theladyjojogrant · 7 months
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SEMIFINAL poll 1: Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables vs Matilda Wormwood
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Anne Shirley:
The poster child for female-presenting ADHD before the diagnosis even existed for stereotypical hyperactive boys, she's a mess who always seems to stumble into trouble and generally seems like just too MUCH for more than one character, yet her general enthusiasm, creativity, and determination just compells people to love her sometimes against their will. And if you tell her she's in this competition, she will NOT STOP until she comes out on top.
because she's the most delightful little girl in the world & anne of green gables has held on as a classic for over a century
wild and wacky Troublesome girl representation!! also her deep love for diana!
Smart, imaginative, loyal orphan from a classic book series
The original kid lit Queen!
Anne has a big imagination and a big heart! She is full of passion and always tries to do best by the people she loves. She turns Green Gables upside down when she arrives and opens up everyone's heart right up. This competition wouldn't be complete without her!!!
A classic weird girl icon. I love her so much.
As someone who was always taught to be the 'good little girl' - Anne whacking Gilbert on the head for pulling on her hair made her an absolute legend in my mind. She loves nature, has a temper, and finally gets to enjoy the simple joys of childhood with her new family the Cuthberts.
she is so dear to my heart. she never stops talking and is always finding beauty in the world around her. she grows up through the series and reading it at different ages through the years meant I sort of got to grow up with her, which was really special to me. she has this wonderful story about finding family where she doesn't expect it and winning people over through being herself and being kind to them. also, canadian content <3
Matilda wormwood:
A love for books + telekinesis + intelligence = Matilda
I just think she's neat
She can move shit WITH HER MIND
She's smart, she's kind, she's autistic AF, she divorced her parents and made her own path, she has psychic powers and she's lovely.
ok look we all know (or are about to learn) that Roald Dahl was a horrible hateful bigoted antisemitic little man but Matilda is iconic. huge inspiration to so many of us bullied/abused/marginalized lil kids who just wanted love, understanding, and to read the heck out of some books. she was able to use her own brain and willpower to both get the help she needed, and punish the adults who wronged her so badly! (i remember wishing deeply that i could spontaneously develop powers as a kid for aaaages after reading this one)
because she's freakin' Matilda!
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mk1comics · 7 years
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Mk1′s Mature & Miscellaneous September 2017 Highlights: My headline picks are The Walking Dead Here’s Negan Hard Cover , Millarworld’s new  Kingsman mini series:  Red Diamond #1 (of 6) and Mk1 fave the esteemed Mr Roger Langridge’s latest  Fred the Clown In Iron Duchess:  - how’s that for an eclectic mix? Lots more devils in the details below:
Dark Horse » Hellboy & B.P.R.D. 1955 Occult Intelligence #1
Dark Horse » Abe Sapien Dark & Terrible Vol. 1 HC
Dark Horse » Massive Ninth Wave Vol. 1
Dark Horse » Best Wishes HC
IDW » Elenora Mandragora Daughter of Merlin HC
IDW » Wormwood Goes To Washington #1 (of 3) Cvr A Templesmith
IDW » Pearl Jam Art of Do the Evolution HC
Top Shelf Productions » I Am A Number HC
Top Shelf Productions » Super Tokyoland TP
Image » Kingsman Red Diamond #1 (of 6) (MR) Cvr A Fraser
Image » Kingsman Red Diamond #1 (of 6) (MR) Cvr B Fraser Ink Var
Image » Kingsman Red Diamond #1 (of 6) (MR) Cvr C Gibbons
Image » Kingsman Red Diamond #1 (of 6) (MR) Cvr D Doyle
Image » Kingsman Red Diamond #1 (of 6) (MR) Cvr E Quitely
Image » Angelic #1
Image » Gasolina #1 (MR)
Image » Glitterbomb Fame Game #1 (MR) Cvr A Morissette-phan
Image » Millarworld Annual 2017 (MR)
Image » Rat Queens Special Orc Dave #1 (One-Shot) (MR)
Image » Realm #1 (MR) Cvr A Haun & Filardi
Image » Retcon #1 (MR)
Image » Scales & Scoundrels #1
Image » Son of Shaolin Ogn TP
Image » Black Cloud Vol. 1: No Exit TP (MR)
Image » Buzzkill TP (MR)
Image » Five Fists of Science: (new Edition) TP
Image » Goddamned Oversized HC (MR)
Image » Luther Strode Comp Series HC (MR)
Image » Rock Candy Mountain Vol. 1 TP (MR)
Image » Royal City Vol. 1: Next of Kin TP
Image » The Walking Dead Heres Negan HC (MR)
Image » Invincible Vol. 24: End of All Things Part 1 TP (MR)
Image » Last Days of American Crime TP (MR)
Image » Sex Criminals Vol. 4: Fourgy TP (MR)
Image » Shutter Vol. 5: So Far Beyond TP (MR)
Image » Sons Of The Devil Vol. 3 TP (MR)
Image » Spawn Hell On Earth TP
Image » Throwaways Vol. 2 TP (MR)
Image » The Walking Dead #171 (MR)
Image » The Walking Dead Vol. 28 TP (MR)
Benitez Productions » Lady Mechanika Vol. 4: La Dama De La Muerte TP
Fantagraphics » Now #1 TP
Fantagraphics » Fred the Clown In Iron Duchess: Langridge
Fantagraphics » Beirut Wont Cry
Comics » Escape From Syria
Comics » Fifty Freakin Years of Freak Brothers: (knockabout) TP (MR)
Lion Forge Comics » Lighter Than My The Shadow
Comics » Made Men #1
Comixology customers can head here to view pull/subscribe & order away. Mk1 will be working our way through the catalogue and posting our findings to the COMING SOONpage as per usual.   More info about the Comixology service and Mk1′s mail order options can be found on our FAQ page.
Full September 2017 Solicitations from all publishers  can be viewed at Comixology .
Links for September 2017 Shipments:
Full Dark Horse Solicitations
Full DC Solicitations
Full IDW Solicitations
Full Image Solicitations
Full Marvel Solicitations
Full BOOM Solicitations
Full TITAN Solicitations
Full Valiant Solicitations
Everything from every publisher shipping from September 2017.
We will be adding new posts from the September 2017 offerings as we uncover them.  Check out these pages for more Mk1 Monthly Previews: June 2017  July 2017 and August 2017
The How to Love comics blog has an excellent beginners guide to reading new comic solicitations - check it out here.
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Oh! So, funny story. I came home last weekend to see mom making some delicious herb chicken soup.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I used some of the herbs from your garden!” She said, and delighted I said that was what they were for, and asked her what herbs she used.
“Oh, some thyme, some rosemary…”
“I have some oregano and sage too, if you wanted to use that!”
“Oh, it’s fine. I used something else too, wasn’t sure what it was.”
At this point I stopped and stared at her, thinking very clearly what the fuck. “What?” I said, editing myself from adding ‘the fuck’ because ‘language!’
“Oh yeah, it was in one of the pots down in the yard? Kinda silvery?”
At this point my brain is going in overdrive and I’m wondering how much because one of the silvery herbs I have is freakin’ wormwood.
“It looked kinda like rosemary, but softer.”
“OH THANK GOD. Wait- you used lavender????”
She looked at me, blinked and said “Wait, that was lavender?” At which point I demanded, while trying not to laugh, her to show me the exact plant to make sure we weren’t going to be low-key poisoned.
It was lavender. My mom put lavender in chicken soup.
“Didn’t you smell it?” I asked, shoulders shaking.
“It didn’t have much of a smell! I figured why not!”
At which point I lost it and laughed for the rest of the evening.
The soup was subtly floral.
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matildathemusical · 7 years
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It's my disgusting stupid idiot of a hubby's last show tonight 👋🏼👋🏼💅🏼 ✨😭 Happy freakin Trails Brandon, this twisted family won't be the same without you ❤❤ side note our gross daughter Matilda took this beautiful family photo 💫#highschoolsweethearts #Wormwoods
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liarsguilt-a · 6 years
Tagged by: @dream-of-a-liar Tagging:  Anyone who wants to, really.
NAME :  Kokichi Ouma AGE :  Depends HEIGHT :  5′1″ / 156cm SPECIES :  Human GENDER :   Male NATIONALITY : Japanese BIRTHDAY :  June 21 ZODIAC SIGN :  Gemini RESIDENCE :  Lives in dorms in the killing game, salmon mode, and hpa verses. Pregame verse lives with his father in a house.  RELATIONSHIP : Single (all verses) ALIGNMENT : Chaotic good LANGUAGES KNOWN :  Japanese, English, smalls bits of Spanish, small bits of Mandarin, French.
FAVOURITE DRINK : Carbonated drinks, likes the Panta brand or tea FAVOURITE FOOD :  Mapo Tofu DAY OR NIGHT :  Day FAVOURITE SNACKS : Karamucho FAVOURITE MUSIC : I don’t know any music--
BODY TYPE:  Skinny (a little underweight), short BODY TRAITS :  His hair, it’s like a freakin’ squid or an octopus sat on his head and called it a day. Also, his eyes, purple isn’t a natural color, honey. Mm, his face, more noting when he makes those expressions. SKIN TONE :  Pale  EYE COLOUR: Plum Purple HAIR COLOUR: Black with purple tints
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oblivi-ace97 · 7 years
finding neverland, ggtlm, poto, matilda, r&h cinderella and wicked ;)
Finding Neverland: Sylvia (precious little cinnamon roll)
GGLAM: Phoebe (also lowkey Henry RIP smol gay flowerchild)
POTO: Christine and Madame Giry (both are freakin badasses)
Matilda: Miss Honey (she needs a hug) (also lowkey Mrs Wormwood)
Cinderella: Ella (she is the person I aspire to be like)
Wicked: Elphaba and Glinda (I will go down with this ship)
(these are such basic answers but I’m just being honest)
send me a musical and I’ll tell you my favorite character
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Round 2 poll 7: Matilda Wormwood vs Coraline Jones
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Propaganda under the cut:
Matilda wormwood:
A love for books + telekinesis + intelligence = Matilda
I just think she's neat
She can move shit WITH HER MIND
She's smart, she's kind, she's autistic AF, she divorced her parents and made her own path, she has psychic powers and she's lovely.
ok look we all know (or are about to learn) that Roald Dahl was a horrible hateful bigoted antisemitic little man but Matilda is iconic. huge inspiration to so many of us bullied/abused/marginalized lil kids who just wanted love, understanding, and to read the heck out of some books. she was able to use her own brain and willpower to both get the help she needed, and punish the adults who wronged her so badly! (i remember wishing deeply that i could spontaneously develop powers as a kid for aaaages after reading this one)
because she's freakin' Matilda!
Coraline Jones:
she's pretty cool and handles some intense situations extremely well and I respect that
She’s just a clever, lonely little girl who’s also the star of one of the best children’s horror stories of all time
Outwits an otherworldly witch to save lost children and her own family.
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Round 1 poll 13: Matilda Wormwood from Matilda vs Veralidaine Sarrasri from The Immortals
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Propaganda under the cut
Matilda wormwood:
A love for books + telekinesis + intelligence = Matilda
I just think she's neat
She can move shit WITH HER MIND
She's smart, she's kind, she's autistic AF, she divorced her parents and made her own path, she has psychic powers and she's lovely.
ok look we all know (or are about to learn) that Roald Dahl was a horrible hateful bigoted antisemitic little man but Matilda is iconic. huge inspiration to so many of us bullied/abused/marginalized lil kids who just wanted love, understanding, and to read the heck out of some books. she was able to use her own brain and willpower to both get the help she needed, and punish the adults who wronged her so badly! (i remember wishing deeply that i could spontaneously develop powers as a kid for aaaages after reading this one)
because she's freakin' Matilda!
Veralidaine Sarrasri:
She talks to animals, her horse is her best friend, she's accepted into a wolf pack, she's got insanely powerful wild magic, she's even raising a dragon
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Round 3 poll 4: Matilda Wormwood vs Kaya from the American Girl books
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Matilda wormwood:
A love for books + telekinesis + intelligence = Matilda
I just think she's neat
She can move shit WITH HER MIND
She's smart, she's kind, she's autistic AF, she divorced her parents and made her own path, she has psychic powers and she's lovely.
ok look we all know (or are about to learn) that Roald Dahl was a horrible hateful bigoted antisemitic little man but Matilda is iconic. huge inspiration to so many of us bullied/abused/marginalized lil kids who just wanted love, understanding, and to read the heck out of some books. she was able to use her own brain and willpower to both get the help she needed, and punish the adults who wronged her so badly! (i remember wishing deeply that i could spontaneously develop powers as a kid for aaaages after reading this one)
because she's freakin' Matilda!
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Round 4 poll 2: Nancy Drew vs Matilda Wormwood
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Nancy Drew:
She's been a kidlit queen since the 1930s and inspired many girls through the years!
the og girl detective!! I loved her so much growing up. she's always very stylish and cares about her family and friends and always ends up solving the mystery, even when she's conflicted about what the right thing to do is. the illustrations in my mom's old copies of the books were so cool
She's an icon. Who needs cops when a very curious and determined teenager can solve crime?
she does solve murders which granted is also cool.
Matilda wormwood:
A love for books + telekinesis + intelligence = Matilda
I just think she's neat
She can move shit WITH HER MIND
She's smart, she's kind, she's autistic AF, she divorced her parents and made her own path, she has psychic powers and she's lovely.
ok look we all know (or are about to learn) that Roald Dahl was a horrible hateful bigoted antisemitic little man but Matilda is iconic. huge inspiration to so many of us bullied/abused/marginalized lil kids who just wanted love, understanding, and to read the heck out of some books. she was able to use her own brain and willpower to both get the help she needed, and punish the adults who wronged her so badly! (i remember wishing deeply that i could spontaneously develop powers as a kid for aaaages after reading this one)
because she's freakin' Matilda!
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