#B/illy hargrove
gt-preys · 6 months
Huge soft lips brush the tiny's cheek, they part slightly and the borrower gasps as teeth lightly nibble at their jaw.
He's so careful with them, listening to their reactions closely.
They've had a long day and he wants to let them know just how much he loves them.
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jaegerisim · 1 year
It appears I'm rowing the b*illy Hargrove slander boat alone, smh
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wheelercore · 1 year
Ever since I tagged one of my discussion posts B/illy Hargrove just ya know... as a means of cataloging it because the post WAS in part about Billy... and got a few stans mad about henry or whatever I've completely stopped tagging posts with characters that I know have a huge fan base outside st theorizing because man. The three biggest ones being Steve, Eddie, and Billy. Sometimes I even hesitate to tag Will but not often.
I don't remember if character tags were treated as a 100% positivity stan zone rather than as a means of cataloging posts on tumblr dot com 10 years ago but it's so darn annoying really. The thing is, I didn't tag the post "anti -b/illy" because it wasn't even an anti post, it was the most neutral post ever on him, but because I dare speculated on Henry's motivations in flaying B/illy, it in part led to people bitching about people being more sympathetic to henry than b/illy which is lmao.... this was back when the majority take on henry on by/ler tumblr was that henry was a psycho pedophile who's sole mission is to fuck over w/ill by/ers and was just going to be his antagonist next season.
Really, if you're going to visit a character tag, expect there to be positivity and negativity. It's not a club meeting area for just you and your besties. And if you find it overwhelmed with negativity and bad takes then just stop visiting it and curate your dash to give you the posts you want. Really not hard.
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gt-preys · 4 months
Mermay just has me thinking of siren Billy and his little borrower in the aquarium. Maybe I need to make a follow up oneshot.
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gt-preys · 2 years
Determined little borrower
Siren!Billy, borrower!Reader
An aquarium is an odd place to find a borrower, (Y/N) knows that. It was just supposed to be a quick place to rest between moving from one house to the next. But he quickly found that he liked wandering around the tanks at night, illuminated by the soft blue glow from the lights through the water. He had no problems finding scraps left over in the cafeteria and he had so much space to move and explore.
So it just made sense that the little borrower would stay there and settle down.
Not much had changed in the aquarium since they had made their home in the walls and they were content with that.
However things change one day as they watch the aquarium staff pull in a new tank, wheeling the massive glass box into the empty quarantine room. Possibly a new species of fish? Now that was exciting.
The staff aren't talking, in fact they only gesture to each other and the tank. Communicating through movements alone. How odd, they had never done that before with any other shipments. It's then that he notices the headphones they're all wearing, ear protection they had heard a staff member call it in the cupboard they were rooting around in last week.
Specialized headgear.
This is what they had needed it for? Rolling in a new tank. How odd.
For now though they ignore the humans, making their way through the vents to the cafeteria. The aquarium will be empty of staff soon and then they can head back to explore the mysterious new tank.
When they make their way back to the quarantine room (Y/N) takes the hallways instead, the place is completely empty now and he enjoys seeing the exhibits as he passes. So many colourful creatures, so graceful and completely at home in their elements. They fascinate the borrower.
It's not long before they're standing outside of the quarantine room. The door is most likely locked but (Y/N) isn't worried about that, afterall he's small enough to squeeze under the gap in the door. (Y/N) had always thought the doors were stupid, they looked as if they had been cut a little bit too small but the same doors were scattered throughout the entire facility so they just chalked it up to a weird design choice.
They can't really complain though, it makes getting around far easier for the tiny.
Unlike the exhibits which are still lit up at night, this room is almost completely dark, the light in the room is dimmed almost all the way down. The water in the tank appears almost a deep inky black. It's clear they won't be able to see the fish from where they stand down here.
Eyeing the metal ladder bolted to the tanks side they grin, always up for a new challenge. It's easy enough. They use their grappling hook to skip a couple of the steps at a time and though it's an exhausting climb they feel proud once they reach the top. Afterall he was built for this kind of thing.
Reaching the top they find a metal platform stretching out across the top of the tank just barely above the water, they've seen this kind of structure before on other tanks in the aquarium. It's a feeding platform.
They step out onto the platform, wandering over to the edge so they can peer into the murky water below. Maybe the fish will surface for breath, then they could see it? Scanning the water though they can't see anything. Was the tank empty? Were they getting the tank set up for a new fish to be put into? Maybe one of the exhibit fish was ill and this tank is for them.
Rippling water catches their eyes and they look up only for their heart to sink into their stomach. A large claw webbed hand is reaching up out of the water towards them. They yell out as it pins them to the metal grating, their struggles are useless against the powerful appendage.
Looking past the hand and towards the water they freeze watching a blonde head of hair rise up ominously from the black water, a pair of icy blue eyes pierce their wriggling form. He pulls himself further out of the water to peer down at them with a blank expression, seemingly trying to comprehend what he's seeing. Then a slow smirk makes its way onto his lips, revealing the sharp predatory teeth hidden behind them. "Well look at that, I didn't even need to lure you to me" the creature's voice is rough and deep, sounding as if he hadn't used his voice for a while.
With his hand still pinning them beneath it, he moves the index finger beside their head to lightly trail his claw down their cheek. "You came to me willingly" they watch his eyes light up with malice at the notion. "You look human..." he hums, leaning down, those bright eyes never leaving theirs "I wonder if you taste just as good" there's no doubt in their mind that he can feel their tiny heartbeat racing beneath his palm. They can only stare on in horror as his tongue slips out from between his lips and they squirm harder as he leans in closer.
Panicking and not wanting to be food, they make a life or death decision and twist to sink their teeth as deep as they can into the tan skin on the finger lingering on his cheek. The giant grunts at the sudden shock of pain through his hand, releasing the borrower for a moment to inspect his finger, but that's all the time they need.
He sprints across the platform, losing his balance slightly when the metal beneath his feet suddenly shakes, the creature hissed angrily for them to "get back here!" Making it to the safety of the ladder (Y/N) risks a look back to find the man halfway out of the water, tail slapping the inky black surface.
A siren.
They captured a fucking siren.
Humans are so dumb the borrower laments as they hurry to make their way down the ladder, hopping down the rungs as quickly as they can manage without the risk of falling.
It's only when they're back in the safety of their home, hidden deep within the walls, that they realise how lucky they are that he didn't start singing. If he had it would've been all over, they wouldn't have stood a chance.
The following week the borrower keeps careful watch from afar, staying out of the siren's sight. They don't dare try to approach the tank after the last incident. He watches from the vents as workers climb the ladder, they always have their noise canceling headphones on. It's mandatory. The workers never step foot on the platform, it's not a risk they're willing to take, they just dump a bucket of fish over the side and leave immediately after.
They give the siren no social interaction whatsoever.
(Y/N) fashions his own crude noise canceling headphones. Stealing bits from the humans gear to help construct them. He tests them out within the safety of the walls and to his suprise they work. He doesn't know why he makes them.
He shouldn't go back to the tank, that's a deathwish. He knows that, but curiosity still nags at him.
Somehow they find themself once again scaling the ladder to the feeding platform. (Y/N) stays near the ladder in case he needs to make a quick escape, crossing his fingers that the homemade ear protection he wears will keep him safe from the beast lurking beneath.
As expected the siren doesn't take long to show his face, his head rising from the water with predatory menace. He opens his mouth, presumably to sing but they can't hear him. They watch his face twist with confusion and frustration when they don't respond to his call. (Y/N) simply smiles and pulls a grape from their bag, rolling it across the grating towards the siren. Picking it up he eyes the fruit and then the borrower, perplexed. But (Y/N) just sits down to nibble on his own pre portioned chunk of grape. The siren watches him for a minute or two before popping the grape into his mouth, chewing the fruit up.
It's then that (Y/N) wonders if he's ever had anything other than fish. His reaction to the sweet fruit is subtle but they can tell he's suprised by it, maybe he even enjoyed it.
He finds himself falling into a routine. Once the aquarium has closed for the night he forages for food and takes it back home to be put away, however each time he grabs a piece of fruit along with his usual supplies. The borrower then treks up the ladder to the siren's tank, each time finding that he's already at the surface waiting for them. As if he's begun anticipating their visits.
Each time they find him with his arms crossed on the platform, his chin resting atop them with his eyes closed only for them to snap open when he senses the borrower nearby. The first few visits he had tried and failed to lure them to the water, getting angry and frustrated when they don't comply. However he seems to calm down when they toss him their little fruit offering.
So far grapes were his favourite, they grabbed him them anytime they had the opportunity. After that they'd simply smile and wave, sitting on the grating and offering him silent company. They had even gotten so brave as to walk out onto the platform, albeit staying at the very back against the wall and out of reach.
Sometimes he tries to speak to them only to get frustrated when he remembers that they're wearing head gear. He had gestured for them to remove it several times but (Y/N) isn't going to fall for such tricks.
Today the siren isn't waiting for the little borrower like he usually does. They walk to their usual spot at the back, watching the water but as usual they can't see much further than the surface in the dim room lighting. He waits there, looking for any indication that there's life in the tank but soon grows worried.
Had they moved him to a different tank? Has he been put on display already?
Curious (Y/N) makes his way to the platform's edge, peering down into the water. It's all too familiar when a webbed hand breaks the surface of the inky black depths, pinning the borrower to the platform. It was a trap, he tricked them, he had finally caught them. They wriggle wildly but it does nothing, he's only able to stare up at those familiar icy blue eyes.
The siren traces a claw up the side of their head, another familiar action. He's speaking to them but they can't hear what he's saying nor can they read his lips, (if you bite me again I swear...), the talon traces their ear and suddenly. "There we go '' they can hear, he had removed their ear protection!
(Y/N) winces, screwing his eyes shut and bracing himself. He expects a song, the hot slice of teeth through his flesh or maybe even claws but he gets none of that. When he opens his eyes he finds that the siren is simply staring at him, sharp eyes taking in every little expression and detail. This doesn't go on for long before he removes his hand and swims back a bit from the platform, giving the borrower space.
(Y/N) is confused when they're released, hurriedly scrambling backwards on the metal. Tears fall thick and fast down their cheeks. They were so sure he was going to rip into them.
He eyes them silently, watching them shake and struggle to take deeper breaths. He's unsure of what to do now that they can hear him. "Why come back?" He knows how bad their first impression of him was, so why stay?
(Y/N) is still reeling from the adrenaline rush blinking at the deep sea creature in confusion. "W-what?" He spoke to them, he isn't singing to lire them into the water. He's just staring at them with no discernible expression. "I made my intentions for you clear when we met, but you came back. Why?"
"I'm not sure" they shrug "I've never seen anything like you before, I was... curious" they admit. The siren hums, crossing his arm on the platform and placing his chin on his forearms "I've never seen a human so small..." They swallow, hands on their ears. They can still hear him, a rough voice slightly muffled by the skin of their palms. "I'm...I'm not human" they mumble "I'm a borrower."
The siren nods, eyes brightening with curiosity. "I'm a siren" he gives the information freely. "I...I know" they nod "I've seen drawings."
(Y/N) continues to visit the siren each day, leaving the ear protection off after he had requested they stop. Though they still stay far away from the water's edge. They had finally learnt the siren's name, Billy he had said it was. Billy always seemed fully engaged in their conversations and they very much enjoyed having someone to talk to.
But their fear is still very much alive.
They're visiting him again when it happens. The two are talking, carrying conversation about the borrower's week of hard work. Today's fruit offering was grapes and Billy is in a great mood, it puts (Y/N) into a relaxed state.
However the light mood is broken when the door to Billy's quarantine room is opened. There's a voice and the door pauses a quarter of the way open. Billy quickly realises that there's no way the borrower can get down the ladder or hide on the platform. But they need to disappear quick.
"Get in the water" (Y/N)'s eyes snap to the siren in suprise at his hushed suggestion. They quickly shake their head at the idea, they still don't trust him yet. Instead they eye the platform wildly, looking for a hiding place. "Just get in the water please, you can hide better in here" he pleads but his words fall on deaf ears.
Billy can only plead for so long before deciding to take the little borrower's safety into his own hands.
(Y/N) freezes in place, shocked when he finally hears the siren's song. Completely at Billy's mercy without their ear protection. His heart breaks seeing the helpless look of betrayal on their little face as they begin to walk towards him, unable to stop themself. They stumble to the edge of the feeding platform, those piercing icy blue eyes watching their every step. (Y/N) walks straight off of the gratings edge as they try to get to the song. Dropping into the water, they quickly disappear under the surface. Swimming up they find tha the song is gone and their mind is clear once more. Thank god, the feeling of total helplessness has them shuddering.
Unfortunately for them, one fear is exchanged for another and upon looking up they find Billy watching them closely. They watch him move with dread mounting in their stomach, his hands cut through the water towards them. "No! No please!" They turn in the water, beginning to frantically swim back to the platform even though they know they won't be able to make it to the lip in time.
The surface of the water rocks as Billy moves, his hands cupping beneath them in the waste, pulling their shallow pool back through the water. Looking up (Y/N) can only watch on as a row of sharp white shark teeth pass over them as they're pulled back the siren's awaiting maw.
They yell out, watching the jaws close once they're fully inside. The borrower quickly finds himself pinned to the roof of the creature's mouth as it swallows down the small mouth full of water it had caught alongside the tiny.
Once the mouth is empty however, the borrower is dropped back down and they curl in on themself, sobbing and shaking with fear.
Billy sinks below the tank's surface, watching as a human climbs up the ladder to feed him. As usual they simply dump a bucket of fish over the railings edge, surveying the calm water for a curious moment before quickly leaving.
Billy slowly floats back up to poke his head out of the water and waits to heR the door closing before pushing himself up onto the platform. He leans forwards, parting his lips and teeth to let the tiny slip off of his tongue and onto the metal platform once more.
(Y/N) scrambles backwards, unsure of why they've been released. He can't really blame them, he knows he's just ruined the tiny amount of trust they had in him.
"Y-You used your song on me!" They stammer, eyes wide and chest heaving. "I know, I'm sorry" he apologises but they continue "I thought...I thought we were I don't know-" friends. "This is all just some sick game time you!"
It made sense that the siren would draw this out for so long. It made sense he wanted to play with his food, he gets no outside enrichment or stimulation from the workers. So why wouldn't he entertain himself by befriending and breaking the little borrower who seemed all too trusting.
"It's not a game" he replies "I had to hide you. Humans are cruel, there's no telling what they'd do if they found you" he makes no move to grab them or sing when they edge towards the ladder to leave. He just stares at them with this down trodden look.
They should leave, he's had enough chances.
This 'potential' friendship was not worth their life. "Fuck" they groan walking back to where they had been sat, with a groan they sit down on the grating much to Billy's surprise. "You aren't leaving?" He tilts his head. "No, I probably should but I'm dumb and you look all sad and shit" they huff. This has Billy chuckling and he lays his chin on his arms.
"Thank you for staying" he mumbles offering them a softer look this time and they feel their cheeks warming at the look "yeah, well thanks for not eating me I guess" they shrug and Billy laughs again, getting the corner of their lip to raise slightly at the sound.
To the pairs suprise the incident has them growing even closer than before. (Y/N) doesn't attempt to brave the water again.
Not yet that is.
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gt-preys · 2 years
Scales, claws and jaws
Note: I changed how the paddock looks to fit my idea.
Indominus rex! Billy x Handler! Male reader
(Y/N) works the T-rex enclosure, has done for years. So it's a little suprising when he's called up to the restricted area, sector six, paddock eleven.The new asset.
"Hey (Y/N)" the worker grins, spotting a familiar figure standing by the parked cars. "Hey Eddie" he calls back, jogging up the path towards his coworker. "Okay so, want to tell me why I've been called up here?"
Eddie gives the park worker a quick rundown on their situation as they walk around the concrete walls. "We need someone who can deal with big carnos" Eddie begins "and since you worked with the rex..." he shrugs, shooting them a smile. "How big?" They ask curiously "fifty feet in length" Eddie replies and (Y/N) raises an eyebrow "jesus that's big."
They round the corner to the gates, buzzing past the first one. Eddie had told them it was feeding time for the new asset. Someone from atop the concrete walls tosses down a few large slabs of bloody meat. They don't have to wait long for the dinosaur to make an appearance, white scales glisten in the summer sun as it steps out from the tree line. "The Indominus rex" Eddie murmurs the announcement.
The lizard itself is pure white, scales slowly morphing into tanned skin. Angular face framed by long curly blonde locks. The indominus was certainly handsome; they'd give the higher ups that.
What they don't expect is for the creature to completely bypass the meat and head straight for the gate. (Y/N) stumbles back as it snaps its jaws at them, biting at the bars and growling. Trying to get to the two park workers behind them.
"He isn't like your rex. No way you can go in with him" (Y/N) nods trapped in place by the indominus's icy blue eyes "I can see that" they agree. The second (Y/N) takes his eyes off of the hybrid to look at Eddie, the rex throws himself at the metal bars. The worker throws themself backwards in a panic, tripping over their own feet in their haste to get away. They hit the ground hard, head bouncing hard off of the muddy ground.
"Oh shit (Y/N)!" Eddie is by his side instantly, pulling the younger up and into his arms. The metalhead is thorough as he begins looking his friend over, gingerly feeling around their scalp. "I don't think I can see any blood" he mumbles with a relieved sigh, pulling (Y/N) into his arms for a hug. From where he sits (Y/N) is so sure he can see the Indo grinning at him maliciously from beyond the bars.
This dino is trouble.
After the little incident in the cage, (Y/N) makes sure he has eyes on the Indominus at all times. So far his first week has been going well. Currently they're up at the top of the concrete walls, standing on the metal platform ringing the top of the enclosure. The glare they receive from down below makes them feel extremely vulnerable as they drag the meat to the railings gate, shoving it off the platform to the hungry reptile below.
It had been the last piece and (Y/N) leans over the railing as they closed the gate to look at the Indo below. He catches the meat in his jaws, throwing his head back the dinosaur swallows the chunk whole. Catching the worker's eyes he runs his tongue over his lips and (Y/N) can't help but feel like there's a threat in those icy blue eyes.
A task they had not been looking forward to was cleaning. Sure this wouldn't be their first time brushing an asset's teeth, but it certainly was the first time their asset had to be restrained for the routine clean.
The Indominus had been detained to a glass holding cell in the center of the lab's facility. Chained to the floor with what looked to be a heavy duty carjack propping its mouth wide open.
Stepping into the room ice blue eyes snap to look at them, a deep rumbling growl fills the space. "Believe me bud, I'm not exactly happy about this experience either" he says, clipping the rope to his safety harness. Just a precaution. The Indominus is still slightly out of it from the tranq darts that were used to knock him out, in order to get him to the facility safely.
(Y/N) takes a deep breath as they stand before the hybrid's open jaws. He decides to start on the outside, scrubbing at the flat surfaces of the giant's large shark-like teeth. Another growl but they pay no mind, instead they babble on about their day in an attempt to distract themself from how unnerving it is to be staring into the dark cavernous maw of a predator that no doubt wants to make a meal of the tiny human. "It's good I'm getting out more, I'm getting exercise. All in all, hikings been pretty fun" he babbles, stepping over the bottom row of teeth into the dinosaur's mouth.
"Of course it's great to get out and see more nature, y'know?" (Y/N) continues to chatter as they scrub at the Indominus's molars. "I even caught a frog on my last trek" he smiles thinking back to the moment. He had named them Fredrick the frog. They spend the next half an hour scrubbing the Indo's teeth and tongue, all the while chatting about anything that comes to mind. They talk so much in fact that they don't notice that he hadn't growled at them since they began.
"They named him by the way" Eddie takes a pull of his cigarette as he leans against the concrete wall. The metalhead often stopped by to spend his breaks with (Y/N). They stand in the cage watching the Indominus through the metal bars as he rips into the carcass (Y/N) had dropped into his enclosure a couple of minutes ago.
It had been three weeks since they took on the role of being the Indominus rex's head keeper and it seems he'd started to mellow out around (Y/N), though he still growled and snarled at others. The key seemed to be talking to the temperamental lizard.
"Oh yeah?" They ask glancing from the Indo to Eddie who hums in response. "Yeah, Billy" he replies, dropping his head back against the walls as he blows the smoke upwards. "Billy, huh" to their suprise the dinosaur looks up from his meal, visually perking up at the name.
The next time they encounter Billy without the safety of the concrete walls and metal bars, it's for a check up. They check his vitals, feeling unnerved at getting so close to him. Even with him restrained, Billy is an intimidating creature. This time he simply tracks them with his eyes as they wander around him, only receiving a small snarl when they draw a sample of blood from his arm. "Sorry bud" they apologise, stroking his cheek which seems to work in placating the Indo.
(Y/N) had spent the best part of the morning chatting idly to Billy, he had stayed near the gate since they arrived at the enclosure. The keeper sits on the concrete blocks the metal bars are embedded in, leaning back against the wall. He doesn't know when he had fallen asleep but upon waking up he freezes, recognising his surroundings. He had fallen asleep in the paddock cage, leaning against the bars. He swallows anxiously, eyes falling to the large white claw laying across his midsection. Billy had slipped his forefinger through the space between the bars, managing to touch the researcher where they sat.
(Y/N) tries to keep his cool and keep still, worried he'll be carved in half if he moves. Shifting his eyes to the paddock he finds that the Indominus is sound asleep. Taking a deep breath he attempts to slip out from beneath the claw, however they aren't stealthy enough. Billy wakes with a low guttural growl already building in his throat, the keeper whimpers fearfully in response.
Billy pauses for a moment, half awake, he looks to tiny shaking under his touch. He makes a questioning hum in the back of his throat, eyelids already threatening to drift closed once more.
"Hey...hey there buddy..." they start nervously "you think you can lift this off me?" They pat the claw covering their abdomen gently and to their suprise he listens to them, pulling his finger back through the bars. (Y/N) is quick to stand and back away from the bars, putting distance between them and the reptile "thanks buddy."
Those ice blue eyes stay on them as they retreat, maw parting in a long yawn. The Indo seemed intent on getting back to his rest but refuses to for some odd reason. "I've got to go, I'll see you later" they say, walking away and closing the second metal gate behind themselves. Billy let's out a soft sad growl before huffing and leaving, heading back into the foliage.
Later in the week (Y/N) decides to take his break up on the concrete wall. Max, one of the higher ups' daughter, decides to tag along. The two had become friends when they had been ordered to entertain the girl for the day and gave her a park wide private tour, even allowing her to meet the park's iconic T-rex one on one. Steve had adored the 'tiny human' so much that whenever (Y/N) was on shift with him, Max was right there with them.
The two hook safety harnesses to themselves when they reach the metal grating. The park had decided to do some touch ups on the enclosure whilst another team checked over the security system, all in all it's routine park work. The only difference being that the asset in the enclosure is not friendly like so many of the park's bigger carnivores are. The winches whirl steadily as the two walk over to greet a few familiar faces, trading a few jokes and laughs.
"So where is he?" Max asks looking out over the enclosure "hmm?" (Y/N) hums in question, chewing on a granola bar as they move to stand beside the redhead. "The dinosaur. Billy, I think I heard someone call him" she replies. The keeper doesn't answer her, instead choosing to call out into the forested area "Billy!" It only takes one call for the dinosaur to come stomping through the foliage. He gives a questioning growl, looking towards the gate when he sees it's empty. "Up here big guy" the keeper grins leaning on the railing. Billy's head snaps up and those big blue eyes settle on the two humans above, another questioning growl. What was his keeper doing up there? It wasn't feeding time yet.
They're too distracted by the hybrid and don't hear the railing creak under them as they lean further. They do however hear the groan of metal, but it's too late when they finally hear it. The platform gives way, sending both (Y/N) and Max into a freefall. Twin screams fill the air and thankfully the workers are quick enough to jam the winches and stop their descent.
Two hang in shock for a few moments, only a minute or so but it feels like they've been suspended for hours. "Pull Max up! Pull her up quick!" (Y/N) screams up at the workers. The group of men agree and begin to work in tandem to pull the redhead upwards, all the while (Y/N) is reassuring her that they'll both be safe and get out of this incident alive.
Max manages to keep herself fairly cool, that is however till she begins to panic halfway up. There's a fray, (Y/N) has a fray in his rope. "Pull him up! Pull him up now!" She screams as soon as she's safely stood on the sturdier platform.
There's a growl from below, (Y/N) carefully peeks over his shoulder to see Billy still standing below, watching and waiting. A cold shiver runs down their spine. They had seen the Indominus eat before, watched him crunch bone and tear flesh, those bloody images flash before his eyes.
They look back up as the workers begin to pull them upwards, grunting as they work in unison to hoist them up little by little. "We've got you (Y/N)" Max shouts down. (Y/N) can see where the rope begins to unfurl, threads slowly breaking free.
The rope snaps.
(Y/N) shrieks as he falls, limbs flailing uselessly in the air.
They're lucky. Body falling into a thick soft bush, the foliage softens the blow as they hit the ground though they know the pain will come later. It could have been so much worse. Right now he's fueled by the adrenaline and fear rushing through his veins. He pulls himself out of the bush, crawling on all fours as he pants and huffs. He knows he's shaking but all he can focus on is the soft green grass under his hands.
He's alive and intact, that's all that matters right now.
Just as he's sighing in relief at not dying from the fall, hot breath warms his back and he freezes. There's so much screaming from above, but he can't make out any of the words. All he can hear are those low breaths coming from right above him.
Ever so slowly he tilts his head to the side, just enough to look up and back. Sure enough the Indo is there leaning over him with wide blue eyes. They roam over the human, inquisitively scanning his shivering form.
"(Y/N) RUN!" Max's scream throws him into action, just as a claw tipped hand begins reaching towards him. The keeper pushes himself up, taking off in a dead sprint for his life. The Indo makes confused growl at the sudden movement, seemingly stunned for a second. However Billy snaps out of his suprise fast and takes off after the human.
(Y/N) enters the forest, ankle burning as he hops over fallen logs and dodges deep footprints. He can hear the Indominus crashing through the foliage behind him. Several things happen all at once in quick succession. One (Y/N) stumbles, falling forwards onto the hard forest floor. The force knocks the air from his lungs completely winding him. Two the Indominus breaks into the clearing, coming to a halt as it spots the human laying in the grass. Three when the human tries to push himself up onto his hands and knees to sprint once more, a heavy weight is placed on his back pushing them back down against the earth.
(Y/N) whimpers as large white talons pierce the dirt either side of his head, the weight isn't heavy, just enough to keep the man in place. If Billy decided to put his full weight down on his foot, it would crush them. (Y/N) can't decide if that's better or worse than being eaten alive.
The keeper can hear Billy catching his breath above them. It's been awhile since the Indominus rex had been given live prey.
There's a deep rumble from the dinosaur and (Y/N) is sure this is it. Any moment now Billy will tear into him and he'll be reduced to nothing but dinosaur food. However instead of being chowed down on, the weight on his back is relieved. The keeper seizes the opportunity to escape, scrambling to get up. He pushes up to sit on his knees, but before he can get up and run again his left arm is gripped and raised by a large clawed hand.
The Indominus moves to stand before him, focused eyes looking over the appendage before moving to repeat the same motion with his other arm, grunting in approval.
Was it trying to figure out where to start? What was the best meat? Would it pull him apart? Numerous horrific images flash behind (Y/N)'s eyes, that is until the Indominus does something that has all the pieces falling into place.
Billy grips the human's chin, the touch surprisingly gentle for something so big. Big blue eyes flicker over (Y/N)'s face and head, tilting their head this way and that. The action was very similar to how Eddie had reacted to Billy's first outburst.
He was mimicking the keeper.
"you're checking me for injuries..." he gasps at the realisation and at that Billy's eyes snap up to pierce theirs. The Indominus holds their gaze for a long moment before nodding.
"You understand...not just basic commands.." it slowly pieces together in their mind. It never made sense how Steve could comprehend English and respond, yet Billy had been here four years or so and had only shown the bare minimum in understanding them and never spoke. He can understand, he's just been acting as if he can't. "You've understood me this entire time..." they think back to how he laid down by the gate each day, listening to them ramble on about their life. They thought their words had been falling on deaf ears, but no, Billy had understood it all.
Billy watches them silently, offering a single nod in acknowledgment. He then moves to grip (Y/N)'s ankle to continue his check up, only to jerk back when he cries out. They lean forwards to hold the injured leg, teeth still gritted from the shock of pain. "Shit, I think it's sprained" they groan. "Sprained?" The voice is rough from lack of use, but the tone is soft, maybe even a little bit worried.
(Y/N) looks up in suprise. He spoke, Billy spoke to them. They're the first person to hear him speak. They sit in awe. He looks upset, eyebrows furrowed and a deep frown is etched onto his pink lips. "It's just a torn ligament" they explain, this does not seem to calm the Indominus "Hurt?" They nod "just a little bit" they answer softly "but it'll heal, I'll be fine."
The Indominus frowns eyeing his surroundings before looking back to his keeper. Billy doesn't say anything as he wraps his large hand around (Y/N)'s waist, lifting the little human up from the forest floor as he moves to stand at his full height. The keeper panics, tiny hands gripping at his fingers as they try to decipher what he's planning "what...what are you doing?"
Billy doesn't respond to them, instead he opens his mouth wide. Plump pink lips parting to reveal large sharp teeth glistening with saliva. (Y/N) screams and begins thrashing in his grip as he moves them closer to the open maw. "NO! NO! NO, PLEASE!" They plead using their hands to push against his lips, kicking at his chin with their uninjured foot. "DON'T EAT ME!"
He pulls them back but their relief is short lived as he shifts his thumb to pin their arms. A couple of tears fall from their eyes. Billy makes a soft noise in the back of his throat, leaning forwards to lick the salty tears from their cheek. "Please" they whimper as he pulls back. "Safe" he mumbles to them.
There's no more room for arguing as he tilts his head back and raises the tiny human over his open mouth. (Y/N) is lowered in up to their waist, Billy's hand slipping away as he uses his tongue to guide them the rest of the way into his mouth before righting his head. They begin to hyperventilate as the Indo's teeth click shut behind them. The tongue beneath them laves at them, carefully stroking against their sides. Their surroundings rumble as the Indo begins to make a noise they can only describe as a purr.
He's enjoying this.
(Y/N) cries out as the tongue flicks against his ankle, Billy makes that soft whining sound again. Their surroundings tilt and (Y/N)'s scream is cut off as they're sucked down, pulled completely into the Indominus's hungry throat. They grunt at the pressure on their ankle as the muscles push them down deeper into the dinosaur.
(Y/N)'s slips out and into a new spacious chamber. They back pedal pressing themselves up against the wall behind them. His stomach, they were in Billy's stomach. They curl up, burying their face in their knees to muffle their sobs. They were going to die a horrific death. They had thought they were making progress with him, getting on his good side. But here they are, just another meal.
"Hey, I got the message what's the emergency?" Eddie calls out as he jogs up the path to the Indominus's paddock. He's confused to find a familiar redhead pacing back and forth in front of the tall white walls. Upon hearing the keeper's voice however her head snaps up to look at him, in a heartbeat she's throwing her arms around him and sobbing into his chest.
Eddie's suprised, Max wasn't really one to show excessive negative emotions openly. "(Y/N) fell into the enclosure." The world around them fades away and his heart falls into his stomach "what?" His throat feels like it's constricting around his words. "He ran into the forest but we haven't seen him since" Max sobs into his uniform. He stumbles over a few reassuring words, but they all feel hollow and leave an ashy taste on his tongue.
"Fuck, I have to call this in."
A team is called out to comb the enclosure for the missing keeper, they're wary of the Indominus however contrary to past encounters he leaves the group alone. Only giving a couple warning growls when they get too close. Eddie and Max are given the rundown of what they found and honestly they wish they hadn't.
(Y/N)'s footprints cut off suddenly half way into the forest, there are signs of a struggle but no other evidence. Their case is updated from missing to deceased. The two are horrified to learn of their friend's demise. Eddie is given the day off to mourn his fallen friend, he's also informed that he'll be taking over (Y/N) position when he gets back. All in all the higher ups seem more interested in a cover up rather than the fact that a keeper was mauled by their secret star.
He hates that fucking dinosaur.
Max visits the paddock the next day, despite the orders that she's not to ever see the Indominus rex again, but then again she's never been one to follow rules that didn't she didn't like. Billy watches her curiously from where he lays by the gate, big blue eyes focused solely on her. "He didn't deserve that you know" she spits, arms crossed over her chest as she glares right back at him. "(Y/N) was so good to you, he cared about you, FOR you and that's how you repay him" she rants beginning to pace back and forth inside the cage. "You took away someone who's precious to a lot of people, he was my friend!" Max isn't quite sure when she started yelling but she doesn't care.
Eddie's suprised to find her here, screaming at the massive rex. "Max?..." he says softly between her yelled expletives. The redhead spins to face him and his heartbreaks all over again. This must be so tough for her, kids shouldn't have to deal with the reality of situations like this. "Come on. Let's go visit Steve, I'm sure he could use some company right now." He doesn't expect her to agree so easily, but she does and maybe it's because she knows how the rex feels right now. All three of them lost a good friend.
She turns to grab her bag, ready to leave when a noise from the enclosure stops her. The Indominus is lent over coughing, it sounds like he's trying to hack something up. She glances at Eddie with confusion, the rex had shown no indications of being ill when she got there.
The two watch in both suprise and horror a body slips out from between his jaws. They instantly recognise the uniformed body as it lays there on its back at the Indominus's feet. Eddie's stomach flips at the sight. He was eaten whole? That's cruel even for an apex predator like Billy.
The Indominus gives the body a gentle lick before backing up a couple of steps, eyeing the two humans behind the gate.
"He's breathing..." Eddie barely manages to register Max's words. In a second she's slamming her hand down on the gate's button, the metal grid separating them from the predator begins to slowly lift and Eddie watches in, completely frozen to his spot as the redhead ducks beneath the gate. Max has no other thoughts in her mind as she sprints towards the body, she needs to get (Y/N) to safety.
Finally Eddie breaks free of his trance and is set into motion, rushing under the gate after Max who has already made it to the body and is kneeling beside it. "He is! He's breathing!" She calls back, grabbing under both of (Y/N)'s arms. She grunts, pulling the body backwards with a lot of effort.
Reaching them Eddie moves to put himself in front of the two, arms out in a protective stance as he walks backwards with them. Billy pulls a face at the man's sudden arrival, letting slip a small growl but other than that, he stays put. He watches the little human as she makes her way back under the gate with the second keeper following close behind. Once back under Eddie is quick to close the gate again.
Eddie calls in the medics and Max sobs as she feels a strong pulse. "Never pull that shit again" he says, gathering the crying girl into his arms for a hug. She grasps at his shirt, agreeing through hiccups. Over her shoulder Eddie can see the Indominus watching them closely, still stoked where he had been when Max rushed in.
(Y/N) is put on bed rest for two days, his ankle is wrapped up and he's given crutches to keep the weight off of his injured foot. Eddie fills them in on what happened after they disappeared and how the Indominus had spat them back up. They manage to fill in a few of their own theories whilst resting. Billy isn't too happy seeing their foot wrapped up like that when they visit, but he seems more distracted by the fact that they came back at all.
"Hey bud" they great him from behind the gate. The Indominus only stares as he moves closer "been awhile" still no response "I'm not back as your keeper just yet, still got some healing to do but there were no rules saying I couldn't visit you so...hi" still Billy says nothing as he makes his way over to the gate, leaning down to look at the tiny human. They're suprised as he licks up their front through the bars before pulling back, there's a small smile tugging at his lips. It certainly is an odd greeting but they appreciate it.
"So the past two days have been utter shit..." he begins his usual ramblings as he hobbles over to the concrete to sit down and Billy moves to lay down as close as he can to the bars. The two falling back into their regular one sided conversation.
Billy's face visible through the bars. A lazy look on his face, though he focuses on the little human whenever they look up or move. So in tune with every little movement they make. Keeping a close eye on his keeper.
His human.
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gt-preys · 2 years
Just some late night thoughts......
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gt-preys · 2 years
I love the concept of a pred trying to ease their prey into allowing themself to be eaten.
The pred opens their mouth wide, letting little hands feel around. Trailing their palms over the smooth glistening teeth, tracing over sharp canines. Bushing over the tongue with a feather light touch, making the pred shiver and exhale. A puff of warm breath blowing over the tiny.
Small hands holding onto their bottom lip as they lean down to press a kiss to their pred's lip. In turn the pred gently flicks the prey's chin with their tongue. They close their lips over the prey's hands, licking and sucking at them. Shivering at the odd feeling of tiny fingers against their tongue.
They open their mouth to let their prey take their hands back. Gently pushing the prey back to lay down, the pred tracing their finger down the prey's side, gentle hungry eyes gaze down at them. So full of love and awe at their trust. The pred leans down, face hovering above them as warm puffs of air fan over their tiny body. The pred's tongue slips out from between pink lips to drag up the prey's front.
The pred laps at them, soft licks slowly becoming stronger, pressing their body into the table top below. The pred hums at their flavour, they taste wonderful. The pred leans forwards to lick from their torso up to their chin, pulling back to admire the beautiful blush that pools in the prey's cheeks.
The prey leans up to brush their hand across their pred's bottom teeth and in turn the pred takes the prey's arm into their mouth, using gentle pressure to nibble at their arm playfully.
Pulling back the pred moves down, tongue slipping out to scoop the prey's legs up, drawing the limbs into their mouth. They push down, closing their lips around the prey's waist. They hum at the prey's taste, smiling around their body.
The prey watches as their legs disappear into the pred's maw. They reach out to stroke the top lip, smiling as the pred melts under their touch.
Ever so small, yet they hold so much power over the pred.
The pred sits back taking the prey with them, a hand hovering beneath their tiny form. The pred leans completely back, tilting their head back so the prey is vertical. The prey stares down at the pred's blissed out expression as they softly taste the tiny on their tongue.
In one fluid motion the tongue slips out beneath the prey to curl over the top of their head. Lips opening just long enough to draw the prey down between them. Teeth clicking shut behind them. The pred groans at the feeling of their tiny weight resting in their mouth. So perfect.
The pred flicks the prey over their teeth and into their cheek, sucking their tiny form. Righting their head, the pred opens their eyes to look in the vanities mirror. Smirking at the sight of the prey's squirming outline through their cheek. They watch on for a moment, enjoying the feeling of tiny hands pressing to the soft flesh of their cheek. The pred eventually rolls them back onto their tongue opening their mouth, they grin at the little face peeking from between their lips in the mirror.
The prey rolls over onto their stomach to look for themselves. They like the reflection, their pred looks so happy and they're so comfy. The pred's tongue flicks up to lick their face, chuckling at the disgusted look the prey shoots them through the mirror.
The tongue below them bucks and they're drawn backwards as the pred swallows them. Mouth still open, the pred watches as they disappear from their maw. They close their mouth and tilt their head back slightly to watch the bump appear in their throat. They trace it with their eyes as it disappears behind their collarbone.
The pred sighs, satisfied with their little snack as the prey spills out into their stomach. They recline in their chair, patting their stomach softly. "You really hit the spot, sweetheart~" they grin as the prey curls up warm and comfy in their pred's stomach, blushing at the praise.
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gt-preys · 10 months
Thinking about a pred sneaking up on their prey and just like pressing their nose into their back between their shoulders to breath them in. Then their face moves up so their lips can brush the prey's ear.
"You really are too tempting~"
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gt-preys · 6 months
Okay but like tiny crustacean/ fish mer person as prey and big ass shark/ octopus pred goes hard
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gt-preys · 10 months
Idk if this counts as fearplay vore, but what if Eddie had to save a borrower (Y/N if you want) from the freezing outdoors, but in order to save them from dying from hypothermia Eddie has to store them. Eventually they’ll be let out once Eddie makes it back to his place where it’s warmer where he’ll give them warm foods/tea/bath/candles and they’ll become good friends
Baby it's cold outside...
It's not an Eddie fic since I've already done a winter vore fic for him, so I'm stealing this opportunity for a ship I enjoy but had yet to write for.
Giant Billy x fairy Chrissy
The sound of snow crunching fills the air, a rapid noise mixing with gasps and sniffles which fill the air.
Chrissy's running as fast as she can, trying to put as much distance between herself and the beast hunting her down as she can. But the thick layer of snow covering the ground slows her, lungs burning with each breath of the harsh icy air.
She gasps now faced with a broken and out of place brick wall. Any other day she might have wondered about the structure. Who built it? Had there been plans to make a little house in the woods? Why had construction ceased? But now wasn't the time for curiosity. She eyes the structure, if only her wings hadn't been wrecked she could've flown over the wall with ease.
The iridescent appendages give a small flutter at the thought, sending a wave of white hot pain through the fae's back. Chrissy gasps loudly, falling against the brick. Unable to do anything but watch with wide teary eyes as the tabby slows down to stalk towards her instead. Aware that the chase is clearly over now.
There's nowhere left to run.
End of the line.
Chrissy whimpers, cowering in the cat's shadow. She wasn't ready to leave this life just yet. There is however a glimmer of hope as the cat is spooked, heavy footfalls making their way over to the tiny.
"Oi, get out of here!" The loud boom of a man's voice startles her into looking up. A human towers high above her, showing the cat away from the tiny and into the bushes. He watches for a moment, making sure it's gone before he turns his attention to Chrissy who has plastered herself up against the wall.
She watches on as the man crouches down before her, like a collapsing building. "No...please" she begs softly as a hand plants itself in the snow so that he can lean in closer to get a better look
"You're shitting me" the giant mumbles around the unlit cigarette caught between his lips. Wide blue eyes slowly drag over her tiny form as he processes what he's seeing. His freehand inches towards her and Chrissy gasps running from it, along the wall. "Shit!" The giant exclaims behind her and suddenly her exit is blocked by a large hand. In her panic to slow down, Chrissy stumbles backwards onto her backside. Her eyes immediately darting to the side, staring up at the giant with wide fearful eyes.
"Please" she sniffles, shivering from the cold. The giant runs his tongue against his bottom lip as he thinks, those bright blue eyes watching her closely like a hawk."you're one of those tiny people" he murmurs, looking her over "so small." Chrissy gasps watching the hand she had almost run into, lift and curl. Leaving his index finger out to stretch towards the borrower.
"Please!" She scoots backwards with a hiccuped sob, raising her arm in a pitiful attempt to shield herself. It gives the hand pause.
"I'm not gonna hurt you darling." Admittedly he has a kind sounding voice. "It's cold out, love and those wings look like they need some care." Chrissy peeks up at the giant from where she sits. "I can help" he offers and almost immediately Chrissy is shaking her he. "N...no, no. I can look after myself?" She stumbles over her words.
The giant raises an eyebrow "oh really?" His question feels heavy in the winter air. "Cause from where I was standing it looked like that cat back there was gonna have tinker bell for breakfast." His choice in wording is blunt and has the hair on Chrissy's neck raising.
It's a horrific mental image. After all, cats like to play with their food. That's the only reason she'd survived earlier, the tabby had been too interested in catching the fairy and batting her around. How long would it have taken for the cat to get bored? Had it already lost interest when the giant had stumbled upon them? If he had been just a few minutes later-
Chrissy hiccups, looking up at him with big sad blue eyes that tug at his heart. "Please, I just want to go home" she begs. It tugs at the human's heart. "And you can" he nods, voice softening now. "I just want to help fix your pretty wings first. Then I'll bring you back and drop you off wherever you need." Chrissy chews her lip, looking for a moment as if she might decline him again.
"I understand you don't trust me, but we both know you won't last long grounded like this" he pleads with her "just let me help" he asks softly.
He's right, she knows he is. So with a sigh, she hesitantly nods, watching those blue eyes light up as she agrees with him. The giant moves slowly laying his hand down on the ground; palm up. "Take your time" he murmurs, letting her go at her own pace.
Chrissy looks from his hand to his face. He wanted her to climb into his hand? She supposes that makes sense, how else would he take her with him? Maybe she's just suprised that he hadn't grabbed her?
She pushes herself up onto her feet, eyeing his hand warily. "Take your time" he repeats the soft encouragement, his gaze watching her carefully.
Chrissy takes a breath as she climbs up into his hand, the pillowy flesh of his palm dipping beneath her as she crawls into the middle of his hand to sit down. It feels surreal; the warmth of his skin beneath her, the twitch of muscles in his hand. It only serves to set her further on edge.
"There we go, sweetheart" Billy praises as he moves to stand, bringing his hand closer to cradle her against his chest. Chrissy gasps as she's raised up, feeling like she's leaving her stomach behind.
Billy fills the air with idle chatter as he walks, heading back across the park towards his apartment block. Chrissy shivers despite the warmth of Billy's hand, huddling into his chest. Billy's eyes flick down at the action, heart squeezing at the sight of the tiny cuddled up into him.
"You're cold," he points out. "I'll be fine," she murmurs. Billy doesn't hear her argument out, instead moving to slip her into the space between his woolly scarf and neck.
It's warmer here and Chrissy presses herself to Billy's neck trying to sap as much heat from him as possible. The muscles shift against her and his skin buzzes with the sound of his voice. She tenses when his throat bobs against her with a swallow. "That any better, little one?"
He doesn't let her speak "you're still so cold, little one" he mumbles after a while. "We're still a fair walk from home." It no longer sounds like he's talking to her, more so muttering to himself.
With a sigh of defeat, Billy scoops the tiny from where she rests between his neck and scarf. "I didn't want to do this.." he says with a frown.
She pushes herself up onto her hands and knees, turning her head to stare up at the human with panicked wide blue eyes as he holds her up to his face.
"Gonna keep you warm, yeah?" He murmurs softly. "What are you going to do?" She asks, nerves creeping into her voice. "I know it's hard. But trust me, I'm trying to help." His words do nothing to alleviate her nerves or give away his plan.
Looking at her like this Chrissy can't help but think that the giant resembles the cat that had chased her down earlier. That same predatory look swimming in his icy blue eyes and in that moment Chrissy realises the horrible mistake she's made.
Then his hand is moving and Chrissy's eyes widen in terror as plump pink lips part. Perfect white teeth frame slick red flesh. She screams as he moves to place the edge of his palm against his bottom lip. Chrissy scrambles to move in his hand, falling onto her backside in her haste to back up.
But it's too late.
The fairy slips forwards, spilling out onto the surface of Billy's tongue. She cries out as the teeth click shut behind her. "Please don't do this!" She begs trying to push herself up onto her hands and knees. The maw is warm and slick, the tongue coming up to gently lick the side of her face. A hum vibrates the cavern around her.
Billy closes his eyes giving her a few licks without much thought. This wasn't his first time swallowing a tiny, but he was more accustomed to the one that lived in his apartment walls. This was different. This one was completely wild, it didn't seem like she had even seen many humans before.
Hopefully Eddie could back him up when he got home. He could explain to her that Billy hadn't lied. No doubt she wouldn't trust any explanation the giant tried to give her.
He tilts his head back, his heart giving a particularly painful clench at the feeling of her tiny hands scrambling desperately against his tongue and her choked up cries for him to just let her go.
What a cruel bastard he is.
Taking a deep breath he swallows, feeling her slip into his gullet with ease. So small. He can feel her tiny form sink deeper into his chest as he begins to walk once more, a hand resting over his abdomen as he waits to feel her slip into his stomach, and God when she does. Warmth spreads out from his stomach, racing across his skin all the way to his fingertips. It feels so perfect, so right to have her tiny weight settle within him. He can't bask in the moment however, he has a 'fairy?' To get home.
"Sorry darling, I promise you're okay" he mutters finally making it to the woods exit. Her pleas are much quieter now, filled with hiccupping sobs. He feels like a monster for scaring the poor girl, but there's not much he can do now. He speeds up his walk.
It's not long before he reaches his apartment, kicking the door closed behind himself. Billy pulls off his boots, leaving them by the door as he heads to the kitchen. "Eddie?" He calls out, eyeing the little hole in the wall. He calls a few more times but there's no response. Looks like he's dealing with this one by himself. Great. He pulls out some leftover stew which he tips into a pan to reheat. Food makes everyone feel better, hopefully the same goes for fae.
Pulling out a bowl Billy fills it with warm water, setting that off to the side as he hunches over the counter. "Gonna let you out now, little one. Hold still for me." He can feel her squirm as the walls collapse in around her, pushing her up. Soon he can feel her spill out onto his tongue and quickly reaches in to pull her out, dragging her body along his tongue causes him to shiver.
She huddles in on herself as Billy stares down at her "your okay darling. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm sorry I scared you." Those big blue eyes tug at his heartstrings. She doesn't respond. God, he wishes Eddie were here.
"I'm heating up some stew for you, I thought you might be hungry." And there's the confusion again. He's feeding her? Why? He ate her. "I also got you a little bath ready. Didn't think you'd want to sit around in soaked clothes while I fixed you up"
Fixed her up? He still wanted to help her? "Eddie left some of his clothes here, so you can borrow some of those while I wash yours. He won't mind" Eddie? Who's that? Is he like her? Another fairy?
"You still want to help me?" Is all she can manage to stammer. Billy nods, giving her a sympathetic look. "Of course" he nods "if you'll let me."
Billy sets the fairy down on the kitchen island behind him, setting a tea towel beside the bowl along with a chunk of soap and some of Eddie's clothes fresh from the dryer which he cuts the shirt back low so her wings can be free.
He can always make Eddie a new shirt. He turns his back to her, focusing on the stew as she bathes. When he gets the all clear, he turns back around and nearly coos at the sight. Eddie's clothes completely dwarf her tiny frame making her look even smaller than she is.
"Better?" He asks with a soft smile as he retrieves her clothes, adding them to the pile of clothes to wash. The fairy gives a shy nod "yes, thank you."
Billy offers her his hand and hesitantly she climbs onto it. He ferries her across to the kitchen counter where he's dished himself up a bowl of stew along with using Eddie's own kitchen ware for Chrissy to use.
They eat in silence, with Chrissy keeping her eyes down. "So I was thinking, I could have a look at your wings and hopefully I can mend them for you. Yeah?" Billy says placing both of their bowls into the sink to be washed later.
The day is long, but true to his word, Billy does end up managing to repair her wings. But he can't risk her flying while she recovers.
"I know you're keen to get home, but stay a few days here so I can keep an eye on you and make sure your wings are healing." The giant pleads with her and to his suprise, despite being shy around the human. She agrees with ease.
Now he could only hope that she'd get along well with Eddie.
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gt-preys · 4 months
Just a quick last minute fic to celebrate mermay ^-^
Siren! Billy, borrower! reader
The waters are calm as usual today. It was always best to visit after dinnertime, the dead eyes of fish floating in the water made the borrower feel queasy.
"Hello little one."
(Y/N) smiles as he reaches the metal platform. Months had passed since their first encounter and still the siren's beauty made him pause, taking in the pretty wet blonde hair and bright cerulean eyes.
Billy was always a sight to behold with his freckled tanned skin and gorgeous blue tail which shimmers under the water's surface in the dim light.
He needed no song to catch the tiny, (Y/N) would happily walk into his claws. He watches them closely as they track across the platform to him, immediately leaning into the gentle touch the creature offers, the soft pad of his finger tracing up their face to brush across the tiny's hair. "Hi Billy" they chirp letting their eyes slipped closed at the gentle pets. "How was you adventure?" The siren inquires with a smile as their eyes open to focus on him once. They hum affirmatively "yeah, I got grapes!" They tell him excitedly.
Oh he does adore his little borrower. Always so sweet to him, gathering his favourite fruit.
He happily accepts it, leaning in to retrieve the fruit from their hands. His teeth pierce the skin easily, half lidded blue eyes watch them with lazy interest as he straightens back up to chew, never once pausing his gentle ministrations.
He enjoys the soft blush that floods the tiny's cheeks at the action. How sweet. "Delicious. Thank you, darling." They visibly brighten at the praise.
"Will you join me today?" It's the same question each time and just as it has now. It makes his little wilt. That pretty smile falls and the borrower shifts nervously on his feet. "I don't know, Billy..." he shakes his head.
He can't swim well and last time was still pretty fresh in his mind. He knows Billy won't harm him, it seems the siren has grown fond of him. But still, the water makes him uneasy.
"You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you" the blonde murmurs, sinking lower in the water to get closer to their height. His big blue eyes, so open and earnest. "I know," they nod, "it's just really scary. " Not him, the water. They know he's aware of their trust in him.
"I could keep you on me" he continues slowly. "Just lay back in the water and you could sit on my chest." It's not a terrible idea.
"You'll keep me out of the water?" They ask softly and Billy hums in response. "I promise" he answers without missing a beat. The borrower chews their lip in contemplation before sighing "fine but... be careful" they finally give in.
The siren perks up at the acceptance, giving their cheek a gentle rub. "Thank you, darling" Billy shifts his hand down to carefully wrap his hand around the tiny, leaving their arms free.
He moves quickly, not wanting to keep (Y/N) suspended for long. They were already nervous, no need to add to their anxiety. Billy lays back depositing the tiny on his chest, keeping his head up so he can stare down his body at them. Gently steering them sideways and away from the platform. "See? Not do bad" he smiles, taking a deep breath.
(Y/N) blinks, looking out at the forever stretching water. It's calm, only a gentle ripple ever now and then from the giant's tail. "I guess not" they give him a shy smile. They water down the planes of his chest, stopping once they reach his belly button. Billy's tail is beautiful, shiny blue scales catch the light, taking their breath away.
Pretty, pretty siren.
"It's nice being this close to you" he admits timidly as he treks back up to stand on Billy's chest once more. The siren smirks, eyes glittering at their words. "I'm enjoying this too" he hums giving their head a gentle pat.
And that's how they spend their time together. The borrower on his chest, chatting away as they always down. Billy offers light affection with (Y/N) gladly accepting it.
"Maybe we could do this again sometime? Work on that fear of yours" the siren probes gently, not wanting to pressure them into something they don't want to do.
To his suprise the tiny smile "I'll have a think about." That's good enough for him. He'll guide them every step of the way and help them conquer their phobia.
But for now he'll settle for this.
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gt-preys · 4 months
Hoping to get a short sequel to 'Determined borrower' tonight or tomorrow. 🤞🏻
Need a lil siren Billy in my life.
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gt-preys · 2 years
Winter comfort
Pred! Billy x tiny! Steve
Snow has to be his least favourite thing.
It's cold, it melts and soaks into his clothes and if it weren't for the path being freshly gritted, it would probably reach mid-thigh on him.
Steve had left the comfort of his shared house with Robin to go get some fresh air, he told the giantess he'd be an hour tops.
Glancing to his watch however reveals it's been close to two hours, half an hour of which he'd spent trying to find his way back to the town.
So far he's had no luck.
Somehow he had managed to get himself turned around in the little forest, well little for a giant, not too far from town.
Steve groans in annoyance, all this because he wanted to get a certain smug blonde giant off of his mind.
Steve regrets not wearing more layers. His face feels frozen and he stopped being able to feel his hands a while ago.
Frustrated, he trudges a little off the path to sit down against a tree. He just needs to rest for a minute, then he can get back to looking for a way back to town.
He's shivering violently, his body desperately trying to generate some heat. He's weak and fatigued. He fights hard to stay awake, but the pull of his heavy eyelids is too much.
He's awoken by the soft sound of snow crunching underfoot. Steve keeps his eyes closed trying to fall back into his deep sleep. There's rustling nearby, something big crouching down. He doesn't open his eyes till something large prods his chest causing him to groan and attempt to push it away, that's when he opens his eyes feeling the warmth radiating from the object.
Forcing himself to look he finds that his tiny hands are gripping a large index finger. He pauses for a moment, confused, before finally raising his eyes. Finding that it's a familiar giant that comes into view. He's suprised to see the man looks so somber, worry creasing in his brow.
Billy hargrove.
Of course it would be Billy, of all the people to find him in this state.
"You better still be fighting Harrington" the rough voice encompasses him as the giant leans forwards to look at him properly, blowing hot air over his icy form.
Steve huffs, his words getting caught in his throat as he leans forwards to rest his head against the first joint of the finger still held against his chest.
"You're really not doing well, pretty boy" the blonde mumbles.
Steve wants to be sarcastic, wants to roll his eyes and tell the giant he's doing peachy but the cold has sapped all of his energy. At this point he just wants the jock to leave him alone.
More warmth blooms against his back as Billy cups his free hand behind the teen, the finger Steve leans against moves forwards to push his chest, toppling the tiny backwards into the palm of his hand.
Steve gasps blinking up at the bright cerulean eyes that peer down at him, a deep grimace marring the blonde's face. "Shit, you're like an ice cube" he exclaims. Steve feels like an ice cube with how stiff he is, completely frozen and unable to move.
The kids are going to be pissed that he went and died out in the cold, all because he wanted some fresh air.
Steve leans into the gentle touch as Billy brushes back the hair from his forehead.
This is not helping with his crush.
Billy watches him closely, running his tongue along his bottom lip as he thinks. He looks so concerned, it's odd. "Ah you really aren't going to like what I have in mind, pretty boy" the blonde mumbles tracing his blunt fingernail down the side of the brunettes face "but I can't just leave you out here to freeze, I'm not that much of an asshole" he attempts to tease the man but drops his smirk quickly.
It's not as fun to tease the tiny when he can't bite back.
Billy moves to hunch over, bringing his hands closer to his chest. He must look odd, huddled up under a tree seemingly talking to himself.
Steve looks up at Billy with half lidded eyes, startling when he finds lips descending towards him. He's flustered by the sight, if his cheeks weren't already red from the cold the idea of having Billy's soft looking plump lips press into him would definitely bring some colour to them. His feelings switch quickly when those pink lips part and his tongue swipes across his torso and face.
"Gah!" Billy leans back with a grimace whilst Steve sits in complete shock and disgust because 'what the fuck?'
"So fucking cold" the giant grunts looking back down at Steve "god, I'm gonna regret this later" he sighs leaning back in to huff warm minty air into his palms. He alternates between warm breaths and licking to warm the tiny.
Steve watches, morbidly fascinated by how easily he could fit in Billy's mouth.
Deciding he's warm enough to continue, Billy gives him a once over ignoring the face he's pulling. "Gotta hurry up. Get you home and warmed up" he says and Steve whimpers as he's placed into the man's mouth. The tiny teen is so cold he can hardly move but he manages a quiet 'no' as the teeth click shut behind his head sealing him in the maw.
Steve whimpers his complaints as he's licked and prodded gently inside Billy's mouth. As freaked out by the situation he is. He can't lie, it's nice to be out of the cold and somewhere warm finally.
Billy furrows his brows as he stuffs his hands in his pockets, tasting the man softly. He hums as Steve begins to slowly warm up on his tongue "you taste like strawberry ice cream" he slurs around the tiny man and excess saliva collecting in his mouth. Steve isn't quite sure how he should feel about that fact.
Billy starts walking, making his way along the path back to town. Ready to just get home and kick off his boots, just relax for the night. Billy tilts his head back and Steve panics as he slips to the back of Billy's mouth "hey, wait no!" He shouts trying to grab onto the tongue to stop himself from falling into Billy's throat, to no avail "I thought you were just warming me up" Billy rolls his eyes at the dramatics as he swallows taking Steve into his throat.
He grins tracing the lump Steve forms in his throat all the way to his stomach, patting the area.
Steve squirms as he descends further into the giant, fighting against the muscles pressing in on him from all sides.
"I got brain freeze from you. The least you could do is fill my stomach till I get us home" Billy says continuing his walk.
Now that Harrington's safe he can ease up on being so soft. "So, do I even want to know what convinced you to come out in this weather?" He asks gruffly, pulling a pack of reds from his jacket pocket.
Steve huddles up against the wall with a sigh "no reason" he mumbles trying to shrug the question off. "I ain't joking" Billy isn't having any of Steve's lame ass excuses. "Just clearing my head" Steve replies, messing with his hands. "Thought it was already empty" Billy grins, flicking his lighter open. "That's mean" the giant snorts catching the flame on the end of his cigarette "you sound suprised.
"Fine. I did want to get out for air, but it was because I was trying to get you out of my head" Steve admits, he doesn't let Billy speak though "I like you a lot and not as a friend" Billy pauses mid-step.
He stops completely letting the words sink in.
"Well can't say I was expecting that" he mumbles cig hanging limp from his lips. "Didn't think I was bad enough that you'd prefer freezing" he takes a pull on his cig. "You know that's not what I meant" Steve shifts around feeling awkward, patting the wall he leans against and Billy tries not to melt cause the movement feels so good but he's not going to let Harrington bury his confession so quickly.
"You know we're going to talk about this when we get in right?" He says as sternly as he can, still flustered and shocked. For now he pats his stomach and begins walking again, keeping his hand on his abdomen as he walks. Taking a long draw on his cigarette, just enjoying the feeling of being full.
Steve has to admit he doesn't completely hate being in Billy's stomach. It's soft, warm and Billy's ministrations are so gentle and affectionate.
He feels safe.
This is definitely not helping with his crush on the blonde.
Finally getting into the house Billy kicks the snow off of his boots on the mat before taking the shoes off and setting them aside, along with hanging up his jacket. Thanking his past self for putting the heating on to warm the apartment for his return.
Billy takes his time wandering into the kitchen, setting a pan of tomato soup on the stove. He then moves to the counter top, bunching over the surface as he takes a deep breath, focusing on coughing Steve up. After a couple of minutes of hacking, he feels a small wriggling form slip up onto his tongue. Quickly spitting the man into the open hands he has cupped under his mouth.
Steve is a bit dazed and flushed as he sits up in Billy's palm. "Hey there pretty boy" Billy wears his typical smug smirk but his eyes seem to be swimming with so many other emotions that Steve finds hard to pin down. "Hi" he breathes "I'm warming up soup, figured you could use some after nearly freezing" Billy says, the smirk morphing ever so slightly into something softer when Steve mumbles a little 'thank you'.
He doesn't have to wait long for Billy to bring up his confession, though he had hoped the teen wouldn't remember it. "So. Steve harrington has a crush on me, hmm?" His tone is teasing as he grins, but the thumb brushing against his back is gentle and coaxing. Steve nods shyly, averting his gaze to the skin of Billy's palm beneath him.
"So?" It's just one word but it holds so many questions, so many hopes. Do you like me back? Is it too much? Could it work? The giant hums to himself and Steve looks up, finding those blue eyes watching him. The giant shrugs.
"The feeling isn't entirely one sided I guess" Billy's cheeks are dusted a light red as he looks anywhere but Steve. "I could get used to a little treat hanging around me more often" he says and this time when he looks at Steve his smile is genuine and filled with just as much hope as Steve feels hearing those words.
The two share a smile before Billy coughs "so I'll dish us up some soup and after you can get cleaned up. I'll ask Robin to drop some of your clothes off" he explains, setting Steve down gently on the counter.
Steve watches him go about sorting food, a small smile on his lips.
He had nothing to worry about after all.
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gt-preys · 10 months
I love the idea of combining my co-ed G/t school au idea and my hybrid fics....
Tiger Billy....and stote reader....
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wheelercore · 11 months
Freddy kreuger -> michael meyers -> ted bundy gets me because freddy krueger had a mother named amanda krueger introduced in the 3rd movie Dream Warriors (on the inspo board) who abandoned Freddy at a young age and put him up for adoption, where he was adopted by his step father. Which then gets me thinking about karen, whos character culminated in her reassuring mike she cared for him and wasnt going to let him go at the end of s4 or you know, mrs hargrove with the big red rose on her shirt abandoning b/illy when her was 7? I think? To a shitty father or virginia planning to have henry institutionalized in the "care" of brenner. And i also think about the creel attic, where upon second thought, looks like someone left behind the remnants of her old life as a wife and a mother (wedding gown, babys carriage, a childs bed) and just left... which i mean Rose Weaver there Visiting penthurst and the piano + guitar (wheeler instruments) in the listening room. Could not be more explicit than that.
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