#bb the firebird
Mini's brother: Now that you're going off to college, I wanna tell you something.
Mini: What?
Mini's brother: When you were two I put you in the dryer to see if it would work with a child inside.
Mini: You. What.
Mini's brother: My friend said it wouldn't work with a kid inside, but he was WRONG and I was RIGHT.
Aru, leaning in, whispering in her ear: Huh, how does it feel to look in a mirror?
Mini: What's that noise?
Rudy, in the distance, trying to catch BB, close to tears: I SHOULDN'T HAVE GIVEN YOU SUGAAAARRR
Bully to Sheela: Wow. You don't have any friends, and your parents left you, how pathetic can you get—
Mini, emerging from the shadows, her eyes glowing, Dee Dee in her hands, murder in her eyes: Say it again. I dare you. The last thing you'll see will be the burning fires of hell.
Mini and Rudy: [about to kiss]
Rudy: Kinda weird how mistletoe happened to grow above us, isn't it?
Mini: They're in the bush beside us.
Rudy, sighing: I knew it, I thought I saw BB on the sidewalk.
Mini, loudly: I'm going to kill both of you, Nikki, Sheela!
Nikita, from the bush: Okay, but first you two have to kiss!
Takshaka: Your quest is doomed to fail.
Aru: Like how your marriage... went up in flames?
Mini: Dear gods, you've sustained more injuries any human or demigod can, what did you do?
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The Round 1 Draw is here!
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The top left:
Sleeping Beauty Suite vs Bye
Le tombeau de Couperin vs Suite in Old Style
Holberg Suite vs Lemminkäinen Suite
Caucasian Sketches Suite no. 1 vs Suite for Solo Viola
The Golden Mountains vs Carmen Suite no. 2
Lincolnshire Posy vs Der Rosenkavalier Suite
American Suite vs Cello Suite in G Major
Pictures at an Exhibition vs Children's Corner Suite
The bottom left:
Livre de Guitarre dédie au roy, Suite no. 3 in D Minor vs Bye
Suite Española no. 1 vs Masquerade Suite
Lieutenant Kije Suite vs Peer Gynt Suite no. 1
A Time There Was vs Papillons Suite
Violin Partita no. 2 vs Jazz Suite no. 2
The Gadfly Suite vs Suite for Recorder and Strings
Keyboard Partita no. 2 vs Appalachian Spring
The Planets Suite vs Bye
The top right:
Suite from Hamlet vs Bye
English Folk Song Suite vs Mother Goose Suite
Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D vs St Paul's Suite
The Firebird Suite vs Symphonic Dances
Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2 vs Dance Suite
Giselle Ballet Suite vs Keyboard Partita no. 6
First Suite in E-flat for Military Band vs Magnificant in Bb Major
The Nutcracker Suite vs Violin Partita no. 3
The bottom right:
Peter and the Wolf vs Bye
Má Vlast vs Swan Lake Suite
Scheherazade vs The Carnival of the Animals
Petrushka Suite vs Danish Folk Music Suite
Mountain Roads vs Second Suite in F for Military Band
Dances in the Canebrakes vs A Moorside Suite
Daphnis et Chloe Suite no. 2 vs L’Arlésienne Suite no. 2
Capriccio Espagnol vs Bye
Please note all of these matches (including byes) were randomly allocated using a random number generator and I will not be making any changes. I will post 1 poll per day starting from 12:00 am GMT time on the 1st of December (in 24 hours time at time of posting), with each poll lasting for a week to give everyone time to listen to each submission.
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babyheroeclipseweasel · 7 months
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alinastracker · 3 years
for the prompt thing: 62 or 69 <3
you got it bb <3
prompt: I wanted to tell you that I liked you before prom but chickened out and now we’re about to graduate college and I can’t hold it in any longer
i can’t fight this feeling any longer (and yet i’m still afraid to let it flow)
"Mal, I love you."
Alina frowns, shakes her head, and tries again.
"Mal, you've been my best friend for so long, and I love our friendship, but you see, I'm also head over heels in love with you."
She blows out a frustrated breath, her newly chopped bangs briefly floating off of her forehead. Telling her best friend of nearly six years she’s in love with him should not be the number one thing on her mind right now. It’s graduation day, for Saints sake. A day she hadn’t been sure she would ever see. But all she can think about is Mal.
She had met him on one of the worst days of her life. Alina had been transferred to a new foster home in the middle of her junior year of high school. There were few things worse in adolescent life than moving to a new school in the middle of the year — especially in high school, in a small town where everyone seemed to know each other. 
Alina had walked the halls that day clutching onto the straps of her backpack, late to nearly every class because her sense of direction was shit, and had even gone as far as to eat lunch in the bathroom like a stereotypical teen movie, the thought of walking into the cafeteria with all those eyes on her nearly ruining her appetite entirely. She had been stared at enough as it was. 
Her last class of the day was art, and she was praying for it to be the reprieve she so desperately needed. If only she could fucking find it. The warning bell rang, heightening her already raised anxiety. Alina took a corner too fast and slammed right into a wall. No, not a wall — a boy. 
“I’m so sorry!” she blurted, scrambling to her knees to help pick up the papers she made him drop. 
“All good,” the boy reassured her.
Once the two of them had the papers off the floor, Alina looked up and nearly dropped them again. She was looking into the warm brown eyes of possibly the hottest guy she had ever laid eyes on. He had a strong, defined jaw, grown out hair that wasn’t too shaggy, but still long enough to run her fingers through. And Saints, his lips. She was already imagining what those lips would feel like, subconsciously licking her own. 
One side of the boy’s mouth quirked up, just a hint of a smirk, like he was used to having this effect on people. Shit, had he noticed her staring? Say something, Alina. 
“Um, sorry,” she managed finally, handing him the pile of collected papers. 
He chuckled. “You said that already.”
She tried a laugh of her own, but it came out all wrong, choppy and nervous. “Right.” 
The boy stood to his full height, and for fucks sake, he had to be tall, too? She rose from her knees and he still towered over her. It was extremely attractive. 
“So you’re the new girl,” he said, not a question but a statement. “I’ve heard murmurings about you today.”
“Nothing bad. It’s just a small town. When someone new shows up, people notice.” He smiled, stuck out his hand. It took everything in her not to think about how long his fingers were. “I’m Mal.”
She took his hand, her own so tiny in comparison. “Alina.”
“Nice to meet you, Alina. Where are you headed?”
“220B? History of Traditional Art.”
Mal nodded. “Well, I can’t say that’s a room I’m super familiar with. I’m a shit artist. These hands are much better for other activities.” Her eyes must have widened, revealing just how filthy her mind was, because he quickly added, “Sports! I meant sports!”
A look passed between them, and then they were both laughing. It felt so good to laugh after the day she’d had. 
“Anyway,” Mal continued, “I can help you find your way. I might not visit the art hall often, but I know my way around.”
Alina shot him another pointed look, and Mal groaned. “My way around the school! Saints, I’m really shooting myself in the foot as far as first impressions go, aren’t I?”
She grinned, but only said, “You’ll be late for class.” The final bell was going to ring any second. 
Mal waved her off. “That’s all right. What poor representation of Stag Spirit would I be if I let the new girl walk around like a lost puppy? And besides,” he shot her a grin to match her own, “we can’t have you running around, terrorizing other kids and their poor papers now, can we?”
Alina let out something between a scoff and a laugh. “I said I was sorry!”
He turned, walking backwards toward the stairs. “Did you? Must have missed it.”
She shot daggers in his direction, but she smiled the whole way to the art room. The next day, she dared to actually step into the cafeteria for lunch. People were still staring, but after yesterday, she expected it. Part of her was hoping she would find Mal in the crowded space, but she doubted it would matter even if she did. After some social media stalking last night, Alina had discovered what she should have known from the start — Mal was popular. He would already have a flock around him, friends he had known since childhood, who were just like him — attractive, athletic, alien to a kid like Alina who preferred quiet cafes and sketchpads to football fields and pompoms. He had been nice to her yesterday, sure, but that didn’t mean—
Her head popped up, scanning the sea of tables until she saw him, standing and waving her over. Sure enough, Mal was at a table filled with pretty, sociable looking people. But there was a space open next to him, and she realized with a little jump of her heart that he had saved that space for her. 
It was the start of the fastest and fiercest friendship she would ever have. Mal was popular and sporty, yes, but he was also kind, funny, smart — and most surprising, had grown up in the foster care system, too. Alina made friends with his friends, a few of her own from her art class, but none of them matched what she grew with Mal. Suddenly she was a football field kind of girl, dressing from head to toe in school colors for each match, cheering for her best friend so loud she gave the cheer squad a run for their money. Over the next year and half, they were entirely attached at the hip. 
And while it had truly started as a friendship, by the time senior prom came around, Alina had to face the fact: she was head over heels for the boy. Hell, she had noticed how attractive he was from that first fateful meeting. Mix that with how genuinely good she knew he was — how caring, how attentive, how it felt to have his head rest on her shoulder as he fell asleep during a movie; who could blame her for falling for him? 
“You have to tell him!” her friend from art class, Yelena, had insisted. 
“I know, I know.” She sighed. “I’ll do it at prom.”
They were going as a group — her, Mal, Mikhael, Dubrov, Yelena, and a few others from their meshed circle of friends, brought together by the two of them. But Mal had still matched his tie to her dress, a stunning royal blue. Mal had still bought her a corsage — a delicate thing of mostly blue irises, her favorite flower. He was not her date, yet in every way except in name, it felt like he was, and Alina basked in the feeling. 
But as song after song played, Alina found herself backing out each time she tried to approach him. Yelena was shooting pointed looks at her all night, murmuring as she passed her, “You’re running out of time.”
Then a punky pop song came on, one of her and Mal’s favorites. She called him over. “Dance with me!” she exclaimed, and laughed as he all but pulled her onto the dance floor. Neither of them were good dancers, but they were enthusiastic, at least with each other. As the song neared its end, Alina sucked in a breath.
“Mal, I have to tell you something.”
He raised a brow, waiting for her to speak. The song ended, and their principal took to the stage. “All right folks, it’s time to announce your prom king and queen!”
Everyone was cheering and turning to the stage, but Mal was still looking at her, still waiting for her answer.
Alina opened her mouth, closed it, then finally said, “Thank you for the corsage. I really love it.”
Mal gave her a quizzical look, lips tugging down — and was that disappointment in his eyes? Before she could fully read him, his face smoothed, his usual charmed smile returning. “Of course, Lina.” 
“And your prom king is,” the principal was saying, “Malyen Oretsev!”
The crowd roared. Mal’s smile turned sheepish, and he took to the stage to accept his crown. Ruby was named prom queen, to no one’s surprise. Alina watched them dance together in the middle of the room to a romantic song that would now forever be ruined for her. A little later that night, Mal came up to her, said, “You can get a ride home with Yelena, right?” He motioned behind him, flushing a little even as he grinned, to where Ruby was waiting. “I’m gonna head out.”
Alina swallowed the stupid lump in her throat and nodded. Mal pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and then he was gone. She would spend the night at Yelena’s, crying on her shoulder that she had missed her chance — if she’d ever had one to begin with. Because of course Mal would choose Ruby. Beautiful, blond Ruby, much more his equal than Alina could ever be. 
Graduation came, and it was happy. But in all of the pictures and celebrations was Ruby — no longer just captain of the cheer squad Ruby, but Mal’s girlfriend Ruby. She watched them partake in a summer romance that she was guiltily happy to see fizzle out once college came and split them apart. Luckily, her and Mal were off to Os Alta University together, home of the Firebirds. They forged a new friend group there: the twins, Tolya and Tamar, Nadia, David, Genya, Zoya, Nikolai. Mal didn’t really date freshman year, sticking to little flings that Alina told herself didn’t matter. In sophomore year, the tension between him and Zoya finally snapped, and the two of them had a brief . . . something together. 
Of course, Alina had her own dabbles in romance — Alexei being the sweetest, Aleksander nearly making her swear off men all together. Her next two flings were with women, both because she had finally fully accepted her bisexuality and because she truly had lost trust in the male species. She even made out with Nikolai a couple times, but they had both just been using each other. They’d spent one night in a club so obnoxiously all over one another that Zoya had stormed out. Her thing with Mal had been off and on at that point, and the next morning, she texted him that they were off for good. 
Two weeks later, Nikolai and Zoya were dating. Mal was single. 
And still, she hadn’t made a move. 
Alina stares in the mirror now, watching the tassel on her graduation cap sway back and forth. In an hour, she’ll be moving it from the right to the left and leave Os Alta University in the rear window. It hadn’t been easy getting here — nothing is easy for a foster care kid, especially one who wants to be an artist. But she’s done it. She’s graduating with top honors. Saints, she even has a job lined up. Everything she worried about growing up — making a future for herself, being swallowed by the system, figuring out who she is without the guidance of her birth parents — she has faced all of it head on. At every step, she’s run after what she’s wanted and grabbed it by the hands until it was hers.
Everything except Mal. 
And try as she might, she can’t imagine a future without him in it.
He’s not seeing anyone — for now. Last night he texted her, laughing about how Ruby of all people had hit him up. She’s going to be in the city this weekend, apparently, and asked if he wanted to get a drink. It felt like prom all over again.
“Alina, come on!” Genya calls. “We’re going to be late!”
“Coming!” she calls back.
Alina follows Genya and Zoya down to the car, sits numbly in the backseat as they drive to the giant building holding their graduation ceremony. 
“Look alive, Starkov,” Zoya says as they get out of the car, linking their arms. “Today is for happy things. New beginnings.”
Genya takes her other arm. “No pouting about boys unless you’re going to do something about it.”
She smiles, and for a little while, it’s not forced. There’s a rush of excitement as they walk inside and find their seats. Genya isn’t too far off from her, but Zoya’s a few rows ahead. In the rows between them, still too far to talk to but not too far to make out the back of his head, is Mal. He’s talking to the guy next to him, even though she’s pretty sure he doesn’t know him. But that’s Mal, blooming wherever he’s planted.
Alina knows she shouldn’t, but the ceremony hasn’t started yet, so she stands and calls out, “Mal!” 
Somehow, he hears her over all the ruckus around them. The smile he gives her has her heart beating double time. “I’ll find you after!” he shouts back, though of course, she already knew that. Mal always finds her.
As the ceremony starts and a handful of different people come up to make speeches, she finds herself slipping into her thoughts from earlier. In her head, she sees Mal and Ruby, meeting for that drink. They pick up right where they left off. Ruby moves to the city, moves in with Mal. Alina’s there through all of it, supporting Mal like she always has, always will. On the sidelines she stays, watching him as he gets married and has ridiculously beautiful babies. None of it is real, not yet, but the thought is so painful she has tears in her eyes. 
Well, at least she can blame the tears on emotional graduation bullshit as she watches her friends walk the stage, cheering for each of them even though they’re not supposed to. Tamar and Tolya, the latter looking pretty emotional himself. David, who walks quickly even though he’s probably the most awarded student of the whole graduating class. Nikolai, who dramatically presses a kiss to the hand of the Os Alta University President after she hands him his diploma. Zoya, who walks the stage as if she owns it. 
Then Mal’s name is called, and she cheers so loud she’s pretty sure he hears it, if the grin on his face is any indication. Genya crosses, graceful as always. When her own name is called, she’s not expecting much. She has no family here save from the one she forged for herself. But as she walks, she can hear a very distinct cheer from a very distinct voice, and butterflies swarm drunkenly in her stomach. 
In the minutes that pass between her walking the stage and the last name being called — poor Nadia —Alina knows what she’s going to do. No backing out this time.
“Congratulations, Class of 2021!”
Everyone cheers, and graduation caps go flying through the air. Alina tosses hers with everyone else, and then she takes off, pushing through her classmates as they jump and shout, running until she finds the right row, forces herself through the bodies in her way, until she’s in front of him. Until she’s found Mal. 
“Alina,” he says in surprise. “What are you—”
“Don’t get a drink with Ruby.”
Mal frowns. “What?”
“I said don’t get a drink with Ruby!” she says, louder this time.
“I heard you. I’m just confused.” He shakes his head, runs a hand through his hair. “Why shouldn’t I have a drink with Ruby, and why did you run to tell me this right now?”
Because I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw you. 
Because I wanted to tell you at prom, but I chickened out. 
Because I’ve watched you kiss other girls for almost six years now, and I can’t stand to just watch any longer.
Alina doesn’t say any of that. Instead, she presses onto her tip toes, takes his face between her hands, and kisses him. 
Mal stiffens, but doesn’t give her time to worry before he relaxes again, pulling her body against his, lifting her so she doesn’t have to stretch so far anymore. All around them are the happy cheers of a group of people at the end of one road stepping onto another. Families in the stands hoot and holler for their children, wipe tears and think, they made it. 
But for Alina, it’s like being in a room where nothing exists except her and Mal, her best friend, her constant, the most important person in her life. She’s kissing him, she’s finally kissing him, and he’s kissing her back as if he’s been waiting for six years to do this, too. Like maybe he’s wanted her all along.
“Alina,” he breathes when their lips part, their foreheads pressed together instead. “Thank the bloody Saints.”
She giggles, actually fucking giggles, like a lovestruck school girl. “I’ve wanted this since prom. Before, even.”
Mal smiles, shakes his head the tiniest bit. “Me too.”
They laugh, so close that they’re breathing each other in. Two idiots, that’s what they are. But there’s no room to groan about what could’ve been sooner, no room to drown in regrets. They are young, and there is only room for joy in knowing they have the rest of their lives to make up for lost time. Starting now. Their lips meet again. Mal is steady and warm against her. He feels like home. It’s everything she’s ever imagined. It’s better. 
Alina can see her future so clearly now, because she knows no matter what comes next, she’ll have Mal beside her to navigate through it.
He is all she’s ever wanted — her forever person, who won’t leave when she’s being unreasonable, who’s love is not conditional. He is all she’ll ever need.  
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paper-crane-castles · 4 years
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“Are you a Jedi…?”
Don’t come at me they definitely should have met in canon WE WERE ROBBED. Older Cal Kestis, Dadalorian and his bb ~
Background is definitely approved trash. It’s supposed to be Tython pffft.
I had fun designing an outfit for an older, post Empire Cal who feels more comfortable with openly wearing more Jedi-ish clothes but also still feels like a Scrapper, too. Yes that is a firebird emblem on his belt buckle it’s his way of remembering his Master
….Still has a glove because I 100% headcanon that his left hand is cybernetic why else would he have one glove
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borkingbarnes · 4 years
strawberry + tangelo?💓
thank you for the asks bb! 💕
strawberry: favorite desserts?
gelato. hands down. 
tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be? wot the heck is a tangelo?? is it a mythical creature??
I think being a firebird would be sick as frick. Like come on, it’s described as: “beautiful but dangerous, showing no sign of friendliness” and “a harbinger of doom to its captor” comE ON. Y E S. 
My other choice would've been the basilisk specifically to use this 
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Send me a fruit!
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ao3feed-stormpilot · 5 years
these firebirds sing by night
by kyrilu
Finn, Poe, and BB-8 had barely returned to camp from their mission on the moon of Avedot when Lieutenant Connix broadcast the order of evacuation.
Or: the one where Finn and Poe scope out a planet that could potentially be the Resistance's new base and learn valuable lessons about themselves and the war.
Words: 6188, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Various Characters, Black Squadron (Star Wars), Ransolm Casterfo
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn
Additional Tags: Pre-Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Force-Sensitive Finn (Star Wars)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ram8Zj
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mychemicalcafe · 5 years
Hello Killjoys! My name is Steph and welcome to the first blog of MCR Monthly. A monthly blog dedicated to all the new MCR news from this month. Here is what shook the MCRmy this month:
January 3rd:
On January 3rd, My Chemical Romance released an image of a cloaked person with a skeleton mask in a very foggy forest with a shiny dagger. The caption had a United Kingdom flag in it which we now know was hinting at the Milton Keynes MCR Show this June.
January 9th:
After the UK flag caption speculation MCR released an 11 second video of flashing symbols of the Theban alphabet which we now know was also mentioning the UK Show
It reads something along the lines of:
June 20th 2020
January 14th:
MCR release a photo of a patient in a hospital bed that had just died (noted from the sheet over the head) with a vampire in the caption…as of right now there is no definitive explanation for this, some speculate it could be a call back to The Black Parade….this theory is becoming more accepted after their next post,,
Janurary 17th:
MCR posted a 12 second video of the 1977 Pontiac Firebird (Trans AM) from Danger Days doing stunt moves in the California desert, this was followed up by a direct reference to Danger Days at the end with initial text. Its worth noting that the caption had a United States flag in it,, as of right now we do not know what it could be leading to.
January 19th:
MCR release a video on their website which linked to a youtube video called "An Offering…", the video was an unlisted link only video until it became published by the band on all platforms. On Youtube the video went Trending at reportedly #7 before falling out of Trending. Here is a description of the video:
It's in a foggy forest where we see a cloaked skeleton man running with 2 others walking. There is acoustic guitar similar to 'Romance' playing in the back ground. The main skeleton phantom arrives at a pentagram and puts a dagger in the middle of it as chants begin to be heard (most commonly agreed Gerard was the one who voiced the chanting) as another cloak phantom appeared next to him doing some sort of ritual, the video ends with the UK Show annoucement with the u's being replaced with v's most likely concluding to MCR 5
January 22nd:
(Not important but an mcr post) Ray Toro posted a selfie/photo of a giant robot statute which while wholesome isnt probably important to MCR 5….however Ray is on our nice list for being the only band member willing to say anything but the cryptic stuff we've got, you've done it again Toro!
January 24th:
Tickets for the MCR UK show at the Milton Keynes are announced and sell out within minutes.
Later on that day MCR announce another night at the Milton Keynes and the 2nd night tickets also sell out quickly….but seriously why do you need to see them back to back nights?
January 27th:
In the early morning north american hours we get a series of show annoucement dates posted by MCR for Europe:
June 23rd Dublin, Ireland @ Royal Hospital Kilmainham
July 4th Bologna, Italy @ Sonic Park Fest
July 6th Bonn, Germany @ Kunst!rasen
July 11th Moscow, Russia @ Park Live
Hours after these posts MCR hits us with Night 3 @ Milton Keynes:
June 18th Milton Keynes
January 28th:
In the midday hours MCR release another cryptic quick sigil video. After hours of work the community realized these were US tour locations and spent the day trying to decipher as many cities as possible.
In the evening of January 28th MCR release a video teaser of a teenager about to do a magic ritual, this was to promote an annoucement the following day.
January 29th:
MCR release a 13 minute short film called 'A Summoning…" of a teenager running through symbol doors away from Draculoids chasing him through different visual interpretations of all 4 MCR albums. This was number 9 on Trending for Youtube
At the end of the video was a North American Tour Announcement:
Sept. 9 - Detroit, Mich. @ Little Caesars Arena
Sept. 11 - St. Paul, Minn. @ Xcel Energy Center
Sept. 12 - Chicago, Ill. @ Riot Fest
Sept. 14 - Toronto, Ontario @ Scotiabank Arena
Sept. 15 - Boston, Mass. @ TD Garden
Sept. 17 - Brooklyn, N.Y. @ Barclays Center
Sept. 18 - Philadelphia, Pa. @ Wells Fargo Center
Sept. 20 - Atlanta, Ga. @ Music Midtown
Sept. 22 - Newark, N.J. @ Prudential Center
Sept. 26 - Sunrise, Fla. @ BB&T Center
Sept. 29 - Houston, Texas @ Toyota Center
Sept. 30 - Dallas, Texas @ American Airlines Center
Oct. 02 - Denver, Colo. @ Pepsi Center
Oct. 04 - Tacoma, Wash. @ Tacoma Dome
Oct. 06 - Oakland, Calif. @ Oakland Arena
Oct. 08 - Los Angeles, Calif. @ The Forum
Oct. 10 - Sacramento, Calif. @ Aftershock Festival
Oct. 11 - Las Vegas, Nev. @ T-Mobile Arena
Tickets were said to go on sale on Friday January 3rd local time.
A barrage of MCR posts flood after that:
-Night 3@Milton Keynes ticket link
-Moscow, Russia@Park Live ticket link
-A Wholesome Frank Iero Post at Shibuya Station
January 31st:
MCR post all day whenever tickets go on sale for North America with various images from 'A Summoning…"
In 6 hours every show for the MCR North American Tour is sold out, resale numbers are high with the lowest being $200. We have entered a hype period of tickets were numbers won't go down until the resellers are forced to lower prices as time goes on.
Here are some date additions:
-Newark, NJ sells out and is given a second night
-Los Angeles, CA sells out and is given a second night
-Los Angeles, CA second night is sold out and is given a third night
-Los Angeles, CA third night is sold out and is given a final fourth night
January 2020 Has Ended…
Thank You For Reading MCR Monthly, We Will Be Back March 1st With February's My Chemical Romance News All Within 1 Blog….This Is Your Host Steph, Signing Off For Now….
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wmhalliwell · 6 years
tagged by @gordonjims and eveningspirit
rules: answer these questions and tag anyone you want to know better
nicknames: don’t have any! but i hate all the ones people try to give me
zodiac: leo
height: 5′4″
last movie i saw: tron: legacy (garrett and olivia had my bi heart thumpin!)
last thing i googled: the word for korean karaoke
favorite musician: fucking love halsey and hozier, but recently i can’t stop listening to milky chance
song stuck in my head: high hopes by panic! at the disco
other blogs: i’m part of @marveladdicts, @thexmensource and @pacificrimsource; i have some other blogs too that i’m too lazy to list here
following: 186
followers: a fair amount
amount of sleep i get: 8ish hours
lucky numbers: don’t have any honestly
what i’m wearing: a black widow shirt that @carolferriis bought me and my comfy lounge pants that i call “rey’s pants” because they look like something rey from star wars would wear
dream job: librarian (halfway there!) and published author
dream trip: a couple months traveling europe
favorite food: bread. just....give me all of it. (except white sandwich bread because ew)
instruments: hahahahahahahahahha no
languages: english, a handful of korean phrases, barely passible/super embarrassingly little of french.
favorite songs: (according to spotify since i’m too lazy to think of them myself) sunflower by post malone, sick of losing soulmates by dodie, dangerous night by tstm, firebird by milky chance and could have been me by the struts
random fact: i have an edgar allan poe inspired tattoo that takes up a good portion of the right side of my torso 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
aesthetic: dusty bookstores, squeaking bats and fluffy puppies, mountains of comic books, high desert plains, shining sun, in a galaxy far far away
tagging whoever wants to do this and any of these peeps: @koortega, @bb-8, @virginiasgardner and @anissagraces
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phoenix-downer · 6 years
For the KH related ask -> 1, 7, 17, 20, 23, 29, 31 and 36 :D
1. Which storyline boss do you find the most difficult?
Xaldin, probably. So much raging and screaming on my end over him and his stupid lances and wind attacks.
7. When did you first start playing Kingdom Hearts?
Not until 2015, actually! So I’m a relative newbie compared to some of you guys. I didn’t grow up with the series in the same way as a lot of my peers, but I did have friends who loved it and so I had a vague idea of what it was about.
17. Have you ever cried over Kingdom Hearts?
I think you’d have a harder time finding someone who hasn’t cried over Kingdom Hearts. These games seem designed to tug on the heartstrings.
But yeah, the endings of KH1 and KH2 both got me pretty emotional, as did Sora’s sacrifice. The ending of KH2 still makes me tear up, even. As soon as Kairi starts reading that letter it happens, like clockwork. It’s just such a beautiful moment that leads to an incredible reunion scene. I can’t help but be moved, every time.
Blank Points is just so filled with hope and has such good buildup that I can’t help but get emotional over that, too.
But what probably moved me the most, like I was actually crying, not just tearing up, was the ending of the Re:coded cutscene movie. 
Hearing Sora could help all these people who are hurting after experiencing firsthand all the horrible things they’ve been through, seeing Sora (well, Data Sora, but you know Sora feels the same way) want to help them, to be willing to bear their pain so he could mend it and put an end to it - that’s the Sora I know and love, and that’s the plot I want to see resolved in KH3. I don’t have nearly as much of a problem about “dead” (well, Kingdom Hearts dead) characters coming back as much as other people seem to for that reason. Speaking of which… 
20. Hopes for Kingdom Hearts 3
That I have that same sense of wonder and nostalgia playing it that I got from Kingdom Hearts 1, that I enjoy the battle system as much as I did for Kingdom Hearts 2 (it doesn’t have to be perfect or even reach the standard KH2 set, just be fun and intuitive), and that I Feel A Lot Of Things like I did when I watched Blank Points in BBS.
I want to see Sora saving all these people Xehanort has screwed over and setting things right. I want reunions and rescues and friends lifting each other out of the darkness and into the light and defeating Xehanort for good. I want the suffering to end and for healing and restoration to begin. Because these characters have suffered a lot, and both Re:coded and DDD implied that Sora will be the one to mend their hurt and I want to finally see that.
I also want to hear awesome music, meet lovable characters, and visit cool worlds and explore them - but that’s all practically a given.
I’m one of those weirdos who likes the Gummi Ship levels, so I can’t wait to play through those, either.
A firebird boss fight would be amazing. Playable Kairi would be a dream come true. Kairi interacting with Sora and Riku onscreen, especially at the same time - yes, yes, yes.
And, just to really tie it all together, for Sora and Kairi to finally get some more romantic development. It would be the perfect way to close out the Xehanort saga.
23. Least favorite character
Uh… hard to say, really. If we’re sticking to Kingdom Hearts original characters, I can’t say I strongly dislike anyone really? Some of the Organization members could really use more fleshing out though, that’s for sure. 
29. Favorite character
Sora. He’s just such a great protagonist and I could make an entire separate post as to why (maybe I will sometime, haha).
31. Favorite Keyblade
Oathkeeper, of course :) from a gameplay standpoint, I also like that it boosts magic and forms (at least in KH2, I think in KH1 it boosts summons, but I can’t remember).
36. Favorite song
I love the music in Kingdom Hearts so much. The character themes, the battle themes - and of course Dearly Beloved and Utada Hikaru’s opening themes. I don’t think I could pick just one.
@mzelle-lazuli thank you for the ask!
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
Pssst I’m glad you enjoyed part one to color of submission bb ✨🧡 have some extra writer’s notes 👀
The bouncer of the Firebird club is Yaga lmao
Oh and there’s a large stuffed/taxidermied panda at the entrance to the club too 🐼 except I didn’t mention it bc i’m evil like that 💔
Gojo hides his eyes bc he knows he’s pretty and only takes it off in the bedroom once he’s paid winkwink 💦🥰🥰
Chapter two is drafted in progress 🧡🧡
goodluck bb looking forward to chapter 2 <33
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I am now no longer accepting submissions as I need time to set up the tournament to start on the 1st of December (first poll will be scheduled for midnight GMT that day). I will have a little more information about the tournament structure soon when I release the bracket. Thank you so much everyone for your submissions, the following 58 suites will be included:
Lincolnshire Posy (Percy Grainger)
First Suite in E-flat for Military Band (Gustav Holst)
Second Suite in F for Military Band (Gustav Holst)
The Planets (Gustav Holst)
The Firebird Suite (Igor Stravinsky)
English Folk Song Suite (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
Children’s Corner Suite (Claude Debussy)
Le tombeau de Couperin (Maurice Ravel)
Jazz Suite no. 2 (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Daphnis et Chloe Suite no. 2 (Maurice Ravel)
Peer Gynt Suite no. 1 (Edvard Grieg)
The Nutcracker Suite (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
The Carnival of the Animals (Camille Saint-Saens)
Cello Suite in G Major (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Lieutenant Kije Suite (Sergei Prokofiev)
Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2 (Sergei Prokofiev)
Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2 (Sergei Prokofiev)
Pictures at an Exhibition (Modest Mussorgsky orch. Maurice Ravel)
Capriccio Espagnol (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)
Swan Lake Suite (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Sleeping Beauty Suite (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Giselle Ballet Suite (Adolphe Adams)
Masquerade Suite (Aram Khachaturian)
Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Suites for Solo Viola, op.131d (Max Reger)
Dances Suite (Béla Bartók)
L’Arlésienne Suite no. 2 (Georges Bizet)
Appalachian Spring (Aaron Copland)
Der Rosenklavier Suite (Richard Strauss)
Suite Española no. 1 op. 47 (arr. for guitar) (Isaac Albéniz)
Carmen Suite no. 2 (Georges Bizet)
Papillons Suite (Robert Schumann)
Mother Goose Suite (Maurice Ravel)
Holberg Suite (Edvard Grieg)
Scheherezade (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)
Má Vlast (Bedřich Smetana)
Magnificant in Bb Major (Francesco Durante)
Suite for Recorder and Strings (Gordon Jacob)
Symphonic Dances (Sergei Rachmaninoff)
Suite in Old Style (Nikolai Kapustin)
Livre de Guitarre dédie au roy, Suite no. 3 in D Minor (Robert de Viseé)
American Suite (Antonín Dvořák)
Caucasian Sketches Suite no. 1 (Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov)
Petrushka Suite (Igor Stravinsky)
Peter and the Wolf (Sergei Prokofiev)
A Time There Was… (Benjamin Britten)
Suite from Incidental Music from the Film “The Golden Mountains” (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Suite from Hamlet (Dmitri Shostakovich)
Violin Partita no. 2 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Violin Partita no. 3 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Keyboard Partita no. 2 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Keyboard Partita no. 6 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Dances in the Canebrakes (Florence Price)
Mountain Roads (David Maslanka)
A Moorside Suite (Gustav Holst)
Lemminkäinen Suite (Jean Sibelius)
Danish Folk Music Suite (Percy Grainger)
St Paul’s Suite (Gustav Holst)
This number does mean that some suites will have a bye in the first round, however the draw (including byes) will be drawn randomly to make it fair.
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fanfictionlive · 4 years
Am I Just Paranoid or Am I Being Copied?
Not trying to start drama, not trying to stir trouble. Just feel like I'm being driven crazy and need to get it off my chest.
So my main writing fandom is with a small group within a small fandom. The world is great but the characters suck so we're mostly a OC Centric fanfic group. I love my group, I've been writing with them for 5+ years, and I love their OC's, but I've started noticing something these past few months with one that's starting to make me wonder if I'm losing my mind. It's the similarities in our characters. I've spent years into these OCs, and seeing this happen is making me lose my will to write them. What's the point of writing when anything new feels like it's going to be taken and copied by others?
The first one I noticed was with our angels. OG's was an experimental clone made by the Big Bad while mine was the younger son of the Big Bad (half-brother to one of the protags). OG's was an adult, mine was a child. So far fairly normal. Except they had the same name, were both 'grey-villains' with skewered moralities thanks to their upbringing and absolute loyalty to their mother/BB. It was the first time so I just thought no biggie, it's a cool name with actual mythological lore. Then BB husband who led a rebellion against her. We knew very little of him and never actually saw him save for a back shot and that he was killed in the rebellion thousands of years ago. I made an AU where one of the angels who betrayed BB used magic to bring him back in present day. I used Alucard as a reference for how I imagined he looked, and wrote him as a charismatic man of science and honor, while a powerful fighter. A few months back OG tells me that he's made an AU where Dead Husband is brought back to life by a very specific angel, that he's using Alucard as a reference for how he looks, and that he depicts him as a genius in science and battle. Similiar, but different enough.
My two dearest characters is what's got me now wondering if I'm I'm being copied, or if I'm overly paranoid.
The first is my mage. He's my baby, the closest to my heart as my very first OC. He comes from a line of powerful mages, and his speciality is fire and animorph (Bird). OG has a OC who also uses fire magic via potions. We often joked that the two would have a sibling relationship since they both share a burning need for vengeance and are technically homeless at the moment. My mage has been able to fly from the begining by his unique magic that let's him turn into a bird, which earned him the nickname firebird because he's able to set himself onfire, soaring through the skies as a flaming bird. Up until recently he was the only OC (Minus the angels) who could fly. Then OG told me that his mage is able to sprout bird wings made of fire that let her fly. Oh, she's also now immune to flames too, though a major part of OG's writing with her was that she would be burned by her own fires if not careful while my baby mage has always been immune to fire.
Now my other dear OC is the very embodiment of 'completely human' out of these characters. No magic. No divine/demonic heritage, no alchemy or potions. She was human, and in a way the weakest, but also the only one who could kill a demon without magic and potions. She's the only one in both canon and OC's to use a spear. Not a magic spear, not a divine spear. A normal steel spear. Now I've been told that OG's mage fights using a spear. The one weapon that I thought I could be the only one to use that set my characters fighting style apart from others. Mind you, OG's mage also uses a bow/arrows and divine sword to be a 'counterpart' to the canon FLs who use a bow and divine sword.
I've only one OC left that feels untouched, though I'm anxious wondering when I'm going to get a dreaded message saying that OG has an OC that can do water magic or breathe underwater or something. That's not even touching all the cool scenes and plotlines that I write and then find OG later does something that feels similiar.
IDK if I'm looking into it too much, if I'm just feeling self-conscious about my writing and it's making me paranoid. But seeing all these similarities with someone who was a trusted writing parter is making me lose my will to keep writing these characters. It's stressing me out.
submitted by /u/Theeldritchwriter [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/3cH81oU
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via Truckingboards LTL Trucking Forum
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deebeeus · 7 years
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1981 #Gibson #Firebird V with block inlays spotted at @capsulemusic #Toronto. *New Year’s Resolution Practice update* #4: last night I spiced things up with a lesson from @martyschwartz about soloing in the “BB Box”. I have learned hundreds of songs from Marty’s lessons over the years and his licks are always tasty. Yet he still explains things so even beginners...or people like me who have been playing for decades but suck and want to approach playing as if they were a beginner again...can understand and use! Link to Marty’s B.B. Box lesson is in my bio. #martyschwartz #guitarpractice #newyearsresolution firebirdfriday #guitar #guitars #guitarra #chitarra #guitarre #electricguitar #vintageguitars #vintagegibson #gibsonguitars #tone #guitargear #guitarsdaily #guitarsofinstagram #geartalk #vintagegear #gibsonsofinstagram #guitarphotography
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Meaningless opinions from 2017 that will change in 2018
1. Favourite Riff?
Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath from the album Black Sabbath
2. Favourite Guitar Model?
Gibson SG
3. Favourite Musical Decade?
4. Favourite 60s Band?
Jefferson Airplane since Beatles is a cliche answer
5. Favourite 70s Band?
Black Sabbath, a cliche answer
6. Favourite 80s Band?
Van Halen vs. Hall & Oates, a battle royale in my imagination
7. Favourite 90s Band?
Nirvana or Failure
8. Favourite 2000s Band?
The Thrills
9. Favourite Album?
Fantastic Planet or Abbey Road
10. What was the greatest year for music?
1825 or 1967
11. Fenders or Gibsons?
Why not both?
10. Favourite Guitarist?
Matt Pike
11. Which side of the Atlantic (Britain or America)?
Britain for music
12. Rosewood or Maple Fretboards?
Rosewood with humbuckers. Maple with single coil
13. Greatest “1 album” bands?
The Rockwells
14. Crosby, Stills or Nash?
15. Favourite Rolling Stone?
Most of those songs were collaborations. There’s a lesson there, kid.
16. Favourite Guitar Solo?
“Dirty Blue Balloons” by Failure
17. Who have you seen live?
Less than I should have but more than some
18. Greatest modern blues/rock guitarist?
Who cares?
19. Favourite drummer?
Ringo Starr
20. Favourite Bass Player?
Dennis Dunaway and Gene Simmons are both underrated. The Jacos, Jamersons, and Chris Squires of the world don’t need any more praise.
21. Favourite Keys Player?
Thelonius Monk
22. Favourite Male Singer?
Freddy Mercury
23. Favourite Female Singer?
Carmen McRae for voice alone. Neko Case as a songwriter
24. If you could own one famous guitar?
How about you give me an unknown one that sounds better?
25. Favourite Beatle?
26. Favourite Singer Songwriter?
Elliott Smith or Hank Williams
27. Electric or Acoustic?
Until 2014, acoustic. After 2014, electric.
28. Dylan, Electric or Acoustic?
29. Band you wish would/could reform?
Time is.
30. Top 3 dead musicians you wish you’d seen?
Time is.
31. Most underrated guitarist?
Eddie Hazel
32. What would your first piece of advise be to new guitarists?
The guitar is an extension of your penis/clit. Don’t wank it, tickle it til it spews.
33. Big venues or small venues?
Medium sized venues. The space needs to be big enough for low frequencies but not so big that the venue exerts too much influence on the sound.
34. What posters are on your walls?
None anymore. :-(
35. Vinyl or Digital?
Vinyl for sound quality. Digital for everything else.
36. Most Overrated Guitarist?
37. Which song do you wish you’d written?
38. Which concerts do you wish you’d seen?
I wish I saw the Thrills when they toured the US but I was still in high school.
39. If you met your hero what would you say to them?
Thanks for doing good work but I have better things to do than jerk you off right now.
40. Flatpicking or Fingerstyle?
Apple or Orange?
41. Open tunings, yay or nay?
42. Favourite classic blues song?
If rock & roll is dead, jazz and blues have long since turned to dust.
43. Pick a King, Freddie, BB or Albert?
Eric Clapton ripping them all off
44. Who’s the most influential guitarist?
Hendrix or Chuck Berry
45. If you could play any song?
Dopesmoker. It’s not too difficult, just a lot to learn.
46. Who’s music has taught you the most?
Beethoven. It’s ‘Whose” btw
47. Best cover of a song?
Too many to choose. Soft Cell’s “Tainted Love” is a good choice.
48. If Clapton is God then who’s Jesus?
God doesn’t let his children fall out of windows.
49. Why did you start playing your instrument?
I thought it was cool.
50. Favourite Eagle?
Leave the Eagles in the 70′s where they belong.
51. Favourite Les Paul Player?
Matt Pike
52. Favourite Stratocaster Player?
53. Hollow bodied guitars, yay or nay?
Not for me but if that’s your bag, go for it.
54. What youtube comment really bugs you?
What the fuck kind of question is that?
55. Best person you’ve seen live?
New York Philharmonic or the Melvins
56. Best musician’s autobiography you’ve read?
Songs are more informative.
57. Band you’d most like to see?
Right now, Monolord or Electric Wizard
58. Favourite Stones’ Album?
Let It Bleed.
59. Favourite Beatles’ Album?
Abbey Road
60. Favourite Eagles’ Album?
Again, why are you referencing the Eagles along with the Stones and the Beatles? Have some respect.
61. Favourite Led Zeppelin Album?
62. Favourite Led Zeppelin Member?
John Paul Jones for being a great musician without being a terrible human being.
63. What band do you not listen to enough of?
64. What band is your guilty pleasure?
I don’t feel guilty about any of my musical tastes but if I did Max Martin songs and a lot of 80′s stuff.
65. What is your opinion of (insert bandartist)?
66. What is your opinion of (insert guitarist)?
67. Beatles or Stones?
68. Clapton or Hendrix?
69. Favourite ex-yardbird?
Jimmy Page
70. Favourite driving song?
71. Favourite Cream Song?
Sunshine of Your Love
72. Jack White or Dan Auerbach?
They are to legitimacy what Stranger Things is to the 80′s
73. White Stripes or Black Keys?
Neither but White Stripes I guess
74. What bugs you the most about your favourite artists?
In any time period, people who excel at selling themselves tend to do best. In the 1960′s a lot of hypocrites did this with flower power. At least in the 80′s they were transparent about their motivations.
75. Is Blues dead?
Yes. Long Live the Blues
76. Who would be in your ultimate band?
77. Who do you wish had collaborated on a whole album?
I want to hear Bitches Brew with Hendrix on it.
78. Favourite cheesy but brilliant song?
How Will I Evaaaaaaaaaaaaa Eva Surviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive?
79. Favourite love song?
Can’t Take My Eyes off You
80. Greatest solo career?
Michael Jackson
81. Which musician have you learnt the most from?
John Cage
82. Worst musician’s autobiography you’ve ever read?
83. Best greatest hits album?
Rick James
84. What song is stuck in your head?
“Tom’s Diner” has been stuck in my head since the 90′s
85. What song makes you cry every time?
86. Telecaster or Stratocaster?
87. SG or Les Paul?
88. Favourite Telecaster Guitarist?
Syd Barrett
89. Favourite SG Guitarist?
Toni Iommi
90. Favourite Firebird Player?
I don’t know who the fuck plays those.
91. What’s the most unusual guitar you’d buy?
One of the Electrical Guitar Company guitars made of metal. Ken Andrews and King Buzzo both have them and I’m that level of basic bitch.
92. What’s your earliest classic rock or blues memory?
My parents saw the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. I first saw them on the Muppet Show.
93. Best music documentary you’ve seen?
Show don’t tell
94. Best live concert video you’ve watched?
Not sure. The Sweeney Todd movie with George Hearn and Patti Lupone is up there.
95. What band t-shirts do you own?
I care less about that than the poor schlub who has to scroll past this cares about my opinion.
96. Own anything signed?
Sondheim vocal score to “Into the Woods”
97. Do your parents like this music?
I think so
98. Where would you most love to play a gig?
Somewhere “acoustically perfect”
99. If you could attend one festival?
I hate crowds. You can play in my living room though.
100. What’s the thing you last learnt on guitar?
“All I Want For Christmas Is You”. Speaking of, why wasn’t “Whitney or Mariah?” one of these questions? (My answer is Whitney btw.)
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