers 
           Während Claire in die Küche ging, um mit Frau Curtius zu sprechen, sprintete Jamie, auf geheimnisvolle Weise mit neuer Energie erfüllt, die Treppe zum zweiten Stock hinauf und begab sich in sein Arbeitszimmer. Dort angekommen, ließ er sich in den ledernen Bürosessel an seinem Schreibtisch fallen und drückte auf dem Display seines Smartphones die Kurzwahl, die ihn mit Matthieu von Klarenberg verband.
           "Guten Morgen, Jamie!" schallte es ihm nur wenige Augenblicke später entgegen.
           Matthieu war offensichtlich sehr wach und sehr gut gelaunt.
           "Guten Morgen Matthieu! Du hattest unüberhörbar bereits einen guten, starken Kaffee."
           "Bist Du neidisch, mein Freund? Bekommst Du dort in Deinem schicken Bürohaus am Gendarmenmarkt etwa keinen guten Kaffee?"
           "Ich bin heute gar nicht in meinem schicken Bürohaus ...," gab Jamie belustigt zurück.
           "Nicht? Bist Du jetzt auch so ein Faulenzer geworden wie ich?"
           "Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass Du alles andere als ein Faulenzer bist, ich bin heute zu Hause, weil nichts Wichtiges anliegt und ich alles andere auch von hier aus erledigen kann. Das gibt mir Gelegenheit, mehr Zeit mit Fergus zu verbringen. Ich war kürzlich zehn Tage auf Dienstreise und ..."
           "... da hast Du jetzt etwas wieder gut zu machen."  
           "Ja, genau," gab Jamie zurück, "aber deswegen rufe ich nicht an. Ich wollte Dir sagen, dass wir uns sehr freuen würden, wenn Du am Freitagabend bei uns zum Abendessen vorbeikommen würdest und wir danach auch noch etwas Zeit zusammen verbringen könnten."
           "Claire hat also ihre Erlaubnis erteilt?" erkundigte sich Matthieu und konnte die Ironie in seiner Stimme nicht unterdrücken.
           "Sie hatte für Freitagabend nichts geplant und freut sich darauf, Dich kennenzulernen," gab Jamie leicht ironisch zurück.
           "Das freut mich, ich komme gern, ganz ehrlich, Jamie."
           "Ich freue mich auch Dich zu sehen, Mathieu."
           "Nichts aber. Ich, ich ... hätte da ... nur ...  noch eine Bitte an Dich."
           "Ich höre."
           "Fergus freut sich schon sehr darauf, dass Ihr bald in unsere Nähe zieht und ich weiß, er wird sich freuen, Dich zu sehen. Also werde ich ihm erlauben, noch so lange wach zu bleiben, bis Du eintriffst ... damit er Dich begrüßen kann."
           "Und wo ist das Problem?"
           "Nun, ich möchte Dich bitten ... Claire und ich haben ihm noch nichts von uns gesagt ..."
           "Aha," sagte Matthieu. Es gelang ihm nicht, die Verwunderung, die in seiner Stimme mitschwang, zu unterdrücken. Nach einem Augenblick hatte er sich wieder gefangen:
    ��      "Darf ich fragen, warum nicht?"
           "Naja, Fergus hatte in diesem Jahr schon genug zu verarbeiten. Ich musste im Frühjahr mehrfach auf Dienstreise und er musste die ganze Zeit über bei Herrn und Frau Curtius bleiben. Dann kommt plötzlich eine vollkommen fremde Frau in unser Haus und ich eröffne ihm, dass sie ihn von nun an täglich betreuen wird, also quasi zu einem Ersatzelternteil für ihn wird. Es folgt die Einschulung und er muss sich auf viele neue Menschen einstellen, beginnen zu lernen. Dann noch eine lange Dienstreise meinerseits. Außerdem ist die Beziehung zu Claire ..."
           "Du bist Dir doch sicher, was Claire betrifft, oder?"
           Jamie hörte die Besorgnis, die in Matthieus Stimme mitschwang. Er kannte seinen Freund gut und wusste, dass diese Besorgnis echt war.
           "Ich bin mir 100 % sicher, Matthieu. Ich liebe sie und ich wünsche mir nichts mehr, als dass wir eine Familie werden - sie, Fergus und ich. Fergus liebt sie, sie liebt Fergus, ich liebe sie ..."
           "Aber du bist Dir ... nicht ... sicher, dass sie Dich liebt?"
           Wieder war die Verwunderung in von Klarenbergs Stimme unüberhörbar. Jamie fühlte sich in seiner sitzenden Haltung unwohl, schob den Schreibtischstuhl zurück und stand auf. Er ging zu dem großen Fenster, dass zur Südseite des Hauses hinaus ging und dessen Tür daneben auf einen schmalen Balkon führte. Dann sagte er:
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“Window” by  StockSnap
         "Es ist ... kompliziert."
           Matthieu von Klarenberg stöhne laut auf:
           "Jamie, bitte! Wir sind hier doch nicht bei Facebook!"
           "Nein," antwortete Jamie leise und seufzte, "zum Glück nicht!"
           Fraser begann, vor der Fensterfront auf- und ab zugehen.
           "Ach, mir fällt kein besseres Wort ein. Es ist wirklich kompliziert. Claire war verheiratet und ihr Mann hat sie auf eine sehr schamlose Weise betrogen ... mehrfach betrogen."
           "Merde! Merde! Merde!"  
           Jamie entfernte das Smartphone ruckartig von seinem Ohr um sein Trommelfell vor dem laustarken verbalen Ausbruch seines Freundes zu schützen. Als Matthieu sich wieder beruhigt hatte, sagte er:
           "Ich wusste, Matthieu, dass Du es verstehen würdest."
           "Ja, das verstehe ich nur zu gut. Sie ist doch wohl aber zwischenzeitlich von dem Mistkerl geschieden, oder?"
           "Das wollte sie, aber dazu ist es nicht mehr gekommen. Der Mistkerl ist vorher an einem Herzinfarkt ..."
           "Klasse!" rief von Klarenberg aus um dann hinzuzusetzen: "Manche Probleme lösen sich doch ganz einfach auf die gute alte biologische Weise."
           Jamie hört den Sarkasmus und seufzte leise.
           "Du verstehst, dass es ... ihr ... nicht leicht fällt ... wieder zu vertrauen."
           "Ja, natürlich. Und wie ich das verstehe."
           Es trat ein Moment der Stille ein.
           Matthieu war der Erste, der den Faden wieder aufnahm.
           "Ich verstehe auch, dass Ihr Euch erst wirklich sicher sein wollt, bis Ihr es Fergus sagt."
           "Genau. Wir können ihm nicht zumuten, dass ... er die Hoffnung hat, eine Mutter, eine Familie, zu bekommen ... und dann bricht das Ganze doch wieder ... auseinander. Den Mist hat er schon einmal durchlebt. Ich will nicht, dass er es noch einmal ... Wir werden es ihm erst sagen, wenn alles 'in trockenen Tüchern' ist."
           "Ja, das ist auch ganz richtig. Ich werde Fergus gegenüber nichts erwähnen. Das ist es doch, worum Du mich bitten wolltest, nicht wahr?"
           "Genau. Danke für Dein Verständnis."
           "Dafür nicht."
           "Ich freue mich, dass wir Dich dann am Freitagabend willkommen heißen dürfen. Bitte grüß' Teresa und die Kinder ganz herzlich von uns."
           "Die Freude ist ganz meinerseits. Fergus und Dich habe ich ja auch schon fast ein Jahr nicht mehr gesehen und dann bin ich natürlich sehr gespannt Claire kennenzulernen. Grüße sie bitte, sie und Fergus."
           Die Männer beendeten ihr Gespräch.
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“Chaiselongue” by Vassil, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
           Nur Sekunden später öffnete sich die Tür von Matthieu von Klarenbergs Arbeitszimmer und seine Frau Teresa trat ein. Er rollte mit seinem Schreibtischstuhl ein wenig hinten, drehte sich in ihre Richtung und breitete die Arme aus. Teresa, noch immer in ihren weiten, hellen Seidenmorgenmantel gekleidet, kam und setzte sich auf seinen Schoß. Dann ergriff sie sanft mit beiden Händen sein Gesicht, zog es an das ihre und küsste ihren Mann leidenschaftlich. Sie löste sich von ihm und sah ihn mit ihren tiefblauen Augen einen Moment an. Matthieu ließ seine warmen Hände langsam an ihren Seiten heruntergleiten. Dann küsste ihn Teresa erneut, tief und innig. Als sie sich von ihm löste, um Atem zu holen, hielt Matthieu sie etwas auf Abstand:
           "Wenn wir damit so weiter machen, …"
           "Dann sollten wir die Tür abschließen?" fragte Teresa und ließ ihren Blick zu dem breiten Kanapee wandern, welches an der rechten hinteren Seitenwand des Arbeitszimmers stand.
           "Das meinte ich eigentlich nicht ..."
           "So? Was meintest Du denn?"
           Sanft ließ Teresa den Zeigefinger ihrer rechten Hand von seinem linken Ohr an seiner Kieferpartie entlang und über seinen schwarzen Drei-Tage-Bart streifen.
           "Jamie hat mich angerufen," sagte Matthieu und sein Gesicht wurde ernst.
           "Kennen wir noch einen anderen Jamie?"
           Teresa ignorierte die Frage.
           "Was hat er gesagt? Wirst Du ihn und seine Verlobte am Freitagabend besuchen?"
           "Ja, ich werde sie besuchen, aber da gibt es etwas, über das wir miteinander sprechen müssen."
           “Machst Du Dir Sorgen, Liebling?”
           “Ja,” sagte Matthieu leise.            Teresa sah ihn an, dann zog sie seinen Kopf an ihre Brust.
            “Erzähl’ mir davon”, flüsterte sie leise.
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March Madness with Wharfedale: Elevate Your Hi-Fi Experience with Apollo
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For decades, Wharfedale has been synonymous with audio excellence. With a rich legacy dating back to 1932, Wharfedale has consistently delivered speakers that redefine audio standards. From their classic designs to cutting-edge innovations, Wharfedale speakers have graced the homes of music enthusiasts worldwide, earning accolades for their clarity, precision, and immersive sound.
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In the realm of audio, excellence knows no compromise. This March, elevate your hi-fi experience with Wharfedale from Apollo Hi-Fi and embark on a journey where music reigns supreme.
Embrace the madness. Embrace the music. Embrace Wharfedale.
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Estamos a tan sólo diez días de cumplir siete años en línea y queremos aprovechar para lanzar este quiz que presentamos en el aniversario pasado. Hayas estado o estés o no en el foro, ¡un quiz siempre es divertido! Puedes intentarlo y enviar tus respuestas por ask o chat para comprobar cuántas preguntas has acertado. ¡Suerte!
1. 'The Sound of San Francisco' fue fundado en: a) Marzo de 2014. b) Enero de 2014. c) Abril de 2014. 2. Pero no fue abierto oficialmente hasta: a) Febrero de 2014. b) Mayo de 2014. c) Abril de 2014. 3. La temática que el foro tenía al comienzo era: a) BDSM. b) Mafias Vs Agentes de la Ley. c) Razas sobrenaturales. 4. Pero tras las reformas que hizo parte del Staff se cambió la ambientación a: a) Realista. b) Post-apocalíptico. c) Mafias Vs Agentes de la Ley. 5. "The Club" era: a) Una discoteca. b) Un club clandestino de lucha. c) Un club de BDSM donde se traficaba con esclavos/as. 6. La primera dueña de "The Club" fue: a) Mistress Pain. b) Regina C. Moore. c) Jacqueline I. LeBlanc. 7. Que murió: a) Apuñalada por un cliente descontento. b) Asesinada por sus propios socios: Katrina E. Bradbury, Klaus Quinzel y Regina C. Moore. c) De una sobredosis. 8. Fue entonces cuando "The Club" pasó a manos de: a) Jacqueline I. LeBlanc. b) Evelyn Beckett. c) Regina C. Moore. 9. Sin embargo, la propiedad (y la vida) le sería arrebatada después por: a) Jacqueline I. LeBlanc, hermana de Mistress Pain (Solange LeBlanc), movida por la venganza. b) Portia Stevens W, como venganza al enterarse de que su marido mantenía una aventura con Jacqueline I. LeBlanc. c) Jasper M. Fordham, que trabajaba esporádicamente en el club mientras filtraba información al FBI. 10. Irónicamente, no lo pudo disfrutar por mucho tiempo pues: a) "The Club" ardió hasta los cimientos por culpa de un incendio provocado. b) Los trabajadores y socios del club se amotinaron y el negocio se fue a la quiebra. c) El FBI desmanteló el club y liberó a los esclavos con ayuda de Jeannette Levesque y Jasper M. Fordham. 11. En la última fiesta de Carnaval que se celebró en "The Club": a) Todos los invitados acabaron intoxicados por la comida. b) Renata Smirnova fue secuestrada por los hombres de Meredith Zingler. c) El DJ era tan malo que todos los invitados huyeron. 12. ¿Qué tenía que ver la Mafia Americana con "The Club"? a) Meredith Zingler era la verdadera dueña en las sombras del club. b) Les vendían los esclavos y el club blanqueaba dinero para ella. c) Protegía el club a cambio de un porcentaje de los beneficios. 13. En el Weekend Beach Festival de 2016: a) Irrumpió un tsunami que provocó miles de heridos, cientos de muertos e innumerables daños estructurales. b) Algunos bañistas fueron atacados por tiburones. c) El equipo de sonido de uno de los escenarios explotó y provocó un incendio moderado que pudo extinguirse con rapidez. 14. En Marzo de 2017 el casino propiedad de la Mafia Italiana sufrió un sabotaje por parte de: a) La Mafia Americana. b) El Grupo Armado. c) El FBI. 15. Que consistió en: a) Todos los juegos estaban trucados para que los clientes siempre ganasen a la Casa. b) Las máquinas tragaperras dejaron de funcionar. c) Los dados habían sido cambiados por unos con un seis en todas las caras. 16. Unos asaltantes irrumpieron en el estadio AT&T Park (ahora Oracle Park) durante el evento de Halloween de Octubre de 2017, en el que el ex-alcalde Walter E. Stevens resultó herido. Eran parte de: a) La Mafia Americana. b) La Mafia del Este. c) El Grupo Armado. 17. El 14 de Agosto de 2018 se descubrió que el antiguo alcalde Stevens: a) Tenía una amante. b) Colaboraba con el Grupo Armado y orquestó el ataque de Halloween en el estadio. c) Había utilizado dinero público para comprarse un coche deportivo. 18. El actual Alcalde de San Francisco es: a) Kaim Russell, del Partido Republicano. b) Kaim Russell, del Partido Demócrata. c) Walter E. Stevens fue re-elegido tras haber salido de prisión. 19. Una epidemia asoló la ciudad porque alguien contaminó los depósitos de agua. ¿Quién? a) La Mafia del Este. b) El Grupo Armado. c) La Mafia Italiana. 20. El panorama actual entre las mafias es: a) El Grupo Armado ha hecho una tregua con todas las mafias y se ha convertido en intocable. b) La Mafia Americana e Italiana mantienen su pacto, centrándose en derribar a las otras dos mafias. c) Las cuatro mafias están enfrentadas y se augura una cruenta guerra.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 10 August 1835
12 35
No kiss. very fine morning F70° at 10 am - note from Benjamin Brodie to say he would call from 4 ½ to 5 this afternoon - breakfast at 10 ¼ - out at 11 ¼ - drove to the central national school Westminster - Mr Johnson not there and had not been there this morning - agreed with the head mistress for A- to go tomorrow at 9am and stay till 12 - then to the temporary house of parliament - house of Lords a nice comfortable not large-looking room will hold 300 peers - crimson cloth cushioned bunches and curtains - very neatly done up - then to the house of commoners - what used to be (before the fire) the house of Lords - green leather cushions and deal oak-painted bench-backs looked dirtyish and plebeian - 500 members could sit in the bottom and 180 more in the galleries - a dirty-looking man wearing a brass-plate with an inscription ‘Parliament Duty n°2’ shewed us to the persons who shewed us both houses, and then called the carriage - asked him to whom I should apply for franks to him (he said) and gave his name which I forget - I asked what I should give him per frank -‘what you please ma’am’ - Before seeing the 2 houses had been an hour in Westminster abbey - A- much interested - shewed her Lady Nightingale’s monument  - death coming out of the tomb to strike her and her husband Mr N- trying to avert the dart - in this chapel (the one just behind general Wolfe’s monument) is the monument by Nollekens to Sir Charles Stuart (Lord Stuart de R-‘s father) ob. 181 aetatis 47 - longish Latin inscription but good Latinity - beautiful head of Sir Charles Stuart and very like the picture of him at the Lodge - In the chapel next (north side) to Henry the 7th’s chapel in which has just been placed the magnificent colossal sitting whole length figure of James Watt by Chantrey  is an old monument to the memory of Sir Henry Belasyse ob. 16 December 1717 in his 70th year and who married 1st Dorothy daughter of Tobias Jenkyn Esquire of Grimston and widow of Robert Benson Esquire of Wrenthorp [Wrenthorpe] both in Yorkshire - was this Jenkyn of the family of the Moses Jenkyn who married a Lister? - From the houses of parliament drove to Colnaghi’s - paid his bill - mentioned Lady Stuart de R- to raffle for ‘the poem of the heron’ a modern illuminated imitation of the antique by M. Castello - but Colnaghi said he had provided a person to raffle for the absentees, so that their invitations would not suffer, and I was so satisfied that A-‘s interest might be as safe with Colnaghi’s man as with anybody else, that I gave up caring much about asking Lady Stuart de R- there were to be 100 subscribers of one guinea  each - only 13 are wanting but whether is complete or not the raffle is to take place tomorrow week the 18th instant - from Colnaghi’s to Hammersleys to ask if any letter for me - yes! one from Washington dated 6th (Thursday last) to say Mr Leather was still in London at Osborne’s hotel, Adelphi, where W- had written to him stating the particulars of the water guage etc relative to the intended Denmark engine-wheel Mr L- to send his answer if ready in time to me at Hammersleys as tomorrow - if not ready to W- at Crownest he bought the Hatters’ fold cottages for A- (on Wednesday the 5th instant) ‘for £525 after a hard struggle and a good deal of manoeuvring’ to be paid for the 1st of November - very well bought - much better than I expected - a piece of good luck or good management or both - from Hammerlseys to 11 Clarges street - Lady Henries at Ramsgate - left my card dated in pencil ‘Monday 10 August’ - then to 8 Curzon street - 10 minutes with the 2 Misses Berry - they were just going out - asked me to go to them tomorrow evening - will probably be in Paris again next year - very civil to me - A- had waited in the carriage we then drove to the panoramas Burford’s of Thebes and Jerusalem, the 1st up 6 weeks, the 2nd up 5 months - there from about 2 20 to 4 much interested particularly with Thebes - Jerusalem much better than the Jerusalem I had seen in Paris - this (here) taken from Pontius Pilate’s palace - that (in Paris) said the man this morning taken from the Mount of Olives - home at 4 5 -  Sir Benjamin Brodie here about 4 3/4  till 5 - A- had her stays unloosed and he examined the back of her neck - did it very nicely - A- liked him very much - very quick clever little man - left 3 prescriptions for a belladonna plaster, and 2 tonics, and a formula for aperient pill when required - said the pain was merely nervous pain - had no doubt A- had been much worse - suffered much more from it sometime ago - there was no disease - in fact he entered into the case at once no humbug said she was just the sort of person for nervous pains but there was nothing to fear. Asked Sir B.B. what he had published lately, nothing said he but on my profession (surgery) - but this led him into a few minutes most agreeable conversation - I asked his opinion of Dr Philip’s notion of Galvanism being identical with the nervous influence (vide Vital Functions by Dr A.P.W. Phillip) - he had no faith in it - thinks our present faculties not sufficient for the comprehension of these matters - a superior being may see at a glance the connection of them - and how all proceeds perhaps from one simple principle, but we cannot see this - he hopes to turn back to his scientific pursuits on giving up his profession before his faculties are worn out - professional man do not retire soon enough - a lawyer may 1st find out when it is time to leave the field to others - asked if I knew how - no! because said he they are then employed by the Defendants - the plaintiff must always have the 1st rate man - said I would remember this observation which was very good - he said he would not labour as he did now for many years - could not do it - I civilly observed I hoped he would give up so as to have long to benefit science but hoped also that I might still have the privilege of being benefitted by his medical skill if I required it –
read the Standand of this evening - dinner at 6 ¼ - out in the carriage at 7 till 8 40 - called at Pear’s about my saddle - harness (with arms as ornaments in brass - plated would be 40/ more) for  2 pair of horses £28 - then to Pearce’s - the tool-box will be ready tomorrow night - then to Barnard St Russell square n°27 about A-‘s Greenwood’s maps - then to Taylors Barnard’s Inn Holborn and changed the Perspective (duplicate - copy of) for Tredgold’s Essay by Smeaton etc on hydraulics giving the perspective and 1/. to boot - then left B-‘s prescriptions at Enson’s n°125 Oxford street and home at 8 40 - tea and gooseberries and mulberries the latter not so good - sat talking - and wrote the journal of today till 12 ¼ - very fine day F72° at 12 20 tonight
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awhilesince · 4 years
Friday, 9 July 1830
1 5/..
great deal of heavy rain during last night – up at 6 1/4 for 20 minutes then went to bed again feeling rather stiffish about my loins so many things to do today, gave up all thought of the Jardin du roi and lectures – wrote out the journal of Wednesday yesterday and so far of today till 10 – read over my letter to Marian written on Wednesday but dated today as is also my letter to Mr W– (Waterhouse) 
‘my dear Marian I received your letter about a month ago (Monday 7th ultimo) but have not written more immediately, because, as I thought of going from home, I waited to tell you when and where, and because it was quite unnecessary to write particularly about Hampstead, as, from your not mentioning your plan till you had not only determined upon it but given orders for its execution, it was, of course, evident, that you neither felt the want of advice, nor cared to have any – Besides, tho’, this being in part my own concern, I am not, strictly speaking, bound to the promise I made you at your own especial request, never to advise or interfere with you about your affairs, yet, as it was, and is, too late to say anything, I am better pleased to make no comment at all, but merely to express my anxious hope that you will find your plans in this instance, as in every other, answer your expectations – …… trust you received all possible pleasure and advantage from your month’s absence from home’ – 
my aunt will forward my letters – 
‘I think of being off on the 15th tomorrow week, to the Pyrennees, with the party from the Embassy, and, if the weather is good, have no doubt of having a most agreeable tour – we shall go by Orleans, and Tours, and Bordeaux etc the route beyond B– (Bordeaux) not quite determined – How long we shall be absent, is uncertain – But it matters not – my letters will be forwarded.’ 
say I shall not write many letters in Travelling – they will hear all from my aunt – …. 
‘we have exceedingly wet weather of late which had not quite well agreed with my aunt – her limbs are not so well as they were some months ago, and she cannot walk about well – However, she will have it, she is ‘well of herself’, and we have no physician’ – 
wrote the ends of my letter to Marian and in mentioning bad weather here and everywhere, in the neighbourhood of the Pyrennees too, said ‘we shall probably get as far as Marseilles and Toulon – the coast of the Mediterranean will interest me much’ – 
Breakfast over at 11 1/4 – sent off my letter to Marian ‘Shibden hall H–x (Halifax) Angleterre’ and my letter to ‘John Waterhouse Esquire Wellhead, H–x (Halifax), Yorkshire, Angleterre’ (vide Wednesday and this morning then some time talking to my aunt – she complains of great fulness even in her throat – can scarcely swallow – gets up phlegm and froth – feels quite a load to herself – and says, ‘oh’ never mind – it is nothing that will get my life’ – I wonder how long she will continue will another year try her much – 
Dressed – out at 12 40/.. with my aunt in the carriage – went to my shoemaker (Lepoix) and then to Madame Hautecœur, and at 1 20/60 called on Madame Droz – 10 minutes there – left her to get ready and would call again for her – paid Maurisset and went to Madame Contant, and called for Madame D– (Droz) at 3 1/4 – then went to Dubois 31 rue Ponceau about my books – then to the Douane about ditto – waited there 20 minutes (to send the porter about them) – then to Passage des Panoramas – Madame D– (Droz) chose me a Leghorn – then to Passage Choiseul where she bought me a parasol with cover into the bargain 2/. cheaper than I should have got it elsewhere – then to Palais royal (Berthellemot) where she helped me to choose Ecarté box (en bois de citron with marqueterie) and 8 mother of pearl markers for Madame Carbonier – then went to rue St. Honoré opposite rue de l’Echelle to the great clog shop, then ordered about gaiters at Scheys, then bought sponge rue de Rivoli – paid Ancoq’s stocking bill rue de la Paix and Madame Esté’s shoe bill, and bought silk handkerchief rue de la Paix and set Madame Droz down at home at 6 1/4 went about slippers (near Bains Chois) and home at 6 1/2 – 
dressed – dinner at 7 1/4 – read the paper – gave orders to the  porter to go about my books tomorrow, and gave orders about door bell making to ring into the kitchen and came to my room at 10 – came to my room at 10 – wrote the last 18 lines – 
on my return found letter from Lady Gordon one 1/2 sheet full and 1 page of another 1/2 sheet – much obliged to me for having prevented her going this autumn – ‘reflexion faite’ she thinks it much better – 
‘I ve forgotten it, and hope to begin my travels at Paris in May 1831 – supposing all belonging to me then as prosperous and in as a leavable a state – as they are at present – we shall then meet at Paris and either join or dis-join as business or pleasure commands’ 
begs me to write before I set off – 
‘when we go – we will (if we start in summer) go by the Tyrol if you like it and summer in the Saltzburgh country and then come out of Italy by Nice and the south of France – and then the Pyrennees – and then over them Spain and then old Cosmo – E viva!! yours sincerely Carolin Duff Gordon’ –
It seems she does not mean to let me slip  does like me at all or is all this merely and entirely to suit her convenience? It matters not I shall suit mine – 
Coffee at 10 1/2 after writing the above – Madame de Hagemann came at 10 172 and staid till 11 1/4 – came to my room at 11 1/2 at which hour Fahrenheit 59° – fine day – great deal of rain during last night but none today – message from Lady Stuart – she thinks of going on Thursday –
reference number: SH:7/ML/E/13/0062
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vovansupertv2019 · 5 years
Транспондерні новини на 25 березня
Транспондерні новини на 25 березня
ABS-2 / 75E Perviy Kanal GE. O !. Poehali !. Pobeda.Bober на 11045 H 35007 Fec-3/4 DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 йдуть відкрито система кодиров. відсутній Express-AM6,53 ° E Кубань 24 з'явився на 12632 H 2800 MPEG-4, відкрито Радіоканали на звукових доріжках Кубань 24: Pervoe Radio Kuban, Kazak FM, Radio Rossii Kuban на 12632 H 2800 Express-AM7 @ 40 ° East Mir-24, Moskva-24 з'явилися на 12733 V 2828 -Відкритий Eutelsat 7 West A (7W) Maezer Semay Television Network відключили на 10815.08MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 57 PID: 855/1111 Арабська). Radio Maezer Semay відключений на 10815.08MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 7 APID: 1031 Отримати Арабська) Astra 4.8E Test з'явився на 12437 V 30000, DVB-S2 8PSK, Verimatrix, PID: 7131/7133/7131, SID: 7913, MPEG-4 Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5E) Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Irdeto 2: BDM (Індія) на 4034.00MHz, pol.H SR: 20500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 331 PID: 332 [MPEG-4] / 333 Хінді. Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Irdeto 2: Eco-Lution (Індія) на 4034.00MHz, pol.H SR: 20500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 321 PID: 322 [MPEG-4] / 323. Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Irdeto 2: Connected (Індія) на 4034.00MHz, pol.H SR: 20500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 311 PID: 312 [MPEG-4] / 313. Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Irdeto 2: Pick-A-Trick (Індія) на 4034.00MHz, pol.H SR: 20500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 301 PID: 302 [MPEG-4] / 303 Astra 2F (28.2E) Sky Digital: Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Sky Family HD (Англія) на 12168.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 2/3 SID: 3818 PID: 513 [MPEG-4] / 641 nar, 661 Англійська. Sky Animation HD відключили на 12168.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 3818 PID: 513 [MPEG-4] / 641 nar, 661 Англійська). Astra 2E (28.2E) Sky Digital: Sky Family передає через DVB-S на 11934.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 4403 PID: 520/688 nar, 648 Англійська (VideoGuard). Sky Animation відключили на 11934.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID: 4403 PID: 520/688 nar, 648 Англійська). Badr 7, 26 ° E Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Відкритий: ABC TV Ghana (Ghana) на 11010.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 3/4 SID: 5 PID: 773 [MPEG-4] / тисячу двадцять-дев'ять aac Англійська. Best TV (Ghana) відключили на 11010.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 1 PID: 769 [MPEG-4] / 1025 aac). Smile TV Ghana відключили на 11010.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 2 PID: 770 [MPEG-4] / 1026 aac Англійська). Riche TV відключили на 11010.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 3 PID: 771 [MPEG-4] / тисячі двадцять сім aac). Operation TV відключили на 11010.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 4 PID: 772 [MPEG-4] / тисяча двадцять вісім aac Англійська). Badr 6 (26E) Al Hadath пішов з 12418.00MHz, pol.H (12418.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 27 PID: 127/227 Арабська). TRT Arabi пішов з 12418.00MHz, pol.H (12418.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 24 PID: 247/248 Арабська). Expo2020 TV пішов з DVB-S на 12418.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 21 PID: 121 [MPEG-4] / 221. Eutelsat 21B @ 21.6 ° East LPC (Libya Panorama Channel) пішов з 11486 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 LPC (Libya Panorama Channel) з'явився на 11494 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 1496 5/6, відкрито BWTV HD з'явився на 11185 VDVB-S2 / QPSK MPEG-4 3190 3/4, Conax CCTV5 + HD відключили на 10856.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 7 PID: 207 [H.265] / 307 aac). Express-AM44, 11 ° W Syria Education з'явився на 10986 V 12110 FEC 2/3, MPEG-4, BISS Syria Sport пішов з 10986 V Eutelsat 8 West B, 8 ° W Vision TV почав регулярне мовлення на 11179 H 27500 FEC 7/8 відкрито Al-Ghareeb відключили на 11137.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S2 SID: 7306 PID: 7315/7316 Арабська)
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