a-slut-for-smut · 3 years
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*whispers* but...its for gojohime XD
Oh lawd some horny ass demon has possessed me because these 2 idiots be living rent free in my slutty head 24/7, the brainrot got so bad it somehow manifested into a (my very first fic actually) fluffy smut fic!
Anyway, my brainrot has convinced me that Gojo is so madly in love with her it makes him stupid, Utahime loves him too but doesnt know it...yet. She's just so over his shit. As for Gojo...well he can be unhinged/super cocky at times but i never saw him as mean or cruel, maybe emotionally stunted like a big baby crying for any attention he can get lol
Here's a preview so you can turn back now of whats in store:
"Is this what you want?" She asks darkly, as she grips him with more pressure.
Gojo whimpers, looking up at her in shock, disbelief and surprisingly, awe. "...yes", he barely manages to breathe out.
As she sprung his cock free from his pants, she let out a low, appreciative whistle.
“Well well well...looks like we got ourselves a chonky boi here.”
Gojo felt his chest swell with pride- he couldn’t stop himself from beaming.
Poor little kouhai had finally bitten off more than he could chew, she thought. She’d give him something to chew on for years to come.
Also in dedication to the 5 Song Lovers nickname (derived from GoUta) I've decided this will be 5 chapters, with each chapter title named after a beloved song that embodies them, their relationship and the overall chapter theme. Just know I have eclectic music tastes! The first song is "I Got You Under My Skin" cover by South Korean singer Jihae, featured in the show Altered Carbon (which unfortunately only exists in the show as producers decided not to release it- i will die be mad about this)- its exactly how I imagine Utahime singing it, its a stupidly sexy rendition:
So if you like what you see, than buckle up bitch it's gonna be a wild ride hehehe. I'd suggest reading on Ao3 HERE as i give more fun background about the fic, but here it is too:
Call Me By My Name: The Taming of the Insufferable Manwhore Sorcerer
Summary: Utahime hits her breaking point with the insufferable sorcerer- copious amounts of hilarity, pining fluffiness and bean-flickin good smut ensues :D
Rating: E (duh)
Utahime was having a shitty day.  The cafe she normally frequents for takeout coffee served her the nastiest burnt-tasting coffee, which she proceeded to spew and get all over her white miko outfit.  She really needed that coffee too- she had passed out after showering last night, exhausted, only to wake up with bedhead that refused to be tamed.  And why was she exhausted, exactly?
Because she spent the past 3 weeks preparing for her meeting with the elders about a promotion -a meeting set months in advance- which they decided to oh so considerately cancel the morning of with no reason, postponing it without a predetermined date.  She just wanted the day to be over so she could escape in front of the TV with the 3 bottles of fancy red wine she had splurged on in the hopes of a celebration.  The last thing she needed was a chance encounter with the walking, talking giant hemorrhoid that was Gojo Satoru.
“UTAHIMEEEEEE” the familiar yet disrespectful greeting pierced through the school courtyard, grating her nerves and making the vein on her temple throb.  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, deciding to ignore it and kept walking, the last classes had just been dismissed with the students quick to flee the premises to embrace the weekend. She marched on, needing to grab her bag in her desk to escape, only to collide with a solid form that made her stumble back.
Gojo apparently lowered his Infinity and teleported right in front of her, grinning his Cheshire grin.
“Utahime!! Where are you going with so much purpose, hmm?”
She grit her teeth, she was in no mood to play his games.  “Home” she said simply as she breezed by him.  Gojo turned and followed, undeterred by her lack of reaction and decided to dial it up because if there's one thing Gojo would not abide by is that he would not be ignored, especially by her.
"Hey Utahime! Why are you so weak?” Gojo inquired annoyingly, “is it because you're so small and short? Why do you refuse to acknowledge my greatness in everything? Huh?huh?huh?huh?"
Gojo grinned, victory splayed all over his face. “Oh, the Elders called for some meeting with me, probably over something stupid, honestly its such a waste of my time I’ll probably just ghost them and keep them waiting, haha!  Then I saw you and thought oh, Utahime would be a better use of my time!  You’re so much more fun.”
“And...” he leaned down slightly, as if speaking to a child “...as to what I want, it should be obvious!” gleefully cheesing so hard she could tell his eyes were closed despite the blindfold.
Her mind was running a mile a minute, digesting his words- the Elders probably had canceled her meeting with them to make way for Gojo of all people, and he wasn’t going to bother showing up! Fate was playing some sort of cruel joke and she wasn't laughing.  The higher ups wouldn't give her the time of day, passing her over and over despite all her efforts and hard-earned accomplishments, while this IDIOT undeservedly has them all at his beck and call and will ghost them on a whim???  This was it, she decided.  This was the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
She narrows her eyes at him, and with the speed of a viper strike seizes Gojo's man bits in her left fist and twists, hard.  Gojo lets out a shocked pained gasp and doubles over, just below eye level with her.
"Is this what you want?" She asks darkly, as she grips him with more pressure.
Gojo whimpers, looking up at her in shock, disbelief and surprisingly, awe. "...yes", he barely manages to breathe out.
His admission does something to her, something she's never felt with him before- the thrill of absolute power, of domination.  A smirk tugs at her lips as she lifts her right hand to slide his blindfold down, gently caressing his face while doing so. She feels him grow and pulse in her left hand, and she clenches him in her fist even harder, eliciting an embarrassing hiss-moan from him.
"Yes...what, Gojo-kun ?" she prompts sweetly, feeling empowered as she slowly runs her grip from the base of his balls, dragging her fingertips along the underside of his shaft.
Gojo's eyes flutter as he sighs out: "Yes, please.... senpai ."
Utahime releases him slowly, pinching the head of his cock as she lets go, making him suck in his breath once more.
“Well, only good little kouhai's can get what they want.  Are you going to be a good little kouhai?”
Gojo stares at her dumbly for a moment before nodding vigorously.
“Good. Then follow me.” She turns without looking back, continuing her original path at an unhurried pace.
Gojo follows her obediently without a word.  His mind is reeling, this is unmarked territory for him- after all these years he can’t believe this is actually happening.  He hasn’t the faintest idea why this of all things was her breaking point, or what to expect (but he could certainly hope and imagine) and he wasn’t ashamed to admit he wanted to see it through.
They walked in silence, the school was quiet, without a soul in sight.  The halls are flooded with a gentle amber light of a waning afternoon, the air a bit humid but not unpleasantly so.  As he traces the hallways with his eyes he fidgets inwardly, trying to recall if he remembered to put on deodorant today, hoping he doesn't smell, that despite it not being that hot he felt he was sweating, no, burning .
His worrying thoughts halted when they approached her classroom door.  Here be dragons he said to himself as she unlocked the door.  Upon entering, she moved to the side of the doorway and gestured to come in.  He stepped in, standing at attention, while she slowly slid the door closed and locked it.  She turned to him, unashamedly appraising him from bottom to top with lidded eyes.
“Take a seat.” she commanded. He hesitated for a moment, before moving towards one of the student desks.  “No. Not that one”. That one” she gestured with a nod towards her desk.  He hesitated again, before walking and settling himself in her office chair.  And waited.  Like a good little kouhai.
Utahime grinned inwardly, relishing Gojo’s obvious nervousness.  Oh, I am going to have fun with this, she said to herself wickedly.  Recompense for her canceled meeting, for all those years of endless teasing and harassment, this was fair play in her eyes.
She strode to him at a languid pace, Gojo watching every step.  He looked up at her uncertainly when she stopped directly in front of him, hinging at the waist so she was eye level with him.  She held his gaze for a couple beats when both of her hands suddenly grasped his knees and jerked his legs wide open, making him gasp in surprise.
“We’re going to play a little game, Gojo-kun.”  She says, lowly.  “But first, you need to agree to the rules.  If you break any said rules, the game is over. Never to be played again. Do you understand?”
Gojo gulped audibly, nodding slowly.
“Good kouhai.  Rule 1. No touching unless I explicitly say so. No hands, mouth, nothing. I will touch you and you will take it like a good kouhai, understand? Absolutely no Infinity allowed.  Rule 2. No talking. You so much as flap your stupid dick lips even once and this is all over. Rule 3. No peeking.”
“This...” she drags her hold from his knees up, traveling up his thighs, along his hips to his chest -Gojo holding his breath the entire time- to gripping his neck while lightly squeezing.  She felt him swallow thickly before releasing her hold to gather his blindfold sitting at the base of his throat.  She pulled it up over his eyes and tied it tight behind his head.  “...stays on.  Your eyes stay closed, and don't even THINK about using Six Eyes because I will know and this game ends for good.  Do you understand and agree to follow the rules?”
“Yes senp-” Gojo is cut short, gasping when Utahime suddenly strikes him across the face, hard.
“Did you already forget Rule 2, idiot kouhai?? Do you not want to play this game because we can stop this now.” Her tone is harsh, threatening.
He was dazed for a split second before shaking his head.  “Good.  Now do you agree to follow the rules I've just laid out?”  Gojo nods his head once, all eyes shut tight.
“That’s a good kouhai.”  She moves away from him, he already misses the warmth of her.  Embracing the darkness, he listens intently- the shuffling of clothing, the opening of a desk drawer, the familiar rustling and tearing of a condom wrapper (the question as to why she kept condoms in her desk drawer he would need to ponder later).
He hears her approach, she grabs both his wrists and kneels behind him, binding them together with a single zip tie.  Zip ties too??, he questions inwardly but the thought fades immediately when she draws in close, positioning herself in the space between his legs.
“Are you ready to play, Gojo-kun?” He was nodding eagerly before he realized what he was doing.
When he felt her hands on his belt buckle, he immediately widened his stance and arched his back to give her better access, aching for her touch.  He held his breath as her fingers unbuttoned his pants and undid the zipper, torturously slow.  He knew she was teasing him, he supposed he deserved it and there was no denying he was entirely (and willingly) at her mercy.  But when she reached into his pants and wrapped her fingers around his aching cock he had to bite back a moan, she had gotten him so worked up he struggled not to embarrass himself.
As she sprung his cock free from his pants, she let out a low, appreciative whistle.
“Well well well...looks like we got ourselves a chonky boi here.”
Gojo felt his chest swell with pride- he couldn’t stop himself from beaming.
She wasn’t kidding either.  In her hand was the fattest, girthiest dummy thicc cock she’d ever laid eyes on, even including all the kinky porn she indulged in- which was saying a lot . The girth was one thing, but the heft, the weight of the thing…it bewildered her as to how he managed to even walk around comfortably with this monster dong between his legs. Length-wise was nothing to sneeze at either, but above all else she wondered just how the hell she was gonna get that thing to fit.
Her inner musings continued as she stroked him softly, rolling the condom down (it was a tad snug, but that was his fault for having such a dummy thicc cock).  With the same hand she raised to his lips, with one simple command: “Spit.” Gojo obeyed, despite how dry his mouth was he frantically worked his tongue to gather as much saliva as possible.
She returned her hand to his cock, stroking and coating him, getting him nice and slick while he murmured softly in pleasure.  “Lean back.” she ordered, stepping over his knees in a straddle position.  Gojo leaned back into the chair as far as it allowed, his bound hands gripping the chair seat with bruising strength as he felt her heat on the tip of his cock.
“Buckle up kouhai, you're in for a wild ride” she whispered hotly in his ear, tingles running down his spine, as she slowly lowered herself onto his cock.
FUCK. He was so fucking thick fuck fuck fuck her mind was frantic, there was already good deal of resistance when he first breached her, but the continuing stretch was making her lose her fucking mind.  She willed her way through it at a tortuous pace, sinking her nails into his shoulders while taking him cm by cm, mapping every vein and ridge of his cock until finally fusing their hip bones together.
A protracted moan of relief escaped his throat as she settled in his lap, fuck she was so tight, so warm, so wet, the sensations were so overwhelming, every fiber of his being screamed to slam himself up into her, grip her waist so hard it would leave bruises, ravage that sassy little mouth of hers with his tongue- it was a miracle he was able to restrain himself at all.  He bit his lip, breathing heavily through his nose in an attempt to strengthen his resolve, his self control.
She examined his face, his furrowed brow in severe concentration, almost in an anguished expression.
It delighted her.
She found herself even more aroused, growing wetter. Poor little kouhai had finally bitten off more than he could chew, she thought. She’d give him something to chew on for years to come.
With her feet firmly planted on the floor, she slowly lifted her hips up until only the very tip of his cock was in, and swiftly slammed herself down on him, eliciting a choking gasp from him.  She smirked villainously as she repeated the motion again, again and again, broken sighs and whines tumbling from his lips.
“Look at how good my little kouhai is, taking a pussy pounding so well” she purred into his neck as she started to increase her tempo, rolling her hips so that the head of his cock dragged the entire length of her frontal walls so deliciously she struggled to stifle her own moans.
Gojo was an utter mess, his head was spinning from the pleasure of it all- the way she pistoned her hips up and down his cock, the way she gripped him like a vice with her cunt and her fingers, how hot and wet her breath felt on his skin, the aborted noises she made as she struggled to subdue her own moans- he was hopelessly lost. With her. Within her.
He could feel the heat coiling in his groin, the need to burst within her was too much, he couldn’t hold on much longer.  He bit his lip harder as she continued riding him mercilessly, in a desperate attempt to keep his orgasm at bay but it was too late. The dams burst free; completely ambushed by the searing white hot waves of pleasure crashing and coursing through his body so violently he let out a series of short, almost pained gasps as his orgasm ripped through him.
Utahime slowed her pace so she could enjoy the show- Gojo coming undone, utterly ruined, struggling to catch his breath. She’d never admit it to anyone but it was the hottest, most erotic display she had ever witnessed.  She regretted keeping the blindfold on, she would have loved to see his eyes as he came and the intensity behind them, she jokingly wondered if they gleamed or lit up.
As she felt him softening within her she suddenly pulled herself up, his cock flopping unceremoniously on his thigh as she reached for her hakama. The sudden loss of her warmth made him panic, he was stuttering before he remembered the rule “Sorry, I don’t normally…I’m usually…just give me a few mins…”
A finger brushed his lips, hushing him.  “You were a good little kouhai…” she whispered sensually in his ear,  “…but I win.” With that she picked up her bag and walked out the classroom, slamming the door closed.
Gojo sat there dumbfounded, hands still tied, blindfolded, with his dick hanging out of his pants, still processing what the hell just happened.
**The next morning**
Utahime wakes up the next morning to warm sunbeams caressing her eyes and face.  She turns to her clock, only to see the numbers 8:30 AM stare back at her. Stupid sun, she mumbles to herself before throwing the covers over her head, determined to sleep off her hangover after downing 2 bottles of red wine by herself last night.
The sun, however, had other plans.  Her bedroom quickly began to warm up, the sun relentless as if to say suck it bitch, get your lazy ass up.  With the windows closed it was stifling, her face under the covers not helping, she gritted her teeth before letting out an exasperated groan, must everything in her life be so infuriating??? Fuck my life.
She threw off the covers, glaring at the sun jeering through her window, before stumbling to her bathroom to take a hot shower. She was feeling particularly sore for some reason.
When she returned to her bedroom, she checked her phone only to see that the battery died at some point last night.  She recalled tossing it into her bedroom as she frantically uncorked the first wine bottle, taking a large swig before plopping herself on the sofa and switching on the baseball game.  She had finished the 2nd bottle around the 8th inning, and seeing how her home team had a significant lead she called it quits and promptly passed out on her bed without bothering to change out of her work clothes.  Whatever, it was a rough day.
She plugged her phone in the charger and turned it on, only to receive an onslaught of notification chimes.  Almost every one of them came from the same contact: “idiot kouhai”
Oh, that’s right.  She had fucked Gojo Satoru yesterday.
She threw her head back cackling as the notification chimes continued, no wonder she was extra sore this morning!  Man, that wine really did a number on me.   The 67 new notifications alert made her giddy, she imagined Gojo running around in a panic like a chicken with its head cut off, much to her amusement.
She didn’t read through all of them- they varied from simple greetings “hey senpai” and “senpai pls respond” while gradually increasing in desperation “Hello??? Senpai are you alive???” and “SENPAI SO MEAN, IGNORING ME ALL NIGHT!!!”  A bunch were missed calls, then finally the last being a voicemail.
She bit her lip at the voicemail alert, hesitating, unsure what to expect, whether she actually wanted to hear what he had to say.  If she left it alone or deleted it, and just leave things unspoken and maybe that was for the best.
Utahime deliberated for a few more seconds before deciding fuck it , and tapped the speakerphone icon.
“Hey Uta-...ermm Senpai! Ive been trying to reach you...uh...i just want to make sure...that...um...you got home ok!  Ummm...yeah...call me back when you get this- or, text me, you know….whatever you prefer.  Just...yeah. Um...talk to you later. oh! And sorry about your door. Ok. bye!
Utahime tapped her phone against her forehead, chuckling to herself.  Gojo was unintentionally adorable when he was unsure of himself, which was a rarity in itself.   As adorable as it was, she decided it was probably best not to call him back until after the weekend, to let things breathe and air out.  She’d figure out what he meant by the door later.
She saw a message from Mei Mei and Shoko each, apparently Gojo had harassed them to text her to see if she was alive, with Shoko also asking when Utahime expects to arrive at her apartment tonight.  Hmm, guess it was a blessing that asshole sun pulled her out of bed when it did, otherwise she might have run late for her train to Tokyo for their girls night out.
On her way out the door, her phone rings and she immediately picks up.
“Hey Shoko, dont worry im on my way-”
“Hey...its me”, a voice interjected that was decidedly not Shoko.
Gojo. Well, guess she’ll have to speak with him earlier than planned. 
“Oh, it's you.  What do you want?”  She asked, as blase as possible.
“I...uh, tried to call you yesterday.  I wanted to make sure everything...I mean you, were ok.”
“Yeah my phone died.  I'm good.  Anyway I'm running late and gotta get going-”
“So where are you going? You’re meeting Shoko? Can I come???” He asked in his best silly singsong voice he could muster in a lame attempt to hide his trepidation.
“Nope.” She replied curtly. “Girls night out.  Vaginas only.”
“Senpai so mean!” He cried. “That’s very exclusionist, you know.  Did you ever consider that I might identify as a woman, hmm? Does that count?”
She huffed. “Gojo, you’re not fooling anyone the way you flex your dick all around town.”
She heard a choking noise like he was taken aback, but Utahime didn’t give him a chance to respond, the conversation was over- “Anyway, I've got to go, have a good weekend byeeeeeee” and promptly hung up.
Gojo sat on his sofa, staring at his phone.  There was a bite to her words that he chose to push aside to mull over later.  He was more interested in what her plans were.  Clearly she was meeting Shoko, and she said girls night out so that implied Mei Mei would be there.
He decided to do some social media sleuthing to see what he could find out.  Mei Mei was something of an influencer, constantly posting herself in stylish outfits, sharing posts of luxury goods etc.  Her latest post was a selfie, sporting thigh-high boots and showing off a mid-thigh high black dress with long sleeves that connected across her collarbone with gold brooch and an open panel that tastefully exposed her ample chest.  <Authors note: LOL omg...i can’t describe clothes for shit> The caption under read:
Can't wait for ladies night out tonight, come out to The Nightingale Lounge @10pm to toast my girl Uta xoxo
Gojo felt his eyebrows rise. Well, that was easy. Thank god for attention-seeking, validation hungry social media whores. Not sure what they were celebrating but it didn’t matter- Utahime was coming to Tokyo, and most likely would spend the night at least.  This would make it easy to infiltrate, and innocently bump into them in the Roppangi nightlife district.
He started scheming a plan of attack when his mind started to wander, particularly to the events of yesterday afternoon. He felt himself cringe as he recalled how fast he came, how she didn't finish, what she was thinking…
He groaned, lifting his forearm to cover his eyes. It was fucking embarrassing.  He was a teenager all over again.  He needed her to know that was a fluke, she had gotten him too excited, that he could absolutely deliver in bed. He needed to prove himself to her.  If Principal Gakuganji hadn’t gotten in the way, maybe he would have caught up to her…
**Yesterday afternoon**
Tick. Tick. Tick.
Gojo never realized just how obnoxiously loud the classroom clocks could be, the ticks seem to echo across the entire school.  He sat dumbstruck for a few beats, unsure what to do.  Was she coming back? If she was, would she be mad if he freed himself? Did she really leave? Should he go chase after her or would she get mad?
He decided to risk the latter and snapped the zip tie easily, ripping the condom off and tossing it aside, frantically stuffing his half hard cock back into his pants trying to ignore the obvious discomfort. He made a dash for the door when he heard footsteps approaching, stopped short and froze.
There was a knock before the door opened and Gojo could feel his face fall as he stared directly at Principal Gakuganji’s crusty old face.
“Gojo?? What are you doing here? Where were you this afternoon?? We waited nearly an hour you arrogant punk!”
Gojo blinked. He had forgotten all about that, but he felt no remorse- not when there were more pressing matters to see to.
“Sorry not sorry, I was busy” he replied as he made a move to push past him.  Gakuganji blocked his path, stern look on his face.  “We did the courtesy of calling a meeting, you should return that courtesy by attending.  What are you doing in Iori-sensei’s classroom? Is she still here? She wanted to speak with us.”
Gojo scoffed. “Whatever old man, I do what I want.  Utahime’s not here, I was…looking for her too.  I needed to bother her about something. Not your business anyway.”
Gakuganji narrowed his eyes. “You should learn to respect the wisdom of your elders, otherwise it may lead to your downfall one day” he said evenly, clearly irritated but stepped aside to let him go. Gakuganji meant it as a threat but knew the words had no bite to Gojo.
Gojo rolled his eyes so hard his retinas strained to keep them falling out of their sockets. He didn’t bother dignifying Gakuganji with a response, as he simply turned and walked off with his trademark giggle he knew pissed people off.
When he got outside, Utahime was nowhere to be seen.  When he checked for her cursed energy and found nothing, his shoulders fell. She really did leave. Fucking cockblocking old man he sighed, irritated, his cock crusty from the condom.
The condom. Gojo’s eyes widened.  He threw it haphazardly in her classroom somewhere…if Gakuganji or someone else saw it…oh god, what would they think? That he jacks off in her classroom when she’s not there? Or worse yet, Utahime fucking around with her students?
He made a mad sprint back, poking his head down the hallway to see if Gakuganji was still there.  The coast clear, he made his way to the door only to find it locked. FUCKING Gakuganji Gojo seethed, he was so frustrated he simply punched through the door without thinking and turned the lock.  His eyes scanned the room, thankfully it landed somewhere not in plain sight.
He spent the next 10 mins searching, getting more irritated by the second. Where the fuck was it?? he straightened up with a frustrated groan.  What a day. He looked out the window, dusk was settling in comfortably, almost mocking him as he realized it was taking him far too long to find this stupid condom.
As he frowned at the sky, his eyes fell on a white splotch on the glass.  His frown deepened.
He approached the splotch which was directly above the classroom fish tank, pausing mid step before throwing his head back and unleashing a loud, frustrated yell that lasted several seconds.
Painted all over the window behind the fish tank, all over the fish tank, the plants surrounding the fish tank.  The condom was floating proudly on the surface of the water, laughing at him. Gojo had unintentionally Jackson Pollocked the fuck out of Utahime’s classroom, the signature of their tryst everywhere.
He hung his head, sighing deeply.  He couldn’t lie, he was almost proud of the sheer amount of cum he managed to produce, but he much preferred if it was painting the walls of her cunt than her classroom.
He set to work cleaning, he knew she would be furious if she found it but foremost he did not want her facing a scandal with the school administration.  He felt the need, no, compelled to protect her ever since that day…he shook his head.  He hated thinking about that day. Finding her. The sheer amount of blood. He'd much rather be cleaning his cum away than her blood.
He grimaced, focusing on his task which took him at least 20 mins, burning all the tissues he used from her desk with cursed energy.  Wiping his hands, his eyes fell on her desk drawer.  Curiosity got the best of him, hand fidgeting as it hovered over the handle, deliberating.
Suddenly, he remembered the reason why he had even sought her out in the first place.  He patted his chest, feeling for the small package in his coat. While he hoped she liked it, he was thankful he got it as it served a perfect excuse to snoop.
He slid the drawer open and quirked an eyebrow.  There was a package of zipties, as expected, and an opened box of condoms which appeared to be only half full, much to his chagrin.  But then his eyes fell on a tin box, for an expensive matcha tea brand.  He had gifted her such a box years ago when they were younger, and while it could have been any box he sincerely hoped it was his.
He opened it to see a small pile of his favorite candies.  A goofy grin bloomed across his face as he recalled the memories associated with them.  How she introduced the candies to him. How when one time he was being extra annoying to her, she reached into her pocket and threw a handful of said candies one way, yelling “LOOK GOJO, CANDY!!!” while running the opposite direction.  It didn’t work, but it certainly bought her a few seconds as he laughed at her ingenuity.
He plucked one out and popped it in his mouth, savoring the sweet flavor. As sweet as it was, he was sure Utahime tasted far sweeter.  With that, he placed the small package where she could easily find it.
As he stepped out of the classroom, he paused and turned to look at her office chair. He sincerely hoped, prayed that would not be their first time would not be the last, sheepishly glancing at the damaged door on his way out.
**Later that night**
Gojo arrived at The Nightingale Lounge around 10:25pm, if he knew the ladies as well as he thought he did, they definitely would be fashionably late.  As he waited he did some recon in the lobby, near the stairs leading down to the lounge, he wondered if they were meeting anyone else and scanned the crowds.
Normally he dressed to the nines when he went out; he always loved to make an impression and wasn’t shy about it.  But this time he didn’t want to draw attention to himself, so he opted for a simple loose fitted v neck black t-shirt and jeans, muting his silver mop with a wool beanie and his crystal blue eyes with his trademark sunglasses. He still wanted to look fuckable, but casually so, as if he was out but not on a date.  He still got quite a few stares from the ladies and several gents, but he ignored them.
He waited 20 mins but didn’t see them arrive.  He checked his phone, Mei Mei hadn’t updated since earlier which was odd, he felt the only time she wouldn’t was if she didn’t have cellular service.
Wait…the lounge was downstairs, underground basically…could they already be there? Annoyed with himself for not checking earlier, he made his way down, pushing the door open only to hear the most angelic, euphonious singing ever to reach his ears.  He stood in the doorway, stunned not only what he was hearing, but what he saw. <Author's note: Stop reading and listen to the song I mentioned if you haven't already!!!>
I've got you...
under my skin
I've got you...
deep in the heart of me
Utahime was on the stage, bathed in the brilliant light of the spotlight, swaying as she cradled the microphone on its stand, as if she were tenderly singing a lullaby to an infant.
She looked incredible, almost ethereal.  Dressed in a blue satin drape asymmetric strap midi dress with a cowl neckline <Authors note: i didn’t even try lol just google this exact phrase and try telling me Utahime wouldn't slay in that dress>, it did her every favor- showcasing her body while leaving plenty to the imagination.
Gojo’s eyes were drawn to her bare shoulders and collarbones, he never saw them as she always spotted her Miko outfit around him…he couldn’t help himself as he imagined his lips and tongue tracing all over them.  He was so weak for exposed shoulders and necklines, there was nothing more erotic.  But as much as he mentally salivated just how good she looked, her voice- her voice was on a whole other level.
So deep in my heart,
that you're really a part of me...
I've got you under my skin
He stood there, mesmerized.  It was as if she was singing directly to him, only to him.  Wave of calm washed over him as she continued, he felt every muscle in his body relax, untense.  It almost felt like he was dreaming, or in a trance.  He had never been more enthralled by anything in his life.
I'd tried so,
not to give in...
I said to myself,
this affair never will go so well...
But why should I try to resist,
when baby I know so well...
I've got you under my skin
He vaguely felt a tug on his right sleeve, he ignored it until a hand wrapped around his forearm. He snapped his head at the intrusion to see a girl in a mini dress cupping her hand to her mouth:
“You gotta move! You're standing in the doorway!”
Gojo realized he had frozen right when he entered, he probably should move as he didn’t want to be spotted.  The girl tugged at him, leading him towards the bar.  He followed as it was quite crowded and provided ample cover. The girl turned and looked up at him, cupping her hand again.
“Hi I’m Keiko!”
Gojo wasn’t in the mood to engage, he wanted to immerse himself with Utahime.
“Hello” He said, blandly.  He didn’t bother offering his name.
“So…” she batted her eyelashes “...wanna buy me a drink?” She asked coquettishly, a routine she seemed all too familiar with.
Gojo jerked his arm back instantly, nearly recoiling from her.  The nerve, this chick interrupted him witnessing Utahime and expected him to reward her for that??
The girl backed off at his reaction, a wounded look flashed across her face before she threw her hands up. “Whoa relax mister, you can say no.”  Gojo sighed. He didn’t mean to be so dramatic, but she was irritating him.  “Here” he handed her a 10,000 yen bill, “it’s on me as long as you and any friends with you leave me alone for the rest of the night.”
The girl looked at the note, then him, then shrugged as she plucked it from his fingers and made her way to the bar.  He huffed, hoping for no more distractions as he turned to the stage again.
Utahime had finished her song, much to his chagrin, and was casually chatting with the audience.  She exuded this bewitching, sultry persona on stage- he had never seen this side of her before.  He wondered what else he didn’t know about her, what else she hid from him or chose not to let him see.  Who are you? The thought, the unknown gnawed at his mind…it seemed there was so much to Utahime he was completely in the dark about, despite knowing each other for over two decades.  He was determined to uncover everything there was to know about her.
“Alright my loves, it’s been fun as always.  You’ll have to excuse me though, I have some friends from out of town and the plan tonight is to get blasted” Gojo hears whoops and whistles from the left side of the stage, he traced the cheers to see Mei Mei and Shoko at a VIP table, drinks in hand.  So everyone did arrive on time, lamenting on how he missed most of her show due to a bad call on his part.  Did he even really know anyone anymore?
“Until next time folks, y’all have a goodnight!”
The room filled with applause as Utahime got up and walked down the stage stairs, waving her hands in the air as she did a little victory dance towards the VIP table.  Their table was littered with drinks, and empty glasses- they had been here a while.
Gojo deliberated on approaching them. As he struggled for an excuse as to why he was there, he saw three middle-aged men in business suits approach their table with an expensive looking champagne bottle.  A chat went on and the ladies made room for the men to join them.  Gojo frowned but watched from a distance.
He saw Utahime whisper into the ear of the man closest to her, who promptly gestured for the waitress. She returned with a tray of what looked like six Old Fashioned cocktails and a box of cigars.  His frown deepened as the man handed Utahime a glass and cigar, the latter she accepted by parting her mouth slightly and allowing him to place it in her lips.  He seethed as the man lit it for her, almost cupping her face.
Gojo was not enjoying the display in front of him- Mei Mei and Shoko laughing amongst these loser suits, the one with a death wish slyly sliding his arm over Utahime’s bare shoulders.  She looked pointedly at his arm, then at the man's face before giving him a flirty wink.  Gojo was not amused.  Far from it.
This carried on for another 30 mins, his blood boiling at dangerous temperatures but he couldn’t bring himself to leave.  Finally the ladies all rose from their chairs with their purses, it seemed they were about to leave the club. The men rose with them, grabbing the untouched champagne bottle and followed the ladies towards the stairs.
Gojo turned his back to remain unseen, then followed shortly behind.  The group was outside, sans one of the men.  Gojo snuck amongst the crowd towards the far end of the entrance.  He was going to make his move, there was no way this fucker was going home with her.  He’d murder for far less.
With the ladies standing with their backs towards him, he called out:
“Oi! Senpai!!! Shoko! Mei Mei!”
All three spin around simultaneously, searching the crowd- but all his eyes were on Utahime, and he was not prepared for what he saw as her eyes met his. Nor could he ever forget it- he would remember until his dying day.
She smiled the most exquisite smile, slow to crest but quickly grew with brilliance- her eyes shining with unbidden joy.  She was so happy…so happy to see him.
“Gojo-kuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!” she squealed happily, making a dash for him and throwing her arms around his neck.  “What are you doing here?”, genuinely ecstatic to see him.
Gojo was stunned speechless but instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist; she smelled of cigar smoke and whiskey but he didn’t give a fuck, relishing the warmth of her body pressed to his.
Mei Mei and Shoko strolled forward. “Indeed Gojo, what are you doing here?”  Mei Mei coyly inquired. Shoko merely took a long drag from her cigarette with one eyebrow cocked.
He looked up briefly and opened his mouth but no words came out as he looked back at Utahime- her expression was one of unadulterated joy and she never looked so lovely. He never wanted to kiss her so badly; he moved to do so before he could stop himself when she suddenly jerked her head back. Her expression changed on a flip of a dime to suspicion.
“Wait a minute…” she drawled out, clearly inebriated, “I know why you’re here.”
Gojo froze like a deer in headlights…she had him pegged and would accept the consequences, but when she unraveled her arms from his neck he almost protested, he didn’t want to let her go. Ever.
She removed his hands from her waist, tossing them away, looking back up at him with her hands on her hips and targeting him with a disapproving glare.
He swallowed thickly, waiting for the onslaught.
“You’re not going to find many single girls here Gojo, it’s mainly couples tonight. You should try Samba House. Talent should be better there.” She waved her hand dismissively.
He balked. “Wha- no, Utah- err, senpai! I’m not here for that!” he protested, “I’m just….I was bored and wanted to see what the scene was like in Roppangi!  But it's a good thing I did because I found you…girls…” he added, in an attempt to cover himself.
Utahime cocked an eyebrow at him.  “You were bored huh? So you were looking to score? Well as a fellow colleague also on the hunt, allow me to give you a hot tip- look elsewhere because the pickings are slim.”
Gojo opened his mouth to protest again when the man that was all over Utahime returned, champagne bottle in one hand and a package of cups in the other.  “Oi, Utahime-san! Got the cups, shall we have a toast on our way to the club?”
Gojo eyed the man with daggers but Utahime turned, telling him to pop it and pour her a cup. Gojo quickly grasped her forearm, whirling her back towards him.
“Senpai, I think you had enough, you can barely stand.  I can take you home…or…you can come home with me. I’ll take care of you. I’ll be…I’ll be your good little kouhai.” His suggestion came off as a plea, he couldn't hide the earnestness in his voice.
Utahime blinked at his hand at her forearm, before looking him square in the eyes.
“Gojo, you go have your fun and I’ll go have mine.”
She jerked her arm away and walked towards the men, leaving him stupefied.  Mei Mei simply gave him a pointed look before looking up towards the tree branches above her where several crows perched, watching the scene below.  A warning not to follow as she’ll be watching, as she walked away.
Shoko was last to move off only because she was lighting another cigarette.  Gojo quickly grabbed her shoulder- “Oi Shoko, Utahime is really drunk.  She might not be thinking straight, she’s a mess.  You...you should really take her home.  Probably best to call it a night.”   The implication of his concern is heavy in the air.
Shoko took a long drag and exhaled it towards his face.  “Utahime’s a big girl Gojo, she can handle herself.  Why have you always struggled to see that?” With that, she rejoined the group as the champagne bottle popped making a mess; the ladies shrieking with delight.
Gojo just stood there, stunned in disbelief.  He could only watch as they walked off, laughing and having a good time without him, his master plan he spent all afternoon crafting to get closer with Utahime spectacularly backfiring in his face. 
Tonight was not his night, not by a long shot.
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