solobodor · 11 months
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in 2011, i discovered Furry fandom and fell in love with it, never really considered a furry myself but i always loved the concept of having a fursuit. this year i entertained the idea of commissioning one, but my mom had other ideas… you see my mom hobby is making costumes and she, too, REALLY like fursuits .. so we agreed she's help me make my own suit if i helped her make hers (its two bunnies, i'll share them someday ehehe)
SO there she is, Clara Fursuit !
made between March and May 2023 Pictures - my mom
Clara original Design - Bugwizard Plush (Gyro) - customcuddles Clara con badge - Icecreampizzer
Bonus Pic
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he's fine dw !
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bdipc · 8 years
There's nothing we at BDIPC love more than playing Tinder for our friends. As they well know, we're rather experienced at using photo and video evidence to make reasonably accurate inferences about a Dude’s performance, temperament, and proclivities. Would do. Might do. Might not. The hardest of passes. Yaaass. You get the idea. Tinder is a fascinating, entertaining, and disgusting way to meet people in your own town, but we prefer doing it the old-fashioned way--optimally, through telegrams with gentlemen who are as far away from us as possible. Stop. The fact that we've been gone for years has been beaten to death, but on the eve of Nationals, we've been reflecting on the four years since we last attended. Since then, we've really tapped into using Instagram as a resource to get a good look at a prospective Dude. Even though everything on IG is carefully filtered and fine-tuned for public consumption, it's a great source for off-the-bike photos and to do some...extensive and totally informal research into a Dude's personal life. So when our brilliant friend Laura Fletcher, founder of The Peloton Brief, sent us a link to SportsSwipe's IG account, we had our calls held, cleared our schedules, and settled in to scroll alllll the way back. Ohoho, hello again, Phil. Hi, Alex Dowsett. Is van Baarle even old enough to be on here? Oooh, curious...is that George? 
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See, creating an online dating profile is a strategic task, fraught with anxiety and self-consciousness. Though we love road, MTB, CX, and track tictacs, we’re finding it particularly interesting to see how riders position themselves when they're looking for results off the bike. It's especially fascinating when you think about how their athletic strengths might tie into their performance: will their one-night-stands be representative of their sprints, time trials, one-day race results? What about a Dude looking for companionship on a one-week, ten-day, three-week holiday? Is he truly one for the GC, or is he only good at (exciting, yet demanding) summit finishes? Is he going to abandon halfway through? Or, gosh, how about someone who’s particularly talented in the Madison? Honestly, imagine matching with someone, doing the perfunctory Google, and finding out that you're about to receive way more than you bargained for. 
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Like, perhaps, what might one discern from Taylor Phinney's championship-winning performances in the individual time trial? We've gone on and on about the things that ITT specialists do best: go hard, hold it, pace themselves so they have enough left for a memorable finish...seriously, is there anything about the ITT that one can't turn into a sex joke? Or what about Lieuwe Westra? Another ITT champ, yes, but also a winner of shorter stage races and one-day events. Therefore, we can assume that he's got the ability to play the long (but not so long one might chafe, now) game rather successfully. And Winner Anacona? We'd right-swipe for his name alone. Admit it: you would, too.
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Anyway, this is all just to say that you should really follow SportsSwipe on IG. After all, it's to your advantage to know who may be popping up in your hot little hand. And as for us, who we'd swipe right on is for us to know and for you to find out. And you may well, because we're firing up a Tinder account exclusively for #CXNats 2017. But bring your top-step game, because we don't have dinner with second place finishers. We know exactly how to make you see stars, but the stripes are going to be up to you. See you in Hartford! 
Photos: SportsSwipe
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vkacerus · 5 years
The Top 10 Biking Blogs & Handpicked Amazon Cyclist Product Discount Offers *The Top 10 Biking Blogs* A1. Rapha BlogB1. Bike Snob NYC (Tie)C1. Boulder Report (Tie)D1. Vital MTBE1. The Inner RingF1. BikeHacksG1. Fat CyclistH1. Bangable Dudes in Pro CyclingI1. Rouleur Magazine BlogJ1. Adventure JournalK1. Red Kite Prayer A1. Rapha Blog The most stylish site on our list Rapha Blog (Courtesy of Rapha) Good for: Cyclists who first and foremost consider riding a statement—fashion and otherwise. Written by: A handful of the Rapha lads. If you haven't yet had the pleasure of pulling on a merino jersey by Rapha, you may not know just how plush, well made, and gorgeously detailed they are. The thing is, the company does blog posts every bit as good, with soulful stories and odd tidbits about races and events and cyclists. What we like most, however, is the Survey page, which features pro-caliber shots of cyclists with style from around the globe. Sample post: From The Ticket to Ride, in which the author quotes H.G. Wells en route to waxing lyrical about the etiquette of being a cyclist: Even if you're not carrying tools or a spare tube at least pretend to offer to stop for a troubled or punctured rider. It's about manners really, and whilst your 11-speed groupset costs most of the X amount of wages, the camaraderie and respects you get from showing your ticket costs less than 80psi. ... Read more at Rapha Blog B1. Tie—Bike Snob NYC Long-winded, passionate rants on all things two-wheeled Bike Snob NYC (Courtesy of Bike Snob NYC) Good for: Those who aren't interested in the latest BB standard, believe doping cyclists doth protest too much, and feel that most bike media takes itself too seriously. Written by: Eben Weiss, ex-bike messenger, one-time publishing agent, and (by his own account) still a terrible amateur racer. Exhaustive (and sometimes exhausting) stream-of-consciousness rants and critiques of cycling news, culture, and esoterica served with a healthy dose of derision. Sample post: Midway through a recent post, the Bike Snob took aim (again) at fixie culture videos, which he considers tedious and played-out. (He has a point.) Speaking of adventure-seekers, can you believe people still make fixed-gear videos? Well, they do, though increasingly you have to go beyond the United States to find them. Here's one that was forwarded to me by a reader in Olso, Norway... Amazingly, this is merely Part I of a four video series, and it sets up a number of compelling questions that will presumably be answered in the final installment, including: --Will they keep skidding for no reason?--Will the guy in the flannel get a cool new hat?--Will they figure out that this whole Mash-a-frame fad is so dorky it makes this guy on roller-skis look edgy by comparison? ... Read more at Bike Snob NYC C1. Tie—Boulder Report Cycling news with knowledgeable commentary Boulder Report (Screenshot from Bicycling.com) Written By: Veteran cycling journalist Joe Lindsey. Good For: The bigger stories behind pro cycling's breaking news. There are very few journalists with Joe Lindsey's knowledge of the peloton. If you follow pro cycling, this should be your main stop for analysis of the latest news. What does Alberto Contador's witness list tell you about his positive test result for clenbuterol? Why is Iran being talked about as a hotbed for new cycling talent? Why should you care whether Mark Cavendish has finally signed with Sky? Lindsey tackles these questions and others in well-reported posts that feature plenty of contexts—on everything from backroom business deals to rare anecdotes about the athletes. Sample Post: Lindsey has some fun breaking down the UCI's coming appeal in the Alberto Contador clenbuterol case. After more delays than a congressional debt panel, the UCI’s appeal of the Alberto Contador case will finally get underway next week in a hearing before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (barring any last-minute postponements, of which there have already been two). Contador appears to be set to continue his argument that his clenbuterol positive was a case of inadvertent contamination from eating meat from a cow that had been given the drug. The tactics of WADA, which will argue for a ban, are not entirely known. But a detailed discussion of Contador’s witness list that appeared this weekend in the Spanish daily El Pais gives a hint that he’s not leaving much territory uncovered. ... Read more at Boulder Report D1. Vital MTB The best site for all biking dirt Vital MTB (Courtesy of Vital MTB) Good for: Dirt fiends looking for race coverage, rider interviews, multimedia gear reviews, and, most importantly, all the greatest mountain bike clips. Written by: Founder Brad McDonald hails from a BMX and motocross background, with a long stint at Transworld Media prior to the launch of the Vital Media Network in 2006. Eight staff members produce the company's three websites. Okay, it's a website, but the multiple daily updates make it read more like a blog. From an iPhone Q&A with DH World Champ Aaron Gwin (his power animal is the penguin, btw) to an acoustic guitar-accompanied video review of the Easton Haven wheelset, this is largely fresh, video-driven mountain bike content. Fun-haters who don't appreciate footage of pros screaming down rugged DH courses need not log on. Sample post: In "Downhill Mountain Bike Legos?" Vital MTB documents one man's quest to get the iconic toymaker to bring DH mountain biking to their stable of products. Read more at Vital MTB E1. The Inner Ring An earnest take on racing and gear The Inner Ring (Courtesy of INRNG) Good for: Anyone seeking not only a fair round-up of news about pro cycling and the bike industry but also balanced analysis of it that are not influenced by advertising. Written by: According to the author: "I do the blog anonymously just to help separate cycling from the day job." From predicting who would win the World Championships (wrong choice, incidentally, of Peter Sagan) to point out the inherent self-serving nature of Specialized's new carbon recycling program, INRNG isn't afraid to express some opinion. And for the most part, it's well thought out stuff, as are the reader comments, which seem imminently more intelligent and polite than on many other cycling sites. Great commentary on stories that otherwise might get lost. Sample post: In "Longo's Escape Loophole," INRNG does a nice job of explaining how the greatest female of all time managed to escape a ban for doping on a technicality stemming from jurisdictional issues between the governing bodies involved. Read more at The Inner Ring F1. BikeHacks The blog for commuting advice BikeHacks (Courtesy of BikeHacks) Good for: Commuters looking to ditch their combustion engine for two wheels and seeking advice on the practicalities of riding for both utility and diversion. Written by: A trio of cyclists from the coasts, the first who just traded bike commuting in NYC for Boston and the other two who ride daily in Portland ("rain or shine"). Think ReadyMade for the utility bike crowd. Find an easy trick for extending a rear fender (answer: a Gatorade bottle), improve your highway visibility by installing automotive LEDs, and rig up a bike carrier for just about anything (including surfboards and fishing poles). Good, practical tips and tricks for making your life on a bike easier. Sample post: It's not all just good advice; BikeHacks also have some great anti-car, pro-bike propaganda. "10 Bike Graphics" offers a smart assortment of T-shirts: "Bikes Kill" (complete with machine gun graphic and stats on auto accidents), "BILF" (pictured on an appropriately beddable young lady), and "Behind bars for life" (with accompanying graphic of road handlebars). Read more at Bike Hacks G1. Fat Cyclist Dispatches from an everyday cyclist Fat Cyclist (Courtesy of Fat Cyclist) Good for: Anyone who prefers down-to-earth musings and misadventures of an average schmo rider instead of the usual snoot of top riders or journalists. Written by: Elden Nelson, an average cyclist who captured reader's interest first with humorous posts about weight loss and riding and then with reflections about his late wife's battle with cancer. Fat Cyclist won a lot of readers with touching entries full of humor, grace, and honesty when his wife, Susan, was battling cancer. He uses the platform to raise money for LiveStrong and other cancer foundations. Hardly a downer of a read, though, FC lampoons just about everything in the cycling world (himself included). Sample post: On his review of DZNuts Chamois Cream, Fatty takes aim (in part) at the packaging instructions: Drop your shorts to your ankles, or remove completely from the body. Does anyone else's Fight or Flight reflex kick in when a man with a pornstar mustache and a tube of lubricant instructs you to drop your shorts to your ankles. I'm panicking here. ... Read more at Fat Cyclist H1. Bangable Dudes in Pro Cycling The dirtiest bike blog you'll find Bangable Dudes in Pro Cycling (Courtesy of Bangable Dudes in Pro Cycling) Mario Cipollini There are lots of shots like this Good for: The ladies, and anyone else who finds tight kits and shaven legs appealing. Written by: Hard to know. Wouldn't you shield your identity? In their own words, "Objectifying the hottest men in the peloton for your amusement and titillation. We're open to suggestions, so please send us the name of the spandex-clad man you most enjoy getting a 40KPH eyeful of...ladies." They also add lots of photos, like the one of Mario Cipollini below. There are lots of shots like this (Screenshot of Bangable Dudes in Pro Cycling) Sample post: From "BDIPC's Road Racing World Championships of Bangability 2011. We'd like to say we regret announcing we lack jerseys to award but doesn't give our Most Bangable Pros of 2011 more clothing feel counterintuitive? So we've subbed in big silver trophies filled with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles. We trust our Dudes will know exactly what to do with that. ... Read more at Bangable Dudes in Pro Cycling I1. Rouleur Magazine Blog A look inside the racing life Rouleur Magazine Blog (Courtesy of Rouleur) Good for: Roadies after more than just another play-by-play race report. Written by: Weekly posts are supplied by magazine staffers and contributors as well as a steady stream of guest bloggers, most of whom are both avid racers and pretty darn good writers to boot. Rouleur, the bi-monthly cycling journal, brings more of its incisive prose and big-format imagery to the web with reports and essays that capture a vivid sense of the motivation, thrill, and suffering of racing a bike. Sample Post: "Viva La Vuelta," by Garmin-Cervélo racer Christian Vande Velde, gives a nice insight into the third grand tour of the season. Ambition is the keyword here. There are Spaniards whose likeness will be cast in bronze in their respective villages after any sort of breakaway (doomed or otherwise), stage win or halfway decent performance. There are riders without contracts for the following year killing themselves to get into breaks, others who need to turn around a horrible season. And, of course, the guys trying to prepare for the world championships ... All of this gives the race a unique feeling of opportunity. ... Read more at Rouleur Magazine Blog J1. Adventure Journal Images to inspire and gear reviews for practical shopping Adventure Journal (Courtesy of Adventure Journal) Good for: Those interested in another sort of bike porn: a bike worth ogling every single day. Written by: Bike magazine founding editor Steve Casimiro and a cadre of other big names in the outdoors. Adventure Journal covers all manner of outdoor topics, from skiing and surfing down to environmental issues. But our favorite feature of the site is The Daily Bike, which features anything from hard-to-find custom track bikes to historic shots (think Audrey Hepburn aboard her Schwinn). Good eye candy, often with a nice vignette go along with it. Sample post: From The Daily Bike, July 11, 2011. The idea is a bloody genius. Public bike workstations aren't completely uncommon, but stations that are attended by a vending machine filled with bike parts, tubes, patch kits, energy bars, and drinks? There's only one. ... Read more at Adventure Journal K1. Red Kite Prayer The number one bike blog on our list Red Kite Prayer (Courtesy of Red Kite Prayer) Good for: Anyone after commentary and analysis of the best in the bike world—minus sarcasm. Written by: A cozy group of bike industry insiders, ex-racers, and cycling journalists. RKP just added Charles Pelkey, whose popular The Explainer column was a recent casualty of the staffing musical chairs at Velonews. Essays, reviews, and training advice focused on the positive things in the sport. "There are plenty of haters and cycling has more than enough to comment on that is worthwhile and upbeat," writes RKP founder Padraig. Sample post: "By Accident," longtime contributor Robot's poignant meditation on a run-in with a motorist. I got hit by a car and learned how large my ego had become, learned that, more than anything, I was in my own way, and that the best way to get where I wanted to go, i.e. everywhere, was to let myself be small and let the world be big. ... Read more at Red Kite Prayer Handpicked Amazon Cyclist Product Discount Offers - Click On Link Below: Product Information Video:- 01. FiZi:k Cycling Shoe - Men's - Offer Click Here Fizik Fi'zi:k R1 Infinito Cycling Shoe - Men's Price:$211.82 - $450.00  Sale:Lower price available on select options Size:                                                                                                                               Select                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       37                                                                                                                                                                                                                              37.5                                                                                                                                               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                   Select  Color: Red/black                       Upper Material: laser-perforated 1.2mm micro text Closure: Infinito closure system with double Boa IP1-B dials Footbed: Infinito Sole: unidirectional carbon with vents Cleat Compatibility: 3-bolt road Product Information Video 02. Cyclist Outdoor Watch - Offer Click Here. Every year GPS watches become more like dedicated bike computers, adding cycling-specific features to their ever-growing list of fitness-tracking capabilities. Even so, at times a handlebar-mounted bike computer can still be the best tool for measuring your rides for a few reasons: It’s got a clearer screen for displaying maps, more display space for ride data, and—OK, most of the reasons are just related to having a bigger screen. Garmin Instinct, Rugged Outdoor Watch with GPS, Features GLONASS and Galileo, Heart Rate Monitoring and 3-Axis Compass, Red List Price:$299.99  Price:$264.95  You Save:$35.04 (12%) Free Amazon product support included  Color: Flame Red $264.95     $270.37     $279.95   $299.00     $295.00     - -   - -     $274.00 Rugged GPS watch built to withstand the toughest environments Constructed to U.S. Military standard 810G for thermal, shock and water resistance (rated to 100 meters) Built-in 3-axis compass and barometric altimeter, plus multiple global navigation satellite systems (GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo) support helps track in more challenging environments than GPS alone Monitor your estimated heart rate, activity, and stress; train with preloaded activity profiles Stay connected with smart notifications (with a compatible smartphone) and automatic data uploads to the Garmin Connect online fitness community Use the traceback feature to navigate the same route back to your starting point; Use the Garmin Explore website and app to plan your trips in advance Battery life: up to 14 days in smartwatch mode, up to 16 hours in GPS mode, up to 40 hours in UltraTrac battery Saver mode 03. Cyclist Outdoor Backpack - Offer Click Here. The thing about biking to work is having to carry a lot of stuff with you – a change of clothes, your phone, keys, wallet, laptop, and other work stuff. And that’s where the cycling backpack comes in. Of course, not just any would do. The best ones should offer you comfort, style, space, water resistance, and reflective detailing. *Osprey Packs Raptor 10 Men's Bike Hydration Backpack Price:$139.95 + $78.64 Shipping & Import Fees Deposit to India Details Color: Black $139.95     - -     $139.95 Dedicated hydration compartment with included Osprey Hydraulics LT 2.5L Reservoir by Hydrapak Lightweight sternum strap magnet for easy access to water Removable roll-up tool pouch keeps tools handy and organized Lightweight sternum strap magnet for easy access to water LidLock bike helmet attachment . 04. Cyclist Niterider Headlight - Offer Click Here. It's pretty obvious that if you are riding your bike at night, you need to have a bike headlight. Your chances of getting hit at night, riding a bike skyrocket after sunset and the small investment of a bike light can save your life. If you like to ride trails at night your needs for a bike light are going to be different than someone who primarily rides in an urban environment. **NiteRider Lumina Micro 750 USB Rechargeable MTB Road Commuter LED Bike Light Lumens Water Resistant Bicycle Headlight, LED Front Light Easy to Install Cycling Safety List Price:$64.99  Price:$44.15 + $32.11 Shipping & Import Fees Deposit to IndiaDetails You Save:$20.84 (32%) LOCK MODE FEATURE keeps the Lumina Micro 750 headlight securely powered off during transport or storage. Unlock / Lock the light by simply holding the power button down for 7 seconds. IMPORTANT: UNLOCK BEFORE USE, note that NiteRider uses the Lock Mode feature after assembly and production to prepare for transport. The light is set to Lock Mode at the factory, unlock before use. LOW BATTERY INDICATOR is cleverly designed into the power button. Lit in blue indicates a good battery level remaining. Lit in red indicates that the battery level is below, less than 20% remaining. DURABLE AND LONG-LASTING rugged design with DuPont fiberglass reinforced nylon housing provides cyclists with the most durable, reliable and best-performing lights in the market. Rely only on quality lighting systems to safely navigate your path. SUPERIOR DESIGN AND ENGINEERING with a custom aluminum heatsink to keep the inside circuitry at an optimal operating temperature, while pumping out 750 brilliant lumens! The sweeping heatsink fins line the profile, form and function design. RELIABLE LI-ION USB RECHARGEABLE bike light that is easy to charge, eliminating the need to replace batteries on a regular basis. Can be recharged from any powered up computer, device or AC wall adapter. IP64 RATED WATER AND DUST RESISTANT utilizing gasket sealing, tuned to withstand diverse riding conditions and environments. 05. Cyclist & Skateboard Helmet - Offer Click Here. . Cycling helmets are designed to protect riders from head injuries, but with brands constantly competing to create the best bike helmet, other factors also come in to play: comfort, aerodynamics, and breathability being key opportunities for competition. JBM Skateboard Helmet CPSC ASTM Certified Impact Resistance Ventilation for Multi-Sports Cycling Skateboarding Scooter Roller Skate Inline Skating Rollerblading Longboard Price:$16.13 - $19.98  Sale:Lower price available on select options Color: Black                         Size:                                                                                                                               Select                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Small                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Medium                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Large                                                    Select IMPACT RESISTANCE The skateboard helmet adopts durable tough shell with a soft liner which could absorb external pressure caused by a crash in skating activities. Wearing the scooter helmet, will feel much safer and more confident, and thus perform better in sports activities. VENTILATION As designed with multiple vents, special aerodynamic design, and breathable foam, the skate helmets help reduce sweating and keep men and women feel cool even during intense body movement, which is considered as cool helmets for skateboarding or roller skate. ADJUSTABLE STRAPS FOR BETTER FIT The skateboarding helmets equipped with adjustable straps for an adult to adjust flexibly to get a better fit. As adopt lightweight material with excellent quality, this skating helmet won't cause additional pressure to head. Adult wears the longboard helmets safe and comfortable. MULTI SPORTS GEAR As ideal skateboard accessories, the cool helmets are widely used in skating activities such as skateboarding, roller skating, inline skate, scooter, rollerblading, longboard and two wheels electronic board. As play great protective function during these activities, the skateboard helmets are considered as the best helmets for skating activities. PACKAGE Helmet X1; Small: 18.1’’-19.3, Medium: 19.7’’-21.7'', Large: 20.9’’-23.2''. . https://ift.tt/2H8y4q9
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solobodor · 2 years
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frame animation practice with my favorite little guy ..
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solobodor · 1 year
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made some icons for my OCs >:)
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solobodor · 1 year
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very Eepy ..
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solobodor · 1 year
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Say no more ! Heyo Women's Wrong supporter of @homemadegirlbossbattle !! LET me introduce you to the character of Clara Dorothee, the Antagonist turn protagonist of a muti POV personal project of mine, "Big deal in Paradis City" Originally created by Bugwizard, Clara's personality was influenced by songs like "Redesign your logo", "the Cutting Edge" and "Bizarre Bizarre" to become your new favorite Evil Graphic designer !
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animation 1 & 2 - me Animation 3 - brakpak Animation 4 - Mirandamations
Within the story, she would manipulate two younger adult into working for her and slowly isolate & tear them apart to have better control over them. when one of the two try to fight her of, she attempt to kill them. 'cause no one can break away from her control, can they ?
but as if manipulating, gaslighting and murder attempts was not enough. she added graverobbing in her list of crime in order to create herself a body guard, frankenstein style
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Clara is a rude character who cannot accept things not going her way, cause chaos on purpose, avoid facing consequences for her action and ruined the lives of at least 4 people, just because she couldn't face her family again.
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ANYWAY vote for the CATGIRL, she's also on TOYHOUSE!
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solobodor · 1 year
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"Normal People"
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solobodor · 1 year
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little round doodle >:) @kalopseancence (i made seperates if you prefer/want)
GOOD afternoon women's wrongs supporter of @homemadegirlbossbattle, it is time for another propaganda post !
here's a reminder that there is a few days left to vote for round one.. SO who gets your Vote ?
Claireth OR Clara ???
May the worst Win ! >:)
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solobodor · 2 years
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the checklist i used said sexyman "had to be men" , ridiculous ! Sexywoman rise up !!!! (also Venus is not a man either)
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solobodor · 2 years
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Clara (She/her) invites her good friend, Marley (She/he) for a drink
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solobodor · 1 year
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testing out thin lineart
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solobodor · 2 years
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Heya, Here's the Masterpost for my personal project "Big Deal in Paradis City"
named after Paradis City by Jean Leloup BDIPC is story "for fun", Semi-canon to "FOTK" in a far future it is mostly experimental for anything that wouldn't fit for my main projects.
BDIPC takes inspiration from several music artist, most notably : Mortelle Adele, Aldebert, Stepdad, the Hoosiers, Mylene Farmer, Will wood, Electric light Orchestra, Jacques and many others [Spotify Playlist]
Quill and Martin, two old friend in search of stability ends up getting caught up in the nefarious plans of Clara Dorothée to destroy her own family. [Check the TH folder for more artwork of them] Warning, BDiPC may explore subjects such as blood, body horror, death, murder, verbal abuse, unethical experimentation.
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solobodor · 2 years
[Video for Halloween 2022]
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solobodor · 2 years
[Repost from July 2021]
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solobodor · 2 years
A reminder that i have a TH page with most of my OC and their art !! it need a bit of cleaning but i put a lot of love in them<3 if you want to know more about my oc, i recommend this !
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