guiltyidealist · 2 years
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Okamiden: the Kusa 5 cameos (and Ume)
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mrsmiroir · 3 years
yaknow we really don’t talk enough about the fact that matthias and nina are both child soldiers…
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iamknicole · 5 years
Heartbreak Pt. 1
Bloodline Family Series
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Koda, Eli and Milo sat in the living room of their campus side apartment eating and watching a football game. They finally had a whole day off from football practice and had used it to work out a bit and lie around.
"When Aunni come back in town, Uce?" Koda asked Milo from his spot on the floor.
"Next week I think."
Eli sat quietly staring at his phone while Koda and Milo went on talking about their girlfriends. Usually he would come in, happy to have any chance to talk about Nola. But he was distracted by a live he found on Instagram from two days ago after their football game.
"The hell you doin over there," Milo asked laughing.
Eli shook his head. "Lookin at a video. Yall said some?"
Koda got ready to catch him up but someone knocked on their door, he hopped up to go get it. While Koda was at the door eli hurried and sat next to Milo giving his phone into his face.
"Look at this shit, Lo. I dunno how we ain't see this."
Milo took the phone confused. He watched a little longer and started to frown.
"Is that who I think it is?" He asked.
"Yup. I wasn't sure at first but then I saw that stupid ass unicorn tattoo. And look who else is in the it."
Milo covered his mouth, cursing lowly to himself. "That's the quarterback from Auburn ain't it?"
"And two of the wide receivers. That's some bullshit." Eli fussed.
Milo shook his head as he handed his cousin back his phone. "We gotta tell him when he come back in here. We can't let nobody else tell him."
Koda came back into their living room holding Parker's hand, smiling. She waved happily at his cousins.
"Hey, Lo. Hey, Eli. Did I interrupt ya'll?" She asked looking at their faces.
Eli rolled his eyes at her, "Yeah, ya did and still are."
"Chill, E," Milo whispered. "We need to talk to Koda though. Do you mind?"
Looking at his cousins strangely for a second then turned to Parker, who looked confused, Koda asked her to wait for him in his room. She nodded then leaned up to kiss him but Eli stopped her.
"Bye, Parker. You'll see him in a second, no need for that."
"Oookay. I'll be in the room then."
Koda waited until he heard his door close before he started to fuss at his cousins.
"The hell was that? Yall been with me all day."
"We really need to talk to you, Ko," Milo told him softly.
"It better be important especially for E to have a attitude. And don't talk to her like that again, E. Forreal, cousin or not."
Eli shrugged. "That's doable cause I won't see her again after tonight."
Koda stepped closer to him, "You got something you need to say, Uce?"
Eli stood then Milo. He got between them, pushing them back a bit. "E, cut it out. You're issue is not with him. And, Ko, just chill."
Koda nodded trying to calm himself down. "What we need to talk about?"
Milo had them both sit down, with him in between them. He grabbed Eli's phone, unlocked it and passed it to Koda. He laughed when it started.
"This shit couldn't wait till later?" He asked laughing passing the phone back. Eli pushed it back telling him to keep watching. His face started to frown up again. "What the fuck?"
"Exactly! That bitch dirty, I been tellin you shit wasn't addin up, Ko." Eli said just as angry.
Koda looked away from the phone, taking deep breaths. "Can't fuckin believe this fuckin hoe."
"Aight let's calm down with the names. We're upset but let's not." Milo told them.
Eli sucked his teeth in Milo's direction. "Fuck that. She don't get to do that shit and get my respect, fuck her, Lo."
Koda got up from the sofa, his hands swinging at his side, his cousins stood behind him. "Come 'ere, Parker!"
"That's right," Eli nodded.
"Just calm down."
Milo was the angel on his left shoulder, trying to calm Koda down. Then there was Eli, the demon on his right shoulder, hyping his cousin up. Slowly, Parker emerged from one of the back bedrooms. She took a look at Koda's body language and face and frowned.
"Why're you lookin at me like that? What's wrong?"
"Ima ask you one time. You got something you wanna tell me, Parker?"
She looked at his cousins then him shaking her head. "No, I don't. Why?"
"Wrong answer," Eli spat.
"So you ain't fuck ole dude from Auburn?"
"Dudes," Milo added quickly.
Koda cut his eyes at Milo briefly then back at Parker waiting for her answer.
"Baby," she whined stepping closer to him, "I was mad at you and I wasn't thinking, I just did it. It was a mistake. I'm sorry."
Milo shook his head. "Sorry is a sorry ass word."
"What I do to you that bad to piss you off that you go and do that shit and put it on live? Cause you knew I would see it." Koda asked with a huff.
Parker started to cry, or was trying to, and grabbed his hands which he snatched away "I don't remember, Ko. It's not important."
"It is important, Parker! What the fuck did I do to you? Huh?" He yelled moving closer to the short girl. "I've never cheated on you, lied to you, talked to you crazy. I've been faithful to you. I take care of you, buy you whatever you want, take you wherever you want. What did I do?"
Milo started to pull Koda back but Eli stopped him. He knew Koda wouldn't go too far, he was just upset. It was pissing Koda off even more that she wasn't talking.
"Speak, girl!" He yelled making her jump.
"I was upset that you didn't wanna come out with me," she explained softly.
Koda laughed bringing his hands up near her face. "Are you serious right now? You forreal? I had a fuckin game against the dudes you was fuckin that night! I played for quarters straight, the only break I had was the fifteen minutes during half time! I was fuckin tired, Parker."
"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Sir screamed in tears.
"Wait," he threw his hands up starting to think, "You came here after that party."
"Ah fuck," Eli whispered. He and Milo made eye contact, pulling Koda back when he went to lunge at Parker.
"Ya nasty ass came in here and kissed me in my fuckin mouth after that shit!" Koda fought against his cousins trying to get to her. "You disgustin ass bitch, I should fuckin kill you! What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Parker approached them crying, jumping back when Koda almost got loose. "Koda, please. I'm sorry."
"You need to leave, Parker." Milo spoke calmly still holding his cousin back.
Parker shook her head at him, not moving.
"No?" Eli asked in disbelief. "Get your shit and get the fuck out before I let this man go. I'm bout holdin him back for your sake, I'm doin it for his."
Running to Koda's bedroom, Parker got her purse and shoes then ran out of the apartment. Milo and Eli let their cousin go, trusting he wouldn't follow her out the door. He turned to them with tears in his eyes and his hands at his hips.
"I been with her since we was 16, bruh. Four years. Four years of nothing but being good to her ass. And she does that foul shit cause I ain't wanna go to a fuckin party, dawg. What the fuck?"
Eli moved closer to him, feeling bad for his cousin. "Its gon be aight, cuz. I know you love her but its gon be aight."
Koda hated to cry but he couldn't stop it. He tucked his lips to keep any noise in that might have passed his lips. Milo pulled him into a hug. Hugging Koda the same way Jey used to hug him. Eli joined the hug after seeing Koda's shoulders bouncing and hearing his ragged breathing.
"Its okay to cry, Ko," Milo assured him. "Let it out."
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pvnthcrc · 6 years
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“I’m Mariposa Vivienne, not just anyone, but A QUEEN. Ask whoever you want, and they will say the same.” Mari’s cheeks sunk in exposing her sculpted cheek bones as she sucked in the smoke from the thin cigarette. A dry, sarcastic chuckle lest her lips as she didn’t bother to look at her friend, Anne. “I gave him everything, I gave him best years of my life, I taught him how to be a man, a King.” She spoke way too calm, almost nonchalant, yet the venomous smirk remained on her full lips. “Now, I’m Mariposa Vivienne Panthere, Angelo Panthere’s wife and a mother of his child.” Her eyes, eyes of a lioness threw a piercing shot at the 5 year old boy who played a slow melody on his father’s white Bösendorfer grand piano. She took a pause as if she listened to the melody, her long, black coffin nails brushing through her long, raven hair. Mari was deep in her thoughts as the cold stare stayed on her son. Anne noticed the way Mariposa was looking at the little boy, and just to hide the pinch of uncomfortable feeling she dipped her eyes into the glass of wine as she took a sip. “I’ve carried that child for nine months. And this motherfucker still fucks every dirty hole he sees on his way.” Mariposa said through her teeth and warmed her mouth with the liquor that was in her glass. “I was too stupid to get pregnant by that unfaithful ass cheater.” She stated lowly and only then Anne decided to speak up. “Mari, darling, you know how all men be... And Angelo, he’s one of the most known musicians in the world, I know he loves you but-...” Anne didn’t had a chance to finish, she got interrupted by Mari’s sudden shout. “Jahseh, stop playing that damn piano and go to your damn room!” Anne bit on her lip as she watched the boy who’s dark, cat shaped eyes looked at his mother. He had her eyes, his baby face seemed to be emotionless but somehow Anne felt bad for the boy. “Go to your damn room, Jahseh, or I’ll beat your ass in front of this white bitch. I said go!” Mariposa said in French to her son; he understood every word while Anne had no idea what Mari just said. He got up from the piano stool and without saying any word he left the huge living room. “When I see him, I see Angelo. They both make me sick.” Mariposa kissed on her teeth as her lighter flicked to fire up another cigarette.
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“How could you embarrass me like this, Jahseh?” Mariposa was furious; she dragged her 10 years old son to the empty room and pushed his body against the wall. “But what did I do, mom? I haven’t done-...” Jah tried to explain himself but instead his cheek ended up burning from a loud slap that her hand left across his face. “How could you tell The Willson’s about your father not being at home right now? How dare you open your mouth you little piece of shit!” Mari wasn’t loud, but her low, soft tone stabbed her son harder than a dagger could. “But dad’s on tour, I haven’t said nothing wrong!” Jah wanted to rub on his cheek and just leave, but he remained emotionless and held his mother’s stare without even blinking, which pissed Mari even more. “Your bitch ass father is not on tour, you idiot! He’s living with that bitch right now, but you be talking too much!” She rose her hand again, and another slap touched his soft skin. Nothing changed in his face. “You told me he went on tour.” Jahseh replied as his mother was on flames. She opened her mouth to drop another hurricane on her son, but she changed her mind and smiled at him. “Now, fix your damn face and go back to guests.”
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“Mari, I haven’t been home for 3 fucking months. I been on a damn road, I’m fucking tired and now you pulling all the bullshit on me when I just want to get a damn rest, at my own house.” Angelo tried not to raise his voice as he eased his tie that now hung over his neck. He picked up a heavy, crystal decanter and filled up a glass with his favorite cognac. “No, Angelo, you will have to listen to me, I don’t care if you’re tired or not!” Mari hissed as he approached her husband and took the glass away from his hands. Angelo sighed heavy and shook his head while rubbing on his nose bridge. “Posa, tomorrow’s Jah’s birthday, let’s just act like a normal family, ight? I’m fed up with your drama, let me celebrate my son’s 16th birthday, that’s all I’m asking right now.” He made a step closer to Mariposa and opened his arms in attempt to get her closer and hush her down, but instead Mari threw his own drink right in his face. “Fuck you and your son, you motherfucker! I know you’ve been with that bitch!” She kept yelling, and this time, for the first time after all these years Angelo wasn’t able to deal with his wife’s hysterics; he grabbed her by her shoulders and gave her a hard shake. “Shut the fuck up! Say anything ‘bout me but don’t ya dare to say shit ‘bout your own son you psycho ass bitch!” Like a wild cat. Mariposa began scratching and pushing Angelo but he held her as tight as he could. “I hate you! I hate you both! Get your hands off me, fucker! Ya’ both ruined and keep ruining my life! Burn in hell!” She kept yelling and to shut her up Angelo’s palm landed on her cheek in a slap. A dead silence filled the living room. Angelo pushed her away from himself and left the room before leaving the house. Mari fell across the couch and exploded in a loud cry. A few minutes later two hands gently wrapped around her shoulders. “Ma... Don’t cry..” Jah said softly bringing his mother closer to himself. “GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” She pushed Jahseh away and got up from the couch pointing his finger at her son. “You and your father, I hate you both! You two are the same! You’re a fucking monster just like he is!” Jah clenched his jaw and got up as well. “Ma, ya need to calm down..” Although, she was thinking otherwise. “Don’t tell me what to do! Get out the house, I don’t wanna see your stupid ass anymore!” Grabbing Jah by his dreads he dragged him towards the main entrance while sending kicks to his body forcing him to go faster. “Get out!” As she kicked him out, she shut the door right in his face. It was a chill night, Jah had only his shorts and flip flops on. Shaking his head and rubbing on his shoulders, he began to walk away from the mansion. Where the fuck should he go now? He didn’t had his phone with him, his father probably at some fancy ass hotel right now. He just kept walking, aimlessly. He couldn’t go to his friends, what would he tell them? Plus, he had to keep that perfect picture of their family. What if everyone gonna laugh at him because of all this bullshit? All he could do is to walk. “Yo, Jah, is that you?” Jah didn’t even notice a black Benz that pulled up besides him. Jah had to squint his eyes due to the lights of the car just to figure out it was his plug, Kevin. “Why ya half ass naked walkin’ ‘round here?” The plug laughed some as Jah smirked and shook his head. “Bruh, I went outside for a smoke and dat damn security system locked the whole house, I can’t get in.” Jah was that great ass actor who deserves the damn Oscar’s because when he lies, he lies. Kevin chuckled and leaned over to open the passenger door. “Hop in, I got new stuff ya might like.” Jahseh got into the car and the plug drove off. They had a chat about this and that before Jahseh asked. “Yo, do you have something that would KO my ass? My mind goin’ crazy right na’, fuck lean and weed bruh, this shit ain’t able to shut down my mind.” At that moment, Kevin parked the car and both stepped out. Now, they were on the way to Kevin’s appartment. Jah’s question caused the male to chuckle. “What, no more xannies for you, Jah? I got something if you’re not pussy..” He opened the door letting Jah in. “Let me try bruh, I just need whatever. Just put it on my check.” Jah said plopping down on the couch. “Well, okay.” Kevin went to the other room and after some while he came back with a strap that he threw at Jah. “Wrap it just a little beneath your shoulder.” Jah let out a laughter. “Ya trynna gimme a shot bruh?” Although, he did what he was told. For right now, he could care less. “Ball your fist up.. relax it... ball it up again.” Kevin instructed as he watched the vein bulging up on Jah’s forearm. Jahseh’s curious gaze followed after Kevin’s actions. He saw a syringe, then felt a light pinch, and then... he flew away, far far away, to the lands of euphoria where everything seemed so peaceful and easy. And he didn’t want to get back to the real world, so he didn’t.
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Warming up the substance on the spoon turned into a daily basis for Jah, he was able to do it with his eyes closed since it’s been a while of his relationship with heroin. Being more than sure he’s all alone at home, Jah sat in jacuzzi where he tightened the strap around his arm and held it’s end between his teeth as he aimed the needle to his vein. Another shot, another dose of a paradise. His head fell back as his eyes closer, his arm with the trail of red marks from the numerous shots fell over the jacuzzi border. “JAHSEH!!!” What the fuck her voice is doing here, in his fairytale? What the fuck is wrong with this high? Why he could hear his mother? Why it feels like her arms touching him, why it feels like her nails dug into his skin? Why his face burns as if it gets hit after hit? You know what, not today mother satan, you not gonna appear in his fantasy and ruin it for him. At the end of the day, everything is a fantasy, right? Jah threw a hard punch and his fist felt like it hit it’s target. He heard a scream, his mother’s scream, and it made him feel good. He threw another punch. And another. His vision cleared up a little and now he was able to see the silhouette of a woman. Well, today he’s on a weird trip if he can see his own mother in his own heroin dream, but if it’s only a dream he can do what he want, right? Climbing out of jacuzzi, Jah grabbed the woman by her hair and pulled her closer. “I’m fuckin’ tired of ya shit, bitch.” His hist curled up and smashed against the beautiful face. The woman fell down, Jah hovered over her and continued throwing hit after hit over her face and her body. And it felt so good.. All these years of being hated, humiliated, beaten up and terrorized by her, it felt so good to release his hurt and anger in this heroin dream of his. Suddenly, as by a snap of the fingers, Jahseh sobered up as if he never took his shot. His chest rising high, up and down from a hard breathing, his knuckles bleeding and when he looked down he saw Mariposa who tried to crawl away from him. “Ma...” He muttered not really believing in what his own eyes showed him. Grabbing his phone, he dialed 911. That’s how Jahseh Panthere ended up in a rehab, that’s how he got on probation, and that’s the secret The Panthere’s had to pay a good check for to keep it unknown and hidden from every single soul.
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