lunaetis · 1 year
@maquiscursed asked :
Adepti needn't sleep - it is only on Lumine's insistence that the Vigilant Yaksha deigns to close his eyes for a semblance of rest. Adepti needn't sleep; but perhaps he has overestimated his ability to resist it, when no danger lurks, and the Traveller's luminous aura shines gently near him. As they sit and contemplate the views of Dihua Marsh, Xiao unwittingly drifts to sleep; his head tilting to the side, just barely resting upon her shoulder, teal-coloured hair a stark contrast against the white of her dress. Adepti needn't sleep, but in her company, it is a luxury too enticing to resist its comfortable call. (I saw you wanted soft so I send you a little soft)
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「荧」─  it wasn't the first time he told her adepti don't need sleep. the OUTLANDER had heard it not only from him, but from other adepti themselves how they do not require sleep the same way humans do. the traveler was far from human, even so, she did feel the need to rest her mind in slumber from time to time. perhaps, that was also why she insisted for the guardian yaksha to take a small rest with her. there weren't any need for them to be on alert. the air was peaceful, with the wind caressing each their skin and she sat there, offering him a starlit smile he had known her for while patting the empty area next to her.
                she could see a hint of hesitation upon his expression, but her smile remained. and eventually, he relented. the celestial traveler wondered if he spotted the way her smile became just a little wider when he seated himself next to her and closed his eyes. maybe he did, but he humored her anyway.
                gaze of GOLD took in the sight before her, the view that reminded them how precious this world is and how it was the land they swore to protect. him by the oath he had given, and her because this was his home.
                what about her home ?
                the thought crossed her mind momentarily, just before she could feel the small weight of the vigilant yaksha leaning towards her own. it was a peculiar sight, to see him allowing his guard to drop in such a way and while lumine wanted nothing more than to record this moment into picture, that temptation was swept aside in replacement of absorbing the moment in and out of itself. she could hear the faint sound of his breath, and catching a GLIMPSE of his sleeping expression from the side. the ANGLE itself didn't allow her to see proper without moving, and she certainly didn't want to wake him.
                one wouldn't believe that he who had deliberately pulled himself away from others would allow his presence to be so close with someone.
                quietly, the CELESTIAL reached her hand out, partially gloved digits finding his own before filling the gaps between their digits with each their own. the way her fingers fit so perfectly within his own caused amber hues to mellow incredibly. it felt WARM, his fingers, his hand, his palm. it felt right.
                finally, the TRAVELER allowed her head to tilt slightly, barely making a sound as her head rested over his own, being careful not to wake him up in the process. how the contrast of her golden locks seemed to cut through the dark emerald strands of his. some mixed together in a twirling sea of colors, before long lashes draped over her gaze, and her own breathing evened out.
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                their hearts SYNCHED, unconsciously so. the rhythm of two hearts fell into one, accompanied by a faint glow of gold that seemed to trace their backs. a translucent outline barely visible to the naked eye. an invisible bond known only to them, tied with a sort of red golden string at the end of their fingers. fated. bound.
                what about her home ?
                the inquiry popped into her half-conscious mind, slowly slipping into deeper slumber, and lumine ying unconsciously curled her fingers upon their connected hands a little tighter as her mind slowly drifted to sleep.
                her home is right here.
                after all, it's a person, not a place.
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sometimes I randomly think about the time a girl posted in this girls only Facebook group I’m in telling everyone how she broke up with her boyfriend and he lied saying that he lost the spare key she gave him, only to then break into her apartment when she wasn’t home and steal the cat they’d adopted while they were together, but then he denied having done this and she didn’t really have proof that he took the cat since he wouldn’t let her come into his place and look for it. And then another girl saw this post and knew her ex-boyfriend, and she was like “girl. I used to hook up with your mans back in xxxx and I still have his number. If you want, I’ll hit him up and get him to invite me back to his place and see if your cat’s there.” And the OP was like “bet.”
So this woman hit up homie dog, asked him out for drinks, went home with him, slept with him, and then woke up in the middle of the night and TOOK THE CAT. Like she had only said that she would confirm if the cat was there but then she took it upon herself to steal this woman’s cat back. Like she full on Trojan horsed this man and then hit up homegirl like “I got the goods. Where you wanna meet.” And then the two of them posted a photo of them together with the cat to the group.
And I just think women supporting women is so beautiful.
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noodles-and-tea · 9 days
He shakes his hand and when Bill comes to collect Stanley pulls off the fake hand from the dollar store he used
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You gotta work on your people skills there, Bill.
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months
What would Anakin life be like if Master Yoda sent Cal or Caleb instead of Ahsoka to be his padawan?
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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zosanbrainrot · 3 months
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PART 4!!
01 02 03 04 05 06
I stg I'm kicking yall in the shins one last time, we're ALMOST done with the angst!
Let me tell you I had this finished(!) twice(!), but no, I had to go back and change it lmao
In my first go the fight scene was much more rough, it was hard for me to draw from the beginning, I'm not really good at this sort of thing. So I took a little break from the comic and when I got back to drawing the last two panels (static ch close ups) they turned out so GOOD and CRISP! I just had to go back and redraw the previous ones. Didn't change the composition back then, just made the drawings less sketchy and fixed minor mistakes. This panel in particular went through bigger fixes, I couldn't get the pose right:
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I emphasized the arch in Zoro's back so it's more clear he's hunched over, the head is lower, and the hand on his stomach wasn't looking good, so I switched its direction and I feel it looks more natural now. The whole pose is shifted to the side now, whereas in the previous ones it was more straight up, but I wasn't conveying perspective well.
So after that I had it all exported, loaded into drafts and as I scroll it on my phone I'm like... There should be one more panel where Zoro's getting kicked : | Imma need to change it AGAIN.......
It just didn't flow well. I work on the comic in chunks so I haven't put these panels together before, I always saw them side by side in my main file.
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I just didn't like how you go from Zoro getting kicked to him being thrown, it just felt disjointed to me.
So first I looked through the three sole volumes of BNHA that I have at home to maybe understand drawing fight scenes just a little bit better. That's how I got to the new version of Zoro getting kicked so there's more lines showing movement etc. but most importantly you have the kick and Zoro's reaction separate. So now Zoro's face has a bigger closeup, you can see his open eye.
In the previous version it was more distant, the closeup wasn't as big and you couldn't see his expression well. With just the side view you could only see he's in pain but nothing more than that,whereas when you have a full view of his face you can get much more from that. You see where he's looking, you know he's looking at Sanji when he kicks him in the guts.
I guess that's why, in the first version, I was trying to still show his face where he's being thrown off of Sanji bcs I felt the side profile wasn't doing it's job, but at the same time it felt off, like there was less force in the kick bcs his head wasn't following the movement idk. Also he was def too big in the frame. So now Zoro's smaller to emphasize the perspective more, the head is down, the right arm is more to the side and there's more lines, the flame is more aggressive now and bursts into the sides when it comes in contact with Zoro's body to show the impact. I know they could be better still, but this is the best I can do right now and I'm happy with the result!! I'm glad I kept pushing it! These poses were VERY confusing to draw lol
Alsooo, it would make more sense if Sanji threw Zoro in the other direction, over his head like in karate/judo, but I wanted to keep my directions consistent. I had to have Sanji standing back to the carriage, so he doesn't notice the spear being thrown and Zoro facing the carriage so he can get hit from the front, right after he gets up. It's like..... did he not see it? Did he get hit on purpose? You decide lmao
Though I'm probably too rigid with my 'camera', in BNHA you see the action from any and every direction, i guess it adds to the dynamism of it all, also there's just many MANY more panels in manga lmao
Judge giving me major "isn't there somebody you forgot to ask" vibes at the end there lmao I hope you forgot he's even there and this comes as a surprise!
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wispscribbles · 5 months
you know the art you made of Soap "accidentally" giving Ghost a kiss before going on a mission? (before they started dating) what do you think happened when Soap came back from the mission? :3c
follow up to this post
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They start dating of course! <3
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ikiprian · 6 months
Ghost Kitchen (brought to you by criminal entrepreneur, Red Hood)
Danny’s got the easiest job in Gotham.
He works as a fry cook at a shoddily-run, independent burger joint. Hardly anyone comes in, despite prices being criminally low, and portions insanely large, and while the manager looks like the average tough-as-nails ex-con, he lets Danny mess around in the kitchen whenever the place is empty. (Which is often. This place has to be the city’s hidden gem or something!)
Mr. Manager’s the only one ever there with Danny, except for sometimes when his buddies come over to smoke and play cards. Danny would find it shady, except part of his job is not to ask questions. Literally, he was told during the interview.
(It was a weird interview. Why would they need to hire someone who’s been in a gunfight before? Like, he has, but Gotham’s idea of “hirable qualities” is so bizarre.)
So instead he whips up some killer burgers with the frozen ingredients, and basks in the praise as the guys tell him he shouldn’t have, he does too much for this joint, ain’t that friendly!
Now, Danny’s a chef on the newer side. As a teen he’d preferred the look of Nasty Burger over anything with Michelin stars, and he only really took up cooking after Jazz moved out for college. But just like ecto-exposure used to turn the groceries sentient, Danny’s low-level ecto signature imbues all his food with something historically haunted Gothamites just love! And Danny’s never been one to half-ass a job when it makes people happy.
With fresher produce, real meat, Danny’s sure he can take his dishes to the next level. It takes a couple months of badgering, but his manager finally agrees to contact the mysterious store owner, who keeps the place going, despite profits Danny knows have to be in the red.
Danny spends the morning prepping. He pours his heart into his food, eager to impress. The big boss will be here soon, and he wants to prove that despite the dangerous location, this place has real potential!
It isn’t until the Red Hood shows up that Danny realizes he’s been working for a money laundering scheme.
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batbabydamian · 8 months
i saw your username in the corner of my eye and thought it said “fatbabydamian”.
THIS MADE ME BURST OUT LAUGHING 😭 i dedicated a csp file called fatbabydamian bc of you ty
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time-woods · 1 year
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so i finally watched good omens after years of putting it off. . .
this is how i cope with most things
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hawkinsbnbg · 3 months
"Is it true that you and Harrington are friends now?"
Steve paused outside the drama class' door and lowered the hand that was about to push it open. He didn't expect to eavesdrop when he came back to retrieve his jacket, but he decided to make an exception because those people were clearly talking about him behind his back even when it was in the form of drilling Eddie about their sudden friendship.
And Eddie's friends were right to be suspicious about it. Because had it not been for the Upside Down, the two of them wouldn't have become close at all. Or maybe, they would eventually with their shared custody of the kids. But he was well aware that Eddie was too cool to be seen with a failure like Steve Harrington.
Without the shared traumas, they had nothing in common. And sometimes, he thought Eddie only saw him as an inconvenient cousin that he hated but had to tolerate for the sake of their family.
It hurt to think like that, but every time Eddie blushed and stammered in embarrassment when someone asked about him, Steve couldn't help but believe it was true.
So now, he wanted to know what Eddie's answer would be without him there. If Eddie had been genuine about being his friend this whole time or if Eddie would scoff and prove his worst fear right.
"Yeah, Eddie, what's the deal with Harrington? Has he been bothering you or something?"
Steve grimaced. Had he been such a douche in high school that everyone would always assume the worst of him even now?
"Nah, he's really sweet once you get to know him," Eddie chuckled, sounding fond and warm. "He's a good guy. And the world's best mom, apparently. Like I already knew our sheepies worship the ground he walks on, but I only understood why it's clearly a given when I finally met him. He's just... incredible, man."
Steve's cheeks burned at the transparent affection in Eddie's voice. He could see the way Eddie pulled a strand of hair to hide his blush behind it. God, he was a bad friend for doubting Eddie in the first place.
"Gross, you sound lovesick, dude."
"That's homophobic, man."
"You know what I mean. So it's true that you're friends with Harrington."
There was a pause and Steve felt his stomach roll with nerve. Despite having known where Eddie's loyalty lied, he still waited with bated breath.
"We're boyfriends, actually," Eddie said calmly.
As the others erupted in surprised noises, Steve blinked owlishly and walked away, forgetting about his jacket. He had so many questions right now, but first:
When did he and Eddie start dating?
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linkedin-offficial · 2 months
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me when i get the opportunity to think about speculative biology and non-existent game mechanics in media i like
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HELLO i love these two so much, i couldn't not draw them
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ALSO my friends and i love your art okay bye
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forged-in-kaoss · 3 months
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What can you do when you can't even pull yourself out of the water? NOTHING! THAT'S WHY I NEED HELP! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE SWORDS, YOU BASTARD. I can't navigate. I can't cook. I can't lie, either. I'm confident that I can't live without help!
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asha-mage · 27 days
MDZS AU where Jiang Cheng realizes that Lan Sizhui is the Wen orphan that Wei Wuxian took care off during the Burial Mounds arc, decides that's close enough to qualify him as Nephew, declares that no Nephew of His (much less a surrogate son of Wei Wuxian's) is going to be raised in the Cloud Recedes, and immediately launches into a custody battle with Lan Wangji.
But since neither Jiang Cheng or Lan Wangji can acknowledge that Sizuhi has any connection to Wei Wuxian, both begin steadfastly and stubbornly insisting that he is a Cultivator of peerless potential and skill and he belongs in their sect thank you very much, and would clearly be very unhappy in the other's. This confuses the hell out of the already mystified Cultivation world, who had barely adjusted yet to gossiping about Sizhui being Wangji's illegitimate child by mysterious love affair.
(Eventually the common consensus in the rumor mills is that both JC and LW where in love with Sizhui's mother and both believe themselves to be Sizhui's real father.)
(LW couldn't care less what gossips say, but JC has to bite his tongue till it bleeds to avoid telling anyone the truth in a fit of anger.)
(It was Nie Huaisang who put that rumor out in the first place, partly to troll JC, partly because, in a way, it's a little true.)
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Everytime I go into the Zosopp tag, I just see people SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING about the lack of posts IN the Zosopp tag. THE ZOSOPP ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES
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shepscapades · 2 days
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X isn’t big on hugs, but Doc does what he can. It’s the little things that help.
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