verosvault · 8 months
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no-m4gic · 2 years
Hi there! Can I get the THH girls, more specifically Kirigiri, Fukawa, Celestia, and Mukuro or Junko with a S/O who's the Ultimate Forensic Anthropologist like Temperence Brennan from the TV show Bones? Like, that's such an amazing talent and profession. Finding how someone died, and who they were in life, and even potential suspects from just bones and how they look. I mean Brennan can even find out stuff about living people just by watching how they move or sit cause of how one's bones effect that. Plus it's an amazing skill/talent to have in a killing game
ooo interesting, thanks for requesting muse!
honestly i only know what a anthropologist is... had to research about forensic anthro, so it might be off but i'm learning <3
btw i did lil scenarios- sorry if this isn't what you wanted! i was inspired off some ao3 works
also i know i said no posts but my tuition ended earlier than intended so i decided to complete a random request chosen by ~de wheel~
this is GN S/O btw!
warnings ;; corpses, decomposed bodies and body parts (aka bones), mentions of murder, s/o angst with toko's part, junko executing everyone in her part
keys: r/p/n = random person name s/n = sibling name
~ mod sitaya
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(non-despair AU)
Praise // Kyoko + Ult Forensic Anthropologist GN S/O
your current situation was this: you were standing next to one of the top detectives, kyoko kirigiri, was surrounded by a bunch of officers while the skull and several teeth of a human laid in front of you. though right now it was kyoko's turn with the single notepad provided, you were carefully analyzing the remains. suddenly something sparked in your head. pulling out the crumpled picture of the suspected victim, r/p/n, you traced over the shape of his skull with your pen, looking at the one in front of you then the picture. "guys, i've figured it out. these remains belong to r/p/n," you announced, folding the picture neatly into a small square before shoving it into your pocket again. "good job, s/o. now all we have to do is look for r/p/n's killer," kyoko stated, in which you nodded in response. inside, you felt proud and a tad bit excited because the top detective, which you may or may not have been competing with, had just praised you. (bonus points if you have a praise kink)
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(despair AU, takes place in UDG, except komaru doesn't exist)
Blood // Toko + Ult Forensic Anthropologist GN S/O
"s-s/o! don't leave me b-behind! there's b-blood a-and dead bodies!" toko fukawa, your partner-in-crime, quickly caught up to you after you'd ditched her to check on a peculiar decomposed corpse. "wait, fukawa. this body has a weird aura to it," you lifted your hand up to a "wait" gesture, squatting down to get a closer inspection of the remains. "s/o! just b-because you're the ultimate forensic a-anthropologist doesn't mean y-you have t-to inspect every s-single body you r-run pass!" toko stuttered angrily out before grabbing the back of your shirt's collar in an attempt to drag you away from the body. "toko! i'm trying to focus, the more you interrupt, the longer i'll take," that wasn't necessarily true since you could focus in almost any environment, especially noisy ones. however that didn't mean you liked to study or do something in noisy and unsuitable environments. toko waited impatiently for you, occasionally turning left, right and behind to see if any ghosts were about to grab her shoulders. "wait. is this..." you started to panic, and grabbed the hand's bone with your own gloved one. "t-this is s/n... this is them, i know it, this... was this..." tears started to well up in your eyes as you squeezed the hand of your sibling. "s-s/o? are you okay? w-what happened?" you couldn't form a sentence, no matter how much you tried, so all you did was shake your head. "s/o..." toko knelt down and pulled you into a tight hug.
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(despair AU, takes place in Trigger Happy Havoc)
Looks // Junko + Ult Forensic Anthropologist GN S/O
"you guys have to figure out whom this corpse belongs to, or else... it's punishment time! pupupupu!" monokuma explained, of course ending it off with his signature, evil laugh. you looked around at everyone, them doing the same. you hadn't told anyone in the killing game your ultimate and had lied about being the ultimate toymaker instead. though you were nervous about revealing to everyone you'd lied about your talent, it was an emergency. if you guys didn't find out whose corpse that was, you'd all be punished. quickly making your way to the skeleton, everyone stared at you, clearly confused. after a few minutes of you analyzing and scanning the hard tissue, you suddenly broke the tense silence by announcing your conclusion. "these bones belong to the ultimate pop sensation, sayaka maizono," everyone looked at you, different faces with different expressions, most shocked and confused and some amused. "how did you know s/o?" celeste questioned with a menacingly sweet tone, "i just knew. monokuma, our final guess is sayaka maizono," you made a weak attempt to dodge celeste's, and probably everyone else's question. "bingo! give that student a prize! they've guessed it correctly!" you all jumped at the voice at the door of the assembly hall. it was... junko enoshima? hadn't she been impaled by the spears of gungnir? "yyeeeeaaa... sooooo... since y'know s/o carried this whole trial... you all, but s/o will be executed! it's punishment tiiiiiime!" junko laughed, taking everyone by surprised yet again. "you're the fucking mastermind?!!" mondo screamed, appalled. "of couursee, why wouldn't i be? i'm the smartest, most sexiest, most beautiful person here! would you like those to be your final words?" you couldn't believe what you were seeing or hearing or witnessing. you couldn't even move. was this how... everything was going to end?
i wrote an unequal amount of lines and words for each of them. sorry if the scenarios got a little ooc!
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branlovestowrite · 5 years
The Decoy Groom (3/5): A CS Fanfic
Hello lovely friends! I am sorry for the two week hiatus for this story, but life got in the way. I am happy to bring  A new update today. Hope you enjoy!
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This is my CS AU loosely (very loosely) based on the movie The Decoy Bride (starring Kelly MacDonald and David Tennant; it’s super cute and highly recommended). Brennan Jones is in this story, and, as it’s a no-magic AU, Tim Omundson will be playing that role.
Title: The Decoy Groom
Rating: M It’s E now. I stumbled and fell into some smut, and there will likely be more.
Summary: After a failed turn as a musician in Los Angeles, Killian Jones has returned to his home: Storybrooke Island, a remote, tiny island off the coast of Maine. Emma Swan is a famous actress that just wants one day out of the spotlight so she can get married. Storybrooke Island, just two miles long and accessible only by ferry, seems like the answer to her prayers. But will she really be able to keep her nuptials a private affair? And can Killian find the solace he craves when there’s a world-famous actress in town?
Need to catch up? Ch1 Ch2 Also on AO3
“What the hell are you doing?” Killian asked as he stared down at Emma blocking the door. “Let me out of here, now!”
“Lower your voice!” Emma hissed. “Glass needs to think that you’re Walsh, and he never will if he hears your accent.”
“Sidney Glass just fell through an ancient window!” Killian whispered in response. “I’m sure he’s bloody and bruised all over. The last thing he’s going to think about is some damn story. Now let me through so I can help the man! I’m the only person here who knows where to go for medical care. It’s not like we have a hospital on the island!”
“No!” Emma stomped her foot and held firm. “You’re not going anywhere until we get an all clear from Elsa. You don’t know Sidney Glass like I do. His eyes and ears are always open. If he even gets wind of something fishy going on, he’s going to publish it!”
“Something fishy is going on! We’re trapped in a broom closet while a man could be bleeding out.”
“He expects me to hide when he’s around. This is normal to him.”
“Well it’s not bloody normal to me. Now, stop being a coward and move!”
“Coward? Did you just call me a coward?” Emma stepped back as far as she could and leveled him with a deadly glare. “How dare you?! I’m not a fucking coward! I have been hounded by the press my entire adult life! My personal freedoms are of no consequence to those vultures. The very fact that Sidney is here proves that!”
“Have you ever thought that you bring it upon yourself? By hiding and overreacting you make yourself a bigger target. They want to keep coming after you because they know they’ll always get a story.”
“What the fuck do you know about it? You’re a thirty something loser who lives with his father because he never bothered to get a real career. For all I know, you’re the one that called Glass in the first place!”
“You call me a loser and you insult my honor? You have some nerve, Emma Swan.”
Emma pursed her lips as she looked at him. “Well, then it’s a good thing we’re not actually getting married, considering how combative we are.”
“I wouldn’t want to be married to the likes of you anyway.”
“Nor I.”
“Yes, good.”
Then we’re agreed?”
Suddenly the door cracked open. Emma turned Killian quickly so that his back was to the opening, pressing his body close into hers. He was overwhelmed by her scent, a soft, floral perfume that reminded him of the gardenias Angie used to grow. The swell of her breast pushed into him as his hands fell down to automatically grab onto her hips. He noted how well her body fit against his own. She looked up at him, her soft pink lips parted, and, as he got his first good look at her since that morning, his breath was taken away at how beautiful she was. He was about to lean down and capture her mouth with his own when Elsa cleared her throat.
“Hey guys,” Elsa said, “Do you want to get out of this closet?”
Emma pushed gently on his chest and Killian stepped back, still in a daze. Their eyes were locked on one another as he stepped to the side to allow her to exit first. “Thanks El,” she said, stealing one more glance at Killian before stepping out into the side of chancel. Killian followed her, peeking around the wall to see Sidney sitting in a pew, his cuts being tended to by Dr. Whale, the physician that made house calls on the island. Sidney looked up for a brief second before Killian darted back around the corner and flattened himself against the wall.
“Glass saw me.”
“What?!” Emma hissed, her voice so low as to be almost inaudible.
“I wanted to see if he was being taken care of. I just peeked around the wall…”
“Walsh! Walsh Ozman!” Sidney called out, clearly not deterred by his injuries. “How does it feel to be a married man? Any comments to share?”
“Shit shit shit shit!” Emma whispered as she bobbed up and down on the balls of her feet.
“Be calm,” Elsa said. “Sidney called him Walsh, which means the plan worked. Let’s just get you two out of here. I’ll deal with him.”
Elsa led them down a hall the led off from the Chancel in the opposite direction of the sanctuary. It was not a long journey, and the end of the hall led to a single window, slightly more modern, with the ability to open and close, but no exit doors to speak of. Emma looked back down the hall and sighed forlornly.
“We’re trapped.”
“Just… stay here,” Elsa said, her voice firm. “I’ll get rid of Sidney and let you know when the coast is clear. At least this is more spacious than the closet, right?”
Emma nodded her assent, slumping against the wall while Elsa took off back the way they came.
Killian was still cross with her for the way she’d spoken to him, but, as they stood there, he became more sympathetic to her plight. This Glass man certainly was ruthless.
After a few more minutes of awkward silence, he chimed in with “Mr. Hopper was nice, wasn’t he?”
“Yeah,” Emma replied. “That was my first time meeting him.”
“This morning? When we were getting ready?”
“No, at the ceremony. But I’d spoken to him before, and he sent me the paperwork for the license beforehand, so I’d already gotten some sense of him. He seems trustworthy, though that didn’t stop Elsa from getting him to sign an ironclad NDA.”
“He came by the room while Elsa was fitting me for the suit. Had me fill out some paperwork.”
“Wait, what?” Emma asked, her head popping up. “What paperwork?”
“It was just some basic demographic information. Where I live, where I was born, who my parents are. That sort of thing.”
“And you just filled it out, without questioning it?”
“I… just… yes. Why does it matter?”
Emma hung her head again and pinched her forehead. “I can’t fucking believe this!” she hissed. “You dumb son of a bitch!”
“More name calling? Is it my turn to call you an entitled bitch yet?” Killian bit back.
“Keep your fucking voice down!” Emma yelled, before lowering her own volume as she continued. “You are a dumbass because the paperwork you filled out was for the fucking license! If Hopper files that, then we’ll be legally married!”
Emma watched Killian’s face fall as he took in her words.
“Bloody hell,” he finally said. “We need to find Hopper and stop him from filing!” He turned to run down the hall before Emma grabbed the collar of his shirt and held him back.
“Stop! Sidney can’t see your face, remember?”
“As long as I’m not with you, how will he know I’m not just a friend of the groom?”
“Because that’s a one-of-a-kind suit you’re wearing. And there were no other men dressed like you during the ceremony. Sidney will figure it out. That’s what he does. You can’t risk him seeing you. I won’t let you!”
He stood and watched her for a minute before turning to look at the end of the hall they stood in. “Then I’ll go another way. Run home, change clothes, and come back. I can do that in ten, fifteen minutes tops.” He moved to the window and cracked open the latch. It took some effort, but he was able to lift it. A rusted screen stood on the other side, but he easily removed it and began climbing out.
“Hey. Wait!” Emma called as she ran to his side. He hung with one leg out the window, looking down. The church was built on a hill, so even though the window was technically on the first floor, they were looking down at a nearly ten foot drop.
Even though she’d been berating him the moment before, she was genuinely concerned for his safety. “Don’t make this jump. You could get hurt!”
“I’ll be fine, love. Islanders are made of more hearty stuff.” She watched as he swung his other leg over and plummeted to the ground. He landed awkwardly, ruining Walsh’s beautiful suit with dirt and mud, but seemed to be okay. He looked up at her and waved shortly before turning to walk away.
Emma stared out the window, inexplicably feeling as bereft as she had the night before when Walsh left. Why did she seem to have such a strong connection to Killian?
She watched him walk away for a bit longer before she heard an unmistakable voice at the other end of the hall.
“Emma!” Sidney said. She heard Elsa hot on his heels, trying to restrain the man, but he was putting up quite a fight, even in his weakened state. Emma looked over her shoulder briefly, panicked, and made an immediate decision. She climbed onto the window ledge, staring at the ground as she chanted to herself “don’t hesitate, just jump.” She took a deep breath, and leapt down to the ground.
Killian heard a thud and a cry from behind him and turned to see Emma struggling to stand up in the muddy patch of ground at the base of the window. Briefly, he enjoyed the sight of the woman in trouble, after the things she’d said to him, but his sense of honor quickly overrode those thoughts. He ran back to her and helped her stand up. The beautiful dress she’d had on was ruined, but otherwise she seemed unharmed.
“Glass found the hall,” she said immediately upon seeing him. She shivered in the chilly air.
Killian understood the urgency and pulled her to the side, flat against the building. “My father’s house isn’t far. Let’s get there and I can get you some dry clothes and then we can contact Elsa and figure out what to do next.”
“Okay,” she replied.
They hadn’t gone two steps before Killian turned back to her. “Take off your shoes.”
“What? No! I’m not running around barefoot!” She stood defiant for a moment, attempting to hold her ground, until it began to literally sink under her. “Okay, fine,” she conceded, reaching down to remove them.
Once they were able to move unimpeded, Killian led the way. They took a meandering path through a few thickets of trees. At times he had to carry her over especially thorny patches of ground, the irony not lost on him that he was carrying her bridal style.
They finally reached the house, after walking for twice as long as he normally would, just to avoid being followed. Killian opened the door and called out “Dad?”
There was no answer. Brennan always had some sort of background noise, from the TV or radio, so the silent house ensured Killian that his father was absent.
“Is he here?” Emma whispered.
“No, he’s out. Probably finally paying Granny an overdue visit.”
Killian led her up to his room, providing towels, a t-shirt, and a pair of sweatpants with a drawstring waist. He procured a fresh pair of jeans and shirt for himself and then ducked into his dad’s room to change. He changed quickly and then stood awkwardly in the hall, waiting for Emma to finish.
The door cracked open a moment later, but he saw she was still wearing the muddy wedding gown. She sheepishly looked up at him. “I need help with the buttons.”
Killian stepped into the room and sidled up to her. They held eye contact for a long moment before she turned, presenting her back. Tentatively, he began to unfasten the buttons.
Even with the added scent of earth, she still smelled amazing. He couldn’t help but graze her creamy skin with the backs of his fingers as he carefully opened the dress. Feeling brave, Killian stepped closer, leaning in so that his breath tickled to space between her neck and shoulder. Emma’s breath hitched in response. She swallowed deeply and turned her head slightly. He could see she was biting her lower lip. He felt an immediate urge to nibble it himself.
When all the buttons were done, he allowed his hands to drift back to her hips, recalling when they’d been in a similar position in the closet. “Thank you,” she finally said to break the tension, her voice so low as to be almost inaudible.
“Glad to be of service, love,” he whispered back, not moving for fear of breaking the spell.
They stayed like that for long moments, neither one willing to move to and tip the scales one way or the other.
“Killian?” she finally said, still whispering.
“Yes, love?”
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier.”
“Me too.”
They were quiet again. After another few minutes, Emma once again broke the silence.
“Will you kiss me?”
He exhaled a heavy breath. “I thought you’d never ask.”
She turned, threading her arms around his neck a second before he fell on her, attacking her mouth with his own. His hands traveled up from her hips to again touch her bare back, tracing featherlight touches over her spine. Emma moaned softly, spurning him on, and he felt a sudden urge to taste her in every way possible. He captured her lower lip between his own, giving it the nibble he’d been aching for earlier. When she gasped in response, he took the opportunity to glide his tongue into her mouth, lapping at her own. She surprised him then by grazing her teeth along it before softly sucking on his upper lip. He groaned in response as he felt himself harden.
Killian’s groan was delicious, and Emma decided then she’d do anything to make it happen again. She released his neck so she could slide off the delicate lace sleeves of her dress before stepping out of the gown and kicking it to the side. He stepped back, taking her in. Emma was sure she presented quite the picture. She wore a low-backed corset with garters at the bottom, connected to silken thigh-high stockings. The only scrap of clothing she wore over her sex was a flimsy thong which had shifted during their trek so that it now rubbed against her clit, giving just enough pressure to tease but not satisfy.
Killian huffed out a heavy sigh as his hot gaze traced her curves. “Emma, love… I need to leave this room before I lose control.”
“Maybe I want you to lose control,” she cooed in response as she reached down to unfasten her garters. After the emotional roller coaster she’d been on for the last 18 hours, it felt good to seduce a man. She felt in control, and it didn’t hurt that Killian was gorgeous. She looked up at him through her lashes while midway through her task, completely aware of how she looked with her arms pressed against the sides of the corset, fully displaying her cleavage. Once finished, she pushed the hosiery down, removing the muddy garments.
“I could really use a shower,” she moaned, stretching her arms over her head. She reached behind herself and unhooked the corset, letting it fall to the floor. She met his eyes in a challenging gaze as she stood before him wearing nothing but her thong. “Would you care to join me?”
“You’re a minx,” Killian muttered in response, trying and failing to look anywhere but her breasts. But then her nipples tightened in the cold air, drawing his gaze like magnets. “Emma… this isn’t a good idea.”
“I see the way you look at me, Killian. I know you can make me feel good. I’ve been feeling so down. Don’t I deserve to feel good now? Can you do that for me?” Okay, she knew she was laying it on thick, but Emma was fully committed to chasing her high now. She wasn’t going to give in so easily.
He looked pained in response. His erection was straining against his jeans and he looked so conflicted that she almost took pity on him. Almost. Deciding to try one last play, she turned around, reaching for the strings of her thong and sliding them over her hips and ass. Emma knew she had a good ass. She worked hard in the gym to achieve it. She bent at the waist as the thong traveled down her legs. After lingering for a moment with no response, she slowly started to stand, beginning to consider giving up her ploy. Just as she had decided it was a lost cause, she felt his hands land on her hips.
Killian’s hands kneaded the flesh, his breath short and uneven. He slid one palm over the firm cheeks, his fingers leaving a trail of heat in their wake. “You bloody tease,” he growled.
Emma tried to stand, but his other hand slid up her back, staying her movement. “Not so fast, love. I’m still admiring the view.”
She flushed in response, glad he couldn’t see her face. Instead, she wiggled her hips. “You’re being the tease,” she replied. “Are you going to give me what I want?”
His palm lifted in response before landing with a thwack on the meat of her ass. She moaned in response. It had been years since anyone had been rough with her in bed, and she’d forgotten how much she liked it. “I’m not going to give you what you want.” Another thwack as he struck the other cheek. “I’m going to give you what you need.”
There was no time to respond, as his hand immediately snaked between her legs to rub at her aching clit. Emma keened at the touch. He hauled her upper body to standing, her back to his chest as he repositioned his hand and continued his assault. His other hand sought out a nipple, pinching and twisting.
“Is this what you want?” he groaned in her ear. “Is this what you were trying to get me to do, you siren?” He dipped his fingers into her channel before dragging some wetness up and increasing the pressure on her bundle of nerves.
Emma moaned and leaned her head back on his shoulder. “Oh god…”
“Just Killian, love. And you didn’t answer me. I’m not going to let you come until you do.” She whined in response, but he continued unperturbed. “Tell me, Emma. Were you trying to seduce me?”
“Yesssss…” she hissed as he slipped his fingers inside her, continuing to rub her clit with his thumb. “Oh, Killian, more please. That feels so damn good…”
“That’s the idea, love.” he suddenly released her, stepping back so that she felt empty without his body pressed into hers. She turned and looked at him. His eyes were nearly feral, his pupils blown wide. His skin was flushed and his erection was so hard it tented the front of his pants. “Look at what you do to me, Swan.”
She gave him a tiny nod as she took him in. Then she dropped to her knees in front of him, unzipping his pants.
Killian gaped in disbelief as Emma made quick work of his jeans and boxers, until his firm cock stood proudly between them. She wasted no time before trailing her tongue up the length of him. She gently sucked on the tip, and his head rolled back. He wrestled with the urge to let her keep going before finally making up his mind. He reached down and gently shoved on her shoulders.
She met his gaze questiongly, and he hurried to reassure her. “I believe it is I who was to make you feel good. And I intend to make good on that promise. On the bed, now.”
Emma’s smile turned sultry as she stood and sat on the bed, her legs dangling from the end. Killian silently thanked Angie for having the foresight to replace the twin XL from his youth with a queen-size mattress. He could only imagine how awkward this would be in his former bed.
He stepped over to her and pressed down on her shoulders, encouraging her to lie back, before sinking to his knees. Spreading her legs wide, he leaned in and licked a stripe from her hot center to her clit. She tasted incredible, and his eyes rolled back in ecstacy. He focused on his task, tracing the sensitive bundle of nerves with his tongue while he slipped one, then two fingers into her channel.
“Killian! More of that!” Emma cried as he sucked on her clit. He continued his assault, sucking and licking and pumping, using his other hand to hold her writhing hips still.
“Oh god… I’m gonna come!” Emma called out, her back bowing of the bed while her hands plunged through his hair. “Oh… oh…” she squealed twice before finally crying out as she came all over his tongue. “KILLIAN!!” He continued to lap at her sweetness until she shoved him away with her heel.
Emma leaned up on her elbows, looking at him as he continued to kneel between her legs. They were both panting for breath, neither sure what to say. Killian’s own erection lay heavy between his thighs, but he didn’t want to move from this spot. Emma Swan was a goddess, and he wanted to continue worshipping her.
A knock on his bedroom door suddenly broke the tension. “Killian?” A voice asked, turning the handle. “Are you in here?”
Killian recognized the speaker as Ruby and leapt to his feet, running to the door to block her entry. Emma jumped up from the bed, grabbing the clothes he gave her, and enclosed herself in the closet.
“Ruby,” Killian asked from behind the closed door. “What are you doing here?”
“Your dad is down at the diner visiting Granny, so I thought this was a good time to come see you.” Her voice clearly demonstrated her ire, rising in pitch as she continued to talk. “I wanted to talk more about our discussion yesterday. See if we could make something work. But it seems like you’ve already gone and found someone else!”
“Ruby, wait, let me explain…”
“Explain what?!” Ruby shocked him by throwing all her weight against the door, forcing it open and shoving him backward. She stared incredulously at the pants hovering around his knees. “Who is she?! Who the hell could you have found so fast on a two-mile long island?!”
Killian hurriedly pulled up his jeans, but before he could reply, the closet door burst open with Emma wearing the t-shirt and sweatpants he’d provided her before their interlude began.
“She was under the impression he was single!” Emma cried, her fire exceeding Ruby’s. She turned to Killian and lifted a hand, striking him across the cheek. “How dare you! You know I was left just last night by a man who was cheating on me! And you have the audacity to cheat on your girlfriend with me? You disgust me, Killian Jones!”
She made to push past him, but he held out a hand to stop her. “Emma, wait. She’s not my-”
“Oh save your fucking excuses! I don’t want to hear them!” She stormed out of the room, running down the stairs and out of the house before he could gather his wits. He turned on Ruby.
“What the bloody hell was that?!”
Ruby, in all her 21-year old wisdom, seemed thoroughly convinced she was in the right. “You have no right to talk to me that way! You lied to me!”
“I did no such thing!”
“Yes you did!” Her voice choked up as her eyes filled with tears. “You told me that you weren’t ready for a relationship! And then I come over here to find you doing… whatever you were just doing with her. What could she possibly offer you that I couldn’t?”
Killian softened, recognizing some of himself in the beautiful young woman standing before him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair in a brotherly gesture. “Ruby, love, this is not about you. You are a brilliant, gorgeous, enticing woman that anyone would be lucky to have. I should have been more forthright with you yesterday. I can’t do anything of that sort with you. I will always think of you as a little sister.”
Ruby sighed heavily in response. “Dammit, I wish you would have just said that to me yesterday.”
“You and me both, darling.”
“I suppose you should go after her. Want me to come, explain things?”
“No, but stay close in case I change my mind.”
“Who was she, anyway?”
“Would you believe me if I said Emma Swan?”
Ruby pulled back and gaped at him. “Emma Swan? Really? You were just going down on Emma Swan? You lucky dog you!”
“It’s a long story, but…” he trailed off. “Wait, why do you think I was going down on her?”
She grinned slyly. “Your face smells like pussy. Better wash it before you go find her.”
Killian grimaced. “Aye, that I will.” He turned to the door, intent on doing just that, when Ruby spoke up again.
“I guess that explains why there were all those reporters hanging around the church!”
He turned slowly to look upon her once more. “Reporters? As in multiple?”
“Yeah, there were at least 50 of them.”
“Bloody hell.”
@artistic-writer @bubblegum1425 @captainkillianswanjones  @fairytaleprincessatlast @flslp87 @gingerchangeling@hollyethecurious @hookswan25 @initiala @jonirobinson64 @kday426 @kingofmyheart14 @kmomof4 @kymbersmith-90 @laschatzi @nerdyhuntress @nikkiemms @objectsatsleepstayatsleep @princesseslikepirates @resident-of-storybrooke @searchingwardrobes @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @snidgetsafan @snowbellewells @teamhook @thejacketandthehook @thejollyroger-writer @thislassishooked @welllpthisishappening @winterbythesea @winterbaby89 @wingedlioness @withheartfulloflove @wyntereyez
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