emoguerrera · 5 days
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agirlwantingmore · 2 years
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devasanos · 10 months
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saturnianlilith · 1 month
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Si yo quiero contigo y tú quiere’ conmigo
Dime si se da♥️
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A scrapped bird that was like a combination of the Blues & Bomb, splitting into 3 and then exploding on impact Thats pretty much it Woulda been neat I think, mighta been scrapped cause its just 2 other birds mashed into one?
tcrf link: https://tcrf.net/Angry_Birds_Seasons#BomBom
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It's a tiny purple porcupine who was playable in one of the demos
A playable character from a 2019 demo of Pizza Tower, he was removed from the game shortly afterwards and was never seen again.
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alegpv31 · 1 year
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Hace rato atrás volví a escuchar las canciones de Fnafhs y se me entraron unas ganas de dibujar a Usagi, amaba mucho su diseño 💙
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purin-cobi · 2 years
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selfcaredicas · 11 months
100g de chocolate ao leite vegano
100g de castanha de caju crua
3/4 de xícara de açúcar
250ml de água
chocolate fracionado para banhar
Deixe a castanha de caju de molho na água quente por alguns minutos. Depous descarte a água e bata com o açúcar e a água.
Depois que virar um líquido mais liso, transfira para uma panela e adicione o chocolate ao leite.
Misture em fogo baixo, até que o brigadeiro reduza e fique mais grosso.
Desligue o fogo e adicione o biscoito maisena vegano picado no brigadeiro e misture bem.
Transfira essa mistura para uma forma quadrada com plástico filme (para não grudar) e coloque também por cima oara pressionar e proteger.
Leve para a geladeira por pelo menos 4h e depois corte os quadradinhos e banhe no chocolate fracionado.
Disponha em uma superfície que não grude, eu coloquei um tapete de silicone. Salpiquei um pouco de biscoito maisena por cima para enfeitar e deixei o chocolate secar na geladeira.
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locura20 · 2 years
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emoguerrera · 7 days
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pearcaico · 1 year
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Garoto Vendedor de Bombons, Contando o Apurado - Recife Em 1938.
Photo Alexandre Berzin.
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purafervecao · 2 years
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Deixar de lembrança 💦
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kuki4982 · 2 years
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Finish those took me more time than I thought, but here they are uwu I wanted to draw them in my style because I got inspired after listen my PPG musical playlist in YT You can hear it if you want uwu Also I hope you like this ovo
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ekko0712 · 2 years
Bloosom doodles
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kyou-ko · 1 year
Biji: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Bombom: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
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