a-very-tired-raven · 2 years
Oh shit fuck oh no 💀
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 8-13 thoughts! again, under the cut bc I blew through 6 episodes in one go...
-LOVE THE WAY THE GHOST ZONE LOOKS. but theres fucking ghost cops??? ghost jail??? that SUCKS imagine dying and going to jail in your AFTERLIFE. danny going to JAIL WAS NOT something I expected. but seeing all the enemies together and work with danny to bust out. SO ICONIC I love that actually. and the thing about real world stuff acting as ghosts in the ghost zone is very cool.
-'there are some things more important that hunting ghosts!' mrs fenton says, about her husband forgetting their anaversary (FOR THE 18TH YEAR IN A ROW?? CHRIST) and not about, idk, their son clearly freaked out. she didnt even notice he was gone into the ghost zone!!! he might be a bad husband BUT shes not the best mom. they suck and I don't care about their relationship problems I care about these kids. danny doing his best to clean the house to keep his mom from getting mad at his dad?? hes such a good boy I want to cry, this is not his place, his dad should be cleaning his own shit up!!!
-maddie's butch lesbian sister is living my best life in her lil cabin. also being a snarky bitch to jack. queen. and her getting a 10th anniversary of her divorce. LOVE IT.
-mr. lancer being a cheerleader in his younger years makes perfect sense to me. king shit.
-dr. spectra's cat ears/mullet hairstyle?? sooo cute. I also just love the concept of a ghost just. sucking out people's positivity and feeding on emotions. a great villain. she put danny in a fucking diaper what the FUCK. and keeping it cold so no one would suspect shes a ghost??? INCREDIBLE. and her gay little blob sidekick. wlw mlm evil solidarity.
-JAZZ FOCUSED EP. YEAAAH!!! her first thought when she saw the ghosts was like 'omg i gotta tell danny :)' and her going to the teacher and also councilor trying to get help for him...shes just 16 but shes trying so hard to help him out :( watching this when youre younger I can imagine ppl are like omg annoying!! but watching this when im older im just like :( jazz baby im SO sorry </3 SHE BODIED THAT GHOST THOUGH. and the fact she didnt tell danny she knew surprised me. like, shes patient and waiting on him to tell her when hes ready!! thats so so sweet.
-christ the parents talking about 'PEELING IT LIKE AN ONION. AND EXAMINING REMAINS' of ghosts RIGHT INFRONT OF DANNY.
-'why am i so depressed and angry all the time!!' DANNY YOURE 14. i mean it IS a ghost this time, but...
-579$ top?? VALERIE NO ITS NOT EVEN CUTE IT DOESNT EVEN GO WITH THAT OUTFIT AAAA. tho this ep is called shades of gray..VALERIE FOCUSED EP FINALLY????! *THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE* I already knew about red huntress from my redesigns, but I didn't exactly know what that entails or how/why, so, it's fun to see the Origins.
-ghost pubby! ghost pubby!!!!! why is the dog a ghost?? the implication that the company had guard dogs and got rid of them...what did they DO. is it just the unfinished business?? of not having that toy it was looking for?? god I hope so.
I feel SOOO bad for valerie tho, my god. her friends are shunning her for what, because her dad lost her job and she had to move??? horrible. (and the fact the dog wrecked the moving van too...) I also love how 'from wisconsin' on the package was an IMMEDIATE RED FLAG FOR ME. WISCONSIN=EVIL NOW. vlads so petty.
-it took valerie like 5 mins to get the hang of hunting ghosts and shes already a much bigger threat than his parents tbh. who've been trying and studying this for years. and a more valid reason <3 love her shes so cute and cool. new daughter alert.
-'i should do SOMETHING to help valerie' no shit danny???
-'who is that, awesome outfit!' -top gay sam moments. i was going to say. before it immediately cuts to sam kissing danny LMFAOOO. don't think I like that, it puts tucker in a weird third wheel position... the next ep involves them holding hands and blushing when danny's cold...URGH No. not a fan ngl. the trope of 'if theres a girl in a trio she has to end up with one of the two guys!!'
-right as I say that they take it to extremes!! and ember shoots him with a love ray gun that makes him OBSESSIVE OVER SAM. AND SHE TAKES HIS HANDS AND SAYS 'YOU DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT ME, I DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT YOU' and her saying she doesnt want to be together like this. and tucker saying 'i always knew you two would get together!!' dont manifest it tucker please. the show pushing for it so hard makes me not want it KSHKJKJD I KNOW its probably canon. it sucks though. im a hater.
-EMBERRRRR YOU WILL REMEMBERRRRRR . this is the one thing I kinda remember from when I was a kid EMBERRRRR ilu. top 10 cartoon bops. sams being a hater. popular things are popular for a reason. mr. lancer also being a hater. also everyone wearing her color scheme ..its a really good look, the purple, black, and minty color...
-penguins exist in the ghost zone. confirmed.
-EMBER JUST SHOWING UP AT A RANDOM HIGHSCHOOL TO PLAY?? UNANNOUNCED, MID DAY??? girl get a tour schedule. make some money or smth damn. I know shes probably doing it for the power boost but. lord. anyway if your show doesnt have a concert scene/ep, is it even valid.
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-hey, she had an undercut at some point!! my redesign!!! was accurate!! in..a way
-I feel like danny has a lot of pent up aggression ngl, him being heartbroken about sam and immediately going IM GONNA GO TAKE IT OUT ON EMBER. I mean she needs to be stopped I guess But. jazz has the right idea he needs therapy and a HEALTHY outlet.
-tucker singing > my singing
-girls cant be gamers -tucker and danny sexist moments. her being chaos in the game OWNED.
-it was actually nice of lancer to let danny retake the test, and he go to play games again. smh. epic cringe gamer moments compilation. and driving him home!!! I actually like him as a character. anyway teachers like lancer are SO appreciated. I was failing middle school because of mental problems, and felt so dumb and got embarrassed by teachers who would just get onto me instead of bothering to ask what the real problem was, but when I was taking my ged classes I had a wonderful teacher who kept reassuring me that I was smart, and I got honors!! danny is SUCH a little shit to him (understandable, 14, but) but seeing them getting along better and danny putting in effort. SO CUTE. THATS MY SON, STUDYING HARD!!!! and being so PROUD OF HIMSELF!!! 91!!! BITCH!!! A- is STILL AN A!!!
-'why dont they ever realize thats me in a dress' mr lancer i am CRYING. i realized.
-technus being my ghost grandpa who cant game asking tucker for help. bless his heart. his out of date old ppl lingo circles back to being endearing <3 tucker not recognizing him despite the like, lack of any kind of serious disguise...I do love their lil in-game outfits....sam being the tank rules. I like technus' spider design also. more characters need to be giant freaky spiders, imo.
-finding your gf a new host because she cant maintain her ghost body outside the zone? amazing. using jazz as the host? ILL KILL YOU. jazz immediately accepting a ride home from a guy she just met and letting him know where she lives. letting him IN THE HOUSE??? nooo girl no lets use common sense </3
-sooo cringe the parents were like 'good job for spying on your sister' tho wtffff. doesnt matter if hes a bad guy, thats fucked. everytime these parents BREATHE im like. these are MY kids now <3
-BAD LUCK BEING A THEME OF THE 13TH EPISODE. thats super fun. johnny 13 being his name is so. iconic. your last name is a NUMBER? also goth tucker. I actually love the look. everyone looks good goth. 'the ladies love the eyeliner and onyx nail polish' sam you are sooo right every man needs to at least try those two things. im a lesbian and I agree. same, danny, your bff is gnc af
-LOVE kitty's design. and just, the concept of a ghost with a bike. couple goals, except yes stay away from jazz.
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moonprincess92 · 6 years
you know i want all of the AUs!!! but especially that coffeeshop AU — with sprinkles of them becoming roommates and having to fake date for some mysterious reason. :D (but i‘d be happy with just the coffeeshop AU tbh.) but you know i love all of your AUs (stories in general) and love you! ❤️
it’s no coffee shop au, but i managed to do the other two - anything for you, girl! (also on ao3) 
Jyn was literally already halfway to her parent’s house when she got themessages.
JynnjYYYNNNNNfuck my life apparently danielle is getting marriedFUCKFKJGIN MARRIEDPLS ANSWER THIS IS AN OFFICIAL CODE BLUE
She’d only glanced at them as she drove, but upon seeing the forebodingDanielle’s name she immediately pulled over to read them through properly.
Oh, shit.
She hastily texted back,
Only two cars whizzed on by before he replied,  
I am NOT kidding, she’s fuckingannounced it on fb????
In the next second, Jyn was furiously pulling up said Facebook, searchingfor Danielle’s profile. She was technically still friends with the woman, butonly so that she could retain the prime stalking privileges that being Facebookfriends provided. If she could, she would have blocked and deleted herMONTHS ago, but Cassian had begged her to keep her around ‘just in case, Idon’t know, so I can avoid her I guess’. It didn’t take much scrolling. Themost recent post of hers was an engagement announcement to some guy she hadliterally never even heard of, complete with professional photo spread andcurrently over a thousand likes.
Out of spite, Jyn angry-faced it.
Areu drunk yet????
I’m certainly on my way
Jyn sighed, staring at her phone. She’d been planning on meeting up withher parents for dinner for months now. With her living several cities away andtheir ever-increasing schedules, it was always hard to find the time… but thisparticular crisis called for significant action. She quickly texted Cassian oncemore,
Areu at home??
I am currently on the couch of pain,yes
Don’tmove, I’ve just left work, I’ll be there soon
Before she could receive the expected ‘no, no, you go see your familylike you planned don’t worry about me’ messages, she quickly called herparents.
“Mama? It’s me,” Jyn said. “Look, I know we’ve had to reschedule thisdinner like three times now, and I’m so sorry, but I won’t be able to make ittonight either.”
“What’s going on this time?” Lyra Erso sighed. 
“Cassian’s ex-fiancée has just announced that she’s engaged again.”
“Oh, shit,” Lyra said at once, any trace of disappointment instantly gone. “Seriously, Danielle?”
“You understand the gravity of the situation.”
“I thought they’d only just broken up?”                
“It was four months ago,” Jyn admitted. “But four months to get over athree year relationship, find someone else, fall in love, AND get engagedagain? Fuck her!”
“Jyn, go home, seriously,” Lyra insisted. “Make sure that boydoesn’t drown himself in the bathtub or something.”
“I think drowning in alcohol is more likely – thanks Mama,” Jyn said inrelief. “Can you explain to Papa?”
“Of course – OI, GALEN!” Lyra’s booming voice suddenly screeched down the other end of theline. “CASSIAN’S EX GOT ENGAGED AGAIN!”
“The girl who dumped him two weeksbefore the wedding? How dare she!”
Jyn figured to hang up then. It didn’t take long for her to hang a quicku-turn and swing back in the direction she had come from, but it was longenough to notice the ten or so new messages that had apparently been sentto her as she’d spoken to her parents.
“Don’t even start,” she said upon storming straight into theirapartment. “I was coming back no matter what you said, this is a Code Blue forsure.”
“Did I even use the right one? Which one was Code Blue again?” Cassiansaid in resignation. He didn’t even bother getting up from the sofa, where hewas currently laid splayed out with a half-empty bottle of wine sitting on thecoffee table next to him.
“Code Blue is ‘emotionally my life has gone balls up and I need you’,”Jyn reminded him. “Code Red is ‘I fucked up and need immediate assistance’. Wesave Code Black for ‘I’M DYING’.”
“I don’t know, I think this could be a Code Black as well, Jyn.”
“You’re not dying yet,” she snorted, snagging the wine as she sat downon the other end of the sofa, lifting Cassian’s legs out of the way anddropping them back into her lap. She peered at the bottle in her hand andasked, “Could you have bought a cheaper bottle of wine?”
“I wasn’t spending any more on her.”
“Fair point,” Jyn threw some back. Cassian gestured for her to pass itbetween them, but she shook her head before hastily drinking more. “No, no, Iclearly have to catch up here.”
“I’m not THAT drunk.”
“Try and get off this sofa.”
He glared at her for several moments.
“Case in point.”
Cassian groaned, flinging an arm over his eyes. “Honestly, how did I endup here?” he said and Jyn felt for him, she really did. When you knew someonefor nearly 10 years, you saw a lot of heartbreaks and aches. From when they’dfirst met as awkward 18-year-old’s, to now in their late twenties and honestlyjust trying to Adult without dying, the two of them had been there throughevery single disastrous relationship they’d ever had. She’d been therebefore, during and after the Danielle fiasco, and he’d been right at her sideas she’d slashed the tyres of every ex who’d ever cheated on her (tugging onher arm and practically begging that they leave before they get caught, but he’dstill never let her do it alone). There was little that they hadn’t donetogether, or that they wouldn’t do for each other, to be honest. She rubbed hisshin where it lay over her said,
“It’s gonna be ok.”
“IS IT?” Cassian pressed his fingers hard over his eyes. “I appreciatethe support but Jyn, she’s engaged. Three years apparently wasn’t even enough time to want to marry me,but four months and she’s more than happy to say yes to some other bastard? Whothe hell even IS that guy?”
“Cassian, we’ve established that Danielle is a flighty bitch who can’tdecide what she wants and you’re better off without her,” Jyn sighed. “Do Ireally have to beat it into your head again?”
She leaned over and whacked him affectionately. Thing was, the nightDanielle had called off the wedding was still a very vivid memory, even allthese months later. Literally two weeks before the day, and he had turned upoutside her door out of the blue at one am. He had only been living in his newapartment with his fiancée for three weeks at that point and her first reactionhad been to think welp, SOMEONE’Sdead. Instead, he’d looked at her with an expression that she couldn’t readand had told her simply,
“Danielle left me.”
“… fuck,” she’d said in reply.
And she really hadn’t known what else to say, because what the hell elseCOULD you say? Cassian had been so dedicated, so ready to be married, so deeplyin love that the idea that Danielle had just casually told him one night, “Hey,so I don’t really think I’m ready for marriage, sorry this didn’t work out,”seemed unfathomable.
Jyn had held out her arms and Cassian had immediately walked into them.
“Can I move back in with you?” he had sobbed into her neck.
“Of course,” she’d said back.
“ANYWAY,” she said now. “I might make more jokes and hit you some more,but I’m honestly sorry, Cassian. This sucks.”
“Yeah,” he muttered through his hands.
“You can cry, I won’t judge,” she smirked.
“Fuck you,” Cassian was already attempting to smoother the tears that wereleaking through and she damn well knew it. “Honestly, this is just mostlyembarrassing. Everyone knows that we were engaged only four months ago, and sheapparently wasn’t ready for marriage then but she’s suddenly ready NOW? WHY,JYN? FUCKING WHY.”  
“Hey, only a handful of people know that’s why she left,” Jyn pointedout. “If anything, everyone will be judging her for getting engaged again soquickly! That help at all?”
“A little. But I haven’t even told you the worst part yet.”
“Christ on a bike, there’s a worse part?”
“Brace yourself,” Cassian took a moment to apparently pull up somethingon his phone. In the next, he was handing her the device apparently showing atext conversation between himself and someone with the name ‘DO NOTENGAGE’. 
Hey, Cassian idk if you’ve seen, butI’m getting married!! I’dlove for you to be there, of course it’s a little whirlwind hahaso we haven’t had time to send out official invites but it’s onsat 5th Aug in southlake tahoe. PLS come, I’d love to see youagain!!!! Xxxalso feel totally free to bring a plus 1 ;)  
Jyn was honestly kind of in awe.
“Say the word,” she declared, staring at the offending message. “I swearto god, just say the word and I will fucking END her.”
“I’m not quite at that point, but I’ll let you know if I change mymind.”
“You’re not going. I cannot BELIEVE she had the guts to inviteyou!”
“About that…” Cassian cringed.
Oh, motherfucking shitballs.
“You already said you’d go, didn’t you?”
“Well, if I don’t go I look petty and clearly not over her!” Cassianhastily defended himself, snatching his phone back off her before she couldread his no doubt ‘omg I’d love to!!’ messages (not to mention promptly hurlinga fist into his head as well). “So I said yes out of spite, only now I thinkI’ve backed myself into a corner. I can’t go, but I can’t not go either.” 
“Christ on a bike, Cassian." 
"I know." 
“Well, if you think you’re going alone, you got another thing coming,”Jyn pointed out, grabbing the wine. Blimey, even she needed it now. “You’reshowing this bitch one way or another that she doesn’t have a hold on youanymore.”
“I appreciate your furiousness on my behalf,” Cassian said. “but believeme when I say I am in absolutely no headspace right now to go out and find adate.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I get you,” Jyn said. “Good thing this isn’t just awedding anymore, this is a fucking war. You can’t just take anyone, you need to take someone that is going tomake a statement. Someone that people will talk about for MONTHS after. Youneed to take the one person in the entire world that would piss her off themost.”
“So… you?”
She started a little.
She hadn’t actually been thinking of herself, but now that he mentionedit, it was suddenly the perfect plan. Danielle had quite famously never exactlytrusted the over-half-a-decade of friendship between her and Cassian, despiteJyn having attempted to date several other people over the last three years andCassian being the most devoted boyfriend she thought she’d ever seen. Herand Danielle had always played nice of course and there had even beenmoments when Jyn had managed to bring herself to maybe kind of like her, butthere had always been an undertone to their every interaction that just made itclear that at the end of the day, Danielle Livesay hated Jyn Erso’s guts andprobably always would.
There was no one else Cassian could possibly take that would annoy hermore.
“Yes, me,” Jyn said. “I’m serious, you take me as your date and Daniellewill flip her fucking LID, it will be perfect!”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that–”
“Good thing you’re not asking then,” Jyn declared. “I’m insisting andit’s decided. You got yourself a fake girlfriend! For the record, I’ll cuddleyou and give you a few kisses if she’s looking in our direction, but no tonguestuff ok?”  
Cassian just shook his head, trying not to laugh.
“You’re the fucking best, Jyn.”
“Of course I am. Now drink more wine, this is gonna be a longnight.” 
Of course the wedding was in fucking Lake Tahoe.
Last minute AND destination, Danielle was basically guaranteeing thatthe only people who would come were either only interested in a weekend away orwere the only ones who had no plans. Cassian’s jaw had been clenched basicallyever since they had left their apartment Friday afternoon, but steadily gotworse the closer they got to stepping inside the hotel for the ceremony.
“What do I say to her, whatdo I say–” he hissed frantically under his breath as they approached the nodoubt bloody expensive hotel. She insisted that he chill the fuck out, onlythat resulted in him shutting up and staying deathly silent instead.
"God, you’re not making this easy, mate,” she pointed out.“I think I liked it better when you were talking, I could at least tell ifyou were still alive or not.”
He just let out a strangled squeak. 
“Hey,” she said,reaching out and gripping his hand tightly, their fingers interwoven together.She brought them to her chest, holding him there and making him look at her.“Cassian, I get that this hurts but don’t make it about that. You can hurttomorrow, make tonight about revenge. Hold onto that feeling instead. We’llmake out in front of her a little, and then go and get smashed at the bar.Deal?” 
He nodded faintly. 
They were purposefully a little late to the ceremony, just to furtherprove the point that they didn’t actually give a fuck. They were quicklyushered in amidst some irritated looks from Danielle’s family. Jyn did noticethat only one of Danielle’s three sisters had apparently bothered to show up,and yet it seemed that nearly everyone from her office had taken the trip justto take advantage of the open bar later. They took up an entire row, lookingbored and passing a hip flask subtly between them.
Danielle naturally looked fucking stunning in her dress, and Jyn wassuddenly very glad that Cassian had insisted on tradition and not seeing itbefore their own wedding because turns out she was literally wearingthe exact same dress. Out of all the things to piss her off, Jyn had honestlythought it would be something more extreme, but nope. Apparently, a dress didit! That fucking dress, the one that had to be altered three times,that Jyn had helped her pick out, had reassured over manycomplimentary glasses of champagne that she looked beautiful in and thatCassian would love it, only to just turn around and use it to marry someoneelse instead… fuck her. Her husband-to-be looked kind of in shock, honestly, like hedidn’t quite know what he was doing up there in front of all these people.
Really, she knew the feeling.
Luckily, their strategic lateness meant that they had missed half theceremony, so they didn’t have to sit through too much of the gushing ‘I loveyou’s. They only caught the tail end of it, Danielle tearing up as she spokeher vows.
“Oh my god, I’m going to ruin my make-up,” she said, gaining some politelaughs. “Oh, Derek. Honestly, I don’t even know how to finish this. I thought Iknew what love was before we met, but turns out I had no idea. I am so, solucky that I found you and get to spend the rest of my life with you. I loveyou.”
Jyn glanced over at Cassian briefly as the vows wrapped up.
She had never seen the man go white before, but he was white as a sheetnow.
“I’m so glad that’s over,” he ended up grumbling through champagne onlya little while later. Thankfully, the reception was in full swing and honestly,it was almost worth all the emotional pain this weekend was so far causing justfor the sheer elaborance of it all. The dinner had been fucking amazing, and the vinyl windows had all beenrolled up to expose the ballroom to the open air and natural lakeside view.Lanterns criss-crossed the ceiling and with a DJ pounding out cheesy pop dancesongs, it was easy to get lost in a sea of alcohol and forget the whole‘getting married four months after getting dumped’ thing.
“I’m still pissed that she hasn’t even come over to talk to you yet,”Jyn pointed out. “What kind of fucking host doesn’t even talk to all theirguests? It should be easy, there’s only about thirty of them who even botheredto come!”
“Honestly, I’m fine with it.”
“Honestly, I’m not,” Jyn said. “I wanna show that bitch a piece of mymind.”
“God stop talking, stoptalking, I think she’s watching us,” Cassian suddenly panicked, spluttering onhis drink as he hastily turned around. “You’re jinxing it!”
“She’s looking?”
“From the high table, I accidentally caught her eye!”
“Perfect,” Jyn reached out and wrapped her arms around Cassian’s waist.He didn’t raise an eyebrow, however, until she started running her hands up anddown his back, clearly something she didn’t usually do when hugging him andalso obviously in Danielle’s line of sight.
“Jyn…” he sighed.
“Come on! Is this not why you brought me?”
“I’m starting to re-think the idea, to be honest, she’s going to knowit’s not real, that I’m just a hopeless loser who brought his roommate as adate to his ex’s wedding–”
“Shut up, that’s just her getting into your head,” Jyn insisted. “Workwith me, here.”
Cassian sighed… before leaning forward and pressing his nose into herneck. “That’s it,” she grinned. It wasn’t quite the statement she was goingfor, but it would work for now at least. From this angle, it would look like hewas kissing her exposed neck and shoulder, and she purposefully turned ever soslightly so that her face could be seen from the high table.
Sure enough.
“Oh my god, she’s coming over.”
“Shit–” Cassian nearlyspilled champagne down her back.
“Don’t stop kissing me!”
“I’m not kissing you, remember–”
“Well, maybe you should be, because we got about twenty seconds beforeshe’s here–”
He cut her off with a sudden kiss that was just on the side ofdesperate, but she didn’t care. Honestly, she’d had worse kisses before andwith worse people. She didn’t even have long to make a spectacle of it sincebarely a second later Danielle was upon them, calling out and forcing themapart.
“Cassian! Jyn! Shit, guys, thank you so much for coming!”
“Oh, Dani,” Jyn said, cheerfully. “It’s no problem.”
“The journey wasn’t too bad?”
“Nah, we road tripped it,” Jyn carried on talking, seeing as it seemedthat Cassian had been deemed temporarily speechless. As well as she knew herbest friend… really, she didn’t know at all what he was currently thinking.Hell, she wasn’t even sure if he was even out of love with Danielle yet. Like,properly and everything. He was clearly not over her, as anyone rightfullywould be, but the man had been in love with her for three goddamn years. Thatwasn’t something you could just turn off overnight.
(Jyn knew. She had tried once.) 
So she kept an arm slung around Cassian’s waist and chatted away aboutmostly meaningless things for a while until he could get his bearings (and histongue) back. Eventually, he managed to cut in over the conversation with arather strained and out of the blue,
“You – great! The ceremony was great!”
Danielle blinked a little, but otherwise carried on like normal. “Thanksso much,” she smiled daintily. “Hey, honestly it’s just good to see you guysagain! It’s been too long and apparently,” Jyn noticed her gaze harden just slightly around the edges. “I’vemissed a lot.”
“I s’pose there is a lot to catch up on,” Jyn noted. “Bodhi says hi, bythe way, and Kay says you can go something anatomically impossible.”
“Oh, Kay. He never gets old,” Danielle blatantly lied. “Not that I don’tLOVE your friends, but I was actually talking about you two! Like holy fuck,when did it become a thing? It’s so exciting!”
Her tone made it clear that it was not something to be excited about atall, but Jyn feigned the same enthusiasm anyway.
“Oh, it’s pretty recent,” she glanced at Cassian for help confirmingtheir made up story. They had spent their eight hour car journey here creatingit and honestly, it she had thought it worthy of an Oscar or two at one pointbefore they’d forced themselves to tone it down a bit.
“Hold up, hold up,” she had said somewhere around Yosemite NationalPark. “The key to a good lie is simplicity. The more dramatic, the more detailsyou have to remember, the less believable it becomes. You’re a decent bloke,but not even Danielle is going to buy that you surprised me with a weekend awayto Paris.”
“But I was going to photoshop us some photos and everything,” Cassianhad mock-complained.
“Maybe we save that story for when Danielle ultimately invites us to herthird baby shower,” Jyn rolled her eyes. “Let’s just go with the ‘we hooked upwhile watching a movie one night’ story.”
“But that one’s boring.”
“Are you kidding? It’s not boring at all,” she had insisted. “If anything,it’s the most romantic shit I’ve ever heard! I mean it’s two best friends andflatmates who have known each other for years taking a chance one night andhaving it pay off, like this is fucking romcom gold.”
“Ok, fine,” Cassian hadrelented.
She might have also thought of pitching the entire thing to Hollywood,but that wasn’t the point to be focusing on here. Danielle was still standingin front of her, impatiently waiting to hear some epic-worthy tale that couldpotentially rival her own and considering the expression that was currently onCassian’s face, Jyn knew that she was gonna have to be the one to tellit. She could practically see the man internally spiralling.
“So it just happened then, huh?” Danielle said through a strained smile.
“Yeah, one night we were watching a movie together,” Jyn quickly threwback. “Just something dumb, but it got us thinking and it was like… I don’tknow. A switch getting flicked somewhere. Next thing we knew, we were athing and we basically never looked back.”
She glanced up at Cassian. She was a little thrown to realise that hewas no longer staring at Danielle in utter distress, but now watching her. Shewasn’t ridiculous enough to insist that the story wasn’t a nice one to thinkabout – was there really anything more ideal than falling for someone youalready knew so well? Someone that you didn’t have to worry about annoying ormaking a good impression with, because they had already seen you at your 4amworst and didn’t care? – but imagining pretend scenarios wasn’t exactly goingto get you far in life. How bad would it be if she let herself indulge for aweekend? No matter how unhealthy it probably was, she wanted to pretend atleast for a little while that she had her life sorted.
(A part of her hoped that Cassian might be willing to pretend a bitlonger too).  
“You know, I knew it,” Danielle hastily cut in. “I don’t know how, but Ialways knew it was you two! OMG, you’re like a movie or something!”
“You know, we had that exact same conversation on our way here,” Jynsaid, pulling back to give Cassian a pointed look.
“Well then,” Danielle’s smile was definitely edging into painfulterritory now, but that was what Jyn was hoping for. “I guess I’ll, erm–”
Jyn didn’t let her answer. She reached up and threaded a hand intoCassian’s hair, ignoring Danielle completely as she hauled him into her body.Danielle’s words died off immediately as Jyn kissed him with edge, with armswrapping around his neck and with that kind of energy that suggested that theywere only minutes away from pushing each other up against the gifts table.Honestly, she forgot the wedding, the people and the ex-girlfriend for amoment. All she knew was the inside of Cassian’s mouth and the things itwas doing to her.
Danielle hovered awkwardly for the entire five minutes it took her tofinally realise that they weren’t surfacing anytime soon.
“Well, see you guys around then!” she eventually trilled.
“–oh fucking lord,” Cassian gasped, pulling away once she was out of theirline of sight. “Oh fucking LORD, we just did that. She just did that. Am Idead?”
“Not yet.”
“I thought you said no tongue?”
“I don’t bloody know, ok?” Jyn said exasperatedly. “By the time Irealised, I had already committed. Kill me all right?”
“Nah, nah, I mean,” Cassian coughed, avoiding her eye. “the tongue wasgood.”
Honestly, a part of her wanted to simply laugh back the tongue was good? but something shot through her at his words. Maybe it was theawkward way he said them, maybe it was the fact that she could still feel himagainst her mouth, but either way something choked her throat and settled inher chest. When she looked up at him she felt her face growing hot.
“Jesus Christ, this was an insane idea,” he added, hastily.
“Well, we can’t go back now,” Jyn said, shaking her head. “C’mon, mate.Let’s go dance.”
(An hour later, she was still ignoring whatever it was that was in herchest).
Neither of them claimed to be good dancers, but the open bar surehelped. “Honestly, the drunker we get the better,” Jyn had added at one point,seeing as every good wedding had to be ruined by at least someone who got toodrunk to function and eventually rounded off the night with throwing up into anewly gifted vase. Traditionally, the more she and Cassian drank, the more theyembarrassed themselves and the equation only got higher when you added the twoof them together.
It was the perfect combination, really.
“CAN YOU PLAY WEIRD AL’S AMISH PARADISE?” she had screamed at the DJ atone point. “THAT’S THE SONG WE FIRST HAD SEX TO!”
“IT WAS?” Cassian had yelled back.
And so the last hour had resulted in many, many dances to increasinglywedding-inappropriate songs that had the guests roaring with laughter andDanielle no doubt fuming at. Jyn’s memory admittedly got a little fuzzy aroundthe fifth (or maybe sixth?) champagne, but she certainly did remember wrappingherself around Cassian and sloppily making out on the dance floor to the sultrytunes of Big Sean’s ‘I don’t fuck withyou’.
Somewhere between the sixth and seventh drinks, they discovered thephoto booth in the foyer, complete with little basket of novelty props. A largecanvas was mounted on the wall next to it, currently half full with photostrips of varying wedding guests wearing miniature hats and sunglasses. ‘Please help us make our night memorable!’ a small note read above it and Cassian had gotten the idea thistime.
“I’m going to hell for this… but Jyn, would you please make out with mein the photo booth?”
“It’d be my fucking pleasure,” she had declared.
She was still laughing about it afterwards. Their photos they hadpurposefully posted right in the middle of the canvas, complete with thescrawled message of ‘thnx 4 inviting us!’. She had lost Cassian however during a trip to the bathroom, and shetried to not make it too obvious that she was staggering back into the hall,clinging onto the nearest table to stay upright. He wasn’t waiting where shehad left him, and couldn’t see him anywhere near the dance floor. For a moment,she panicked that he had somehow tracked Danielle down somewhere and was busybegging for her back, but no, Danielle was accounted for, currently making therounds and chatting to all of her guests. She caught her eye and Jyn mock wavedwith a grin, only to turn it into a curse when the woman apparently took it asher cue to come over.
“Fucking Jesus, Dani, I’m not drunk enough for this–” she whined.
Danielle stomped to a halt in front of her. The charade was gone. Allpleasantries left at the door. This was the bitch underneath the smiles and shewas apparently not humouring her anymore.
“What is your problem?” she snapped. “Why are you intent on ruining mywedding?”
“Hey, you fuckin’ invited me.”
“I invited Cassian,” she reiterated. “If I’d known he’d be bringing you, I wouldn’t havebothered.”
“Why did you bother, though?” Jyn tried very hard to keep track of theconversation. It was difficult when one could barely stand upright. “I mean,you broke his fucking heart, wasn’t that enough? Did you really have to stompall over it, too? Who the fuck even does that?”
“Oh, like you have literally ANY idea–”
“I see you didn’t answer the question–”
“I never meant to hurt him,” she suddenly bit out. “It wasn’t as if I wanted to cancel my own wedding twoweeks before! No one wants to fucking do that, but I was getting married forall the wrong reasons. Sure, it might’ve helped if I figured out howimmature and insecure I was being a bit earlier, but sorry that I’m a dumbass bitch whotook my sweet time, ok?” 
Jyn just stared at Danielle. It really wasn’t the story she had beenexpecting, but maybe it should have been. At the end of the day, Daniellewasn’t a bad person. She was certainly an annoying person, a self-centred andmanipulative person, but never bad. There was a woman in there that Cassian Andor had managed to fall inlove with after all, one that she had reluctantly called a friend. She wasstill in there.
That was good enough for her.
“Ok,” she said, simply.
Danielle nodded before taking the champagne glass out of Jyn’s hands anddraining it herself. “I am happy for you guys, by the way,” she insisted.
“You don’t have to–”
“Nah, it’s fine,” she gave a strained smile. “Honestly, maybe anotherreason I left breaking it off so late is because a part of me was secretlyhoping he would do it first.”
“Why in the hell would he have done that?”
“Because of you,” Danielle shrugged.
She found him outside.
Sat on the steps that led from the ballroom out onto the rolling lawnsof the hotel grounds, his back was only a silhouette but she knew it was him.She clung to the handrail until she could throw herself down beside him,nudging his shoulder lightly. “Hey,” she said. “you disappeared.”
He drew in a shaky, rattling breath, and it was only then she realisedthat he had been crying.
“Oh, fuck,” she said at once.
“I’m fine, Jyn.”
“No you’re not, you’re – oh,god –” She was ill-equipped to deal with emotions on her best of days! Whenshe was drunk, she may as well pat him on the head and say ‘there, there’ forall the good she could do. But still, this was Cassian so she had to try. Shewrapped both her arms around his, hugging it to her body and resting her headagainst his shoulder. Cassian sniffed loudly, rubbing a sleeve across his face,but thankfully not shoving her off. She stayed quiet until eventually, hecalmed down.
“This was supposed to be mine.”
She stayed staring off into the grounds, squeezing his arm tighter.
“All of this, Jyn. The wife, the wedding, the lifetime spent togetherforever, this was supposed to be mine. Where the hell did it all go wrong?”
“It’s not your fault,” Jyn murmured.
“Isn’t it? How did I not realise?” he said. “Honestly, there must havebeen warning signs, things that I ignored or something, because no one just dumps you twoweeks before your wedding out of the blue like that.”
 “I just spoke to her,” Jyn mentioned. “Well, I say I spoke to her,it was more like she cornered me… but she said some things. Do you want me totell you?”
He shifted a little and she knew he was glancing down at her. “Yes.”
“Are you sure?”
“Jyn, I need to know why she did this.”
She took a deep breath. “She said she realised she was getting marriedfor the wrong reasons. She did love you, but she mentioned the words immatureand insecure, so I’m guessing she only said yes to getting married because itwas the way to hold onto you… maybe she didn’t quite grasp the finality of itall until it hit her…”
Cassian sighed.
“She also mentioned me.”
She hadn’t meant to say that part. Hell, she still didn’t really knowhow to process that particular statement herself, that part was supposed to beburied and ignored for the rest of their given lives! Christ in heaven, youcouldn’t even give drunk her one job! She had no idea what to say to try anddefuse the situation (or even if anything COULD be said) and so she ended upstaying silent, her grip on his arm loosening a little.
When she tried to pull away, he grabbed her hand in the dark and pulledher back, holding it tight.
“Ah, well,” he was apparently going to laugh it off. “We always knew shedidn’t like you.”
“Dunno why,” Jyn said. “I’m a splendid bitch.”
“Look, please don’t think I blame you–”
“Nah, nah, shut up,” Jyn quickly waved past it. “Either way, are you oknow?”
“I’m far from ok,” Cassian mentioned. “but at least I think I’ll be ableto get over it. Someday.” 
“Good. Now let’s go bail early to piss her off one last time.”
“Sounds perfect.” Cassian was the first to move, heaving himself up onthe handrail before turning back to her and offering out a hand. Jyn stillwasn’t quite sure what exactly had gone down between them thisevening. More than a nothing, but less than a something… it waslike the idea of the two of them had simply been dangled teasingly infront of her nose and for the first time in her life, she was actually thinkingabout what it would be like to grab it. Jyn felt that undercurrent thatDanielle had always been so afraid of, the one that was currently thrummingbetween them, and the thoughts simultaneously terrified her and thrilled her…
(But they’d be fine. Tomorrow was a new day, and they would wakeup and this would all be fine). 
She took his hand.
“Thanks for doing this with me, by the way,” Cassian mentioned in thecar on the way home. 
“What, ruining your ex’s wedding for you?”
“Yeah, that,” he snorted. “We never mention the amount of kissing we’vedone to either Bodhi or Kay, by the way.”
“Oh, you can count on it,” Jyn said.
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt St (Monster Roommate AU) CH16
Fluff incoming! So two new characters are showing up in this short little chapter! And Pennywise finally takes his first bath in decades. Wow what an accomplishment! 
Uncle Ashley 
“Look its a long story I just want to take care of my stab wounds first.” Leech was still in Penny’s arms clutching his silk costume
“Why are you nearly naked?” Freddy asked raising his eyebrows.
“Shut up Kruger.” Penny growled.
“Hey Fred you gonna introduce me to the bald babe and the uh… circus freak?” came a strangers voice it was gruff and cocky.
“Ah shit of course you'd have someone here when I'm half nude and bleeding out.” Leech lolled her head back.
“It's not a bad look doll face!” the stranger came into the room now he was roguishly handsome with a large chin and a missing hand.
Pennywise growled at the stranger. “Back off human”
“What are ya gonna do Bozo, throw a pie in my face?”
Pennywise stepped forward to stare down the human. “Now now boys. Im flattered really but Pen are you forgetting that my leg is currently leaking all over the floor.” Penny grumbled and moved to set her down on the couch the movement causing her to feel light headed.
“So what exactly happened?” Chucky asked
“Um well Leech finally killed a guy…. which was beautiful… attacked me and the servant….and……”
“And then what?” the gang looked on in anticipation.
“I…we…” the clown blushed a bit
“Wow and here I thought I was depraved. Really putting the freak in circus freak ey Bozo?”the human cringed.
“That’s Pennywise to you human. ANYWAY we got into an argument Leech did something stupid”
“You accidentally told her you loved her didn't you” Freddy sneered.
“I- NO “
“He totally did” Leech said weakly from the couch.
“I still cant see why you wont say it. Everyone knows at this point.” Chucky rolled his eyes
“I am a eldritch creature from the macroverse I don't love”
“Don't make the same mistake I did kid”
“Why is everyone calling me kid I'm older than humanity its self.”
“Because you’re being a bitch” came Leech’s weak voice from the couch.
“You're lucky you're injured darling.”
Leech tried to laugh but ended up wincing and coughing in pain. “I don't have sympathy for you” Pennywise glared down at her.
“Bring me some juice Pen” she reached out a shaky hand still coughing.
“Do I look like your care taker?”
“If you love me you'll bring me some” she looked at him weakly while pouting
The clown sighed and walked into the kitchen. “You're the best!” she called after him blowing a kiss which he caught and proceeded to throw into the blender.
“So wait he did this to you?” the human asked.
“Nah this was from those kandarian guys.” Leech was struggling to talk wheezing more and more.
“Ah our mutual friends fan fucking tacstic.”
“Fred who is this guy?”
“Names Ash, S-Mart employee by day demon killer by night.” he took Leech’s hand and kissed it. “heard you had a problem with a book, my book, came to get it back.”
Pennywise returned and handed her a pitcher flashing his fangs and growling protectively at the human. Leech drained the container violently making inhuman growls and moans the whole time.
“I uh take it she's not….”
“No. She is one of mine.” Dracula spoke up from the door as he and Jim entered the room.
“JIMBO! GET OVER HERE” leech shouted relieved to see her servant in one piece.
“Master you're injured can you not make things worse” she was crushing him in a headlock before finally letting him go. Jim looked up at Penny and nodded.
They caught everyone up on the story, Pennywise leaving out the part as to why Leech was mad at him in the first place. “So what are our options here?” asked Chucky
“We need the book. Who ever has it is probably responsible for this.”
“Didn't you lose it? Doesn't that make you responsible?”
“I didn't lose it ok it was stolen.”
“When did you realize that?”
“Three hours ago.”
“Ash this shits been going on for days.”
They discussed their options. Finally deciding to split up in the morning to ask around town if anyone else was having trouble with deadites. Leech was forced to stay back due to her still healing despite her protests. She could barely walk but she hated feeling useless like this. When all was said and done everyone began to leave to go about their business.
“So I'm going to die now aren't I.” the younger vampire turned to her mentor.
“It is the final step child.”
“You guys will… be there when I… you know, kick it right? We may be dysfunctional as fuck but I consider you guys family. Most of you. *cough* Freddy…”
“My dear you're the deadbeat daughter I never had I will be there” Dracula smiled.
“Don't worry sweetie well stick around wont we?” Tiffany said from the stairs.
The other monsters smiled and nodded it was the least they could do for her, after all they were family now.
“Penny?” Leech turned to the clown who had yet to say something.
“Uh…sure.. I guess…”
“That’s your response?” Dracula glared at Pennywise.
“Get off my back old man.”
“You're older than me.”
“SO YOU ADMIT IT!” Pennywise shot up excitedly.
“Wow hey dying here, dealing with some deep existential crisis shit” Leech waved her arms around.
“Stop being so needy.” Penny pushed her hand away.
“Says the guy who knocked an entire stack of books off my shelf so I’d pay attention to him.”
“It worked though.” he gave her a teasing smile.
“So you’re going to stay then?”
“Don't have much of a choice.” he grabbed her hand squeezing it and giving her a quick grin before anyone else could see.
“So, when are we going to do this?” Leech asked.
“We could do it now…” Freddy suggested.
“Not a good idea”
“Explain Williams.” the younger vampire demanded.
“You leave an empty vessel for those things to take and well have to put you down permanently.”
“So what you're saying is I'm stuck.”
Leech put her head in her hand and pulled it down her face “shit.”
Leech awoke in her bed, every inch of her body ached and stung. It also didn't help that Church the cat had decided to sleep on top of her. Its like the undead feline knew her ribs were still healing and he did it just to spite her.
“Church you evil asshole! You never let me pet you then you pull this shit? No wonder you and Penny get along so well.” the cat began kneeding her chest for extra insult to injury. Just as she reached out to FINALLY pet the undead feline Penny came in with a glass of blood for her. Church woke up hissed and trotted over to him. “REALLY? I was just about to finally win him over”
Pennywise chuckled walking over to her, Church rubbing against his legs purring. “Here drink, don't say I never do anything nice for you.”
She sighed and took the glass struggling to hoist herself up. “Did everyone leave?” she asked taking a sip. “Some of us are still here. Keeping watch.” He replied.
“Come sit with me?”
“I have things to do.”
“Please Pen? I need it.”
“Will this make you heal faster?” he sighed.
“No. I just like annoying you.”
“You do a great job of it” he grumbled and flopped on the other side of the bed arms folded.
She finished her glass and leaned against him nuzzling his bells so they jingled against her nose. “Stop that.” He glared and shrunk down lower onto the bed. She responded by playing with his hair wrapping a finger behind his ear and massaging it.
“Cut it out” he growled while leaning into the touch
“Uh huh, sure Pen.” the vampire kept going ignoring the clowns empty protest, moving her hand to the back of his head. She made her fingers into claws and used them like a wire head massager. Pennywise tilted his head back.
“The door is open someone will see.” he was groaning and purring loudly drooling more than usual
“What? You embarrassed someone will hear you actually enjoy yourself?”
The clown was melting into the touches.
“You're injured and yet you still find ways to torture me.”
“I know you poor thing having to endure relaxing head massages”
“I suffer so much” he smiled in delight still purring.
Dracula eventually floated into the room followed by Jim who was carrying fresh bandages for Leech’s leg wound. They both stopped when they heard the content sounds rumbling from Pennywise who was now leaning his head against Leech as she ran her claws through his hair.
“Ah apprentice! You are finally awa-……Clown? Are you purring?”
“N-NO!” Penny jumped off the bed.
“Do you uh want us to come back later?” Jim asked amused.
“The cat just ran down the stairs.” Dracula gave him a smug grin.
“We shall return later don't get carried away now love birds!”they backed out of the room. Penny crashed onto the bed face first groaning. After a couple seconds he picked up Leech’s hand and placed it back on the back of his head, she snorted and continued the massage hearing the soft purr begin again.
Leech had been texting Tiffany frustrated that she couldn't be out looking for whoever had the book. She had been sitting alone all day and the guilt was consuming her. She wished Penny was still here, as annoying as he was. He had gone out to stock up his pantry more knowing that he'd need the nourishment when they eventually have to clear the sewer.
The young vampire decided to at least try to take a bath since the feel of the hot water would be soothing on her bruises and she was freezing in the cold fall air. She attempted to stand her injuries protesting shooting pain through her system. Leech managed to make it off the bed and onto the floor. “guess theres no turning back now.” She mumbled. Crawling to the bathroom was exhausting the poor vampire had left scratches in the floor boards as she went, she was being incredibly stubborn and probably making everything worse but she was going to get clean dammit.
When she finally collapsed against the bathroom door she attempted to remove her shirt wincing as she raised her arms above her head. Her shorts came next and then the bandages. Everything hurt, tears stung her face as she growled in pain and frustration. “Why me? Why am I the one to take the brunt of this abuse?” she felt small and so alone in the bathroom. All she wanted was a new start, every time something good happened to her, every time she felt a little bit of happiness in her life something else went wrong. Leech attempted to stand and look in the mirror. She cried out in frustration over not being able to see how bad of shape she was in. “Thats right I forgot I'm a fucking monster now.” she sobbed and sunk against the wall she was frustrated and defeated beyond belief.
Pennywise had come up to check in, he was bored out of his mind not being able to prowl his sewer and whenever he wasn't feeding himself he always tried to bother Leech. When he saw she wasn't in her room her grumbled following the trail of claw marks in his flooring. The clown was about to scold her when he heard a sob he pressed his ear to the door. “What the hell am I becoming? I never asked for this.” the clown cracked the door open to find his favorite vampire was on the floor head resting on knees.
“What are you doing?” Penny grumbled, annoyed.
“Go away Pen, I'm feeling sorry for myself. You probably don't want to deal with me anyway”
“You're right I don’t. Stop being sad.”
“Not like I can just turn it off.”
“Looks like I have to deal with you then.” he walked over to her his figure towered over the vampire making her feel even smaller. “Why are you upset?”
“I hate what I am and what I’ve done.”
“I ran away from my problems I let myself become… this and now everyone is paying for it because I cant even get being a undead right. I should have just given up.” Tears ran down her eyes and she grabbed her long ears folding them forward like one would pull their own hair.
Penny glared down at her in anger. Great now he's mad at me too. Leech thought. He moved down quickly pinning her against the wall. She sobbed harder in fear and sadness.
“Never be ashamed of what you are little hunter.” he spat. “I didn't choose just anyone to be my mate Leech. The way you kill… My dear you weren't meant to be human, you were meant to float above them.”
“But the D-Deadites… If I-I wasn't weak….” she stammered out through the tears.
He scoffed and grabbed her face forcing her to stare at him. “Weak she says. Hunters are not weak little Leech. You worry too much about dying, that is something humans do. You are not human, oh no you're much better. That is why you're mine.” he leaned in closer to her narrowing his eyes when he didn't immediately see her cheer up. Pennywise growled and closed the gap between their mouths letting out a rumble before he broke the kiss abruptly and pushed her face back. He got up to leave but was stopped when Leech shot up grabbing his ruffled collar she had a newly lit fire in her eyes. The vampire pulled him back to her mouth kissing him hard growling back at him “Theres my little monster” he snarled against her mouth. She bit his bottom lip before breaking the kiss, breathing heavy and staring at him.
“Feeling better?” the clown smirked proud of his little pep talk.
“I need to clean my wounds.” was all she said not wanting him to see the ghost of a smile finally forming on her tear stained face.
“Are you asking for my help?” he picked up a clean washcloth following her over to the extra large bathtub as she tested the water.
“Get in the tub jackass.” the clown’s lips curled into a smile.
“I still cant believe I got you to take off the costume.” Leech pressed her own naked flesh against the clowns pasty white skin on her back.
“Just this once.” Pennywise was lightly tracing his fingers over the marks he had left on her from previous encounters. She took notice of this and turned to him a worried look in her eye.
“How beat up do I look?”
“You look fine Leech.”
“But like is it noticeable?”
“If you really must know here…..” he stood up leaving the tub. Penny shifted into a reflection of his vampire secretly making sure that his version looked just as pretty as he thought she was. “See? Still beautiful.”
“flatterer.” she sank back into the water cheeks darkening a bit.
The clown smiled and turned back sporting a silk pink nightgown.
“Penny, what the hell is that?”
“What? You and Tiffany were wearing them last week and they looked comfy. I just took a bath for the first time in decades, I'm getting comfy.”
“Help me get dressed you dork.”
Leech pulled the shirt over her head wincing a bit while using Penny as support. He scooped her up to carry her back to her room Leech wrapped her arms around his neck resting her head on his collar.
“Hey Pen?”
“Don't let it get around. I have a reputation to uphold…”
The clown grumbled trying not to look at her, those feelings and smells threatening to overtake him again. She reached her hand up and pulled his face back to hers before smiling and whispering “I love you” against his soft lips. Pennywise's eyes flew open wide, face the color of his bathrobe. The feelings got to him anyway and the terrifying monster kissed his little hunter. He growled against her mouth in pure adoration. Stupid feelings.
A knock came at the bathroom door Penny nearly dropped Leech as they jumped back.
“Occupied!” they said in unison.
“Junior?! Well, well, well! That a chick I hear in there with you?”
“Oh you've got to be kidding me.” Pennywise groaned.
“Open up its Uncle Penny we need to have a chat.”
Leech gave Pennywise a look. Shit. The clown mentally cursed. The intruder barged into the bathroom. Leech was wide eyed and confused to see a second evil clown who apparently was also called Pennywise. The new clown looked at his nephew in disbelief.
“Um I can explain.”
PAPPA’S HERE! Also I’m hype we finally have Ash too he’s one of my all time favorite horror characters!
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fanfic-scribbles · 7 years
13. Mirror
A/N: Almost late, whew. I had a hard time writing this one, at first. I started much later than I wanted, but once I got going…I didn’t ‘stop’ so much as I imagined I would. I thought this would be, like, 300 words by the skin of my teeth.
Words: 1995. Oops.
Warnings: Nothing, really. Language, mile gore (nothing detailed though).
“Seriously? Like ‘mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all’?”
“Was that mirror even evil?” Dean asks and you shrug.
“Can you two focus?” Sam asks. Dean rolls his eyes back onto the road and you grumble and lean over Sam’s shoulder. You don’t actually read the screen because you know Sam’s just gonna rattle it off for you. It’s just as well; the sun is too bright and glaring and the font is tiny. You rest your head on the seat and shut your eyes.
“Deaths have been picking up in the last couple of years, all following this mirror,” Sam says. “One of the more recent victims, Mrs. Sandra Doyle, apparently told her sister she had seen some other woman when she looked into it. A day later, Sandra and her husband were found dead.”
“So like ‘Bloody Mary’?” Dean asks.
You snort. “Bloody Mary isn’t real.”
“Not the historic one. That we’ve found.” Sam smiles with his voice. “But we did get a ghost that once– hey; are you sleeping?”
“Yes, I often talk in full sentences when I sleep.” You crack open one eye to glare at Sam. “The sun’s bright. I’m listening.”
“Ah, it’s okay Sammy. Our little killer’s just daydreaming about pretty blue eyes and what an angel knows what to do with a tie,” Dean says and clicks his tongue.
You think of the myriad ways you can respond to that. Since Cas isn’t here and has been forbidden from popping into the car without prior warning, you go with: “My, my; is that competition I hear?”
“Nah; we decided we’re better off as friends.” Dean’s green eyes meet yours in the rearview mirror and he winks. “You go get ‘im, tiger.”
“Ugh!” You smack the back of his head lightly. “I hate you sometimes.”
“Hey, hey, no hitting the driver.” Dean smirks and your stomach sinks at the promise of embarrassment in his tone. “I don’t care how cranky you are that you’re not gettin’ any.”
“Oh my God, Dean!”
“Anyways!” Sam says loudly over your righteous fuming and Dean’s infuriating laughter. You’re silent and Dean uses that time to otherwise nonverbally gloat. Sam shakes his head. “But seriously, mutilated victims with no other way of entry or not, there’s one thing that doesn’t add up to this being a ghost: there’s always a robbery to go along with the murders.”
“What?” you ask.
“Then how is this even our thing? Psycho burglar?” Dean asks but Sam shakes his head.
“There’s too much about these murders that isn’t humanly possible. But what would a ghost need with money and jewelry?” Sam asks rhetorically. “I figure Dean and I will play FBI and go down to the station and see the bodies. You, take these.” He hands back a pile of print-outs and you start going through them. “In there is the address for the most recent crime scene; it should still be closed off. Take the EMF reader with you and look around for anything strange.”
“All right; we have a plan!” Dean says. “If things go well, by tomorrow we’ll be smashing Cinderella’s evil mirror.”
“Snow White,” you and Sam say in unison.
Dean huffs and grumbles, “Who even cares. Freakin’ nerds.”
“You okay?”
You pant and nod and struggle to sit up. Because you’re you, and the Winchesters still have the shittiest luck in any plane of existence, nothing has gone well. It was a ghost. And a witch. Thankfully, Cas is here, helping you up, and the witch is–
Sam and Dean and you all cry out when you’re thrown away from each other. You feel a little pressure but you slip out from under it, grab your gun, and get back on your feet to see Sam and Dean, suspended and pinned to the wall behind the witch who, while battered and bruised, is now holding a knife at Cas’s throat. It’s not an angel blade and Cas looks like he’s going to smite her where she stands, but you still don’t know where the mirror is.
Cas, let her think she’s won for a second, you pray quickly. Cas blinks, but slowly raises his hands as if surrendering. Dean and Sam look confused but they shut their mouths. You swallow hard, and with your gun still pointed right at her, you force your hands to shake just enough to be noticeable. You can still kill her if necessary, but you need to be convincing.
“Oh, a baby hunter.” She laughs. “How cute. Put the gun down sweetheart, or I’ll slit his throat before moving onto the other ones.”
“I– I can’t!” you say, adding a waver to your voice that makes you sound pathetic and desperate. Sam and Dean force themselves neutral and you’re grateful for it. The last thing you need is Dean making this harder.
“Well, okay then.” She shrugs. “But with the way you’re shaking you’re more likely to hit the giant idiots behind me, or the one in front of me. Keep that in mind.”
You shake your head. You swallow hard again, making sure it’s visible. “Why– why are you doing this? Killing entire families…it can’t really just be for money, can it?”
“What can I say? Spell casting is an expensive hobby,” she says. You’re tempted to roll your eyes. Because there are a few noticeable touch-ups on Samantha’s body that probably weren’t cheap either. And yes, Samantha, because she definitely isn’t young enough to be Sabrina.
“I bet spell ingredients for a hex bag to protect yourself from a murderous ghost are pretty damn pricey,” Sam says.
“Oh honey. I don’t need protection,” the witch says. She narrows her eyes at you and her smile is chillingly wicked. It’s kind of all you can do not to just shoot her in the face. “You came looking for the mirror, right? Well be careful what you wish for, because you’re about to find it. Go to the desk and look behind it.”
You hesitate and she presses the dagger to draw a line of blood. Cas stiffens appropriately and you gasp– legitimately, on instinct. You know Cas is fine, probably doesn’t even feel it, but the sight of him being ‘hurt’ gets you at a gut level. You back up, gun in hand, and do as she says. Bingo, you think as you lean the mirror against the desk and pull away the sheet covering it.
The ghost appears immediately within it and you jerk back a few steps. Dean calls your name, and Cas’s. Cas repeats your name in your head but you’re on high alert now and ‘pray’ a quick, Cas, I’ve got this!
You take aim.
“Are you seriously going to shoot a ghost?” the witch laughs mockingly.
The ghost is a sad, angry thing; she looks young but has long gray hair that waves like it’s being blown by a slow-motion wind. She approaches you with jerky motions, but your eyes travel to a button on her shoulder. At first it seems no different from the one on her other shoulder, but then it glints in the light and in that moment you can tell it doesn’t belong.
You fire and shatter it. The ghost stops. The witch chokes in a breath. The ghost now looks less angry– more confused. You breathe a sigh of relief and relax. “What- what have you done?!” Samantha screams.
“Okay Cas,” you say, dropping all pretense and looking at the hag with as much contempt as you can. The witch, enraged, slices right across Cas’s throat and shoves him forward.
Though you cringe at the sight of Cas with such a gruesome injury, you take no small amount of satisfaction when the witch gapes at him not falling, and the way her eyes widen when he turns back to her. “What are you?!” she gasps and stumbles back.
“Let me show you,” Cas says lowly and holds his hand towards her, going to smite. The ghost suddenly appears next to him and grabs his wrist. He stops and looks at her, and they both stare silently for a moment. Cas lowers his arm and nods his head at the witch.
“No!” she screams and starts chanting. You figure she’s trying to trap the ghost back in the mirror so you do the only thing you can– you grab it and throw it as hard as you can to the floor. The glass smashes to pieces.
“NO!” the witch howls and that’s the last thing she ever says before the spirit gets her hooks into her. You turn away and wince at the sounds that will stay with you forever, but you don’t really regret what you did. Fucked up as it is.
Cas stands next to you and you feel better for his presence, even if he’s only barely touching his hand to your arm. You wait until the noise has ceased and turn to see the ghost, her last victim, and Sam and Dean holding out weapons at her and inching away. The ghost slowly turns back to face you and Cas and she looks tired, with a sad smile.
“No reaper will come to collect you, I’m afraid,” Cas says to her. “You can go on your own, or we can help you along. I recommend letting go, though. You are free now.”
She waits a moment and then nods. She aims a smile at you, and then…glows, and fades into nothing.
You release a breath, as do Sam and Dean. “Good job,” Sam says and ruffles your hair.
“Yeah. We are still torching that mirror,” Dean says, looking at the mess on the floor. “Pick up the pieces and put it on the base; Sam and I are gonna check for hex bags so we can burn it all at once.”
“Gotcha,” you say and kneel down as they leave the room. It isn’t a big job, as everything is contained in mostly one area. As you pick up a large shard that had gotten turned over mirror side up, though, your breath catches in your throat.
In it you can see Cas behind you, looking elsewhere, but stretching out from behind him, curving around you is…you squint. It’s getting fuzzy but that is definitely his wing. And it is, without a doubt his wing, around you. Around you. You feel giddy and test it by moving forward and holy shit it moves with you. You quickly set the piece with the others and resist the urge to look again. It’s probably a coincidence. Hell, the mirror might not even necessarily show the truth. That thought depresses you –you remember a flash of something from the night you were poisoned and it’d be nice to see it when you’re not dying– but you stow the image away as simple wishful thinking.
Later that night you’re all sitting or leaning on Baby’s hood and watching the witch’s implements burn. Including the mirror. Sam comments absently, “I wonder how she trapped the ghost in there. We found the spell work for controlling spirits but nothing mentioned how to place a ghost like that.”
“She put an enchantment on the mirror itself,” Cas says. “I noticed one of the spells on it was to reveal things that cannot normally be seen by the human eye.”
You perk up, a shadow of black feathers crossing your mind. “Really?”
Cas nods solemnly. “It is good that it has been destroyed.”
You find you can’t fully agree with him, but you smile nonetheless. You think of the way that wing curved around you –protective– and the feeling that Cas gave you by his ‘mere presence’ when the ghost was finishing her business with the witch. Was that his wing too? His wings? Singular or plural, you can’t help but have a little hope. Maybe this thing with Cas is a little less one-sided than you thought.
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nanalikessurveys · 4 years
Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet? No, i’m so unfortunate haha Is there a random object you own that has a huge personal significance? Not really lol Do you use Google? Yes, everyday Would you like to go swimming right now? No, not right now Can you play electric guitar? I can’t
Do you have an HDTV? I’m not sure lol, it’s just a TV to me When was the last time you drank something through a straw? I have no idea, i usually don’t use a straw Have you ever tried to teach yourself a different language? Not really How long was your last phone call? About 2 mins which is long for me haha
Do you need to repaint your nails? I don’t have them painted and i don’t feel like doing it now Has there ever been a horoscope that came true for you? I don’t read horoscopes Are you a fan of industrial metal? No, i don’t like metal music Are you one of those people who chew two pieces of gum, not one? Yeah sometimes
Do you have a wall calendar? I don’t 
Have you ever taken the pictures from a calendar and used them as posters? Nope Can you handle the cold? Better than the heat for sure, i love cold weather Have you ever been to Canada? No Do you believe in superstitions? Not really When was the last time you took a taxi somewhere? When i went to the vet with my cat, i don’t own a car i don’t feel comfortable going to the bus with my cat lol Would you ever join the army, airforce or navy? I wouldn’t How old is the person you last kissed? 25 Is there a friend that you can always rely on to get you out of a jam? I hope so :( What was the most embarassing thing you’ve had to buy? I still get a bit embarrassed buying pads. and also underwear when there’s a guy cashier LOL i’m so stupid Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on? Haha yep Do you believe in ghosts / supernatural occurences? No, i never had any experience with them luckily Have you ever mistaken a person’s gender? I’m sure but they never knew about it What was the most expensive thing you’ve broken? My phone Has anyone texted you yet today? Yes Did you stay calm during the whole swine flu scare? I think i did, but i remember getting the shots in school and being scared af Is there a light on in the room you’re currently in? Yes Are your feet touching the floor? My left foot is Have you ever been in a car accident? No, luckily Do you usually make back-up plans? Yep Can you focus well in high-stress situations? NO, definitely no Without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes? They’re pretty long and i love them, if they were darker i would never wear mascara again Is there a kind of music you listen to that helps you release your anger? I don’t listen to music when i’m angry Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? Yeah Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? She’s weird in the nicest way possible Is there anyone you dread going into public with? No Are you a victim of writing run-on sentences? I have no idea what that means Graffiti: an art or an act of vandalism? There’s amazing ones and then the stupid ones lol. like there’s factor area near my neighborhood with AMAZING looking graffitis on the walls, they looks so nice Do you buy things online? Sometimes, i did order bunch of underwear couple days ago lol Are you easily frightened? I’m afraid of lot of things but i don’t get jumpy? like jumpscares are lame hahah Do you have a favorite model? Gigi and Bella Hadid are gorgeous. Also Gaspard Ulliel is the definition of perfect tbh Have you ever watched Titanic? Yep What’s your current facebook display picture of? I’m not on facebook, seriously every survey assumes i am lol How about your IM display picture? It’s of me Is there anyone whose hair you envy? My therapist’s lmao, she has long, blonde and silky hair Would you act in a movie if it offered a role? No, i was like 7 years old when i attended this movie camp where we made bunch of short movies and then we watched them in the end of the camp and I CRINGED SO FUCKING HARD AT MYSELF LMAO like i was so bad and i haven’t gotten any better since then Does speaking in front of people make you nervous? YES, school presentations are the worst. literally everytime in grade school i had one there was this one motherfucker who just had to yell something about me having to speak up Can you read in a moving vehicle or does it make you sick? I don’t read in vehicles because of that reason Have you ever dated someone who was extremely shy? Not really, i wouldn’t have called him shy Or have you dated someone who took things too fast? Mmm yes Does the idea of driving 220 mph sound exciting to you? Nope Everyone has a weakness, what’s yours? Good dancers, lol Do you or anyone you know have an account on Deviantart? I don’t and i don’t think anyone i know has one Thoughts on the Dunkin Donut commercial that says “America runs on Dunkin’”? I don’t know that commercial Do you bother buying movies on DVD anymore or do you just download them? I buy movies on DVD still, yes Do you listen to Daughtry? No Do you get your eyebrows waxed? No, i pluck them
How do you take your coffee? With milk If you have a dog, what breed is it? I don’t Have you found someone who makes you unconditionally happy? I guess so Do you have a friend who always seems to be dying their hair? She has dyed her hair in the past couple times, but now she just has her natural color Would you swap names with a friend? Sure, but i’m happy with mine Do you plan on going to university? I don’t think so Guys who wear muscle shirts, yes or no? I had to google this and i got two different kinds of results, so i have no idea which muscle shirt are you talking about. anyway you can wear whatever you want pretty much Are you a fan of Carrie Underwood? I know about her but not any of her songs, so no Do you make playlists on iTunes? I don’t use iTunes Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? My friend’s birthday this year and i felt SO FUCKING BAD Are you scared of being left behind? Yes Do you remember your last dream? No. i never do Do you know someone who is an obsessed Star Wars fan? No one obsessed 
Is politics something you don’t care about? I don’t care about it that much, no What’s a movie/tvshow/book/series that is way overrated? I can’t think of any Do you think Barbie presents an unhealthy image to young girls? It’s not a realistic looking doll but does it really have to, it’s just a toy Is there a pet that you desperately want? Not anymore, i have two lovely cats Would you ever get your bellybutton pierced? I already did Are you musically talented? No Have you ever shot a gun? No Do you have a friend that always changes their mind last second? No Are you not afraid to voice your opinion? Yep, that’s me Are you one of those people who are always pushing their limits? Not really lol Is there a word that you will always find humorous? A lot of finnish words
Do you frown upon immature people? Idk Have you ever slipped on ice and hurt yourself? I have slipped many times but never hurt myself badly Do you try to have an intimidating impression? I guess, try is the key word tho Living in the big city or chilling in the country? City No one seems to obey the legal drinking age, do they? Haha no Do you like your country’s flag? Yeah i like the color combination. other than that it’s kinda meh Have you ever made a totally amazing snow fort? Not an amazing one Do you use Bounty Paper Towels? I don’t know them, are they like coconut scented lmao Are you the one usually behind the camera or the one in the picture? Behind If you get married, will you have a traditional wedding? Sure Do you feel you’re slowly losing one of your friends? Tbh it kinda feels like that now If you draw, what’s one thing you always have trouble with? Just everything Is there someone you know moving away any time soon? Probably my sister, but she’s not so sure yet Allergic to anything? Penicillin How many cars have you owned? Zero What are you going to do after this? Going to brush my teeth and wash my face and go to bed
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