bunny-hare · 3 years
 So while I was trying to get some sub-quests done in Monster Hunter Rise, we jockingly started narrating the Monster arriving and leaving the zone as if it was a group chat, which led us to “What if Monsters had a group chat?”.  SO HERE SOME TAKES ON THE MONSTERS MY BRO HAS SEEN THUS FAR!
☆ Kulu-Ya-Ku: “Kulu-Ya-Cool”, would be that one annoying 14 y/o. “Leaves” and comeback .5 seconds later. ☆ The raths: “King and Queen”, they would be that extra-corny sickeningly sweet couple with matching nicknames. ☆ Great Izuchi:  anime boy. ☆ Great Baggi: has got an inflated ego but whenever he talks, he puts people to sleep. ☆ Great Wroggi: inflated ego as well, but anything he says always comes out as super rude.  ☆ Lagombi: temperamental girl obsessed with Sanrio, probably has an insta. ☆ Somnacanth: that one girl that has a fixation with mermaids and the meaning of dreams and dyes her hair in very specific shades of colours. ☆ Khezu: for some reason is that guy who somehow knows too much about medicine and how to kill someone, most likely a cultist. ☆ Nargacuga: anime boy too, but he’s more into ninjas. ☆ R. Ludroth: The jock that is exclusively in swim club, he also only dates cheerleaders.  ☆ Tetranodon: Jock into sumo-wrestling.  ☆ Aknoson: the sarcastic one. ☆ Arzuros: DID YOU MENTION FOOD?!... No? NVM, we talking about food now! ☆ Zinogre: Metalhead. ☆ Pukei-pukei: kinda of a pot-head hippie.  ☆ Bishanten: hippie, brings up a lot detox diets. ☆ Magnamalo: confidently incorrect, swears and yells a lot. ☆ Mizutsune: Germaphobic. ☆ Almudron: the one that fuels Mizu’s fear of things not being clean enough, also his roomate and bestie since always, no one really knows why they are friends specially since Almudron constantly picks at Mizu and his germaphobia.
Extras featuring Elder dragons and few monsters from other MH games under cut
☆Gigginox: cultist too, it’s unknown either or not Khezu and Gigginox are twins for real or it’s just a game to spook the others. ☆ Dodogama is the one everyone likes, he somehow made his way into the hunter’s group chat, he’s kinda like the pet. ☆ Qurupeco: annoying kid, but he’s got raw musical talent. Uses the “@everyone” a lot. 
Elders: ☆ All elder dragons are mods. ☆ Ceadeus is the “Internet Dad”. ☆ Narkakos is the one with alternate accounts. ☆ Kirin: quick to reply mod, but also the one who’s got the less power, probably panics a lot under some sircumstances.  ☆ Oroshi Kirin: Kirin’s twin, but he’s not as nice as Kirin. ☆ Gore Magala: Mod Junior, gets sick often. ☆ Val Hazak  gets along waaayyy too well with Khezu and Gigginox. ☆ Kushala daora: probz the most liberal of the mods along Amatsu. ☆ Velkhana: probaby dating with Kushala, but they don’t bring that up; she’s cold af and often looks down upon others. ☆ Teostra: watches in silence as the others make their chaos, he misses his wife and wishes she was around more often to help ordering the chaos the gc always is. ☆ Chameleos: uses the invisible mode, probably the one that starts the chaos  on the server too.  ☆ Fatalis: he’s never around the server, he might be seen online occasionally but rarely ever, it’s always a mystery what he’s up to. When he arrives to the group chat, it’s usually to ban members and to impose order (occasionally will start chaos too, but from afar and no one will ever know he was who started it). ☆ Behemoth: he doesn’t know why he’s there, in fact, no one knows why he’s there! How did this happen?! Probably only Fatalis knows, but no one is sure for real.
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kidddes · 4 years
so I’m here thinkin n like I went through a glo up. I lost weight and look overall better.
Which has garnered more attention frm ppl,,,N i don’t exactly know how to take it,,,so I kinda just been actin I don’t notice whn ppl are basically burning holes into me whn they look.
N ngl,,,its a bit uncomfortable.
It took me awhile to grow into my looks,,,but I always knew I was alright in my younger days.
Obvi,,, most ppls middle school phase is nvr good cuz kids are dicks. point blank period. n I’m not gonna lie,,,I was one of those dicks,,,kinda. But it was more like crack a joke, not realizing wht I said was completely detrimental to the other person kind of thing.
yeahh,,,we’ve grown out of it (kinda), but I wasnt a bully, just didn’t know whn to stfu :).
Sooo anyways
I was a chubby girl but I nvr really noticed until I look bck at pics n im just like,,,,somethings not right here. It felt like I blocked off a part of my brain frm anything before high school. But maybe I knew cuz I stopped taking pictures,,,like they’re aren’t any pictures of me in hs.
N for a very long time I didnt.
I’ve had stretch marks since I was in 8th grade n didnt feel comfortable wearing clothes tht showed my arms, or evn cared to get clothes tht could possibly mke me feel more comfortable. I don’t wnt to say I didn’t care, But I didn’t care.
Until I got to college.
Now this is where I start to realize, how sht really goes down whn it comes to how you look.
Now in hs, I didnt really talk to niggas. I mean me an my friends chatted it uppp about who we thought was cute and yada yada, but didnt really participate. I observed a lot and felt like I understood the mechanics of it all, which soundss like a weird way to put it, but it was like kinda like watching the same scenes play over in hs. The boy and girls play fight, argue, chase each other and hanging out in the hallway.
Thn boom,,, sneaky link on a tuesday morning.
But I was into playing ball and chilling with my friends, again had my little crushes,,,but me being a shermie, I didn’t know how to tlk.
Bck to college, I was a freshman and was new to everything, including making myself look nice and developing my own personal style,,,which I fcking had none,, but not my fault,,but I learned.
But my ego and pride had to get gutted before tht. I was high n usually whn I get high, I hve these like epiphanies. These real clear moments.
So I was with my friends at an event, I had put on clothes, not really knowing how to put an outfit together, n ngl, frm wht I remember it was a mess.
But I had the epiphany moment whn remembering a comment my roomate had made saying “wht are you wearing” n kinda laughing to herself.
And I felt bad, but here’s where the epiphany comes in. I took out my phone and began writing about how I need to step it up and stop looking so frumpy and put effort into my appearance.
I realized I felt kinda bad about wnting to look nice,,,but for wht?
Like really for wht?
N this moment was kinda a turning point in my character. I’m just happy tht it wasn’t for male validation cuz there was plenty of times niggas tht I absolutely dont care for would always hit me with the-
“You would look so much better if...”
Shut the fuck up bro, nobody cares.
Literally to me, it was like them just telling me tht so I can become more fuckable to them, it aint really hve sht to do with me.
N thts another reason why I didnt give a fuck cuz its not hard to fuck a man. Fuckin treeshes
I developed a style and picked up new hobbies n built myself bck up, brick by brick like tetris.
I actually felt good about myself and higkey fallin in love with the way I look,,,cuz I’m cute. n ppl notice and its kinda scary, cuz I’m actually not fond of ppl noticing me. I kinda want to blend into the bckground. But im always thankful whn ppl compliment me n stuff,,,evn though I nvr know how to take them,,,
n Im not saying its been all rainbows and peonies over here cuzzz I hit rock bottom in my self-worth a couple times, stuck in my head recycling the same sht over and over.
But thn I realize, these guilty feelings Im feeling over wht ppl have said to ME n did to ME,,,bitch these arent mine. I don’t have sht to feel guilty for, like you’re mad at me because I’m actually a complex person with multiple talents that I have curated over the years by myself, with my own will.
Mad at me cuz I made it out of situations tht most ppl wouldn’t even know where to start.
Mad at me cuz I’m bettering myself.
Thts hater sht.
n I cant believe I let myself succumbed to tht type of light pressure frm ppl.
I have grown so much n I dont give myself credit.
I might not be exactly where I wnt to be,,,but thts the process of growth. Slow and steady.
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