#BHooked Podcast
bhookedcrochet · 6 years
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Episode 100...what?! Wow, what a ride! This week on the podcast I have a chat with Lee from Coco Crochet Lee and industry expert about how you can work in fiber arts if that’s your dream. She shares the different type of positions that are available, what skills you need and how to find job listings. Listen on iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play or if you don’t have a podcast player on your device, listen online here: http://bit.ly/2Dxbo1y
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knitcrate · 6 years
Knitcrate on the BHooked Podcast!
Join us as Hannah and Rob talk to Brittany from the BHooked Podcast. Thursday’s episode is now live and it’s a good one! Check it out here. 
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mooglyblog · 7 years
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Check out ME on the BHooked Crochet Podcast! 
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Do you struggle to choose the right yarn for your fall projects? If so, I have just the thing for you! Listen to episode 080 of the Bhooked Podcast and hear Kersti and Taeyu help you! Make Better Fall Projects by Using the Right Yarn http://bit.ly/2wYj8VM
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knitchic1278-blog · 6 years
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Listening to @bhooked podcast on my drive to work! #podcastaddict #crochet #crocheting #crochetaddict #crochetersofinstagram #instacrochet #alwaysthinkingcrochet https://www.instagram.com/p/BuqsEZ0F5Mh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=steh7bejmv09
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koigu · 6 years
Our Maker Life Conference - Chicago 2018
This past Saturday (July 14th) was the Our Maker Life Conference! We had an amazing time, and were inspired by not only the keynote speakers, but also by everyone who attended the conference. This year was our first time going to the conference, and our second time sponsoring the event. This year we discovered a common theme throughout the conference: not letting FEAR hold you back as a maker. 
If you're interested in learning more about the organization, visit their site to read about the journey to starting OML. The OML people also write fabulous blog posts focussing on crafting tips, which you can find on their website as well. 
Schedule of the Day 
The day opened with the keynote speaker Bhooked! Brittany had a very informative presentation on getting yourself off the ground, and put a particular emphasis on scheduling your time when working for yourself. After laying out the many hours of the week we have available for creating, many people in the audience were dumbfounded how they weren’t more productive! Brittany also focussed on fear and how it can hold us back from creating and putting our ideas into the world. Brittany is a jack of all trades, between her podcast, youtube tutorials and designing, she is a very busy woman! 
Next up was Jessica of the Hook Nook. As many of you may already know, we at Koigu love Jessica. She designed a beautiful crochet cardigan out of Koigu Chelsea for our Koigu Vill book. Jessica discussed a lot of her history and how if she had let fear of failure hold her back she would not be where she is today. Jessica was very raw in her speech, and we loved it! See more of Jessica on her site!
Next up was a presentation by fellow OML sponsor, Love Crafts. Almost every one of our bases is now available on the Love Knitting/Crochet, so you should definitely check out their website if you are in need of some Koigu yarn! Their presentation was focussed on their brand, as well as how makers can get involved on their site.
Our presentation happened after lunch and primarily focussed on our history. Prior to the talk I had the room sing happy birthday for both Taiu and attendee Susan Urasky as both of their birthdays happened to fall on the day of the conference!
There was a great panel following our talk, filled with questions looking for advice on some of the hardest parts of being a maker. We were so happy to have met so many new likeminded people! All the messages we’ve received since Saturday have been heart warming and we hope to continue these new relationships. Below are some photos in the great space that the event was held, in Chicago. We got to meet the Bluemouse and her beautiful cardigan that she designed in our Koigu KPM. Very excited to share that when the pattern is released. 
Missed the conference and want to see a glimpse into it? 
Watch this Vlog!
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ohmyknit · 7 years
Going with God to #OML2017
So I thought I would give you guys a little background info on my personality so you can understand my thoughts and actions better. I am a very shy person and I tend to hide that fact by being confidence. I am the last of five kids so I'm use to being part of groups where I never really had to do any the talking, figuring things out, etc. I don’t go out very often. I rather stay in and make, read, or watch anime. That being said here’s what’s was going through my mind when I went to attend the Our Maker Life 2017 Toronto Canada event.
Thursday (July 13, 2017) I left everything I knew behind to head to a country that I never been to, to meet a bunch of people I only knew from an online site. And although it was scarey it was an amazing experience. It had it's ups and downs but mostly a lot of firsts. It was the first time I took public transportation, an uber, and attended a knit night. This weekend I met complete strangers who turned into friends and people I felt like I known for years; only through their social media pages! What really loved about the whole experience was that everyone was exactly how they were online. Down below are my thoughts and feelings on the whole trip. Well at least my before and afters.
 Pre-trip thoughts:
I’m really looking forward to going on this trip. I’ve always wanted to travel but I never had a traveling partner. I’m hoping by going on this trip alone I will gain the confidence I need to start traveling on my own and also reach the point where I can live on my own in another state or country with minimal problems. It’s kind of weird going to a place where I don’t know anyone and will be on my own most of the time. Of course, there are the other makers that will be there but I have not met any of them offline before. It seems surreal to me that in an hour I’ll be on my way to the airport then eventually on a plane and leaving behind all that I’ve come to know in these last 17-24 years. It feel almost as if there will be a part of me that I’ll be leaving behind to die because when I get back I feel as though I will not it recognize it and it me. “The old has pass away.” My sister, Andie, said to me once, and I’m paraphrasing; “Living on your own is hard but you learn and experience so much. That makes it all worth it.” And my mentor told to me, “Being on your own is a bit surreal. Out there you’re all alone. Just you and God.”
My family is panicking because I am the youngest of the bunch and we usually always travel together. They’re worried and I just keep telling myself that, that’s what they are suppose to do. After all, they all love traveling in groups. I, however, found out that I love being alone so traveling alone seems like something that’s completely obvious, it’s funny because I didn’t find that little fact out until just last year. A lot of stuff changed last year;
Jan - I started going to a new church
July - I went to a concert out of town with a friend
Sept - I went to a concert out of town on my own while visiting a friend
Nov - I met up with a small group from my church to go a concert
Jan - June - Attended a bunch of different events my church was hosting; I haven’t made any friends yet so I’m usually alone. (Don’t get me wrong everyone at the church is sweet and helpful. I just haven’t found a buddy that I can hang with regularly.)
July - Going out of the country on my own to meet up with a group of friends
The Lord has guided me through all the new experiences and I believe that he will guide me and make my path straight to get to where he wants me to go. And the best part in the midst of all of this is that I am enjoying life. He has come to give us life to the fullest! No matter where you are. For I have plans for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11.
I did have to give myself a pep talk when I got nervous when I was in Canada though you can read about it here.
Pre-Trip Exceptions:
Weather: Cool but not freezing. Says it’s suppose to rain maybe. I brought an umbrella just in case.
Plane Ride: Long but I will keep myself entertained
Hotel: Nothing fancy and no wifi but it’s a great deal though. All I need is a roof and a bed.
Knit Night: I won’t know anyone and I might not make any new friends. But I will give lots of hugs.
Meet up: I should take notes. I’ll bring a notebook I might need to bring a bigger bag though. I will give lots of hugs.
Last Thoughts: So excited to go on this trip. My greatest fear is forgetting something but it’s okay because I can also buy what I don’t have. But still why buy when you can save?
 Post Trip thoughts:
It was loads of fun & I wouldn't trade it for the world. I definitely feel more confident with traveling on my own. Whenever I was nervous about something I simply prayed about it and that calmed me down. It almost felt like I’m been traveling for the longest. It felt so natural. I was able to easily communicate with people; even complete strangers! (That’s really big for me!) I checked in the hotel, I took public transportation; a bus and two trains to downtown all on my own! & I didn’t forget anything. The only downside was that I didn’t plan any sightseeing. Other than that I had a fantastic time. I even started planning my next trip as I was getting off the plane from Canada. I’m thinking at least one trip every 6-7 months.
Post Trip Reality:
Weather: It was really nice. Not nearly as hot as Florida it was more of a dry heat; which is so much better than a wet heat. It was chilly when the sun went down but nothing that I needed a winter coat for. Also no rain!
Plane Ride: Ascending sucked because my ears popped like crazy. The descent wasn’t too bad. I had my knitting with me so they time flew by. When I was flying back t; maybe it’s because I haven’t flew since 2008. Coming back was a breeze though; I was asleep (or trying to sleep) for most of the time; my flight was in the AM.
Hotel: There was wifi and my room was amazing. & I had it all to myself.
Knit Night: As soon as I sat down people started talking to me and I made good friends. It felt as though we knew with other even though we didn’t follow each other on Instagram. I suppose it’s because we had things in common.
Meet up: I took a few notes.The notebook fit into my smaller bag good thing to because we receive so much swag. The swag bag were seriously so big. I’m thinking I’ll contribute to next year’s swag. I also fangirled at everyone I knew.
Last Thoughts: Basically had the best time of my life. I’m seriously already looking forward to next year & planning out my vacation. Praise God that I can say all of this. Seriously God has blessed me and built me up to this point and He deserves all the glory.
Now enjoy these fabulous pictures:
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My first ever Knit Night! These ladies were so welcoming! Shout out to Courtney (@ilovetinderbox), Ania (@creativecolourfuldreams), Zoe (@knitbyzoe), Lauren (@amenagerieofstitches)  and Luna (@luna.craft).
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Sarah from @repeatcrafterme was the first one I took a picture with. I was talking with her for a good 5-10 mins and it wasn’t until we exchanged social media handles that I knew who she was. She is amazing!
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Jewell from @Northknits She knew who I was before I even introduced myself. She’s the founder of OML & a great speaker. You should listen to her Instagram lives!
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OMGOMGOMG  Brittany of @bhooked I fangirled so hard. She sounds just like her podcast. If you haven’t listened to them here’s the link. She taught me how to shop good deals for yarn.
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Chantal from @Knitatude She’s real you guys! & she’s exactly as she is online.
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Alison from @la.reserve.designs She’s the reason I block my projects, y’all.
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Ashley of @ashleyerikadesigns was sweet.
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I can’t believe I got to meet Emily of @thebluemouse_ I wish we got to talk more!
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Vanessa (@vanessaknits) and I are the same size! She was also the first one I hugged when I got to Canada!
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From left to right: Vanessa (@vanessaknits) Chelsea (@chelsea_knit_photography) & Tristan (@theartrist) These ladies are amazing and so kind!
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Twining is wining! Love this picture I got to take with Kelly of @Knitbrooks
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Last but not least. Toni from (@Tlyarncraft )Shes does it all guys. She’s a big part of the reason Ohmyknit.com exist today!
Now for the fancy pictures. I stole this from Our Marker Life’s facebook page, shhh.
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Speaking with Toni. #bestillmyheart
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When I won one of the giveaways. It was literally my first time winning a giveaway. (Did I mention that I made my cardigan and skirt. Both knitted.) Cardigan is a longer version of the Cropped Raglan Sweater by Lion Brand The skirt is of my own design.
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Talking with Ashley and fangirling. I see you too Courtney! Courtney (@ilovetinderbox) was my Toronto “tour guide” I had Indian Food for the first time with her and Lauren (@amenagerieofstitches)
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Caught me off guard in this one. #forevertouchingmyhair
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I saw this one coming lol. It’s @knitterei beside me! Can you believe I was sitting beside her for hours and didn’t know until I saw her social media handle on her name tag.
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Group shot, groups shot! Can you spot me or any of your favorite makers?
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Here they are, the OML Dream Team! From left to right: Alison (@la.reserve.designs) Kelly (@Knitbrooks) Jewell (@Northknits) Nathan (@loopnthreads) & Kathleen (@country.pine.designs) I got to take pictures with 3 out of the 5. Next year for sure I will take all the pictures!
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bhookedcrochet · 6 years
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Are You a Busy Maker Trying to Maximize Your Crochet or Knit Time?
It's not easy to balance life, responsibilities and a hobby. We have to experiment and see what works. In today's episode, you'll listen in on a chat between myself and Rachel about managing time, hobby and business.
Listen to episode 102 of the BHooked Podcast on your podcast player or listen with your browser here: http://bit.ly/2DicMDE
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bhookedcrochet · 6 years
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Let’s be real. We really only need a few things for our hobby but there are a ton of options out there. In this week’s episode of the BHooked Podcast, I’ll share my crochet tool evolution, what to have as a beginner and what to get later on. Listen to the full episode here: http://bit.ly/2Ibue2A
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bhookedcrochet · 6 years
Here is a little preview of this week’s podcast with Hannah Thiessen, author of Slow Knitting. Listen to the full episode on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play. If you don’t have a podcast player on your phone, you can listen online here: https://goo.gl/sT4PtF
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bhookedcrochet · 8 years
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I'll let you in on a little secret. You're not alone! Hear all about the final two ingredients to successfully reading (and handling) a crochet pattern in session 003 of the B.hooked Podcast. You can listen right on your computer or on iTunes or Stitcher from your Apple or Android devices. Here’s the link to listen: https://goo.gl/65oAai
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bhookedcrochet · 8 years
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The art of figuring out crochet diagrams is all in our approach. If we try to “read” the diagram, we won’t get much traction. If we “follow” the diagram just as we do a video tutorial, we’ll have our eureka moment! Hear all about it in the latest episode of the B.hooked Podcast. 
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bhookedcrochet · 5 years
Six Steps to an Organized Yarn Stash | BHooked Podcast Episode 122
Six Steps to an Organized Yarn Stash | BHooked Podcast Episode 122
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Is your yarn stash out of control?
Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! I usually need to sort through and organize my yarn stash at least once a year. Admittedly, this isn’t something I love scheduling time for but it does save me time in the long run!
Here’s the deal – organizing your yarn stash can do four things for you. First, it will save you money because you won’t be…
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bhookedcrochet · 6 years
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Are you looking to up your crochet game this year? If so, don’t miss this episode of the BHooked Podcast. I share 5 must know crochet tips to improve your skills this year. Listen to episode 99 on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play. If you don’t use a podcast player, you can listen online here: https://goo.gl/G1CCCd
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bhookedcrochet · 6 years
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This week on the podcast we get a little real - about our posture. I have struggled with this in the last several weeks and I know I'm not alone! Listen to episode 081 of the Bhooked Podcast on your favorite podcast player as we hash out posture for knitters and crocheters and potential ways to improve it so we can keep doing what we love without pain. You can also listen directly from your browser here: http://bit.ly/2N8LnM8
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bhookedcrochet · 6 years
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Do you struggle to stay on task and meet deadlines? You're not alone! This week on the podcast I'm joined by Michelle from MJ's Off the Hook Designs and she shares some tips with us. Listen to episode 078 of the Bhooked Podcast on your podcast player or right here from your browser: http://bit.ly/2o2W3Nv
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