grendel-menz · 11 months
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bad maids make great surgeons and better men
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semioticapocalypse · 2 years
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Bernd and Hilla Becher. Lime Kiln, Brielle, Netherlands. 1968
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eatoneself · 1 month
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this is brielle btw. if u care....
she's a tiefling, formerly serving the Glorymaker (a fucker, if you care) and now serving Fiachra, and in turn, Deimne. She's a paladin and her main principle is Grail. this is set in secret histories yes i made a new set of Hours for it (some of the same are still there but i wont make a whole thing aout this til later).
One of the first things she did as an adult is kill her dad, the second is fuck that old man (deimne). i'm so proud of her.
picrew here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1564386
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pedewe · 1 year
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Flowers in Brielle
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coindolls · 9 months
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daisyclarington · 17 days
Daisy had frequently in her life felt the total heart-stopping, sheer panic of seeing someone who would be a significant source of stress for her. This wouldn't be the first, and it certainly would not be the last, but it was with a lot of distress that she noticed her former songwriting partner-in-crime, Brielle Motta, walk into the bakery where she worked. With flour covering her apron, her hair tossed up in a messy bun, and absolutely no semblance of dignity, she plastered on a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and walked up to the register. "Hi, Brielle. What can I get for you, today?" @briellemotta
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goddessofeternity · 5 months
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 20: Last Chance, Make it Count
The child was gone. The child was gone and I had no idea how important to my liege that the brat was. I should have been better informed and I could have done better. I needed this to work and I needed to crush the Light where she stood. I wanted to watch her bleed, I wanted to watch her suffer under the might that was my liege. She deserved the worst type of pain imaginable. There was no future with her in power. She couldn’t make the decision that my liege made each and every day. Beings in this universe continued to show me how weak her rule truly was. Suffering and pain was all that followed behind that fake smile of hers. She was a plague that needed to be expunged from the universe.
The child had destroyed the facility and those Supernovas had taken the children. Everything was starting to fall apart, and I needed to stop it. My liege was growing more and more restless and it would be a matter of time before they acted on their anger. Those other Gods had failed to show up and assist me. They were nothing more than a bunch of cowards, even my men were starting to question and fear what would come next. Loyalty was something that was not so easily kept in times such as this.
“Mmm…” I frowned as I glared at the woman resting in my bed. I didn’t expect such loyalty from Brielle. She was nothing more to me than a way to handle my more intimate frustrations. So I was quite surprised to see her take me away from the base. I didn’t even inform her of my plans or where I was going, but somehow she managed to gather a large number of my men and myself, and led us to her personal bunker.
“Foolish woman…” I sat at her side and ran my hand down her bare back. She shivered under my touch, but otherwise stayed asleep. Her dark hair was matted to her skin from the intense sex we had a few hours ago. It was the only time that she was quiet, and the only time that I could think around her. I hated sitting here and waiting for nothing short of anger that I was sure to receive. I would have no more chances. I had to retrieve the child and make this right.
“Tsk tsk tsk…oh Morlo….you are so naïve…”
“What?!” I flipped around to scan the room as a voice traveled through it. Whoever it was, make my stomach turn, even my hair was beginning to stand on end. It wasn’t until I looked at the shadows of the room that a figure started to form. It was not my liege, their presence would have felt much worse. I would probably be dead at that point too. The figure stayed in the shadows, and I couldn’t make out what they were. The only thing I could see was a twisted smile in the darkness of the room. “Who are you?!”
“Oh…just a friendly face…here to make sure you don’t fuck up….”
“Funny…now get the hell out of here before I toss you out.”
“Is that anyway to talk to someone who is trying to help you? My master is not pleased with you at all Morlo…they were ready to tear you apart.”
I swallowed back my nerves as the shadow laughed and moved across the room. I was right. Of course my liege was angry with me. I seemed to keep failing at this fucking assignment. The child was stubborn, but I didn’t realize how much. I figured that I instilled enough fear in his heart, but it just wasn’t enough. The shadow moved and I snapped back to look at it as it slinked across the ceiling. Its grin making me feel more uneasy. 
“Say whatever it is you need to report and leave. I have no time for you.”
“Shush now…we don’t want to wake her~” Hearing the voice by the bed now, I flinched as it was beside Brielle. A dagger shining in the dim light was pressed against her neck. I craned my head around to look at the ceiling again. The same grin was still there, but another was right beside Brielle. A chuckle shook my thoughts as another twisted grin appeared in the corner of the room. Whatever this being was, it took multiple forms, but it seemed keen on hiding itself. It was something powerful, and I could not handle it in a fight, I could admit that. 
“Step away from her now.” The words left me before I could stop them. No sooner did I admit my weakness, I open my damn mouth for the bitch.
“Aww…I didn’t know that you cared so much. I’d like a turn with her-”
“Move!” Its chuckles flooded my ears as I lunged at it. It just danced around the room before settling near right in front of my face. There was an almost static energy in the air as the shadows grin widened. My breath caught in my throat as its red eyes burned through me. It was infuriating to feel so weak in the presence of this thing. Its taunting was starting to get to me as well. “I will not be toyed with!”
“Fine…” The shadows ceased their taunting and one large shadow loomed over me. I stared deep at it, unflinching, before its mouth opened into its sinister grin. “My master wants you to finish them. Do whatever you must to halt their progress. The child has to be caught.”
“I have contacts that are going to head them off. This will be the final stretch. I will not fail. I will personally go to finish the job.”
“Now if only I could believe that.” The shadow chuckled and backed away as Brielle started to stir. “If you fail once more….my master says I get to have my fun with you, and you don’t want that my friend. I like it when my prey screams, and you look like you scream like a bitch.”
A sinister chuckle was the only thing I received as the shadow left form the room. I was beginning to see red as Brielle yawned and touched my wrist. 
“Morlo…what is it-”
“That insufferable group of Gods!” Brielle gasped as my hand tightened around her throat. I did not care for her struggling and scratching. “I will not continue to be disrespected! I will not continue to be used like a pawn! I have conquered countless planets! I will be damned if this is over for me!”
“M-Mor…lo…” Gathering myself, I released Brielle as she coughed and I stood from the bed to think. It was time to call in my elite fighters and their weapons to finish these Supernovas and get that brat. “Brielle…I need a-”
A punch to my jaw when I looked at her almost made me take a knee, but I just glared at the stupid woman as her eyes narrowed. “Like hell I will! You almost killed me you fucking animal!”
“I seem to recall you liking some pain with your pleasure.”
“Fuck you! You know that’s not what I meant!” She growled and cursed as she threw a shirt over her head and massaged her neck. She would get over it like she does with everything that we do together. A deep silence fell over us both as I made my calls. Promises of money and other riches would entice anyone to do anything in this life. It was always so simple to buy power and status even more so. The only thing that was difficult to acquire was respect….
I glanced at Brielle as she made some calls and yelled at some idiots. She caught my gaze before she rolled her eyes, but continued to procure more men for me to use. Yes…power and status was easy to come by with money, as was respect. There was nothing like respect…and loyalty.
Something that Brielle was in constant supply of. 
“Ugh…whenever you say the word…you have some more men ready to follow your orders.” Brielle cleared her throat as she rolled her neck. I moved towards her turned back as I looked over her form. My handprints were bright across her purple skin, she was not as dark as the rest of her race. Usually the darker ones were in the poorer parts of the planet. Although, she didn’t care to talk about her more decorated past.
She flinched as I brushed my fingers across her neck. I could feel her looking at me from the reflection in the window, but I kept my focus on her neck. Pulling out some ointment from my pouch, I rubbed it into her neck. A sigh escaped her lips as she relaxed against me, she was…she was really becoming a nuisance. Women always were more trouble than they were worth. This one just happened to be particularly annoying.
“Is this your version of an apology?”
“Fine fine…annoying man…”
“You show me all of this unyielding loyalty…why? There is nothing between us other than our physical relationship, and that is barely anything to write home about.”
“Maybe I just want a strong man in my life, it's refreshing to see.”
“Mmm.” She rolled her shoulder and I retreated to another room to contact my brother and mother. They had been trying to speak with me for the last few days, but things just never seemed to calm down. If things went wrong…then this would be our last conversation. I just had to not fail, that would continue to be my mindset. I had to keep my focus on why I was doing this and I would not take anymore missteps. 
A lone video screen sat waiting for me as I forwarded a message to my mother. It would be surprising to see if she was awake right now. She liked to rest early to prepare for her days ahead. The selfish part of my brain wanted her awake and ready to receive my call. It might be the last time I speak to her and that she sees her firstborn. No no…I would succeed and that would be it.
The screen flashing to life and seeing my mother’s bright face light up warmed my solemn spirit immensely. Her graying brown hair was done in a tight braid and she quickly brushed the sleep from her eyes to smile at me. Her blue eyes seemed to illuminate in the darkness of her room as she fumbled for a light source.
“Hold on, hold on! I want to see my baby bright and clear!” I sighed as she cursed to herself and stood to turn on some lights. She should be looking for and wearing her glasses. The light from the screen would just damage them more. I should have never called her this late. “Morlo!”
“Yes Mother? I’m sorry that I woke you up.”
“Baby no! I was hoping to hear from you soon! Your brother has been asking me to let him know if you called. Are you eating and getting enough sleep? You look tired…”
“Yes Mother…I am fine. I just wanted to see you.”
“Oh sweetheart….oh! Fenra! Your brother is on the video screen!”
“What? Fenra is there? Mother you really don’t-” I sighed and rubbed my temple as I could hear my younger brother rushing towards her. Before long, there he was and completely out of breath. My brother was never the most athletic man. I told him to get better and work out more, but he never seemed to hear me. His glasses kept falling down his nose and he looked so much like he did when we were children. The only glaring difference that he was a man now…was the infant in his arms. A rather plump baby that looked so much like him with dark brown hair and a tiny nose. The only thing different was the green eyes, which I suppose was thanks to my sister-in-law. She wasn’t interesting enough for me to waste my time meeting, but she made my brother happy, so I suppose she was alright. 
“Morlo! Hey! I didn’t think that we would ever hear from you!”
“I’ve been busy.”
“Yes…doing something that you aren’t supposed to be doing.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at my mothers tone. She desperately tried to figure out what I did for work, but I would not relent and tell her. “Please tell me that you’re being safe at least.”
“I’m not in danger.”
“Come on Morlo…we just worry about you. We don’t hear from you for months at a time. You act so fidgety and you never tell us anything. We just worry if you’re safe-”
“I am fine! My work is of no concern to either of you! You have roofs over your heads and you are protected and well fed! You both always ask about this! It is none of your business!”
I leaned back in my seat as they stared at me in silence, probably thinking about something to say to me again. It would never matter what they would say, my life and mind was made up. This needed to be done and I would never rest until I completed what I needed done.
“Morlo…” My heart sank as my mother started to cry and my brother tried to console her. I would not be shaken by her tears again. I almost let that stop me once before, but I had to do this for my father and in his honor. “I just want you safe baby…please….just come home for a bit.”
“I refuse. You should rest mother…” I could practically hear my brother steaming on the other end. He was always so attached to our mother. He would probably try and “yell” at me and make me see reason. It was too late for such things. My mother took the child and left and I faced my brother as he rubbed the back of his neck. He…he looked like our father when he did that. “Say what you have to say.”
“I just wish you would be more considerate of her feelings. Be considerate about how we both feel. I know you have this big bad brooding thing you do, but can you just save it?”
“I won’t be coming back.”
“Do not say that! Do you want our mother to hear you say that?! Gods…you’ll give her a damn heart attack you dick!”
“Do not ever say that again.” I leaned forward and he glared at me as he shrugged his shoulders. “You know how I feel about that.”
“Morlo…ever heard of freedom of speech? If I want to invoke the Gods I will. You can’t hold onto this forever-”
“That bitch took our father!”
“He was a damn psychopath and you know it! You just don’t want to fucking believe it!”
“You were a child then! You have no idea what he was doing! Don’t you ever disrespect the honor of our father again!”
“He was a damn terrorist Morlo! He put us through years of grief! You are fucking delusional!”
“Shut the fuck up Fenra! Our father was a genius who wanted to change the world! Sometimes sacrifices needed to be made!”
“At the cost of his family?! He is-”
“Enough!” I slammed my fist against the desk and Fenra just sighed more as we fell into a deep silence. He never cared for our father and look at the bigger picture. He made those sacrifices because it was the only way to make progress. The ways of the Gods had to be changed, and the Light was the biggest obstacle of all. 
“Look…just…just visit…your nephew would like to meet you. I would like to go drinking with you and maybe go hunting like we used to. I have gotten much better with my archery and swordplay.”
“Tch…yeah right. You need to use other weapons instead. Enter the modern age brother, and your skills just might get better.”
“Well…here’s hoping that my dear brother comes to show me how to use them.” I smirked as he waggled his eyebrows at me. He would never allow me to be angry with him. I often tried, but I suppose it was the curse of family. I would only allow this weakness in privacy. 
“Get some rest Fenra…you have a child to raise. Aren’t children that age more likely to cry in the middle of the night? You should sleep.”
“Fine fine…but I’ll have you know…my son is an excellent sleeper. I barely have any trouble with him.”
“Hmm….good night brother.”
“Good night Morlo, I love you…stay safe.”
“I know I know…” Once he left, I rubbed my head in quiet frustration. My liege should have punished me by now. Something must have happened, or perhaps I just wasn’t important anymore. No no…I was still needed until my liege disposed of me. My contacts would be on the move to those Supernovas. This would still work.
“You never speak about your father…”
“Go back to bed Brielle.”
“You talk about your mother and brother, but your father is a mystery to me.” Her hands on my back made me straighten up. I would not let her talk me into talking about my feelings. Looking up at her, I paused looking at her throat once more. It was beginning to bother me now.
“Cover your throat.”
“I think I like it. Almost like some battle scars.”
“You are the craziest fucking woman I have ever encountered.” She just laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck and rubbed my chest.
“Tell me about him.”
“....” She would not leave me alone unless I gave her an answer. Staring at the screen, the memories of my father invaded my mind once more. “He was an ambitious man…who only ever wanted to make sure his family was happy. Although, his path to getting there was filled with death and misery. The Gods don’t like change or challenges to their order.”
“I suppose your father wanted to make some big changes.”
“He wanted the Gods to take accountability for all the suffering that they unleashed upon man. The sickness, the death, war, all of the above. Even the horror of childbirth…my mother almost died bringing my brother into the world. My father did everything he could to speak to the Gods and beg for an audience.”
“I suppose he never got one?” The memory annoyed me as Brielle straddled me and rubbed my shoulders. It had been some time since I talked about my father, but it felt good to get it out. It was surprising to see Brielle take an interest, but I wouldn’t dwell on it. 
“Oh…he got an audience…but that was only after he destroyed a temple. I remember it because he wanted to bring me along. The God…I don’t even remember his name…but I remember the pleasure he got when he tortured my father in front of me. I remember when he made my father watch as he….had his fun with me.”
“Ever since that moment, my father decided to change his tactics. He began attacking that God’s followers. He burned villages, destroyed families, even went to the point of making weapons of mass destruction. I helped him get the message around that the Gods wanted to control us and they relished in our suffering. These Gods think we owe them love and gifts, when all we want to do it live. We were going strong for years, and my father and I were feared, but we were also respected.”
“So…the ends justified the means?”
“Always!” I gripped her shoulders tight and her eyes widened immensely. She needed to understand that no good would come from these so-called divine beings. The sooner more people realize they weren’t needed the better. “Then that bitch got involved and ruined everything!”
“The blasted Light! That “perfect” and “benevolent” goddess who thinks that she can control and rule over everyone! She even bends the other Gods to her whim! She is the head and she must be stopped! Once she falls then the rest of them fall. My liege will create something better than what she did!”
“Morlo…aren’t you just following another God? How do you know that your liege won’t just-”
“They would never! I have their utmost confidence and I know what they are planning to do! We will succeed and I will avenge my father.”
“What did…this Light…do to your father?”
“....” It was something I could never forget for the rest of my life. Her cold eyes barring down on my father and I. He wasn’t even doing anything wrong that day. He was doing a service to the people. The children of mere Gods didn’t deserve to live. My father captured them and set them loose in a forest, like fresh game ready to be plucked. My father and I spent hours hunting down each and every one of them. Their screams often helped me sleep at night. It was a deep comfort for me and my father. I would do it again if I had the time for it. 
I remember my father yelling at the Light as she stared us down. There was no beauty to her whatsoever. There was only a heartless monster as she berated my father for the good thing he had done. The good thing that we had both done! Those children would have grown up to become monsters! Making more of humanity slaves to their rule! The Light did not hesitate when she struck my father down. She split his body right down the middle with her scythe, I didn’t even have the chance to yell or take his body. She showed no mercy as she grinded his body to ash. The blow she gave me should have killed me that day. The pain was unimaginable as I felt like my head was splitting open. My scar was just a reminder to give her the same treatment one day, and that day was fast approaching. 
“It doesn’t matter. He is no longer with us. My liege will take care of him in the afterlife.”
“....” Brielle just stayed silent and scanned over my face. She could have her thoughts, I would close my eyes and rest before continuing my plans. I needed all of my strength to finish this. As she adjusted on my lap, I figured that she was going to get off, but then I felt her press her lips against mine. Grabbing her shoulders, I pulled her back and there was something in her eyes that I had never seen. Something that felt too…intimate. “Morlo…”
“You need to stop Brielle…we have an agreement.”
“Morlo I-”
“I can’t love you. I will not give you children. Don’t allow yourself to feel this way for me. I want your body and you want mine. Let’s keep it as simple as that.”
“Foolish man…” She reached under the chair and reclined it back until she was leaning over me. “I know that. I don’t want your love. I want your ambition. You want to burn the Gods, then so do I. I follow only the strong. Let us wreck the cosmos together!”
The woman was an idiot. It would be her downfall and we both knew it. We would most likely be the death of each other. I didn’t need her comfort, not really, but…I would take it for as long as I could. I hated admitting how her touch made me feel. Her words gave me strength, her presence made me stronger, but her love…it would be too much to bear, and I would never be able to reciprocate it back to her. 
For now, her body would be my final solace. 
Next: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/747597892435460096/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/746969612522061824/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Thanks for reading!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! Likes are welcomed!
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heyagoatlover · 2 years
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“Surprised now? Well I’ll tell you this, join me and your little... friends... will be spared when I bring back my species. If you refuse that pulsing ooze behind you will come up from behind and consume you.” Brielle paused for a second, staring at the fuzzy ooze. “So... what is your choice?”
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simscici · 8 months
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Brielle, mãe de Briana, foi fazer uma visitinha, mas nada terminou como o planejado 🥴
Previous / Next Beginning (Gen 4)
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 10 months
Okay, so, I'm very interested to know more about your Descendants OC Brielle, if you have information to share I would love to know all about her!
Thank you so much for this bc yesterday Brielle was my most underdeveloped Descendants oc and this gave me the actual push to work on her!
So, Brielle is the daughter of the Red Knight from Through The Looking Glass! Based on my Descendants headcanon/worldbuilding for this universe, the Beast sent to the Isle both the Hearts Court and the Red Court, even though the White Queen tried to stop him (if you read Through The Looking Glass you know that the Red Queen isn't a villain, she's just on the other side of the big chess game). However, the two sisters somehow (still need to figure out how, for now the answer is "Wonderland Things" lmao) still managed to communicate and when Brielle was born the White Queen took her to Wonderland in secret. She was raised as the White Knight's daughter, but she knows who her bio father is. That leads to the first Descendants! Still don't know why (listen, I didn't had her plot until this morning, so most things are TBD) she is at Auradon, and all I know is that she helps the VKs with the Wand bc she wants to free her father, her Queen and her people.
Two other random things that I know about her:
She's training to be the next Red Knight, so she's very good with swords and fighting in general
Amazing Chess Player ovb lol
Thank you so much again for this dear! 💚
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emmelinehq · 1 year
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after getting her bag from sasha, emmeline proceeded to gather her things in a frantic manner. tiffany had accused her of assault in front of people when she hadn't done it. eyes glancing up to see brielle, she moved her stuff closer. "so do you still have my keys because i need to go, like, right now, oh my god." breathing heavily, she brought her hands up to her head. "they're going to finish me off."
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extreme-apathy · 11 months
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gedankenrakete · 2 years
"Mit Schmerzen kenne ich mich aus. Wir haben uns längst angefreundet, Schmerzen und ich. Das geht vorbei. Gleich hinter dem Punkt, an dem du denkst, du kannst nicht mehr, wartet ein Gefühl von Taubheit. Sobald du dort bist, werden die Schmerzen erträglich."
- Emberly zu Brielle
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pedewe · 3 months
Catharijne in weer en wind
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lesrevesdeprovence · 1 year
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Gossip Witch Characters A to Z
B - Brielle Fraser
—Woman of God—
[bɹi.ˈɛl] : Strong-willed, headstrong, rebellious
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pvrkacciosan · 2 years
Coming Soon...
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"In the fall of a Kingdom an Empire was birthed"
When Terrasen fell, so did the magic streaming through like veins on the continent. Fae were hunted, magic wielders killed, all for the blind ambition of a king.
They had years of practise, but now they had a purpose. And nothing is more dangerous then threatening the protective instincts of a Lioness.
Prequel to 'The Heart of the Lioness'
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