etcexpo · 1 year
What is This Blue Waffle Disease Everyone Is Freaking Out About?
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In recent times, a topic called "Blue Waffle Disease" has been making waves across various online platforms, leading to confusion, concern, and even panic among internet users. The term itself is provocative and intriguing, but what exactly is the Blue Waffle Disease? Is it a real medical condition or just a fabrication? In this blog post, we will delve into the origins of the blue waffle disease, its validity, and the importance of critically evaluating information on the internet.
Understanding the Origins:
The Blue Waffle Disease first emerged online in the late 2000s, primarily on shock websites and graphic forums. It gained notoriety due to its graphic and disturbing nature. The term "waffle" was used metaphorically to describe the appearance of infected genitalia, while the color blue added an extra element of shock value. However, it is crucial to note that the Blue Waffle Disease was never recognized by any reputable medical or scientific authority.
Fact or Fiction:
Despite its prevalence on the internet, the Blue Waffle Disease is widely regarded as an urban legend, an internet hoax, or a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation. No medical evidence or credible documentation supports the existence of such a disease. This fictional condition was likely created to shock and frighten internet users, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and skepticism when consuming online content.
Internet Culture and Misinformation:
The rapid spread of the Blue Waffle Disease is a clear example of how easily misinformation can circulate in today's digital age. Social media platforms, forums, and websites allow information to be shared and amplified within seconds, often without any verification or accountability. This incident serves as a reminder that critical thinking and responsible information consumption are essential skills in navigating the online world.
The Dangers of Graphic Content:
While the Blue Waffle Disease is a fictional concept, the explicit and graphic nature of the associated images and descriptions can be distressing and harmful, especially to younger or vulnerable individuals who may come across them accidentally. Graphic content can have a profound impact on mental health and well-being. It is crucial to promote responsible online behavior and provide guidance on how to deal with potentially harmful material.
Promoting Digital Literacy:
To combat the spread of misinformation and urban legends like the Blue Waffle Disease, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of digital literacy. Educating individuals on how to verify information, identify reliable sources, and think critically can empower them to make informed decisions and avoid falling victim to online hoaxes. Teaching media literacy in schools and promoting fact-checking organizations can contribute to a more responsible and knowledgeable online community.
The Role of Health Professionals:
When encountering alarming or unfamiliar medical information online, it is vital to consult trusted medical professionals rather than relying solely on internet sources. Health professionals possess the knowledge and expertise to provide accurate information, address concerns, and guide individuals toward reliable resources. Building a strong doctor-patient relationship and seeking medical advice can help dispel myths and alleviate unnecessary anxiety.
The Blue Waffle Disease, despite its popularity online, is nothing more than an internet hoax or urban legend. This fictional condition highlights the power and danger of misinformation in the digital age. It serves as a reminder to critically evaluate the information we encounter and to seek guidance from trusted sources. By promoting digital literacy and responsible online behavior, we can navigate the internet more confidently, ensuring our well-being and fostering a more informed society.
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frankwestpfahl · 2 years
Dear reader, it's another fantastic summer day in the Douro river valley and another day of leisure. Although we are not officially on a wine tour, each day brings us to new wine producing locations. Today, however, don't fret we have the opportunity for wine tasting, we instead or paying a visit to the charming town of Lamego.
I must admit, you will never go hungry on a river cruise and I'm finding my waist line to be expanding. With three hearty, full meals a day, accompanied by afternoon tea and cake, I'm starting to think we are always just doing something to occupy time until our next meal.
After another breakfast of steak, eggs, and waffels, I am a creature of habit. We head off on a short bus voyage to Lamego to climb the 686 steps. Another beautiful church, purched high on hill with spectacular views. Now to do the steps as the pilgrims do to this site, we would need to climb them on our knees.
No one in the group was up for that challenge, in fact a few opted to by pass them all together and arrive via motor coach to the top. Marty and I as well as the other half of our boat mates opt for the climb. The skies again are a magnificent shade of blue, they match the ceiling of the chapel, and the sun and temperatures are rising.
We meet out guide, who assures us that we will take a leisurely stroll up the stairs. However this was in fact a rouse, we did stop every 30 steps for a five second photo break, but continued on. Either it was the low rise to the stairs or the subtle incline but we made it to the top quicker than those on the coach, and I must say, still able to breath. Once at the top we took in the views and admired the mother Mary, one of only two depictions of a statue where she is breastfeeding the baby Jesus.
I'm not sure how accurate this is but we all take pictures. Here we meet some more people from the ship that we had not yet been introduced too. They also have moved to Europe and now reside in Switzerland. This is impressive to obtain Swiss residency and we congratulate them on their persistence and dedication. They too adore Amawaterways and have sailed frequently.
We are given some free time to explore this historic town and it is bustling today. Tomorrow is Good Friday and people are out making last minute purchases for the holiday weekend. We stroll a large street market selling everything from undergarments to household goods to items for your garden. Although we avoid any temptation to purchase anything it is interesting to see a pop up street mall with everything you would have found in your local mall from days past.
As usual, there is never enough time and after a little time lounging in a wine garden we make our way back to the boat. Today we finish the last half of the Douro and return to Porto, technically Gaia, just on the opposite side from Porto on the Douro. The sun is actually pretty intense and after lunch we head to the shade of the dune deck to relax and watch the world pass.
Shortly into our leisure time they annouce that they have to lower the terrace to go under a bridge. We then see some new friends and pull up a chair to chat. I'm surprised we can stay on the deck, but must remain seated as the clearance is low. It's so low that I drop to the ground from fear of colliding with the bridge. After recovering from the excitmentbwebaty and chat, and as a result are both a little pink/red but luckily not burnt.
Tonight is the fairwell gala and time to darn our best for sip 'n sail, and the captains dinner. You know something funny, the first evening of the voyage when getting read for dinner, I asked Marty what he did with my dress shirts as they weren't in the closet. Guess where they are? Yes still hanging in my closet at home. I'm now to the point that every trip something slips through my packing list. I even had taken them out to prepare for the trip, but instead of folding them they went right back in the closet. I'm lucky Marty and I wear the same size shirt. I wonder if anyone has noticed that we keep just cycling through them...
It feels so odd to already be closing out the trip we just started. We cover the disembarkation process for Saturday and give rounds of applouse for the crew. After some Flaming Backed Alaska (wasn't flaming due to fire codes) we adjourn to the lounge for the lively and entertaining group of Tunas. This college version of a Glee Club is a lot of fun and great sports. We now know the inspiration for the Harry Potter uniforms.
Before retiring from another exhausting day of leisure we take in the city all lit up. The evening is cool and the lights reflect on the river. It's an easy day to drift off to sleep, as tomorrow we explore the hills and history of Porto by foot and perhaps ariel tram. Thank you for joining me on this wonderful voyage and see you tomorrow.
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classyguy96-blog · 6 years
Beginning of Blue Waffles.
The blue waffles illness struck the on-line world in the year 2010. Yet it reached the eyes of the globe at bluewaffles.com 2013 during city council conference at New Jacket City. The councilperson Kathy McBride spoke about heaven waffles disease in the conference. She said that her basic people (City of Trenton) elevated a concern about a sexually sent epidemic disease (with the power to transform females's genitals blue) and also exactly how we blueberry waffle disease for men are mosting likely to manage that epidemic illness. She does not understand that was an April Fools prank. (Resource).
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Even more, she declared that till now 85 individuals died in the City of Trenton and blue waffle is caused by a virus which is 10 times extra powerful than AIDS Virus. She showed several photos of blue waffles infected genitals as an included proof to her debate.
Various Other Names of Blue Waffles Disease. I discovered several names for this fictional disease online. They are,.
Blueberry waffles illness.
Pink pancake illness.
Purple waffle condition.
Red pancake condition.
Blue waffel.
Looks funny, right! Let's see carefully concerning this blue waffle now.
Myths concerning Blue Waffle Condition. Below I noted some usual myths blue waffle disease pictures female concerning the blue waffle condition and also will describe you concerning those clinically.
Myth 1: Blue waffles STD.
Blue waffles is a sexually sent illness (STD). Women are more at risk to this condition and also it is transferred from female to male. It is caused by a brand-new unnamed virus. Blue waffles Sexually Transmitted Disease is much more powerful compared to AIDS virus.
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There is no such illness that spreads just from females to males. As well as till now no unnamed virus that causes blue waffles, Sexually Transmitted Disease was discovered. It's totally fraudulent!
Myth 2: Blue Waffles Condition in Males.
Blue Waffles Illness in Males is brought on by some genital infections. Blue waffles transfers from lady to a vaginal blue waffle man throughout intercourse. The other ways of that condition are because of rough means of masturbation as well as practicing sex playthings.
If a man is contaminated with blue waffles, he may feel extreme pain and itching in his personal location. Also could really feel skin disorientation and smelly odor because area.
This signs and symptom upset a lot of the men. But the fact is these factors would certainly not make any type of sexually transmitted condition.
Misconception 3: Blue Waffles Disease in Women.
Blue Waffles Disease in Women is most typical. They are much more prone to blue waffles. The sores produced on the outside of the vaginal canal creates blue colors.
In female, blue waffles are triggered due to the complying with methods,.
Creates in a female vulva that does not clean her vagina.
Making love with numerous sex companions.
Already have an blue waffle woman disease infection in the vulva.
Clinical depression during sexual intercourse.
Gross sex methods.
Those who infected by blue waffles infection might really feel itching as well as serious discomfort around vagina with blue color staining.
A female's vaginal canal could not turn blue as a result of any STD. Often as a result of bruises, the vaginal area could be resorted to light blue. However this will disappear in few days.
Myth 4: Signs and symptoms of Blue waffles Condition.
The major signs and symptom of blue waffle is the certain discharging from the vagina.
The vaginal canal comes to be more moisture compared to normal.
Blue staining around vagina.
Stinky genital Secretion.
Heavy poor odor in the vulva region.
Extreme discomfort and also itching at genital components.
Inflammation around the vulva.
Experiencing pain throughout sexual intercourse.
Sores outside of the vaginal area.
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These signs are common reasons for the majority of the conditions. So do not perplex these signs and symptoms blue waffle syndrome pictures with blue waffles. There is no such illness, then exactly how you feel these signs and symptoms?
There are no Sexually transmitted diseases that go only from females to men. (Truly now, just how would women obtain them ?!).
The inflamed, smelly as well as itchy vulva or vaginal canal may suggest microbial vaginitis.
The sores could be because of herpes.
Dark blue discoloration might be triggered by the yeast infection or bruises called Lichen simplex.
STDs do not distinguish between male as well as women.
STDs may absent with signs.
Myth 5: Blue Waffles Disease Pictures/Images (Evidence Decoded).
Dr. Amy Whitaker, an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology at the University of Chicago blue waffles desease Medical facility currently provided a thorough explanation about this blue waffle image in the Women's Wellness Structure blog site. Allow's see her explanation,.
Blue waffles condition photo struck the online globe with the troubling photo of blue color vagina (very troubling picture warning) called as blue waffles illness. It has a banner "It is a blue waffle genital infection with blue staining peculiarly impacts female".
I can easily identify its blue disease waffle Photoshop impacts. Nothing holds true in this picture. It is a normal vaginal area with Photoshopped vibrant blue color.
It is additionally possible that swellings might cause a bluish appearance to exterior genitalia, which could arise blueberry waffle venereal disease from pressure, most likely from a sexual assault. But bruising absolutely would not be intense blue. Additionally, NO STDs could cause outside bruising.
It shows up that there may be some sort of laceration on right labia, a "cut" of kinds, however once again it's uncertain aware. That could also be of force, or it could be a STD that provides with a lesion on the vulva. But the entire Blue waffles disease photo is PHONY. A bad photoshopped Photo to make others fear.
You could likewise find some more blue waffles condition pictures below (FAKE).
Columbia University's main wellness blog Go Ask Alice likewise pointed out that "blue waffle illness" is a hoax.
Hope this description aids about that phony Photo!
Blue waffles condition as well as blue waffle illness photo is a fake one produced by someone to entice individuals to their website to obtain some advantage. I added a lot more scientific points to clarify this hoax. So simply forget about this blue waffles scam as well as more than happy! If you have any type of further questions, drop your comments below. I am ready to address always.
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sdfaswew · 5 years
Zoom Pegasus 35 Turbo Kaufen den nächsten Tagen
Obwohl es eine Weile her ist, dass Nike Final eine Reihe von Nike Vapor Street-Schuhen für das aktuelle moderne Celestial Satellite Racing herausgebracht hat, sorgen die aktuellen Schuhangebote für eine solide Existenz. Der aktuelle Celestial Satellite Racing verbindet die Geschichte von Swoosh mit modernster Technologie und ist so positioniert, dass er dank der vorherigen Hilfe schnell zurückkommt.
2 brandneue Celestial Satellite Racing-Designs verleihen dem Waffel-Coach eine Farbmotivation, die auf das erste Mal im Zusammenhang mit dem Nike-Hintergrund zurückgeht, und verschönern klassische Farbverläufe in Anlehnung an die grundlegende Stilfunktion der Marke.
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brandnewsneakscom · 5 years
Nike Air Max 1 / White/Photo Blue-Total Orange
New Post has been published on https://www.brandnewsneaks.com/nike-air-max-1-white-photo-blue-total-orange/
Nike Air Max 1 / White/Photo Blue-Total Orange
Nike Air Max 1 / White/Photo Blue-Total Orange
Art.: AH 8145 112
ZEITLOSER STYLE. TRENDIGER TRAGEKOMFORT. Der Nike Air Max 1 Herrenschuh ist eine heiß geliebte Legende und verfügt über eine reaktionsfreudige Dämpfung eines sichtbaren Max-Air-Elements sowie hochwertige Materialien für einen stylischen Look. Der niedrig geschnittene Kragen bietet verbesserten Schutz im Knöchelbereich und die Außensohle mit Waffelprofil sorgt für eine verbesserte Traktion.
Das sichtbare Max Air-Element in der Ferse bietet reaktionsfreudige Dämpfung und Aufprallschutz. Niedrig geschnittener Schuhkragen für Tragekomfort am Knöchel. Die durchgehende Polyurethan-(PU)-Mittelsohle bietet Strapazierfähigkeit, Stabilität und Dämpfung. Die Vollgummi-Waffel-Außensohle sorgt für maximale Traktion und Strapazierfähigkeit bei leichtem Gewicht. Aus hochwertigen Materialien entsteht ein eleganter Style.
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sneakerpreviewde · 5 years
Nike Air Max 1 / White/Photo Blue-Total Orange
New Post has been published on https://www.sneakerpreview.de/nike-air-max-1-white-photo-blue-total-orange/
Nike Air Max 1 / White/Photo Blue-Total Orange
Nike Air Max 1 / White/Photo Blue-Total Orange
Art.: AH 8145 112
ZEITLOSER STYLE. TRENDIGER TRAGEKOMFORT. Der Nike Air Max 1 Herrenschuh ist eine heiß geliebte Legende und verfügt über eine reaktionsfreudige Dämpfung eines sichtbaren Max-Air-Elements sowie hochwertige Materialien für einen stylischen Look. Der niedrig geschnittene Kragen bietet verbesserten Schutz im Knöchelbereich und die Außensohle mit Waffelprofil sorgt für eine verbesserte Traktion.
Das sichtbare Max Air-Element in der Ferse bietet reaktionsfreudige Dämpfung und Aufprallschutz. Niedrig geschnittener Schuhkragen für Tragekomfort am Knöchel. Die durchgehende Polyurethan-(PU)-Mittelsohle bietet Strapazierfähigkeit, Stabilität und Dämpfung. Die Vollgummi-Waffel-Außensohle sorgt für maximale Traktion und Strapazierfähigkeit bei leichtem Gewicht. Aus hochwertigen Materialien entsteht ein eleganter Style.
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carolouise-blog · 7 years
Blue waffles infection Is a legendary sexually transmitted disorder
Blue waffles infection Is a legendary sexually transmitted disorder this is believed to have sprouted out of the woman genitalia. Blue waffle ailment is sexually transmitted and looks to arise in the vaginal area. This urban myth had hit the world of internet with a completely exciting call, blue waffle. People have misunderstood and misinterpreted the fable of blue waffle. This disorder is sexually transmitted and appears to occur in the vaginal vicinity. There's truely no scientific or medical skeleton to affirm the reality of blue waffle. At the 18th of march 2013, a photo of the vagina which seemed to be soaked in blue dye with pimples sporting blue liquid seemed at the internet. Ever seeing that then stories had been circulated about an infection that seems to have taken start in reality. Greater than hundred pages approximately this sickness were posted on the internet spreading a falsified sickness. This misinformation may be blindly pressured with the reality, as children take the net very significantly. The entirety they examine on the internet appears to be actual for them even if there's no proof in any respect. Right here is the whole manual to blue waffle disease. Blue waffle infection : Blue waffle sickness:Blue waffle is an internet rumor and not using a solid history or truth that may be proven. Dr. Elizabeth boskey is a physician who stands strongly with the point that blue waffles disease most effective has a mythical life.You can have googled and observed a whole lot of pages describing this blue waffle diseases. The data might also appear to look valid and properly written. However, no scientific internet site or agency has claimed to have any knowledge about blue waffle. There is no person with blue waffle disorder who has ever come out and shared the fact about it. Therefore, most of the people mainly docs consider that it should had been stressed and exaggerated for a few other disorder. With pictures circulating the internet one can not inform for sure if it honestly is a harsh urban legend. Till real evidence and medical prognosis are provided, it would be higher to now not fall prey to such records. Some people additionally pronounce blue waffles as blue waffel. Prognosis of blue waffles:One may marvel what can also have started out this type of filthy and darkish humour. Human beings might also have exaggerated the real reason. The very common situation known as vaginitis which makes females itch and causes irritation due to the peculiar discharge of whitish liquid. This basically causes a burning sensation. This takes place because of premature food plan, unprotected sex and also pressure. An unclean non-public part turns into a breeding area for fungi and antibacterial. One way to cure or control this be inhibition of antibiotics. This can no longer prevent the contamination completely but can truly control the inflammation. Once obtaining this contamination, it is vital that they need to have blanketed intercourse at all times. Now not doing so could put their companion at a completely excessive danger of catching a comparable contamination. This vaginal infection might have been confused through someone with the fancy term blue waffles sicknesses. Take a look at all about blue waffles infection from right here.
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classyguy96-blog · 6 years
Blue Waffles Condition in Women & Men with Photo (Mystery Decoded).
Blue Waffles condition or Blue Waffle disease is the recent fad nowadays. The most common myth is that blue waffles is a sexually transmitted illness transferred from woman to man. It triggers cause of blue waffles disease appearance on the outside genitalia.
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We obtained a great deal of emails concerning the Blue Waffles condition in females, males and also regarding its reasons as well as infection. From those e-mails, most of individuals treatment for blue waffles disease inquired about is it a genuine illness or a fake one? Given that there is no post from any type of authority websites, we planned to provide you a real photo about Blue Waffles with an expert voice.
So, we resorted to Dr. Lena Grant, Teacher of Obstetrics as well as Gynecology, to describe this concern. Right here is her reaction ...
Hello there, A warm thanks for visiting the AskMyHealth Group as well as their Viewers. It's my blue waffles disease vagina pleasure to address your inquiries pertaining to the new myth blue waffle. I received a lot of inquiries concerning this sexually transmitted condition (Sexually Transmitted Disease) from my students too!
Okay, allow me proceed from the basics.
Blue Waffles Condition. Waffle is the slang name for Vaginal area. Blue Waffle indicates a sexually transmitted disease that creates blue appearance on the external genitalia and also serious genital infection.
Technically, Blue Waffle is a genital infection that develops pink colors in and around the vaginal area. Additionally, it creates excruciating discomfort as well as swelling around the genital location.
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Causes. The significant blue walffle disease reasons for the blue waffle condition are the bad sex-related behaviors. They are,.
Multiple sex-related companions at once.
Unguarded rendezvous.
Vulnerable sex.
Making use of unclean products while masturbation.
Because of the above reasons, one may get infected by blue waffles. It is often referred as misspelled blue waffel.
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