Favorite headcanon that doesn't really have any justification, you just feel really strongly about it?
hmmmm hmm let me thinks .... OH I LOVE THE IDEA OF DUSTIN WEARING NAIL POLISH. like just wearing nail polish because he's cool as fuck and generally awesome. and also i headcanon steve likes wearing jewellery and him and robin go shopping at like flea markets and shit that have all the GOOD STUFFF (as a jewellery nut .. if u wanna find good awesome cheap jewellery .. go to a market. my god. they have just .. the best stuff in the entire world it's a literal haven. adore it. god found the best rings and earrings and necklaces and EVERUTHING !!!) and also i headcanon el still has the jacket she wore when she went punk and still likes dressing up like that sometimes . also headcanon that mike looked up to nancy legit so much when he was younger , and headcanon that joyce had "casual lesbian affairs" in high school... oHHH MY GOD IM GOING ON A TANGENT SORRY DHDJD not even all these headcanons are like wild and like no basis i just love it a lot ok. i have Many Thoughts About This Gay Show (that has a side of portalussy. the quote can be credited to @oncat-my-beloved on my st server 😔sorry to @ u fert
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