lovebugism · 1 year
Hi I am begging on my knees for more of your steddie x reader it’s so good I’m crying
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summary: steve's got a bad case of baby fever. it's not so bad until you start getting sick with it too. eddie has to come up with a solution before all of you fall ill.
pairing: steve harrington / f!reader / eddie munson
a/n: i just realized i haven't posted anything steddie related in almost three months. i am so sorry. this is a total travesty. please enjoy this 3k blurb and find it in your heart to forgive me <3
You squint at the grocery list scribbled on a bright blue sticky note. It’s a mish-mash of all your different handwritings. Some are certainly neater than others. “This just says crabs… I think...”
“It doesn’t say crabs, you loon,” Eddie laughs from where he mans the shopping cart beside you. He’s steering the thing about as well as his van. “It says cereals.”
“No, it says a bunch of gibberish that no one can read but you,” you retort with a giggle of your own as you follow him down the breakfast aisle. “And we just need one box of cereal, alright? Singular.”
He turns to you with a cartoonish pout on his lips. “But why?”
“Because you’re like a kid, Eds. You eat the entire thing in one sitting, and then you’re absolutely haywire for the rest of the day.”
And, just like a child, the boy stands in front of the vibrantly colored boxes of cereal with a wide grin on his face.
The local grocery store was smaller compared to the others in town, but they had every brand of the breakfast food known to man, stacked in neat rows from the floor to ceiling. 
Eddie’s got a twinkle in his eye as his gaze runs over them all. And even though you think it’s all boyish and hilarious, you let him have his fun. 
He grew up unable to enjoy all the goodness of overly sweet cereal because bills and food with actual sustenance were always more important. Now, he’s got a halfway stable job with Wayne at the car shop, and he’s living at his own place with his boyfriend and girlfriend, and he can buy whatever the hell kind of cereal he wants. 
So, as far as he’s concerned, everyone who said he’d never amount to much can suck it. 
And you know you’ll let him buy the whole damn grocery store out of their cereal if that’s what he wants. It’s the least you can do for the world’s best boyfriend — a title he begrudgingly shares with Steve The Hair Harrington.
You’d give him the world if you could, but for now you’ll have to settle for a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms.
“Okay, so the OJ’s we got last time tasted like absolute shit,” Eddie mutters, mostly to himself as he crouches to peer at the lower shelves. “I saw a commercial for Waffle-O’s this morning, and they looked pretty good. But I know you like Breakfast With Barbie and Steve ate a bowl of C3PO’s every day for, like, two weeks, so…”
You stand by the cart and laugh at his rambling. You turn to look behind you with a lighthearted joke sitting on the edge of your tongue. It dissipates when you realize Steve isn’t next to you. 
Instead, he’s still standing at the end of the aisle with his back to you and Eddie — like his feet forgot how to work when he caught sight of the family across the store. It’s a mother and a father, dressed in their mid-weekday finest, with a baby swaddled at their chest and a toddler bouncing in the seat of the shopping cart. 
And you know it’s got the boy totally lost in his own head. You know he's picturing you and him and Eddie as that happy family — the one fills every store you walk into with baby babbles and bubbly laughter. 
Steve told you his senior year of high school he wanted a baby, that he wanted six of them, and that he wanted them all with you. And you were just a stupid seventeen-year-old girl who would’ve done anything he asked you to, though you definitely drew the line at babies. 
But you’re older now, and far more settled than you had been all that time ago. Steve’s ready for a family, but you don’t think you’re anywhere close.
“How about we just compromise and get all three?” Eddie finally concludes with the boxes already in his arms. He dumps them into the cart and notices that your attention is elsewhere. He realizes then that Steve’s gone too because his attention is stuck on a nice family minding their own business. 
“Not again…” he murmurs to himself while you go rescue the boy.
“I’ve never seen someone so sick with baby fever in my life,” you laugh as you drag Steve back to the cart by his wrist.
“I can’t help it!” he defends weakly. “They were so cute! They were all matching and I couldn’t stop thinking about how I can’t wait to coordinate outfits with our baby. Doesn’t that sound like the cutest fucking thing ever?”
“It sounds very adorable, Stevie,” you nod understandingly and try to ignore the way your stomach twists at the thought of him and his baby girl wearing matching pastels every time they step out of the house. “And we can be just like them in five years—”
“Five years?” he gapes.
“Maybe even ten,” Eddie shrugs and nonchalantly tosses a box of Count Chocula into the cart.
“Ten years— You guys are insane if you think I’m waiting ten years to have a kid!” Steve protests with a pair of buff arms crossed boyishly over his chest. “I’m not getting any younger over here, you know that, right?”
“You’re twenty-five, Steve, stop being so dramatic. We’re just now trying to get settled. I’m still in school, you’re still working at Family Video, Eddie’s still… Eddie. Don’t you think we should have actual careers before we have a kid?”
Steve huffs and rolls his eyes, feigning annoyance even though he knows you’re right.
It’s not like he wants to keep working at the stupid store on Main Street. He keeps putting off the conversation with his dad about another job, because he puts off every conversation with his dad. He’s scared of what asking for a position at his firm will do to his pride.
“She’s right, and you know it, Steven,” Eddie tells him, then scoffs. “I mean, can you really imagine me with a baby strapped to my chest on tour?”
You and Steve both pause and tilt your heads to the side as you picture the sight, terribly in sync as always. You can imagine it, quite perfectly actually, tangible enough to touch.
“That’s the cutest thing I think I’ve ever heard,” Steve finishes your thought for you.
Eddie cowers at the sudden attention. “Okay, stop looking at me like I’m a piece of meat, alright? We are not having a kid right now. There’s no fucking way.”
Steve all but deflates at the rejection as Eddie pushes the cart down the aisle, desperate to escape the bubble of tension the conversation had created in the cereal section.
You smile sheepishly over at Steve and wrap your arms through the crook of his elbow, standing on the tips of your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “He’s being grumpy about it, but he’s right… It’s just not a good idea right now— but it will be, okay? One day. Just not… to-day.”
The day, for you, comes exactly seven of them later. 
You accompany Steve on his morning run and his routine stop for coffee. You’re not quite sure how he’s still mobile because your muscles are screaming, even after the warm shower you took to soothe them.
You left him alone for all of half a second to use the bathroom while he ordered drinks for him and you, and something extra for Eddie for when the boy decides to roll out of bed.
When you return, you find him bouncing a baby on his hip — a young thing, maybe three if you had to guess, with two buns in her hair like bunny ears and a sparkly pink dress to match the bows she wears in them.
Steve smiles down at her, talking to her in a baby voice and saying something you can’t hear because you’re frozen in place. You resemble him at the grocery store a week ago, when he was thrown into a daydream so suddenly that his body all but shut down. 
You look at him now, tickling the baby’s sides just to hear her giggle, and you see him with your firstborn — sleep deprived, covered in spit-up, and still the most beautiful human you’d ever seen.
You have to shake your head to remove the thought before it ruins you entirely. 
Freshly jostled from your stupor, you walk over to him. “Steve… Please tell me you didn’t steal someone’s baby.”
He laughs. “What? No! She was just a little fussy, and I offered to take her while her mom looked for something,” the boy explains. You look just behind him to see the woman bent over at one of the smaller tables, sifting vigorously through a large baby bag.
“She doesn’t seem very fussy now,” you observe, eyes flitting between his and the child's and noticing they’ve both got matching grins.
“She doesn’t, does she?” he smiles, softly scratching at her sides again to make her laugh. And she does, most enthusiastically so, tilting her head back and letting the giggles spill from an open mouth.
He turns back to you, with wide eyes and raised brows and a bemused grin. “I like she likes me.”
“Of course, she does,” you scoff. “Babies always like you.”
The mom returns with a snack in hand and a relieved smile. Steve passes the baby back to her with little effort. She whines at the loss of him, though the brightly packaged treat is quick to quell her sorrow. 
“Thanks for taking her,” the mother's grateful smile falters with exhaustion. “If I don’t give her the same snack at exactly the same time every day, she tends to go a little nuts.” 
Steve tells her that it’s no problem, that he was a part-time babysitter at one point in his life, and that her kid was better than those little shits combined. He censors himself before the swear slips out, though.
You go your separate ways when the barista calls out your drink orders and walk hand in hand back to your place.
“Did you get their names?” you ask him before taking a sip of your latte.
“The mom’s name was Maeve and the kid’s name was Harper—”
“Holy shit,” you mutter.
Steve snaps his head over to you because he thinks you’ve burnt your mouth. Instead, he finds you with a distant smile on your face.
“Those are the cutest names I’ve ever heard. It sounds like something out of a fucking cartoon or something.”
“Yeah…” is all he can say because his mind is preoccupied with a million other thoughts. He doesn’t tell you them, obviously, but you know they’re there. The sly smile pulling at his lips makes it obvious.
“…Why are you looking at me like that.”
“Because I’m totally gonna wear you down,” he grins and brings his coffee to his mouth, sipping through his smirk.
You only scoff in response. “Never.”
It doesn’t take you very long to realize that Steve was right.
You spend the rest of the day thinking about it — about him with a baby and how perfect he'd be as a dad. The thoughts plague you far more than they usually do. They take up the entire frontal cortex of your brain and make it nearly impossible to think about anything else.
You’re self-aware enough to beat yourself up about it. 
You were just telling him that it wasn’t time yet, and you knew you were right. As far as you’re concerned, you still have another few good years before you’re ready to even start seriously considering it. 
But here you are, having to calm yourself down every time the thought of Steve Harrington with a baby, your baby, crosses your mind.
You wait until the boy heads to bed to talk to Eddie about it. You find him in the kitchen, eating handfuls of Breakfast with Barbie like a maniac. You’re too preoccupied to make a snarky comment about it.
“Steve wasn’t lying,” you warn him.
“..About what?” he wonders through the mouthful.
“About him not waiting ten years to have a baby! He wants one now!” you explain through a yell-whisper hybrid. “And he told me he was going to wear me down, and he was right.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide too, like he’s just learned you caught some sort of plague. You have. It’s called baby fever, and it’s only a matter of time before the entire house is afflicted. “Shit…”
“So you have to be the strong one, Eddie.”
“Oh, god,” he whines with pinched brows. “Why does it have to be me?”
“Because I saw him hold a baby today.”
“…And this is a bad thing?”
“Of course, it’s a bad thing! My hormones went crazy, okay? It’s like my brain stopped functioning, and I started thinking with my ovaries or something! All human instinct told me to lay down and procreate the second we got home!”
Eddie laughs to himself. “Are you sure it was human instinct, or was it just you on a normal Wednesday?”
“I’m being serious, Eddie,” you tell him, a sudden solemnity to your features. “You have to put your foot down whenever Steve talks about it because I will cave.”
“Alright, alright, have some Barbie cereal and settle down,” he tells you with a playful grin.
He offers you the box and you pout for a moment before sticking your hand into it and pulling out several red and purple butterfly pieces.
The boy wraps an arm around you with his free hand. He pulls you closer and noses at the crown of your head. You sigh as you relax into him. 
“I’ll take care of it, okay? I actually have the perfect idea.”
“I don’t like the sound of that,” you waver through a mouthful of cereal.
“Don’t worry about it,” he lilts with a grin, smacking a kiss to your forehead. “Let me take care of it.”
You and Steve are tangled in bedsheets, both slowly rousing but trying desperately to go back to sleep. 
You’re laying on your stomach, face smushed into the pillow you clutch to your head. Steve lays halfway on top of you — his legs knotted with yours, arm splayed over your back, and softly snoring in your ear. 
Both of you noticed the lack of Eddie’s presence, but chose not to linger on it too much, figuring he must’ve gone for a breakfast run. 
He returns hardly a moment after the thought of him crosses your mind. You hear the door open and shut again, then the shouts of your names entwined with a muffled barking.
You groan at the intrusion on your sleep.
Steve huffs and shifts against you, voice gruff with fatigue as he wonders: “Why do I hear a dog?”
The mixture of confusion and subtle knowing has you both shuffling out of the bedroom and trudging into the living room.
You round the corner and find Eddie standing by the door with a rowdy goldendoodle bouncing at his feet. He’s trying hopelessly to undo its leash when the thing starts to squirm at the sight of you and Steve.
Eddie’s eyes flit to the both of you when he notices you standing across the room. A smile bursts like early morning sunshine on his face. “Surprise!” he beams.
The metal of the leash clicks when he finally gets it unbuckled. The dog dashes your way, all but jumping into Steve and then spinning in circles with excitement as it tries to figure out who to accept attention from. 
“You got us a dog?” the boy wonders, head cocked back to dodge the thing as it licks at his chin.
“You said you wanted a baby,” Eddie shrugs. “So, I got you a baby.”
“This is so not what a meant,” the boy grouses in response, though he’s got his arms wrapped around the dog like he’s hugging it. “I mean, it’s not even a baby— it’s huge.”
“The woman at the shelter said he was eight months old. And he is a he, so stop calling him it.”
You crouch beside Steve, scratching the dog behind his ear. He pants with his tongue sticking out, almost looking like he’s smiling. It makes you smile too. 
“We don’t even have dog food. Or toys. Or a bed,” you stress. “What are we even gonna name it?”
“Well, I took care of exactly one of those things,” Eddie lilts with a grin. “They only had that gross artificial shit at the grocery store, but they did have some badass collars and an engraving machine, so…”
You and Steve peek through the dog’s golden curls and find a black band with silver spikes dotted around the neck. “Super metal, huh?” you hear himEdiejoke as you reach for the dangled heart pendant handing around the collar.
“…Ozzy?” you recite.
“See what I mean?” he beams. “Metal.”
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"Run Rabbit, Run!" pt.3 - E.N
Summary: Edward is released from Arkham Mental Hospital, having been declared 'sane' and keeps his promise about coming after y/n. (I don't believe he would be let go, but let's pretend m'kay? <3 Also, for this fanfic trilogy, I made it so that the Riddler person is like the embodiment of his anger/darkest desires/hatred etc. So, like an alter ego except Edward is in full control of everything. Ykwim? You'll see lol.)
pt.1 here pt.2 here
Content Warning: 18+ MDNI, explicit language, angst, mental illness and coping with it, Bruce being a good older brother, dom!Edward, egotistical!Edward, megalomaniac!Edward, stalker!Edward, yandere!Edward, Edward being a HUGE perv (just in an extremely sexual way, not weird.), sub!Reader, AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns, mentions of violence/death, threats, alcohol, fluff, smut, penetration, bloodplay (i dont like it, but it fit Edwards personality in this fic), sadism/masochism, bondage (belt/tape/gag), taking pictures/videos of sex, unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap pookies), REALLY rough sex (like seriously), choking, hair pulling, slapping, spitting, biting, scratching, daddy kink, daddy issues, degrading, praising, semi-public sex, humiliation, orgasm denial, post sex blues, aftercare.
Word Count: 16k+ (oh gosh, i didn't intend for it to be this long i'm sorry)
Songs for Inspo:
✻H+3+ЯД✻7luCJIo0T6... - vyrval
Princess - Ayesha Erotic, Petey Plastic
LET ME SEE YA MOVE! - Lumi Athena
Thirst For Me! - Lumi Athena
She's So Nice - Pink Guy
Disgusting - Lil Mariko, Zheani
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~Read Below Cut~
It had been over a year since Edward was put in Arkham. Y/n tried to distract herself with acts of community service. She even started to visit Bruce more often. Everything sounded better than being alone in her apartment. When she was alone with her thoughts, she ended up going in a dark place. She would blame herself for what happened to Edward, telling herself that she could have done something and stopped it. She could have helped him, but she didn't. Now, none of this was true. Edward made a choice and nothing could change his mind. But, y/n was so distraught by losing her love and her friend that she blamed herself every single day. And on top of that, she was paranoid about Edward showing up. What he said was true, he was still a criminal after all. A mentally unstable one at that. Yes, he was a kind soul to her, but to everyone else he was a menace to society. Y/n feared that he would crack and break into her apartment and hurt her. Because of this, she spent most nights in Wayne Tower, though she didn't like it.
Y/n stumbled out of her childhood room, the walls still painted a soft pink from when her mom had painted it with her. It was nostalgic to stay in it once more, but also melancholic. It reminded her that her parents were no longer with her. But, she was lucky to have Bruce and Alfred still, that much was true. It was actually sort of funny, how cute her room was, surrounded by gothic interior. She remembered how her dad always found it to be humorous.
"Good morning Ms. Wayne, breakfast?" Alfred asked.
"Alfred, please, you've known me for 28 years. I'm pretty sure you can call me y/n." She laughed.
"Right, sorry, it's just been a while since I've seen you." He admitted
"Yeah, well I like living in the city. It's got a sort of gritty charm once you get past the drunks and dropheads." Y/n snorted.
"Sounds...charming." He forced.
"Where's Bruce? In his cave, I suppose?" Y/n asked, grabbing a waffle and eating it plain.
"I believe so. I don't think he's had a wink of sleep. Speaking of, how did you sleep? Is the old bed still as comfy as it was all those years ago?" He asked.
"Surprisingly, yes! Thanks for asking, Alfred. How did you sleep?" She asked, taking a bite of the waffle.
"Quite fine, really. There was a nice drizzle of rain last night, lulled me right to sleep like a baby." He chuckled.
"That's good, heaven knows you need the rest due to watching after Bruce. I know he's the oldest, but I feel like he's the most reckless." She shook her head.
"That is an astute claim, one that I'm inclined to agree with. Why don't you go down and bring him some breakfast? I doubt he'll eat it, but if you tell him to he might. He's missed you terribly, you know."
Y/n took the plate from the table, grabbing the glass of juice with the other hand. Groaning, she resorted to holding the waffle she was eating in her mouth. Giving Alfred a thumbs up, she walked towards the elevator. Using her sock covered foot, she pressed the basement level button. It reminded her of how she used to do the same exact thing as a young kid, but with her nose. She was a strange kid for sure, it was a miracle she didn't get sick all the time. Y/n, alone in thought for a little bit, though about Edward instantly. She missed him a lot, and she wasn't ashamed to admit that. Bruce knew that y/n loved Edward, but she never told him about what went on in that visitation room. No way. Instead, she told him that her and Edward agreed that they would try and move on from each other. But, Bruce was smarter than that. He knew that y/n still loved Edward, it was so obvious to see. It was a little jarring to know that his 'rival' was the person his sister was in love with, but he tried to be understanding. After all, she never knew until it was too late really. And, in all honesty, it did seem like he treated y/n well when they were friends. Bruce hoped that Edward would get the therapy he needed and would be released, that way his sister could be with the man he loved again. Yes, he murdered people, but it's not like he killed any innocent people. Murder is still bad, of course, but at least he killed the weeds in the garden instead of the flowers. The doors of the elevator opened. Y/n walked out and saw Bruce standing in front of the computer screens, looking pale and like death itself.
"H-" When y/n opened her mouth to talk, her waffle fell out of her mouth.
"FUCK!" She screamed.
Bruce flinched, grabbing a 'bat-a-rang' next to him and holding it up. When he saw y/n, he rolled his eyes and placed it back down, hand on his chest. Her scream scared the shit out of him, nearly giving him a heart attack.
"Sorry! I...I dropped my waffle..." She frowned, placing his plate and glass on the table.
"How did you drop it?" He asked, looking at his food.
"I tried to call you a cumstain but I forgot I had a waffle in my mouth." She huffed.
"Oh, that's charming, it's good to see you too." He shook his head.
"Yeah, it's good to see you. Look, you've been up all night, eat some breakfast, ok?" She sighed.
"I'm really not hungry." He answered simply, looking back to the screen.
He looked back to her, sighed. Glancing back down to the food, he did feel his stomach rumble slightly. Opening his mouth, he went to say something but just scoffed.
"Alright, fine. But, we're hanging out today if I eat." He said.
"Ok, that works with me. But, I get to pick what to do!"
"There's always a catch with you, isn't there?" He chuckled, taking a bite of some bacon.
"Always. You know this. Anyways, I'm thinking we go to a club!"
He hummed in amusement, taking a sip of the orange juice. Placing it back down, he swallowed it.
"A club? Really? You?"
"What!? I party!" She scoffed.
"Alright party animal, but are you sure it's safe for us to go to a club? I mean, we are Waynes. I don't doubt there are a few people who would love to get a chance to do something fucked up to us, especially you."
"We'll go to a spot I frequent! And, we just won't drink. I usually don't drink anyways." She shrugged.
"Ok then, when do you wanna go?" He asked, eating another piece of bacon.
"Well, tonight of course. I think afterwards I might go back to my apartment. I kind of miss it." She sighed.
Bruce frowned, but he understood. He just didn't think it was smart for y/n to be alone.
"Ok, but you're always welcome back here. I miss hanging out with you." He smiled.
"I know, Bruce. Don't worry, I'll come back soon. I just want to stay at my apartment for a week or so. Now, eat your breakfast!" She ordered.
"My mouth is only so big, ok?"
"That's what she said! Now go! Double time, go, go, go! Eat that bacon! Eat that bacon!" She cheered.
Bruce looked at her with a piece of bacon hanging from his mouth. His eyes were narrowed, bags underneath them. Slowly, he reached his hand out and put it over her face. With a push, he shoved her back lightly, causing her to stumble. She squealed, gasping dramatically.
"Oh I'm gonna kick your ass little man!" She huffed.
Groaning, he reached out his hand and covered her face with it again. She swung her arms everywhere, flailing aimlessly. He held her there and continued to eat his breakfast casually. The sound of the elevator dinged, but the siblings were too caught up in their 'intense fight'. Alfred stepped out, watching the scene before him.
"My, my, what happened here?" He asked amusedly.
"Alfreddddd! He pushed me!" Y/n whined.
"Master Bruce! Is this true?" He asked.
"Well, yeah, but she started it. She was being weird..." He mumbled in between bites of bacon.
Y/n continued to swat at the air, moving around every now and then to get a better angle. But, every time she moved, his hand followed her in suite. She tried to bite his hand, but it was just far enough from her mouth that she couldn't reach. Alfred sighed, a smile spreading over his face.
"You dress like a bat! What's weirder than that!?" She counteracted.
"W- It's armor that looks like a bat because it's ominous! Batman stands for vengeance!" He scoffed.
"Batman? More like Twatman!" She snickered.
Bruce's eyes widened, turning slowly to look at her. She stopped swinging, backing away slowly. He put down the piece of toast he was about to eat and stood up from his chair. Y/n looked at Alfred for help, to which he just shrugged playfully.
"Brucey my man, my brother, my compadre! It was a little joke, a goof if you will! A simple guffaw!"
He quickly grabbed a handful of bolts from on top of his toolbox and lunged towards y/n. She screamed bloody murder, running away from him. Bruce chased her down, tossing the bolts at her, making clinking noises as they hit the ground. The two siblings, both adults keep in mind, ran around the basement yelling and cursing at each other.
"CALL ME TWATMAN AGAIN!" Bruce threatened, nearly tripping over his feet.
"I'm afraid I can't help you, y/n. Master Bruce seems very passionate and I'd hate to interfere." He said.
"Language, Mistress Y/n."
Alfred chuckled, watching the two run around. Bruce was still throwing bolts at y/n. She was running away from him screaming for her life. He sighed.
"Just like old times."
That night, the two siblings did exactly as they said they would. Y/n gave Bruce directions to the club, and they both went inside. Everyone in the club was happy to see y/n, she did not lie, she was a regular there. However, they were shocked to see Bruce. Who could blame them? He never left Wayne Tower. It was amusing to see the difference in personalities between the two Wayne's. Y/n was as bubbly and friendly as could be, while Bruce was quiet and reserved. However, they quickly became the life of the party.
"Y/n you're fucking stupid! Get down from there!" Bruce scolded.
Even though y/n had said she wouldn't drink, she did. Bruce had one cocktail, but y/n was 3 drinks deep. And he knew that she could not hold her alcohol well at all. Currently, she was standing on top of the bar counter, wearing heels. She looked down at Bruce, blowing a raspberry at him.
"NO! I'M D-DANCING!" She hiccupped.
"Oh that's really mature! I'm so glad to see you've grown past the raspberries!" He shouted at her above the music.
People surrounded the bar, laughing along with y/n. She truly was a frequent goer here, as it appeared to be normal to the people there. But, Bruce was still worried about her safety, so he repeated himself.
"Get down! You're going to fall and hurt yourself! I'm serious!" He said.
Just like he said, she slipped and fell on her butt on the bar counter. Drunk as hell, she burst out laughing. But the laughter slowly faded into drunken cries.
"W-Why did you let me do th-that!" She whined.
He just stared at her, amused and annoyed all at once. But, he could see that she was sad, and he had an idea as to why. Sighing, he helped her off of the counter, apologizing to the bartender. Everyone seemed fine with it though, which he was grateful for.
"Alright, I think it's time to take you home sis." He said softly.
"B-But, I wan' keep partying! The people are crying my name out! They want an encore~!" She giggled.
Bruce wanted to laugh because no one was even paying attention to her anymore. No one was calling out her name. She was so shit faced, but luckily, she was easy to sober up. He had learned from past experiences at parties with her. It was funny, she was horrible at holding her alcohol yet she could sober up within an hour after drinking. She was a strange girl for sure.
"Well, we're all taking the party back to your apartment!" He said, faking a cheerful tone.
"What! B-But, I haven't cleaned up!" She frowned.
"Yes you did, you just can't remember." He said.
"Oh! Ok! L-Let's go!"
Bruce waved goodbye to the other partygoers, leading y/n out of the club. Little to both of their knowledge that someone was following them. Watching them. The cold air sent a chill down y/n's spine as they walked outside. Her brother led her to his car, helping her get in. But, she quickly bolted out and hunched over the side of the building. Bruce winced as she puked, feeling bad for even letting her drink. Her throat was going to hurt like hell in the morning after that. He wasn't so worried about her having a hangover, as she didn't usually get them. Again, it was so odd that she could get sober easily, not have hangovers, and yet not hold her alcohol. It was truly strange to him.
"Ok, ok, that's it. Let it out." He cooed, walking over and holding her hair back.
Y/n choked out a sob.
"I-I miss him so m-much, Brucey..." She wailed before puking again.
He sighed, ignoring the weird looks he got from people walking by. Instead, he patted her back, comforting her through her sickness. His heart hurt for her.
"I know you do, sis. I know."
"W-What if I n-never see him again? W-What if he doesn't get be-better? I l-love him so m-much..."
She dry heaved, making him cringe. The smell was awful, but he did his best to overlook it and focus on cheering her up. The cold air was hopefully helping her sober up, maybe then she would stop crying, as it was only making her throat hurt more.
"Don't think like that, y/n. You need to stay positive. If he really does love you, he'll do his best to get better. I bet he's thinking about you right now, doing whatever he can to get to see you again." He mumbled softly.
"Y-You think so?"
Upbeat music blared from the club they left, causing y/n to bob her head to the rhythm. Bruce watched in slight amusement, helping her gain her balance as she stood back up. A dribble of vomit stuck to her chin. He pulled out a handkerchief he carried around, wiping it away and putting it back in his pocket. He didn't really care about the smell or anything, he'd just wash his clothes when he got home.
"I do."
Bruce led her to the car again, helping her get in. A rustle was heard behind him, making him whip his head around. He didn't see anything, but he felt on edge. The music got louder in the club and y/n drunkenly giggled, clapping her hands.
"Oh Christ, that band? Weren't you like obsessed with their music as a teenager?" He asked.
"Ok, ok, shhhh! Use your inside voice."
"BUT WE'RE OUTSIDE!" She yelled.
"Um, use your inside a car voice?" He asked.
"Oh, ok!"
He rolled his eyes, getting in the car. Paranoid, he did one final check around. The noise he heard really made him uneasy. Sighing, he started the car and drove to y/n's apartment complex.
"Ok, can I have your key?" He asked.
Y/n handed him her keys. The lanyard it was attached to had Sanrio characters all over it. Bruce chuckled, realizing it was the same one from their childhood. It was neat that she still had it. Fumbling with the keys, he managed to finally unlock the door and open it up. Y/n ran into the apartment, not entirely sure where she was running to. Bruce rolled his eyes as she face planted on the couch, closing the apartment door behind him. He felt cold, looking around the apartment. His eyes landed on an open window, making his eyes widen.
"Y/n, you can't leave your windows open when you leave!" He scolded.
"B-But, how else will the stray kitties get in?" She pouted.
"Oh my fucki-, I can't with you right now." Bruce groaned, closing the window.
"Whatttt?" Y/n slurred.
"If you leave your windows open, who knows what kind of sickos could get in? It's not safe, sis. Promise me you won't leave them open when you're not home, ok?" He asked.
"F-Fine, you're right..."
He nodded, running a hand through his hair. Walking into the kitchen, he opened up her medicine cabinet. Y/n groaned dramatically as he fished out two Tylenol pills. He placed them on the counter before grabbing a glass from another cabinet. Bruce yawned, pouring some juice in it, because God forbid y/n had to take medicine with water. She hated that ever since she was a kid, she said she could practically taste the medicine if she took it with water. He opened up the fridge, making sure that she had enough food for another week. He knew that she could take care of herself, but he was still her brother. No matter what, he was always going to look after her. Satisfied, he closed the fridge.
"Alright, take these tonight, ok? Make sure you take a cold shower as well, it'll help you sober up. Are you going to be ok alone?" He asked softly.
"Y-Yeah, I'll be ok, thanks B-Brucey." She hiccupped.
He walked over, seeing how drunkenly she laid on the couch. Sighing, he placed her lanyard that he still had on the coffee table. She wasn't asleep, just wanted to lie down. Bruce walked towards the front door, stopping when y/n called for him.
"What is it?" He asked.
"C-Can you..." She pointed at the T.V.
"Oh Jesus, really? You've watched that show thousands of times, aren't you going to get tired of it?" He scoffed.
"Never! Now, put it on!" Y/n ordered, sitting up lazily.
"Fine." Bruce groaned.
He walked over to the T.V, bending over and grabbing a C.D from a small cabinet. Y/n had brought a lot of C.D's from Wayne Tower to her apartment, as it was a comfort to her. She would watch movies that her parents, Bruce, and her used to watch, Alfred as well. There were also entire box sets of shows that she owned. And, a show that she watched a lot and never seemed to get tired of was: Breaking Bad. It was hilarious, actually. Bruce had watched it first, and y/n would sneak looks behind his back. Eventually, they watched the entire show together. Y/n got more obsessed with it than Bruce did. He remembered very vividly about her 18th birthday party and how it was Breaking Bad themed, a picture of Jesse Pinkman on her cake. It was strange, but surprisingly a fun party.
"Ok, which season?" He asked.
"Season 4!"
"Good choice."
He put the C.D in, pressing play on the first episode and giving it to y/n. Smiling, he ruffled up her hair and walked back to the door. Bruce waved to his sister.
"Good night, y/n. I'll call you when I get home. I want to make sure you're ok." He said.
"Ok, I'll keep my ri-ringer on, I looooove you Bruceyyyy!" She slurred.
"I love you too, sis."
The door closed, y/n groaning as she got up. She knew that she had to lock the door, but she was still irritated that it required her to get up. Once she made sure it was secure, she walked into the kitchen. Wincing, she took the two pills Bruce had laid out for her. She looked like a mess, honestly. Her thin strap dress ended at her mid thigh, the silver material glimmering in the dim light of her kitchen. Her makeup still looked good though, puppy liner, natural toned eyeshadow with glitter in the corner of her eyes, blush on her cheeks and nose like always, and glossy lips. Although, the gloss had been rubbed off from her vomit from earlier. That reminded her, she needed to brush her teeth, as her breath smelled terrible. Hurriedly, she tossed off her heels, forgetting she had them on. Y/n tossed them to the side, discarding them by the edge of the sofa. She went into the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it and brushing her teeth. She peeked out, looking at the T.V as she continued to wash away the vomit breath she had. Jesse Pinkman came on screen, and y/n drunkenly cheered, toothpaste dribbling down her chin.
She spat into the sink, rinsing out her mouth. Cleaning the toothbrush, she placed it back in the container. With the back of her hand, she wiped away the toothpaste from her chin. She came back outside, too tired to even take a shower, she didn't need one that bad. Because she was walking around and actively doing things, she could already feel herself sobering up. It was good. Humming, she sat back down and watched the show. But, out of nowhere, she remembered something that Edward had said during their visit. All of her drunkenness left her body, becoming extremely aware. He could be in the dark corners of her room. He could be watching her right now. It sent shivers down her spine. Swallowing thickly, she looked around the room. From what she could see, there was nothing there. But, she had a sneaking suspicion. Carefully, she stood up. Turning her back to the T.V, she looked out of her window. She looked across at Edward's old apartment, feeling fearful. Her eyes widened as she felt someone's presence behind her.
"I've found you, rabbit."
Before she could do anything, Edward had wrapped his arm around her waist. His other hand went to her neck, gripping the front of it firmly. She could still breathe, but the shock caused her to gasp. He wore gloves, the fabric feeling crude against her skin. Edward hummed in her ear, muffled slightly.
"Now, you won't scream if I let you go, will you?"
She shook her head.
"That's my girl." Edward released her from his grip.
Y/n turned around, looking at him with wide eyes. Heat pooled in her stomach as she saw what he looked like. It had been over a year since she had last seen him, and yet it felt like she had been aroused the entire time. Desperately waiting for him to come back to her. He was in his 'Riddler' attire. Y/n had never seen him in it in person, but oh, he looked so good in it. She felt dirty for thinking that, but it was true. Edward took in her shocked state, smiling sickeningly under his mask as he reached out and brushed hair out of her face.
"W-What are you...why are you...how...?" She panted.
"I've been released from Arkham, isn't that obvious? I was going to escape, but I figured I'd get 'better', for you."
"Get better? Edward, you're dressed like the Riddler." She scoffed.
"Yes, that's because I faked it, y/n. Those doctors are so ignorant. Do I look better to you?" He asked sarcastically, leaning in to her face.
Y/n looked into his wide eyes, they made her feel threatened. Pupils glimmered behind his glasses, glazed with insanity and lust. She felt like she was in danger, but that could probably be because of his attire. Again, she had never seen him dressed like The Riddler, and it was more terrifying than she could ever imagine. He had a roll of duct tape hooked to a utility belt on his waist, along with a knife and a rag. She hoped that they weren't intended for her, and yet she did at the same time.
"N-No, you don't." She said.
"Oh, I can see the fear in your eyes, rabbit. You're so afraid of me, yet so delighted to see me. You've missed me so terribly, haven't you?" He hummed.
God, there he went again. He made her feel so small once again. Just like a year ago, she was putty in his hands. She was so pathetic. It was embarrassing.
"I know. I've been watching you alllll day, rabbit. I heard what you said to Bruce outside of that club. You love me still. You miss me. You want to see me again." He chuckled, stepping closer to her.
"Of course you were stalking me, I- did you get in through the window?" She asked.
He ignored the question, as the answer was obvious. Instead he looked her up and down, taking in her appearance. Scoffing, he slid his finger under a strap of her dress, letting it snap back against her skin. She flinched, every movement he made making her nervous.
"I'm gone for a year and you're putting yourself in harms way? Getting drunk around strangers, leaving windows open in your apartment, I'm disappointed, y/n. Extremely disappointed." He scolded.
"I-, I'm sorry..." She frowned.
"Have you been with anyone else, hm? Have you let someone's lips touch yours before mine?"
She shook her head frantically.
"No! I-I couldn't get you out of my head. I didn't want anyone else, Eddie." Y/n admitted.
He smiled behind the mask, happy that she hadn't moved on. As he looked at her facial features more, as he was admiring her makeup, he noticed how sad she looked. He tutted, stepping forward and pulling her into a hug. As soon as he did it, y/n broke down into tears, hugging him tightly. Edward came here to ravish her, intending on keeping his promise from a year ago, but he could see that she needed a little bit of gentle love first. So, he repressed his animalistic urge and brought out his nurturing side. As she cried into his chest, he removed his mask, tossing it on the couch. He cursed himself for wearing the cling wrap, ripping it off and shoving it in his pocket carelessly. Planting a kiss on the top of her head, he let her cry.
"I-I m-missed you so much. I know i-it's bad, but I f-felt so lost without you." She sobbed.
"Oh I know, rabbit. I missed you too." He cooed.
"I-I had no one to watch movies w-with me. N-No one to feel safe with. N-No one to hug. N-Not like I did with y-you daddy..."
Edward squinted his eyes shut. He hadn't heard that name in a long time, and he missed it dearly. Swallowing his lust, he continued to stroke her hair. He wasn't sure how long he could restrain himself.
"But I'm here now, rabbit. I'll never leave you again, ok?"
"I promise."
Y/n sniffled, pulling away from the hug. She wiped away the tears on her cheek, lucky that she was wearing water proof mascara. Edward smiled at her, she did the same as she finally saw his face since he removed the mask. He looked just as good as he did that last time he saw him, though, he looked a little more skinny. That was most likely due to living in a hospital for a year.
"There's the smile I love so much. You feeling better, rabbit?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, I am. J-Just lots of emotions, I guess." Y/n sighed.
"That's good. Now, look at me."
She looked up into his eyes.
"Do you know why I'm here, rabbit?"
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, not sure what he was referring to. He was here to see her, obviously. Right? She stood still, thinking about why he could be in her apartment. He watched her carefully, smirking as he saw the realization in her eyes. She wasn't scared about the realization, more so caught off guard and anxious.
"Oh, fuck..."
He laughed, nodding his head.
"Oh, fuck indeed!" He mocked.
He watched as she backed up slightly. Again, not because she didn't want it. It was because she was trembling in anticipation. She was anxious for what was going to happen, it excited her and scared her. It was an intoxicating feeling. He reached down and grabbed the roll of duct tape from off of his belt. Sighing, he held it in his hand, pointing it at her.
"You see, I thought about this a lot in Arkham. What I would do to you. Oh, so many twisted fantasies crossed my mind, but none of them really..."
He pulled the duct tape out, ripping a piece off. The harshness of his movements made her jump. Edward chuckled darkly.
"...jumped at me! But then, I thought a little more about it. Although I faked being 'sane', I do want to be a better man for you. Call me sentimental, but my love for you has a hold over my cold heart." He hummed.
Y/n nodded, listening to what he was saying. Edward looked at the piece of duct tape he ripped, shaking his head. He didn't think it was long enough for what he was planning. Crumpling it up into a ball, he threw it behind him.
"So, I thought, you know what would be better therapy than what I got in the hospital?"
Y/n shook her head, curious.
"A good fuck. No, a godly fuck. A fuck so passionate and depraved that words would never be able to describe it!" He explained, slowly getting closer to her.
He took y/n's silence as a signal to continue.
"The 'Riddler' persona, what drives it is my desire for power and recognition. When I get in it, I just want to...destroy someone. I believe that if I..."
He grabbed her neck tightly, gloved fingers digging into her skin. She whimpered, instinctively holding his hand. Edward's eyes were wide as he looked down at her, a twisted smile on his face.
"...take those desires out on you, maybe it'll suppress those urges for a while. Think of it like a shot you get every few months or so. It hurts so bad, but it makes you feel so much better afterwards." He explained crudely.
"E-Edward...I-I, fuck, this is all so sudden..."
"I told you that when I got out I would be coming for you. I told you what I was going to do to you, y/n. You knew this day was coming, and from what I remember, you wanted it to happen as soon as possible." He whispered in her ear.
"Well, yeah I did. B-But, I can't just jump right into sex...it's not easy for girls to do that." She said.
Edward looked at her like she was explaining simple addition to him. He knew what foreplay was. He knew how to get her ready for sex. Even though he hadn't fucked her before, he was still pretty skilled at making her wet. He was skilled at making her desperate.
"You think I don't know that, y/n? I'm not a fucking idiot. Who said I was going to bend you over and fuck you right now?" He raised an eyebrow, hand still around her throat.
"S-Sorry, you're right. I-I'm just nervous...you're really, um, intimidating me right now..." She mumbled shyly.
"Oh, I can tell rabbit. I can feel your pulse against my hand." He hummed.
"C-Can we make a s-safeword like you said during our visit?" She asked.
"If it will make you feel more comfortable, of course. What about..." He looked at her eyes, seeing the sparkles in the corners of them.
"That works, yeah." She smiled.
"You look so good, y/n. I missed your pretty little face so much." He sighed happily.
She blushed.
"I-I'm not really sure how to start..." She admitted.
"Oh, I know exactly how. I've been dreaming about this day for over a year, rabbit. All you need to do is relax and let me do the work. Well, unless I tell you to do something of course." He smirked.
He looked at her for a second, waiting for her to give him a signal to start. Once she did, he used his free hand to cup her face. His lips pressed against hers, moving in a gentle dance. Y/n couldn't help but melt into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. He slid his tongue into her mouth, pulling away and leaving sloppy kisses on her jaw line. Saliva was already smeared across her lower lip. Edward looked down at her, the T.V show still playing in the background as he hoisted her up, legs wrapping around his waist. Y/n gasped as he brought her over to the 'L' shaped couch, dropping her on the long part of it. He did this so he could climb on top of her, straddling her hips and pinning her down. Because of how clumsily he placed her down, her dress had pulled down slightly, exposing the tops of her breasts. Edward realized she had no bra on and he groaned, dick twitching in his pants. He gripped the sides of the couch, taking a deep breath
"You're ok with this, right? I don't want you to think I'm forcing you to do this. It's ok if you don't want to." He said, looking down at her.
She didn't respond, only whined as she bucked her hips upward. Edward groaned again. The action was hot, but it was not an answer. He wanted a verbal answer from her. Reaching down, he gripped her chin roughly.
"Use your words." He ordered.
"I want this, daddy." She whispered softly.
"Fuck, call me that again." Edward said, running his thumb over her lips.
Edward couldn't wait any longer. He had been waiting over a year for this moment. He quickly removed the jacket he had on, tossing it haphazardly across the room. He was left in a dark green, almost black, tank top and the pants he was wearing as well. The sight of him in a tank top, arms shown off and accentuating his pecs, it just made her melt. Her thighs squeezed together, but Edward reached down and placed his hands between them. Tutting, he slid off the couch, kneeling down and pulling y/n closer towards him.
"Fuck, ok. Here's how this is going to go. This is the last time I'm going to ask you if this is ok. If you say yes, I'm going to just...fuck...I'm not going to stop unless you say the safeword. Do you understand?"
"Y-Yes, I understand. Please, Eddie, I w-want you..." She whined.
Letting out a shaky breath, he lifted up y/n's dress and bunched it around her waist. But, he scoffed, instead he removed it entirely from her body and tossed it away. Her chest was on full display and he felt his pants getting tighter and tighter by the second. He stood up, roughly grabbing one of her breasts. Her back arched and he admired the sight. But, he changed his demeanor quick, pinching her nipple harshly, twisting it. She yelped, sitting up and glaring at him. Edward grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her closer to his face.
"That's for being fucking stupid and getting wasted in the Narrows." He spat, pushing her back on the couch.
"Don't you ever do something like that again, I don't give a shit if you were with your brother. Got it?" He scolded.
"Y-Yes, daddy I won't do it again. I promise!" She whined.
Grunting, he lifted her legs up and rested them on his shoulders. He shivered at the sight before him. Y/n's panties were completely soaked through. It should be no surprise to him though, as he was able to make her wet with a snap of his fingers. He buried his face in between her legs without warning, inhaling her scent deeply. It was so vulgar and strange, but it made y/n moan. Edward was like a kid who was playing with their new toy on Christmas. Except, in this case, he was finally getting to break and use the woman he had been stalking for months, in love with for many months after that, and thinking about for a year. It was a dream come true for him and he wanted to enjoy every single moment. He was in charge and he was going to enjoy that power.
"Fuuuuck, you smell so sweet. I bet you taste even sweeter." He mumbled.
Edward planted a soft kiss against her clothed heat, making her buck her hips. He did not hesitate to slap her thigh harshly, signaling for her to quit. It was sharp and left a red mark on her skin. He continued to kiss her, slowly licking a stripe up the fabric. Y/n whimpered and shivered underneath him, filled to the brim with lust and anticipation. A burning sensation shot up her hips, startled by Edward ripped the fabric off of her. She scoffed, her legs burning slightly.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She exclaimed, exasperated.
He looked up at her from between her legs, not yet looking between her legs. His eyes were dark and heavy, they were always like that though. It was hot as hell. Edward said nothing as he looked at her from between her legs. The silence made her extremely unnerved, feeling his gaze pierce her soul. What made it even more ominous, is that his face was completely neutral. He did not look mad, angry, frustrated, anything. He simply just looked at her. That was all it took for her to shut up and apologize meekly. But, he continued to look at her for a little while longer, making sure that she knew he didn't approve of her language towards him. Sighing, he looked down between her legs. It was his first time ever seeing her like this. Even though he had stalked her and watched her before, he never violated her in any inappropriate way. It was his first time seeing her naked body. He was so mesmerized by the sight, taking his time observing it. Humming to himself in delight, he used his thumbs to spread her open. She was absolutely soaked, dripping on his fingers as he poked and prodded at her like a science experiment. Now, he knew that he didn't need to eat her out. If he really wanted to, he could get a quick fuck, cum, and leave her helpless. But, he wasn't an asshole. He was so hopelessly in love with her. Yes, he could focus on his pleasure, but that wouldn't be fun at all. If he just focused on himself, then he wouldn't be able to make her squirm underneath him. He wouldn't be able to make her beg for him. He wouldn't be able to make her squirt all over his fingers, in his mouth, and on his dick. And if he couldn't do that, then what was even the point? He was going to make her orgasm so many times that she'd look like her soul had been drained from her body. A groan left his throat, but his arousal made it sound like a growl. His hands gripped her thighs tightly, still resting on his shoulders. He leaned down and pressed his lips against her dripping center. A pathetic whine left y/n's throat. A ring echoed throughout the room, making both of them jump slightly. But Edward ignored it and continued to sloppily kiss and tongue her clit. Y/n had reached over, grabbing her phone from off the couch. She groaned.
"I-It's Bruce, E-Eddie." She whined.
He didn't say anything. Instead, he slightly flicked his hand at her. Y/n took that as a 'Answer it' motion. She shook her head, biting down on her lip.
"B-But, you have to stop i-if I do!"
Edward kept his lips against her skin, snapping his fingers and pointing at her.
"Pick it up." He grumbled, voice muffled against her.
Y/n silently cursed Edward out in her head. If she said any of it out loud, he might pinch her again. Taking a deep breath, she tried to gain composure of herself before answering the call. Y/n put the phone on speaker, knowing Edward would want to hear.
"Hey Brucey!"
Edward circled his tongue around her clit. His lips came together, sucking on the sensitive nub. Y/n covered her mouth with one of her hands, legs squeezing around his head between her legs. A quiet chuckle left his throat as he watched her struggle.
"Hey, just got home. I wanted to call you and make sure you're doing ok." He said.
He slowed his onslaught on her pussy, letting her answer. Edward didn't want her to get caught. Instead, he wanted her to think that she might get caught. It was a fun little game.
"Yeah, I-I'm ok. I took the medicine you put out for me. I'm..."
She looked down at Edward.
"...pretty sobered up now." She squinted her eyes shut.
"That's good. Hey, um, I just found out that Edward was released from Arkham today. Did you know that? Apparently it was earlier this morning." He said.
She looked down at Edward, wondering if she should tell her brother that he was at her house. Edward could tell what she was thinking. He thought about it, not seeing any harm in it. After all, he had been released legally, even though he sort of cheated the system. As long as he didn't know about what he was doing to his sister, nothing was wrong with telling him. He nodded at y/n, shoving his tongue inside of her and sucking on her skin softly.
"Um, yeah. Shortly after you left he came over. He's here right now actually." She said.
"He is? A-Are you...are you safe?" He asked.
Edward scoffed, squeezing her thighs in frustration. How absurd Bruce was for thinking he could ever hurt y/n with intent of malice. That was impossible. He would never cause harm to y/n. Not without her wanting it of course...
"Yes, Bruce I'm safe. He's not going to hurt me. He's actually trying to be a better person, in his own way..." She trailed, looking down at him.
It was true, he was.
"Well, that's good. Um, is he nearby? Can I say something?" He asked.
Edward rolled his eyes. If he said no, he would get suspicious. Damn it all to hell. He silently groaned, pulling away from her pussy, a string of her arousal and his saliva attached to his bottom lip. With the back of his hand, he wiped it away. Y/n nearly moaned, biting on her tongue to prevent it. He nodded at her, irritated that he would have to 'pretend' to be shy little Edward once again. Though, to be fair, he was shy little Edward. It was his Riddler side that made him the complete opposite. But, that's what they were working on right now, in a strange way.
"Yeah, I'll give the phone to him. Um, he might be a little shaken up. Be nice with him, Brucey." She said.
Y/n gave Edward the phone, watching as he held it in his left hand. With his other hand, he brought it to y/n's clit, rubbing circles on it. Of course she wasn't going to get a break. Not with Edward around. Roughly, he pressed his thumb against it, moving it very subtly every once in a while.
"Um, hello?" He mumbled softly, staring at y/n's pussy.
It was impressive how good he was at acting. His facial expression was cold and focused, his actions were vulgar and erotic, and yet his voice was meek and pitiful. The whole situation was so messed up.
"Hi. So, I'm not really sure how to start this conversation. Um, you understand why I might be a little nervous of you being around my sister, right? Last time I saw you, you weren't exactly 'sane'." Bruce said awkwardly.
Edward rolled his eyes yet again, pinching y/n's clit between his fingers. Her back arched, gripping onto the back of the couch. He smirked, focusing back onto the call.
"Yeah, I understand. But, I'm not that person anymore, Mr. Wayne. I was in a really...dark...place. I know I did bad things, but I can't take them back." He said weakly.
"Look, y/n likes you a lot. She trusts you a lot. If she trusts you, then I'll do my best to trust you too."
"I like her a lot, too. She's the first person to have shown me kindness in my life. I...I want to...I want to be a better person for her." He fake cried.
"Uh, it's ok. I believe you. Just know that I've got my eye on you. Can you give the phone back to y/n?"
"Yes, Mr. Wayne. S-Sorry..." He stuttered.
Rolling his eyes, he tossed the phone back to y/n. He instantly snapped out of his 'shy' act. Though, he didn't really lie about anything. Everything he said was true. It was just his tone that he lied about. If he had been cocky and confident, well, that would have probably raised some red flags. As y/n talked to her brother, Edward sunk back down between her legs, resuming his sloppy tonguing.
"He seems so...small?" Bruce said.
Y/n winced as he dug his nails into her skin. She knew he was feeling insulted. Even though he most definitely was not small at all. He was just acting like he was.
"Well, he's going through a lot right now Bruce."
"I guess. He's not staying over there, is he?" He asked.
"Um, I'm not sure. E-Edward, were you able to get your old apartment back or do you still need to find a new place?" She asked, irritated that she had to make him stop eating her out.
"No. They took everything out of my apartment and put it in a storage unit." He said before getting back to work.
Edward had lost his apartment when he went to the hospital. The person who was in charge of the tenants talked with the police and decided to just keep his things in a storage unit. As soon as he had a place to live, he would go and collect his possessions.
"He doesn't have a place to stay. He's staying Bruce." She stated.
"I don't know how I feel about that."
"Well, it's not really your decision, is it? I'm not going to kick him out into the streets of Gotham late at night." She scoffed.
Edward grimaced.
"I'm perfectly capable of defending myself..." He mumbled against her skin quietly before biting her.
She bit back a whimper.
"Fine. Just be safe." He said.
"I will, Brucey."
"Alright, I love you sis."
"I love you too. I'll call you in the morning. Good night."
"Good night."
Y/n hung up the phone, tossing it to the side. Edward groaned loudly, spreading her open and devouring her. The wet slurping sounds were so vulgar and sickening. He was acting as if he hadn't eaten anything in weeks, and y/n's pussy was a four course meal. She squealed when he bit on her clit harshly, tugging on it with his teeth. He pulled away and stood up, spitting on her heat as he removed his gloves, tossing them behind him. Without saying anything as a warning, he shoved three fingers inside of her as he hunched over her body. The sensation was so tight for both of them. Y/n let out a loud cry, throwing her head back into the couch. He watched as he fingered her at a rapid pace, stretching his fingers apart inside of her to further elevate the feeling. Grinning from ear to ear, he remembered that he still had his utility belt. He had ripped off a piece of duct tape earlier, intending to gag her, but the time just wasn't right. But, it was now. Oh it most definitely was. He abruptly slid his fingers out of her, sticking them in his mouth immediately. He relished the taste, humming in satisfaction as he sucked every bit off. Removing his fingers from his mouth, he slapped his hand lightly across her face, smiling at her.
"I was right, you do taste sweet. Like pure sugar." He hummed.
Y/n moaned from the slap, making him chuckle. He slapped her again, a little firmer this time. She winced, humming in response. Edward knew she'd like to be slapped around a little bit. Like he said a year ago, she was so easy to read. He grabbed the roll of duct tape, ripping a piece off. He held it in front of her face, dangling it like a cat toy.
"I have a strong suspicion that you're going to be very loud with what I'm about to do to you. We don't want your other tenants to think you're in danger, do we?" He smiled sadistically.
"W-What are you gonna do?" She asked.
"No! That'll spoil the surprise! But, if you get uncomfortable, just give daddy a little tap or hit, I'm pretty sure I can take it, on the shoulder ok?" He cooed, ruffling her hair humiliatingly.
Before she could say anything, he smothered her lips with the duct tape. Looking at her, he shook his head, deciding that it wasn't enough. Roughly, he ripped it off, making her wince. He grabbed the rag he had and shoved it in her mouth forcefully. It was the perfect fit.
"That's much better. Hm, I did really want to use the tape though..." He frowned.
He thought for a moment, thinking about what he could use it for. Not sure yet, he decided to just tape over the rag with a few pieces. Once he was sure it was secure enough, he stood up completely. Y/n laid below him, gagged and bare. Edward crossed his arms over his chest after adjusted his glasses. He stood in front of the T.V, which was still playing Breaking Bad albeit quietly, creating an outline around him.
"You look so weak. Like I could just..."
He made a 'snapping' motion with his hands.
"...break you."
Y/n moaned through the gag, watching as he walked into her bedroom. She looked at the T.V seeing Walter White come on screen. Rolling her eyes, she groaned. She loved the show, but holy shit did she hate that bald motherfucker. Her mouth was dry and she so badly wanted to remove the gag. She was fully capable of doing it, as her hands weren't bound. But, she wouldn't because Edward wanted her gagged. Edward always got what he wanted. She was happy to give him it. She sat up, grabbing a blanket and covering her body with it to protect herself from the cold. A few seconds later Edward came back in and something was in his hand. Y/n couldn't tell what it was, but she was sure he would show her soon. He knelt down in front of her, resting his arms on her covered thighs. Acting like he was a magician revealing a dove underneath a cloth, he lifted his hand off of the other. Y/n's eyes widened, it was her vibrator. He faked a shocked expression, looking at the hot pink vibrator and then back to her.
"Look what I foundddd!" He chuckled in a singsong tone.
She tried to say something, but the gag prevented her. He held up a hand, a cheeky smile on his face. He was so flamboyant with his actions and words, just like he was in the livestreams he did. It was scary, yet exciting.
"Now, I know what you're thinking. How did I find out about this? You're probably expecting me to say that I spied on you, watched you use it once, right? Well, really, I just opened up the wrong drawer while looking for the spare clothes I kept here. I can't believe it was still in the same place, and you kept my clothes too." He grinned.
Y/n rubbed her thighs together underneath the blanket. Edward grabbed it, and removed it from her legs. Though, he knew she was cold so he covered her chest with it instead. Fascinated, Edward turned it on, watching it vibrate as he held it between his thumb and two fingers. He lowered it slowly to between her legs, watching as she closed her eyes. Making a 'tsk' sound, he pulled away.
"Have you been using it? Better yet, do you think of me when you use it?" He asked.
She nodded frantically.
"Oh, you have, have you? Interesting..." He trailed.
He lowered it back down between her legs. But, yet again, he pulled away before it could touch her. He tilted his head to the side.
"Why do you have my clothes, still? Did you hold on to them because you awaited my return? Probably. Hm, do you wear them, y/n?"
She nodded again.
"Oh, you really have missed me. That's so precious." He cooed.
Harshly, he pressed the tip of it against her clit. She squinted her eyes shut, arching her back. He watched, mouth agape slightly as he took in her helpless form. An amused chuckle left his chest, sliding the vibrator inside of her slowly. She moaned, muffled by the gag, but still audible just barely.
"It's so pitiful that you had to resort to this cheap...toy...in order to get pleasure. If only I had been here to help you after those wet dreams that you no doubt had while I was away." He sympathized.
She nodded, whimpering into the gag. Edward turned it up to a higher intensity, watching her squirm. He grinned, rubbing his thumb over her clit in addition.
"But, I can promise you that once I fuck you, this is will never satisfy you ever again. It'll feel like a mere tickle compared to how I'll make you feel." Edward teased.
Y/n kicked her legs slightly, hitting Edward in the side. He knew she didn't mean to, so he didn't get mad. The overstimulation of the vibrator and his finger was just driving her near the edge. And that's exactly what he wanted. She continued to flail her legs around, though Edward held them down, almost like she was begging him to stop. But, he said she needed to tap him on the shoulder if she wanted him to stop. She knew that too, and she did not want him to stop, so she didn't do it.
"Oh, looks like someone's getting closer and closer, isn't she?" He taunted.
She had her head thrown back. Her cheeks were red from the arousal she felt. Eyes were closed shut tightly, focusing on reaching her orgasm. Edward smiled, turning the intensity up higher. That was what broke her. She moaned loudly into the gag. Edward groaned as he pulled out the vibrator, putting it against her clit. She shook under the sensation, back arching. He dove his head between her legs, cupping his mouth over her pussy after taking the vibrator away. Closing his eyes, he turned it off and rubbed her thighs as she squirted in his mouth. It was almost too much for him to handle. He growled, reaching under her and grabbing her ass. He lifted her up, desperately trying to get her closer to him, almost melt into him and join as one. Edward practically made out with her pussy, tonguing, licking, and sucking as she climaxed. Once he knew her orgasm was over, he slowed his attack on her, swallowing what was in his mouth. He brought his lips away just slightly, letting his breath fan on her sensitive skin. He let out a shaky laugh, moaning afterwards. His hands still gripped her thighs roughly as he lifted his head up completely. He needed another taste. He brought the vibrator to his lips and licked off whatever was on it. Sighing, he placed it on the coffee table next to him and swiped his tongue over his lips. He felt drunk off of her taste. He removed the tape and the gag from her mouth, placing the rag on the table and crumpling the duct tape up, placing it down as well. She panted immediately, hands covering her eyes as her chest heaved up and down. Edward hummed, bringing his thumbs down and spreading her pussy open, amused at how sensitive she was.
"Oh, don't relax just yet. I'm not even close done with you. Rabbit, I think you're ready for me. Do you think you are?" He asked.
"F-Fuck, yeah, b-but just g-give me a minute..." She panted.
He laughed, picking her up and wrapping her legs around his thighs. She whimpered as her exposed skin brushed against the fabric of his tank top. He walked over to her window, the exact one that he came in through. Y/n looked confused as he opened it, but he just smirked at her. In one fluid movement, he bent her over the window sill. Edward removed his pants, kicking them away. Y/n tried to come back inside, but he pushed her head down as he stepped behind her.
"Oh no rabbit, call me something else." He corrected.
"Daddy, it's cold a-and people are gonna see me!" She pouted.
He laughed, grinding his clothed dick over her pussy. She moaned, covering her mouth with her hand. Edward leaned over, grabbing her hair roughly.
"That's the entire point of this degrading act. I was able to get in because this window was open. You're practically asking people to break in and harm you. You already had yourself on display for people, I'm just making it more obvious." He spat.
"P-Please, I wanna come in!"
"You can come back in after you do one thing." He rubbed her back.
Without warning, he shoved himself inside of her, head leaning back at the tight feeling. It was better than he could have ever imagined. His hand came nowhere close to it. Y/n covered her mouth, nearly screaming into it. Edward stilled inside of her as he bent back over.
"All you have to do is yell my name out. Yell it right into the street. Let everyone on this block, all the people trying to sleep, let them all hear you take this dick." He smiled sinisterly.
"W-What! No, daddy, th-that's humiliating! P-Please..." She whined.
Edward gripped her hips, ramming in and out of her. Y/n bit down on her lip, tears forming in her eyes as she held back her cries. He kept up the brutal pace, mouth agape as he admired the arch in her back. It was twisted, but her humiliation fed his ego and made him so power hungry.
"Rabbit, I know you're holding it back. Just let it out. I want everyone to know who's fucking your needy pussy." He groaned.
"I-I-I, p-please...c-can't take it..." Y/n pleaded.
"Oh, but you can and you will. You know why? Because..."
Edward slapped her ass harshly, leaving a bright red handprint. She whimpered and a tear trickled down her cheek. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, lifting her up slightly. He brought his head down to hers, raising his voice, and making it echo down the street.
"...I. Fucking. Told you!" He shouted between his thrusts.
He had no shame. Someone could walk in on him railing her and he'd pay no mind to it. He'd just pick up his pace and continue to fuck up into her. But, he knew y/n felt shame. And that's what made it more fun. She was mortified and he knew it. Y/n wanted to come back inside so bad. She had no choice other than to do what he said. But, if she was so mortified, then why was she enjoying it so much? Easy answer: because it was Edward doing it. If any other man had treated y/n like this during sex she would have kicked him out, slammed the door in his face, and called the police. But, with Edward...it was so much fun.
"E-Edward! Fuck! P-Please! It feels so good!" She cried out.
Edward hummed in satisfaction. He brought her back in, pulling his dick out of her. Closing the window, he grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her to the floor. Y/n's eyes widened when she saw his dick. It was well over average. Very well over average. He straddled her lap, hands wrapped around her neck the entire time.
"You know why I did that?" He asked.
"B'cause I l-left the window open?" She mumbled.
"Partially, yes. But I wanted to show you that I have no problem fucking you when you need to be fucked. I'll bend you over a windowsill, I'll push you up against a wall, I'll ruin you in an alleyway, I'll take you to a bathroom and fuck your brains out, and I'll fuck you on this floor. I don't need a cushy bed or couch to rearrange your pretty little guts." He seethed, tightening his grip on her neck.
"Ohhh, fuck meee daddy..." She moaned.
"No. You don't sound desperate enough. I don't think you really want it." He scoffed.
Y/n whined, trying to turn over. Edward noticed and lifted himself up slightly. She flipped on her stomach, completely naked on the floor as she stuck her ass up and backed it up against his dick. He watched in amusement, taking in how whorish she was acting. Laughing, he grabbed her ass, grinding against it agonizingly slow. He reached over to his pants and grabbed his phone from them, glad that he hospital held onto it for him.
"Ohhh rabbit, smile for the camera." He taunted.
She looked at him, batting her eyelashes. When she saw the phone, she didn't get uncomfortable. Instead, she increased her arch, shoving her ass up higher. Edward scoffed, taking a picture of the erotic position, his dick in the picture as well, poking at her pussy. She moaned, wiggling her ass back and forth as a way of asking him to fuck her. He rolled his eyes, flipping her over and slamming her hips down. Edward propped his phone up against a chair, angling it so it only had their bodies in frame before pressing record. He looked down at y/n.
"Are you going to be a good little rabbit and put on a show? Make a little movie for me?"
"Oh f-fuck, yes daddy please! A-Anything, j-just need your dick...p-please..." She begged.
Edward groaned, shoving himself inside of her completely. Y/n arched her back, letting a lewd moan leave her lips. He shushed her, covering her mouth with his hand as he continued to fuck her slowly.
"You already screamed out into the street, don't you think the people below you will hear you moaning my name? Do you really want to draw more attention to yourself?" He mocked.
She shook her head.
"That's what I thought. Oh, you look so pretty when I'm fucking you." He cooed.
He grabbed one of her hands and placed it over her lower stomach, near the pelvis. Pushing down, he held it in place while he continued to slowly yet fluidly rut into her. Y/n couldn't suppress the shocked moan as she felt his dick, albeit faintly, moving inside her. Again, the feeling was extremely faint, but she could still feel her skin move just slightly. It was enough to make her lose her mind though. Edward nodded his head, laughing as he pushed her hand into her stomach more, making sure she could feel it as much as she could.
"You feel that, rabbit?" He asked, groaning as he did a quick thrust, angled slightly upwards.
Y/n whimpered and nodded her head. She couldn't even get a single word out, let alone a syllable.
"That's how it feels to get your guts fucked." He spat.
Edward picked up his pace, grabbing her legs and wrapping them around his waist. The heels of her feet dug into his ass as he pummeled into her. She slid up and down the floor from the force of his thrusts, moaning the entire time. Edward was extremely careful not to push himself near the edge, as he wanted this to last as long as he could make it. But, y/n had a different idea in mind. She tightened around his dick, making him groan and hunch over. He hissed, going faster and faster, giving her a slap across the face. Needing her to be closer, he grabbing her waist and drew her close to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held onto her thighs. Edward continued to fuck her, wincing as she bit down on his shoulder to remain quiet. He moaned, feeling her tighten around him once again. She was getting close to her second orgasm.
"You're so filthy, letting me take you like this. And now you're about to cum on my cock. It's fucking pathetic." He whispered in her ear.
She whimpered, sobbing into his neck as her orgasm washed over her. It was so overwhelming and made her whole body go numb. He held her close as he felt her loosen around him. Her pants and whines echoed in his ear and he listened to them as if it was his favorite song.
"That's it, my filthy little rabbit. Worn out like an old glove, aren't you?" He cooed mockingly, turning off the recording.
"M' so tired..." She mumbled.
"But, I'm still not done. You've gotten to cum twice, and I haven't once. Does that sound fair?" He hummed.
"N-No daddy."
"Then get the fuck up." He spat.
Y/n whimpered, lifting herself off his dick and standing up. Edward grabbed his phone, stopping the recording, and pointed towards her bedroom. He slapped her on the ass before she scurried to her bed. Edward followed, ego inflated and attitude cocky. He saw her on her back, legs spread out, putting herself on display. Slowly, he closed the door, staring at her blankly. She practically shrank under his icy gaze.
"I've been gentle with you, rabbit."
She whined, rubbing her thighs together. Her eyes moved to his hand, freezing as she saw a belt. Edward could see that she looked uncomfortable, so he figured he should clarify.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you with it. I'm not comfortable with that." He reassured.
She nodded, relaxing instantly. Edward approached her, motioning for her to get closer. When she did, he quickly wrapped the belt around her neck, not hooking it, and tugged on it. She choked slightly, as when he pulled it, it tightened. He didn't say anything as he shoved her down in the mattress, hand keeping her head down. Y/n moaned, remembering that this was something he said he wanted to do to her during the visit. She cried out as he fucked down in her. He pulled on the belt, silencing her cry, pushing her head down with his hand firmly.
"No, no, NO! Stay STILL!" He ordered.
Y/n nodded, whining as a bit of her slick trickled down her leg. Edward saw and brought his finger down, wiping it up and licking it off. He groaned, slapping her ass as he abruptly started to animalistically drill down into her. She whimpered, the noises she could make being restricted by the tight belt around her throat. He laughed, enjoying the scenario a little too much.
"You're pathetic. I hope you know that. But, I love you for it. I love how you risked your entire reputation while I said all those vulgar things to you in that visitation room. I love how you let me eat your pretty pussy while you called your brother, when you easily could have made me stop. I love how you're such a perfect angel in public, but as soon as I even look at you, you grovel at my feet. I love how you'll do anything I tell you to." He groaned.
"A-Anything you want d-daddy!" She choked out.
Edward tightened the belt.
"Did I say you could fucking speak? No! So just shut the fuck up!" He seethed, spitting on her back.
He pushed her head further into the mattress as he got on the bed. His knees on either side of her, letting him get a better angle. He bent over, giving no warning as he bit down hard on her shoulder. Y/n screamed into the mattress as he broke skin. He said he would do this too. He told her he would mark her. He told her that he would sink his teeth into her skin and make her bleed. She knew him well enough to know he doesn't lie. He tightened the belt, continuing to fuck her as he sucked and bit her shoulder. Y/n knew that it would hurt like a bitch later on, but she didn't care in the moment.
"Fuck, you wanna cum again?" He asked, lips on her skin.
She whimpered, mumbling a soft 'yes' into the bed.
"Yeah? Oh I bet you do."
He pulled away from her shoulder. Edward felt himself get close to his orgasm. He grunted, pulling out of her and flipping her over. Leaning forward, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and turned her around so her head hung of the edge of the bed. He bent over and thrusted his dick inside her mouth, touching the back of her throat. He spread her legs open, hungrily licking and sucking at her clit. Y/n whimpered, clawing at the backs of his thighs in desperation to pull away. He moaned, shoving two fingers in her pussy and stretching them apart as he fucked her skull. He curled his fingers before pulling them out, gripping her thighs as he reached his climax, hot thick ropes shooting down her throat. She gagged, tears trickled down her face as her mouth was filled up with his cum. He pulled out of her, moving away and looking at her face with a blank stare as she hung upside down. She swallowed the thick liquid, grimacing as she did it. Edward slapped her across the face, squeezing her jaw to force her mouth open. He looked inside, watching as a string of cum trickled off her tongue. He caught it on his finger and shoved it inside her mouth, feeling her tongue swirl around it before pulling it out. He stood up once he was satisfied, sitting down on the bed and leaning his back against the headboard. Y/n whined, slowly sitting up.
He looked up at her dully. She had her hand between her thighs, squeezed tightly together. The bite mark on her shoulder was a dark red-purple, but it wasn't bleeding. He grimaced, upset that he hadn't caused her to bleed. Sadistic, yes, but he wanted to see if her blood was just as sweet as the rest of her body. Edward scoffed, motioning for her to come over to him. Not needing to be told twice, she crawled on his lap, legs straddling one of his thighs. Now, Edward was spent, that was for certain. Could he have done a lot more than what he did to her? Yes. But, he didn't. Maybe in the future, if he needed to have another 'therapeutic' fuck, he would be more rough and kinky. Yeah, he was already rough and kinky with her, but he could have done so much more. Not now, of course. But, some time soon. However, he could still rough her around a little more. After all, he could tell how desperate she was for an orgasm. Why wouldn't he toy with her a little?
"What is it, rabbit? Hm?" He cooed in a sickly sweet voice.
"Y-You didn't let me cum..." She whined, rubbing back and forth on his thighs.
Edward feigned innocence, though y/n knew he was toying with her. He shook his head, brushing hair out of his face.
"No, I made you cum twice little rabbit. Or do you not remember? Did I fuck you dumb?" He hummed.
"N-No, I mean right n-now..."
He made a shocked face, tilting his head to the side. Pushing his glasses up, he softly said 'ohhh'. Y/n continued to grind on his thighs, biting on her bottom lip.
"Is that what you're trying to do? Cum? Is that it?"
She nodded, gripping onto his shoulders. Edward stayed silent for a bit, letting her go a little longer. He watched the way her hips rolled as she moved back and forth. Her arousal was coated his thigh, smearing it all over his skin. After a few more seconds, he used his hands to hold her hips firmly in place. Y/n groaned at the sudden inability to move. Looking into her eyes, he let his nails dig into her soft flesh. Her face contorted and she hissed.
"Do we not ask for permission anymore? Huh?" He questioned lowly.
"I just r-really need it!" She stuttered.
"Yes, I can see that, I'm not fucking blind. But you're not the one in charge here, are you?"
"Are you?!" He raised his voice, digging his nails in further.
"No! I'm not!" She shrieked.
"Who is?"
"You are!"
"And what's my name?"
"So, who's in charge?" He asked, yanking her forward so his leg grinded against her heat.
"F-Fuck! Edward is!"
During the conversation, Edward's dick had gotten hard again. He didn't think he'd be wanting a round two, but he just couldn't help himself anymore. Roughly, he pushed her on her back, hovering over her on the bed. Y/n instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, practically begging him to take her again. He felt something inside of him change. It was as if the 'switch' determining his persona was balanced in the middle, and now it was fully on 'The Riddler'. He felt that this was progress, hopefully this second round would be enough to suppress his alter ego for a while to come. Y/n could see it in his eyes, she could see the fire and craze. It was startling, as if she was looking into the eyes of a murderer. Well, that's the thing, she was. Except this time, it was the true murderer, not Edward. The Riddler was the personification of his darkest desires, his darkest thoughts, his hatred, and his anger. He was absolutely positive that this fuck would help him deal with that side of him, but he did know that he would also have to go to therapy sessions. He was ok with that. But, currently, he couldn't think about anything other than ruining y/n once again. It was as if he was back in his 'early days' of becoming the Riddler. After all, it was his research he did as the Riddler that led him to getting interested in y/n. It was the Riddler that gave him the confidence to go after her. Sure, Edward's 'normal' self helped with it too, but if it weren't for his alter ego, he never would have been here with y/n. Edward knew he would never be able to fully get rid of his persona, and he was ok with that. But, he wanted to learn how to push it down and make it more 'tame'. And, since y/n was ok with it, he figured he could just 'tame' it in the bedroom. Y/n could see the switch flip in his brain, and it excited her. It was obvious that he was fully in his alter ego state now, as he had the same insane look in his eyes as he did in that visitation room. Oh, y/n remembered it so well. Edw-The Riddler, looked down at her, a familiar wide grin spreading over his face. It sent a chill down her spine and made her ache between her legs. She knew that things were going to be more...harsh. Severe.
"Ohhh, rabbit, sweet, gentle rabbit. Enticing and delicate beneath me." He breathed out, gliding his knuckled over her cheek.
Y/n hesitated to speak, not entirely sure what she should call him. When she visited him, he was 'The Riddler' and she called him Edward. He didn't seem to mind. After all, he still was Edward. Just the 'darker' part of him. She had also called him daddy a lot, and he really seemed to love that. Though, it was surprising, he seemed to prefer being called it in sweet moments, granted with the occasional sexual moment.
He backhanded her across the face, way harder than Ed had ever done. She whimpered, bringing her hand to her face and feeling it sting. Laughing, he grabbed her face with both of his hands, the grip very tight.
"SHUT UP!" He yelled.
She nodded softly, restricted by his hands. His pupils were dilated, frantically scanning her face. Y/n dared not speak a word, not even a peep. He breathed heavily as he looked over her body and y/n could feel his dick poke at her inner thigh. His focus was on the bite mark on her shoulder, the slightly smudged mascara under her eyes, and the glitter that was in the corner of them and on the tip of her nose. She sparkled below him, ethereal and heavenly, despite being run through by his dick twice already. He licked his lips, gripping her hair with one of his hands roughly.
"Oh, there is so much potential...so many things to do to you..."
Y/n lifted her hand up, wanting to touch his face. But, she was cautious, as if she was trying to pet a wild animal. He smirked, knowing that he was making her nervous and wary. Oh, but that's what he wanted. He was a sly fox, baring his teeth at a jittery rabbit. And he so badly wanted to clamp his jaws around her supple throat.
"You can touch me, rabbit. I won't bite..." He hummed.
Leaning down to her, he hovered his lips near her ear. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, unsettled by how sweet he was being. In fact, it was gentler than before. Something was up. She just needed to be prepared for it. And she was right...
"...softly." He chuckled lowly.
His teeth sank into the bite mark already on her shoulder. It wasn't gentle at all, he was not holding back. But, as if his canines piercing her flesh wasn't enough, he reared his hips back and thrusted himself inside of her with brutal force. He went so deep that his tip hit the bundle of nerves inside of her, making her stomach drop and mouth hang open. The multiple sensations, painful and pleasing, overwhelmed her and she couldn't muster a scream. She was choking on her words. But, just to make sure she didn't get too loud, Edward brought a hand to her face and covered her mouth with it. He was gripping the skin of her face in an attempt to shut her up, and it was working. It was impressive how good he was at multitasking, but he was good at many things. Pearly white teeth grazed over her skin as he tried to draw blood. He wanted to tear her flesh away, but he didn't want to ruin her pretty complexion. So, he settled on a little bit of blood. He bit down harder, y/n screaming into his hand as he did so. Just like he wanted, a few drops of blood slid down from the small wound he inflicted. Again, he made it small as to not maim her pretty skin. But, it was still sure to hurt like a bitch. He pulled away, a tiny amount of blood smeared on his bottom lip. Panting, he watched as the dark liquid trickled down her collarbone. His hand was still over y/n's mouth, giving her cheek a firm slap while it was still near her face. His tongue rolled out as he lowered himself back down to her neck, continuing to fuck her ferociously. He was practically drooling as he licked up her blood, a horrifyingly erotic moan leaving his throat. His eyes rolled back in his head and he took a moment to enjoy the taste. He was right about it. It tasted like pure sugar. Liquid sugar staining his lips, tongue, and teeth a violent shade red. Y/n moaned into his hand and he gave a harsh thrust, signaling for her to be quiet. Sighing shakily, he pulled away from her neck and sat up straight as he ran through her. It looked like a scene from a horror movie. The killer, bloodstained and crazed. The final girl, helpless and scared. But, this was more erotic of course. This was like if the killer held the knife to the final girl's throat and she moaned, asking him to fuck her. She knew it was dangerous, but she loved the thrill.
"You taste better than I could have ever imagined. Than I have imagined." He shivered.
Y/n whimpered, the stinging sensation of her neck now taking over her senses. It hurt so bad, burning and throbbing. But, it felt so good at the same time. Edward wasn't done though. He still wanted to humiliate her a little more. Play around with her. Remind her that she was getting dicked down by The Riddler. He lifted her legs up, forcing them to stay wrapped around his waist. His pace inside of her was savage and brutal as he brought his hand off her mouth and slapped her across the face lightly. He did it again, and again, and again, chuckling as he did it. His fingers hooked inside her mouth, forcing her lower jaw to stay slack. He wasn't even sure what he was doing, he just wanted to play with her like a toy. His tongue swept over his lips, wiping away excess blood. After he did that, he spit on her chest, his saliva tinted pink. With her mouth still pried open, he spat on her tongue. She swallowed it, making him twitch inside of her at how she knew exactly what he wanted her to do without saying it. He lowered himself down, lips hovering over hers as he pushed himself back and forth over her body, fucking her up close and personal.
"You're loving this too much, rabbit. Don't you feel filthy? You look filthy." He hissed.
"Y-Yes, I-I'm fil-ilthy!" She pleaded in between his thrusts.
He pressed his lips against hers, making her taste her own blood. Humming into the kiss, he lowered one of his hands to grab her breast, pinching her nipple roughly. She groaned against his lips at the feeling, but was cut off with his other hand wrapping around her neck firmly. Edward pulled his lips away just barely, grazing over her own. The bed creaked below them, rocking back and forth dangerously from his rapid thrusts. Y/n's eyes were shut tightly, hands burrowing into his hair and gripping it for stability. Edward could feel himself getting close to his climax, and he could tell y/n was close as well.
"Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps." He laughed breathily.
Y/n opened her eyes, looking at him in confusion. She knew it was Shakespeare, but she wasn't in the right mind to process the meaning behind it. It wasn't necessary though, as Edward was quick to elaborate in her ear.
"You were lead into my trap, rabbit. And whilst you were trapped, you were shot in the heart. Falling in love with a muuuurderer...a staaaalker...a crrrrreep!" He laughed in lunacy, somehow fastening his pace even more.
"F-Fuuuuuck, Eddie! So close! Pleaseeee!" She whimpered pitifully.
"You looove my dick. You looove being handled like a toy. You looove being slapped around and getting fucked stupid. You are nothing more than my pretty, slutty, pathetic, little...rabbit." He emphasized his filthy words.
"M' your rabbit, p-please! Wan' cum so ba-ad, daddyyy!" She begged lazily.
Edward groaned, pulling out of her and bringing his face between her legs. He wasted no time sucking and shoving his tongue inside of her. Y/n squealed as he bit on her clit harshly, tugging on it with his teeth as he pushed two fingers inside her. He spread them out, making her kick her feet, squeezed his head between her thighs. He panted as he curled his fingers rapidly over and over again, biting and kissing her clit as she shook beneath him. She shot up from her laying position, grabbing his hair and shoving his head further between her legs, if it was even possible. Her orgasm washed over her and Edward squeezed her thigh, lapping up her climax greedily and hungrily. Groaning in pleasure, he pulled away, her arousal smeared over his mouth. He wiped it off with his thumb and sucked it off. Quickly, he grabbed a fistful of her hair he brought her over to him. He sat down on the bed with his back against the headboard, forcefully shoving her head down on his cock. She gripped the sheets of the bed as he held her down with a strong hand. Y/n sucked as best as she could, gagging on the length with tears in her eyes. She didn't have to suffer long though, as he went slack jawed and pulled on her hair, cuming on the back of her throat. Y/n swore she heard him whimper.
"Swallow." He ordered, pulling her mouth off his dick.
She did as he said, though the taste was not pleasant of course. He watched as her throat bobbed, making sure she followed directions. Once she did, he let out a deep sigh, pulling her close to his chest as he lay down on the bed. Y/n was confused, but she stayed in his arms. She could feel his breathing slow down, calming down from the actions they did together. His glasses were fogged up and he brought his hand up to clean them, running it through his hair after. Y/n spoke up to say something, but he hushed her gently, petting her head softly. It clicked in her mind that he must be collecting himself, so she was more than happy to give him time to adjust. After another minute, he patted her shoulder gently before sitting up. He rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, sighing. Edward turned his head to look at her, smiling kindly. Y/n felt her heart flutter. The Riddler persona had such a hold over him, that he was never truly 'genuine' Edward. But, she was seeing a bit of that side of him currently. Now, Edward wasn't a shy little weirdo. Well, he was. But he wasn't weak. Everything the Riddler persona was, he was too, it just was 'heightened'. He looked at her shoulder, seeing the slightly bloody bite mark, eyes widening at it. Yes, he really wanted to do that to her, but it was still a jarring sight when he really took the time to look at it.
"Are you ok?" Y/n asked.
"I'm fine, a-are you ok?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, I liked it. It stings a little though." She shrugged.
"You did seem to like it a lot, you're quite the masochist aren't you?" He laughed.
Y/n crawled on his lap, grabbing one of the blankets on the bed and pulling it over the both of them. She sighed, snuggling up to his chest. Edward was taken aback, for some reason he thought y/n would kick him out of the apartment as soon as they finished. Sure, she said she loved him, but it was still a hard thing to believe as he had never been loved before. He was glad she didn't kick him out. He was glad she was holding him.
"Is your um...the Riddler, is he gone?" She asked, cheek against his tank top.
"Uh, well I don't think I'll ever get rid of it. But, it's definitely 'satisfied' for now. I'm going to go to therapy, hopefully I can figure something out. The therapists in Arkham aren't exactly the most helpful..." He sighed.
Y/n nodded.
"Sorry, did that bring the mood down?" Edward groaned internally.
"No, I'm glad you're telling me this. I want to see you get better. You mean a lot to me. I love you..."
"I love you too, y/n. I'm glad I didn't ruin the moment." He mumbled, kissing the top of her head.
"Well, you certainly ruined me! I'm extremely sore, I don't think I can walk." Y/n groaned.
"Well, I seem to recall you wanting me to do those things to you."
"Yeah, I did. And, I don't regret it. It was rough, but that was definitely the best sex I've ever had." She chuckled.
"That was my first time, so I'm glad I held up to my promise of making you feel good."
Y/n sat up slightly, looking down at him. Her eyes were wide and mouth ajar. Edward raised an eyebrow, glancing to his sides nervously. She poked his chest, making him grunt.
"Liar! That was not your first time!"
"I'm not lying! Is it really that hard to believe?" He asked.
Y/n straddled his lap, leaning down and glaring at him closely. Her face was inches away from his. She looked at his facial expressions.
"Jesus, you're serious! Well, that's very impressive. Was I a good first time for you...?" She asked sitting back up, suddenly shy.
Furrowing his eyebrows, he sat up. He cupped her face in his hands, making her look into his eyes. A dorky smile was on his face, dimples showing.
"Is that even a question? Of course you were, rabbit. You were so, so, so good. Perfect, even." He cooed.
Y/n smiled, but she sniffled. Edward frowned as a tear rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away, smudging her eyeliner that was miraculously still on her face. He felt his heart sink, stroking her hair and holding her chin gently.
"Oh no, no, no what's wrong? Did I say something? Was I too rough with you?" He frantically spewed.
"N-No, I just...I feel gross..."
Edward hummed, wiping a tear away with his thumb. He knew what she was experiencing. Well, not exactly, but he knew that some people would get sad after sex. Tutting, he pulled her close to his chest and enveloped her in a hug.
"...you said I was filthy and pathetic. Is that true?" She asked.
He felt his heart shatter.
"Shit, no it's not true. It was just dirty talk, y/n. Did you not like it? You should have used the safeword, rabbit. If I had known then I wouldn't have done it."
"No, I loved it, but I-I was just...I was worried you actually felt that way about me." Y/n mumbled.
"No. I don't. It was just dirty talk. Do you understand?"
She nodded, her bottom lip quivered, tears pooling in her eyes. Y/n couldn't explain it, but she just felt sad. She was not upset about what happened, she was never uncomfortable, she was not mad, she was not feeling guilty, she just had an overwhelming feeling of sadness. Perhaps, she doubted that Edward truly loved her? Or, maybe she just felt insecure? Vulnerable? Edward stroked her hair still, kissing the top of her head. He could tell she didn't even know how she felt. All he could do was comfort her. So, he remembered what she had said about accepting love back in the bookstore. He had done it in the visitation room, but he wasn't exactly sane during it. He would do it again now. Sane, holding her in his arms, and just as vulnerable as she was.
"Doubt that the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move his aides. Doubt truth to be a liar. But, never doubt I love." He said softly.
Y/n lifted her head off of his chest, looking him in the eyes. She felt herself tear up again, but it wasn't from sadness. A small smile spread over her face. Edward brushed hair out of her face.
"I would not wish any companion in the world but you." She sighed.
Edward blushed. It was such a strange thing. He had snuck into her apartment after legally being released from Arkham. He had taken her on basically every surface he could. He had bit her, made her bleed, slapped her, and now he held her face in his hands. His gaze was gentle and loving. After an intimate and raucous night of rough love making, they both sat in her bed, quoting Shakespeare to each other. Their hearts were swollen and overflowing with love, filling their bodies to the brim. Edward intended to never leave her in his life. He intended on marrying her. That was what he wanted more than anything. She wanted that too. Alas, small steps. Baby steps.
"You feeling better now, rabbit?" He asked.
"Yeah, s-sorry..." She sniffled.
"No, don't apologize. There's absolutely no reason to. Now, why don't we get cleaned up, yeah?"
"Yes please, I feel so...icky." She laughed softly.
"Me too, I'm very sweaty. It's not a great feeling." He grimaced, shaking his head.
"Do you want to take a shower together?" Y/n asked, straightening his glasses for him.
"Yeah, I'd like that a lot actually..." He blushed.
"Edward, are you blushing? What's there to blush about? You literally just saw me naked and fucked the soul out of me!" She laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Well yeah, but...shut up." He mumbled, getting off the bed and standing up.
"You're such a dork." Y/n joked, taking his hand that he offered to her.
"Shit, wait stay right there" He said.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, but she did as he said. Funny, even when he wasn't being 'dominant' she still followed his orders. He left the room and y/n watched his ass as he walked away. She couldn't help it. Sue her. After a few seconds, Edward came back in with something behind his back. She tilted her head.
"What do you have? Is it a puppy?!"
Edward rolled his eyes, bringing it out in front of him. In his hands was a sketchbook. Smiling, y/n grabbed it and opened it up. She gasped as she saw drawings littered over the pages. Almost all of them were her. Others were sketches of places Edward felt were important. There was the bookstore, rooms of y/n's apartment, the coffee shop that Edward and y/n went to a lot, and the subway station. She looked back up at him, pride and love in her eyes.
"They uh, they let me keep a journal. The therapist said it would be good for my mental health. She said that I should sketch and document things that I remembered from before the hospital. Uh, like things and places that made me really happy. Nothing that evoked any bad feelings or thoughts. So um..." He trailed as she flipped through the pages.
"So you drew me? A-And the places we went to often? Edward, that's so sweet. Your art is so good, too! Um, why did you draw a subway station though?" She asked curiously.
"Oh, uh, well when I would get off of work and wait for the train, I would spend that time thinking about you. Like, what we had planned for that day. It was something to look forward to." He said shyly.
"Eddie, that's so romantic. How many of these drawings did you do?" She asked.
"That's my third book."
"Third book?!"
"I had a lot of time on my hands. It was one of the things that kept me occupied." He smiled.
Y/n sighed, hugging him after placing the book on the bed. She was so happy that he was back. Edward hugged her back, sniffling as he tried to hold back tears. He hated being vulnerable and crying, but he felt comfortable around her. He could be himself around her and not get judged. He felt loved.
"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked abruptly.
She didn't even hesitate.
"Yes. I'd love to, Edward."
There went the water works. Edward couldn't hold them back anymore. He felt his inner child come out, jumping up and down and clapping his hands, happy that someone finally loved him. Tears streamed down his face, holding her tighter in his arms. She rubbed his back, letting him cry as he wiped his tears away. He was such a kind soul tormented by his past and his own self. Y/n intended on fixing that. She was going to give him the love he always deserved. She was going to help him get better, get him the best therapist that money could buy, and let him cry whenever he needed to.
"You're so nice to me..." He sobbed.
"Oh, Edward, of course I am. You deserve it. C'mon, let's go take a shower." She cooed.
He pulled away, removing his glasses so he could wipe his tears away. Putting them on the nightstand, he nodded. Edward blinked away the rest of the tears. Clearing his throat, he held y/n's face in his hand, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Smiling, he pinched her cheek gently, watching her pink dusted nose scrunch up in amusement.
"Alright, let's go rabbit."
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doyozen · 1 year
HEHEH anything for my wife
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“have you ever been to waffle house?”
your boyfriend asks you out of the blue, after the two of you had just been sitting in comfortable silence, in your own little bubbles while somehow still being present to each other. your legs were sprawled out over his and your head perked up from the side of his bed to look at him.
“um, no, i don’t think so? why?” you ask, both curiously and fearfully. your boyfriend never fails to amaze you with his ideas.
yangyang looks at you as if you’d grown two heads. “are you serious?! y/n…”
“why would i have been to waffle house? i thought it was only a south thing.” you question again in a tone that only furthers his disbelief.
“you literally have no idea what you’re missing,” he sighs, pulling out his phone and typing away at the google search bar, and you’re not close enough to see exactly what he typed.
his tongue pokes out between his lips in concentration while he scrolls through the app, silence again engulfing the room before he makes a sound of victory. “found it!”
you hum in a way that says ‘found what?’ without actually saying it, very entertained by the fact that he wasn’t about to let you not experience a waffle house.
a smirk pours over his lips and he turns his phone screen so it’s facing you, showing you the location of a waffle house just 15 minutes away from where the two of you were, your apartment. your brows perk up in shock, and you can’t believe you hadn’t known. all this time you could have tried waffle house.
“let’s go,” yangyang jumps up and you had no time to protest—you didn’t really want to protest, you were ready for the best chicken and waffles you would ever have and accompanied by your loving boyfriend. life couldn’t have been better.
you laugh at his excited hops down the hallway and out the front door after he swipes the car key from the trinket on the table just next to the doorway, all while you were still slipping on his shoes. the car ride felt longer than it actually was, and the two of you occupied yourselves by blasting kendrick lamar and screaming the lyrics like no other.
the boy parks the car once you pull up and practically jumps out, waiting for you to follow in a much calmer manner, then the two of you walk into the place together.
the atmosphere was so comfortable and the service was incredibly, you can feel yangyang smiling at you whime you look throught he menu. “yang, it is just a waffle house. you look like a crazy person right now.”
“baby’s first waffle house,” he playfully coos, ignoring everything you’d just said to pull out his phone. “i need to capture this moment.”
you withhold a groan of embarrassment and take a quick look around to ensure that knowing was watching your boyfriend acting like your mother. soon after, he turned the phone in your direction to show you the ugliest photo he could’ve possibly taken.
“fucks sake, man, why do you do me like this?”
“you look cute! what do you mean?” he insists, and you knew he wasn’t lying. you didn’t believe him whatsoever, but he truly thought the ugliest pictures of you were the cutest things to ever exists. “you’re so cute, shut up. i love this picture. new lockscreen.”
“please don’t do that.”
“too late.” he grins aggravatingly before looking back down at his phone, “so cute.”
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sam wilson x teen!reader headcanons
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 634
request: yes / no
original request: omg hi!! i absolutely adore your writing 💕 would you be open to doing some headcanons for sam wilson and a teen!reader? have a wonderful day, love <;33
dynamic: sam wilson x teen!reader
characters: sam wilson, reader
a/n: heh inspiration struck so two in one day it is 😈😈 i LOVED writing this request omg. i'm totally obsessed w/ sam wilson so i was sooo happy this was requested!! ty anon :D
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
sam gives such older brother vibes to me
like no matter how old u are he’ll always treat you like a little sibling
well he and bucky both
at this point they’re a package deal
a lot of ur time is spent settling their argument
“hey, y/n. who pulls off this hat the best?”
“y/n!!! pancakes or waffles??”
“y/n tell bucky he’s wrong.”
theres a lot of that LMAO
anyways i feel like he would make u do stuff with him
like fun little adventures
y’all learned to crochet together
and u were pretty good ngl
but poor sam kept missing stiches
you made little frogs and his looked not rly like a frog
but u loved it anyway ofc
the two of you usually do grocery runs together
that’s like high time for ur gossip 😏
i mean guys this is sam wilson
he def knows a LOT of stuff
but he’s really engaged with like ur school & home life
he always makes sure ur ok
he is totally the type to text and call regularly
he would go to ur parent teacher conferences if u needed him to
and then he’d tell u all his thoughts about the teacher after 😭 
he’s rly perceptive with emotions
i mean he was a therapist like what do u expect
but whenever he senses ur down he’ll do something really nice
and like cook u something
bc sam can COOK
like COOK
and he’ll try to make you laugh
which always works because he’s actually hilarious
speaking of he’s so funny on missions too
he’s always talking on the earpieces and like he’ll just say the funniest stuff
and he swears like a sailor JUST SAYING 🤪
he’s so the type to swear in front of you all the time but then the moment u swear he’s like “what did you say 🤨🤨”
also he always is asking u fashion advice
“ok y/n. blue shirt red pants? or red shirt blue pants?”
“sam do you really want to look like one fish two fish red fish blue fish”
“yeah i guess you’re right 😞”
he always acts sad and then the moment you feel bad he’s like “GOTCHA 😜”
also whenever he’s away he’ll send you a ton of pictures
a lot of them are selfies of him and bucky and steve 
and they’re so funny
like he’s not trying to be funny but he literally is like a facebook minion meme mom
oh also no offense to him but he’s an AWFUL driver 😭 
like he goes way too fast and his music is so loud
but he lets u choose it so u don’t mind 🤩
it’s always kind of fun going in the car with him
you always text natasha a picture of u with him in the driver’s seat in the background and you say “if i die u know why”
and she just goes “have fun”
you and him go on runs together
and that’s rly fun
well ok ik running is hard
but as a runner its sooo much more fun suffering through it with someone else 🥳
whenever u run u do that like shareplay thing on spotify
and he always judges ur music like 😑
ok mr “i listen to the same album for like five months in a row”
oh he is so the type to take u on like one on one lunches and stuff
i think that’s smth the avengers would do with their younger members to make sure they’re alright
and he always does it with u bc ur best friends ofc ‼️
y’all are so petty to each other
but u do really think the world of him
and he thinks the world of you too 🫶
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Costume Meta 6x01
It feels so good to be back 🎉 and Now I have a 30 picture limit I’m gonna have so much fun!!!
We’re starting with a bit of colour theory because this episode went hard with the Yellow and blue colour theory from the opening scene! I mean we should have realised the show was gonna go hard with this episode - a giant blimp (actually a zeppelin but semantics!!) kitted out in yellow and blue crash landing - subtly is not known here! you can read my yellow blue colour theory here, but in summary - there has been a bit of a trend in the last few years in television to use yellow and blue in relation to queer relationships - the colour theory was used in Heartbreaker, Our flag means death, and Stranger things - to name a few! The long and short of it is that Yellow - the colour of communication pairs up with blue - the colour of trust and loyalty…
So we started with a giant yellow and blue blimp and from there the yellow and blue was all over the place - the buddie kitchen scene, the dad in the golf course emergency, the win a car emergency (blue car and guy in yellow) etc.
Ok now I’ve got that out of the way - I’m going to stick with going through Character by Character as it makes my life bit easier - putting the rest under the cut as this got insanely long!!
Lucy Wearing a light grey marl cap sleeve tee - light grey is a neutral colour - but it also symbolises control (a reference to the fact she was going to be interim captain) and practicality - ironically its also a reliable colour! there really isn’t a lot to say about her costume, other than that it continues on the grey theme for her from season 5 (her lunch with Jonah) 
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Rainbow puff sleeved cardigan Pretty amused to see May in a rainbow cardigan when she is clearly not being all sunshine and rainbows about her upcoming college experience! the use of horizontal stripes again fits in to my stripe theory and hints at Mays impending change of direction. 
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Athena sticking with what she knows works for her - black and olive khaki green! In many ways this colour combination is Athena’s out of work uniform, we see her in this combination or with some white/cream or in just black so often and it makes the scenes where she’s wearing colour much more impactful - It makes us take notice of what we see going on in those scenes for her. Here we have an asymmetric black jumper, olive khaki trousers and her gorgons head necklace (the symbol of the Goddess Athena).
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Then when she goes over to Hen’s we have her still in the olive khaki trousers but this time paired with a white ribbed tee and a low v neck grey cardigan with a reverse waffle knit texture. this is one of Athenas more fluffy costumes - its showing her softer side - especially when she talks about giving Bobby the freedom to be carried away with his cruise planning to help him navigate the temptation being on a cruise ship will bring. The grey is again a symbol of stability and authority as well as wisdom and maturity - something reflected in her words - her recognition and understanding of Bobbys internal struggles, but also the fact that she came to Hens house to accomodate Hens crazy schedule - and still get to spend some time with her friend - its an opportunity for Hen to offload on a few things, rather than just getting increasingly burried under her work load. 
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The magenta top she’s wearing as they get ready to head off on their cruise is a wonderful choice. Magenta is a colour of kindness - it uplifts and supports others - again an indication of what Athena is doing in regards to supporting Bobby and foreshadowing the fact that she’s goingto be heading to Florida to support her parents.
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Bobby - Bobby in an army green/grey tee - very similar in shade to ones we’ve seen Eddie wear (especially Eddies breakdown) is an interesting choice - especially with all the conversations about bobby being in the program and the bars on the cruise ship etc and obviously there is the scene in 5x18 of Bobby and Eddie having a conversation and then Bobby pouring a bottle of whiskey down the sink. there is very much feeling of Bobby being finely balanced at the moment - teetering on the edge of things spiralling and that it won’t take much to tip hip over that edge. the blue and coral hawaiian shirt screams very much of someone trying too hard - especially combined with his spreadsheet cruise planning. 
Hen is in a hoodie with neon orange graffiti spray paint swirls on - such an interesting choice - orange is a colour of energy and mental stimulation. its also a risk taking colour. the use of graffiti, for me at least, is an interesting one - it has an air of ‘the writing on the wall’ about it - its saying to me that the medical career path isn’t going to be something Hen continues pursuing - that her heart isn’t completely in it (the heart medical book on the desk being the one furthest away from her also plays into this idea).
I’m going to talk about Chimneys costume as a whole because if you look anthem all together you can see the gradual change - the way they become increasingly dark. we go from the blue of the first jumper through to the darkest navy button up shirt with white check at the end. so We go from a fairly bright shade of blue - the symbol of trust and loyalty and security.
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then there is  the teal/green when Madney are on the sofa. its a mixture of the blue meanings, but also green meanings of harmony, hope and balance and renewal. a perfect colour for this moment, but the darkness of its tone hints at the fact not everything is going be smooth sailing from here on in. 
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then When Chimney comes home, he’s in a navy blue jumper and tee. this is a lighter shade of navy and is pretty similar to the blue of Chimneys uniform - a connection to the conversation he had with Bobby and Eddie earlier on. Navy is a colour associated with authority and responsibility (hence its use in uniforms) but the thing with navy is that it also has connections with depression and mental health struggles and the fact that we then have Chim in an even darker navy with a white check pattern the next time we see him is indicative of not everything being as happy as it appears on the surface. We all know Madney are going to be going to couples therapy this season and this shirt is an indicator of this. (It doesn’t hurt that it also supports my check patttern theory either)
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Maddie drops of Jee with Chimney - black blazer grey zip front hoodie and tee with stars on , heart necklace - Maddie being back in blazers is a great sign from a costuming perspective - we have only seen her wearing blazers when she’s in a good place mentally - just before Doug kidnaps her and then again when Madney are in a good place. this black blazer is connecting to the times Maddie and Chim have made starts in there relationship - she was wearing a black blazer when she was getting ready for her date with chim, and then again when they went on their first proper date. So that blazers an indicator that Maddie is in a good place and ready to embrace happiness with Chim once again.
The grey hoodie is an interesting choice because we don’t see Maddie in grey very often at all (I actually can’t think of any incidents of her wearing grey - I haven’t finished my full costume plot yet so I can’t be 100% but I can’t remember any) it shows her practicality and stability, her having gained wisdom, insight and maturity - like the black blazer its a key indicator of where she’s at mentally and the combination of the two is indicative that this time she’s in the right place of it to last
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Maddie in bed in a tie dye tee and we can see the pink hoodie on the chair in the corner. Im not sure if its going to turn out to be a cut scene and we only know about it because of the trailer or if it will be a scene to accompany chimney being in the car that’s going to (almost) hit Buck but the outfit is the same as the trailer scene of Maddie and Jee-Yun looking for Chimney in the living room. Im inclined to think its a separate scene and the repeat outfit is deliberate - to highlight what seems to be a developing theme of history repeating itself. The upcoming car accident has so many potential call backs for so many characters (Chim being in car (potential rebar call back) as well as being kidnapped again (which will also impact on Hen and Bobby) Buck and the ladder truck, the Shannon callback for Eddie, Hen and Evelyn, Buck and bike accidents) 
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The coral blazer is a really great colour on Jen, but its also a great choice from a colour theory perspective. We have Maddie in a white tee with a 60’s style bubble writing logo which says (I think) all good and a coral coloured blazer. I’ve already said blazers are good for Maddie and this one is no exception. Coral is a colour of warmth and acceptance, it has good intentions and is optimistic - it is a colour about a bigger picture rather than small details. this is important because this conversation that Madney have is about the bigger picture of their relationship - the conversation reads like Maddie making vows to Chim (foreshadowing of a wedding anyone??) but it is at its heart one that recognises they will need to continue to put in work to sort out the small stuff - its just that in that moment - the bigger picture and acknowledging that it is the thing they lost sight of while and need to not let that happen again.
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I’m a little obsessed with the green jacket we see Maddie in in the last scene and I’m sad we don’t get a better look at it to be honest - because there is so much going on. Firstly the yellow tee underneath is indicative of both happiness and the fact that Maddie communicates that she’s staying to Jee. Its a significant moment for both Madney and Jee-Yun so the use of yellow was important for this scene. As for the Jacket though. We have a floral embroidered decoration on the back - a possible throwback to Madneys first meeting when Maddie is wearing a denim shirt with floral embroidery on the yoke. But the really interesting thing is the two cranes on the right shoulder.You may recall I made this post  about Hen’s crane shirt in season 5. well here we have more cranes being used in connection with Chim. Cranes mate for life and are a symbol of fidelity so here we have a visual symbol to show us that Madney are in the right place now. the other thing about cranes is that they migrate over long distances - Madney have travelled both metaphorical and physical distances to get to where they are now and those cranes are a symbol of that.
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Christopher Let’s start with Chris as he’s the easiest! here we see him in a raglan sleeve tee - lightish blue sleeves and a grey body with white horizontal stripes. the stripes play into my stripe theory - change is on its way for Christopher - this most likely relates to his impeding push for some freedoms from his father - wanting to become his own person etc, but its incredibly hard to look past the stripes being connected to everything that went on in that scene - suggesting that the change that is coming is more related to the changing dynamic of the Buckley-Diaz family! the grey is a marl and it references to the same things as the Lucy tee from earlier - practicality, reliability (we can all rely on Chris to have a sassy dig at either Eddie or Buck!) while the blue arms are about trust, security and loyalty. the implications being that Chris is in safe, trusting environment and the bonds between the three of them are strong.
Chris is wearing a blue t-shirt with a pair of skateboards on in parallel with each other- one red and one blue is such an interesting choice! to choose to call back to the skateboard incident from Fools (3x12) is very loud. it not only draws a contrast between Buck ad Ana, it also serves as a subtle reminder of the first time we see a Buckley-Diaz family scene after the previous kitchen scene - the first time we get to see Buck stepping into a coparent role with Eddie.
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Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. I said a while back that if we ever saw Eddie wearing yellow the Buddie would go canon. And here we have Eddie in a buttery yellow button shirt. There is so much to say about this outfit. Yellow is the colour of communication, but it is also the colour of optimism and happiness and of intellect. Eddie wearing yellow for the first time in the first non his first non uniform scene in season 6 speaks volumes about where Eddie is at mentally and personally. This is especially loud after the darker tones we saw him in in season 5 and the choice of having him in two different patterns at the vow renewal really highlights how far he has come. It’s a deliberate choice to show us where Eddie is - combine that with the giant heart eyes he’s sporting whenever he looks at Buck and its clear that the last 4 months have further transformed him from where he was at at the end of season 5. The shirt is also better fitting than mot of his outfit from season 5, where we saw him in oversized and stretched out clothing - adding a physical dimension to his mental struggles. 
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I’ve seen a few people comparing this shirt with the one he wore for his math date with Ana, and calling it his date shirt but I don’t think its right to put those two shirt into the same category. Especially as the shirt above actually matches up with another Eddie shirt - in fact  I think it is the same shirt thats just been over dyed a buttery yellow (reason I think this is that the buttons are the same colour on both shirts!) and tailored to fit Ryan better.  2x17 - In Bobbys apartment having a conversation about if Eddie is ready to be a good husband 
“we already know you’re a great dad’ “I guess the question is, can I be a good husband”
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All this just before Shannon asks for a divorce and then gets killed in  a car accident! 
To have essentially the same shirt - just in a more cheerful colour - in such a domestic scene where they’re acting like husbands suggests that Eddie wasn’t ready back in 2x17 (because it was t he wrong person) but now - he’s in a better place (hence the brighter colour) and is ready to be a good husband! All this combining with Buck in his paralleling denim shirt showing his growth and when we know Buck is about to (almost) get hit by a car! 🤯🤯🤯 Honestly - wardrobe team I bow down to you - you’ve really hit it out of the park this time!
I just wan to show you the math date shirt from 4x08 - as you can see - not the same shirt - this one is a western style shirt - pointed yoke, pointed pockets and metal buttons/ poppers! 
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I actually like that the math date shirt is a western style shirt - it fits in nicely with the other times we’ve seen Eddie in western style shirts - around Shannon and his family - the concept of traditional values etc in shirt form! 
Eddies grey shirt at the end of the episode is very much intended to sit in parallel to the shooting and especially the will scene. 
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Its a darker grey marl, so not the same as a navy blue, but the neckline has a very similar cut to it and grey as a colour can mean insight, maturity and wisdom - it is also a stable colour so its a great colour to have Eddie in in this scene - especially with them connecting Buck to the diaz boys through the editing. We are seeing an Eddie who is stable and comfortable in who he is - who has spent the episode being insightful and wise - talking Buck off the ledge during his ‘tantrum’ and being the living embodiment of what therapy can do for a person! The other thing to note about that t-shirt is the connection with that space and season 5 - one of the last times we saw Eddie in the dining room - Buck was there and wearing a similar shade of grey and Eddie sat in that same chair after therapy and picked up Bucks heart!!!! The implication of this parallel is the Eddie will be there for Buck in the same way we saw Buck being there for him!
Buck I went into it in more detail in this post, so I’ll keep it brief here. Buck is wearing a white tee - and we’ve long established that Buck and white tops means trouble! in this instance the trouble is his tantrum over being passed up for interim captain and actually reflects nicely on to the turmoil his mind is currently in in relation to his personal life with all the loaded sentences about couches and and relationships. Then there is the the mid to light blue zip front denim shirt with vertical stripes - we haven’t actually seen him in a denim shirt of any description since the western style one we saw him wear for his coffee shop date with Abby at the end of 1x09. This parallel hits on a few different levels. Firstly 1x09 is the only other time that blimps are mentioned in 911!! yes indeed that coffee shop date comes after that locker room talk with bobby about blimps and stepping in. That coffee shop date is when we see Buck choosing to go all in, in his first serious relationship - seeing all the things that come with dating Abby - and choosing to embrace them (dare I say that this is the Buck 1.5 KR was speaking about in her interview which adds an additional dimension to the kitchen scene!) and stepping in - something we’ve seen him do with Eddie time and again. That date was the foundation stone for what Buck has been building with Eddie - it was a moment of growth for him and a lesson he took to heart and continues to live by to this day. That we see this in a scene so laden with metaphors in an episode with another blimp - this time an actual one rather than a mentioned one - this speaks volumes about the intent of the writers and the direction the show is going in.
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Buck is also wearing a watch in this scene - something he doesn’t do outside of work that often and especially when he is around Eddie (I haven’t finished writing my full costume plot yet, but the only time he wears one around Eddie in seasons 2-3 is when he takes Eddie to collect Chris after the earthquake).
Then we have Buck alone in his loft. there are several things to walkabout in this scene and first up we have white trainer theory - one again coming in for the win. those white trainers are a representation of Bucks journey and search for love (both romantic and familial) so to see them at this moment is highlighting that Buck has made more progress on his journey. 
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The white shirt with stripes call back is so very loud. This shirt however has a few differences. the stripes are a combination of Bucks two previous white shirts with a twist. There is the white pinstripe shirt from the shooting - with its narrow light grey pinstripes; 
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And then the shirt from the Taylor moving in to the loft scene (which of course features the couch!) which is a short sleeve shirt with wider and darker grey pinstripes; 
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This shirt is also worn in the conversation with Maddie (where buck confesses to Maddie he kissed Lucy). 
The shirt for this scene in 6x01 is a combination of the two shirts - there is both narrow and wide pinstripes and it is of a similar cut to the other loft scene, only its not a button down shirt, its a button up shirt, its also cream and the stripes are blue and they have a tiny yellow stripe next to them! Yes blue and yellow theory in action on Bucks shirt! 
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I have a semi developed theory about Bucks vertically striped shirts - because Buck seems to wear them at moments when he is almost ‘imprisoned’ by something mentally. The trauma Buck experiences in the shooting is its an obvious prison - especially as they haven’t yet talked about the shooting - Taylor moving in was again a prison of his own making and only helped prolong the torture of an unhappy relationship. There is also the black with white pinstripe shirts we see a couple of times - all connected to Taylor and her mental manipulations of Buck (I think i’m going to have to put together a full post on these shirts because there is too much to go into here) and this most recent pair of shirts - the blue one from earlier - where we have a Buck doing some mental self torture trying to work out why he’s been passed over for the interim Captain job and finally this new white one - Where Buck is currently in a mental prison of sorts around what he does actually want in life - this self imposed prison is such a complex one - its of course in part tied to his job and future aspirations on that front, but more importantly all of the context and subtext we got in this episode is heavily implying that we have returned to a Buck who is on some level now conscious of his feelings for Eddie. there is so much complexity here for Buck to wade through - Evan ‘the clinger’ Buckley is clearly wrestling with the idea of what if it goes wrong - what if he’s reading too much into things - he’s not yet in a place where he is prepared to risk both his friendship with Eddie, but almost more importantly his relationship with Chris - the kid he promised he’d always be around for. Buck is not yet willing or able to accept that the risk is worth the reward - that this is the forever love he’s been searching for. There is also the job to add into the equation - would they be split up at work if they begin a romantic relationship, how would it affect the dynamics- of the team, and would it have an impact on Bucks newly awakened desire to progress his career. I also thin there is something in it about accepting his queerness - not in a grappling with it kind of way - more in a deeper level understanding this aspect of himself and recognising its impact on his life. The best way I can think to try and explain what I mean is to use my own experience with gaining my ASD and ADHD diagnosis as an adult. When I got my diagnosis - suddenly all these little things that I had experienced throughout my life up to that point suddenly started to make sense - the dots began to connect and I could better understand who I was as a person (and how tings might’ve been different if I’d known earlier). its not that it changed me as a person, more that I was able to make some break throughs mentally. it feels to me at least that that is what we’re seeing Buck going through - he’s now beginning to understand himself better and its this love for Eddie that is allowing it to happen. And Buck does need to connect to parts of his younger self in order to move forward - and that includes recognising past relationship behaviours as well as other traumas (the shooting) need to be understood. 
Wow I got a bit off topic there!!! all this to say that that white shirt has so so much to say about where Buck is at as a larger theme. I’m wrapping it up here - if you made it to the end I am here handing you cookies in thanks! 🍪🍪🍪
Tagging people who have asked to be tagged. If you’d like to add you name to the list - please comment on this post and if you asked to be but you name isn’t below - it won’t let me tag you for some reason 🥺🥺🥺 
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @bucksintheroom @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @name-code-black-widow @prettyboyandthekid​ @callanee @calyssmarviss @alwaysme @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes @piningpettyeddie @bi-moonlight @spotsandsocks @projectabc @livingwherethesidewalkends @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @jordxnhennessy @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @ekstasisandangst-main @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz @gossamerglob @ktinastrikesback @adamrparrrish @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat​ @moniquekatie​ @wanderingwomanwondering​  @trickster-archangel
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wokycookie2 · 1 year
I love when I search for blue waffles on Google images and it actually gives me pictures of blue waffles.
Nature is healing.
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little-miss-moonstone · 5 months
The Red Thread (Carmy x OC)
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Chapter Two | Somewhere Between
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Summery: After Natalie begs Rori to help with some paperwork at the restaurant, Rori and Carmy come to an agreement.
WARNING: Anxiety, blood, almost vomit?, brief mention of past depression, very little editing. I think that’s all, once again just let me know if something needs to be added :)
Fear consumed Carmen as he watched Rori lying on the floor of the kitchen blood pooling by her side. She was struggling to breathe almost like she was drowning. He could hear everyone around him panicking, Sugar screaming for someone to call 911. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion around the two of them. He didn’t notice when, but he was now on his knees by her side holding her hand as the blood soaked into his jeans.
“Help me, Carmy. Please, help me,” She begged.
He tried using a rag to apply pressure to the wound and the sound of her wincing through sobs broke something deep within him. How could this be happening? Hadn’t they all been through enough? Her whispering for help was all he could hear as he stared into her eyes, praying they didn’t close for good. He leaned in, noticing an orange glow in her irises. He wondered if that was what happened when someone was dying. He leaned in closer than before to see the reflection of fire dancing in her eyes, and the moment he turned around the fire alarm was blaring.
“Fuck!” Carmen cursed as he woke to realize he had almost set his apartment on fire. He opened the window while using the fire extinguisher to put out the blaze on his stove. He began fanning the smoke out the window and the alarm soon stopped. He sat on his couch with a glass of water seeing it was 1:30 in the morning. His breathing was starting to slow down from his actual nightmare and the one in his kitchen, glancing over to the journal on the coffee table, he leaned forward to grab it. He flipped it open, studying the polaroid that lay inside. He and Rori from Christmas 2018, or from what they called it, Fishmas. It was a candid shot neither of them had known was taken until Mikey had given it to him at the end of the night. The two of them were standing in front of the pantry, she had just arrived and greeted him with a hug. She pulled back and he said something that had made her laugh, his arm was still around her waist and she had put a hand on his chest as she smiled. If any stranger saw the photo they would have thought the two were a couple. He admired the picture for a few more seconds before putting it back and flipping to a blank page when his pen acted as a bookmark.
Dear Rori,
I saw you today for the first time in 3 years. You took my breath away, but you’ve never had that problem. I didn’t know what to do, or say, I thought I would never see, or hear from you again. That is my fault, I know, but I couldn’t risk you leaving me. I wish I never shut you out, you were all I ever truly had that was mine. You could have actually been mine and I ruined that too. I miss you, I miss you more than I ever thought was possible, and it's weird now because you're here and I saw you, but I still miss you. I guess that's because nothing’s changed and yet everything has changed. I used to know everything about you, your favorite song, color, flower. How you always prefer waffles to pancakes and when pinks and blues paint the sky at sunset. You’re scared of the dark and you can't sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door and the TV has to stay on. You adore dogs and you used to cry when we would pass the animal shelter. You hate summer and when Mikey and Richie would pin you down and tickle you and these days I would assume you hate me too, and I can't even blame you for it. I want to fix this, I want us to at least be friends because I can't imagine that you still love me, and I can’t stand for you to haunt another one of my dreams.
Yours forever,
He closed the journal and moved it back to its spot on the coffee table, before lying back down on the couch and letting the TV lull him back to sleep.
Natalie invited Rori over to her house for breakfast in hopes of guilting her into helping find the missing tax forms at the restaurant. Rori almost choked on a piece of French toast at the idea of being around Carmy. She tried to voice her opinion but Sugar began to ramble on.
“No, Rori I need some help, and if it's you that helps then Carmen can run the kitchen so he won’t even be in the office. I have to find these documents or the IRS will cease my fucking home, please Rori, please, please, plea-“
“Fine! I’ll help,” She sighed.
“Thank you,” Sugar smiled. A comfortable silence fell upon the room for a brief second before Sugar spoke again, “Would it honestly be a bad thing if you and Carmy became friends again?” Rori sighed again, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.
“No, if we’re being honest, I would love that, but I doubt he would ever open up like that to me again. And, for shits and gigs, let's say he did, it took me months to cope with him cutting me out of his life. I-I don’t know if I could handle that again, I’ve never been so depressed in my entire life,” She paused. “You know how I feel about Camry, I don’t think there will ever come a time where I don’t feel that for him. It’s been three years, and when I saw him yesterday it was like the last 30 years flashed through my head, like everything came back to me, and despite the instant panic I just wanted to hug him because it actually felt like I was finally home.”
Nat’s eyes were glassy and she tried her hardest to hold it in, while another part of her couldn’t believe how much of an idiot her brother was. She had known since they were 10 that they were the perfect pair, not to mention both sets of parents often joked about the two growing up and getting married. Everyone expected it, so much that when Rori came home for Christmas in 2019, Mikey, Natalie, and Richie were shocked to hear that the two were no longer on speaking terms. She now hoped that if the two could just talk things out, maybe one day Rori would get to be her sister, like how they used to talk about as teens.
Rori became more anxious as they parked in the back of the restaurant, she was just thankful Richie was the only one taking a smoke break. She wiped her palms on her jeans before they started walking towards the door. She decided she was going to be cordial, she didn’t want to push Carmy away any further than he had already pushed. She was just going to stay in the office with Sugar and try to find this stupid document as quickly as possible.
After greeting Richie she slipped inside behind Sug and tried to keep her eyes on the ground. Carmen’s voice quickly got her to glance up as he was talking to Marcus a few feet in front of her. Their eyes met for a moment before she darted into the office and was quickly greeted by the poster of Fenway Park. A shiver went down her spine thinking about Micheal and how much time he spent in the office. She wondered if this was the last place he was before he went to the bridge that day, and she knew it was stupid to wonder things that were facts.
Two hours later they were still sifting through the never-ending paperwork. They were both growing frustrated and the office looked like a wreck. Rori was so grateful her phone began to ring. She noticed it was her publisher and quickly stepped out into the back alley. It was only a few moments later when Richie stepped out for a smoke break. He could tell it wasn’t a pleasant phone call from her constantly furrowing her brow and pinching the bridge of her nose. He took another drag just as she hung up. She looked at him and then at the cigarette he loosely held by his side.
“Can I?” She asked, gesturing to the American Spirit. He lifted his hand to offer the cigarette to her with a perplexed look on his face.
“When did Rori Bear start smoking?” He chuckled as she took a drag.She could feel her stress levels decreasing, even though she knew cigarettes didn’t help. She gave herself a moment before answering.
“Uh, I don’t know, about three years ago. I don’t smoke all the time though, it’s more of like an “I’m really stressed, or I have writer's block, or I just got off the phone with my publisher and they're bitching for a sequel” thing,” She shrugged before taking another drag and handing the cigarette back over.
“I’m sorry by the way, for calling you Rori Bear, it’s just habit y’know,” He apologized. It made her heart drop a bit that he felt the need to even say that. The nickname had always made her laugh, at least when she got older.
“No, no. It’s fine, I promise. Mikey always called me that, even after Carmy and I stopped talking so it’s okay,” She assured him with a smile. It wasn’t much longer before the two headed inside and she went back to the office to find Carmen and Natalie going through the mess together.
She went back to her spot trying not to focus on him too much, it was hard, but they all had their separate piles they were working out of. There was small talking happening mostly between Rori and Natalie or Carmy and Natalie, but that was better than silence. She got stuck on a piece of paper, it had MIkey's handwriting all over it, and then she noticed her handwriting. She remembered it from when she helped out during the pandemic. She had gone into the office and left him a note to remember to call the fridge guy and it ended up with them having a whole conversation every time one of them replied. She smiled brushing her hand over the ink, unaware that Carmen was glancing over at her.
“Oh, shit. I forgot to call Pete,” Sugar announced before slipping out of the office before either one of them could say a word.
Rori and Carmen both looked from the door and then to each other, then immediately to the papers they were both holding. He wanted to say something, but he thought he might vomit, or stutter, and that made him want to vomit more. Just say something, say anything!
“Uhh, so Book of the Year, is that like a big deal or?” He asked and then immediately regretted it.
“Kind of. I mean, yeah. I don’t know.” She settled on an answer all the while feeling like an idiot.
Carmen chuckled a bit, “You don’t know?” Despite him thinking he could’ve asked a million better questions he didn’t think that one was hard.
“Yeah, it is a big deal, but being the youngest to ever win a Pulitzer stunts your judgment on what is a big deal or not, y’know?” She explained trying to sound as humble as possible. Carmen just hummed in response, he did understand, which is why he didn’t care for awards all that much. Rori now realized it was her turn to ask something and she felt like there was a lump in her throat. She could ask all the questions she had been dying to know. Why did you push me out? Did our friendship ever mean as much to you as it did to me? Was there ever a point where you could have loved me?
“How has it been running this place? I mean besides all the shit that became yours and Sug’s problem.”
Carmen began to fiddle with the paper in his hand, trying to calculate a response that wasn’t completely unhinged. I’m so stressed I almost set my apartment on fire. I feel like one more thing might make me crumble.
“I-it’s definitely a change of pace from New York, but it’s not bad,” He tried his best not to lie. The room became quiet, but the tone wasn’t clear, it lingered somewhere between comfortable and awkward. They both knew it wouldn’t take much to make it flip, both of them grabbing folders to keep looking. She wanted to carry on a conversation with him, connect with him about something— anything. She opened her mouth to ask if Mikey ever got the fridge fixed, but he spoke first.
“Yo, I think this is it,” He leaned toward her to show her inside the blue folder labeled “Shit”. She met him halfway taking in the tax document not realizing how close their faces were.
“Yeah, yeah that’s it,” She smiled looking over to see his face an inch or two away. She glanced to his eyes wanting to burn the shade of blue even further into her mind, it was her favorite. He had always been a hard person to read, but not for her, she could practically see the gears in his head turning, he was trying to think of something to say.
“What is it, Carmy?” She asked, trying to pull the thoughts from his head. Say something, tell me anything, anything at all.
“Do you, uh, do you think we could talk, y’know about,” He paused to collect his thoughts again, “I think we should talk about things if you’re up for it. We’re both home and it’s clear that we’re going to see each other a lot. I just don’t want anyone to feel like they have to tiptoe around us.” I don’t want to tiptoe around you.
“I agree. Can you come over after work tomorrow?” She asked. Can you come over? I've wanted to show you my house since the day I bought it.
He agreed as Sugar came back into the office, the two shuffled apart proudly presenting the document to shut down anything she might say. After she and Natalie got the office back into some kind of order the two girls left, making an impromptu stop at the farmer’s market. Natalie obliged because she had nothing better to do, and after being stuck in the restaurant for hours the outdoor air seemed nice. They carried on a conversation about the “What ifs” in life coming to a bunch of unserious conclusions, laughing as Rori picked up some vegetables.
“What if you were picking up ingredients to cook Carmy dinner?” Natalie asked. She knew it was a bold assumption, but the mood in the office seemed lighter when she returned and she saw how close they were. Rori froze her hand going to pick up a tomato, she felt her cheeks warming up, and she just prayed her face wasn’t red.
“Well, I am picking up ingredients to cook dinner tomorrow night. If he eats, that's his decision,” She replied in a matter-of-fact tone. She didn’t have to look to know the grin on Natalie’s face stretched from ear to ear. She figured she had better do some damage control before Natalie got her hopes up. “We’re going to talk about everything. We figured it was better to get it all out there than to keep dancing around it. It does not mean anything is going to change, it just means we’ll be on the same page about all of it.”
The smile was still present on Natalie’s face, she knew this could only go well— no, this had to go well, for everyone's sake. She didn’t want to imagine what it would be like if it went wrong, she would be stuck facilitating every interaction the two had, not to mention what it would do to both their mental health. She pushed the thought as far back as she could. This was Rori and Carmy and she knew their story wasn’t over yet.
Chapter two!!! Please like, or reblog, or something! I hope you’re all having a wonderfully week!! My birthday is Saturday so I’m hoping to have another chapter out before then, or at the latest Sunday:) I going to do flashback I just haven’t decided if those are going to be actual chapters or like sub chapters, or maybe apart of chapter… ugh anyways, see you soon!
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Rules of the Game- Chapter 17
Happy Saturday! Posted early today cause people might have lives and be going out this Halloween (crazy, right)?
Usual tags (minors DNI), but mainly angst right now. 💔
Chapter Index here- it's getting rather long!
Read on AO3- detailed tags here too.
Chapter 17- Old Sins Cast Long Shadows
Each day that passed in a blur of isolation and silence was another test of your steely determination, and you wondered how long your stoicism could hold out before you cracked. You couldn’t keep this up forever, your show of detachment, your absolute indifference to him. You could switch off like a tv, make your body numb, but the fuzzy static never stopped humming around your mind. It was hurting too much, and you worried you may actually go crazy if you kept it up. Doing nothing was so unexpectedly exhausting. 
You saw two paths ahead of you, two channels you could flick to that you pictured on a screen in your mind. The first option was to fight back- physically fight him, try to escape, rebuff his touch at every turn. This might leave some of your tattered pride intact, but it would be full of pain and misery, maybe even end in your demise. After you’d thrown that damn ring in his face, there was no promise that he wouldn’t really hurt you now. The second option was to lean into it (like you knew you had done before). This would certainly promise more happy moments, but you’d pay for it in shame and guilt, your cross to bear forever. Both of these options felt like a losing game. They were both dark trails, far from the natural course, both leading you hopelessly astray. You would wait until you could hold out no longer, and only then force yourself to choose.
You knew what he wanted, of course. He wanted you to submit, to lose yourself in his hold. The things The Grabber had done were unforgivable, and you wouldn’t forget, not really. It would always linger there in the back of your mind. But you could try to dissolve those thoughts in the hazy mist of Al’s warmth. No- you couldn’t be tempted so easily down that route. But, you knew: he was sure going to try and persuade you down that path. 
His attempts had already begun the morning he’d brought you down food and ice. You wondered how else he might try and cajole you into accepting his affections. The usual routines you had played out dozens of times would alter. Everything would be different now. 
The morning after his initial attempt at reconciliation, he roused you from your fitful sleep for breakfast by softly shaking your shoulder. You looked up with a tired murmur, but quickly froze up when you realized he had woken you. He was wearing the lower mask, the smooth, blank bottom that betrayed no frown, and no smile. He wasn’t here to play the fool, nor was he going to toy with you playing his cruel games. You supposed he was aiming to look as benign as a monster like him might hope to be. The blank façade was the most expressionless and you figured, in its own way, the most sincerity he was able to conjure whilst still hiding behind the comfort of the mask. His eyes uncovered, those deep blues vulnerable and sorrowful in the cold light of the basement. Did he want your pity, groveling to you with his mournful expression? He was going to be sorely disappointed if so. 
You sat up and re-wrapped your blanket firmly around you. A plate was nudged towards you on the mattress. Gone was the usual rule of kneeling to eat at his feet, his intimidating frame looming over you. It was preferential treatment now he was trying to rectify his mistakes. The plate of microwaved waffles and scrambled eggs even had a fork to accompany it. With no immediate reaction from you, he shifted back a couple of paces before sitting at the foot of the mattress. It was closer than he’d dared to sit the previous day, but he had positioned himself with his legs straight out on the floor in front of him, his body turned away from you. 
So this was the extent of his guilt. This man, who had caused you so much pain, and had enjoyed watching you squirm and struggle, now couldn’t look you in the eye? You weren’t going to break the silence, so he did instead. Still, he didn’t look your way. 
“You need to eat.” It wasn’t an order. But you knew he was a patient man. He’d sat for hours in this room watching you sleep; he could damn well do the same to make sure you ate. You snubbed the fork, picking at the waffle unenthusiastically with your fingers. Unsurprisingly, you didn’t have much appetite that morning but forced a few mouthfuls of food down. You plopped the remains of the waffle back down next to the uneaten eggs, and pushed the plate forward. Hoping he’d take it and leave like yesterday. 
No such luck. He’d obviously thought that by eating, you were doing as he asked, not just doing the bare minimum to literally keep yourself alive. And he saw an invitation for more communication. 
“Is there anything you need down here? Another pillow maybe? Just tell me, Y/N.” Him using your name felt wrong, just like when the Grabber had first spoken it. You saw this cheap trick for what it was. A desperate attempt to coax you out of yourself by answering him, making you think you needed him for comfort. He was wrong. You were holding up, strong in your dissociative state. For now. 
Or maybe he was just trying to prove how sorry he was. Sorry he’d broken the one promise he’d made to you. He wasn’t playing any of his usual games. He was actually upset. True, he’d reacted badly, his innate appetite for violence had escaped their restraints momentarily, but he had stopped. He had hesitated in his frenzied attack, thought better of himself. And he’d apologized afterwards. You did that to him- made him better. Brought out the kind, gentle side you knew existed underneath. 
Stop it, Y/N. It’s a performance, him acting the victim, regretful and groveling. You physically shuddered trying to tear yourself out of your sympathies towards this beast. You had seen that name- Griffin’s name written neatly in ink- and had been wrenched from your idyllic haze into the stark reality of who he was, and the sickening things he’d done. If he was so remorseful, he wouldn’t have played Naughty Boy four times. Four little lives extinguished by his hand, and who knows how many more could have followed?
You sensed him looking towards you now. Had he hoped for an accord, some reconciliation to start to rebuild the fragility of what was between you? It could stay shattered for all you cared. Summoning your most steely glare and pulling your mouth into a downwards smile  (an undeniable look of disgust), you placed the plate on the floor beside you and shoved it his way. His eyes averted from you, looking down at his boots. You perceived a slight nod, as if he had quietly accepted your refusal to engage with him. His understanding of why you felt such hatred effervescing inside of you like acid. He had understood your meaning entirely. He picked up the plate and left, bereft and guilt-ridden, like a dog with his tail between his legs.
Another couple of days brought the same uncomfortable visits, with the addition of some gifts The Grabber had brought you- a pillow; clean underwear and socks; a couple books. The books were new, you noticed; not from the library. He wouldn’t make that mistake again. You hadn’t caved into his temptations of comfort and asked for anything to be given, but still they were here. Did he ply you with things to cheer you up, or was it to offset his own guilt and culpability in your detached indifference? You weren’t sure there was anything he could give, no gift or material possession to make amends for his crimes. The Grabber’s atrocities would never be forgiven, and would always remain a red mark in Al’s ledger- how could that darkness ever hope to be purged? But maybe, with enough time and effort, his mistreatment towards you could be forgiven. 
The gifts felt tainted, a dirty bribe you didn’t want to accept. Still, you changed when he wasn’t there, and read in between visits. You needed to pass the time somewhere other than your own head, and books helped occupy the long, lonely hours. You had taken to reading aloud or humming little tunes while he wasn't there, and you worried that keeping this up might make you feel like the madwoman in the attic (or more aptly, basement). Maybe you’d start seeing patterns in the stone walls. A little madness might alleviate your anguish. These thoughts weren’t entirely serious, but you knew at some point you would crack enough to pick one of the two paths you’d mapped out in your brain. Fight back or submit. No, not yet.
He persisted in trying to lure conversation from your lips, but they remained mute whilst he was in your presence. How long had it been since you had spoken to him? You counted four days since your screaming match, and reflected on the last words you spoke to him- Did I mean nothing? You found yourself pondering this exact thought more frequently than any other question you had. 
“You could go outside soon.” 
His statement tore the silent air of the basement asunder; he wasn’t talking about letting you go, was he? You turned your head from the direction of the door (straight ahead of your curled figure on the mattress) to look his way, where he sat against the wall underneath the window. Instead of his eyes, which stared at you wistfully above the blank mouth, you focused on the grimy window above, already dark in the early winter afternoon beyond the basement walls. 
“Maybe in the garden. Would you like that, Y/N?” It was foolish to think that, after all this time, all his efforts to draw you back in, he would ever choose to willingly release you. Still, the suggestion intrigued you- you’d never strayed past the walls or locked doors of Al’s house. You’d almost forgotten the feel of the wind, the songful chirps of the woodpeckers. You felt this suggestion was sincere; you were sure he wouldn’t stoop to bare-faced lies to lull you into conversation. 
With these thoughts at the front of your mind, your gaze flitted downwards to him. This was the first time since the rift between you had erupted that you’d maintained eye contact. You saw him grin, or at least saw the crinkle of his temple, hinting a soft, gentle smile beneath the alabaster mask. He was simply happy you were acknowledging him. Would The Grabber be so endearing in that expression? Looking into the shining blue eyes, your mind affectionately remembered Al. He was in there, somewhere, waiting for you to accept him. It would be easy- just speak to him, return his gentle touch…no. That winsome smile can’t distract you from the things he’s done to you. You thought about the things he’d forced upon you, the hurt, the anguish and the violation. And how later, you’d done those same shameful things willingly, reveling in his twisted games. You had succumbed to the darkness and allowed yourself to drown in the sin of it all. You deserved happiness about as much as The Grabber: that is to say, you deserved to remain miserable in your silent isolation. Your eyes unlocked from his, and you sunk into yourself on the mattress, your heart cold and heavy in your chest. 
After he had left you, you lost yourself in the labyrinth of your mind, once again hopelessly astray in your own head. Why was he making this so difficult? If he had shouted at you for your indifference, lashed out with a punch, a kick, his belt, it would be easier to fight. If he had forced himself on you, violated you against your will, you would have more motivation to try and escape. But he hadn’t done those things since the estrangement between you both. Deep down, you knew which path you were likely to choose, but this angered you. If you submitted, embraced every part of Al, both the heavenly and hellish facets, you could both have some semblance of happiness. But he was evil, and you saw yourself as equally reprehensible. Neither of you deserved happiness. Right? He was giving you the key, and it was your choice now whether to free your dark desires or keep them confined. Your mind felt like it had been shredded, torn to ribbons by the knife’s edge of this impossible decision. 
You weren’t going to pick a path today. 
Since his first visit, Al had barely touched her. He had wanted to. He had wanted to stroke her cheek; run his fingers through her hair; hold her in his arms to prove to her she was safe; feel both their bodies unraveling together in that blissful act. His own wary touches had been gentle, but not reciprocated. She hadn’t leant into his caress, though he hadn’t expected her to, not this early, not so easily. He missed her desperately, every part of her body and soul, but he knew things would take time. Al would endure for his perfect little thing. But would he? That otherness caged within him, clawing to escape- would he be so patient? 
The growing frustration to her impervious wall of indifference meant The Grabber’s anger was pushed to the limits. He wanted to shake her, to wake her from her stupid, childish game; to hit her to make her talk; to wring her neck to draw out any reaction at all; to take her body regardless of whether she wanted that or not. No- that wasn’t how he was doing things anymore- he had sworn to drown out that part of himself. To be just Al. To be better- for Y/N.  
He wouldn’t break her delicate skin for release; he instead chose to do so with shattered mirrors and smashed plates. His switchblade stabbed into the kitchen table in fury that overcame him too readily. He needed these alternative ways to let loose his violent compulsions. All tidied away, swept under the rug (so to speak) afterwards, shamed at his own puerile actions. He couldn’t let her see the aftermath of his outbursts if he were to bring her upstairs. 
He just had to be patient, and eventually his dove would come to her senses, accept him for who he was- Al. He previously thought that his name embedded in her skin (that visceral reminder of who she belonged to) was enough. But it wasn’t- he saw that now. He’d have to prove it. If he couldn’t, who knows what uncontrollable appetites might eventually break free from within him?
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victorluvsalice · 17 days
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-->And so the group returned home, where the weather was actually halfway decent. I had Smiler and Victor resume their interrupted flirting, with Smiler getting frisky and going in for the kiss before getting a drink from Victor’s wrist (as they were QUITE thirsty at this point). Alice went and collected some of the wild chrysanthemums growing by the path to the barn while I pulled her photos and her and Victor’s paintings out of their inventories – the paintings went up into the attic rec room, to be framed and put on the wall next to the couch and the microphone, while I ended up selling most of the pictures, keeping just one small one to put in the digital picture frame. Seriously, that thing is useful when it comes to small picture storage... Anyway, I sent her upstairs to look at her own painting while Smiler finished their dinner and Victor went to have his (some more pumpkin spice waffles, as I’d shoved all the food back in the fridge once they got home) –
And then I looked at the back porch, and saw NPC Ericka Wada heading to the grill to do some herbalism. O.o Uh – when did you get here and why are you using the grill? I quickly had Victor send her home, then had him clean up the herbalism pot with his own dishes once he was done with his dinner. The fuck, game – at least require me to invite people in before they start using my grill and nearly burn my house down again!
-->Anyway – Smiler ended up heading to the attic to have a chat with Alice, and I figured while they were up there, that they could practice their comedy and tell a few jokes on the microphone. I had Victor transportalate up there to join them, and he and Alice watched and enjoyed Smiler’s performance (they both got the moodlet “Briefly Amused,” so it wasn’t a real WINNER, but they did laugh, so...). I ended the impromptu comedy hour around 10 PM, after which Smiler went back to their robotics station in the barn to make a computer chip; Alice went to the kitchen to have some more focaccia for dinner; amd Victor went to the second floor blue-and-white bathroom to mop a slime creature before using the toilet. I happened to notice at this point Victor was VERY close to getting a Talent Point from his magic usage, so I had him transportalate down to the greenhouse and cast Floralorial on that troublesome dahlia plant. Which – did actually seem to finally clear the glitch-weeds, when not even shift-clicking would. O.o Fingers crossed people! It also got him the Talent Point, which I promptly spent on “Hexproof” to protect him from all curses. :) I then pulled all of Alice’s super-vitality fertilizers out of her inventory (she didn't notice, she was busy playing laser pointer with Kelly in the back entrance mudroom) and put them into Victor’s so he could sprinkle them on all the oversized crops (though admittedly it looks like they’re all gonna be normal-sized crops this time), before noticing another specter outside the greenhouse and sending him over to give them a Potion of Good Fortune. They appreciated it and left Victor a forbidden candy jar, but as we already have three (one in the kitchen, one on the back porch, and Alice has the third in her inventory), I had Victor just straight-up sell that to an oddity collector. There's only so many oddities these three can collect after all!
-->And then – okay, I didn't get any pictures of this, but you'll see why I didn't in a second. After selling the candy jar, Shadow ran up to Victor whining about a ball – I figured “okay, let’s play fetch with the dog, I already have Alice playing laser pointer with the cats” (she'd moved onto entertaining I think Shock on the front porch by this point) and had Victor grab the ball in his inventory –
Only for Shadow to run away as another NPC showed upon the front porch for no good reason. *sigh* I had Alice send the person on the porch (Maya, I think her name was) away once she was done with the laser pointer, and waited for Shadow to finish her business so I could try to get the game of fetch back on. She headed upstairs and into Smiler’s room and approached their desk –
And then did that horrific glitch thing where pets try to stand up like Sims but their legs get all thin and distorted and their heads end up going backwards. O.o It only lasted for a moment, but as you might imagine, it triggered another MCCC error. (I think the dog was trying to play with one of the chatterbots on Smiler’s desk – maybe the NPC wanted to do that and the game got confused?) And kind of killed my desire for fetch. XD Fortunately, at that point I realized that it was actually after midnight in the game and decided it was a good time to wrap things up with the trio, saving and closing.
And that was the gang's Summer Tuesday! Nice, productive day for them – I’m glad to see that their snack business is doing pretty well. :D And I have to admit, it’s a little more fun to take the food stand around all the different worlds than just do the same thing over and over at the grocery store. But I still want to sell everything in their store before I do anything different with it. :p Next time we hit this save, though, the trio will be heading to Chestnut Ridge for SimCity Founding! We'll see you then!
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a-bee-wizard · 7 months
it is once again time for knitting WIPs show and tell
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Light blue/purple Oslo hat
My first mohair+something else project. I always thought that mohair looked kind of gross in pictures, but actually touching it with my hands? Yeah I get the hype.
I especially like how the colours work when you use two strands of yarn like this. It's like the thing is two colours at once, which is pretty cool.
Also this thing is probably my most expensive project per stitch because all yarn in this projects has some % of silk.
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Forest Poet
Hey, finished object! I actually finished this in like august or september, idr. Very soft and comfy (alpaca/silk blend) and knit up surprisingly quickly considering it's lace knit on a 3,5 mm needle.
I wish i knit the cuffs a biiit longer though. I made the sleeves elbow length, which i'm happy with, but the cobination of bending my elbows+body heat makes them scrunch up a bit more then i like.
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Poppy Waffle
I could probably finish this in like a week or less if i just put my mind to it, it's pretty chunky yarn on a 4 mm needle. I'm typically a wooden needles kind of gal, but this non-superwash regular ass wool is NOT AT ALL as slippery as I'm used to. Kind of wish i had more metal needles.
Bound off using my beloved icelandic bind off on the sleeve instead of doing an i-cord like the pattern calls for. I'm just not a huge fan of the look of i-cord bind offs. Might do it on the body just to try it when the time comes.
Doing the sleeves first to make sure i have enough yarn. The body is going to have a somewhat cropped fit, but i actually think i have more yarn than i need anyway - despite the fact that i kind of cheaped out and got 11 balls instead of 12.
"how come you spend money on all of these silk blends, but cheap out on regular wool?"
I contain multitudes.
Hippa Tulippa mittens (not pictured)
I just wanted to add to the record that i DID finish them, i just can't be bothered to take any pictures of them.
Socks using some yarn i got this summer. Will start probably as soon as i finish the hat.
Cardigan using the same type of wool as my woolly waffle sweater + the same kind of mohair as in the oslo hat. I need a cardigan. I can knit a cardigan. So I will make myself a cardigan. Should probably start buying materials since i plan on starting it as soon as i finish the waffle sweater.
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look at this bracelet i made for my mom, boy
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sadistpet · 5 months
(( ok, i saw you post a portrayal meme i think and i just wanted to drop in there for a quick minute and do a thing; I AM SORRY IF THIS MAKES LITTLE SENSE I AM SO SLEEPY
oh my lord, where did you come from? like, you appeared one day and the volgin inside me was like 'AY OOP U WOT' and dont get me wrong i need to get on volgin and let these men make love but shhh enough of that a minnie while i talk some waffle;
firstly, your writing is. MWAH. the goOD CUSH. the best cush even? i've seen you talk of your education and like, in my opinion, it goes beyond that. like, i read your writing and im just- i feel as though i should get a hot cup of cocoa and snug up as if i'm reading a book. you're articulate and your words are beautifully written. im no critic by any means (high school level BAYBEEEE) but i can tell you now that when i read your writing, i'm simply blown away by how incredible it is. you can see the passion in your words, the way you describe things, people, places, etc. it's like seeing someone paint a beautiful picture - but with words! (if that makes sense???)
as for your portrayal; THANK YOU SO MUCH. seriously, thank you for showing us raikov. thank you for giving him more than just 'the pretty boy comic relief lover of big scary man'. you've given him so much more, while staying canon, respecting canon and doing canon justice. i think if kojima saw the way that you write raikov, he would give it his blessing because you truly do such a magical job with the character. i always say to people who are passionate about their characters that i love that, i admire it. it excites me seeing writers clearly in love with what they're writing and i always get that vibe from you. and AND as one side character writer to another, straight up solidarity with you, my friend. keep doing a wonderful job (i know u will).
fINALLY cause i have WAFFLED MASSIVELY, you - are so wonderful. seriously, always supportive, always sweet, always kind. i want to pat your head and show u to everyone like that one will smith meme. you're fab and i am SO so glad that we're moot moots. thank you for being so fabulous, i'd tell you to keep being amazing but i know that you will. <3 ))
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to answer your question of where i came from i was in fact delivered to this world in a very small little basket with pink bows on it and an atomic bomb in my hands. and i found out about raikov because my beloved showed me mgs2 and he loves raiden ( me too ) and raikov is obviously linked on his page and something about him just made me keep coming back. maybe because i am also blonde haired blue eyed love eating whiny mean and annoying. but something about him i just needed to write. i love love love taking neglected characters and doing a 2000s makeover to make them into an actual Character and he was a perfect candidate !
and then i nailed down this url and i just HAD to make this blog ESPECIALLY WHEN I SAW THAT YOUR BLOG EXISTED. OH MY GOD. i was like no now i need to theres a fucking stellar writer here writing volgin. i need to throw raikov at them with all the strength of a baseball pitcher or whatever theyre called idk baseball terms BUT YOU GET THE PICTURE. part of the reason this blog exists is literally because of yours. SO YOU HAVE YOURSELF TO THANK
YOURE SO SWEET since i developed cfs/me in my mid-late teens ive felt my writing has kinda. gone downhill. so it makes me so happy to hear that people are still enjoying what i'm doing ;o; YOU ARE SO SWEET I AM SO GLAD I DIDNT LET THE AVPD WIN AND STOP ME FROM MAKING THIS BLOG CAUSE AUGH. AUGH. everyone intimidated me so much but youre all so so sweet and nice to me i fucking baheem sob sob THANK U SO MUCH. GRABS YOU
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emmebearpaw · 5 months
1/14 Back to work!
Well, school has started up for the semester and I took a little break before I went back so it's been a hot second but, tada! The costume still exists and now I have less time to work on it! However, We really aren't that far from being done with the coat, with the underlayer (tanktop + pants) likely not taking more than a few hours each, the coat is really the last big (required) hurdle. I. I haven't informed my mother yet I kinda hope to make some props too and thus will be gasp shock constructing but those are optional if I have time (which I will, thank you month of May). But what do we still have to do on the coat? Well, the sleeves and the lapels, today we started work on the sleeves, but couldn't finish because A) it was late B) you can't do satin stitching on wet fabric and I have to get my fabric wet to put the applique on, so oops! Today we cut out all the parts for the sleeves, which entails the outside layer, inside layer, gold cuffs and the applique for the sleeves, but not the cuffs (because I have to digitally resize them. hooray.) You've seen plenty of pictures of pink and blue fabric things sitting on a table and I forgot to get pictures, so, skipping to applique construction.
Making a mess of the kitchen any% speedrun
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I traced the eye pattern from the regular pattern and put them down on the applique sticker back, since they are symmetrical I don't have to worry about that, but I do have to punch out the middle and get a big long stripe to put down on the sleeve. This is constructed with one applique sticker of a big stripe and then the eyes placed on top, since I thought that would be easier to cut out than one big stripe with eyes in it but look pretty good still.
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(Image duplicated for size) Think they look pretty good! Also, I know a lot of times the pink fabric looks like a completely different color, that picture above is probably the closest to how it actually looks, unlike the results picture below which looks practically salmon. We aren't satin stitched yet for sure, and you can see the waffle print of the rag used for ironing the applique on but, tada! A nice sleeve prepped for more work, possibly tomorrow (long weekend yay) but more likely next week.
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kaioshin-kai · 6 months
☎ | @sixth-destroyer (for anyone i just wanna see)
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
NAME: Cham
RINGTONE: Classic Nokia
PICTURE: (Probably insulted him before taking a picture.)
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WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!! IM BLOCKING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
look up "blue waffles" lmao
NAME: Chammy Champs
RINGTONE: Meow Mix theme
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that pasta salad was actually delishus
Thank you! ♥ I keep trying to find ways to make healthy food taste good!! I truly care about you!!!
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
Ruki was still looking for a suitable gift for Yuriko for Christmas. At a loss, he asked Kou for help. But the vampire was not pleased about his brother's ideas. Annoyed, the blond grabbed a few magazines and put them into the dark-haired man's hand. Kou suggested Ruki to look for something suitable in them. Sighing, the young man retreated to his room and sat down at his desk. He began to flip through the first colorful printed pages. Suddenly, Ruki's eyes lingered on an article.
"Lingerie... That would be a good idea, right?"
He put the gossip papers aside and looked for Yuriko. When he finally found her, he spoke directly to what he had seen before without making a face.
"What kind of lingerie do you actually like? What should the perfect sexy piece of fabric look like for you? And what color should it be?"
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Yuriko had been reading in the library, completely absorbed in another dark tale of love that was about to turn into an obsession, when Ruki’s musky scent suddenly waffled in the room. Beaming, Yuriko put the novel aside and waited for him to approach her.
As Ruki began to speak, heat slowly covered Yuriko’s face. Mental images of what he was probably thinking raced through her mind.
"Umh... ehh... I... well..."
It was not that Yuriko hadn’t thought about such things but somehow, telling directly about her likings sent shivers down her spine, made her palms turn sweaty, and her heart bounce a little faster, while the flaring deepened on her cheeks. With quivering fingers, she reached for the phone she had earlier placed on a nearby table.
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"Well... if you really want to know... I... I can show you some photos..."
Yuriko started to browse pictures, nibbling her bottom lip. It was difficult to find the things she had in her mind. And, to be honest, she wasn’t quite sure if Ruki would like the same things. What if he would find them boring? The mere thought that he wouldn't like something she was wearing...
I shouldn’t let my mind wander like this... Oh? These look nice...
With a burning face, Yuriko peeked at Ruki again. She turned her phone's screen so that he could see it too.
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"...umh... these... I mean... lace is nice... I like white but also light blue and pink. And... and... somehow I really love... umh... thigh-high socks with cute details. But... but... if you prefer something else... I can try it out..."
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
What do you think it might mean to have Eddie wearing Buck's blue henley (or a copy of it at least) from 2x01 in the upcoming episode?
Hey Nonnie
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about seeing Eddie in that blue Henley!! For starters it is definitely the same blue Henley Buck wears in 2x01! Eddie just doesn't wear blue all that often (18 times out of 140+ non uniform costumes!) so the fact that we have him wearing blue and not only blue but a blue Henley we've seen before on Buck is an interesting choice and hints at a couple of things. We of course need to remember we have no idea which scene/scenes this Henley is appearing in and who those scenes will be with and that may have an impact on why this particular Henley was chosen.
Firstly we have the scene we saw Buck wearing this blue Henley - in season 2 - he gets home to find Maddie in his shower having mistaken her for Abby, we have Buck cooking for Maddie and having a conversation about lying low/ hiding out before Buck shows her a picture of Abby.
The most interesting and probably important part of the conversation is the 'Eat, Pray, Love'  section. The idea that Abby is out exploring the world, but actually exploring herself and getting in touch with herself on a sexual level. Its especially interesting when we think about Buck comparing himself to Ana in season 5 because; Abby had a serious relationship which didn't end on her terms, she then dated Buck (having been pushed into it by Carla) to get herself back out there before leaving to escape and find herself. its implied that Abby slept around a bit before meeting Sam and finding her happily ever after with him.
Its interesting how that concept kind of ties in pretty well with Eddie's own dating trajectory - his relationship with Shannon didn't end on his terms, he dates Ana to get himself back out there (having been pushed into it by Bobby) and now we've got him going on a few dates as he figures himself and what he wants out, before in theory finding his version of Sam (cough Buck cough) and getting his own happily ever after.
Eddie dating around and actually discovering himself in a romantic and possibly sexual sense - something we've been give enough clues in canon to know hasn't really happened before now. Whatever his dating life is going to look like in the next couple of episodes (cough Marisol cough) its going to be about him exploring rather than settling down in a serious relationship - the settling down comes after the exploring in the same way it did for Abby.
The other side of the coin is the Eddie wearing blue. Like I said, its not a colour we see him in often, In fact we only see him wearing blue (other than his uniform obviously) a few ties - I'm including denim shirts in this 
2x04 - dark denim shirt -Eddie is with Abeula in hospital - Carla comes in with Chris 2x07 - Navy blue suit - touring Durrand School - light blue denim shirt - Shannon comes round to discuss Christophers new school 2x10 - light blue marl tee - Eddie and Shannon have sex and Chris comes home 3x03 - light blue denim shirt - Eddie drops Chris back off at Bucks post tsunami 'Theres no one I trust more with my son than you' scene 3x04 - (more teal than blue but I'm including it) Chris wakes from a nightmare 3x09 - navy blue tee - Therapy with Frank - post fight club 3x12 - dark blue waffle sweater -Eddie gets called to Christophers school - meets Ana 3x18 - light blue button up shirt - Mays graduation party 4x08 - mid blue denim shirt - Eddie introduces Ana to Chris as his girlfriend 4x14 - navy blue tee - Hospital - the Will scene 5x10 - navy blue shirt with dot pattern - Chris wakes from a nightmare 5x14 - light blue/lavender long sleeve tee - dream sequence in kitchen with Chris 5x17 - white henley with a blue shirt over the top - Christophers bedroom - conversation with Buck and then in Texas seeing family 5x18 - navy blue shirt with dot pattern, blue blazer -HenRen vow renewal 6x08 - dark blue distressed tee - Eddie helping Chris get ready for his school dance 6x09 - dark blue shirt - Eddie asleep on his couch 6x13 - Blue check suit for the Poker game
The thing I hope you're picking up from these occurrences is how much they are tied to family. every single one of the scenes when Eddie is wearing blue represents a key moment in Eddie and Christophers family life and how it is developing. Central to it all is Chris as all of the scenes are connected to him in some way even when he isn't present (perhaps especially when he is not present) even the scene in Franks office in season 3 is about Eddie not wanting Chris to end up like him, while the shirt and blazer worn to HenRens vow renewal is very much focused on strong family dynamics - especially his dynamic with Chris as we see in the flash forward/back scene.
However, in season 6 we have started to see the blue break away from being quite so tied to Chris and family dynamics and be a bit more focused on Eddie from 6x09 - its interesting that we see this split happen when Bobbys voiceover is talking about the Santa Anas coming to an end and the city resting before the cycle starts again. Eddies arc in that episode is about Eddie 'separating' himself from Chris - becoming more than just a father (and firefighter) and because the editing ties that scene to Buck and the blue check suit worn to the poker date connecting so heavily to Buck seeing where this next blue shirt is worn is going to be interesting.
Its because of this use of blue on Eddie that I'm inclined to think that the reuse of this Henley is more to do with it being blue and therefore about some key moment in the Diaz family dynamic/ the Buck and Eddie dynamic than it being connected to potential eat pray love experiences, although its entirely possible that both concepts are valid and correct in this case as we do have Eddie wearing Blue in connection with Ana (and with Shannon although she was less of an eat pray love thing!).
Until we know more about which episode its is definitely for and who else is in the scene its impossible for me to parse out meaning as I haven't seen the script and so much of what I glean from the costumes the wardrobe team put the cast in is derived from the text - which is the same way the Costume designer would make the decisions they have about the costumes we see on screen. Without that text for context, I really am only guessing as to the meaning of a costume and I'll always lean more into colour theory than I would anything else which is why if pressed I'm more inclined to think that they are reusing the Henley for the simple reason that its a Henley in blue. Eddie wears a lot of Henley's - its a key part of his wardrobe - and if they needed a blue one, why spend more money when you already have one in stock (I would have different feelings if it was Buck rewearing it rather than Eddie being seen in it for the first time, then it would definitely be about connecting the scenes) especially when Buck doesn't wear Henleys any more, so I am more inclined to lean towards it being worn in a key moment for the Diaz family/ Eddie and Buck's dynamic in some way over the eat pray love connection because of the Eddie in blue of it all.
Sorry I can't really give you a more focused answer than that, I just really have so little context to go on because even the bts gives us no vague context to work with!!!
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Who wouldn't picture these possibilities:
Dick Dastardly's verbal torment of Muttley getting the better of him to such extent that Muttley rips into an explosive show of canine flatus just as his master begins another of those talkdowns, such driving Dastardly rather ill from the fumes.
Huckleberry Hound's beloved Clementine managing to make something of a name for herself at county and state fairs when it comes to cake and pie making , canning and preserving ... and having the scrapbooks of blue (and occasional purple) ribbons to show for it. Not to mention being invited to an occasional 4-H meeting to explain and demonstrate safe canning methods.
Bubi from the Hair Bear Bunch actually NOT getting his conversation cut short by way of Square Bear's forepaw over his mouth when things appear to get over the top, and then some.
The Skatebords "expanding their horizons" by trying out skateboarding as if inline skating wasn't impressive enow (and Scooter somehow being especially impressed).
Dinner one evening with Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy: Homemade, "from scratch" even, macaroni and cheese alongside frozen salisbury steaks.
During one of Peter Potamus' sojourns in Polynesia Uncharted, his romantic interest one evening happens to be twin girls who he can't help but enjoy lovemaking with--and even leading an early-morning dive session the next day.
The Three Wolves' choice of waffle mix during their diving camps: No less than Carbon's Golden Malted, chosen for its rather rich taste seen as ideally complementing the dive experience. As for the syrup, such derived from the soft maple sugar of Loopy De Loop's hobbyist sugar bush in Quebec's Eastern Townships.
Seems that prehistory (think The Flintstones here) had this thing for hot spring pools as a source of relief and relaxation, especially among cavewomen types seeking relief from those monthly discomforts.
Is it too much to imagine Inch High, Private Eye, actually fitting inside a typical espresso coffee mug, even though it may be thimble size (and his likely choice of coffee being the heavily-caffeinated stuff "to maintain alertness")?
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