lunaetis · 1 year
@maquiscursed asked :
Adepti needn't sleep - it is only on Lumine's insistence that the Vigilant Yaksha deigns to close his eyes for a semblance of rest. Adepti needn't sleep; but perhaps he has overestimated his ability to resist it, when no danger lurks, and the Traveller's luminous aura shines gently near him. As they sit and contemplate the views of Dihua Marsh, Xiao unwittingly drifts to sleep; his head tilting to the side, just barely resting upon her shoulder, teal-coloured hair a stark contrast against the white of her dress. Adepti needn't sleep, but in her company, it is a luxury too enticing to resist its comfortable call. (I saw you wanted soft so I send you a little soft)
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「荧」─  it wasn't the first time he told her adepti don't need sleep. the OUTLANDER had heard it not only from him, but from other adepti themselves how they do not require sleep the same way humans do. the traveler was far from human, even so, she did feel the need to rest her mind in slumber from time to time. perhaps, that was also why she insisted for the guardian yaksha to take a small rest with her. there weren't any need for them to be on alert. the air was peaceful, with the wind caressing each their skin and she sat there, offering him a starlit smile he had known her for while patting the empty area next to her.
                she could see a hint of hesitation upon his expression, but her smile remained. and eventually, he relented. the celestial traveler wondered if he spotted the way her smile became just a little wider when he seated himself next to her and closed his eyes. maybe he did, but he humored her anyway.
                gaze of GOLD took in the sight before her, the view that reminded them how precious this world is and how it was the land they swore to protect. him by the oath he had given, and her because this was his home.
                what about her home ?
                the thought crossed her mind momentarily, just before she could feel the small weight of the vigilant yaksha leaning towards her own. it was a peculiar sight, to see him allowing his guard to drop in such a way and while lumine wanted nothing more than to record this moment into picture, that temptation was swept aside in replacement of absorbing the moment in and out of itself. she could hear the faint sound of his breath, and catching a GLIMPSE of his sleeping expression from the side. the ANGLE itself didn't allow her to see proper without moving, and she certainly didn't want to wake him.
                one wouldn't believe that he who had deliberately pulled himself away from others would allow his presence to be so close with someone.
                quietly, the CELESTIAL reached her hand out, partially gloved digits finding his own before filling the gaps between their digits with each their own. the way her fingers fit so perfectly within his own caused amber hues to mellow incredibly. it felt WARM, his fingers, his hand, his palm. it felt right.
                finally, the TRAVELER allowed her head to tilt slightly, barely making a sound as her head rested over his own, being careful not to wake him up in the process. how the contrast of her golden locks seemed to cut through the dark emerald strands of his. some mixed together in a twirling sea of colors, before long lashes draped over her gaze, and her own breathing evened out.
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                their hearts SYNCHED, unconsciously so. the rhythm of two hearts fell into one, accompanied by a faint glow of gold that seemed to trace their backs. a translucent outline barely visible to the naked eye. an invisible bond known only to them, tied with a sort of red golden string at the end of their fingers. fated. bound.
                what about her home ?
                the inquiry popped into her half-conscious mind, slowly slipping into deeper slumber, and lumine ying unconsciously curled her fingers upon their connected hands a little tighter as her mind slowly drifted to sleep.
                her home is right here.
                after all, it's a person, not a place.
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