#BB the Boo
pyropikmin500 · 7 months
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I finally decided to draw this. This had been in my mind for quite some time and I decided to make it.
If you want me to make more posters like this, let me know! I can try and make posters for my stories like this.
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earl-of-grey · 3 months
Hazbin Thoughts:
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I don’t know about you, but I honestly don’t blame Alastor for taking a solo swing at the first man aka the Supreme Misogynist. Sure, we can bash on him for his superego trip like “Alastor, what were you thinking taking on Adam all by yourself?”
But if that were me?
💥🥊 💥🥊 💥🥊
And really, should we expect Alastor, man-hating girl’s girl, to NOT try to beat the shit out of Adam?
Can’t criticize him for that, personally.
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lovepurplequeen · 6 months
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formalmess · 9 months
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been in a ghosty kind of mood lately
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streetcattournament · 12 days
Round 1 - Bracket 89
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Welcome to the TPQ Character Tournament! We will make all of your favorite characters fight to the death :)
(Hosted by @parrotxx who does not know how to do this)
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(You’re welcome for these pairings I’m sure you love how all of the best characters are being pitted against each other)
@sleep-can-wait @ssj2hindudude @queenofapeacefuldawn @the-princess-fangirl @pinkroses23 @namesarehard123 @autumn-equinox-04 Hi I’m going to annoy you with these tags mwahahahaha
Round 1:
Aru vs Hira (1.0)
Rudy vs Kara (1.2)
Krithika vs Opal (1.3)
Suyodhana vs Takshaka (1.4)
Aiden vs The Palace of Illusions (1.5)
Nikita vs Brynne (1.6)
Boo vs BB (1.7)
Mini vs Sheela (1.8)
Round 2:
Aru vs Rudy (2.0)
Krithika vs Suyodhana (2.1)
Aiden vs Brynne (2.2)
Boo vs Mini (2.3)
Round 3:
Aru vs Krithika (3.0)
Aiden vs Mini (3.1)
Round 4:
Aru vs Mini (4.0)
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unclefathersantateddy · 8 months
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"if it's not boo boo I DONT CARE"
Fangirl Louise is top tier, I hope everyone lives their best fangirl* lives
(*being a fangirl is not exclusive to girls)
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
welp. looks like i'm maining kaeya again. 🫠 been getting him ready for 3.8 and omggggg he's so much stronger now??
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The potatoes as Phil's osophy quotes
Rudy: marry someone who looks sexy while disappointed
Mini: ...
Aru: older black ladies make the best iced tea
Aiden: huh?
Aiden: watch a sunrise atleast once a day.
Mini: if you ever get pulled over for speeding, tell the police officer your spouse has diarrhea
Rudy: what's diarrhea?
Bynne: when life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like "whaaat?"
Aru: you only get one chance at first impressions. I suggest julia child as it is easy to do
Aru: dance until your feet hurt , sing until your lungs hurt and act until you're will-
Aiden: shah don't you dare.
Aru: act until you're william hurt *evil smirk*
Mini: success is 1 percent inspiration , 98 percent perspiration and 2 percent attention to detail
Brynne: the most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you if you lower your expectations.
Boo: if you love something , set it free , unless it's a tiger.
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sophsicle · 1 year
thoughts on the leafs taking a FAT L?!?!?!?! (i’m so sorry i’m a tampa fan but i’m also a fan of u but i had to)
OKAY simmer down
that was a close fucking game
for a team that blew a 4 - 1 lead like two days ago i would be less cocky
(but also my thoughts are terrible and i hated it and i'm sad and i can't believe i have allowed myself to get invested in a team i KNOW is going to lose)
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Mini's brother: Now that you're going off to college, I wanna tell you something.
Mini: What?
Mini's brother: When you were two I put you in the dryer to see if it would work with a child inside.
Mini: You. What.
Mini's brother: My friend said it wouldn't work with a kid inside, but he was WRONG and I was RIGHT.
Aru, leaning in, whispering in her ear: Huh, how does it feel to look in a mirror?
Mini: What's that noise?
Rudy, in the distance, trying to catch BB, close to tears: I SHOULDN'T HAVE GIVEN YOU SUGAAAARRR
Bully to Sheela: Wow. You don't have any friends, and your parents left you, how pathetic can you get—
Mini, emerging from the shadows, her eyes glowing, Dee Dee in her hands, murder in her eyes: Say it again. I dare you. The last thing you'll see will be the burning fires of hell.
Mini and Rudy: [about to kiss]
Rudy: Kinda weird how mistletoe happened to grow above us, isn't it?
Mini: They're in the bush beside us.
Rudy, sighing: I knew it, I thought I saw BB on the sidewalk.
Mini, loudly: I'm going to kill both of you, Nikki, Sheela!
Nikita, from the bush: Okay, but first you two have to kiss!
Takshaka: Your quest is doomed to fail.
Aru: Like how your marriage... went up in flames?
Mini: Dear gods, you've sustained more injuries any human or demigod can, what did you do?
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year
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"If I'm a shark-..."
"That makes you shark bait."
Prophet belongs to @common-evils
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lovepurplequeen · 6 months
3.11.30 Reunite today🥹
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quokkafoxtrot · 7 months
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Everything's backed up! First one (As the Poets Say) is going up later tonight/tomorrow morning!
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kissangel · 1 year
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ghostface tome party 💖
(from back in october i just wanted to post some dannys ^^)
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koolmomma2000 · 1 year
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typical au nonsense
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