mickgaydolenz · 2 years
okay so today I was going through my dream journal because I was bored and I found one where I was abducted by Buddy (the alien I told you about) and here it is because if I'm remembering this correctly you really dug the idea of me getting abducted.
I was in my backyard, because that is where I can see Buddy and we talk, I eventually climbed onto the roof of my car and I just keep telling them about my day, and for the first time I saw Buddy start moving rather than I come back after they moved, and they moved right over my head and a white light was surrounding the roof of my car and I started floating up, and I'm in my pajamas so my robe is all over the place and usually I keep my jewelry on until I go to bed and my big ass Beatle necklace slapped me across the face while I was being beamed up. and once I was in it was all like a mixture of white and gray and everything was really tall, but I was alone. so I got up and just kept calling out "Buddy? Buddy?" looking for the alien(s) and then I found a person, BUT IT WAS ME, and she welcomed me, I said "hey you look like....someone-ME! why do you look like me??" then the other me smiled and outstretched (my) their hand and said something like "you can't understand how we look so we look like whoever it is" or something and it guided me to a big room with a plexiglass thing separating a part of it, then it opened and she put me in and it closed, then alien me said "we'll come to get you when you're ready for experiments." and I just sat on the ground, I couldn't even be angry or scared because this is literally what I wanted, and after a while two more me's came to get me and brought me into a room where they laid me on a table and started just.. *looking* at me, examming the rings on my fingers and my necklaces, they opened my mouth and pushed on my wisdom teeth that were growing and I did this embarrassing Yelping noise, then they sat me back up and asked me about earth...so I started talking about the Beatles, telling them about them, then I started talking about Jan & Dean,,,then the Monkees😭😭like literally info dumping them on my favorite bands and they were soooo invested and just kept asking me question after question, then one asked me about music from today and I told them that it was called Pop and Rap, then I tried to sing one and one of the me's covered my mouth and nicely asked me to keep talking about the beatles😭 so I did then the asked me if they could check out my brain and put this bowl thing on my head after running their hands through my hair, and on this giant screen a bunch of colors and sounds and random pictures of Yoko Ono and Micky Dolenz just kept popping up and they all looked at me (there were three me's) and said "that's your brain all the time." then looked back to the screen and kept watching like it was a baseball game. then eventually I told them I was tired and they brought me back to my little enclosure thingy and I stayed there for like, months and months, every couple of days they'd bring me out and ask me more questions about things, eventually they even started giving me note books and pens and books and a Jan & Dean poster for me wall and but they just collectively kept bringing me things throughout the dream that were so cool and then I woke up.
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RAAAAAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAA YEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!! what a DREAM!!! my favourite part FOR SURE was the you aliens showing you your brain and it was just micky and yoko, that is so real dude 💖✌️😔
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a-snowpoff · 2 years
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Eheh... guess who finally got their 3D printer working~
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kindnesstuff · 5 years
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reblog/like if you like/save something
pls don’t repost. choose love
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firewood-figs · 4 years
yeEeEeEeeeSssss IM DONE WITH FINALS IM OFFICIALLY OUT OF LAW SCHOOL AFTER 4 YEARS THAT FELT LIKE SPACE MOUNTAIN AT DISNEYLAND LMAO (did I mention I have motion sickness??) BUT OH BOY AM I GLAD IT’S OVER. That was a shit paper and I didn’t have time to finish but honestly when I had 5 minutes left all I could think was “omg I’m almost done w university” HAHAHAHA 🤠
ok anyway time for a good nap and maybe I’ll eat a whole pizza today and work out 🤣 then I’ll enjoy my 2 months break of reading and writing fanfic and rewatching FMA before I sign up for the bar exam and repeat the trauma!!💃
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janeborn · 5 years
Reign: Did you miss me?
Me*screaming at the top of my lungs*: YEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!
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ifaabeyo · 5 years
#Repost @0vivaalafia0 with @get_repost ・・・ Yeeeeeeeeesssss! Who did this? 😂😂😭😂😂😭 (at Johns Creek, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/By3sB_5A8aZ/?igshid=1m4ort44v8uas
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airanke · 7 years
Attempt #2: I will take Vol'jin & Nadia, Amita and Jalga, and Nadia and V's rival whose name I can't remember for the meme thing!!!! (And for the % things on too, if that's okay :P)
OH and yeah I can do that too!! I’ll put it in a separate post though, cuz this one will be pretty long with three ships!
@madmadameem yeeeeeeeeesssss
Vol’jin x Nadia!
who takes longer showers?
I’mma go with Nadia! She has a thick mass of hair, so caring for it probably takes longer than one would normally think (and let’s not forget about drying time too)! I’m pretty sure Vol’jin gets impatient at points and either drags her out or she just finds him sitting on a chair / on the bed staring at the door until she leaves. He helps her brush it - cuz I mean, I totally support the idea of trolls bonding via grooming u w u /
(rest under the cut!)
how do they make up after a fight?
SHIT MAN FROM WHAT I’VE READ VOL’JIN AND NADIA DON’T DO THE MAKING UP AFTER A FIGHT THING VERY WELL– but. I think that they would eventually sit down and talk about it, either by Nadia cornering Vol’jin, or by Vol’jin probably just picking Nadia up and carrying her off. Both of these things being done in the “we’re going to talk about this and you’re going to LIKE IT” sort of way haha! They strike me more as a “let’s talk it out now that we’ve both calmed down” sort O:
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
I still run with the idea of Vol’jin preferring the rain because it reminds him of First Home ; w ; ! That being said, I kind of feel that after being in Durotar for so long, Nadia starts to prefer the rain as well - plus, with her being a mage, she can manipulate the water by freezing it and such, so I can imagine it being a very relaxing thing for her to do!
what’s their favorite place to go together?
Awww shizzle. I’m… not entirely sure? I know they would have a preference to more private places rather than public places (also this just based off what I’ve read PFFT since it’s like A LOT OF THE TIME THEY’RE TRYING TO KEEP THINGS A SECRET children pls). Umm if I had to pick a place… I feel like somewhere in Hyjal? IDK why, it’s a relatively easy place to fly to from Orgrimmar, and it’s really beautiful, and it would also be the last place anyone would think to look for them (so I mean they’d probably stress everyone out but when you want privacy YOU WANT PRIVACY ain’t nothin’ stopping you!)
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Both of them of course! Both have the looks and the personality, they both gonna be the king and queen of the night u w u /
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Hrm… I can see them celebrating their anniversaries! Other than that, I’m not too sure what holidays they might enjoy celebrating together (though I can imagine Brewfest is an enjoyable one just because of all the silly shenanigans that can happen).
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
UM I’m thinking Vol’jin would put the pressure on Nadia– between the two of them, she can probably sing better (though I’ve always imagined Vol’jin to have a gravelly singing voice, if he DOES sing).
what’s their nightly routine?
GROOMING because this is apparently the beginning of any routine involving a troll– I imagine that Nadia likes to take some time to moisturiser her face (I??? Don’t know where that came from but she looks like she has such soft, supple cheeks so MOISTURISING IT IS), or at least her part of the routine includes some kind of skin care. And more hair care. Because that hair. And then Vol’jin eventually gets annoyed with how long she’s taking and drags her into bed for cuddles u w u
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
… I’m so sorry Nadia I have always headcanoned Vol’jin being rather CAPABLE SO DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU CAN OBVIOUSLY MAKE A REALLY NICE SOUP you are more likely to burn dinner— //BRICKED. It’s… it’s because she’s a mage…. she gets distracted… THAT’S MY EXCUSE.
Jalga x Amita!
who takes longer showers?
They both do because no matter what Amita does Jalga manages to sneak in every single time. He’s a rogue. She can’t stop him. His reasoning is he wants to help her with her waterfall of hair, but the truth is he just wants to kiss her neck. Jalga has a thing for Amita’s neck–
how do they make up after a fight?
Jalga is always the one who wants to talk about everything after a fight, which is good because Amita is rather avoidant. He makes it a point to seek her out and either ask what he did wrong or express to her what she did wrong, and is definitely the “we’re talking about this whether you like it or not” sort more than anything else.
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
Jalga prefers the rain, and Amita prefers the sun. Jalga, though, likes to drag Amita into the rain with him totally not because he’s trying to seduce her with his romantic capabilities. That, and he will often just lie with Amita in the sun despite not being huge on the sun himself (it’s because he’s a rogue. He subconsciously wants to be hidden 99% of the time).
what’s their favorite place to go together?
Honestly? The dock in Ratchet. When it’s early morning and the boats aren’t coming or going yet, and when it’s late at night, again when the boats aren’t coming or going. They just like to sit there and enjoy each other’s company, and talk about things. And make out.
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Both of them! Jalga is somewhat timid and sweet, and Amita is Amita! They both have the personalities and the looks to get all those votes!
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Not necessarily, but Jalga likes to take Amita off on little adventures to escape the Barrens every now and then (think of the Micro Holidays that were recently added in WoW). Bonus that he likes to drag Bujune along with them too, so there gets to be some mother/son time nestled in between all the time Jalga and Amita spend together u w u
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
Jalga would pressure Amita. He knows she can sing - after all, I mean, she sings for him every night I mean what.
what’s their nightly routine?
Jalga makes sure to tend to Amita before they go to bed. That means exactly what it sounds like - y’know, brushing / braiding her hair, taking out her earrings (she can do this herself, but Jalga likes to do it for her, so she lets him). As for Amita, she returns the favor by actually tending to Jalga’s tusks. He prefers to keep them short, considering that he’s a rogue and if they’re larger than could easily catch on things, so Amita will break out the sand paper / a sanding block and carefully file his tusks. It’s something that’s best done every night, that way not too much has to be sanded off each time (and yeah, as a result of that, Jalga generally has smooth looking tusks).
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
Amita of course XD As I mentioned in the Amita x Vol’jin one, she can sometimes get distracted when she cooks, especially if it’s near a campfire! Jalga is less likely to burn food, but sometimes Amita distracts him sooooooo… he kinda sorta burns dinner too.
Tirgon x Nadia!
who takes longer showers?
Nadia. Because Trigon is like in the shower for five minutes and then basically done. He’s HELLA EFFICIENT OKAY??? I swear if Nadia takes longer than ten he’s coming in there and helping her or definitely NOT helping her…. depending… on which way that ends up going.
how do they make up after a fight?
Well shit. Trigon is arrogant at the very least and proud at the very best. But at the same time he’s also incredibly logical, so while he wouldn’t immediately admit when he’s in the wrong, he’ll get to it (on top of that he has one fierce temper). He’d have to calm down first, reassess what happened, and then when he comes to a conclusion, he’ll get off his high horse and talk to Nadia (regardless of if he’s “right” or “wrong”. He’s a strategist and highly intelligent, so he knows that talking shit out is better than stubbornly clinging to being “right” or “wrong”). SO EITHER WAY, they’d make up after a fight ultimately by Trigon storming into wherever Nadia is either opening with a) “I WAS RIGHT AND YOU WERE WRONG HOWEVER–” or b) “YOU WERE RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG HOWEVER–” and go from there with a discussion. Trigon stop being so DAMN AGGRESSIVE.
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
Both Nadia and Trigon would prefer the rain. Trigon tends to hide in the shadows (let’s face it, he’s an assassin, he doesn’t want to be seen) buuuut when Trigon is in the sun, his scars glint in the sunlight, kinda like onyxes. He’d rather people not stare and/or ask questions about them, so he sticks to places where he’s not easily seen. Nadia I’m sure would have some fun impressing him with her ice magic (and I mean Trigon isn’t impossible to impress, he just doesn’t visibly show when he is most of the time - but if he sticks around to watch someone, it means he’s impressed!! And he would def stick around to watch Nadia do her little tricks).
what’s their favorite place to go together?
Hrm… Trigon’s not an Azeroth native, so this one is a teensy more difficult than the others… I feel like he’d take a liking to possibly Northrend areas or more traditional troll areas? After all the trolls on Azeroth live very differently from the trolls on Ether. Hrm… a specific place though… I think they would both settle on the library in Dalaran tbh. Trigon will take any reason to expand his knowledge, so he would definitely enjoy being in a library. In fact, this is probably the one time Nadia would discover that he’s not all “fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you in particular” and that he actually has a calmer, more conversational side u w u /
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Nadia for sure prom queen. Trigon my gawd your personality leaves a lot to be desired. You’re really hot, we know this, but FOR PETE’S SAKE TONE DOWN THE CUSSING THAT’S VERY UNATTRACTIVE MY DUDE– naw, it’s a 50/50 thing for Trigon. He’s stern and headstrong (and arrogant asf), so his personality is a hit or miss with most people. Depends on how many people there actually like him that would determine whether or not he’d be prom king.
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Like Jalga with Amita, I like to think that Trigon would just show up randomly and be like “hey the Hippogriphs are hatching we’re goin’” and just whisk Nadia away LMAO!! BUUUT I also see them very much enjoying the Lunar Festival for some reason… it’s probably the lanterns. Trigon may or may not be weak for dim lighting and soft flames. Spoiler he totally is.
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
Okay so funnily enough Trigon would encourage Nadia to sing by doing the whole “yeah sure, of course you can” or “bet you can’t” thing?? And then sitting there smirking while she proves him wrong until she realizes that she’s done exactly what he wanted and then resorts to glaring at him because he’s so fucking cocky.
what’s their nightly routine?
Okay now this one would actually start with them studying something and/or reading books together. As I mentioned Trigon is highly intelligent, and will take any and all reason to expand his knowledge. This of course means he would take a great interest in any magical texts, not only because it would teach him more about Azeroth magic, but also because it would increase his ability to incapacitate mages (boy is best against mages PFFT). Depending on what they’d gotten up to that day, or if Nadia has been particularly stressed, Trigon might actually whip up a bath. Like with the candles and rose petals and everything, I’mnotevenjokingHAHAHA. This would be his best efforts to get Nadia to relax. Or he helps her relax in other ways - and he is definitely the type to get all cocksure and teasing if she wants, y’know, something and his face totally says “I know exactly what you’re trying to ask me but I’m going to play dumb because I want to hear you say it”.
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
I don’t think either of them??? Trigon lives alone with his two brothers, and they were all in the Military (which… is the travelling army portion of the forces that Trigon is with //WEEPS) so they had to learn how to cook proper meals?? So yeah, neither Trigon nor Nadia would burn dinner. They probably try to out-cook each other sometimes. THAT WOULD BE REALLY FUNNY ACTUALLY— then they just wind up with too much food and look at each other and go “… well. I guess it’s time to invite people over for an impromptu dinner….”. They never learn their lesson.
Lawd I love Trigon so much you don’t eVEN UNDERSTAND—
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