samsm2mstories · 17 hours
Matt > Ollie
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A few hours ago, I was the typical Jock, loved sports, and attention, but something was missing in my life. I was known as a lion because of my huge cock. It was so annoying as I was horny all tye tome and people could see them outline of it when I wore shorts. It was so easy to fuck people but I was bored of it.
This is where Ollie came in to help. He spoke to me about how he wished he was like me, and I ended up telling him how I would love to become a cute nerd twink like him. He was actually shocked hearing it. He asked me if I was willing to trade bodies with him, and I said yes! He showed me this weird device that has a node, and it meant to transfer our minds but leaving everything behind.
I sat there with the node on my head, and he pressed the device on. I felt my body froze as I was being extracted painfully, but out of the blue, I was sitting where Ollie was and saw my body in front moving.
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I felt new knowledge about science, maths, everything, and lust for jocks? I felt my smaller cock get hard seeing Ollie in my body flexing. I looked at my new body, and it felt so tight and sexy! I was finally a cute nerdy twink!!! I was Ollie at last!! I remembered how I had OF and loved guys fucking me.
I spoke to Matt, and we both loved this swap, we felt love and decided to kiss. He agreed to collaborate with me, and the video went viral. Matt is now my dom top, and he sure satisfies me nightly. I love how he ruins my hole as he needs to keep his cock calm. We have fucked so any times at college and this was the best life ever.
Everyone respected our relationship, and we had so many threesomes as sometimes I wanted to top a fellow jock.
The device? I kept it hidden away as Matt and I agreed to steal ourselves fresh young bodies when we reached 40.
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bodyswapguy · 2 days
body swap with a businessman
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digthetmansworld · 1 day
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juanbodyswapstfs · 8 months
Dm if interested in body swap roleplay!
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verus-veritas · 2 months
Not As Planned
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"Hah! It worked! I'm in his body!" I shouted as I found myself standing up in my new hulking body. I flexed my huge arms and smelled my rank armpits, fully intent on worshipping them later tonight.
"Who knew the machine would work even without both of us being hooked up..." I thought to myself, clearly having underestimated his strength. He had broken free from his restraints, torn the helmet from himself and ran up through the house. That brute must've tried to get to his room for a baseball bat or something. Too bad for him the machine malfunctioned without a second person in its seat, and instead sent a pulse wave that knocked us both out.
"Definitely have to check the device out later and figure out what happened... but for now I have this raging beast in front of me that's dying for my touch!" I laughed with my deep voice as I gripped the hefty bouncing member in my hands. I knew I didn't have to worry about my former body as it would wake up with complete amnesia in a few hours, so I immediately set course for my new room. The room that once belonged to my high school bully.
I was halfway across the corridor when I heard some light grunting from the parent's bedroom. So I peeked in... and I couldn't believe my eyes - it was my bully's dad standing naked in front of the mirror and jerking that giant cock of his.
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"Oh god, dad... I'm in your body... and I love it! Can't believe that one second we were walking through the front door with you shouting at me for being sent to the principal's office, and the next I'm waking up in the hallway in your sexy muscular body! Well, I guess now's a good time as any to tell you: I'm gay. I'm super gay and the reason I got expelled was because I got caught jerking off to the gym coach showering! But who needs a gym coach when you have body ten times hotter that's staring back at you through the mirror! Fuck! I hope I never have to go back! I'm Dad now!"
I watched on in awe as the incredibly handsome dad finally came all over the mirror and began licking up his own residue from it. He disappeared into the master's bathroom, where loud moaning was soon heard again.
"Shit. I hope the pulse didn't affect any other people outside of the house..." I thought, as I continued into my own musky bedroom. "Having to deal with my perverted lil' bro now stuck in his own dad's body sure is bothersome enough..."
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mr2swap · 4 months
The great shift: a stinking symbiotic relationship
I came home empty-handed, I hadn't even been able to get a job as a cashier at McDonald's, but I can't blame them who would hire an overweight middle-aged man like me... A lot of things are different since the Great Shift, but I guess that some things remain the same, I opened the door to my apartment and the first thing I looked at was my old body sitting on the couch with an annoyed look.
-Dude, What the fuck? You were supposed to be here 35 minutes ago, my phone is blowing up with messages on our subscribers! You know them, they can't wait a minute for any of this! -
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Gary Muller, my roommate and my “business partner,” flexed one of his enormous biceps until the shirt that covered the muscular and perfect body that used to belong to me almost burst, then with one of his long fingers he pointed to one of his armpits that for a moment They were dry.
Gary took off his shirt, revealing the body he used to look at every day in the mirror, grabbed a pair of dumbbells that were on the floor and started working out for our afternoon show.
-Yeah... I'm sorry, I went to a couple of job interviews, and they went a little longer than I thought, just... let me change while you train a little-
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He just ignored me and went about his business while I walked into our apartment. I had heard that many people ended up in bodies thousands of miles away because of the Great Shift, but me and Gary living next to each other was a strange coincidence.
I didn't know anything about Gary before all this. Furthermore, I only considered him as the old man who lived next to me, sometimes in the mornings while my uncle went to the gym I could see him leaving the building, dressed in a cheap suit and heading to his office job. It was a surprise for me, One day I woke up in his apartment with his old body.
 The Real Gary was as surprised as I was, the first time I saw my old body from Gary's perspective I was speechless, there was an expression of confusion on that beautiful, symmetrically perfect face, the long, muscular arms of which I used to be so proud now they were in someone else's possession, but the worst of all was how short I was now. The height difference between us was enormous, while I was almost two meters tall Gary was 1.50 CM Even some children They are taller than me now.
But over time I got used to Gary's horrible old body... every day I prayed to get my old life back, but every day I woke up with horrible back pain and with a face older than my father's, perhaps the most strange now is the hair, Gary started going bald since high school and when he turned 30 he decided to shave all his hair, Gary's bathroom was full of hair growth products that hadn't worked for years.
And while I was suffering from trying not to adapt to the life of a 48-year-old, the real Gary was enjoying his new youth and his new muscular body. I learned that people treat you very differently when you look like a damn stud instead of a wrinkled Troll.
He could hear through the walls like the real home, and he had fun with my body and with all the boys I brought to my old apartment every night, I had never realized how thin the walls were in this building Until for the first time I heard the powerful moans of my old voice at the same time that Gary used my cock to fornicate another man.
Time passed and society continued on its path, for me, it was surprisingly fast how the government recovered from all this. But there was only one problem, there were a lot of unemployed people everywhere, and among all of them was me.
I used to work at the local gym as a trainer, but with this body that had never been in a gym in its entire life, I was quickly fired. On the other hand, Gary's company went bankrupt when most of the investors ended up in young bodies And they decided to sell the company.
As the days went by, Gary and I became somewhat of friends, I helped him with exercise routines and taught him about the nutrition My body needed, We decided that it would be much cheaper for both of us to live together while all this was resolved, And I returned to my old apartment, but I felt like a stranger among my own things. I settled in the smallest room surrounded by my training equipment that was totally useless to me now, everything was too heavy.
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Living with Gary was certainly better than living on the street, But every day it made me reconsider if that was true, Unsuccessfully I tried to get a damn job, so I could get out of that apartment and start my life over in Gary's weak old body. I felt like a parasite even with Gary, he paid the rent and all the house services.
On top of that, he used to party every night and hang out with his new gym friends during the day, it was a total mystery to me how he made so much money... until I started receiving some strange messages on my old Instagram account. .
“Hey buddy, was this your body?”
“Dude, are you DaddyGary?”
“Damn, you had such a hot body… I always knew what was under those shorts, you didn't disappoint me.”
It wasn't hard to realize that Gary had been making his filthy armpit fetish porn for those desperate gays. I felt so dirty watching the videos of my old body worshiping his sweaty armpits after the gym.
I immediately confronted Gary about it, and surprisingly he admitted it very quickly. He didn't seem embarrassed, or sorry for doing it, I could even notice a slight mocking smile on his face as I told him how humiliated I felt while a bunch of perverted men masturbated with my stinky armpits.
It was at that moment when those words from Gary sealed the destiny I am living in now.
-Those “disgusting” things like you call them are what pay the rent for this place and keep your old ass from sleeping in some dumpster. And if you want to continue sleeping in your comfortable bed, it's time for you to start contributing a little money, and I know how you can do it... Come here -
He flexed both arms showing his armpits, I was surprised to see that he had recently shaved his armpits, eliminating all the wild hair that I previously kept in my sweaty pits, I... I couldn't control myself, I don't think he's homosexual, but the powerful musk of my old armpits made me react like a bee to honey.
Gary took his phone and started recording me while he worshiped his wet armpits with my tongue.
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-You like it, right?… “Gary” Do you like the taste of your old body? Can you believe this used to be me? Damn, You really are pathetic, “Gary” -
It had been several days since I had ejaculated, I had thought Gary's body had erectile dysfunction or something, but at that moment my little cock was hard as a rock and hot as hell. I had never felt this way, my head was completely clouded by the addictive testosterone filled aroma of my old armpits.
-Look friends, “Gary” is jerking off, it seems like he still misses his old body... Maybe we should let him play with him another time...-
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Hello, if you liked this story and you want more, you can take a look at my Ko-Fi page to see my most recent stories, see my new stories and support me to continue creating this hot content.
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oliverwondertf · 4 months
A True Bromance
“Are you sure about this Mark?” I asked hesitantly. “That potion smells pretty disgusting babe. Whose underwear did you steal anyways?”
I pointed to the bubbling, dark green potion in my boyfriend’s hands as he took a whiff of its contents. He had just concocted another transformation brew and I was looking forward to seeing its effects in just a few moments.
“That’s just the way I like it - you know that bear. And hell if I know. I grabbed the first pair of boxer briefs I could find in an unlocked locker. Should make for an interesting shift this time…”
“Just promise me you’ll behave yourself this time. I know you like to get carried away when you shift.” The power to become someone else at your whim is truly an intoxicating power and I loved every moment he got to use it.
“Of course, bear.” He says with a devilish smirk. “I’m beginning to be a pro at this.”
With one smooth gulp, Mark downed the musky green potion and let out a satisfying burp, followed by a louder belch.
“Oh fuck…” Mark started to groan as his skin bubbled up and changed, starting with his arms and spreading across his torso and belly, before making its way down his legs and up to his face. Mark quickly stripped his body of his clothes, standing nude in our living room. I watched in horny disbelief as his features and his body proportions changed. His belly shrank down, becoming a nice set of toned abs. His body blossomed with copious amounts of body hair that began to materialize on his chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. He was pretty hairy before, but this was something else.
I watched as his face suddenly began to change, becoming unfamiliar to the cute adorable boyfriend that I’ve always loved. His beard more or less stayed the same, but his eyes, mouth, nose, and chin all began to reform. The final changes made their way over his body until I was left staring at the body and face of a very HOT and hairy gym bro.
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“Mmm, how do I look bear?” Mark asked me in a completely unfamiliar voice. He looked down lustfully and rubbed his new hands along his hairy torso and pits before grabbing his new cock and jerking it a bit. “Or should I say *bro*?”
I looked in awe as my new boyfriend began exploring his new jock body, admiring his new features in the mirror. He began flexing and posing as if he really was the man he was impersonating. He completed his look by putting on a necklace, sports cap, and his own earbuds.
“You look fucking amazing babe. How do you feel?” I say, trying to hide my growing erection. "What should I even call you anymore?"
“I feel fucking fantastic bro... It’s incredible what that potion can do. I’ll be in this form for at least a week… maybe more. I got a lot of his essence from those boxer briefs. It’s sexy this dick was getting sweaty in those.” Mark grabs his erect cock one more time and playfully teases it in front of me. "And you should keep calling me Mark - fuck if I know his real name."
“Yeah… fuck, we’re going to have to explore your body more in the bedroom. I’m leaking just looking at you right now, bear.”
“Oh I agree bro. But first you need to drink your potion, don’t you? 😈”
To be continued... This was my first time writing a story in a while! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it!
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dcigar · 8 months
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By day, he was a mild-mannered accountant, crunching numbers in a sterile office. But by night, he became someone entirely different.
It all started innocently enough. One evening, Alex stumbled upon a leather shop tucked away in a dimly lit alley. Curiosity piqued, he ventured inside, drawn by the smell of rich, supple leather and the promise of hidden desires.
As he ran his fingers over the sleek jackets and rugged boots, something stirred within him. It was a feeling he couldn't quite place, a sense of exhilaration mixed with a hint of taboo. And when he slipped on a leather jacket, the world shifted.
Suddenly, Alex felt more alive than ever before. The cool touch of the leather against his skin sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't help but admire his reflection in the mirror. Gone was the shy accountant; in his place stood a confident, powerful man.
From that moment on, Alex's life took on a new rhythm. He sought out leather wherever he could find it, reveling in the way it made him feel alive and free. He attended leather events and gatherings, immersing himself in the vibrant subculture that welcomed him with open arms.
But along the way, Alex faced challenges too. He grappled with his own insecurities and fears, worried about what others might think of his newfound passion. Yet with each step he took, he found strength in his authenticity, embracing his identity as a gay man who loved to wear leather.
And as he walked through the city streets, head held high and leather-clad, Alex knew one thing for certain: he had discovered a part of himself he never knew existed, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
One fateful evening, Alex decided to take his exploration of leather to the next level. He ventured into a renowned gay leather club, drawn by the promise of a community that understood and embraced his desires.
Inside the dimly lit club, the air was thick with anticipation and the scent of leather mingled with the heady aroma of cigars. As Alex made his way through the crowd, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging wash over him.
It was there, in the heart of the club, that he discovered his love for cigars. Entranced by the sight of men puffing on their smoldering sticks, he hesitantly accepted an offer to try one for himself.
As the rich, earthy flavor enveloped his senses, Alex felt a rush of pleasure unlike anything he had experienced before. The smoke danced on his tongue, filling him with a sense of warmth and contentment.
From that moment on, cigars became a staple of Alex's leather-clad adventures. He relished the ritual of lighting up, the camaraderie shared with fellow enthusiasts, and the way the smoke added an extra layer of intensity to his experiences.
With each visit to the leather club, Alex discovered more about himself and the vibrant subculture he had become a part of. And as he indulged in his love for leather and cigars, he found a sense of liberation and empowerment that he had never known before.
As Alex continued to immerse himself in the leather community and embrace his newfound passions, he decided to take another bold step: he grew a beard.
At first, it was just a stubble, a hint of rugged masculinity that complemented his leather-clad persona. But as time went on, Alex let his beard grow longer and fuller, until it became a defining feature of his appearance.
With each passing day, the beard became more than just a symbol of his masculinity; it became a symbol of his confidence and self-assurance. Running his fingers through the coarse hair, Alex felt a sense of pride in the person he had become.
As he walked through the city streets, leather jacket hugging his frame, cigar smoke trailing behind him, and beard framing his face, Alex felt like he was truly living life on his own terms. And with each passing day, he discovered new depths to his identity, finding joy and fulfillment in every aspect of his journey.
With his confidence soaring and his sense of self solidifying, Alex delved deeper into his exploration of leather. One day, while browsing through a leather boutique, he stumbled upon a pair of leather chaps.
Intrigued by their rugged appeal and the way they showcased his legs, Alex couldn't resist trying them on. As he fastened the buckles and adjusted the straps, he felt a surge of excitement course through him.
Stepping in front of the mirror, Alex admired his reflection. The leather chaps hugged his thighs snugly, accentuating every curve and contour of his body. He felt powerful, alluring, and completely in command of his desires.
From that moment on, leather chaps became a staple of Alex's wardrobe. Whether he was strutting through the streets or dancing the night away at the leather club, he always felt like the truest version of himself when he wore them.
Embracing his love for leather chaps was just another step in Alex's journey of self-discovery. With each new revelation, he felt more liberated and empowered, unapologetically embracing every aspect of his identity as a gay man who loved to wear leather. And as he continued to explore and celebrate his passions, he knew that the best was yet to come.
More to come…
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superscourge · 3 months
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scourge and shadow bodyswap. just for funsies
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hauntedestheart · 10 months
Confidence Booster (Male Bodyswap)
Part 1:
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Hector Rivera had woken up that morning in bed missing forty pounds of muscle, six inches of height, and four inches... somewhere else. So already that was a bad start to his day- but then when he'd stumbled into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, it had gotten a whole lot worse.
Ray Baldwin. He'd been turned into fuck Ray Baldwin! He didn't have anything against the guy but he was just so... not like Hector.
In many ways the two were complete opposites: while Hector was bold and outgoing, a natural leader, Ray was more reserved and docile, a meek follower. These personality traits extended to their physicalities as well, with Hector being a towering specimen of manhood (built like a brick house) while Ray was short and slender (a textbook geek, pun intended). And now Hector was short and slender while Ray... where was Ray?
As a small blessing, Hector had still been in in his own bedroom, but everything looked out of place because of his shorter vantage point and it made him feel a bit like an intruder. His phone was still on the bedside table where he'd left it before and when he finally got his wits about him to check it he found a barrage of texts from Ray waitinf for him. While most of them were panicked nonsense, Hector gathered from some of the more sane ones that Ray was making his way over on foot. Meaning Hector's body was out there wandering the streets without him!
Of course Hector wasn't going to sit around and wait- he set out to meet Ray halfway. Mortifyingly, the only thing he had that fit his new body were an old hoodie that a girl had left at his place and a pair of athletic shorts that managed to stay up when he tightened the drawstring all the way (and even then they still hung down past his knees), but he didn't have any other options so he gritted his teeth and walked out the door dressed like a clown. He was halfway to Ray's place when he spotted a tall brown hunk stumbling down the street with a confused look on his face- Hector's face.
He'd choked on air at the sight of his real body- he couldn't believe the outfit Ray had crammed his body into! The white tank top was practically transparent, his nipples plainly visible as his pecs strained against the fabric, and the skimpy shorts left nothing to the imagination. His entire body was on display for anyone who walked by to see!
Being trapped in Ray's body was bad enough, but seeing his incredible body on display before him was just salt in the wound. The two men locked eyes, and Ray let out a little whimper.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" Hector hissed, staring in horror at the clothes the muscular young man standing before him was stuffed into.
Ray, seeming just as uncomfortable as Hector was, grimaced. "When I woke up this morning your body tore through my clothes and this was the only thing I had that fit." Ray crossed his arms for a little pout, which made his biceps bulge, and it was Hector's turn to grimace. "I lost the shirt I got on my trip to Texas! I loved that shirt."
"Will you forget about your old shirt? I look like a stripper playing a track and field star!" Hector lamented, eying the too tight shirt and the too short shorts distastefully.
"It's not my fault, it's this body!" Ray exclaimed. He threw his arms out to the side for emphasis, stretching them out to their full impressive wingspan. "These shorts are usually baggy on me but your body just has a lot more going on down there. You're just so... big."
Hector's face grew dark and his temples began to throb. How dare this guy talk about Hector's body like it belonged to him!
"I want my body back right now," he snapped, and Ray shrunk back.
"And trust me, I'd give it to you if I could!" Ray sounded completely genuine when he said this, a slight whimper to his voice as he shifted himself around. From the way he held himself it was clear that he was uncomfortable in his new body, and he confirmed it a moment later. "I feel like the Incredible Hulk right now in a bad way, I'm all... bulgey!" He shuddered as he said this, and then winced when the motion made his package jiggle. He sighed with exasperation and stomped his foot, gesturing towards the bulge in his shorts. "And I'm tired of this thing bouncing around!"
Hector gaped. "Dude, stop manhandling my junk in public!"
"Sorry, it's just..." Ray reached down and adjusted his crotch, pushing down on it in an attempt to flatten it out, but the soft flesh immediately bounced back. "How do you deal with this thing? It's always in the way!"
Ray frowned down at his new junk, barely hidden by his shorts, and he jostled it around as he searched for some mystical position that would make it go away. Almost defiantly, as if it were mad at the notion of being hidden, Hector's penis elected to grow instead.
The real Hector's eyes widened as he watched his old body growing aroused. "Dude, cover that up now!"
Ray stared in horror at the obscene bulge forming in his shorts, only semi-hard and already straining at the fabric.
"Oh no!" He shouted, doubling over and placing both hands over his crotch in a desperate attempt to block his growing erection from view. "Sorry, it's just, your penis is so much bigger than mine and I–"
Hector winced at the comment and shuffled uncomfortably, trying desperately not to think about what he'd seen when he'd taken a piss that morning. "Trust me, I'm painfully aware of the size difference."
"I'm so sorry Hector," Ray gushed, tears brimming in his eyes. "I didn't mean to disrespect you and-"
And then he started crying in earnest, which meant Hector was stuck with a six foot tall hunk wearing what was basically lingerie sobbing in the middle of the sidewalk with a full boner- he hated his life. It was early in the morning so the two were alone, but they were still on an open street, and Hector needed to calm Ray down fast.
"Stop apologizing, okay?" He said firmly, reaching up to grab his own shoulders and squeezing them with as much might as he could muster. Something about it must have gotten through to Ray because he paused in his sobs and looked at Hector, who did his best to smile reassuringly. "Look, it's just- I know we're both freaked out about this, but stressing out and losing our minds isn't gonna help anybody. We need to calm down, okay? Just, take a deep breath or something."
"A deep breath, yeah, okay, I can do that," Ray babbled, and then his massive chest heaved up and down. His breaths were frantic at first, but gradually, he relaxed.
"Feeling better?" Hector asked, and Ray nodded. "Okay good. Now, do you have any clue how this happened?"
"No, I just woke up this morning and I was like this! I had to sneak out the window this morning so my family wouldn't see me–" A panicked expression crossed Ray's face. "Oh no, what am I going to tell my family? I can't go home looking like this!"
"You aren't going to tell them anything, because if we tell them we switched bodies they're going to send us to the loony bin," Hector said firmly, and then he scoffed. "And by the way, looking like that is a goddamn blessing, okay? Show some respect to my body."
"Sorry, it's just–" Ray shuffled uncomfortably and fiddled with his hands, his meek body language looking rather out of place on Hector's hulking body. "I'm not really used to being a big guy like this."
Hector sighed and rubbed at his temples, fighting an oncoming headache. He may be small now, but he was clearly going to have to be the leader in this situation.
"Don't worry, we'll figure this out, okay?" Hector finally said, and Ray nodded in relief. "But until then, we don't do anything to draw attention to ourselves, okay? We just lay low for a while."
Ray smiled with his handsome new face. "Definitely."
Part 2:
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Ray was not laying low.
Research into getting their own bodies back was going slowly (Google search results for "men switching bodies" just turned up online erotica) but perhaps it would be going faster if Hector had some help. Unfortunately, Ray was too busy making an ass of himself to pitch in... which normally wouldn't be a problem, except he was using Hector's ass to do it.
See, Ray had realized what Hector had known all along: being hot is fun. After the initial shock of waking up in a different body had faded, Ray had taken stock of what he'd gained in the swap, and he found he liked it.
For one thing, he had pecs now. Pecs. Huge slabs of muscle that jutted out from his chest that jiggled when he jumped up and down. Tight, perfectly formed, and with a pretty brown nipple at the peak of each- he hadn't been able to resist giving them a little squeeze, and he'd nearly fallen down when one of his fingers grazed one of his nipples and it sent shockwaves of pleasures throughout his body. His old sunken chest certainly hadn't been this fun!
And down below those pecs were the abs, which he was really a fan of. As a skinny guy, he'd always had a flat stomach, but he quickly realized there was a difference between having a flat stomach and having a toned stomach. Ray didn't know how many sit ups Hector had done in his lifetime to get those cheese grater abs, but he was glad he'd done them.
Big arms were nice too. Ray had a habit of scratching behind his head and he noticed that every time he did so eyes were always drawn the way his bulging biceps would flex when he lifted them- not that he could blame anyone for staring. It was a beautiful sight! Hector's arms were the part of body that belied his strength the most, almost intimidatingly large, and Ray quickly learned that many situations could be controlled just by crossing his arms and letting the muscles pop out.
The ass had taken a bit of getting used to (there had been several embarrassing incidents where he'd knocked things off of tables because he forgot to account for how much junk was in his new trunk) but Ray had quickly come to embrace it- in fact, he was embracing it often. He loved the feeling of the firm, supple flesh beneath his hands, which was surprisingly soft considering how tough the rest of Hector's body was. It was a proper bubble butt and it became Ray's favorite part to show off, ready to shake at a moment's notice.
And his new dick... Ray knew size wasn't everything, but he wasn't exactly opposed to getting an upgrade in that area. At first he'd been annoyed by the damn thing because it was nearly impossible to hide the bulge it made in his pants, and he felt like all eyes were on him when he was just trying to walk down the street. It wasn't his fault it looked like he was smuggling produce in his shorts!
But he didn't have to be self-conscious, he realized, because people weren't judging him. They were jealous of him. Lusting after him. They wanted what he had, one way or another, and he should be proud of it. So he stopped hunching over, stood up straight, and let everyone see what kind of man he was.
Not to mention the stamina of Hector's body was incredible. His cock was practically spring loaded, jumping to attention at the slightest hint of arousal, and being trapped in Hector's stupidly sexy body meant that Ray experienced that any time he so much as glanced down. He'd managed to hold out for two days before caving and seizing a hold of his manhood and pumping one out– and there was no turning back after that.
That orgasm had opened a floodgate in Ray. He already had a new body, but after that, he felt like a whole new man. And it turned out that man was a bit of a show-off.
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While Hector was an outgoing guy, Ray had taken it to another level. He lost his shirt at any opportunity, eager to expose his new treasures to the world, and it was never long until his pants followed as well. It was excessive, but the sight of an adonis like Hector Rivera in his underwear, bulge swinging heavily, was something nobody wanted to complain about.
Invitations to parties and nights out were flooding in– everybody wanted to bring "Hector" along because sooner or later his shirt would come off... and he wasn't shy about letting people feel either. Ray was taking any opportunity he could to flaunt Hector's rippling muscles, and he was having the time of his life doing it.
The real Hector found it infuriating– one because Ray was making everyone in town think that he was an exhibitionist, and two because seeing his body flaunted in his face just reminded him of what he was missing.
If anything Ray was getting a bit too comfortable in Hector's body, which made the real Hector nervous. If Hector did find a way for them to switch back, would he even be able to convince Ray to take it?
Part 3:
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"Ray, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Hector shouted, stomping down the driveway towards where Ray was making a display of himself jumping rope. Ray gave him an unimpressed look.
"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm working out," Ray kept jumping rope, which made his ample chest heave up and down; the sweat on his tan brown skin caught the light and made him glisten. "I wanna keep this body in shape after all."
"Okay, but why are you doing it shirtless in my front yard?" Hector protested, glancing around nervously. A few of his neighbors were milling about, not-so-subtly enjoying the show Ray was putting on for them, and Hector waved at them to look away. "Everyone can see you!"
"So?" Ray shrugged his broad shoulders. "I'll give 'em something to look at. You know your chest bounces, right?"
He sucked in a deep breath and puffed his chest out, creating an impressive sight as his bulging pecs jiggled obscenely with each bounce, and the jump rope dropped the floor while his two hands slid up his body and cupped around his pecs. In full view of everyone he began to squeeze them, and as he did so he smiled fondly down at them like they were beloved pets.
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"Stop feeling my body up like that!" Hector hissed, and Ray rolled his eyes but planted his feet on the ground and lifted his hands up, palms open. Hector huffed in relief. "Thank you. Now can we–"
"Sorry, just gotta stretch for a second–" Ray interrupted him, and Hector blinked. Then Ray reached both of his arms back behind his neck, muscles popping as he bared his armpits, and arched his back so his hips thrust forwards like a stripper. Through the thin grey fabric of his sweatpants, it was obvious he wasn't wearing underwear. "Oh shit that feels so good."
He squinted his eyes shut and gave a groan of relief that was louder than strictly necessary that echoed down the street, and a passing car nearly crashed into a stop sign. Ray relaxed to a more normal pose and threw the dazed driver a wave and a wink.
"That keeps happening," he chuckled as he watched the car speed off down the street. Then he threw one muscular arm behind his head, baring a sweaty armpit for the world to see, while the other hand rubbed absently at the six-pack on his belly.
Hector's mouth was wide open in shock at the shameless display before him– what had happened to the shy Ray he knew? Hector's face reddened and he grabbed at Ray's arms, attempting to pull them down and tug the man back towards the house, but with Ray's skinny frame he had no chance of moving his former body even an inch. He gave up and tossed his hands in the air in frustration.
"You've gone mad with power," Hector gasped out.
Ray shook his head and shrugged. "Chill out Hector, I'm just having a little fun."
"You're acting like a cam boy is what you're doing," Hector snapped, crossing his skinny arms and narrowing his eyes suspiciously. "It just seems like you're getting a little too cozy in my body... almost like you don't even want to switch back."
Ray's shoulders slumped, and for a second Hector could see a glimpse of the shy guy he was more familiar with.
"Look, for the last time, I didn't do this! I miss my family and I miss my life," Ray sighed, but then shook his head and drew himself back up. "But since it happened, I'm gonna take advantage of it! Do you know what it was like to go from that–" he pointed at his original body. "to this?"
He spread his arms out and spun around, allowing Hector to take in the full view of the body that used to belong to him. Ray hadn't been lying about taking good care of it- perhaps it was just that he was seeing himself from the outside now, but Hector's body looked better than it had in his entire life.
"I went from being a beanpole to having B-cup tits and an ass you could balance a latte on!" Ray reached out to the side and flexed one of his arms, the toned muscle rising into a small mountain. "Your arms are wider than my neck! And your abs are probably harder than my bones." He tittered with excitement, but then his smile softened. "Getting to be you has been incredible and I just... I wanted to enjoy it. But I'm not evil Hector, if you find a solution, I'll give you your body back. Until then though? I'm gonna enjoy every second of it."
Hector frowned. His time in Ray's body, robbed of all of his physical advantages, had been quite a bad time for him, and Ray had to live with that all the time. Could he really blame the little guy for going a bit over the top?
"Okay, I'm still mad at you for acting like a whore," Hector chastised, and he watched Ray shrink before him, which was comforting in a way. Even with their bodies switched, they were still the same guys inside. "BUT, I get it. You officially have my blessing to have a little bit of fun- while we look for a solution;"
"Really? Thanks Hector!" Ray smiled, yanking the other man into a bone crushing hug. Hector winced in pain, but returned the embrace with good faith. "Tell you what, why don't we go research how to switch back right now, okay? Just let me wash off first."
Ray released Hector and then grabbed the hose from off the ground and lifted it to his face, spraying the water dramatically into his face and shaking out his hair. Water cascaded across his nearly naked body, falling like a waterfall from his pecs and trickling through the ridges created by his abs.
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Hector swallowed. "Any chance you can do it less... sexually?"
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samsm2mstories · 2 months
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Being stuck in that pool as a ghost was torture for me as I wanted to get the right body. Luckily enough, from my new memories that Ryan moved into this house a few days ago. I couldn't believe I was in luck finally to break this curse that's been on my since the previous ghost stole my body.
Ryan jumped in, and I took the opportunity to enter his body as he reached the top for some air. Within that moment, I grabbed his soul and swapped identities with him. I now was floating on the water, feeling the sun, water, and my new warm body. I jumped straight out to feel down my new wet body, fuck it felt amazing being this young again, I could feel my muscles that are solid and all my amazing new youthful memories.
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This was me a few weeks later on vacation with my bros, I might have lost some muscles as I need to find that balance at the gym, but I'm not fussed. I'm a sexy stud who loves to expose my amazing g body to the world. Sex is pretty amazing as I do possess a good package below. The house with that pool? I spoke with the agents, and we agreed not to proceed with the deal as I found issues with it. Especially that pool that possesses the real Ryan.
I'm Ryan and I love my new life!
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swappersworld2 · 4 months
Danny had always been an ordinary teenager—white, overweight, and perpetually self-conscious about his appearance. He spent most of his days at school trying to blend into the background, avoiding the relentless teasing from classmates. Music was his only solace, and he idolized Omar Apollo, the charismatic Mexican-American singer whose voice and style captivated millions.
One day, while browsing through a local thrift shop, Danny stumbled upon an old, dusty record with a handwritten note attached: "Play me, and your dreams may come true." Intrigued and desperate for change, he bought the record and rushed home to play it on his ancient turntable.
As the needle touched the vinyl, a haunting melody filled the room, and Danny felt an electric tingle race down his spine. The music seemed to wrap around him, pulling him into a trance-like state. Suddenly, his body began to feel strange—warm and light, as if it were being reshaped by invisible hands.
First, his skin started to change, taking on a warmer, sun-kissed tone. His excess weight began to melt away, his once-round face becoming more defined. Danny watched in awe as his hands and arms slimmed down, muscles subtly emerging where there had been none before. His legs followed suit, growing stronger and more toned, his height adjusting to a leaner 5'10".
Danny’s hair darkened to a rich, deep brown, and began to curl in soft waves, falling effortlessly around his face. His eyes, once a dull blue, transformed into a warm brown, sparkling with a new sense of confidence and allure. The transformation continued as his clothes seemed to adjust to his new physique, hugging his now-muscular frame perfectly.
As the final notes of the song played, Danny stood in front of the mirror, hardly recognizing the person staring back at him. He had transformed into a perfect likeness of Omar Apollo—slim, toned, and undeniably attractive. The room seemed to hum with energy, as if the transformation had imbued him with a piece of Omar's charisma and talent.
Stunned by his new appearance, Danny tried to process what had happened. He felt a surge of excitement and trepidation; this was an opportunity to reinvent himself completely. The teasing and self-doubt of his past seemed to dissolve, replaced by a burning desire to embrace this new identity and make the most of it.
As he ventured out into the world, Danny—or rather, the new Omar—discovered that people treated him differently. Doors that had once been closed were now open, and he found himself drawn to music in a way he had never experienced before. With a voice that resonated with depth and emotion, he began to sing, capturing the attention of everyone who heard him.
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juanbodyswapstfs · 1 year
Being my Uncle John.
Every year, On the 1st day of the six month, 2 males in Jacks family switch bodies for a month. Unfortunate for Jack, he is a male. But fortunate enough for him, he has never been switched, but this year would be different.
1 day before.
“Aw cmon bud its not that bad.” “You have never been switched before anyways.” said my Dad. “I know but what if this year is different?” I said. “Like I said, Its not that bad.” “Unless your luck runs out and you get switched for many years in a row like your Uncle mark.” “But that’ll never happen ha.” said my dad with a unsure tone. “Yeah I guess your right.” “How have you switched with before dad?” I said. “Oh I switched many times haha, With your uncle Mark, your uncle Tom, and even your grandpa Joe! hahaha.” “But for some reason your uncle John has never switched, lucky son of a bastard.” Im really hoping I don’t get switced but something inside of me wants me too. Just the thought of being a real man, just feels so right. Now its time to go to Bed and wake up as myself or even one of my uncles, I really hope I switch with one of my Uncles it just feels right.
The next day,
As I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right, it felt like my cock and everything else has doubled in size, I mean WOW, this cock is really huge! I mean i like girls and all but im way more attracted to men. I stood up on the side of the bed and just admired the manly body im in, as i looked closer I realized im in the body of my uncle John, which has also never been switched.
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I was having fun being in this big body, but then I realized im gonna have to be John, he has a life, job, and even husband! good thing his husband is on a business trip and gets back on the day we switch back. I decided to call my “nephew”. “Yo how ya doing bud?” I said with a grin. “Im doing great Uncle John!” “How do you like being a man?” said Uncle John. “Amazing, how do you like being a teenager again?” I said. “Ha you are exactly how I was when I was a teenager.” Uncle John said. “Ok now lets get serious, how do I become you?” I said. “Ok first thing off, I have a job at the gym as a trainer, they should know what to do just hype them up.” “My husband is on a business trip so he shouldn’t be a problem, pretty easy right?” Uncle John said. “Yeah not so bad after all.” I then tell Uncle John how to pass as me and we eventually hang up. I now got dressed and jerked off before I headed to the Gym. It was amazing how much this body can come and how big my balls are now.
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At the Gym I got greeted by some muscular men, which I tried to hide my boner from. Turns out I was pretty good as a trainer, It was like I’ve been doing this my whole life! After my shift, I decided to go take a sneak peek at the locker room, I mean just a peak right? Then I saw a guy with his package out and couldn’t help get cum a little. I mean, if John didn’t have a husband I would totally help him out. I then headed home and took a hot warm bath and played with my cock. I then went to bed. It’s pretty fun being uncle John I wish I could be him forever.
The next day,
Its now the next day and I woke up with a huge morning wood. It was the weekend which means I didn’t have to go to work and had the whole day to myself! But then I got a call from my husband, “Hey John, im coming back early in the afternoon can we have some.. alone time?” said my husband Joseph. “Of course my love, anything for you.” I said. “How is your families swap going? Do you know who switched?” Joseph said. “Uh no actually.” I said. “Okay well get ready for when I come back!” “definitely” I said then hanged up. I know how bad it seems lying but I just wanna feel how this body would be during sex.
In the afternoon,
As I was getting ready for uncle Johns husband to come back I got a call from uncle John, “Hey “Uncle John” is Joseph coming from home from his trip early?” Said Uncle john. “No he hasn’t called me or anything why?” I said lying. “Just wondering, If he is, please don’t do anything with him please.” Uncle John said. “Gotcha nephew.” I said and then hanged up. I felt bad lying to Uncle John but I just wanna experience getting fucked in this big manly body. An hour later Joseph knocked on the door and greeted me. “Hey babe, I’ve missed you and your big manly ass.” Joseph said. “I missed you too and that big monster.” I said. I knew it was wrong what I was doing but it was natural for some reason. Joseph then proceeds to take of his shoes and puts his feet on the coffee table. “Babe you know what to do.”Joseph said in a stern voice. “Oh yes master.” I said obeying his orders. I get down on my knees and lick his big manly feet.
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He then proceeded to Unbuckle his pants.
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“Now suck my cock boy.” “Yes sir.” I started sucking my “husbands” cock and loved the feeling. I loved being commanded by a big man and obeying him, I could do this forever.
“Now roll over and let me fuck your ass.” He then fucked my ass and I could feel the hot cum. “Good boy, Now continue to lick my feet and my armpits.”
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We continued for about 18 minutes, I really did love him and could live happily with him forever. If only I could stay in this body forever. Joseph then left the store and Uncle John called me. “Hey uncle the switch is almost over, and be honest, did you jerk off or have sex in my body its important beca-” “I jerked off in your body and had sex with your husband im sorry I didn’t mean to.” I said regretting everything I have done. “YOU DID WHAT. NOW WE CANT SWITCH BACK.” Said my nephew angrily. But then I realized that this means my “uncle” is now my nephew, so I had more authority over him and he should obey me. “I don’t know who your talking to young man, but that is not a way to talk to your uncle John.” “The closest thing you get to this body is me fucking your teenager ass.” I said with a stern voice. I then hanged up and jerked off to the fact that im now John. I admired every inch of my body until Joseph came back. When he comes back im not gonna be the servant, Im gonna fuck his ass and command him to suck my dick.
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mr2swap · 1 year
I'm going to stay like Jeremy
-What the fuck is wrong with me?! - I looked down at my big cock now flaccid, I assumed that I would finally lose my virginity at last tonight, but why doesn't it want to work?, I closed my eyes and began to imagine Violet the naked girl who was in the other room, Violet Anderson, the sexiest girl in all of high school, found herself willing to have sex with me, or well at least with my best friend Jeremy.
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Jeremy is my best friend, the person to whom I can tell anything, and the biggest stud in all of high school, when I told him that I had a lot of problems losing my virginity, he did not hesitate to help me, we are so confident that I do not hesitate to give me a solution to my problem, swap our bodies.
He found a spell on the internet that when said at the same time by two people would make them switch bodies, so one day after school we went to my house when my mother was at work and in my room we both began to say in unison the strange words of a language that I had never heard. our bodies began to transform.
I continued speaking in that strange language while looking at Jeremy's face, slowly his face became mine as well as the rest of his body and when he finished saying the last sentence in front of me there is an exact copy of my body, look down Jeremy's new look, my Asian features, short stature, even longer messy hair were transferred to him, as was his strong jaw, long legs and thick arms full of protruding veins were transferred to me.
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-DUDE! this shit if it worked! you look exactly like me!-he looked up at me surprised to see what the rest of us saw in him, a gigantic muscle, her clothes were too big for her now, while mine was squeezing me a little. -Dude, is that how I sound? - I also said testing Jeremy's voice, I could feel how slowly my tank top was ripping, before it completely ripped I took it off, throwing the stretched piece of clothing into a pile of dirty clothes, although I should probably throw it away in the trash when I return to my body.
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Jeremy and I had swapped bodies. We took off our clothes, it was fucking strange to see my body from Jeremy's perspective, my body was quite average, somewhat plump, but I didn't look bad, maybe he was right, and I just need more confidence, now I felt better than I ever felt. Stronger, taller, more hot.
I suddenly felt full of energy, every movement in Jeremy's body was so strong and felt so fast that it was difficult to walk with my powerful legs, we both looked at each other in the mirror that was in front of my room and while Jeremy examined his face With his hands I couldn't avoid doing a push-up with my magnificent biceps - Jesus Christ! a couple of inches more and they are the size of your head! - I said putting one of my mountains next to my old head just to compare the sizes.
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Jeremy took off his old shirt that was now too big for him and tossed it to me, his shorts fell off on their own, leaving him in just a pair of boxers that were too big for his new body. We were both fully dressed, we came to an agreement. We would change again after I lost my virginity in his body from him, and he had a little fun with some girl to test how it feels to lose my virginity in my body.
Take his things, the keys to his house, his phone and leave him alone at my house to get used to a bit, I was anxious so, so I wasted no minute and unlocked Jeremy's phone to look at his contact list and to my surprise had been texting Violet the sexiest and most popular girl in high school.
He had only spent 20 minutes in Jeremy's handsome body, and he had already found someone to fuck, Flirting when you are taller, muscular and handsome was really simple … but why DOES NOT GET A FUCKING INCH GET UP THIS DICK?
Everything was going so well until we got to the motel, and she started undressing, when I realized that my little friend was not in the mood to get up at all, I pretended to have diarrhea and ran to the hotel bathroom while the hot girl stayed waiting for me in the bed, all the stress began to affect me and my body began to sweat and get hot from humiliation
-What's wrong with me? - I looked in the mirror, it was the face of my best friend Jeremy, now he was handsome, now he was attractive, now he had huge muscles, now he had a huge cock, why? …
Without realizing it now I had a huge erection as I looked at Jeremy's body, I wanted to stop, go to the side room and fuck the girl who was there, but I couldn't. Flex one of my arms, just to be able to look at him, I put my other hand to my cock and I began to stimulate my cock, I looked at my sweaty armpit and I could not resist dipping my nose into the sweaty dregs of Jeremy, they were so smooth my tongue didn't feel a trace of scratchiness because he used to shave completely for amateur bodybuilding competitions.
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It didn't take too long to ejaculate. I was very excited by all the new sensations. I had never felt so good in my whole life even though I just masturbated was the best thing I had ever tried, I fixed my gaze on the mess I had made in the bathroom and at that moment I finally realized -I am… .gay ? - I didn't know what it meant to be gay, but I was sure of one thing. I can't give it back now that I know there's something better than having sex with a hot girl is having sex with your best friend's hot body and loving it properly.
I can't give him back his body from him now that I'm experiencing so much pleasure. I refuse to give up this body and this life, I do n't know how Jeremy will take it but if I can keep his body from him I do n't care, I just hope Jeremy is enjoying being straight, maybe he might like it almost as much as me
Hey folks! if you like bodyswap stories take a look at my Ko-fi, I have a lot of more stories, and you can help me keep creating more stories!
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oliverwondertf · 4 months
The New Justin
“Mmm oh yeah. You feel good boy.” Justin whispered to himself as he flexed in front of the mirror in the middle of the gym. “I oughta possess you gym boys more often. Look at me now… this is pure muscle.”
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Justin started sensually touching his own body up and down. He ran his hands across his massive chest and pecs before feeling his own biceps. He made his way down to his spandex shorts and grabbed his growing hard on through the thin fabric.
“Oh fuck, yeah! I’ll bet you are popular with the boys.” He cooed as he lifted his waistband and dove his hands into his shorts before bringing them up to his nose to take a sniff.
“Mmm, how’s my big strong man doing over here?” Keira, Justin’s girlfriend, came up behind him and ran her hands across his back and grabbed his biceps. “You look so sexy babe.”
Fuck, this guy has a girlfriend - of course he does. Well, better keep up appearances for now. I’m not one to ruin this stud’s life and reputation.
“Oh, uh, yeah babe. Just showing off my incredible body for everyone to see. I’m the hottest guy here, aren’t I? You like what you see?” I stated nervously before settling in on Justin’s natural confidence as I struck another pose.
“I do. Let’s get out of here babe. I’m ready to please my big man tonight.” She flirted as she grabbed my bulge and leaned in to kiss me.
I kissed her back, feeling my boner stir up as I made out with my girlfriend. I followed her out of the main area and we both went into our respective locker rooms to shower and change.
“Hey Justin. You looked good out there bro! You’re looking incredible man.” One of Justin’s friends complimented as I walked in.
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“Heh, thanks bro. You did too.” I said back, debating on making a move on him right here and now.
Eh, on second thought, who the hell cares if Justin has a girlfriend? She might walk in on me balls deep inside this guy and I won’t care. The new and improved ‘Justin’ is here to stay. Then again, who says I can’t have both…
“Hey dude, wait up! I gotta show you something…” I called out after him.
I don’t ever want to go back to being an overweight middle-aged man ever
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digthetmansworld · 2 months
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